Poppy Playtime’s Bron VHS Tape is SO DARK! | Matpat Reacts to RESTRICTED_restoration.mp4

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oh oh he's alive oh [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT not live where today it is playtime poppy playtime uh over the weekend I got an enormous amount of requests from you guys saying that there is a new upload on the poppy playtime YouTube channel and that I have to react to it because it is game changing it is important for the lore it is dark and disturbing and everything that we love here on the channel so that is why am I why I'm here sitting on the couch today to dive into some poppy playtime lore stuff uh but before you do I just want to call out that we have a new new voice behind the camera today we got Justin I I'm filling in for ash I'm doing my best you're you're filling in for ash who would also normally have Sam filling in for them but Sam is also out so basically you are by process of elimination the live body is coming through I'm doing my best we have any Tech issues in this episode don't hashtag baymash hashtag name Justin which is close to Jason hashtag blame Jason which you're all familiar with so Jason Justin wanted the same yeah you can play are you an alternate Persona of Jason or me uh uh you know we'll leave that up to the fans wow okay make it Choose Your Own Adventure lore happening right there uh I I don't want to linger on you too long because you know it is not normally your job to have to sit and banter with me back and forth but do my best but just for the the fan base uh I'm curious if they know one key factoid about you from that will live with you from now until the heat death of the universe like this is your defining character trait what is the thing that you want them to know uh like I'm the Diet Coke guy and also the Sans is Nest guy Ash is Remnant and also urpal guy and also the the resident gen zir the Zoomer yes Sam is the Michigan Grandpa who has hairy legs uh from our shower episode and so who are you let's you know what I'm just I'm scrambling here um my favorite food is garlic bread and I'm from Texas so I'm I'm the Texas toast garlic bread guy that's garlic bread guy I love it uh yeah the thick thick Texas toast I mean do you get that in the freezer I will sit down and eat an entire box of that by myself if you let leave me alone are you are you more of a crust or a centers guy because because I don't know if you guys have ever experienced the Delight that is Texas toasted garlic bread it is fantastic I grew up with that stuff as a Mainstay in my refrigerator hashtag not spawn but I mean could be spawn whoever makes Texas toast garlic bread please please please free garlic bread in the office load us up with all the garlic bread but I will say my parents and I had decidedly different approaches to the Texas toast garlic bread I was decidedly a center-only guy because I wanted that garlicky buttery goodness in the soft chewy Center but I'm not much of a crust guy whereas my parents were all about the crust what are you oh I'll eat the whole I told the cardboard you give me a box and I'll eat the whole box these things are so soaked with garlic and butter that it does leech into the fibrousness of the box that is true flavor so yeah it is it is Flavor okay so your your equal opportunity garlic toaster yeah okay yeah fair enough all right so our Texan garlic breader behind the scenes Justin uh is guiding us through today I will try to minimize me putting you on the spot here so I'll do my best okay forgive me you're doing you're doing great hey yeah there you go nice nice salute uh without any further Ado though let's just hop into this this is a restricted underscore restoration.mp4 uh this it was uploaded over the weekend uh I hear that it's full of all sorts of interesting exciting lore implications I'm excited to explore it with you I've got Photoshop pulled up in the background in case we need it because I know usually we have to like edit out the egregious amount of time it takes us to load up Photoshop and then it's all a headache and with Justin being here I'm like you know what I'm gonna think ahead and do some of this job for you so don't worry you're all taken care of I'm very appreciative thank you I'm trying to make it as easy for you as possible I know today's a rough day for you so um cool let's let's just hop into it let's do it so if you would be so kind as to Segway seamless that's why we run a professional operation 100 how many theorists does it take to push a bus let's write all the theorists it's a theory for its own uh it's one of our math episodes well uh according to f equals m a force equals mass times acceleration let's calculate all right um so let's start this up restricted underscore restoration let's go oh wait uh real quick I did want to show off the the thumbnail for this because I saw the thumbnail for this so it appears to be about Braun our dear friend the dinosaur over here and he looks like he's glitching out or something I I did not actually look closely at it I just noticed that it was a Brawn focused one which is cool he has some sort it looks like some sort of weird static under his nose um I'm trying to think of like what toy material that would be you know maybe it's it's some sort of like carbon fiber it doesn't look plastic by any means it looks like there's layers here it needs covered up with a like a thick plastic shell guys like a less tasty m m but um this this has uh very to me this screams of our original Five Nights at Freddy's video thumbnail like old old school first ever Five Nights at