Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Just Got DARK...

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oh God where' you come from oh boy oh they're everywhere now oh they oh they're crawling all over these walls don't be selfish get up I'm sorry it was so selfish of me to [Music] die you okay oh my God ow oh Ash just clocked themselves on the light over there it's like the light jump scared Ash's arm just so usually when we finish rolling the intro I will Q mat in and I'll do this large like arm gesture so he knows when to start yes um but I have the light positioned in such a way where it fills up any of the dark um Shadows on my face and in my soul yeah the darkness is full in we have to cut it doesn't make great content so um I put this light here and my hand hit the corner of the light in a way that was not pleasant no so what did that light do to you Ash you just clocked it I don't know I don't know who performed the aggression I'm so sorry I think it was Ash who performed the aggression so yeah please apologize to that light we spent two lovely years together and I never meant to throw it all away like this I'm sorry Dre cast that I was going to say that light is like feeling ultimate betrayal right now he's carried me through so much this is the payback Dr cast you've carried so much and and I got to be fair Ash like you've been with me for the last two years this light has been with me for at least the last four to five I know so if I have to select loyalties I might have to go with the drast okay dreast has never steered me down steered me wrong I guess I understand I know anyway sorry so hey uh here Dre cast I crack open my latest in carbonated water to you my my latest in my experiment around carbonated water to you pourn one out for the Dre cast that's what it is yeah pourn it out for the Dre cast this is a uh bubbly oo pretty good yeah okay pretty good in the way that carbonated water it's pretty good no this is one this is one of the better ones um obviously cuz there's mult factors right you got to figure in like how they're doing the carbonation and the quality of the water but then also the the quality of the flavor and then also also there's so many different flavors of of carbonated water like you might just wind up with one with a bad flavor like I had one the other day that was a bad flavor that was like mango pineapple I'm like oh this is too fruity and you know I I'm I'm not relaxing at the beach with this one so this one's not doing it for me okay I do really like the um the vi like the vibe the aesthetic of the cans for bub I know this is nice the color it's nice and saturated really pretty it's it's it's a very pretty marketing style yeah I like it and and the nice thing is since I've got like eight or nine of these now I'm literally going down the line I also got like two in each I got like two flavors of each different brand at this point it's my own little mini food Theory Happening Here on GT live um anyway uh welcome back to poy playtime chapter 3 where I continue my carbonation Journey we continue our journey through play care and uh trying to eventually find catnap I'm sure at the end of this little journey Ali's got himself a plan and there's probably some errors in it I don't know uh here we go so uh when last we left off we are being attacked by these cute little catnap guys um who I assume I have to blast I do have to blast them that makes me kind of sad cuz they are very cute and adorable and I want to you know I want to give them all the happiness in the world oh hello hi I'm bobby bear you want to know how much I love you yes how much is it a lot I love you to the moon and B well watch out hoppy Hopscotch is over at the moon so tell him I said hi while you're up there I'm crazy about you okay you're starting to get a little creepy there little clingy I'm lost without you all right well uh might might want to gain a backbone for yourself I've been lost a long time oh that's legitimately sad please take me with you this time you won't leave me will you o rough rough guilt hi I'm we had that little walk I love you okayed access this is where we came from okay this is where we came from there is a TV here good to know so that does seem to imply that there would be a tape somewhere around here as well no no I love that I have my own portable little flare gun that's delightful uh let's see I mean it might be up ahead so we could always go back and fill this thing out but historically speaking they haven't been far away although in the school building we definitely missed it so that was a bummer all right so there's definitely another tape that we're going to have to find here good to oh hello leave my home I really I had no other choice my friends I'm so sorry trust me I don't want to be here there is no there's nothing I desire in this area I just want to I just want to get out man uh I'm at zero so I'll have to definitely manage that oh here we go here's the tape is this for this is for Katie Kathy can I can I set this is on fire my little campsite here here okay so we got a tape let's see what we've learned hey catnap okay this is catnap uh experiment number 1188 okay what's his real name again ah okay oh get out of here hey Theo how you doing bud normally I'd have Dr Sawyer do this but he's uh out let's say see you got me until they find his rep interesting that's suspicious first off congrats this is officially your fourth year in your new body and youve made some real progress pal year I was told that when you and the other smiling Critters you know dog day pigy piggy yada yada yada were added into play care that you weren't really getting along too well with the kids like everybody else was so we now the kids love you and that red smoke I mean that's fantastic isn't love the red smoke is his uh voice thingy still broken a prototype will save us all right that's not something at all nobody's going to save you this prison is where you belong let you out here and there to go see the kids in play care but your home is here and as for the Prototype his home is in the labs this is your life now get used to it wow oh that sucks well that confirms Theo um which I believe was the name that we had discovered earlier uh in one of the args that were kind of in the leadup to this chapter coming out so that's good to know uh but it also tells us kind of a new location right which is the labs which is somewhere we we might be getting to then like as we're kind of oh hello oh hey bubble Bubba hey so cute adorable these these adorable little merchandising opportunities are so cute okay here we go okay oh I hear I hear him oh hello okay hey hey guys oh boy oh boy there a lot of you okay you be you you do be crawling oh God where did you come from