Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Has The SCARIEST New Boss! | Poppy Playtime Chapter 3

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hey guys and welcome to GT not live where today we're going to be starting things off with a bit of a special announcement obviously GT live it's got the big old word live in the title right but obviously we're not live nearly enough we've heard you guys we feel it ourselves it's just hard to coordinate with everyone's schedule but tomorrow we're changing all that tomorrow we are going live at 6:00 p.m. eastern Time or 3 p.m. well that be pacific 3:00 p.m. Pacific time for a very special live stream where I'm going to be hanging out with you as well as a couple other faces on the couch these guys did did they show up fail I overshot it how did you overshoot getting up from behind the couch I wanted to come up with gust but then hold up with gusto yeah Gusto but a little extra Gusto a a little extra mispronunciation yeah okay great fantastic uh yes tomorrow uh we're going to be joined on the couch by Santi Amy Lee Tom yeah the Tom right here it's correct Tom thank you so much for coming all the way over from the UK to visit us absolutely uh I love being here and I want to be on the stream Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Eastern 3 p.m. specific it's not specific Tom it's 300 p.m. Pacific Pacific 3 p.m. Pacific there you go Moon isn't real I I know it's it's a whole another ocean that you have to get from amiliar with Buddy the moon isn't real great I I look at this thing and it's going to haunt my nightmares uh and of course I said Lee right Lee is also going to be there it's unimportant no no I'm sorry I got so distracted by this is this he's so pixelated too Tom you're so pixelated look at this anyway uh they're going to be joining us on the couch and we're going to be playing all sorts of games we're going to be diving into the deep lore of these guys it's going to be your chance to ask them questions as they get ready to rise up and take over hosting duties on the channels as I kind of fade off into the into the distance it's your chance to get to know them I'm going to dive into uh all their deep lore and deep Secrets uh family history personal data identification numbers Social Security Etc and uh it's going to be a grand old time uh Ash you're going to be there as well heck yeah yeah so uh join us tomorrow on the couch for based on how this little promo has gone it's going to be just a really Stellar time uh so that's tomorrow live Tuesday 6:00 p.m. uh Eastern uh 3: p.m. specific if you're looking at Tom so there you go guys now if you'll descend back down with gusto me to commit that was amazing uh and without any further Ado my friends uh let's hop into some poppy play time shall We Roll [Music] It [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT not live for today there's more poppy play time to be had but there's also more talk about carbonated water to be had that is so true that is very true uh last time uh you know we got through another chunk of poppy playtime chapter 3 we're having a grand old time I fumbled around in the darkness and I I got places you know and Ali continues to probably gas light me to my own Doom that's just what I'm predicting and I'm not just talking about my son but I'm also talking about Oli in the game uh but um so are we going to beat the game today according to Ash probably not no we're not but we will get slightly closer to beating the game today so tune in for at least one more of these episodes but before we get to that one of the other things we started last time was a conversation about carbonated water and uh since that conversation Ash I went out and bought different brands of carbonated water so that way we can try them all and figure out if any of them are good sounds like a GT live it sounds it could be a GT live could be a food Theory it could just be a thing that I'm doing for my own personal health and benefit off camera uncontent related we're not doing it for Content you know you know speaking of speaking of water and content I'm very happy about this uh Rett link over at good mythical morning they just did a water taste test similar to what we did on food Theory about a year ago and who did for no everyone's done water taste I feel like every idea has been done but they did like you know can you tell cheap water from expensive water ultimately concluding what we did which is that expensive water tastes like noticeably different and and often times worse than what regular water does um but I was really proud that their results of like what their favorite takeaway water was was the same as ours they also you know just from their blind taste testing they're like Evan they're like oh oh that that's really good that's really good and and what we concluded in ours too was that Evan was the tough water brand is that weird that's really weird it's really interesting I was I was watching it and and you know they have their different reactions they're like oh this one's good this one's bad this is oh this is disgusting whatever and then they hit the one and they're like oh that's really good and I'm like wait that's Evon and then that's that was their like overall winner of the episode which is cool um but yeah so uh for those you who don't know uh we've been doing this test on food Theory where I've given up uh sugar Ash has too given up sugar and simp carbohydrates for the last month which has been interesting from a health perspective that episode is coming out at the end of this week or early next week it's been an interesting Journey but one of the hardest things about doing that has been giving up a lot of the like sodas and artificial sweeteners and juices and things like that that normally like that I consume on a regular basis right like if you cut out sugar like sure you're saying no to like donuts and and sweets and desserts and things like that but to me the hardest thing about this whole like nutritional Journey has been giving up things with flavor that you drink uh it's been hard right like the reason I drink diet coke isn't so much for the carbonation it's for the flavor because I like how it partners with pizza and I like the sweetness and this and that um and even with tea like Tea's been good but tea has a lot of caffeine and if you drink too much of it the tannins actually can like wear away your stomach lining and I drink a lot of fluid so I've been looking for replacement and I've been trying to do various are you okay that's very distressing in oh did you not know that no yeah so a couple years ago on food Theory when I gave up D Coke for the first time I replaced it with iced tea the problem with iced tea though is tea is full of tannins especially darker teas um and the tannins are actually really difficult for your your stomach to handle and for your body to handle and so in moderation as with anything you should be fine but I just drink so much fluid throughout the day cuz I'm I'm I'm just a very thirsty person um I was drinking so much of it that I started started getting these like really