Portfolio review with Mariana from Zaha Hadid Architects

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because they're gonna ask you to excel on their yeah they're gonna ask you to excel as well you don't have to excel on everything subscribe to bless dark for your doors of art architecture and design and hit the bell icon so you'll never miss an update hey guys welcome back to bless dark and welcome back to uh episode two of portfolio review we have mariana with us today uh thank you so much for joining us thank you so much for taking out the time hi rishabh it's really a pleasure to come back here and come back to your viewers and i would like to thank to everyone who said the portfolio and let's start this yeah we've got a lot of portfolios and again i had to again for this episode i have to narrow this three down but a lot of you had some amazing portfolios mariana had not seen all of the videos a lot of people thought you were sending videos directly i mean uh sending portfolios directly to mariana you're sending them to me i shortlist them and then we come to the video but yeah so these three are some amazing portfolios that i saw and let's get on to discussing them but before i do uh let me give you a quick i know a lot of you already know mariana from the videos you follow directly but let me give you a quick introduction about mariano mariana is an architect from portugal in 2015 she joined the aadrl or the design research laboratory post which she now works at za hadid architects in the competition cluster mariano also teaches online and spreads her knowledge about the software maya so today she is with us to discuss some amazing portfolios so without further ado let's get started so before we start our uh video before we start before we go on to portfolios marianna i wanted to take your uh take on portfolios so uh what do you think makes a good portfolio what are you looking for in a portfolio okay so i think i want to start this by saying something really important first i want to say that since my graduation times and now i was pretty much against portfolios i think it is so unfair that we have to reduce ourselves and reduct our intelligency and our creativity to like 20 pages on a pdf and i felt this uh as a student and as a professional i still feel like this i think it's really unfair and it mainly happens in our creative field we expose ourselves so much and we are just waiting for a letter a very generic letter that says you got a job or declining and that is like a very hard job for everyone and for every gender it is a very hard job and i really think that it's very important for everyone to know that we are not the person who is reviewing your portfolio or me or rishabh we are not the superlative entities in architecture we are not defining you as a better architect than the person the people who applied okay that's a very important thing to say so every time that an office is hiring or if you think about yourself as a director and you're hiring someone you are probably looking for something very specific and that's the reality so every time an office is hiring they have something specific in mind you don't know they most likely won't tell you but they they are looking for something specific let's imagine that an office has a lot of people who are really good at autocad and then the office decides to invest on someone doing 3d doing rhino so they go fishing and they ask for portfolios but they are fishing like generically they are not saying we want someone for rhino usually they don't say it so you apply without knowing and then you get a letter generic letter saying unfortunately you didn't get the job blah blah blah but they don't tell you why so your first feeling is i'm not as good as the other people i'm i'm a worst architect than the people who applied and that's not true and the problem is i don't think offices will ever make a portfolio reviews like we are doing they're not going to tell you we like this and not that and please fix that there will forever give you a generic letter but you have to get your response empty and move on and think okay i didn't get it next and then you find your next job or if you really like that office you'd say okay i didn't get it maybe in a couple of years i try a day again see you in a couple of years okay so it's really important to know that the person who is reviewing your portfolio is not a better architect than you is not the superlative entity in architecture and you have to make this very hard job of thinking this does not qualify me as a better architect or a worse architect than the other ones okay it's not about luck or bad luck i really don't like the word luck in our field it is circumstantial it's about circumstances uh and i think that's a really important thing to say so i want the viewers to know and everyone who gave us your portfolio to know that me and richard are not sitting on a top chair on a throne over here and reviewing your stuff from up i want you to know that i'm right next to you and i'm fixing this stuff and giving you tips like fix this fix that that's done okay send it okay i'm right next to you i'm not like no one is above tips for the portfolio super quick first thing you have to have in mind is you need to show um the people you're applying that you need them as much as they need you that's really important they need to feel that they need you and their office needs you to grow and also because like the offices are looking for something very specific usually make sure that your portfolio either covers everything in architecture so every stages from concept to detail or if you're really like something you think that you're really good at something very specific focus on that so i'm really good conceptual designer focus on concept and of course you're selling yourself as just a conceptual artist which sometimes it's good i think that is a very very uh sound advice to keep in mind as well especially what you started with is the fact that people are looking for something specific and and you have to keep that in mind when you're applying to uh uh you know firms as well and i love uh when you talked about luck and i whenever somebody or even i refer to luck i i always go to the definition that oprah goes by which is preparation meeting opportunity so it's it's your goal is to do the preparation that is all you can do and then that there is the opportunity part and that together is what forms luck so i think this is where that comes in as well is what the office needs you do your best you put yourself out there and if the office needs the same thing and they both come together is is when you can get an opportunity you know nice opportunity to work as well and if it didn't happen at first it was not the best opportunity just try again later join another office come back later all right so uh manana