Freddy's where it's like here's the mask put the like scared human eyes is that in fact you know actually I am curious now we're gonna start this but up and a half Game Theory one let's see if we can do it that is not FNAF or Game Theory there it is I did right it's not my fault that's YouTube's fault um it's not the same eyes unfortunately the framing's different yeah framing well I knew the framing was different but at least I'm like oh maybe it's the same eyes but no they are slightly different eyes but uh okay without any further Ado let's hop into this two days ago oh get into the medical procedure hold up okay good good policy good uh sanitary policy for the gloves Justin are you familiar with that policy uh don't about to take off the glove keep them oh don't no no there's a special way that you're supposed to take off your gloves that they teach you in science class oh I was homeschooled I don't know no you never had to dissect a worm or frog actually I did I did do that at all in the comfort of it I just did that independently I'm Justin I like Texas toast and hacking things apart with scaffold Scout bless my bedroom uh yeah wait really it kind of was oh no yeah you're supposed to take off half the glove with one off the glove with other and then as you take them off they like fold into each other so that way all the goopy outsides stay on the inside and it makes it less of a biohazard and then you dispose of it which looks like to be what they're doing here so compliments to them on their sanitary policies here at playtime Co and here we see Braun sliced open like they're doing surgery on them so obviously for a long time we've suspected at this point it feels outright proven that there are some combination of humans kids employees orphans adults basically anyone and everyone can get shoved shoved into an animatronic suit is is the term I use for it but at this point like shoved into these toys and being infused in these toys in some way um so I'm wondering if this is in relation to that but uh but yeah just so we're on the same page that's where we're at you know we think that all these toys are at least the vast majority of these toys have some sort of spirit or biological component in here uh some sort of viscera or whatever we've seen Poppy and kind of like her humanoid eyes and stuff so the some combination of real body parts fake body parts but souls and Spirits are being infused into these things in some way so maybe this will give us a clue as to how the subject is 59 year old Thomas Clark a full-time employee at playtime code since okay hold up closed captions aren't on so just just so we have it because again we all know sometimes they had things in closed captions well we're paused anything interesting back here um I don't know why is that can I zoom in I know I can't okay um is that a human's skeleton I if it is it only has one arm right yeah at the very least the one arm thing is really interesting right it's odd that even if it is a human skeleton that you would have one arm although like looking at the biology of it right the I guess the proportions roughly look the same it doesn't have a neck like it looks like the head is is immediately affixed to the body it doesn't look like it has a typical head and from a body length to torso it looks like it's slightly Too Tall it almost looks like Slenderman I wonder if this is some sort of anatomy of like Huggy wuggy or something because he's got like the tall thin lanky arms he's got like the thin tall legs he's very tall with a very short head which reminds me of the silhouette of Huggy wuggy and like you call out the fact that he's missing an arm is very strange like even if this is an anatomical chart for a human you wouldn't be missing an arm if one arm was up at a 90 degree angle I'd definitely be like yeah that's right right but no it's it's very strange um the other thing that I throw out there too is when it comes to arms and missing arms one thing uh that comes to mind is is this potentially uh uh the Prototype you know who we've only seen operating with this kind of like one claw hand we haven't gotten confirmation that there is a secondary body part in some way so maybe this is an early anatomical design of of them um trying to think of what digestive system or maybe circulatory system is in there but again it feels very contained like it if you're thinking this might be a human you're not seeing a lot of that viscera and things that you would expect in that sort of like digestive system so that's interesting here we've got one of the adoption posters that we've seen in the past so I don't this is uh this I don't think is any new information and then here what's interesting is we've got a division of bunzo right so bunzo has been one that's been kicking around for a while um we've seen larger versions of this anime not handle track this larger versions of this toy uh specifically in chapter two as it descended down from the ceiling uh but here what's what's particularly really interesting is divided up into two so I don't know if this is meant to be a model or if this is how they are assembling these guys like plop them together and then you put the put the little life goo in the middle the remnants in the middle or whatever can you do wait can you do a Remnant just in honor of Ash hey it's me Remnant I don't know you gotta go Remnant Remnant okay I don't know why I went to immediately to water yeah yeah what was the day oh I'm walking here for episode one I don't know why it's my brain went immediately like a Danny DeVito you're like oh I'm the red Eminem nowadays what's going on yep it was a choice you know it was a choice I regret no you know what a lot of regrettable decisions happen here on GT live let's be honest a lot of regrettable things uh so anyway okay so we got bunzo and then that seems to be about it maybe that's a micro microscope anyway I just wanted to call those out because that immediately struck me as interesting Clark a full-time employee at playtime code since 1955. okay so we got a date here 55 please don't make me do math and wait he's 50 what does it say 59 57 59 year old what was he yeah was that his age how long he's been working there here 8 15. 