oh boy oh there everywhere now oh they oh they're crawling all over these walls don't be selfish what get up I'm sorry it was so selfish of me to die forgive me for being selfish so clearly the characters have some sort of a affinity for us or you know they're like oh take me with you next time so I definitely abandoned people last time I did this so last time I ran away so that's not great hey watch out for you okay I hear you where you at what okay hey just going to leave that there maybe it scare you away okay so you're scared here all okay that's where you that's where you came from hey get out of here oh wow there's a wow there wo oh jeez oh jeez there's a lot of them holy cow oh wow wow oh wow oh wow there's a lot of them holy cow oh shoot Sho shoot no no no no I fell down oh no no no no no no no no oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy I am panicking hardcore right now this is terrible but I need to give I need to give myself time to like recharge oh come on oh there are so many of these little guys oh my my hand cannot charge nearly fast enough for this get out of here oh there's so many of them this is not okay this is not okay not okay stay back villains can I can I even charge oh boy okay okay I don't know if I can charge oh boy okay no no no no no no no no no no no stop stop stop get out of here oh boy oh boy no that's that's a that's a dead end or something oh hey hey hey hey hey oh good we're at a save point that's good to hear uh-huh oh boy I'm getting it's so funny I'm getting such strong uh daycare vibes from FNAF another two maze okay go oh hey why oh you are just Frozen there okay well I'm I'm just going to leave you alone bye guys oh boy okay there's a there's a power thing going on nope not not loving that hello okay this turns on oh no get away get away get away okay and it turns off as soon as I hop off it okay oh my gosh get out of here can I pull you in can I pull you in okay portal style great you just you just stay there friend no stop stop scaring you away oh boy oh they they do Stop N okay oh they are they are screaming smiling friends more like the screaming friends okay these guys are you are you safe can I run past you and be safe okay aha so there's another side to this that I definitely need to activate can I pull in whatever it is I cannot that is truly unfortunate hello those guys are just hanging out over in glitch land that's fine oh wait hold up where' he come from Shoot he like leaped up he leaped up to get me that was not okay just like yeed himself up to my area okay so hopefully we get to start at this like little maze section yeah okay man the amount of hello okay the amount of lore that I feel like I'm missing from having to like run frantically through these areas is crazy oh good that's still active I guess and they can climb up that's also good know so that's how they got me last time oh hey hey hey okay yeah that's how they got me last time was by jumping up I just need to know that they can jump not okay not okay assuming oh okay not okay get it back nope get back back oh my gosh God ah came out from the side it's time to harvest okay we need to do some harvesting now the it's time to harvest the body is still fresh huh me are you harvesting me I don't I don't know I don't I don't particularly appreciate that I'm not really in the mood to be harvested did right now thank you very much I I feel like that's inappropriate not really into the idea of harvesting my bod go okay okay well no well I'm I'm caught excuse me excuse me caught oh come on man maybe it's close enough oh shoot and I'm out of the old ammo recharge recharge oh get out of here get out of here you creepy eyes okay so I need to definitely draw this thing back up here stop okay oh come on can can I lift this guy up no no no yeah I'm dead there for sure yeah I said to keep moving I'm working on it okay working on that's not my fault that the Box fell on my head and then trapped me under there and then just glitched its way on over okay let's get back to our gun okay no no no I stop stop stop I fully caught okay there we go and we okay so here we go these guys are all glitched kind of unfortunate hey everybody okay so I got to find a way get this block back into the right area cuz right now it is definitely it's it is definitely not here and it's not in the place where I really need it to go particularly hey guys oh jeez oh what have I done oh this oh this is bad news smiling Critters and I can't I can't lift it because it's too heavy oh no oh now I'm absolutely caught in this corner here I'm totally caught they can't find me thank you yes okay we need to reset we need to reset this has gone horrifically off the rails I'm like oh this is a simple puzzle we will be able to do this fairly quickly to oh no I have messed this up Beyond possib possible solving please help this is a dire situation now I go this way well if I start this way do this should take me to the other route hello everyone oh there's just a big old pile of big old pile of all these guys just hanging out thanks everyone okay thanks thanks smiling Critter I just need time to solve the problem let's get them away I can't tell if you're you need being scared away or not but I'm going to hit it anyway okay there okay okay please double hand it go great yes I will take that thank you okay no okay that's fine you can jump scare me as long as the block is in the right spot now that's fine as long as the block is there I'm good we are set as long as I'm not trapped behind the block as long as I'm not having to like glitch through things we are set excellent now we can move forward with this as we were before okay here we go perfect I will take all those deaths that's totally fine thereare you guys away be working now hello what do we got this uh is going to spin back around is that one be leg here okay nope nope oh I get it okay just got to nope stay away stop it oh all right I just need to hop off on the other side there here I got go stay back stay back yeah save and close Jesus I'm just so paranoid now just launching fire everywhere okay hey hello is this the wrong way wait why have you wandered here it just seemed like the appropriate place to go when confronted with a spiral staircase in game usually tried to head up and that's the way I was heading all right but I guess we're heading down to the depths so that's cool friends also feels like a nice like stopping point oh there's no room for me here not really looking for any additional room to be honest looking for just the the way out so you don't have to tell me twice I'm not welcome here nor do I want to be here oh pool room hello that's broken that's locked huh weird just a giant spooky pool it's nice that that you know for for all the torment and