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hey friends good morning we uh you know what I mean but Boston I'm thinking let's just have a look at this I mean this friends it's the big day it's the day that a lot of people have been waiting for okay you just saw the halts for Madhu a cut but you know I mean it's just over there whatever we're gonna bring yeah we'll probably bring my my 72 but my 71 and maybe my heart rod anyway we got that 130 120 it's Nick's 31 20 and I've never run one I've run one once or twice this that saw cuts it cuts it's got a 30 I don't what the hell is that my barn Jane yeah it is he brought this out just a powerhead right that's right okay so that's my yeah and that's my 71 right it could go right in the backside and then we'll throw look at all these eye bags I know it is we're used to low-profile it early carry a like a piece of foam or whatever just take your shirt off and throw it in there or file it differently I just like having my chest right on the power saw when I'm filing cuz I file both handed right but this is a monster I mean they are friends this is a large freakin power saw do you know that when I went to the factory I forget the number they said but the it's not many they make Tim might remember Shawshank do remember how many thirty ones they make a month they still put them together by hand there's one guy that makes them this is the truth friends at Husky it's cool one guy puts them together and they do 12 a month or something seriously it's nothing it's crazy okay I thought we would do that yeah bring the hot rod here I'll put this one over here something like this and then slip that one right in there power head in there there should be room for it there we go now we're in boom-boom okay so one more look at our our gig here brand-new ported halts Pharma for the husky piston in it friends all right husky piston rings new rings a port job by bearclaw he does nice work he does nice work he did my 9 for friends so today we're gonna raced a few of these saws 31 20 is going to give the 390 a for a little run for its money and it'll probably will give it a good run could even beat it 371 we got ya see up there [Music] [Music] huh oh right on yeah just in time I needed a new one mine's all sapped out and mine's pretty much all right off so okay so friends this is cool this is this is our my buddy's property it's raw it's okay and the only problem we're gonna have to watch here is rocks and dirt in the wood we just can't we can't do it we cannot do it you see this here that that's brutal I won't even go there no I'm not going there this has been down a while this one no wreath not Ganges in his reef not the halts form of friends we're in for a surprise Hogan can't wait to run the halts forma but we don't want somebody coming and stealing this firewood so we don't want to buck a bunch of it though here's the ported farmer we're still trying to get it tuned and that it's coming so 32 inch bar full house ground chain and we're gonna just dig in and have a look to have a little pixie poo here do a couple cuts a couple discs Oh okay friends we got the big boys out to play today what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a race with the 390 for my hot rod 394 on and Nick's I don't I have a feeling this is not a stock 31 I don't know why I've never run a 31 it feels like I I'm not I'm not a connoisseur of the 31 I've only run one or two and they've only been a for a cutter too honestly so today is is kind of a thing where this will be interesting they cut they cut we all know that they're big they're what are these things 100 something like or are they thought their 140 see Caesars up Oh No 120 well it's probably 30 120 it's probably what it is 120 got it okay okay so we've got my my 394 here with this lovely little setup and we've got this on and you guys got a time these on yourself because we don't we're gonna do it like we did before remember Racing chainsaws [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the 394 at home crazy hey did you guys hear that song runs that was a that was an Iron Horse sound by the way you grabbed the nine for Sonny please this is a legendary piece of equipment right here thanks buddy I'll just get this bar not on here and uh or actually yeah yeah this is actually a good sized bar for this chain I think it's because it's an eight two sprocket as a matter of fact it is I can see it now it's look at that there it is good enough give me a little tighter maybe a Titch here we go okay Sonny you're gonna have to start this there's no way I can start this 394 right now not a chance it would murder me you got the plug where the compressions start used to be no compression button on this one a not three years ever since the claw did did the the modifications because he just didn't want to have any of that okay so how old this go port that used to be a walker sticker and then I'll do a cut okay Sonny yeah all right friends we'll get you guys up over here Hogan's gonna just pull hard man pull hard once always straight as hard as you can here's I'm gonna put you guys here [Music] okay friends just for