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America baby whoo mama I've died and gone to chainsaw heaven welcome to the farm vlog today guys we're gonna be unboxing a very cool saw today we're gonna have some fun we have in front of us a still oh six six from the mid-1990s this is comparable to the steel model 660 we have a big saw here I say big saw but this is bigger than any saw that I have it's my first commercial saw that I've ever got to really use so we're gonna go out in the woods tomorrow and we're gonna compare the oh six six which would translate over into the six sixty with the China saw so you guys may have heard of this saw it's a Chinese knockoff I say knockoff but it's a Chinese copy of the steel every part from this saw over here in this box it's called the G 660 let me just grab it every part from this saw which we have not taken out of the box yet we want to do it all for you is comparable to what's on the o66 or the 660 this is somewhere in the neighborhood of a two thousand dollar saw and you can get this for under $300 guys so come along on the farm blog today I don't know about longevity we're gonna do some longevity test with it and we want to show you what you get for 300 dollars versus almost two thousand dollars it should be a good time all right [Music] guys before we get started with this video I want you to understand that I am NOT a mechanical expert I am NOT a chainsaw expert I do not claim to be a chainsaw expert but I do claim to be a guy with a 200-acre farm who enjoys working with chainsaws and I just love doing chainsaw videos so today we're gonna have some fun doing an unboxing please leave comments suggestions or anything you might want to say down in the video description alright guys I think it's only fair to keep the steel up here on the bench as we unbox this new saw this is by hulls forma or farm tech I think it's farm tech calm there'll be a link down in the video description to this very saw on Amazon that you can buy on Amazon or you can go to the website I think again this is farm tech but I'm not 100% sure you'll just have to do the research yourself after we get this thing opened up and if you google search g 660 this is a 92 CC saw I am not seen it I have not unboxed it I've opened it and this is the first time I'm told that you have to put the handle on it and you have to put the chain break on it and you have to put these guys right here the dogs so let's do a quick assembly of this thing and have some fun love a good unboxing of a new tool alright here is the handle seems like a quality item I've got the bar sitting over here and we ordered the 25 inch bar for it I say 25 inch bar that's what they call it I think this is considered a 24 inch bar but they are almost exactly the same size the instruction manual pretty cool let's let that guy over there you little mixing bottle so it comes with a little mixing bottle that's kind of fun tool kit what is in the tool kit here let's see okay so we've got some carburetor adjustment tools and a torque wrench to put this thing together I'm guessing so we'll set all this stuff over here on this side the big reveal here oh so you don't have to put the chain break on it chain break is already in place oh this thing's a stout saw all right so me and my neighbor went in on this deal we went in together to get this saw this is a borrowed saw and he'd been wanting a nice big commercial grade saw so this is what we have these are the dogs guess or the little grabbers that grow and go on the front of the chainsaw sit them this guy up very well packaged I'll give them that and this does come from China this is China Post comes from China and then I think it was delivered by if I'm not mistaken maybe USPS took it from there or FedEx I'm not positive all right these are the dogs it says on their toolkit pretty cool the dogs look very similar to the ones that are on the saw here now without further ado I'm gonna tear into this guy I hope the camera does this justice so you guys can see what you get when you buy the China saw now if you think I'm being anti-american by buying this saw from a Chinese company you know what everything in America is just about made in China this is not made in America Husqvarna is not made in America if you guys know of an American saw company post it down there below I sure would like to know very well packaged this saw is blue and I'm told you can order a kit that you can put the saw together yourself so that would be really cool like a great Christmas gift for a farm kind of guy or a country boy kind of guy to build his own chainsaw you can order this as a kit and assemble the entire saw yourself so you can see how the inner workings of the saw go together here we will buy a kit saw and put it together on the farm vlog I can guarantee you that especially if this thing is this nice and as good as its supposed to be we're out here in the shop it's evening time can't get out of work this saw today I've been rainy been nasty but I sure love getting out here by the woodstove and doing a little work alright let's see now the only problem that I've ever heard anything bad about with these saws is the start the pull start the little tabs on the thing that you pull to start the saw on the handle sometimes will go bad that's the only thing I've ever heard bad about these saws this is the saw this is how it comes in the box that is the saw it's all covered in greasy oil and grease Ignis it has a compression release up here and this is an older saw so it's gonna kind of have a few differences but you'll see the differences in the Oder saw I wish we had a 660 to compare it to but I didn't have any money I could borrow uh 660 from so this is supposed to be the same saw internally the external parts might be a little bit different and the new 660 is the new carb compliant saw so I'm hurt it's a little bit underpowered I'm not sure if this is a carb compliant type saw or not we're gonna have some fun using it though so let's get it all assembled together and then tomorrow morning we'll get out and we'll try them out so you guys stick with me here as we assemble everything looking into the instruction manual there's just some basic English safety tips and stuff like that in here talking about how the saw works kickback all kinds of stuff like that how we put it together I'm looking to see if there are any kind of instructions on how to put it together mounting the bar and chain disengaging chain break pretty much as simple as it gets we can probably go off of