torture that these kids were going through at the very least they were being taught basic swim skills so at least that's a plus well I have my options do I go through the incredibly bloody door or the not at all bloody door incredibly bloody door feels appropriate although they both had exact same side what else we got around here feel like there's this is like area of environmental storytelling yeah oh so we're in the prison now the dungeon oh hello hi ooh ooh hello this a little Hideout for them where the smiling Critters would like hide from or maybe the kids would hide and live down here it does kind of look like a like a secret Hideaway area hiding away from catnap maybe interesting over here like they were trying to escape oh hello watching I'm still watching a lot of cat like a lot of catnap Claws and stuff around here was this his bed maybe where he's like hey I'm being kept in this and they did say hey this prison is where you belong so maybe that's it like this is this was catnaps prison cell and it dug its way out so Theo catnap was kept in here was like let me out let me out and they won't and So eventually clawed its way out created a little like bunker down there interesting very cool I mean not cool cuz it's actually a tragic and horrific story for this you know this kid who has turned into this like evil villain who worships this this weird prototype character and is kept here under against his will like that's that's not great but from a like environmental storytelling standpoint that's very cool you're papy's Angel Oh Come to save us oh no dog day nothing left to save not here oh hey bud cats Angel they home Angel poy Angel pairs of eyes are on you now watching waiting hungry they want nothing world that c beneath your skin eat away at you bit by little bit this is terrifying F what feels empty inside themselves yeah that thing Catman yeah the Prototype is his God yes what he does to Heretics toys follow cat have to avoid that very fate and in return they are fed we try to fight it the prototypes control I am the last of the spelling Critters oh noen to me you need to get out of this place I'd love to which way should I go you need to live okay you would probably could fix thisuh so we are good guys maybe the torments oh sorry can I get you out of here no leave me please oh oh no oh that's horrific oh my gosh oh oh oh he oh boy oh oh that's creepy oh I don't like that hey hey can I blast you can I blast him can I blast him can I blast him can I blast him no certainly not wow oh that's terrifying that was really good that's so crazy oh oh that's so gross oh poor dog day I feel so bad for dog day okay so we got ourselves poppy playtime signature Chase sequence oh and we're going to have to hopefully they skip the dialog every time so I'm Poppy's Angel that's interesting what a weird way of putting it yes thank you wonder what it means and so we're going to have to run out of here in this space sequence um not exactly sure which direction we're going are we going back go leave me please just go okay yes oh which way am I running this way which where do I start where do I start my run here where do I start where do where where do I start running dog D you see seem to have a really good idea of like hey start running but like where where should I be running to any advice you can deliver me before you're possessed by all the other little like teeny guys that'd be awesome great cuz uh that was clearly the wrong way to go probably a first option that I would pursue and then that that did not yield me that good of a result so we're going to try this again try again maybe I have to go through here maybe I have to go down oh no no no okay yeah me please yes I would love to run yes let's go where am I running to where am I running to where am I running to where am I where where am I run where am I supposed to go I would love to start the chase sequence your rest is over know am I just being reincarnated over and over again into like new doels is that is that what's going on here the Harvest it's time to harvest some of these poppy lines are very mysterious and I'm I I need for the theory we're going to need to just like combine all these things together and figure out what she's actually trying to tell us the fact that dog day though is like hey you're a good guy you're the only hope you guys can save us gives me a little bit more hope like I'm inclined to believe dog day though to be fair poor catnap you know I feel bad for that guy leave me pleas is it through here go is I through here yes and I [Music] run where am I going where am I going definitely not there I've tried the door that seems like the obvious door which is the one that you're like walking towards when you enter into the prison I've tried the one that I've gone back through so I can run out the front door I've tried the like open prison door that is mysteriously propped open and has like a crack in the wall that seems small but is like oh maybe I could crawl through this I feel like I'm really exhausting a lot of my options here dog day like really could use just just more one or two more details about where I'm supposed to head be just super Nifty where is it is this is is this one of those classic times where I'm supposed to look up am I pulling myself up somewhere no leave me please just go run where though just keep going backwards keep going [Applause] wait what so it just fell yes Why didn't it fall the other times um you have a talent for games not doing what they need to do is that really what happened I think so or you didn't go back far enough I don't know well cuz I was against that wall like yeah you did maybe you just went right outside the box I don't know so the floor is supposed to oh there's so many okay I will say this to to mob is there's a lot of like this sequence is really good example of this where in the design there's a lot of things that are open and available that seemingly for me to to do right there's a door literally right in front of me that's open with a crack in it so oh I could go there there's a door at the end of the hallway that I'm approaching which usually would mean like oh this is the forward progress and yeah there's a back door that we just entered through that is now locked that apparently is the right way to go just no leave me please just okay so it's through here gu this is going to collapse on me at some [Applause] point okay okay so here I am collapse on me collapse on me okay there it is okay so now I'm supposed to run I'm supposed to run through here I guess okay oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez okay do I have to crouch through any of these no right right oh that okay oh my gosh are they lock too get out of here okay here we go here we go okay