we actually have more questions i'm sure you got some questions from your story as well i got some questions from my story about what people wanted to know about the process about portfolios so we'll go over those questions in between our preview as well so look over those parts and now before we get started with our first portfolio i just wanted to let you know do subscribe to bless dark do hit that bell icon so you're notified whenever a new video comes out and also bless that is on patreon uh patreon is a platform that lets you uh support creators by becoming a patron now when you become a patron of blessed you also get access to more bonus videos videos uh like the portfolio review there's a lot of bonus content that i do not make it to the final edit because it'll be too long so i put some of that in the bonus content there's bonus content related to all the videos that i do so you'll find that there as soon as you become a patron so do consider supporting bless dark there all right now let's jump right into our first portfolio uh the first portfolio is i think for the portfolio review we'll just call this person ash let's first talk about the cover page so uh first impressions what do you think about about this cover page okay so uh this portfolio was actually the first one i saw so i was really excited and when you start flipping through portfolios you start with a lot of um you're more positive right and then of course you you start degrading so when i started i was fine with the cover um it looked okay uh it does gets my attention when i look at it but then when i finish the portfolio and i saw the person behind and when i understood the person behind i also understood that uh it doesn't make justice to who you are and to your work so i would most likely spend some time upgrading this cover uh definitely upgrade the cover because your work is is better than the cover okay the cover shows a tiny bit of naive and immaturity it's a it's a cool cover it gets people's attention but it shows something that you're probably on a higher level so just upgrade the coverage actually i had similar thoughts about this portfolio and uh one other portfolio that we'll discuss today is is when you go through the portfolio you see much more ability in the portfolio and it i would have loved it if if something like that would have been on the cover as well because we know that they can do it it's not like they can't and it's evident in the portfolio so putting it on the cover would just take it that extra mile so going ahead in this portfolio so first thing that that popped to me and especially since the viviano video i've been looking at things a lot there's no cv here i knew you're gonna say it i think everyone will say it and you would say yeah there's no cv i think maybe maybe she did it on purpose yeah maybe she took it out for yeah maybe she kept it yeah definitely have a cv and and even like your content page where you have all of these so many projects first i think it's too many projects definitely too many projects but even this page like i understand that you want to do this more like a magazine feel but be a bit more traditional it's fine to be traditional on your cv and like the first two pages i just want a very straightforward um information about you like a super quick what do you do what other projects where have you worked and that's it and then i start so feel feel fine like to be more traditional in your first pages we were discussing this in the last episode as well and people had eight nine projects and we were discussing it's a lot and there are 12 here but that's exactly my problem with portfolios because it's not fair the project that you leave behind and you never know what the people who are looking at your portfolios are really looking for so that's why you give everything you can but unfortunately you have to make like a resume make something very consistent and short and and just like you said there has to be a hierarchy you do have a hierarchy of colors but what does this mean also i would most likely start with your graduate projects and then workshops and then post uh school projects like the real ones and then you finish with your creative stuff so have them like pretty organized i will also do that for sure all right so um let's jump into the first project so yeah what are your thoughts on this project uh i think in my opinion i really like these kind of pages and i really think they look like competition pages nevertheless since this is a portfolio i have a feeling that you need to kind of create a specific rhythm in the way you do your portfolio don't forget that the person who is looking at your portfolio is flipping it through fortunately or unfortunately in a very big speed or not and you should give like not a constant rhythm to your portfolio but like this heartbeat so in my mind i think a portfolio should give me these little breaks almost likely i would start with first definitely the same template for each project okay that's very important template so i'll start with project logo super simple clean page in white or in black project logo name of the project and keywords so i look at the logo it could be just a section whatever and i'm intrigued and then the next page no text no nothing just a full spread of your money shot render so when i'm flip the page of of your icon of your introduction i get this bam many shots so i'm going to show you the cheatguard complex in this case when i turn the page poof i'm like whoa okay like i need these small heart attacks okay and then and then i flip the page and that if i'm curious i give this space for you to give me a lot of information a lot of sections a lot of drawings a lot of text so all of these texts i'll probably keep it in the third page and since we have these digital portfolios uh so much forget about the number of pages because they don't have any weight at this point okay it's not like i'm taking the bible and oh my god this is a whole portfolio i have to go through no i just click on a pdf i don't know i don't even know how much weight it has and then i just flip it through so just forget about the number of pages that's not important just keep short number of projects and these little rhythms into it okay so simple logo simple page make me want to flip it through i flip the page and i have this boom big render and then i give you the space to explain and to give me all of these boring things that we need to have and then i flip it through again then bam money shot again and then i flip it through again and then you give me details give me architecture give me all the show me all your skills for my office if i want you to have as a technical drawer for example so in this case actually i think your money shot is not is not the one that you have here on your left your money shot it's coming after there's a