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all right good day friends how's everybody doing I hope you're doing well and when I say that guess what I truly mean it I do I hope you're doing well it's good to see you I am welcome to buck and Billy rice mr. YouTube channel it's good to see you here the sun is shining like mad all of a sudden I just hear something in my phone here is because this phone I got it on this I'll tell you something these Bluetooth things are wicked they're just great they act as earmuffs ear protection they're great you'll see me wear them a lot because I can have my communication going at the same time but listen friends there's something I've been wanting to do for a long time and I'm gonna do it today and I'm glad you're here to share it with me because this is stuff that I guess well I know some people have asked for it people ask for a lot of different things and I do the things friends that that that hit me and that that are gonna make me excited to do and this particular one is I thought about it a while ago and then I had a request I've had so many requests I'm just thinking about what it was it doesn't matter when it was but it is a stock organ chain against a stock still chain out of the box same power saw same bar same everything same would run the still chain like I'm talking out of the box nothing touching nothing and then taking the organ chain and putting it on and cracking the same log to see what thing goes to and you guys got a time it like we always do right so that's what we're gonna do so I'm gonna grab the 28 inch power side here I mean it doesn't even have to be well there's one there there's the 28 inch bar right there what's that oh my 72 yeah now we could run the 72 friends we haven't had the 72 fired up in a while it is hot friends see these windows these old angle you know golden they were good oh yeah okay we're going over to Ron's to do a a very interesting thing I got four inch I got a pouch right there make sure there's a bar wrench in it let's give her on a quick text make sure he's with us shebang go we're done let's go trucks running good it we've had a few electrical non-electrical but just while electrical really that is what it had that's my wife my MA [Music] it's hot some of the grounds the ground connections were rusted event right where the solenoid oh yeah see it's runaway banner much more responsive solenoid connection to the old firewall on these old trucks just two bolts Bolton's like machine panel screws bolted to them beside the fender right yeah so I'm less excited about today I've thought about this video for a long time friends a long time and now we're going to do it and I'm excited about it right out-of-the-box still versus Morgan out-of-the-box I like it it's important stuff this thing's running better it's actually even I I opened up the the high love fuel adjustment screws got two of them on the car [Music] three pre-built factory farm [Music] windows those pills we call them no draft windows cover that the triangle windows lids that you can turn sideways it's like air conditioning just coming right at ya it's beautiful beautiful [Music] clenched how are you doing out there hey I was all my friends on the UK and Ireland and Bosnia hey I love her Ireland Norway sweet yeah that's crazy friends I love it Italy Japan yeah it's nuts I friends YouTube to be it is nothing but a freaking gift it is this Internet is crazy and it should be used for good purposes that's just one man's opinion it should be good it should be used for good purposes spread a message a good message helping people I know it's society and it's man they're womankind or whatever I know it's good with the bad I know I know but doesn't mean I have to like it right people say well you have to accept it mark and I said yes I do I do accept it don't mean I have to like it I can accept things and not like them I need to stay true to my heart man I don't I don't like the end beside the ante positive side I don't like it calm down I was loved Love Wins see over there re pulling up on Ronny's here now I'm gonna go up the top we can going down here but mistake in the woods [Music] we get that another day for him let's go up into them worse it's been untouched so it'll be the wood will be clean France we could even walk the back here try that this is Ronnie's place that is involved out yeah here we go other lots of what you got yeah he's got his boat out what he's doing all the good he's here in the shop now okay friends listen now Ronnie is us avid avid fisherman hey Ron he is an avid avid fisherman it's root rot Ron we know where we're at everybody remember all the root rot trees we've been falling through here in the years we're slowly getting a handle on it it's act Ron actually this was a good thing this last time it sure it sure feels better in there now yeah that's that's a good thing Fran seriously lots of trees went down but it he's got to think longevity here it's just looking way nicer there's that little log cabin we've had some fun with over the years but friends never mind not RAAM RAAM bumps crush stuff look at freaking this thing look at this darn boat look at the welds on this thing Wow boating is a big thing so Ron's got that Oh lookit he's got there we're going up in the cab friends I know listen this isn't normally what we do but I know there's some fishermen on this channel I know there is as a matter of fact Chris old boy tangled fishing that's right tangled tackle Chris oh look at this Chris now this is this is a mainly a saltwater vessel yes yeah look at those friends oh it's new Ronnie it's this is the fourth season it smells new yeah this thing smells new friends oh it smells like a new car friends these guys are big-time this is no this is no shake and shake