strange like stomach cramps and like nausea pains and this and that and I did some quick research and I found out that it was probably because of the tea and the tannins and the tea and I and so I'm like well let me try let me stop it and then like a day or two later it went away and it was fine and it was just one of those things where like it was really bad and it was every time like I would have a meal and I would start drinking the tea oh my gosh so like the the big takeaway of all this is I'm looking for like a a carbonated or flavored water that that doesn't suck uh cuz I don't I I've never been a big fan of carbonated waters or Spa Waters which is what we were talking about last time and we had this theory about how a lot of the carbonation is maybe like retronasal old faction where it's not actual artificial sweeteners or anything like it's it's the natural flavors but it's been injected into the bubbles and that's why the flavor is like subtle cuz I tried over the weekend I tried hint hint is uh not carbonated it's just a straight water but it's it's flavored and I gave I tried it and I'm like I taste literally nothing like hint hint more like hint more like non-existent like I it's supposed to be like black I got like three different ones I'm like what's going to be the best flavor got nothing and I gave it to olly I'm like hey olly try this and like tell me what flavor it is he's like it's nothing and I'm like yeah that's fair so in sorry you probably won't be sponsoring us anymore uh but that's okay because your product went great it wasn't a hint of flavor it was barely a suggestion it barely a suggestion Nar a whisper a whisper Nar a whisper merely a thought maybe a wisp a whsp just like floating Phantom became called Phantom flavor it was non-existent so I don't know um but yeah one of the big one of the big tricks of it though right is we're I'm trying to avoid things with added sugar so like I tried uh what is it liquid death over the weekend too which is you know new trendy canned water which is a weird concept you crack open a can and it looks like a beer can but it's actually just like a water you know we you saw it in our FNAF VR2 uh but that was the Flat Water I tried the carbonated version of it really good actually like the flavor the berry carbonated water was very good trick is artificial three grams of artificial sweetener thrown or of of add it's not artificial sweetener I've added sugars to it because it's got like agave nectar and a bunch of these other kind of like extracts thrown in which is sugaring it up which again is like the goal is to find something that tastes good without adding sugar to it anyway I'm going on a journey I hope you join me on that journey I don't know I'm gonna it might be the theme of this poppy play time um but I think that there are definitely better and worse ones um liquid death probably had the best flavor but it has added sugars there's this other one I tried the other day waterl which was pretty good I'd say it was like a mid-tier and then I tried one over the weekend that was not great I think it was a store brand was not good so anyway I continue to experiment I will continue to update if I find a solution to this cuz I'm trying to find like you know I like my air up I like the Retro faction that it it delivers and the the flavor that it gives you but I'm looking for some that has like a little bit more flavor maybe some carbonation to replace the soda stuff I don't know we'll see we'll see I guess how are you Ash I'm fine that was me diet tribing for the last five minutes about carbonated water I am obsessed with the word diet tribing oh I don't think I don't know if it's an actual I I know I know diet tribe is a word I don't know if diet tribing can be used as a verb I don't know if I've ever heard diet tribe I I jar did it that's also not a word I Jaren it I Jaren did it and I made it into a word and now it's my word thank you very much di tribe A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something a diet tribe against the Roman Catholic Church whoa is that the example that the diction well they used to have a lot of those oh sure lightning rod of hate there you know that was like half of like AP European History was just diet tribes against the Roman Catholic Church tries a lot of di tribes yeah man yep so uh so maybe not bitter it was more of like a rant more of a monologue more of a monologue I don't think it was bitter I don't think it was a verbal attack either no it wasn't a verbal attack so yeah I wasn't I wasn't attacking the state of carbonated water I was more just like pontificating and monologuing a soliloquy if you will Welcome to our SAT Word flash tutorial there it is that hopefully you'll pass your sat thanks to that one hey let's play some poppy play time yeah I gu you should do that speaking of going to school and taking a test we are in the school right now uh when we last left off we were done with uh the home site home section which was Maze and there were a bunch of of of bunk beds and a bunch of places where sad orphans had been kidnapped and converted into awful awful creatures but now we've been sent to the other buildings around town uh in order to take their battery powers and hook it into the main area turn on the generator leave and plug the school's power cord into the center there you go be careful careful in there I don't think I can connect to you on that side of the Dome and you won't be alone there's someone else in there too they're not yours they're not my they're not my it said static they're not my static yeah they're not my friend they're not my teacher they're not my this is M Delight speaking please excuse the interruption students remain in your seat until until the Bell has rung and no going in the Halls without a h pass okay cool did your school have a hall pass Ash I was about to ask you so I my school had crazy hall passes I was going to say did you have like were you one of the schools that had like the really giant hall passes that you know couldn't be lost or or uh forgotten about or whatever it's super oversized and it had to be passed from Kid to Kid yeah I had an 8ot stick of bamboo um really a 3ft tall um acrylic painting of toilet paper are you kidding no my school went wild an 8 foot like are you exaggerating when you say 8ot stick of bamboo no I'm not exaggerating that's insane that's insane you had to hold it at an angle when you walked what why was kind of awesome I mean that's insane oh that's crazy wait and you also had a you said an acrylic painting of toilet paper yeah it was like on a purple background the table it was on was green and you could see like the individual like sheets of paper wrapped around this roll it was awesome wait hold up I just grab that are you allowed to have we been collecting papers this whole time why' I collect that paper you just own that now I cuz right that and I it didn't like show it to me or anything it's just like hey here's a piece of paper cuz there's been other papers that I'm like oh this looks like a collectible and I've grabbed it and it hasn't done anything but