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what are you doing hey what you doing old-timer hey chica where's your friend chica hmm yeah didn't think so good morning friends hey how's everybody doing man it seems that life is is going fast right now does it seem like that to you guys here on this channel or is it going slow wow what a day we had we had torrential torrential downpour I'm just going I'm trying to get live here today it's Sunday I'm just working on another beautiful freakin an axe a beauty it's it's look at this thing look at this it's like a like a Puget True Temper the bit it looks like someone tried to do something with the bit they've got the bit a little bit Oh it'll still split wood like mad I mean it's all you know what I mean like it is a nice freakin thing I'm a barber but it's going on this beautiful handle that I got all prepped and pretty much ready to go here I just give it another sand and took a little bit off the palm or the or your hand is down below just to thin it out a little bit if they've got to feel right friends you know the axes have to feel right in the hand or like you know I still put out an axe it's a big clunky bugger I've never seen anything like it I'm sure it's strong but it's like they're dumbing down the society with just making things unbreakable so you lose your finesse you lose your technique and just clobber things well that's not what axes are it's not axes are a tool that have been around for eons a long long time and they need to be light certain access need to be light and you need to be able to grab the handle and contours to your hand so you can do the work properly I'm not mainly splitting wood and stuff like that but you know when it comes to hewing logs or doing stuff that's a little more finicky with man you can't have this big unbalanced clunky thing so gosh you just can't have it oh hey I was just out here and that said fifty nine thousand and fifty three so five people have just came at his Sunday and about noon so if you've subscribed to this channel at on Sunday at about noon freaking welcome to yes welcome to the channel I got a jump in the Merc flyout and we got it we got us a little snag to take care of when that big fallen job I just put the last video up today on that big job it looked bigger to you than it was to me because it was really only a two day job but you can't put a two day job like that up on on two videos it just doesn't it doesn't make sense I wanted to bring you guys along Oh let's grab my phone shall we cool gosh whoever gave me that when I got my mercury sign look it's look I don't have the name of the the person who sent it but they've got the mercury sign who was that again there's a block somewhere I just I just got I put it somewhere what a nice thing you down there really thank you so much for that what a guy love it I forget where the box is I'll find out see if I can't find that name who done that what a thoughtful gift I think it was it'll come to me I'm gonna throw a Mack in the saw in the truck and I'm gonna go cut down a couple trees and that job will be done there was just a couple that jumped out at me I don't like them there we'll get them done see out there good well we've got this archer chain here that I think is it's almost done but not plate so I've never run our archer chain AJ AJ s chainsaws from the UK passed it down to me here he sent one over I know that Jeremy Bell has been running it for a long time he likes it I don't know out of the box I wasn't too impressed but I'm not impressed with anything out of the box because it's not a sharp to my specifics you know what I mean friends [Music] fizzle name she's a good old walked on the land a straight rattling up them come on the [Music] no friends we're gonna I got Archer Jane it seems alright asthma - seems good seems to get a good corner just looks like organs Jane to me like I said we got a couple of trees to get here at this job just make sure nobody's in the way at all I'll come over he might even be a working problem is I'm sure he wants to get his shop up it was torrential downpour this morning torrential like beating Dow looks pretty quiet in here actually Bobcat there here's our little setting he gets you remember this night don't take a little big first dump it there so I got a couple here to take down to get a real quick I'm just gonna keep you guys on just just do it so I'm gonna it's only gonna take a minute so add on and do this hey strange back on all this captain sometimes friends to be honest I do I feel to each I never used to do that stuff that's for you guys alright it's for its for us as for the channel it's crazy really isn't it yeah it is you know what is all the trees with the Mac to be honest with ya so we're gonna do that we're gonna fall with the Mac and then maybe try this Archer chain and in some of this wood here you know to me we don't need an axe it's a lean I can see it shanty I'd okay so let's take a look what we got for gasoline let's just go over and whack this tree down it's over here there's a snag about a 50-foot snag and then a fir tree I might cut the snag up let's just go let's just do it it's in here okay so here it is here you see this fir this big one stays cuz it's good but it's this little guy beside it it's actually got root rot in it and you can see there it is right there I'll get you up close see it that's route wrong see the little mushrooms it's even on the limbs of it see it there and it's up in there but I'm just hoping we're not grafted because if we're grafted up there that is no fun you're you're you're kind of done and under look at that there's a freaking bird look at that there's a vulture on top of that snag friends he's got his wings spread I'll get him that's incredible it's a vulture he's did you guys see that he's right on top of that snag that's so cool it's a vulture I'm gonna get the phone out just hang on cuz I can always got his wings open just hang tough friends one sec video friends check it out I'm gonna cut this snag down but there's a freaking vulture right there that cuts right on top of the tree see him there trail on how are you doing trail