59 year old so we don't know what this date is but we can assume well if they're making if they're so if Play Time code is still operational we know that it closes sometime around like early 90s so this guy's been I mean working here for a long time if he's starting at 50 like he's been working here for like 40 years 1955. six months ago yeah so like say at the low end this is like 90s like he's he's been working here like 35 30 35 plus years crazy and he started yelling there oh oh well there you go I mean like that right there outright kind of confirms it right so I'm assuming we're gonna watch Thomas Clark and employee the company get infused into a toy as part of an experiment in this process in order to preserve his own life so again you're seeing this idea of playtime Co infusing different people into the toys for different reasons you know uh some of them seem like based on audio recordings VHS tapes they were like you know people who were misbehaving or like spreading bad press about playtime Co we've heard some like rumors or some some VHS tapes there like those people disappeared we can assume logically that they were put into toys um you know we've been on the fence about whether the orphans and and what level of the orphans are being put into the toys um you know there's been allusions to other employees being shoved into toys but here it if this is early days of the the bigger bodies project or the toy infusion process you're seeing it being used almost as a as a means for good right hey here I am an employee of this company I've been here for a long time I'm dying uh and so please put me in a toy so I can live longer that's that's really interesting and I think that's an angle that none of us have really thought about like oh it's helping to preserve people's lives that's kind of cool um that also would tie it back to Poppy in the early days right because we've had the theory that the CEO in some way started this whole process as a means of hey my my daughter has died or is dying and I'm looking for a way to bring her back to life or preserve preserve her life so maybe this thing started off with good intentions that just got corrupted as time went on really cool veneers Thomas oh that is terrifying that is terrifying oh no oh his eyes just how Wild is that they put him in there and then you're just like staring up as a toy oh also I I again I I still can't make out what is this what do we think this is I'm really intrigued because it's not your typical toy stuff like it almost looks like an organic netting of some form um that might be me overthinking it but if you're thinking about why this toy would look this way and what it would be composed of like yeah it's got a hard plastic shell but inside is this organic material maybe that's some sort of like organic net you know maybe maybe a vein here as well because again we've seen in the past like especially the poppy playtime initial trailer you saw them using veins you know we saw them pulling out like bloody computer chips out of the back and stuff so we know that there's organic pieces here I'm also confused why he's beaten up like why is he starting injured and like why aren't they infusing him into like a brand new toy that seems odd to me you know if they're like hey yeah we know you're dying of cancer so we're gonna preserve you in a toy for this experiment why a toy that's like partially complete like this like like oh we need an entry point but he's like all old and beaten up and he's chunks of his nose are missing it's weird it's a weird decision you can hear us Thomas 11.99 displayed much more disorientation than we expected subsequent mental testing metrics were also practically in half it's just conjecture on my part but I don't believe he knows where he is or what's happened to him huh that's interesting so it shows that there is a level of this this goes back to an earlier reaction that we did and it wound up in a theory actually with one of these earlier VHS tapes where we see Huggy escape from the facility and ultimately wind up at the end of the video standing outside of just a normal home right and that led us to believe like hey maybe the spirit or person inside who we assumed was a child at that point was drawn to this place consciously or or subconsciously right like maybe they don't know why they're drawn to this house but this was the house that they grew up in this was the house that they were fostered in whatever and so even I as a Monster who might not have all awareness of my faculties is still like it's compelled to go here despite losing my identity in this process and so this reads to me as early days of them figuring this out right like they don't know how it happened he doesn't know where he is like they're still testing out and like fine-tuning where they are so maybe this is one of the earliest toy like Braun is one of the earliest toys to get made in this game which is pretty fascinating but what about that experiment number I think she said 11.99 