we going to go left I love me a good Huggy boogy Chase sequence oh hey hey get out of here get out of here get out of go hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey little things stop it I'm sorry they're so funny stop it little things I love darn it they're selling plushies for these things right oh oh I need at least seven of them one of each please I will take one of them all oh you I'm here's the thing if they're not available yet they soon will be all smiling Critters available to you now I mean I can get very disturbing offbrand ones ooh love that love that for us okay so we I I feel like we made a decent amount of progress that time okay so I need to just hang out on here and then I need to remember which ways to wait forward cuz it's a lot of disorientation okay fall away okay so now we're up here got kind of crawl through it slightly okay that opens up I think I took a left last time no that's a right no right now left now left now a left hey weird shutter doors in the middle of this place like why would you do that why you doing that okay I'm taking a left this time going a straight is this is this a dead end what am I doing here I still hear him behind me still hear him behind me I'm going to go straight woo oh slide cool cool slide I'm okay with that what do we got going on I make it I make it did I make it am I still going here no oh yeah okay once see once I knew where I was supposed to go oh how do you start the sequence once I knew to start the sequence I was like okay we did it I do feel like there was some probably some interesting stuff there at the end that I I just had to hurdle past that I didn't get a chance to see which I'm bummed about but okay I love it I love the fact that in true GT live form it's like hey the easy part which is starting the darn thing takes us like 20 tries it's like where do I go what is going on here oh have I found the literal glitches in this whole thing and then when I'm actually tasked with doing the thing it took us like three times yeah we practice subversion of expectations we do we we subvert your expectation that that you're going to get gameplay here and instead you're going to get us fumbling around hopelessly trying to figure out how to start a sequence but once we got it we're going to blow your mind with how good and how quick we are exactly that was amazing you know that g that gameplay sequence we were on top of it hey dog day dog day says fet or dog day go go as far as you can really legitimately go why are you just standing there you can't be here you can't stay [Applause] feel like I heard a metal album that had that riff in it one time day says fetch um you can get plushies of dog day and catnap From the Mob entertainment store can you um $38 to pre-order lot for a plushy little little high but they're very cute here hey are you all right thanks no ouchies or lost body parts no Al I'm really glad you're okay we misjudged the time again need I say more at this point it's a recurring theme of the whole thing but we miss Jud the time again we're back I'm listening to Ali talk to me about everything that we just went through as well as uh the lore of catnap right like we're getting the Deep lore of catnap which I'm excited about so without any further Ado we've escaped from dog day and we're excited to be here let us continue actually before we go in I got some Pro tips if you go to settings okay all right go to Graphics Okay I lied go to display go to display um where you see gamma yeah um bring that sucker up okay yeah right there's good okay all right and then we're going to hit back okay yeah save it okay and then resume yeah are you making it lighter for me I'm making it a little lighter but I'm also doing another fun and spicy thing hit resume I mean as soon as I hit resume Al's going to continue talking to me no that's great that's fine nap turned into catnap I guess there was some pretty serious accident he almost died but they say that the Prototype saved his life giving up his own freedom in the process H in catnap size the Prototype is a superhero and has saved this place so catnap treats him like a god killing everyone that opposes him us included if we're not careful that Shrine did it scare you if you thought that was terrifying just wait until you see the real thing anyways we're really close to the end look we're really close to new key you're going to the counselor's office instead it's not ideal but it should have enough juice if you can get that generator going and plug it in I think we'll be done and keep your eyes open for catnap every shadow and every flickering light is a hiding spot is it now he always stalks his prey first oh great he'll take away anything you have to defend yourself and when you're your most vulnerable he'll kill you cat lives for the hunt wow you say that with good luck talk soon you you say that in such a casual way there olly he lives for the hunt and he's going to kill you and it's going to be awful have fun good luck what am I launching out here I love that this little ball is just Flo floating here all right to the counselor's office okay can I show you the thing now yeah yeah you can show me the thing sure okay can you hit the tab button an inventory it's it's under tab it's under tab we found the button I thought it would be under I for inventory and I and it wasn't it it was not it was not oh my gosh look Note One Note two four five six and off well an office key okay so I missed two and three but these are the notes AR just a few weeks ago now was the hour of Joy today there's only silence in the school I don't think any of us here know what to do with it the hallways without the children carry even the smallest sounds as if they were shouts the other teachers and I startle each other constantly we'll have to get used to it something locked the front door this morning we haven't been able to open it so okay so hour of Joy uh again we we've covered this before but just as a reminder is the the time when all the toys rebelled and kicked out everyone who was working in the factory basically like slaughtered everyone inside right so it's interesting that M delight and the teachers in the school seem to not have been on board with that or maybe they were but now they have no plan for after the fact right today there's only silence in the school I don't think any of us know what to do with it the hallways without the children carry even the smallest s so the children are also dead did they kill the children that sucks like Hey we're we're angry toys that need to be released out into the world world but we're also going to kill the little kids who are subject to this too who are also victims in this process also why are the toys not escaping at this moment like if the