render after on your second page and that's definitely your money shot you should definitely have this render in a in a full spread no text like full respect to your work yeah like this will look really good yeah super good and and whenever you have this a full spread clean spread with the render believe me everyone who's looking at it they understand okay i need to give attention to this because she is asking me for this attention so i would definitely like be bold and have this in a single spread and like i said keep the same template for each project so i understand when you start and finish the project that's also important so yeah that would be my first comment let's come to our second uh project actually i really like this one you know i just be just because she included these uh i'm assuming it's a she i am not sure okay let's just say this okay um i think that because this person like the way um you did this render and the way you're composing this render is actually telling me a lot about you like you have a very strong social component in this page it's actually it's very striking most likely on the next page you see like you can tell that there's a lot of work but because they're like these tiny tiny diagrams uh you're not making a lot of justice to this so i would also like get another spread and include this interior render on its own and all of these diagrams i would increase the size definitely and rearrange this whole page but i like the project and i like where you're going with the project like this exploded diagrams i cannot read it and most likely i'm really interested to know what kind of materials you're dealing with that's architecture so i want to know exactly what this is and what you're thinking so i would increase the size of this definitely and i would keep the project i think i it's really weird because people are not feared about having all the projects they have done in their life in your portfolio but it seems like they are a bit of scared of taking some pages and time to explain the project so it's like so here's the project and then you say everything you have to say in the same page and then here's 20 projects you know and it's really not that it's like here are three projects and i have to tell you this and then you show me like a big load of work on it so it's more like it's more like that than and i'm gonna tell you something uh so i've never done a real real portfolio ever because i was so strongly against that and so what i did was exactly that i had two little magazines one my master from lisbon my master from london and that's it two projects so and in these two projects i'm going to show you that i'm i am able to do process and abstract design i'm able to do architecture i'm able to do all of these softwares and i'm able to do uh detailing in architecture on both two projects okay so it was two projects that i showed in my portfolio so i know it's a huge risk and it is a very big risk because you're you feel like you're like kind of not showing that you're flexible enough but i mean uh you get me through everything so it kind of worked yeah i think this mindset is something people can keep in mind is uh when you're choosing projects for the portfolio is to choose the skill sets that you want to show and you know and on those basis select the projects that you want to sort of put in front of people okay so coming on to the next project which is joy social housing super cool so yeah it looks really good i am not a big fan of the font in which the the location and everything is written that is especially the two i think it may be just me it's just the two slash there it is really visible oh you're so picky nowadays i look at fonts a lot and the written part a lot really yeah i don't know why i like the font all right yeah so what are your thoughts on the project as a whole okay so i just think about this project i just think that you should keep once again a clean page sayings uh drawing social housing i understand that you like doing this even artistically putting it behind i i like i understand what you're trying to show but once again i'll make it very simple page with an icon and this project is so easy to make an icon out of it and then exactly this spread and this render alone by itself with no text no nothing just to let me like sync in the project and then if you flip to the next page definitely this is one of those cases that your text has to be broken into paragraphs you should give me also another way to read it like this diagonal reading that i told you so use capitals use the bold the only thing i have to say about this project i think it looks like a very important project and it is housing which is also very important i'm definitely missing a plan i am definitely missing a plan like desperately needing a plan it's fine if you don't have a section i think sections are a bit overrated to be honest if sometimes especially in housing i don't see the point it's fine definitely a pan a plan give me a plan because i want to see how do you understand housing and welling and how do you create housing and welding spaces because imagine that i have a project for housing in my office and i want to see what what kind of measures do you give to your living room to your bedrooms how do you manage dwelling so it's really important that you give me a full spread of one plan that's it i don't need anything else just the standard plan of your units your housing units that's missing if you don't have it if you don't have the plan i almost would tell you to take the project out because it looks too important yeah so important for you not to show me that um you really thought about these houses otherwise it's just a cool shape when i was applying for my internship there was a housing project that i had put in my portfolio and i had put i had put plans and everything in they were a little too small that housing project in one of my interviews is what the person was asking me a lot about so we had a skype interview and they were asking me about the built up area they were asking me about a lot of things and i had not brushed up on it again so i didn't remember my any measurements i did not remember any areas that they were sort of referring to and i was like i'm sorry i would have to sort of go back and and go through all of those things i think the reason for that again was i had too many projects in the portfolio that i had sent and to keep all of that information in my head together was a little difficult so again it would go back to you know limiting the the number of projects that you have uh so let's continue with our portfolio yeah i like the villain number nine because it's uh like we just spoke it's unique it uh it shows me something about you and i think you should definitely it's really important when i'm um looking at portfolios to see what you have built