this random sheet of paper apparently was cool cool all right so this whole time have I been needeing to collect papers have there been like little secret lore bits here and there oh man I feel so I'm so surprised by that actually that that was so strange this whole time we haven't done anything like that okay I you know what I got to say I respect a giant painting of toilet paper right on a purple background right it was pretty cool who's going to walk past me I'm sure there's going to be like a spooky like character who walks past or something like oh this is this is the new villain or whatever no not up there what was your craziest hall pass you know I I can't top that that Hall Pass pass we didn't have nearly that insane of of hall passes like we had you know the the classic like oversized stick of wood you know or or something that's kind of like large and cumbersome but it wasn't like an 8 foot stick or anything nearly that insane it was it was large it was really large that's incred so it was taller than you yeah I mean here's a thing too right like I went to school with Art Kids and so sure a lot of them were like either crying or vaping in the bathroom so you you had to figure out who was who my gosh so if that bamboo was out there for a while yeah you had a sense you had a sense cuz someone was was out there yeah feeling things oh here okay I guess this is our teacher now pay attention do your homework play fair don't poop on the floor respect authority stay in your seat until the Bell has rung okay thanks cool so we have like a humanoid toy now school rules by m Delight okay M Delight that's so funny yeah I get I mean that also tracks now that you say it like the idea of oh our Hall Pass was literally a giant painting of toilet paper and you're in an art school it's like oh okay that that fits yeah so it's like okay if that's been out there for a while then someone in like visual art one is probably like puffing out like cotton candy fumes you know so it's like okay great we should probably alert the teacher I didn't but I'm sure some people did sure sure uhhuh I'm no snitch but I'm no add that to the ashl ain't no snitch I mean you've done crime before you know you've touched the Titan like you you've done things exactly so no you're not snitching on your fellow fellow criminal right we have to other your fellow crimes crime committers or if someone was just like having a hard time you know I'm just like I'm not going to say anything oh there oh there was the spooky uhoh there was a spooky off in the distance see I was one hallway too early I knew it was coming I'm like all these hallways are going to lead me to something scary going on I was just one hallway slightly too early all right so we got to we're going to have to do another electrical wait I recognize you yes I remember you used to work here how are you alive huh hm Barb Barb oh Barb says you're looking for your co-workers catnap wouldn't like that you're here you should leave for your own [Applause] safety okay there we go right when and doubt out in this in this chapter when in doubt in poy play time in general always look up uh that's that's what that's what I've learned um open no no okay all right there we go um so really I do appreciate the fact that this chapter is confirmed left right up down and sideways that we are a former employee of this place like they have made no bones about that fact at this point which hey I I do not hate and I appreciate that like our theory is now confirmed that we were a former employee now the question is how the interesting call out there is hey how are you still alive which I'm assuming is related to the hour of Joy right where all the toys rebel and basically like Slaughter everyone in the in the factory so I'm assuming that's what she's referring to there when she's like how are you still alive um that would be my pred prediction what that line is is kind of telling us there that like cuz we've seen the hour of Joy written in blood everywhere I shudder to think whose blood that is oh I mean all the employees but like that's everyone creepy oh no oh man and I missed that window for sure go again reload right there just a lot of blood just blood everywhere man oh come on I reloaded I reloaded can make this there is another way to do this this is going to be faster than go yeah there we go o it get suddenly darker ah thank you the game that was already dark has gotten even more dark uh hello TV ooh we got a tape it's so dark though you a tape no got the classic uh TV on a on a cart that's how you know a substitute teacher is about to teach you that's exciting those were always the most exciting days in class so true right they come in Wheeling the cart and you're like yeah media cart let's go we got stuff we're going to watch an episode of Bill and N the Science Guy Bill we're going to watch a mildly relevant clip from Romeo and Juliet mildly relevant uhhuh I feel like in some Engish classes it's pretty uh like prominently relevant but in what context are you watching this where smile right very rare are the opportunities where Romeo and Jet isn't not like on the top of everyone's mind yeah that's fair okay maybe I'm assuming the tape is is somewhere else we're going to we're going to assume that the tape is somewhere else and that we'll just find it somewhere if we get past this gate though will'll know that that's a bad sign oh hello is this another is this right here like right there's so many pieces of paper just hanging around but this is definitely one that seems very obvious do I get do I get to read where are these sheets of paper going since since when since when is sheet of paper a thing that exists in this game I mean sheets of paper have always existed in this game obviously but like this chapter has not emphasized this at all and there's no way that I can read it I just collect it and added to my I I guess I have to tune in later at the main menu or something and and read the secrets from this chapter or something that's so weird all right we're going to have to go up there now I feel really nervous about all the Collectibles that obviously I have missed this entire time including the one that Ash is like I'm going to show it to you later now yeah we're going to have to go back anyway woo woo woo than that yeah so I could go up there about here before we go up into the vents I just want to make sure I've explored back here as well oh okay we got another route back here so we're going to need more electricity over here oh come on man come on really h okay so we're going to have to see if we can find that so we're still missing a tape now I don't know how many like lore bits we're missing for sure but we'll keep an eye out for those as well down here going through our little purple vence how was art school cuz I didn't go to an art like I went to a public high school that was very oh hello hi uh I went to a uh public high school that was very had like a lot of choirs and a lot of theater opportunities and stuff I mean it was great and was very artsy but it wasn't like a dedicated art school yeah so um my when I went into