goal was hey we're going to retake this area why is everyone being trapped in we haven't been able to open this this is interesting okay so this is uh that's note one so we skip two and three here's four the pit me howls for food I can't think about anything other than how hungry I am hardly have the strength now to pick myself off the floor Barb Barb was something that Mr like kept referencing we don't know who Barb is right I do we know who Barb is I thought there was something about Barb being a thing well Barb than like maybe like a weapon of some sort oh maybe Barb is the mace was the mace yeah oh is Barb the mace that would make like a bar you know it's covered in barbs maybe that's what I thought that Mak Barb speaks to me though she gives me strength yeah I that makes sense I found that if I stand still completely still everyone thinks I'm dead Barb says I need to eat and that the other teachers would never see me coming anything to stop the howling oh missed the light I'm so sorry I had to eat I had to survive I ate them I had to I had to I had to I had to oh poor Miss Delight a and this this coincides with what we've seen in Chapter 2 right one of the things that mommy longlegs says over and over and over again throughout chapter 2 is I'm hungry we need to eat I need to feed them so the hunger of the toys is actually a really key part of the lore here so it's interesting to see that it like that that is a driving and big motivational Force for a lot of these toys at this point they are literally starving they need food to eat and I guess they've eaten all the victims already and now everyone's chasing me because I am a tasty Marcel to them like an &m the door opened today and I heard something enter my hall together Barb and I found catnap waiting all this time all this Agony it was he who loost lock the door I know it I wanted to kill him but knew better than to believe I could he seemed oddly glad to see I was all that remained he made we made a deal we take care of each other now report what we see to the other and to him huh so why would catnap lock everyone in and just like let her starve until she's the last one remaining that's weird like why why why is that part of the plan I guess I guess that's one of my big questions right is why is this part of of the Prototype and and of catnaps plan in this whole thing like why would they like the hour of Joy makes sense right let's get retribution on these people who have wronged us and have trapped us here and have converted us into toys against our will that makes sense to me the strange part of it though is that idea of like well then why are the toys still here like if if their goal was truly to like set everyone free why are they still trapped down here and then more so like if catnip is the one blocking people down here you know and keeping M light and stuff locked up why what what is the impetus for that that doesn't make a lot of sense um so I'm very curious about that so this is which one's this this is the school that we were in so that's the schoolhouse the counselor's office that was like City Hall oh no this is this is the home at home Delight that must be Toy Factory I'm assuming this is the last place that we're checking out then yeah probably the one with the most lore and then down here this is a nice counselor's office this is b a big deal right here big time anything on the outside I'm supposed to grab and plug in no all right here we go sh go to sleep watch Huggy we're best friends forever forever forever forever forever all right counselor's office here we go oh and here he is okay let's see what we got in store here candy cat snacks I love that it looks like candy cat is literally licking everything in there nothing there just a lot of blood a lot of blood everywhere your tools won't protect you that's what you think game just you wait oh hold up okay okay so yeah this has got to be I think I saw the battery up there right yeah there we go plug plug it in plug it in else we got Play Time Lemonade yeah this this this looks about right for counsel's office not bad cool oh okay we got tape very exciting more lore oh there it is who's this one by just must see who it is let's see this is oh emergency alert on 8 815 8815 so that's giving us a date I'm wondering if that's hour of Joy would be my guess TV hello emergency alert whoever made the emergency alert sound deserves a raise that thing is the worst 88 95 95 emergency alert system playtime company work force danger message is for all playtime compy employees at 11:01 a.m. eastern standard time an unknown hostile force was declared present within the Playtime company facility oh man personel are to begin enacting emergency prots immediately leave all personal belongings do not engage with any hostile individuals get out if no exit path is available seek shelter in a hidden location use blankets or pillows to cover your body and remain silent that's scary do not look through any Windows do not open doors for any individuals this is like an analog horror waiting to happena hello open the doors now the hour of Joy has arrived so this is about the Mind Control right so that is one of those things that we've talked about I don't know how important to the lore it is or how consistent they're keeping things I bet I can grab this y I use this with M Delight I know this trick um but in the early chapter in chapter one right there was the the fact that like the death mini game or the the death messages that you would get would talk a lot about like mind control and and you having to kind of like follow and be subservient and what we've seen is it seems like the Prototype is able to dictate what people do or kind of like control them in some way through videotapes or recorded messages and so that's why they're probably like do not make eye contact with screens or something like that help there's good old Bron and bunzo again just getting brutalized every way to Sunday this is a weird setup so if everyone's hiding under a table I'm assuming this what might have been their Hideout you know if we just saw this emergency alert and it's like he we got to hide from the hour of joy and this is their kind of like pillow forward right but they were found out and maybe these are them right maybe these are those people cuz again i' I've mentioned this a couple times but we've talked about how you know we see employees being turned into bronze and bunzos potentially so maybe that's that's them now they were found out in that room and that's why they they've been skewered o hello what is that's weird what is that those are bugs I think right that's weird weird what are we looking at those are fake trees so these are fake trees but real bug that's a weird detail huh just like a little swarm