it's really important to know that you have knowledge in building stuff even if you don't have any knowledge in building stuff i never have before coming to zaha it's fine but if you had something built make sure that that's the first information you're giving me about this project also i like the spread uh graphically a lot like the the way it's done i think it's it's it's really eye-catching it's minimal and in a way and i think uh this for me was one of the spreads that i really liked in this portfolio but once again all of these render all of these photographs that you have especially the photograph of the interior it deserves a full spread it like this information doesn't deserve to be all compressed in one pdf spread this give this to me like clean and with no text so definitely spread this information in different spreads so that's for sure all of this info that all of this work that you have after this it really shows design research technology in this case a lot of them it looks a bit like robotic or all right so um in from this episode onwards i i don't want to do the scoring system anymore uh even some people had told me about in the episode one like the scoring system they didn't like it that much so we'll do away with the scoring system as such and we'll jump straight to uh your advice i think you've already given your advice as a portfolio throughout but is there any other piece of advice that you would like to give for this video i would just say that if now you go back to the cover you would completely understand that the cover does not make any justice to this to you so i would definitely i would definitely think about the cover again from your portfolio i can definitely say that you are um you you have very strong personality it comes through like it shows quite a lot in your projects it also shows that you have a very strong social acknowledgement and social care and it's really important you're very obviously very graphic driven that's really good i'm just in needs of a couple of plans and the basic boring stuff but they are important because most likely you will be doing plans since you're an architect uh it really depends on what kind of project offices you're applying to but it's really important for me to know what kind of software's you you are flexible with so on each project i would most likely have it and outside this to everyone i'll most likely have it in like a small note what kind of softwares you run on each project okay i think that's super super important um and yeah and that's it also we look at the number of projects that are here yeah exactly plus that number of projects so that was ash's portfolio then let's move on to our next portfolio of the day which is priyan sajmera from tripur yes for his portfolio also i would like to say the same thing that you said about the cover is when you go through the portfolio you see a lot of his ability and to me even though it's interesting it's the the cover it's not like it's not interesting at all but i think it again could have been much more seeing what is there inside i agree i think that it was bold that you kept the pink and pink it is a controversial color really uh i really like to use pink and it was like the color that i hated the most but it is super controversial but and you took it on i'm gonna show pink but you show the baby pink and the baby pink it's like i'm gonna use pink but i'm not sure if i should so i would definitely if you want to keep the pink make it like a you know this red pink a bit like stronger a lot stronger okay so completely not on the panton kind of uh pastel yeah kind of uh domain like a strong pink also as you go to the portfolio these colors that you choose are much stronger than what is on the cover page exactly i'll definitely use the pink that you did uh on on forward on your project all right so let's come to uh the first page which is his cv uh i would just say his his image looks a little out of place uh in in the whole setting of the whole thing yeah i think it's still this issue that we have we think are we printing this is this a book or is this like a horizontal spread and i would tell you take your portfolio as an horizontal spread to be honest we are you're not going to print it as much as you choose it's safe to say that we're not in especially now nobody's going to print things and send it to anybody if you kind of make this a horizontal spread your photo will be a little bit more uh in sync with the page yeah yeah but apart from that i like you have a statement for example and you have a couple of statements in your portfolio but it seems like you're a bit shy about your statements and the statements are important like these quotes that you have put it in the center put it right below your photo you know like be bold about it but you have all of these statements in this corner tiny little uh size font so put it like center it it's important i want to know who you are yeah it's like having a voice but being a little apologetic about it but instead of that like being a bit more bold and like putting it out there yeah i think his content page works well and also we see that uh how many one two three four five six but then in competitions he has three inside so seven eight nine i think it's way too many projects yeah again this one thing i would say uh is is reduce it a little bit let's come to page number four is where his first project starts so what are your thoughts here so um again i would say i know it sounds boring but keep the same you kept the same template to each project which is really important but i'll say exactly the same that you said i said about the other portfolio give me an icon keywords that you actually have and then i want to flip it through and i want to see the main image of your project so it makes me more intrigued or not uh so in this case actually i don't think this is the best image of your project the best image of this project is actually on the back of your portfolio it's like the last page of his portfolio it's a very cool image i'll do that like i would stay start with an icon show me the whole project and then give me the explanation give me your access um i really praised that you kept the same template for each project and i can tell that you had that as a rule and it even makes your life easier to have like a template on your in design for example and then you just fit in with your projects you have placeholders and then like this project that yeah so it's important to keep the same template i i'm just not sure if it's like the most successful template that you could but yeah i appreciate you have the same template but uh maybe redefine it a tiny bit all right so um going through the project i like that here space things out and not crammed everything into one page there's enough there's this place for everything to breathe so i