Good Portfolio VS Bad Portfolio

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on today's episode i'm going to show you two portfolio one of them is incredible and the other one i don't think it's doing great job for the designer who owns it let's rock and roll [Music] hey everybody what is up my name is ron segal welcome back to flux where we talk everything web design and freelancing make sure you're subscribed and hitting that you know bell button to know about our upcoming videos for now let's get started diving into the website now i want to say before i'm going into this um those two websites were submitted by you the audience on my instagram account for review now there's no intention here in trashing everybody or disrespecting their work i know everybody puts a lot of work into their portfolio the only reason i'm giving this feedback is with the hope that it will help the owner to improve their work and so all in good faith and i do respect everybody for so i do want to get started with the the portfolio which i think is not doing a great work for its owner let's dive into this so this is the website of torymond and this is what i see when i land on it now it looks like i'm in i'm in the about page but even if i remove this and i'm just trying to log in into the main domain this is where i'm getting so initially i'm dropping into the um about page now i'm looking at this and i'm trying to you know based on hierarchies where do i look first well there's a big illustration of her so obviously i look at her but then i try to look at you know the two other big elements here are the about toriman and the logo they're almost the same size and so basically there's two elements which are both of them are telling me the same thing right i'm in the website of toriman she's a designer and this is about her um but but otherwise i don't have nothing to see so there's a lot of text here and as you know people do not love to read so we scheme on the internet we're looking for very short headlines to let us know that we're this is even worth reading now in this case there's a bunch of texts here so i'm not sure i'm going to dive into reading this and there's no call to action here so i actually don't know unless i want to dive really into this do i really want to start reading right now and there's no button here to tell me what else so i'm going to try and scroll and while i do see here services which are broken down in a schemable way so i do know that she's doing print design illustration photography i understand all of these things i cannot see any work here and there's no like real call to action in terms of contact her or anything like this there are some links here to other platforms but that's not what i'm looking for i'm looking to see the work of tori and i can't see it right now so i actually have to go here into works but i think that in terms of a landing page in terms of i'm coming here i don't think this is doing good work because i still don't know who is she working with how is she different a little bit about her without having to read all of that stuff and so in a little glimpse into her work there's no reason i can't just scroll in now i would i would prefer and when i say i i mean a user a visitor in your website would always rather scroll down to explore what's in this website versus clicking on something because clicking is taking a commitment while scrolling is just let me scroll down and see what else is here but right now i've exhausted my scrolling opportunities and i'm going to have to go here and click on the work now works here you can actually see them and the work doesn't look bad i mean looks like solid design let's click into them and now you get into kind of a rebrand so a project a project and looks like again it looks like it was adapted from some kind of a print manual right so this i think maybe this was a pdf of the guidebook and it was just basically adapted into images now while the work is not necessarily bad i do think that when you're using images like this again we'll go and see how this actually looks like on mobile let's assume this was a mobile thing then this wouldn't be really readable and so this is not really well adjusted for mobile and that's a problem when you're just taking stuff that was meant for bigger screens such as a pdf and then adapting it and using it into your website so those are things that i think can be improved on tori's website her front page her landing page experience shorten it give like you need an about page but as a first experience just make sure that you have some clear very short titles call to action and a little bit some kind of visuals in terms of what you do now i want to contrast that with a website that really made me smile and i think is doing fantastic work for its owners and that is the website of the papistilis i'm not sure that i'm that i'm pronouncing their name correctly but they are a collaborative design duo um helping you visualize craft and automate your growth or brand and uh so this is really nice i mean there's a very short headline that tells you very clearly the value proposition of what you're gonna get here who are they and what they can do for you you can even see kind of an animated cute illustration of them so there's a lot of vibe and feeling into this and a call to action that also really you know moves so it's kind of a playful call to action let's collaborate now if i scroll down immediately i'm getting into some kind of visual example of what they can do so i see web design and development and i can click here to dive down deep into this but for me this is good and remember what i said earlier i want to scroll i want to explore more without i'm not sure i want to dive into this yet so let's just see what else is in here but i can already see like a proof that they're actually good at what they're talking about now i'm gonna keep scrolling down and this is this has really made me smile can you justify your business with some of the statement below so i don't have a website or i want more money or i'm anti-social media so if you feel if you click on one of them then they're actually giving you kind of a personalized value proposition if you do not have a website you know you're living in 2020 you you i mean you need to have a website and then they're telling you how they can help you solve that if you need help with whatever social media here's how we help you on that that's i think that's really clever and playful way to say here's all the problems that you know we have and for different clients who have different goals or needs here's how we can help you i think this is really playful well-designed and clever idea of personalizing the experience of their portfolio keeping on scrolling you can see they're kind of i guess sharing their process and stuff like that um what they're doing so there's a lot here and then ends with a call to action of you know let's talk or something like that um of course we can dive dot dive more into the works if we want to see how they present more work uh so let's see that so here again they're giving you kind of an overview of what they did and you can dive deeper into each one of these case study let's see how they're structured so a little bit of you know info up front when they did it what they did and then some nice visuals so there's some text aligned with nice visuals and i think that in this case you can see that it would be pretty easy to break this down for mobile responsiveness including a testimonial which is always great to see to show when you're you know demonstrating work you did for your clients so that's incredible let's see their about page about the studio all right digital nomads with an italian touch we're cool how we're doing this what we're doing best and here's a little bit information about themself so it's not i love it that they showed actually at the end of the real photo even though everything is illustrated here because i like to see the people that i'll end up working with so i do think even though both websites were using illustration both this and tori were using illustration but they also ended up showing how they really look like because i feel this helps to build trust and relationship with the people um that might end up working with you or currently in chiang mai great for you all right i hope this was helpful i hope you got to take away some elements that you can use in your own portfolio let me know in the description what you like best about this website or how they can be improved and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Flux
Views: 155,370
Rating: 4.9192824 out of 5
Keywords: good portfolio, good portfolio website examples, good portfolio design, good portfolio website, good portfolio projects, good portfolio examples, good art portfolio, design portfolio, web design, design portfolio website, design portfolio examples, design portfolio ideas, web design inspiration
Id: zlqTm79di1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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