Crazy Close Call - Tree Topping Near Miss
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Channel: TreeCraft by Andrew
Views: 1,198,123
Rating: 4.478559 out of 5
Keywords: tree, work, srt, plain, simple, ddrt, climbing, cutting, fail, topping, felling, isa, certified, arborist, single, rope, technique, ropewrench, zk2, petzl, stihl, chainsaws, treecraftbyandrew, treestuff, flipline, spurs, gopro, treecuttingfail, how, to, arboristfails, epic, chainsaw, win, treefallsonhouse, treefallsoncar, rawvideo, close, call, near-miss, loggingfail
Id: pOZ8ZW9C45A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I was watching my BIL cut down a tree once. We put down cones to stop people from going past. Stupid people just went around them so I parked my truck blocking the road. They still tried to get past me.
That van must have thought that whole street was fucked.
Now the guy in the van is gonna reverse all the way him and reevaluate his life.
What's the good part of that video?