really i actually really like this black and white uh contrast but i also think that for example your section it could be it could take more space on the screen the thing is whenever we make our images really small we are showing our graphic skills only you're because i don't have i cannot see um the precision of your drawing so you're showing me graphic skills so whatever you amplify and whatever you uh scale out a scale in i mean everything you zoom in you want to grab my attention like to precision into detail so probably this section deserves more space i'm not sure because i cannot tell how much detail you have but i really like the page like it's a cool like one thing that we can see in the portfolio is is the graphic design is strong in the portfolio it is strong all right so let's come to the second image as you said the cover image the this main image is is a really amazing illustration yeah i really like this but for example it's so cool that it deserves like a spread with no text with no nothing you know like just to make me breed in your projects so i'll definitely keep a first page with the with icon and keywords and then one full spread with only this and then if you go to the plans on page 9 on pdf so these plans are super cool i can tell just from this from far away the way you're putting them it's like a big no no like it's a big note i can it they have like a kind of a palladio feel to it it looks like a villa right like a like a palladio villa and then you put it like on this page it has a little bit of a shadow behind as if it was really a paladious kind of drawing don't do it take all of these all of these little acids and all these things going on take them out just get this plan and get me a full spread of both plants i think both plants deserve a full spread with no shadows behind the page or whatever i just want to see your graphical and your drawing skills and i also want to see the the way you're like planning the space is because it looks like you put a lot of thought into it so definitely yeah definitely give me this plan in a full spread all right so before we go ahead we will take another question yeah this was a pretty straightforward question how to make a great first impression during uh an interview especially nowadays when the interviews are happening through zoom so how do you make a great first impression through your interviews um so i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you my secrets for my interview so before i did my interview i actually watched a lot of uh youtube advices for interviews and it's just like super simple exercises like exercising your uh mouth exercising your voice exercising your breathing especially the way so i was like this crazy person outside of the office in like this little corner preparing like my mom yeah yeah loud and then even in my bedroom i was almost screaming just to prepare like to make this more flexible it's really important and yeah because you're probably really nervous and the way you breathe it makes a huge difference uh on your nerves a huge difference so if you really really slow your probably calm down and and another thing that i think it's important for your interview is to show it's a bit of a mix you need to show that you're humble but you're confident that you need them but they need you they need you for their team and they need you to grow uh their own office and you need to show that um yourself i would say show that you're relaxed but if you're not relaxed it's fine that's who you are okay so show who you are uh don't show something else that you're not that's really important and show like these double needs that i think that's really good [Music] all right so let's come back to the portfolio yeah interior design yeah so what i i personally did not like it as much as other projects i agree and i don't want the person to feel bad about it but um you've shown a lot of [Music] maturity what can i say a lot of skills in other projects and this project might be slightly misleading to who you are okay because you should you're showing me that you're super contemporary and even the way you're doing plans yeah i can see that you're like a forward kind of person and this project takes me back to america texas like i understand that you're probably good at interior design this project is not showing it much take it out up ahead i think we have now he's put up three competition entries of his uh which is this zen library and story of soil definitely take the story of soil out yes i was just about to say that there is no need even aesthetically it doesn't look as as a part of the whole portfolio and there's just too much on this page i really like the zen library i would i really like to send the library i think the zen library is kind of the opportunity that you had to show that you have a big interest on design and this is the first hint that you give me that you want to do design and so i really think that if you want this kind of job roles if you want to be a designer an architectural designer take more time on this project and i don't mean like give me more pages and more info you have the right number of content just spread this okay like this yeah first it's not a render or is it the render i this illustration i think it deserves a full spread with no text exactly yeah just for me to think and to understand what you're going to do and then for example i really want to know you did maya i'm pretty sure this is maya i really want to know what kind of software you used so once again if you're telling me that you like design and you're design driven tell me which softwares can you do uh what's which software did you use for this one okay tiny bit just little time little fonts size font small and just tell me which software there is even the next project i think uh to be honest i personally feel even if you take this one out again because there's a lot of things that you have here and even only if somebody is going into it will they you know go through all of the information that you've provided so i think or out of these three competition because there were also many projects i think the first one just spread that one out more and just explained that to me in much more detail than the other two yeah definitely let's come to the last part which is i think uh i really like this part in the whole portfolio is the art and graphics because it really shows off his skills and what he can do lonely martian is super cool they really i'm pretty sure this is you and i would keep them you know these quotes uh right under the lonely martian uh so the quotes that you have about your take on art put it right under it and then about the illustrations i think they are cool enough also to have their own spread i'm really cool work here and then we come to the end pages where you were talking about like this is so