of bugs outside that's real bizarre I don't know what that would be this isn't a very like insect Centric game is that strange Counseling Center okay oh here we go graber's office Stella Graber is one that we learned before we had the idea I believe again I have to refresh myself on on the theories of this one but I believe we had thought that Stella Graber is um kissy Missy if I remember right so Maria we've got Maria Joy so much joy okay anything in here nothing really huh like come on baby Light My Fire show me your paperwork hopefully nothing flammable in here no nothing why are you showing me this game this is one of those times where I'm like you're you brought me into this room for a reason what is that reason Jo huh chemistry so it's a teacher so she's a teacher okay Maria so we'll have to remember Maria cuz I don't remember that name but I could be wrong turn and go home I you know I wish I could but my train got destroyed in the process this o hey oh okay catnap be on the hunt my friends catnap be hunting right now I grab this battery nice catnap on the prowl run I mean I would take you up on that but uh I'm going to explore right now the hour of Joy lot of Dead toys just scattered everywhere more so are the are the are the bugs there cuz there's more bugs over there are they just indicating like wow there's a lot of death and Decay here I'm not sure I find it weird that it's around that plant right it is weird isn't it like do you think they're actually bugs or am I was that like a misread I I don't know no like I it looks bug is it is it's the placement of the bugs is weird the one that they're outside of a window and that they're just randomly next to this one plant but clearly they're intentionally here yeah I don't get it maybe it's setting up a mechanic in a future chapter or something the Prototype has saved us all catnip seems very excited about that hello oh can I and I still can't see myself I keep expecting like maybe I can see myself but I'm I'm just got this headlamp going just rocking my old my old headlamp I think through here no help sorry cannot do that for you little bit late to this party going up classic poppy playtime chapter 3 looking up looks like this chapter is looking up okay oh hello huh okay cool oh and now we're back into the caves huh that was a very short stint through through that area I guess that was like just for you know lore purposes and just to identify what was going on and reinforcing the idea of hour of Joy so they've introduced us to this uh Maria character which I'll have to dig back through kind of like the lore files and see where she's showing up if I thought that um for whatever reason the fact that Rich has showed up in multiple multiple Chapters at this point it feels like he's going to be one of our I I feel like that's our character I I just have a gut feeling that that's who we're dealing with here I climb you I cannot climb you you are deactivated how can I activate how may I activate please where are we hiding ladies and gentlemen anything over here no nothing over there I bet I got got to look up bet that was my problem didn't look up classic poppy chapter 3 there it is of course of course win in doubt in poppy play time look up everything's always looking up okay what do we got here so we got ourselves a little electricity puzzle hold up oh but there's another there's another one down there right here okay woo okay okay so now can I go back I don't think this is going to work right yeah okay I see what's going on okay so for for this one what we're going to have to do is this we're going to have to do it the opposite way I'm assuming so we're going to have to go we're going to want to start with that one down there right so here here good but now that we're down here we're going to go here here shoot almost I love how our arms just stretch everywhere at this point like it is ridiculous the level of stretchiness that our arms have at this point it's just crazy okay there through there we go yeah I got it that wasn't too bad that was that was a good one though see I like these puzzles these puzzles are really fun for me they make me feel so achie so achieved achieved uh so now oh let's just unlock these guys I see woo making our way through the caves into the office oh and and we're back all right we now interrupt that short gameplay segment with more lore exploration thanks everyone what do we got here ladies and gents just a lot of fire hazard waiting to happen and me not caring one iota about any of it let it burn baby that's what the that's what they tell me when I die in this game they're like let it burn so here you go I'm I'm taking advantage of that taking it very literally no just a bunch of cubicles nothing particularly interesting there got to be something there's a lot of this chapter is interesting right cuz there's a lot of like clutter everywhere oh head of play care which is stellic Graber there's a lot of clutter everywhere and there's a lot of detail everywhere which makes me feel like I'm definitely you know I've definitely missed things um and I know that I've missed things but it makes it you really got to pay close attention to everything cuz there's a lot of visual stuff going on amongst the the kind of grander Storytelling that this is all putting together so Stella hello Stella graper you're the one who went off the rails and started painting things other colors right and she got pen punished for it we've got October and June as dates just worth knowing there recess home lunch got some clocks which could be part of a a code at some point got a TV that's partially working oh hello we've got another missing tape so where would that tape oh here we go Stella okay what's what's your tape say your tape says heartman incident I think so right Hartman incident then it's right here and then nothing on the side so okay let's plug it in oh you right here there we go insert ooh oh spooky kid It's a Spooky kid oh Mr and Mrs Hartman come on in please have a seat this kid is not seen good days how was your right down it was uh nothing like we were expecting yeah we are literally in a c was well it just confirms for us that you're the orphanage we want to go through it's a truly magical place I felt right at home from the second I entered you opened that door the first time and you just just know you just know don't you know never going to leave kind of like finding home as a child and always thinking of it when you want to feel comforted I understand you want to give Jeremy that home yes remember Jeremy amazing you'll be perfect for oh what well it appears there's been some complication H complications what kind of complications I I don't know um the form says testing what does that mean tell us what does that mean