that's actually Oh no you're actually right no that's actually a good call out because uh experiment 1009 is prototype No so at this point you would assume that there's been a hundred and ten wow oh no you're absolutely right I'm completely wrong unless they have a different numbering scheme but right uh you know they spin a wheel no to be fair no you're absolutely right to call that out because they have been in the in-game documents as well as these videos they've been doing a good job of sequentially number numbering things or at least keeping it pretty chronological or not chronic numerological what's oh some kind of odd yeah logical in some way not logical by by my standards uh but logical in some way where there is like lower numbers or earlier tests and higher numbers are later tests right so no you're right so this is actually deeper into the process than I would have expected so it's interesting that they're still having a hard time transferring people even though presumably they've done this for a while think about is worse the other experiment 11.99 was different yeah other experiments that he's different main character energy yeah right well he's so sad and Confused he's so small too I didn't this must be because we've seen again we've seen different sizes of all these toys and I think that's another weird element of the series is you have the bigger bodies initiatives where you have giant Huggies serving as a security guard for the facility but then you also have like small guys and so this shows you something that we've not officially confirmed but that's really interesting and that's been kind of kicking along the back burner is sometimes you see small toys crushed and shattered with blood stains around them and we're like oh are they where the small toys living toys too or were they just small version like the actual toy versions of these large things but this actually confirms that people are being infused into all different sizes of toy fascinating he is so sweet though look at him oh oh no oh this is this is nightmarish wow oh this is this is so scary so you got pug a pillar which I think that's his point of view yeah no no totally yeah I think yes I would I would agree but you got poker pillar we got huggy is that cat B another Huggy or a kiss you know kissing Missy Huggy variant right and then jumbo Huggies already made which would make oh what here what are their uh playtime experiment numbers let's see if it do we have the whole I I need to like just make a list of all of these and what numbers they are because what number are you huggy experiment number oh God every time I need to like refresh myself on what okay experiment 1170 on this day experiment 1170 managed to escape playtime co-factory through the open Bay delivery door yes so 1170 was was Poppy and this is one one ninety nine eleven ninety nine so okay that makes sense so from a again kudos to Poppy playtime for leaving the clues there to establish a timeline because yeah it makes sense that Poppy or sorry not poppy that Huggy wuggy exists here jumbo Huggy because he's an experiment like 20 or 29 iterations earlier so Wild but he and yet for some reason Brawn is different and you can and you can see that it seems like they're not happy about it okay so here real quick let's go back to this because I I'm I missed this reveal and oh poor broad oh he's alive oh jump scare oh I said I'm like oh maybe I should pause this later and see okay so who do we got we got we got so many Huggies there are so many living Huggies which again goes to a project playtime which is the spin-off game where you see a lot of like Huggies summoning all these living Ascension Huggies but you see that multiple versions of the same character can be presumably brought to life uh DJ pugapillars here um mix it up with all your legs DJ Pucker does the fact that he's it is interesting that he's the only one with eyes actively lit but I'm assuming the fact that everyone's freestanding and staring at him and they say like oh the others recognize that he's different says that all of them are possessed but it is interesting that he's the one that has glowing eyes so oh and you can even see DJ pug a pillar his mouth moving maybe not I thought is is this no his son's getting longer yeah so yeah his tongue gets a little bit longer there for a second unless I'm imagining it completely but it's like he's getting ready to eat brawn Thomas and who's this who is this so we've got a clawed hand it's a big hand it's a jumbo guy is that a candy cat claw who would this be of all the toys that we've seen unless it's a new one here let's see candy cat no candy cat doesn't have claws candy cat has just like no floofs unless they made the real version of candy cat like the big jumbo version of candy cat actually have claws and then let's maybe cat B if you have claws no I mean Huggy has he have an articulated hand no a huggie just wears mittens same with kissy yeah kissing Miss he has mittens uh obviously poppy playtime is just a a person like a girl um let me play time all boys you know there's the robot Bron bunzo who doesn't have claws all the variants of Huggy poppy yeah so this is someone new is basically what this is confirming right here is and I'm assuming maybe this is the villain of chapter three and this is our first tease as to who this could be but unless they have changed the design of the large version of one of these toys which based on how they've translated the Huggies small Huggies into large Huggies that is not the case we have not seen that happen yet small bunso looks exactly like big buns so it's