much cooler than the uh the image that we were shown in the first project yeah because if you're telling us that this is one of the projects that you are the most proud about the best picture of this project is here so take this picture and have it on the cover of your project of this project this is definitely the best one and i understand i understand it better and and you know what like even a lot of um we work with very very good landscape designers and landscape architects and i would definitely tell you that if a landscape architect sees this drawing they can tell that you have some very good skills on landscape on the cover of your project of this project this is definitely the best one and i understand i understand it better so i think about this portfolio i would say that definitely you are a very sensible architect and you take a lot of um care on details definitely you're a very precise architect i can tell that you take your time on doing your technical drawings i would probably say that you're probably quiet person and a bit introvert which is fine i can understand that so you're not super bold uh but when you go to your detail your balls on the detail which is a very good sign also you gave me like this hint of design and you are design driven you just haven't um you didn't have the possibility to kind of extend this um design research interest that you have yeah again uh the cover page again you could change it there's so much that you can do uh and there is the number of projects you want to reduce that and spread out things a bit more but for example for the cover i would just put like your your strong pink that's it because i like the image i would just replace the pink with the strong pink so let's come to our third portfolio of the day and this is the portfolio of claudia so let's come to the cover page so what are your thoughts here when you look at this cover page so this is um an example of a provocative kind of cover so i remember that uh when i was doing my when i was thinking about doing my portfolio i saw a lot of covers examples and it was really interesting how people um took these kind of tricks to get people's attention so they were like this full yellow cover portfolios or once i saw this portfolio they had like the big word sex on it and then of course you'd flip it through because you are intrigued so it's like these little tricks um and then and then the guy continues saying not that i have your attention uh okay so these things sell actually i didn't like that example but in this case it's a build like that so it's like you're feeling intrigued you're like what yeah klg what do you mean like and it has this kind of cork kind of texture on it so it is an intriguing cover i would keep it exactly the way it is nothing to say about it like definitely keep this like the way it is yeah as we move ahead we come to uh a timeline and the cv that we see here uh i really graphically i really like how everything is playing out in this spread i love how things are very neatly arranged anything you want to say about it i really like the timeline i think it's very um clean and and it's very much to the point uh i like the photos that you chose yet i'd rather have your face i know it's annoying but you always want to see the person behind it and you know that's how it works and how that's how it is so i'd rather see your face than seeing me's project this is not me isn't this like um phillip johnson project for for he's missing oh yeah so i'd rather see your face and then i think that you did something that is really important for everyone uh which is you you told me uh how good you are on specific softwares you show me like um the softwares that you do the best and the ones that you're still a beginner that's super important and i think everyone should do that on their portfolios another important thing is i think your awards are way more important than what you're showing me here i i don't know how to make them stand out more without messing with your page layout because your page layout is already super good but i want to see your words a little bit better maybe take advantage of the bolt okay use a bit of the bolts on a couple of them i would really so this is again my personal i really love the fonts chosen here so i really like that okay obsession with the fun all right let's come to the our first project okay first project a little bit about the same that i did on the other um the same the same thing that i said on the other portfolios i don't want to be like repeating the same thing but i would definitely do the same template so i can name of the project keywords and then i flip it and then you hit me with a big money shot render uh in this case for this project i think that your money shot render is definitely the one that you have like on this super landscape uh format on page four so i would definitely do like icon uh on the first page and then bam render and then you explain me uh what it is and also like you always give me this icon of the winner because it's on white it's very faded so i might not see what it's written give me this big gloria kind of icon that you have here of the price of the price that you had and give me in black and on the white page i know it looks like you're kind of showing yourself a bit too much but i think that i think that's important one thing that i really want to talk about in this portfolio was page number five so i think this is a very very neat example of when people talk about putting plants in the portfolio and i think here for me personally i think the colors and everything around it has come out so well that these plants look very much in place it the page doesn't look blank the i think the plants work well with the white for me i think i really like this minimal and having two plants uh because i know a lot of people struggle with it is is how to put plans in and when i saw this my first thought was wow this is a basic plan that is out there and yet it looks very much a part of the whole thing yeah that's true but you know what like we are architects so i really want to see the plan as an architect like i want to see from where i enter where do you organize how do you organize space where is your core you have a ver like i can tell that you have a very uh simple and clear strategy for core and functions uh put it on the center and then you have all of the program going around the building with your facade so i want to see all of this like we are architects most of all it's not just graphics so give me this plan yeah and this plan looks super important i don't need the facade just give me one page with this plan in big i really want to see like because you're showing me you have good graphics you're showing me that you have awards you're showing me a lot of things i just want to see if you are also a good architect so get me