Miss graper we deserve a better explanation than that don't you think you're in charge of all this how could you not know and why are we only finding out about this now I I don't I'm sorry oo interesting there's there's a lot in this chapter and there's a lot that I have to like go back and revisit to piece together there's a lot of names there's a lot of references to things there's a lot of lore and you can see that they're very clearly telling us a story of these characters and and their motivations and and origin stories and stuff I'm very excited to see where it's going but because there's a lot going on and because it's been you know a couple months since we did a last poy playtime Theory you know in a couple years since the last chapter it's hard to remember everything so I need to go back and and refresh on this but there's a lot of really interesting stuff that's happening here yeah it feels like every section of this game has like a very deliberate attention to detail yes yes makes it so like enriching and rewarding to explore it which is really awesome to see yeah 100% agreed that's one of the reasons why when I'm walking around these cubicles I'm like oh is am I missing something on any of these desks or whatever cuz it Everything feels so clearly intentional and so precisely designed to tell us something right about the story and about these characters whether it's about catnap or the origins of of play care or whatever like you can tell that up until this point I think they had a general idea of what the story was and they had kind of like the broad strokes but you can tell here that they're like oh no we're we're ready to share this with you we have the full narrative mapped out like we know what we want to accomplish with this and we're going to tell it to you it's just are you going to are you going to be able to figure it out are you going to be able to solve it right it's a really nice way of encouraging people to explore without being so super in your face about it yeah um because you can play this game just by like running in and checking things out and leaving or you can pop in and like go through kind of what you're doing um like area by area by area and check things out so it's like it can work both ways which is really cool to see yeah right it is super cool to see you know what else would be cool to see what would be cool to see the key to the next room that would be so sick that would be the best and you are not going to get that right now cuz I am not finding [Music] it maybe it's not this room I'm moving on right in in a very crowded office space with a lot of stuff curses that is a bummer that is absolutely locked I listen to the tape though is there anything I listened to the tape did that unlock something for me do I get an achievement do I get a lore let's see where am I looking at look up when in doubt look up I should know doubt I'm doubting I'm looking up though I'm not finding anything it could be in the office I just I feel like it's got to be around here right this is the this this is the better lit room there's like a big lore tape in here it feels like Stella as like someone who would be in charge would have a key to the what seems to be the next area down the coat r or key rack I feel like it has to be in this room right where is there anything funky on the ceiling when in doubt check the [Music] ceiling thanks yeah thanks got you winning out look at the ceiling every time Ash every time I saw a peep of the vent and went H every time always looking at the ceiling things do be looking up in poppy Play Time quite literally oh hello oh got a turn and go home your time is running short I'd love to again hi I'm crafty corn can you help me with my painting love that I'm not very good than now can you give me some red sure more red please oh oh oh I see what she's going for here I think I know what the red means but we can't be out hiding more red from me I know you are I got a lot of red right up in here trust me I got the all the red you need you're here I just imagined this like My Little Pony want to be coming at us with Like a Knife stabby stabby here we go what do we got here you are well L over here that's no apparent reason okay hello mysterious office got a bron mysterious radiator and keyboard nothing on the ceiling he's learning it only took me the entirety of this chapter to figure out that is a that a busted up hallway oh that is a broken down door okay nothing there hell lot of scratches oh no what's going on here maybe I should look up there we go oh no oh oh hello okay o I could go the other way let's let's go this way instead huh there we go okay there we go nice ready to go there better not be any more of those little crawly Critters as much as I enjoyed their presence and thought that they were very cute and merchandisable another Chase sequence through the vents I am willing to pass up thank you very much I know this game loves its vent chases but still anything through here nothing interesting through there anything here no nothing interesting through there just slow crawling and down we go y oh hello gas got him nice back to the gas man yeah we haven't done the gas M like for for this being the like chapter of poppy gas we actually have taken a big break from the poppy gas so I'm like oh yeah that's a thing that we're doing in this in this game okay so we're looking for Batteries looking for love looking for energy for [Music] Batteries oh this is where we saw a bunzo get get got okay so there's one oh there's a lot of there a lot of battery stuff going on around here no locked what's through there that's a mysterious and very important looking uh power pole over there who's this this is Lisa Bo ban Lisa bodan my like passing out here can I take off my mask okay nope cannot do that I'm like this gas maskk is starting to really Cramp My Style I feel myself right there's a lot of a lot of violence thinking about the bunzos and bronze being representative of the employees makes them all the more disturbing right it's true right it's really dark especially with how like violently every single one of one of them has been killed it's just terrible and horrific I was going to say with um it's it's kind of interesting comparing this like poy play time like hey you know what these mascot horror games don't have a lot of blood you know what FNAF needs more of blood blood all all the blood okay we're getting a lot of names here by the way Greg fecta fecto very clearly they're like hey we're going to give you the name that is yours you are going to be one of these characters whether that's rich whether that's one of these guys from all these things that were you know all these offices or whatever but you're going to be one of them oh hello oh