literally a one for one this is a new character this is a new character who is attacking him right now so this might be our first reveal of whoever our villain is in chapter three which could be cool and I know for a while people have been like oh it's going to be bronze I don't I haven't thought it's Brawn um Brawn but uh no I think this might confirm it foreign oh no no oh my God they were structures with some of the anatomy namely the lyrics and the thyroid having been completely devoured larynx and thyroid so okay throat and the thyroid really that would also explain while he was so beat up in the previous footage oh so but this was this being told in Reverse chronology then because because it seems like when they bring officer now Mr Clark of sound mind has volunteered for this experiment if history was damaged that's why the side of his face would be would be gone torn up in years Thomas 11.99 displayed much more orientation than we expected huh yeah so you're thinking that maybe that moment here is not him first coming online as a toy that is him post damn I mean I it makes that actually makes a lot of sense because it's like why else would he be in a ruined toy that's really interesting that's also a really interesting like a very different creative choice so here post being attacked it's hard to make out but no you're right it does look like it's got four legs which is what we saw before right it's got to be him yeah they would have killed him how 'd they summon the anatomy namely the lyrics and the thyroid having been completely devoured it took 12 hours of surgery to stabilize 11.99 we keep him separated from the others now oh oh poor little baby I've never felt so bad for a little living is that is that a sonogram thing is we might need a oh man spectrograph or something I thought my throat was making that noise so okay a lot of things I've never felt so sad let me complete the first thought which is like I've never felt so sad for a little toy dinosaur like that's so sad this poor guy also I think I I think I got it which is the reason why everyone is attacking him and the thing that makes him different is that he's an employee I think that's what it's I think that because this whole time I'm like oh they knew that he was different they knew he was different it's because unlike everyone else in there who is you know insert who they are here like orphan ex-journalist bad you know uh disobedient person whatever unlike everyone else up to this point maybe 11.99 is the first employee that we see getting infused into a toy which is why everyone would turn on him as soon as he's thrown into the you know the general populace the general population of the prison as it were and so then they they brutalize him and that's why he has to be kept separate from that point forward they're just jealous his uh sick days and paid time off they are yeah he got he got five weeks vacation health benefits I mean he got surgery for free that's a pretty good help that's right I don't think anyone's sending him bills at home you don't give me surgery for free no no they're like oh excuse me my my Huggy buggy transplant surgery cost me an arm and a leg I'm still paying it off I'm gonna be paying it off until I'm you know sent down the big train to to play care you know they're not paying me enough as security guard of this facility to pay for that story he's also got the spring lock crank and then he's gonna Infuse himself into a yellow bunny suit they're all good connected oh my gosh it's the spooky Cinematic Universe I love it yep that needs to happen like at this point there needs to be a Super Smash Brothers oh yes for for this world yeah that would be amazing so okay so I feel really confident actually about that assertion right that the reason why Braun is singled out amongst everyone else is that he is the odd man out he is the first employee to be put into Thomas this guy Thomas is the first employee to be put into a toy and as a result everyone else attacks him the I do wonder and and again I need to go back and check the timeline of these things you know to see who is actually put into what bodies but I don't know if we've gotten confirmation that there is another adult who has been put into one of these bodies up until this point so that might explain why he's disoriented in a way that they don't anticipate whereas maybe the kids because they've undergone all these tests and we see this in chapter two right the kids are undergoing these tests to determine their Fitness and there are you the right fit or not for the cat beat toy or the candy cat toy and they're and they're paired accordingly right we see that we see the kind of reports throughout that chapter of like hey we tested this girl a couple times she passes the test now we're gonna put her into a candy cat I think it was and so it's one of those things where here maybe it's the fact that he's an adult and that's why he's disoriented or maybe it's the fact that he is mismatched in some way and that's why he's disoriented in a way that all a hundred plus experiments prior to him have not seen uh so that's that's really interesting this is this is really compelling uh and then the last thing here it's real short so if you hear a high-pitched hum not speech to text but I see I I need to it's been a while since I've had to use a spectrograph or anything can I do this this is gonna let me do it or no sure use my microphone why not hello probably it's probably not going to work especially because of our hello no okay this is yeah we might I might need to just have a separate thing moving forward of