this plan way bigger on its own it's fine don't be ashamed of it just give me a full plan because we want to we like to read plans we are architects we like to read it all right let's come to the next project uh which is the airscraper about this project i would say once again um you're doing a bit of panels for competition which is good but don't forget this is a portfolio this is the best tower that you have in your portfolio um since i've seen that you worked on som there's a chance that you're aiming for bigger office and bigger offices do a lot of towers so if you have knowledge on towers take your time on showing me your tower knowledge so walk me through this project slower okay so don't be ashamed be bold about it give me one page with only one render every time for this tower okay it seems really important in your portfolio this project so first in the first page i would definitely do icon name keyword second page definitely the one that you do that you did that's exactly what i mean with taking a full spread with one render so this spread that you have with the full render that's perfect don't touch it and then the next one you explain a little bit better all of these renders that you have interiors definitely take them for a full spread on its own full spread on its own yeah with no shame um before we move ahead we'll do one more do you want to look at any of the questions that you got did you get any interesting ones okay so first of all most of the questions that i got uh we covered them on our um interview video or youtube video so most of the questions are there um i think everyone should just look at it again so most of them are about how do you apply to big offices um what kind of softwares do you do the one that intrigued me the most is a really important one it says how do you cope with stress and fatigue in this field is really getting to me these days um so this is actually something that we don't speak much in our field and it's really something important so it turns out that we do we are one of the fields that works the most um in our university uh days okay so we we do work a lot and there is competition of course and we feel uh very pressured and we are also very pressured to work overtime in our uh offices so i think there are two different strategies to work with stress and fatigue one for university one for professionals so for the university i would say and and this is just a personal advice okay most of the teachers would be very angry at me but you have to compromise a bit so there are a couple of fields that you don't have to be that good there are a couple of matters that you can just be average it's fine you don't have to excel on everything just understand what your future is about most likely it's about your portfolio and you're about your final project excel on that and then the other ones to be very fair do the very bare minimum because they're going to ask you to excel on their yeah they're going to ask you to excel as well you don't have to excel on everything if they're doing something about materials do like you're asking me about how this brick work it works like this top next and you do your project okay so that's a very important thing on your university and teachers are going to kill me but this is a reality and then um when you come to office and they do ask you for a lot of extra hours i'm gonna be honest i'm not very comfortable when people ask me to work um over time i don't like it i think no one likes it so i would rather do it on my own like i would rather recognize okay maybe i need a little bit more time on this so i would take just i would take the weekend because i think this project deserves more time or maybe i wasn't very good like during this week i need extra time so i'd rather like feel the pressure on my own and feel the responsibility of i have to work more for this because this is not enough i personally don't like to be asked to do over time i think no one does um and whenever you're feeling that they are really pressuring and they are really pushing for you way too much just tell them just tell them just say uh hi uh by the way i'm doing too much overtime i think this is coming a bit uh counterproductive to our project i might even bri be bringing some not very good quality to the project so i think that for the project's sake and for my own sake i would have to take a tiny break a full morning a full afternoon i think every boss every director would understand it and um we kind of forget that we have that card it's allowed to say that even if especially if you say the project is kind of not um becoming better because i'm working overtime it's actually not counterproductive and also like i also feel that sometimes we feel that everyone is looking at our um at our performance and everyone is kind of having their own take on the way we are working but to be honest no one is watching you the same way you're watching yourself like no one is really looking to be very honest no one is really looking you're you're overlooking yourself so that's also something important whenever you're feeling like a lot of pressure and you're thinking oh i'm failing and people are thinking that i'm not good uh most likely you're the only one who's looking at it so yeah yeah i really like the chamber chamber of secrets especially for the name yes and it shows that you smell before we go ahead mayana have you seen harry potter do you have you seen i mean are you a harry potter fan i have never seen it i've never seen it i'm more than viviana i don't think we can do this again of course i have seen harry what's wrong with you viviana who are you all right let's come back to the uh folio so chamber of secrets the name is really nice definitely break this into more pages exactly the same format i said when i can name keywords and then the main render which i really like this white uh render that you have you could take this for actually this could be on your first spread but you know the tiny renders that she has here they are amazing they are really clean they are really subtle uh so i would definitely take a seat like you're kind of getting super close to see it so we don't want your your viewer to to be like doing this to your portfolio okay so take like the full spread for both renders okay so one spread for each render and then we come to one very important page which is something that everyone missed which is a letter of recommendation oh this is the first time i'm seeing it in a portfolio the first time that i can see it as well maybe people like keeping it like away from portfolios as like extras but i would definitely include it on the um portfolio pdf i think even i did it like a side put it aside but i think it makes a lot more sense to like end your portfolio with your recommendation and so in this case you have a super good som recommendation