on just sent me a message it was a vulture friends hey I'm going live in a little bit I'm gonna kick these trees down and then I'm gonna go home and go live so I'll see you guys back there I don't even know what time it is but I'm thinking around two-ish maybe even a bit earlier okay friends so the phone again I got a snag here to deal with I'll touch you guys here for the undercut well actually we got let's hear this guy I'll just cut up put a 50-foot snag you guys on sorry gonna try this without a joke so what this is friends is like it's like a 50-foot snag see it it's got no roof in it it's about 50 foot and there's a tree behind it that's coming out so I'm gonna cut this thing up right now and then I'm gonna take it out with the FIR behind it that's kind of the plan skis right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this our church in cuts like friends that snag needed a little co version let me see that okay let's vote let's what went down let's see what we got look at the snag look at that freaking thing oh just hey I knew it right when I cut into it I wasn't cutting anymore okay so here's this root rot stuff see right there yeah yeah so I'm gonna keep this long so he can pull it out he's got a couple here mind you he could get in here and probably get these out I'll block them let's see what this Archer chain cuts like friends hey let's check it out two poles [Music] [Music] [Music] why do I just piled it up right [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to show you something when you get root this is a limb it's a limb that broke off up there or somewhere it's probably here somewhere but see the root rot it's even in the limbs friends see this there's the live wood okay on the outside so it takes on the same structure as the stem I've seen it like this not all the time but this has got root rot right in the limb look at it so root rot isn't interesting it's up there I can see that's in the limbs it's weird [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so friends you if you ever in the situation where you're out in a boat and you're investigating a job or looking at a job you want to look at the man's credentials are right on the stump that's with it that's where it's credential there you go I just noticed another little teeny one there seems you start peeling the green off you start seeing dead stop I'm gonna get that one too if I can just give me two seconds so this again I'm just if there's anybody who's in a an opportunity or a situation where there's an investigation or you're trying to figure something out or something's happened all you need to look at are these things these things will tell you everything this is your signature okay so that's why I'm on to Hogan steady on him like these are consistent of course because I've been at it for a while but you'll notice and mine go haywire lots to like well not so it's just a strange statement but they will go a little goofy depending on what's what's on the go but you'll notice my see here's Hogan here this is Hogan he's a little high on the one side it's still fine he's got hinge wood across the stump here's Hogan again here and I think here so you can tell a man stumps you can tell by what he's doing so Hogan's I mean you you guys know how long Hogan's been gone he's been gone he hasn't he hasn't he hasn't been fallen for no time no time he's been caught and hit on a saw for longer than he has been fallen let's put it that way that's way it should be right but there's another little snag right and there we got to get I'm gonna go see if I can get that out of there for him so yeah just just a little pointer if you're if you're out and about somewhere that's that's how you tell what's going on on site you know but Hogan's stumps are cleaning right up nice over note friends [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah our church sharp as hell like literally yeah it's good cuts good over [Music] [Music] hey Martin Martin thank you buddy thank you these are gorgeous by the way I don't know if I've done an honorable unboxing on this one or not I'm not sure but I know that I think there was three mufflers or was there for I think there were three one for a ported one for a stock and one for the nine four is that correct thank you buddy these are wicked nice nice job shotgun shells look at that friends look at the work Marty Ross really nice buddy I'm gonna put one on the 65 I've got crazy mufflers for my you know what I was thinking about doing with these to be honest with you to be very honest with you is I think the chamber is too big in in these mufflers I do I think the chamber is too big I do what what I personally would like to do with these mufflers is cut them in half and make the chamber smaller make the chamber half the size so what we would do is cut this right in half just just cut it in half and because you still need your bolts so you'd have to make the flange is strong enough cuz it's got those two channels that run so no actually that would work that would actually work just fine it would work just fine I think I might do that I don't know but I might do it was one of these you'd have to cut right there just below like right there but you'd have to be careful because that would might screw the integrity you might have to weld a little something on the inside there to strengthen that but actually no when you put the bottom plate on it'll it'll straighten it out yeah well yeah so so that's my that's my idea is cuz I just think there's too much there there's too much there's too much chamber I cut this right off right here slunk put the two bolts on and go yeah but I'm gonna try this thanks buddy I appreciate the hell out of those numbers okay look at that what do you got there sup this is from a buddy look at these double shotgun I like them actually Marty Ross Marty Ross sweet what do they sound like sunny [Music] [Music] pretty good eh but thanks Myrtle [Music] you
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 19,044
Rating: 4.9277654 out of 5
Id: xeP0VDNqVNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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