and bake brothers and sisters women and children look at this look at the cabin up there all wrong this must be so fun for you guys this must be a lot of fun for you guys I mean you can you can get into some pretty good seas with this boat I'll bet you have but it's built to take it I mean this is a vessel 30 foot it's actually in classes of 2024 yeah yeah it looks about that well friends I gotta tell you I mean look at all the the bells and whistles - hey this is a vessel this is a fishing vessel I I fished when I was a kid Kenna Lockhart remember I mentioned Ken the other day my stepdad and fished with my stepdad actually did fish a couple times was my with my pops - actually my pop showed up on the scene the other day and Andy and that so we had a little dinner together it'll be more revealed there I'll talk to you guys about that later well you know my life now you may as well stay in tune with at all yeah my dad showed up the other day my real dad it's kind of cool with my big brother leather and steel it was good anyway I just wanted to show this to you guys because this is just beautiful I mean these guys are set right up it's just beautiful in here hey tangled tackle and miss nice looks like a 200 for stroke 250 she's a 250 for stroke with a 99 kicker look at this vessel nice cabin Ron and then of course to be quite honest Ron this is a nice little boat too isn't it I'll bet it is it's got that that hull smashing front oh yeah that must slice through nice kind of a very similar style Ron Kenya right but a beautiful boat I really like the cabin on that ok enough fishing time for loggin I won't be long run [Music] [Music] are you guys familiar hi welcome if you're just tuning in to buck and Billy Ray's YouTube channel if you're just tuning in what we're doing today friends is you guys hear me talk about cool boat say weren't those boats wicked these beasts a super good guys retired he was a trained man his whole life he worked on the railroad okay he's just a good guy lets me come down play around we've been here long friends you know we got to thank Ronnie okay guys cows women and children let's thank Ron okay on the channel let's give them a little hoot and a holler rot root rot Ronnie okay that's good now 28 inch Full House chain out of the box not touched right there organ 73 L 92 there brand-new chain with the little organ on it you know it's got that it's a little it says organ on it it's nice change got some lines couple different things it's their new chain it's got some things on the driver like some kind of an eyeball or little wavy things or whatever you can see it in there if you look close okay friends I want to do something here look at this is the iPhone video there's our change still on the bottom you can see the still with that that's the still chain because it's got the hole on the driver okay so the differences are look at the difference in the grind can you see it this is actually quite good for focus friends you got to admit it is look at that see the difference in the grind see it there the still chain has a little bit more of an angle I think friends back all's I know is it escapes see that it's gonna be interesting but the top corner looks good on the on both saws but the top corner looks good on this organ chain but the exit looks quicker on the still chip exit rakers are fairly similar here's our tooth design stills a bigger tooth it just is see there you go look at that friends that's great organ and still right there okay sorry trying to keep a focus on for you but this organ chains neat I quite like it it's fast got and I do know that but look at the difference in the chain there is difference not by much there it is see I'll try and get it even there it's even see the still chain it's a bigger tooth not by much friends we're talking a little bit but it is a little teeny bit bigger okay so anyways I've got the organ chain on here we're gonna go for it Hey okay we're gonna run the 72 okay we're gonna cut with this and I don't think I don't have the eye on this guy but when I get home I'll do an eye actually I might even do a little video with the iPhone see if I can get in there good and I want to show you the different angles that there is on these saws their factory grind I'm talking about a factory grind now that comes out of the factory and goes into the boxes okay this is gonna be interesting I'm excited about this one actually I'm very excited about it chains a little loose which is nice that means it's gonna travel like a like a fast ordeal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's pretty good it was nice this isn't a screaming saw friend that's not a screamer it doesn't matter what saw we use right now because everything's being run off the same motor and the same bar and the same everything same wood there's no taper in the wood it's all the same so now we're gonna swap and we're gonna put the still on there and we're gonna see which chain cuts faster out of the box I think this is a great video I don't know about you I do I like it this is good this is good to know very good to know through this guy's may as well hang around or is there still chain right there oh I sure hope this isn't the fat gage if it is we're screwed no it's not no I ordered 73 we're good this will go right in yeah there we go she's in good bum come on you FCB now the only thing is here I'll probably have to let's see well I got lucky beautiful let's do it all right dog Barnett's where'd I put all France where they put the bar nuts to the left to the left to the right to the right okay this is gonna be interesting very interesting isn't it I don't know man I've cut with steel chain a lot and this organ chain here's what I do with the new chain friends bar tension chain tension on my new bars okay