i i read it um and i think like uh they really got you and uh they really explained and they were really happy with you i would just like to say the easy images that i see i really like these images and i think you have a great instagram feed do send me your handle i would love to see it i think you have a great feel looking at this okay so resharp is flirting a bit here so here was the story by the fake news ignore this [Laughter] yeah it's true we can tell that and but once again like we i really need to see this is really annoying but i really need to see your face okay yeah we really need to see faces it's important and then we end and then the ends yeah i'm actually intrigued of uh what is k l g and kxm which you are the founder of so i think you forgot that but it's fine now i'm just like personally a bit intrigued but it's important that you keep this project because it gives me like a slight idea of can you know grasshopper and you would be keen on doing design research and that's good so in the end so the final balance of this portfolio i think that um i would probably i would definitely say that claudia is a full package kind of architect um she's a bit more big office oriented uh which is fine it doesn't say much more about her or like about the other ones the other portfolio so it's just it shows that you're probably aiming for bigger projects so if you're aiming for bigger projects like the towers or the project that som typically does you are aiming for big offices so if you're aiming for big offices i think you should definitely take more time on their tower project spread it a little bit longer on your portfolio uh i'm really in desperate need of a little bit more architecture knowledge as in zoom in your plans i mean like i can see you're good in graphics you're a good designer i want to know that if you are a good uh architect all the way in so zoom in on your plans give me like one construction detail if you have give me one construction detail and give me more plans about your projects as well um apart from that i think that uh yeah it's a super exciting portfolio of course and but i'm pretty sure that you you'll be fine in the future yeah yeah all right yeah so that cover that was the last portfolio for the day and uh so that covers all three portfolios that we did uh again all three came out really well and the things we discussed would just take this these portfolios to another level and one thing was in in all portfolios i think you all have some great visuals out there and just letting us see those visuals be with those visuals uh you know because once you get that visual on the screen on the full screen you will pause and you will sort of look at the whole project and then go into the project looking at the finer details of it keeping in mind what you had seen on the main page so that would really you know help the person also looking through your project and appreciate it more yeah i definitely think that you have to imagine that the person who is looking at your portfolio is going to have a quick rhythm it's going to have a very quick way to look at it that's that's obvious that happens with with everyone even if you give your portfolio to your mom she's going to do everyone's going to do that so if they have already a full speed and they have a very high rhythm in your portfolios give me three projects four projects and give me them slower slower one render one plan one diagram one like so give me like a little bit of a slower rhythm so whenever i do this i'm a bit more intrigued i slow down you know what i mean we are more in sync and also like keep these rhythms on the portfolio so one page with nothing just an icon one page with the full render no text one page with full explanation in case i'm intrigued so yeah it's for example claudia's portfolio is he was very consistent and but but the tone was very much the same was a lot of information very good information very good information very good information and that becomes slightly monotonous so if you give me a bit of like no information a lot information absolutely no information if you give me this you'll keep me more engaged so yeah that i think ends our portfolio review the second episode uh i'm pretty sure while editing it there was a lot that was left out to make this uh video a little shorter because we've been going on at it for two hours so uh but there'll be a lot more available of what we discussed and our harry potter discussion if you wanna listen to that uh it'll be available on patreon uh you can support this channel on patreon as well and marianna thank you so much for coming here thank you so much again as we said at the start of this video it feels like we've done we've talked a lot of times even though we've just done one interview together but it does feel like that and i think it does for my audience as well uh they've known you for a while now and thank you so much for taking all the time today and you have a super good audience i think you're one of the uh instagram person that has one of the warmest uh viewers yeah they're super yeah all right so um that was it you guys uh thank you so much for watching if you like this video don't forget to give it a big fat thumbs up don't forget to share this video don't forget to subscribe to bless dark also if you have any questions uh anything any comments anything because all of this as marianna said right at the start it's not two people at a pedestal looking up or down it is it is it is a discussion it is equals looking at equals so if you have any thoughts anything let me know in the comments below and uh i think marina can also jump in on some time and we can have some discussion down below in the comments that was it thank you so much mariana thank you so much everybody everybody for watching and yeah see you soon for more videos and i'll i'll try and do one portfolio review episode every month so i will reveal who the third guest is soon but nevertheless if you just want to without knowing who the guest is if you want to send in your portfolios you can send them at ba portfolio review gmail.com that is it and i will see you guys soon bye bye bye [Music] you
Channel: BlessedArch
Views: 188,352
Rating: 4.9647655 out of 5
Keywords: zaha hadid, zaha hadid architects, zaha hadid architecture, portfolio, architecture portfolio, portfolio review, architecture portfolio review, portfolio tips, how to make a portfolio, best portfolio, blessed arch, ted talks architecture, design tutorial, graphic design, how to design, diy design, how to portfolio, how to make the best portfolio, what to include in your portfolio, architect portfolio, critique, interior design portfolio
Id: 8wV_jzFh-sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 39sec (3579 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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