this saw to install everything on this saw it's gonna be pretty fun it's funny in here it says to clean stubborn dirt off of your filter wash the filter with still special purpose cleaner total still knockoff that's so funny alright let's get her together here so the first thing I think we should do is put the dogs on a little tear into this I'm not mr. instruction reader I'm sorry I'd it's just not that guy right now inside the house I can hear the smoke detectors going off my wife is making dinner and you know what that means I don't think our garlic bread is going to be exactly perfect tonight as I disassembled this and start taking it apart I'm gonna take apart the o66 and show you the internals that you can see so that you guys can tell the difference in what we have here we're gonna loosen up the bar on the still here or steel whatever you want to call it I say still cuz it's build still but I guess it's still real people steel people real people Chinese people everything looks fairly similar underneath here make the first thing we should do so they're matched up evenly those will go on and install the handle pretty simple the handle comes with everything you need to install it right here just take to it guys while you're sitting here while you're watching me do this found that like button subscribe to the channel you wonder why people that have youtube videos ask you to hit the like button well it lets YouTube know that people like this kind of stuff and that they want to see more content like this so found that like button it's good stuff if you don't like the Chinese saw found the like button because you like chainsaws because you'd like to watch stuff like this nice I'll keep you guys updated on the garlic toast so as compared to the o66 and I would assume the 660 the handle here is a little bit cheesy it's not a hundred percent clone handle really don't matter so much it's about how good the salt runs so here's the drive sprocket for the 660 and this is the internal portion and the chain tensioner and all that stuff and this is the portion that protects your chain from slapping you if you guys know what that's called I totally am spacing it out but all this stuff looks fairly similar if you look here fairly similar fairly similar on the gears maybe a little bit different and this all looks fairly similar good deal we've still got to put the dogs on right here and this is what the dog looks like for that and right here is the cover cover plate here is the dog that goes on the cover plate where the China saw has this little guard to keep the chain from coming off this one actually has a nice metal one guys if you have the Steel MS 660 let me know if these are the same really curious so we're gonna install the dog on the chain saw first one bolt goes in from down low so in other words if you look right here it goes on just like that pretty cool cool side-by-side there's your dogs we have these little rubber pieces that we need to press into place seems pretty darn simple just like so like so this is the steel bar and this is the holes forma bar so we're gonna match them up side-by-side the steel bar is just a little bit bigger than the holes form a bar the steel is the Rolla Matic so it does not have an oiler on the front and the holes forma does have an oiler on the front I think the holes forma is made for several different types of sauce but you can see the hose forma 25 inch bar is the same length identical to the steel bar both are the same now the chain on the steel is a Skip chain in other words it doesn't have quite as many teeth but here is the chain that's on the steel and get you a little close-up and here this is the holes forma chain now the bar and chain combination for the holes forma farm tech saw was somewhere around $18 for the bar and the chain I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a steel chain at that price I think the chain for the steel probably cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 or 26 bucks at least a skip chain does for sure so we're gonna install really quickly the chain cover in the chain see how this goes it's all pretty much simple just like any chainsaw very simple as long as you don't put the chain on backwards I've done that if you ran chainsaws long enough you've done it too I'm impressed with the chain the quality of the chain looks super awesome I am in the market right now for a 24 inch bar for my dad's chainsaw so hopefully this will work out and we can get him a good bar see okay spinning freely very nice don't over tighten your chain cover bolts good gracious guys be careful don't over tighten those can you can make a mistake right there all right well that's it let's show it to you feels good I've got a good feeling in my hands the case is very similar to the steel you can see these guys are pretty much apples to apples with the bar on I can tell this one's a little bit heavier it's a 92 CC saw we're gonna fire these things up tomorrow and go head-to-head the steel is gonna out cut it no matter what but I'm gonna let you guys know what this Chinese soft feels like right now it feels pretty good we'll see you tomorrow I'm just like you I cannot resist starting this thing helps if you choke it full full choke here I think is a beast man we're going out now we're starting the sauce it's a day after we're gonna load them up on the back of the Gator we're take them in the woods I got an oak tree down and we're gonna start these saws I'm going to let you hear how they sound I pretty much expect that the o66 or the MS 660 is going to do a better job cutting but it's about feel here and we may be surprised that the China saw does a good job it might even do better so let's fire these saws up we're going to load them on the back of the Gator fire them up let them warm up a little bit put them to work so guys I think we're gonna go up here we're gonna have a bit of fun I'm gonna drop a great old big tree that's been getting on my nerves it's a big old dead oak tree this tree has been standing dead for about six months right here should be a pretty good time it's a little bit of wind today but it doesn't really matter much which way the tree falls as long as it hits the ground you're gonna have some fun it is chilly today it is around 26 degrees here in North Carolina a little bit on the nippy side and I'm excited to start these saws so right back there is a tree we're gonna cut it looks like a small tree from this distance but it ain't no small tree it's probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 