for Shasta's and giggles we're gonna run well 371 but the iron horses power saw that he just sent me last a couple weeks ago or even yeah yeah a couple weeks yeah a couple weeks now so we're still but it's it's it's coming around quite nice this one I'm freaking loving it so let's see what it's got cuz in this size of wood friends you won't really notice much this might even beat the nine for right now that's a good point I never even thought about its true it's when you get into bigger wood is those big saws to come alive even in bigger wood I think the ninety-four would beat the thirty one twenty it would I've seen it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the kind of stuff we're we're kicking out it's just regular stuff grind that last one was a grind so the chip is smaller friends there's some bigger stuff so here's here comes my hot rod the one that I usually have that muffler on but we're experimenting on what works well on so this is all in the name of science and in the name of get through wood faster friends Lockhart's [Music] any fun so so friends I just want to share what we're talking about right now me and Hogan he he's he was saying there's something about you guys were eight in the light that won't work I'll turn you guys back this way this saw mine friends the one that I usually have the muffler on Hogan you were saying it just something about it something about it like you pick it up and it doesn't feel like like a regular any other 372 I picked up just in the way it it is you know what I mean yes I do actually it's different than its it's your other 370 2's it's different than the halls forma its they all hat and what I mean like they all feel kind of similar this just has a good different it's always like okay well that's funny because I've always noticed that about this saw I didn't know others would notice it you noticed it okay so he notices it too so that's interesting friend this is my personal saw it you know it really does like you can its strong to put two hands on the pistol grip and yeah yeah you're you're right this is a special saw there's there's it's funny we just turned the camera off friends and and we started what do you mean about the oh at the pawn shop okay so yeah I was telling Hogan because and the reason I know because I remember it's it's this I never did this to my power saws I never did this what when I got this saw it actually had a wrap on the handle bar like some crazy big wrap of of and you can see the remnant yeah yeah yeah it was and this might have been why he did that this stuff I don't know but anyways it was a bigger he might had big hands who knows but it just was a different saw but this is what I remember at the pawn shop going and I know why guys do that because they're hanging them off their hip and it saves out on the carabiner it saves out on the gas tank that's one reason guys do it but I got this saw at a pawn shop friends and I just walked in I happened to walk in green traders as a name on Bowen Road and I was like oh that's - I'm just gonna be Stock Exchange's yeah I'm like I'm gonna take that song I paid 500 for it I think or 4 for maybe 350 for 500 somewheres in there but I bought it I fired it up outside I knew it was good saw wasn't long after I found another one from the same guy with the same rap and this on it so just a guy that was getting rid of stuff but Hogan notices this song it is lighter I don't know why it's lighter but it is lighter I don't know I don't know we looked at the date of it the other day how do you date these things son I forget oh three maybe it's an XPW there you go it's the 75 that's the is that what that is this is the 75 pot this is it it's this I just realized I didn't look at this friends it's the XPW right there with an x PG deckled and that's and that's heated bars which it does not have so so this is this is an x pw case and crank though and maybe a piston so that is a 75 er that's I think that's why this saw might be a little nuts I'd its possessor Budokan this yeah so anyway Fred's weaned it looks like the most beat-up one you got it does yes you're right it does actually if you look at it and that's because it is this thing has been beat drug around but you know what's funny is I just saw that son I just saw the X P W on it and there it is there oh look it that's what it is it's 75 C C's friends it says right on the stupid thing I can't believe it look at that and here I've been the whole time we've been sitting here wondering why this saws like this this is a seventy-five pot that makes sense Sonny that's cool so so there's something to those because I see people on the internet going off about that the XPW how it's a big holy grail if they're all like that I wouldn't doubt it well I'm actually I'm more cherished about this now yeah because I remember when I bought it at the pawn shop it was like this is going back friends I mean I mean no no no I've had this song I would have been a little copper 1012 years about 10-12 years I've had this song and I've run the but sang goes out of it friends I'm talk you guys heard me say this before I have this thing well that is