freshman year uh we went in with like 30 40 students okay and I graduated in a class of 53 oh wow I'm not a good listener are you you're a lot like the other humans in that way I wonder if your screams will sound like fairs too I look forward to finding out my screams probably will sound like Theirs to be honest high pitched high pitched slightly feminine leaning Ah that's that's probably about right apologies headphone users but you know it's called Spade to Spade you generalizing all of the play care school workers in one scream I mean I feel like that's the the default SC like if you're a guy and you're screaming are you going are go like like where are you pitching your guy Scream Justin Justin you just left yeah can you scream Justin if you were to scream I mean you're right there's two screams right right there's two scre here here real quick you don't have to be a camera if you don't want to be but like you can be off camera there's the performative scream yeah which is what no yeah okay and there when you're actually start you go yeah right you you get to the higher pitch right thank you Justin thank you for that here's the thing how many here's a question for everyone down in the comments how many times in your life have you actually screened like actually done a fullon screen a non insufficient amount a non insufficient really yeah well also like if you go to a bunch of like concerts and shows and you really want to Hype things up that right that's a different that's a different type of scream though um that's like a woo scream uh and I mean there yeah a guy's GNA go like yeah let's go but like top of your lungs like shrieking but like fearful scream oh fearful scream yeah still I think really you you have fearfully screamed I like at a roller coaster and stuff I guess yeah like I've I've had some pretty jumpy phases in my life okay I mean to be fair okay that to be fair though like Oli and step have repeatedly like surprised me up here when I'm recording or like downstairs when I was recording and that would always freak me out and I would go ah oh hold up I found another one of these pieces of paper I guess go anywhere where are these pieces of paper going I'm collecting lore just not I'm not allowed to know it yet but yeah I as so but like when they scare me it's like ah yeah I go high okay I don't think guys go ah maybe maybe I don't know we we need to run an experiment maybe that's what we need to do we need to run an experiment this is for fear Theory but that's just a theory a fear Theory and we just scare a bunch of people I need to just get men together and watch them scream not in a weird way explain that one Ash not in a weird way y'all all know what team I'm on but I just think it would be so interesting from a scientific perspective to see where y'all go what team you're on yeah yeah here we go let's let's hear what m m Delight has to say hello students find my sisters and I to learn facts across a variety of subjects press my button to hear some facts on Anatomy huh let me guess like how much uh blood a human can lose before they die or pass out or whatever you know that there are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body that's crazy comp human is nuts the Earth around the equator is almost 25,000 miles wild see that's educational Miss Delight she's got some good factoids right there that's fascinating very true the smallest bone in your body is the stapes in your ear still damage it and you risk losing your hearing yeah it's true want to learn more about human organs this is fascinating I close attention in class please hello students find my sisters and I to learn facts across a variety of subjects press my button to hear right I wanted to learn more this was actually very educational I found this great very insightful it is wild though the amount of stuff that's packed into our body like that's I was talking about this with Lee over the weekend uh cuz because Lee's in town as well as all the other creative directors they just got in last night but uh but Lee got here a bit early and he's he's spending like the next couple months uh here in North Carolina with me and it was one of those things where we were talking about just how weird the world is and and how weird things are like those factoids that blow your mind like the one about oh you have 66,000 miles of blood vessel like that's fascinating but the stuff I I was thinking of and what we were talking about this weekend was stuff like you know oh yeah hey our bodies are made up of atoms and the you know and the atom is surrounded by all these electrons and you know negative pulses repel each other and so when you're touching something you're not actually touching it it's just like the electrons pushing against each other like so you're never actually truly touching anything that is weird and but you sense it as oh I I am feeling something so that's strange but then on top of that it's like oh yeah by the way also the atom is 90% empty space or whatever and so it's like not only are you not touching anything but it's like empty space touching other empty space and repelling it away so that's weird and so your body is like 90% or whatever the factoid it's not it's more than that I think but like you are mostly empty space and then on top of top of top of that it's also like oh yeah by the way also your body is full of these cells which are their these own little individual organisms that have all just collectively decided to work together to make you into an entity that is and of yourself one thing that's crazy you know oh the brain cells which are their own thing working together with the blood it's weird and they're all empty space it's just strange like the more and more you learn about science and the way things work the more and more you're like this is a bizarre system and there there's got to be like some secret to the universe buried in all of those little factoids and how they fit together just strange right yeah welcome to the episode where we're just going across all these different we really are we we're really going across a lot of different topics every genre every oh here oh okay one of these classic diddly D not one of these classic diddly D is there a post that I need to wrap it around a there's the post okay two all right the mystery Post in the middle oh hello oh see don't don't be doing that why you doing that why you be doing that hey hey doing okay you just hey hey are you going to like attack me when I look away is that what is that what this game is is that why you're just kind of hanging out she's creepy man she is she is she is terrifying I'm just going to slow slowly back into this corner thank you thank you oh oh no she no she def leave be found she's got a maze too uhhuh okay I think the battery I needed was this way hey hi hi hello I mean good gamer instincts to watch her as she you know approaches I mean I'm having flashbacks to uh security breach and the like endoskeleton room oh shoot I'm going to have to turn on cuz definitely something has activated behind me and I don't know where it is shoot oh no oh oh no oh okay but