inches through something like that so it'll be good we've got a wind that's blowing kind of up the hill here so hopefully we parked the Gator far enough away hopefully we can drop this tree with ease let's look at the sauce together and see what we see here the feel of the 660 it has a good feel to it I'm gonna say it's somewhere in a neighborhood of 45 pounds something like that 40 to 45 pounds the G 660 is just a little bit lighter maybe 2 pounds lighter we have the same length bar we have the same everything basically I'm gonna go ahead and get this guy started up and let him warm up a little bit we're gonna do full choke basically it's all the same as the steel squeeze the trigger put the choke all the way down I'm gonna hit the compression release and this is the first time I've started this saw today first pull there we go that's full choke it wasn't full choke put it half choke now we're gonna fire up the o66 same procedure same song so the o66 or the MS 660 pass up more bassy I guess thunderous or old muffler and tight sound to it it feels a little more throaty we're gonna go ahead and put the chainsaw chaps on put the head protection and the face protection on we're gonna get every year and drop some trees with them and I'll tell you what I think about it before we do that let's bust out a sound check so you guys can hear what these saws sound like the differences in the sounds of the saws and you'll also hear this while I'm cutting the tree here okay all right I should be able to just pull this once very responsive throttle very nice smooth running saw very very impressed all right this is the o66 I should be able to do the same exact procedure just turn it on and pull it should fire no sir try again got a mean sound of her tear man sounding good both of them we're heading over to the tree let's do some cutting boy it is mushy and the ground is just sludge out here dying for springtime ready to get back out or at least if the ground was frozen even though it's 26 degrees it's about that much slime right on top of the ground had a guy come by some hey the other day and he got stuck all right this trees gonna look a little more impressive now not too impressive though get up here next to it so it's leaning in that direction and the wind is blowing in that direction it's a double oak we're gonna drop this side the biggest leaner first with the cheapest saw first [Music] all right I'm gonna drop the other one real quick I'm gonna tell you to run this 92 CC saw it takes a man I'm 65 270 pounds it takes a man to handle this thing that is a beast that's the biggest saw I've ever ran it's a monster feels good baby feels real good all right let's start this baby up ah whoo let me tell you what that's a pretty big tree and that's some big saws right there I don't know what the longevity is going to be like on the farm tech saw but it really did a great job it felt good in my hands it actually felt a little bit I guess he just felt newer and then the steel I don't know if it felt better but he did a great job it really did we're gonna go out here probably just hit a few limbs real quick with the Chinese saw just to get a feel for it let you know what I think we'll knock a few limbs off of here and I'll come on back and tell you what I think about it this is a nice-sized tree we'll probably get a little bit of timber out of it and neighbors would get a little bit of firewood out of it too some good dry oak nice we'll go out here and we'll run it for a minute I've made any adjustments to the carburetor at all on this let's see how she does on one pool I'm a little bit down with switch side I don't see much use in doing a head-to-head because they're basically the same saw you're not going to see much basically we need to know how this all performed on the box and honestly I'd have to say it performed just as good as any brand-new still or Husqvarna chainsaw that I've ever bought I'm really impressed I'm really happy with it it's doing a great job again my neighbor and I are going in kind of on halves on this deal he wanted the saw he wanted the firewood and I wanted the video so guys thanks a lot for watching today I will keep you updated on the longevity of this saw on how the chain holds up and the bar holds up again this is under $300 currently on Amazon I'll post a link down there you can buy this saw as a kit where you can put it together and they have several different kits that you can build a Husqvarna saw or you can build a steel saw there's just all sorts of stuff it's called a puzzle saw I think the puzzle saw cost on this all right now is 149 dollars on the farm tech website if that makes you nervous you can go over to Amazon and buy it for 228 dollars all together right now you can buy this saw just like you see it on Amazon for three hundred and seventy two dollars versus the almost two thousand dollars you'd have to pay for a still MS 660 so is it worth it how many saws can you buy how many of these can you wear out before you wear out one ms 660 well the jury is out on that we'll keep you posted on it and we'll probably give you update at about six months so we'll probably see you sometime in June and we'll talk a little bit more about this saw and how it's held up pretty awesome guys thanks a lot for joining me here on the farm today I love this kind of stuff I really enjoyed getting out here now I got a bunch of our wood to get up and we're gonna have some fun out here with this chainsaw found that like button subscribe the channel if you're not already subscribed and click the little bell icon it'll notify you when I post a new video we do all sorts of little rural content good fun stuff hot rods and all kinds of cool stuff so come on back and see me here on the Stoney Ridge farm all right get in there boy get an air boy oh man eat it boy hey
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 275,863
Rating: 4.8547192 out of 5
Keywords: suburban farming, homestead, homesteading, farming, tractor, farm tractor, cummins, jeep, trucks, chain saw, stihl chainsaw, best chainsaw, stihl outdoor power tools, stihl chainsaws, tree felling, cutting down a tree, how to, chainsaw review, chainsaw hack, sharpen a chainsaw, chainsaw clone kit, chainsaw clone, 660 chainsaw clone, husqvarna chainsaw clone, chinese clone chainsaw, tree cutting, how to fell a tree, tool review, stoney ridge farm, stoney ridge farmer, willys
Id: kntpt93-WSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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