very interesting son and if I'm not mistaken we looked at the piston the other day when we pulled the muffler some was that the 94 that was a while ago it was good it was this one oh okay friends we've had enough where we've rambled and wasted enough of your time thanks for hanging well I remember on shopping and it's this I always remember thinking you might have put that on there no the same reason or just to mark it out as saw you know ya know sunny that was on there I bought it and I knew why he put it on there because I used to hang them off my hip all the time chunk out I would buy I bought a 3:46 friends and I bought a 357 for chunk out saw and then when I started getting a little bit longer in the tooth and busted up I'm like why would I cut slowly in a tree when I can cut fast it I did a ton of chunk outs back in the day and like firewood juncos trailer parks and stuff and friends this I trunk out with a 72 for the 24 inch bar that's what I chunk wood out with depending on the size of the wood but I just chunk out with the 372 always have I ended up getting rid of my 357 for a pro Mac 1010 which is crazy people think I'm nuts but I was for Vincent Vincent Vincent Neil Tania right there are you doing Vincent Vincent's the guy friends it picks me up at the ferry when I go over on trips and dangu reason awesome guys they hide everybody so but but that makes a lot of sense on that now that makes a lot of sense so this this was a grind and I actually pulled the gullet out of this chain friends look at it it's a grind it is pulling up bad sounds go it's pulling up bad at all but it's missing a couple teeth well look it it's missing it's missing a tooth right there it's missing another tooth right there so it's got two teeth missing on it yeah like so this chain is rough friends this is a mean saw over no friends thanks for watching be nice to one another in there you guys make me so freaking proud I'm being serious right now I just hit 50,000 subs and and you know what woolly woolly buddy I love you and you've been showing up on this channel for many years but you for some reason in the last little while you've been here more and and I hope you're building your channel because you're a hell of a guy and you left me a message today on messenger and you said to me buckin this channel speak in the mind is is is there something special you did you said what did you say you said just go into any other comment section on a youtube channel and have a look is what you said and then have a look at our comment section friends you people make me so proud we must be vigilant we must be vigilant and keep what we have here I could not be more serious about anything I really really appreciate it friends I'm not gonna have it I'm not gonna have it you you you people are so nice so so thank you for your part in this we're doing a hell of a job you should you should thank yourselves congratulate yourselves give yourselves a pat on the back because you deserve it it's hard sometimes not to not to to go off it's hard I know it's hard not to stick up for yourself and justify someone says something about you that's a lie friends do you know that there's videos on the internet about me saying it's actually slander there's I think there's four or five of them and it says something about Billy Ray I've almost thought about getting a hold of YouTube and and and it's time that we probably got rid of those videos now because for one they're untrue and the channel is growing it's it's slander for another reason it's it's something about Billy Ray tax evasion or so some crazy stuff that is totally untrue which is it's just YouTube it's somebody that doesn't like me is what it is I don't mind you not liking me but the slander thing so I think we're gonna have to take a look at those videos you've probably seen them some of you probably know the videos I'm talking about it's a it's a it's a robot voice you know the one son no true enough but they're out there you're gonna run across them so yeah exactly if you're watching like my boy says keep on rockin too bad it's no skin off our nose exactly right I hope I hope that someday you you feel good good enough about yourself where you don't have to beat other people up to feel good about yourself so I probably want to upload this actually I won't I don't know I'm not into negativity at all so but friends thank you again over and out be kind Nick come and get you thirty one twenty it just got its ass kicked yeah we'll put it up on the bench so you don't have to bend down when you come and pick it up I think that little mac 10/10 would beat it I'm kidding you Nick it's a big saw but they were never known for yeah I mean they're they make a great hot saw that's you yeah they make a good good hot saw and a good milling saw and a good rip and saw but thanks for letting us run out Nick we love you we don't love your 3120 we love you though
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 14,031
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Id: ZAItluAaPZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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