okay we need okay we need to activate this one as well you're not going to be able to find out who until you you know read more of the lore and solve more of the puzzles but it's going to be one of them o gas production Nate Carpenter I can see us being gas production more like gas production after I eat my beans I was about to say I know someone's job title being yeah you know I'm the gas producer yeah I'm right I'm CEO of gas of making and passing that gas onward I I produce the gas yes certified in the One Cheek sneak if you smelt it I dealt it that's [Laughter] awesome oh man oh that's fantastic the One Cheek sneak what happened to the other cheek in that circumstance ash oh no I mean it's when you're sitting and you have to like lift up on one side oh you're familiar with you sneak oh yeah got to do the lift don't want to launch off into space right right don't want to get launched so this is so all these guys are going to open that guy uh I need a battery so which one of these is actually powered on though is the question I have H can I move you if I take you out what happens anything does that turn these guys on now no no huh one man there are so many good names for farting right there's a lot of good fart names I've love that we started to like parse out the techniques um to either like conceal it or not right to conceal or reveal to conceal or reveal it's so funny I don't care what anyone says it's funny oh absolutely a fart humor solid cross the board it works for a reason what is it if you smelt it uh whoever smelt whoever smelt it delt it if you denied it you supplied it oh I like that one that's good if you ripped it just admit it which is an Virginia wolf off Ryme but is also I feel like decent we are pulling from the literary Classics right literally right if Virginia wolf were to shame someone and call them out for their flatulence I feel like that's the way that she would probably do that you know right of course there has to be some like some pros out there whether it's from like that sort of romantic era um or like a Victorian era of literature where they are describing such actions oh absolutely it has to exist oh 100% you know it where what am I missing here where is yeah what what have you learned um I didn't I guess I forgot I blocked this out of my memory there's a fart joke in Dante's Inferno is there yes good for Dante good for Dante what what's the fart joke in Dante's Inferno um it's describing a demon who more or less from this quote uses his ass as a trumpet oh sure that's not a joke that's just a fact it's just it's just a straight but the description is what we were looking for yes wow that's incredible I I need to know more I must no more you're not seeing that demon appear in in iterations of Diablo right like please continue right please elucidate us what am I missing here though but really like I am struggle buing here well while you read about flatulent demons yes I'm going to continue to Fumble around here in the dark perfect oh oh oh it was this mysterious panel that was very difficult to see obviously I'm glad that I took that amount of time there we go that should open up this door nice can I can't take out my mask yeah there we go why was that so hard to see that was so tricky for me to find out anyway um okay so it looks like we're hopping back into a puzzle here here before we hop into this puzzle or actually you know what I feel like this is a good breaking point but before we do I think you need to read to me about the flatulent demon I okay please I could pull more from that but that was in Dante's Inferno okay um to relook up demon trumpet I mean or or if you you know of other demons that we should be aware of uh other other demons other popular media or ye only media that had flatulence involved well I did I did come up with one of them this is from act 3 scene one of a comedy of errors by Shakespeare okay by shakes by Shakespeare okay um the line is a man may break a word with you sir and words are but wind I and break it in your face so he break it not behind whoa breaking wind in your face yes and so it's not behind you y the um translation given by litcharts.com is I could break a word with you sir and words are only WI yeah man I'm not man I put in man but it felt fitting amazing thank you for that yeah of course yeah I'd break a word in your face or otherwise I'd break wind from my backside um so those are between the droos wow um but yeah so you know it makes sense for Shakespeare to be the one to do it right uh yeah I saying that there saying that there's a Shakespeare that's not surprising in the slightest right if you know any more Shakespearean or other kinds of old literary fart jokes or references hey feel free and we'll leave them down below oh yeah we are we are an equal opportunity fart appreciator oh over here right now fart appreciators on GT live appre the farts oh no here let me try this one last time and then we're going to we're going to cut I'm just in the midst of doing this little jumpy little jumpy jumpy do and I'm enjoying it so oh wait am I getting caught on something okay yeah I I'm clearly not doing it the right way and I'm being stubborn about it and I'm sure there's a better way to do it but we'll figure that out next time so it feels like we're we're towards the end Ali himself said that we were at the end so we can trust Ally can we uh no of course not but uh but I can trust his his sense of progress through the chapter so without any further Ado friends I hopefully next time we'll have wrap this thing up I know we anticipated this being like 3: to 4: it looks like it's going to be five hopefully I think so I think we can wrap it up next time I mean I feel like people beat this like a month ago at this point so got to hop on that so anyway thank you guys so much for watching thank you uh for making sure that you hold your gas until you're a safe distance away from me uh and remember don't be silent but deadly what watch out for people who are silent but deadly and also don't forget that this wasn't a live stream but it was a video video for you that was terrible my gosh thanks for farting [Music] a
Channel: GTLive
Views: 667,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 release date, poppy, catnap, poppy playtime 3, poppy playtime chapter 3 ending, poppy playtime chapter 3 explained, poppy playtime chapter 3 lore, poppy playtime chapter 3 full game, poppy playtime 3 end, poppy playtime catnatp, poppy catnap, poppy playtime secret tapes, poppy playtime notes, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gt, gt live
Id: md33y22KmHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 42sec (4482 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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