why why didn't this open shoot shoot why didn't this open there's a battery in here ooh there it is why I don't know why that didn't open the first time turn it off and turn it back on again right right when all those fails reset oh wait oh oh wa oh did I need that battery I wonder hey okay she's locked out ha you can't get me get dumped on Miss Delight cool oh but yeah she's stucked for a second yeah she she's stuck oh oh my God why how how what damn it did she like teleport are you kidding see and I screamed hi you did these Souls deserve something shoot I should have been paying attention there was lore oh good up but case in point screamed High good scream that was a good high scream okay so this is opening I got my paper okay so she's going to destroy this again that's funny is okay there we go so here it is this is active now she's mad about it yeah thanks for freeing that battery actually I I needed that I desperately needed that thank you for that your contribution is appreciated okay focus on you there we go she's spooky she's scary legitimately super scary design okay can I grab this again yeah okay can it shut on her okay so she's coming up at us I'm just going to run here are you behind me how did you get here like how did you jump scare me how did that work oh hey you are still here oo now I have to explore every room backwards oh and and in the dark just a dark ooh okay hold up there's definitely one of the electrical guys here so I'm assuming je okay oh boy bad news bad news par oh she she runs fast don't she oh no no no oh okay oh where's the where's the green thing yeah okay and it's it's going to let me in here okay shut on her shut on her shut on her shut on her shut on her go go go now this just permanently open now okay this is this is my life now cool I've still got this battery appreciate that I don't like this not I mean I I am a fan of this but I'm also not a fan of this okay there she is I'm noticing that there is a green thing right there still my line of vision I can't reach that far maybe that's a different one what am I supposed to do in this room here okay there there's a door did I open it I did not I did okay oh okay hey hey this is oh shoot there's a door up here no is that a door no just bullon board classic bulletin board where is the door I'm looking for here we go okay there's a green green boy I don't see what's so funny oh okay oh she is right on me this is not great this is not a great situation I find myself in right now shoot oh no here can I give her a wide birth I'm going to give you a wide birth Miss Delight there we go nice the widest of births oh hold up oh I can grab this guy grab there we go yeah there nice nice ooh yeah buddy love that love that for us that's a win I know she's going to peek around that corner know you're going to peek there she is okay oh wait that's a door isn't it everything's so oh it is a door these movements Mak me nervous right oh jeez there's a door over here too okay here's a door I'm just gonna duck into this classroom we'll see what happens come on this is so tense I love this this is this is a really good sequence cuz also you're having a constant like there's a lot of stuff you're having to manage here cuz this is not a very easy map to navigate and she's and she moves fast too I think that's the other surprise o oh oh hey hey girl okay okay so that's the one we have to end on which means where is okay so this is a big loop so where's the first hey he hey hey hey oh she's she' be throwing chairs she has weapons now oh she oh hey hey hey hey hey I'm still looking at I'm still looking at you I'm still looking at you I'm still looking at you don't don't think that I'm not looking at you I I've got you in the words of George Harrison I've Got My Mind Set On You but in this case I got my eyes set on you because that's the more relevant thing for this particular discussion I love that music video it is so much funnier to imagine George Harrison doing flips in the middle of an abandoned School while this woman is chasing him that is awesome okay is she coming at me which way oh shoot sh shoot which way is she coming which way wait wait where you coming at oh she's coming at me this way don't love that H I thought we were going to do this little loopy dance a bunch of times oh she's coming this way now ooh there's something strange in the middle of the floor it's very bright and blue nope that's nothing that is just that is just that decoration cool thought it was maybe low oh hey there's a okay there's a door on that side oh oh oh oh oh okay okay keep keep keep her your I also love that I still have this battery even though I don't think I'm supposed to have this battery anymore okay pull this yeah okay so now next time I make the loop I can go through that door and that door I bet is going to be the game changer here should come at me oh that was so close that was too close she is so fast oh boy okay and so the door was on this side wasn't it wasn't it shoot good okay hey door did I did I go through the door did I did I did I activate this door and by activate I mean open the door I have okay oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez Okay so we've got the electronic and where is the thing that I'm aiming for now shoot I lost it I'm very confused now about where I'm supposed to go do I need to make a loop around I think that's what I have to do okay I have to loop around and then we're going to have to go through here okay I think I got it okay there she is okay so we go through this class okay here she is oh no that's blocked Oh I thought we could loop around oh no I'm very confused now cuz I think we're going backwards oh she's blocking that hallway yeah we're going backwards yeah we're definitely backwards okay so hopefully I can sneak around her this way oh come on oh no oh no oh it's a good jump scare oh you're wasting time I'm not I'm not I'm not trying to sorry about that girl I died right what do you mean you're wasting time stop dying stop wasting time and dying is this going to send me all the I bet this is going to send me all the way back isn't it okay you got to do this whole sequence all right here I think here what we'll try I'll try being more aggressive cuz I I haven't like fully tried out like what happens if I just like run you know okay we able get some decent distance there great grab this just in case okay we're going to run yeah what if I run this oh buddy okay she where she at okay okay okay so running is giving us a decent option here I feel like okay okay much way do we say this this way oh shoot Sho I got lost and it's oh damn now she's close Okay this way we're going to go this way okay okay all right all right all right all right all right where are you door there we go Hey where's oh je over I get it I hit it just by pure luck did thank goodness that was just me blindly okay where she at where she at where she at where she at where she at oh no shoot darn it darn it but okay so we can go faster with it for sure I said to keep moving I there was a door there was a door in my way poppy I'm sorry this is cool this a good sequence