BEST WEB PORTFOLIO: Case Study of Web Design

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on today's episode I'm gonna show you the best portfolio website I've seen in a while and I'm sure you can learn a lot and implement it in your own website stage hey everybody what is up so recently I got to talk with a really cool designer named Dundee and when she sent me her website to check it out I was actually blown away because so much of what I talk about and I gave as feedback for designers again and again was implemented so beautifully in her website that I just want to show you how it looks and break it down step by step so that you can learn from it as well let's break it down so here's how the website loads and this is the first thing that you see done be seen about services portfolio book a Power Hour and you can see her photo here really nicely taken professional optimistic kind of a good vibe photo and the title says book more online clients for your health and coaching business I create websites for health coaches like you so that you can focus on getting your clients healthier and happier how can I help so before I'm even gonna scroll down just check out how beautifully and focused this website is so many website are just so generic I'm a web designer I'm a I'm a graphic designer UX UI designer she's very specifically talking to health coaches and yeah just health coaches and telling them I will build a website for you and here's the problem that it's going to solve you you're gonna book more online clients and you're gonna focus on what you're good at just by having the her focus and niche so well clear it out I'm sure she's converting like so much higher than most generic website and I say this over and over again but most designers are just too scared of making that focused decision to niche down and talk to a very specific audience now the next thing here is she puts a really nice photo of herself which I really I repeat again and again you're a freelancers people end up hiring you because of who you are you think it's all about the portfolio but it's not all about the portfolio people hire people to work with people so they need to see you and understand what kind of a vibe you know they have when they work with you and showing you a photo of who you are really clears you know look at her she's smiling she has a good like professional vibe going on so just by looking at this and the layout here is well-designed I can already before I'm seeing her work portfolio anything else I can already tell she's a good designer I can already tell she's in the detail I can already tell she's in you know she got herself she picked a nice font nice typography nice contrast here good hierarchy so everything is so well laid out I'm basically I'm already sold we're gonna scroll down but I'll tell you the truth I'm already sold she invested in a good photo her photo is even kind of a in line with her general color scheme of the website so there's just like already so good let's start to scroll down here and what I like here is that it's before she's diving into the portfolio work it's written out like a sales page which is your website is basically a sales page so finding all in clients doesn't have to be so hard as a health coach you get your clients result so again it's written very well written for the web with bullet points you know nobody's booking sales call your website doesn't feel like you she's talking about the pain point of her customers showing them that she understands them all right and then how to fix it oh she's putting packages on her website we're gonna cover that in a second she's putting testimonials amazing and then and then only then after she talked about the work only after she talked about the problems only after she showed testimonials she's presenting herself it's not all about me me me but after you scroll down after you're a little bit convinced then she's introducing herself and you can learn more about me so and then at the end before she's you know if you're not convinced to click on any of the you know buttons before she's giving you kind of a homepage checklist to use right away so she's providing value for free and she's getting leads on her email which she later can follow up with so very very smart approach you can see that she she knows her business and this is amazing I want to dive in into the packages because I find this really interesting most designers do not put this so again she's usually using visuals from the health world which is puts the puts the client in the mindset of hey this is like me I would love my website to look like this because this is my world and this is for people like me so immediately they feel recognized right you can't have a website that gets your client booked you're called so that's that's amazing call-to-action and again before she's diving into what she does for you she's again increasing the value of the problem that she's solving talking about you know how right now you're wasting time and money it's not your fault you know you're smart that you just need a website that works for you very smart kind of sales copywriting I love this how I'm different really good how the value that your website will help you so you see how she's building the value when she's gonna say the price in a second you already have this image of how much value it brings and how much hassle it saves you by having a website that build by her all right so it's on percent possible web design services perfect for you if so she qualifies and then she's talking about the process plan design and lunch and then she gets down to the packages so she has a basic package in a complete package in this case she is selling custom Squarespace websites which again I'm I'm into web flow but fully legit if she did this with Squarespace nice work and this one package is for you know three thousand five hundred basically and this is five thousand dollars and you can see the difference here and this includes the copywriting and brand message strategy and stock photo curation so she created two packages which is very very smart she's already positioned herself in trying to sell the premium package here I would basically I would say she can add another ten thousand dollar package here for maybe if it was totally custom with with web flow but whatever it doesn't matter I think two packages they it looks pretty solid it gives to the customer I would I would actually put buttons here so that people can just I want this I want this there is no call to action here but but you can get started by booking your call I would put something some kind of call to action here as well but the packages look fantastic these icons and the way that it's designed I mean you can see that she's a good designer let's get to and she's putting you know fa Q's here very very smart very very good sales page let's check out the actual portfolio so again I've designed for health Gossage just like you spoiler they love their website already pimping you up kind of like for the website so let's check this out see Steph's project and talking about the client the goal and now she's showing the colors and fonts logo stock photography website mobile responsive so I think this is nice I mean I am a big believer of just let me see the website itself I would really love a link here that opens to the you know to the website itself but it really shows the process and I think it helps client understand what they're gonna get again I think this is a little bit too small to see for a web page and then it's chopped this way but overall I think it's nicely presented right there's our direction here with the purple background or the green background so it's nicely crafted I think this is a killer right so the results Stephanie is killing it book nine clients from zero to one a one eighty one subscribers so this is amazing this is actually fantastic I would perhaps put the results here at the top because this is the most important thing but this is wonderful so many designers are lacking showing the value that their work actually achieved for their clients and measurable you know terms like how many clients ago like we helped you build your email list we enabled you to work while traveling all that kind of stuff with a testimonial yeah so I think this is just fantastic website Congrats Donna this is really mind blowing work and I think you can learn a lot from this in in a sense of how this is well written how she's so focused she knows her client everything on this website talks directly to her client and this is really really crystal clear and I think I've the the feeling that this high converting website now if you need help finding out your niche we actually have a new program called the six-figure freelance designer you can check it out below this video which helps you figure out your niche and build all the systems for getting clients for your freelance business if you want to keep checking out other portfolio reviews we have the next video lined up for you here and I will see you on the next one check this out
Channel: Flux Academy
Views: 119,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: become a graphic designer 2020, freelance web designer, graphic designer job, ran segall, web design, web design business 2020, web design freelance, web design freelancer, web designer career, web design 2020, flux academy, portfolio case study, best web portfolio, best web design portfolio, best graphic design portfolio 2020, graphic design portfolio website, the perfect design portfolio, Case Study of Web Design, web design case study, danbee shin
Id: Y5R3eq1IFNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.