Pork Chops and Potatoes-Cooked in Foil Packs-Recipes Revisited

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hi everyone today I'm going to do a recipes revisited video I made these a few years ago and I just want to update the video and the quality of the video mainly and I also I haven't made these for a while so I've been kind of hungry forum so I thought I'd go ahead and you know make it a video and they give me a good excuse to make make a video what these are is pork chops with potatoes in a foil packet I really I don't really know what to call them this is just something that I've made several times over the years it's pretty popular with my family so I'm going to go ahead and show you how to make these and what I have here is some potatoes I've cut up one potato per person that depends on the size and I'm kind of fairly thin and I just lay them out in a single layer you don't want to do the whole potato on the bottom you just want to do a few pieces and then I'm going to sprinkle those with a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper and then I'm going to lay a pork chop on top now this is probably like an end piece so it's not like a real big one so that'll probably be for Landon and then after I've done that I am going to take some shallot that I've sliced and I'm just going to lay it on top of the pork chop and this is pork loin just sliced pork loin and then I'm going to lay some more potatoes on top as best as I can they kind of want to slide off a little bit that's okay and then I'm going to go through and sprinkle this with a little bit more salt because you really want to flavor the potatoes and you can also put the salt and pepper on your pork chop as well if you like to do that but I think that it goes pretty well and I just I separate everything into bowls so that I can just throw it away and I'm not contaminating anything because I am going to be touching raw pork and I'm not going to wash my hands in between each one I mean that's just that just takes way too much time and then I'm going to drizzle just a tiny little bit of olive oil on there and again I've put it into a separate Bowl as well then what I do is I like to fold this over if you can find the riddles if you can find the Reynold sheets that are already you know you can you get them in a box and they're already cut foil use that I haven't bought any lately so I just cut my own and what I do is I just fold up the edges I kind of fold it fold it fold it it kind of folds on top of itself and then that way there won't be any like real bad leaks and I fold it just as tight as I can and then I spin it around and make sure that the top is you know pulled kind of tight and then I just do that again so like I make a fold that I make a fold that I make a fold all the way around and then I take this part and I fold it up if you have the room sometimes the pork chops might be a little bit too big so you may not have room to do that and then I just take it and lay it on a baking sheet I don't know if you can see that but I just put it on there and then I go on to the next one I do that for every single one of these so our lady on some potatoes and I probably do this different every step and some salt a little bit of pepper your pork chop your shallots and you can use onion too if you'd like I just really like the flavor shallots and then some more potatoes and then the salt pepper if you would like you can mix the salt and pepper together in a container I just didn't really think to do that and then a little drizzle of olive oil and then fold it over the edges just one big hole you we're going to bake these at 375 degrees for I'm going to say 25 minutes it probably depends on the thickness of your potatoes and your pork chops but I'm going to go for 25 minutes and then I'll open one up and check it and see if it's done and I will let you know the exact time that I baked mine for after they're finished my pork chops just came out of the oven it took about 40 minutes for him to cook I took him out in the pork chop itself was done but the potatoes was still a little bit kind of crunchy so I am just throw it back in there for about 10 more minutes and now they're good and done so this is what they look like they smell so so good I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you're new visit all my links in the downbar I'm on Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter I have blogs we have a vlog channel which I haven't been very active on there lately but I'm wanting to get back into that I'm here soon because we've got a lot of activities we're wanting to do like in the future and you know just little Park outings and things like that I hope you guys have a great day bye I just wanted to record this part for you guys these pork chops are so tender that they just fall apart I mean you don't even have to cut them up they just fall apart they kind of make their own juice in the foil packets and then they cook in that and it's just so so so delicious and flavorful you
Channel: Emily TheCountryCook
Views: 76,220
Rating: 4.772512 out of 5
Keywords: Cooking (Interest), Meat Chop, Pork Chop (Food), Potato (Food), Pork (Food), Kitchen, foil pack, foil packet, cooking in foil, roasting, roasted, roasted pork chops and potatoes, Recipe, dinner, supper, easy meal, quick meal
Id: cvtr-pxuWKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2015
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