very frightening indeed I fren okay here so now okay so we're getting a better sense of the map too which is also very very helpful I say as I like forget where I'm supposed to go get it get it get it there we go slowly open no another way this one's other way she's going to be there this is the one where they're like close to each other okay so those the first three are fine it's this one where we get it gets complicated it's so dark okay so she's going to up here where there I just can't even I can't even see the door is the problem okay there I can't get through here now I can't sh oh spooky spooky voice where she at okay there she is oh hi hello oh is she like kicking did you kick down that door is that what you just did I would love to come on man I want this door open oh it's locked oh no wonder so this door has been locked the entire time oh forget you man screw you door where she coming from okay she's coming from there okay here's okay here's the node there's the node now I just got to find the okay oh get out of here so okay so I had moved it but apparently I hadn't moved it like enough I guess shoot okay so now we've got a loop here was that helpful shoot I knew she was on the side of me I knew it I'm like she's not she should have showed up at that door at that point that's where it becomes weird is you don't know where what like angle she's going to approach you cuz there's multiple ways to get close to you okay got this got this you got this map got this see the problem with like on one hand I like the idea of running through all this because it's like oh you know running through all this makes a lot of sense cuz she's not able to stay up with you and this and that but at the other end of it it's like yeah but by not being able to do this and run there it is that's it you don't you don't even have to do it you knowing that the node that you need is the previous node it actually makes it you just like need to double dip it actually which is kind of silly oh hey oh she's getting faster now or something no no no no shoot I got one let me do it all oh hey wait wait oh shoot Sho shoot shoot Sho shoot you have to turn okay shoot got to find a way back around to sleep something ah ah shocker tase tase tase tase her can I get around herness oh she's kind of close I don't love that I wonder if I if I let her if I lure her this way just slightly if she'll like loosen up okay that that that got her a couple steps over which I think is good okay here we go Ro strap we'll see we'll see we'll see I want to also recharge my this now so wait for it to come on oh shoot come on man where's the exit where's that exit though I'm I'm here how can I exit this room please oh come on where's the exit to the room it was over here wasn't it isn't it over here shoot where where oh okay there it is [Applause] okay oh no I got to do both oh you got to do both quickly shoot oh damn it oh you have to do both really fast oh no where's the other one oh get out of here get out of here oh this is brutal we had News Bears this is the worst News Bears worst News Bears oh come on man this is so intense okay oh and they're both deactivated now no right I know this sucks okay okay it's not bad that's not bad actually stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh come on I keep missing it oh shoot I got okay I got low away again I guess or something no I'm dead oh man that's rough that's rough okay so you got to you lure her away I I'm sure there's a loop I could do but it feels like the most efficient way of doing this is just f find a place get her down one end of the hallway loop around her and then just like do the two that is this is rough man this is this is awesome it's very good but it's very hard um and it's a lot of trial and error but we're getting there okay now now that we know at least we can try this we can try this stop where she at stop stop stop okay see once you know where you're headed makes a huge difference okay where we going oh okay that oh hey oh no did I need the battery this whole time no no uhoh oh no no no no no no no no the one time I oh what the heck get out of here get out of here get out of here come on man she was on the other side come on no no oh we're back here again come on okay so like we did last time we're just going to do this going to run to the node just tap the two I don't know if this is the intended solution but it's definitely the solution of the least resistance and I'm okay with that it is it is a valid solution so I will take that okay so now you nail B it right okay so we're getting the hang of it I'm going to wait for this to shut cuz she's right there okay battery okay now what now what now what oh she's oh my gosh this is still going okay now we got to be more careful right cuz now we're in oh hello just give me Kingdom for a battery grab grab the battery grab the battery there we go hey hey nope nope not okay not okay not okay oh hey hey hey oh where are you at where you at okay okay hi oh there's another bed why why okay what am I looking at what I I'm trying to figure out what to do this has oh I need an electrical node oh there's an electrical node on top too oh my gosh okay hold up hold up hold up oh no I need two batteries and an electrical node oh my god oh for crying out loud [Applause] okay there's a battery okay there's the electrical note I see it so I want to grab which one I want to grab the one that's nope not that one I [Applause] guess this is hard this is legitimately challenging okay there's B I'm going to lure her away slightly okay Simon Says and green light red light and green light red light all right here it is I don't see what's so funny cool now we're going to okay so there's oh shoot that was D cuz I need to grab this so batteries last hey hey Queen hey remember that time we were looking for like a cassette tape in here okay come on come on man oh come on bud that's got to be the last one that's got to be it right can I can I keep moving oh get up no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you you do not teleport like that you do not teleport like come on come on come on come on is this a thing is this thing go shut it shut it shut it [Music] ohud jeez man oh that was a I was shaking that was intense well done that last room was brutal I don't know why I put on my ass mask oh buddy the the sad thing is she's got friends too she says oh me and my sisters but you know I think that's I feel like that's the end of that all right well good times I did not find the tape that I was supposed to find unfortunately so there is definitely a lot of lore being left on the table this looks like a lore sheet 67 well I got a lore sheet didn't tell me anything we'll look it up later I guess oh wow let's go checkpoint oh boy dang woo I'm feeling that one that was incredible that was really really good I'm hoppy Hopscotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me yes on three with me one two three didn't get very far did we certainly not again one two three nope nope gravity sucks still didn't make it thanks happy Hopscotch listen this won't stop until we make it to the moon then