here's what I do you guys can see that okay this is what I do you can see it's sagging there I've got my bar nuts hand tight I give this a little push little tweak with the fingers we're in we're on the sprocket I go to the tensioner I just tighten it up till it hits the bottom of the bar there we go it literally just hit the bottom of the bar okay it's good a stretch right away as soon as you fire it so let's have a look okay see even that it's even sag watch what happens when I lift up the chain when I lift up the tip watch what happens see that slack so lift up the tip of your bar so that the weight is up and the bar is up grab that tensioner again and just that's it boom just so she hits the bottom of the bar I'm running her loose friends I want speed so that's what we're doing okay tighten one bar knot up once you tighten one bar nut up you got it you can slack off and I'll go to this other one tighten it with by your hand after you tighten one cuz you're just wasting your time of the barrage okay we're going to get right on this right on it let's go there we go still full house chain let's see what happens you guys got your stop watches on all right this is cool I'm digging this this is good stuff I mean who's to know who's to freaking know and there we go let's do it there we go hey friends you guys ready to go here - let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here's my consensus the the the organ chain felt smoother it did it felt smoother because you got to remember friends out of the factory comes raker depth right raker height or depth gauge height to whatever you want to call it there's lots to be concerned with those those are out of the box friends they've never seen wood till just now so that's interesting but I will tell you this the organ chain did feel smoother it did now too bad about that I got that archer chain here I don't have any other chain what would be nice is if I had I'll keep this footage and if I had a hand file chain now about halfway down it it'd be a ripper I don't think I do I just wanted to come over here and do this real quick for everybody just to give an idea like I could you know it would be a neat idea to do right now and I'm gonna do it just as we're here I'm gonna do it flapper we're gonna do one more cut I'm gonna give the flat file ago I don't have a gauge on do what I think I do no I don't so what I'm gonna do I don't like doing this but I'm gonna do it I'm gonna take one little tickle off the raker and we're gonna go back down and we're gonna hit it one more time with the still chain because that's what I got on it let's check it out so this is what I do when I'm when I'm out in the bush and I crack on a stock chain this is what I do watch I put my thumb on the tooth and I go yes that's it let's go back I've just now it's gonna be hungry there's no question about it it's gonna be hungry but not that hungry especially in this size of wood let's see what happens now friends get your stopwatches out let's see let's watch what happens here now now that yet something different is gonna happen [Music] [Music] [Music] I think our change better I do okay friends this didn't feel right I can't do that to one chain and not the other forget it [Music] muffler okay that's it we're done let's go that's how fast that was to do the 28 inch bar on the rakers free hand friends just a just one little scrape good for Leming and good for bucking certain certain girths of wood okay let's do it again organ [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh down there by the house and uh photo contest with Norris yeah and we sent a picture the cabinet on a certain date yeah we won first place so they dropped off that picnic day you were a kid about a week I'm gonna go looking on a pull-up have a good trip see her on check out this so he they were doing a contest the people who built the log homes friends was called Norse log homes okay and they were doing a contest about you know the nicest cabin or whatever right put this thing in neutral step on the ebrake let's go up so there's some trees we cut down by the house the other day right there [Music] so he wanted me to come and have a look at this look what they gave him for winning the price of the oh they didn't plot that this is really nice Wow what a nice look at the size of the table it's a freaking 10 footer friends hey that's nice that's a good idea I think I might build one like that so that's what they got for winning first prize big first laps see just just rough cut live edge right off the mill not as something out I like the design they did for the legroom see how they shanked that off like that friends for leg room what a great idea and there's the plaque right there look at log Norse log home Vancouver Island British Columbia great company they've been around for a long long time cool yeah so they won the table what a nice gift very nice okay friends we're out of here again things are looking good looking much safer around Ronnie's place here a letter it's looking good they've been here so lucky friends like I mean so lucky that they haven't been smacked there's no joke I'm not kidding yet so freakin lucky that's cool I'll tell you that shirt nice am to let us do that friends we got a thank root rot rot Ronnie you see you back at the ranch all right okay we're home friends we are home so that was that was just a quick little jaunt I wanted to go over I've been wanting to do that for a while and friends and I just took the time and said forget it I'm doing it so it's done so we'll see weird Oh Instagram hey who's that
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 35,840
Rating: 4.9154768 out of 5
Id: QC_12OEBeEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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