we're going to be doing this a long time my friend you and I are trapped in a in a ceaseless hopping cycle one two no no don't look at your feet none of that matters again again don't look at your feet jump jump I like to think in that moment he actually did did achieve space he's like jump jump and he jumps and then he's like oh no I've been taken away by the vacuum of space he just flies away poor hoppy hop scotch uh equipment required oh this thing is [Applause] this ooh look at all the hands I got wow finger guns oh oh where's where's M Delight now come on M Delight I got a present for you oh my god what the fact the Fire doesn't fade it's just there right it just persists for a long time wow it's also I like that it recharges in my hand too that's cool how are we doing Ash on time like I feel like that was a big chunk but also I don't know where we again welcome to Poppy playtime chapter 3 where we have no idea how to paste these episodes that could have been like a 5 minute chunk yeah so we we keep going I'm good with that we have we did about an hour in terms of recording time uhhuh um we still have a good bit to go great I think I think we keep like that felt like a good place to break but I think we keep going yeah I think let's see what lies ahead right I think so again we have no idea how to paste these episodes and it's been a hot mess but I think we I think we try it also while we're here thank you to everyone who corrected us about the drawing on the wall it is bunzo it is not um dog day understood and seene Chef we Chef herd Chef oh is that the one that we saw the other day the yeah and it looked like he was holding the plates yeah the plates yeah oh and the plates are bunzo symbols that makes sense who is this steuart and Rich Stuart and Rich so that see that's an easy to find C cassette tape VHS tape where where where's that other one okay let's sit and watch stupid clucky elevator what was that reie nothing nothing let's just get this shipment dropped and go hello my name is Elliot L when you look around I take it you're not a fan of these plays are you nope never like the feel of it I mean don't you think these kids deserve some real sunlight instead of flood lights and painted Skies we even allow to talk to these kids isn't that sorry Stu sorry that doesn't sound like the rich I know the rich I know trying to stop being so pissed off all the time that's fair my wife says I'm a lovely man new year new year I got to control my temper so I'm doing it for her you're just different Rich honest to a fault but I always like that about you who are these guys I don't recognize either of them you know with my retirement coming up uh they've been pushing hard for me to choose my replacement I'm thinking about giving the role to you what really really nothing official yet but I think there's a decent guy beneath all that gra all that honest hard work work man you prove me right I said your chances are pretty good wow I uh she I don't know what to say I I'm just glad to see not everyone in this place has it out for me huh not everybody rich not everybody weird have we met Richie and Stewart before those seem like new names to me like they're not ringing a bell from a previous chapter or anything Richie and Stewart so here's again without I I might have to refresh myself on a lot of the the lore and some of the like lesser known kind of lesser utilized characters that we've encountered but aren't coming to mind right now but I'm wondering if we haven't heard from these guys yet I'm wondering if we're rich if that's if this is starting to set up our character and Who We Are satisfying any luck on on Rich have we heard of him before it says on the fan Wiki that Rich has appeared in all three chapters great well then forget everything I literally just said he's just I think he's often called rich instead of Rich um what's he what's he done before was he the angry guy in chapter one uh let's [Music] see rich is one of the Playtime co-employees we who we hear complaining about the bad Work Management and atmosphere in the yellow VHS tape while working alongside Avery in Chapter 2 he has observed being demoted as a result of this criticism okay um and then I think they recently updated the wi to say and he appeared on the tape in chapter 3 okay huh okay so I um oh it's a time limit okay I get it I was going to be like that's weird but it's so short um interesting and and so I think at one point we had assumed that Huggy wuggy was rich or something like that because he was he he's the angry guy and this and that but yeah maybe it makes I so they they're saying he's an honest guy who's nice even though he's Gruff on the surface I wonder I wonder if they're aiming for that to be where where am I Do's this jump up to here there it is yes when you hear it you hear it popping oh yeah okay yay okay so we just got to be FAS about it switch there there oh Stuart doesn't have a page but we know he's an employee according to the wiki oh no no no no no no no no no no no oh shoot all right one last time it's more or less I know what I got to do it's just finding out where I'm supposed to be jumping this time there we go Swit here we go oh come on man this way there nope wrong way wrong way wrong way there we go yeah got it perfect fun little platforming puzzle there yeah so I hear that that's a really long exchange for two kind of random characters I'm wondering hello oh no was I supposed to no no oh get out of here man damn it so don't go down this way jump down into here clearly there it is great fantastic now we do some puzzling and now I need I know to look out for all the things look out for any yellow bars that I need to lift up uh all right so we've got a low to a high this is probably going to take us over to here this one is going to go there to there I'm assuming might as well I might as well PE it as I go right this one's going to go there okay this guy's going to go this guy is going to go there I'm assuming this guy he going to go here there I must like here's the thing I assume that I can just you know that I'm going to have to double check this but I think this is largely the way it's going to go right so this one is going to have to go to this guy then this guy okay have to go to you right there it seems like it should be everything right then we just fire off this guy [Music] whoa oh I get it yep yep yep yep so we're going to unfire that turn off cool woo swing around and now we're going to fire it up again and now this time I just need to be honest cool oh just wraps around and around and around that's awesome that was not too hard great some nice simple puzzling after being brutally murdered over and over again by my favorite living toy animatronic teacher creature o we've got some dramatic music going here oh this is from uh the trailer from the teaser they did hello can I let you know oh that's catnap huh catnap you've gotten uh thin and bipedal very impressive catnap okay so this is him worshiping like we know this from uh poppy saying it we also know this from the trailers right that catnap worships the Prototype right that there is something in their past where the Prototype saved them excuse me helped them in some way um and so now catnap worships the Prototype like some sort of God or some sort of Savior right you see that all written through the the facilities right where the original saved us this and that and so that's what we're seeing here is he's created this this Effigy or the statue to worship of the Prototype and there's catnap that's creepy man that's that's legitimately legitimately creepy hey hey cool not spooky at all we're fine here everything's okay oh no cp's gone awesome of course he is very spooky can I go down nope not that way that will get me to lose and I have lost plenty so let's also noteworthy about this o what's that's very green over there is there anything I can do with that now that your hands can extend like infinitely it's like the the longest long shot ever make big difference be cool to be able to explore this but you can uh but in the trailer right we got a couple of up close shots of it or at least one up close shot of it where we able to see like there's a human skull on it and there's like a pug a pillar on the back and like uh JD pug DJ pug pillar whatever his name is but like pug a pillar on the back there's some Mommy Long Legs hanging down from this thing and so you see that it is truly an assemblage of all these other pieces and parts of the toys which is what Mommy longlegs was complaining about and scared of at the end of chapter 2 she's like no he's going to add me to him and right there you can kind of see that happen so like there that looks like momy long legs on top of uh PJ pug a pillar right there in the front is the human skull I think which again indicates that that like hey is this actually a human being who is doing this thing oh oh oh maybe we can see from here now you can't like it's still really tough to see and you can't really like climb the Rocks over there oh that'd be amazing oh but you can see one of the smiling Critters down there and again we saw a lot of this in the trailer but it would be really fun to get up close and and see it but you can tell already how Giant and hulking of a machine the Prototype is here and how he is this assemblage of all these different things I'm very excited about seeing this this creature at some point they've done a really good job of hyping up the Prototype as this giant villain this very scary entity this mysterious thing that you only see pieces and parts of I got to hand it to mob entertainment like they've done a good job of withholding what is kind of the signature villain of the franchise and filling in the gas s with really good enemy design with Mommy long legs and and catnap and stuff like that but knowing that the best is yet to come with this guy and knowing that this is the big bad and that's how that's how you make something scary right as you only reveal pieces and parts of it and you have people talk about it and it really builds and builds and builds and builds so really the Prototype at this point as the the major villain and the major antagonist of this really really cool I'm so excited about where they're going to go with it so now Playhouse restricted area [Music] here we go everything is so dark why you so dark though I like that I have like a a flare gun that I can just use oh and that's that okay so this is a new chunk yeah new Chunk in the playhouse and didn't he say the play like didn't uh olly say the playhouse really bad watch out for the playhouse so I feel like this it's probably a good way to stop hello hello oh you're going to kill me aren't you you're going to kill me right you going to kill me I I mean I can shoot you I don't want to shoot you yes oh it's a little mini cat nap get up all right well thanks thanks pops thanks pops he's a little cute boy he's really cute he really cutie I I like on one hand I get that I'm supposed to probably shoot away but on the other hand you are so adorable I'm going to let you jump scare me again cuz you were really cute and I kind of want to see more of your jump scare cuz it was really cute oh and they're different ones okay so you're getting like a rotation of the smiling friends cool these Souls deserve peace we can burn them to the ground but other franchises have showed me that burning things doesn't really work out as well as you'd hope um okay so honestly I feel like this is a good breaking point we got through the M Delight stuff we got through the Schoolhouse we're entering one of I'm I'm assuming one of the last buildings cuz we did home sweet home we did uh the schoolhouse now we're in the playhouse I think there might be one other one after this but this feels like a pretty complete episode we made progress we defeated like the major kind of like mini boss in the middle it feels like and we got some really cool lore dump there we saw a catnap worshiping his his Effigy Of The Prototype and that being super creepy and weird and yeah so before we hop into a whole new section here I feel like this is probably a good breaking point about right sure yep we're going to need more episodes than I thought you sound you sound very confident but not confident at all yeah so I can keep going no I mean I think we're at a good in terms of this episode length I feel like we're at a good a good point okay um I just I think we went into this thinking oh this will be like a 34p part series it might be closer to six oo okay again not bad thing no certainly not it's just this is a longer experience than we thought I was going to say I thought it was going to be four but yeah yeah okay all right well we we'll find out how many it is next time my friends so uh make sure that you hold on to your giant 8ot bamboo stick or your a giant acrylic painting of toilet paper the next time you go to the bathroom so that way no one thinks you know less people fear that you're crying your feelings out in a corner of the bathroom and and feeling your emotions talk through those things therapy is important communicating with friends bonding with fellow humans I feel like that's that's important to say yes art school will always be there for you but also so will our Collective hugs so anyway thank you guys so much for watching uh apologies to miss Delight uh who just wanted to teach me some things about human anatomy uh sorry that you got crushed under the weight of a giant gate and as always my friends I'll see you in the next episode uh in the meantime remember wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] y
Channel: GTLive
Views: 913,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 release date, poppy, catnap, poppy playtime 3, poppy playtime chapter 3 ending, poppy playtime chapter 3 explained, poppy playtime chapter 3 lore, poppy playtime chapter 3 full game, poppy playtime 3 end, poppy playtime catnatp, poppy catnap, poppy playtime secret tapes, poppy playtime notes, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gt, gt live
Id: nWDT8M1hKQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 16sec (4456 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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