this but yeah I would say with a fair amount of certainty that whole thing at the end there it's gonna be a short little message because again when it comes to like audio clues in media you know especially things that you have to run through a spectrograph or you have to process in some way and it yields you text it's always going to sound a little bit unusual and a little bit weird here because it's so high pitched a lot of times that is one of your initial signals of like oh there is something there as opposed to oh it's just random Ambience or you know random extra sound thrown in the fact that it's also put at the very end here and that they made sure to include it as the export makes me very suspicious about that so go out that this is my mandate to you guys go out and run it through a spectrogram uh we did our ARG a couple years ago where there's a video on the channel well we have a list of all the different tools that you can use to decode that sort of stuff because we did this exact sort of thing uh check it out it might be too hard for us to do live in real time here just because of you know the tech setup that we have I'd have to pull it up I'd have to reinstall the stuff whatever um but I almost guarantee that there is something there that that is worth discussing um but yeah across the board this is one of the the biggest uploads that they've done so far and some of one of the biggest pieces of news that we've had prior to the release of chapter three this is really exciting I'm curious what else they have going on here nothing in the description doco poor Braun I feel so yes I know doco I agree uh for those who misunderstand anything I wrote an essay wow wow okay let me just do the whole thing oh wow a lot of takedowns of this one too or not takedowns but analyzes of this one during the experiment he was shown just yeah okay we know this um I'm assuming this is concerning and horrifying yeah this is dark this is my favorite VHS by far super creepy and a lot more lore now wait for matbed make a theory about it oh you bet this is I mean this is crucial this is an important piece of lore that we're seeing develop here because it's an important part of the timeline we're seeing them attack an employee for the first time and you see them viscerally being mad again like you see them actively antagonizing anyone who has put them in this situation um Thomas has been separated do you think Thomas is going to be an antagonist or an ally that's a good point um because I know a lot of people have been theorizing or not maybe not theorism but predicting that we'll see Thomas at some point I think I don't know or is he just like an NPC he's just gonna I think he might still be confused and beat up there you know I don't know um I think if anything he would probably be so as our theories go right we believe that the player character in throughout puppy play time is an ex-employee right who helped do some of these Deeds right it is our job to kind of undo some of the Deeds that have happened here or solve the mystery around what happened after we left right and so if indeed Thomas does remember that he was an employee or has been brutalized by the these animals the other toys I feel like he would be a friend in this case you know that would be my guess uh havan welcome back to can matpat extend this two minute video into two hours uh how long was it uh we're sitting at 35 minutes well you know what I might not have been able to extend it to two hours but I wasn't able to extend into two minutes two minutes I was able to extend it to 35 minutes which you know that's that's like a 17 times return on your election we play the video double speed and you just go I mean here's the thing if we really wanted to I have it pulled up like if we really really wanted to extend it which we don't have to like there is no reason for us to do this um oh the camera's in my way there we go um I know I I pulled up Photoshop just in case we needed anything like we could do this real quick yeah let's take a look at this why not colors uh let's see this is the new one that is easier for us to use brightness in contrast that's literally telling me nothing uh let's do two little Colors Let's do exposure see what we got yeah blacks let's do exposure oh there's definitely more back there you think so I can see more Huggies see one two three four five six Huggies maybe one on the right side there right we got two cat bees and a Pug of pillar the big Huggies gone well this is the second one so there's two things that we see we see this as version one and then he looks the other direction this is the first one which I don't know who that guy is in this is the candy this must be candy cat that's my best guess as to who that one is oh this is saturation tools color exposure dial it up right okay that looks like Huggy hands well yeah this is Huggy this is candy cat another huggy huggy you can't make that one out and small version of pug of pillar yeah table table table my favorite character right where's all the fan art for table not enough love for table so I think the exciting thing about this right is not only have we revealed a lot of lore it's confirmed a lot of stuff for us that we've been suspecting for a while but last and I think most importantly not to be overdone here or overlooked here is the fact that I I believe that what we've done here is we've caught our glimpse of the villain here who's whatever this clawed creature with three fingers one two three maybe four four fingers is because it's got the claws it's it's too big it's not I mean it it doesn't really feel like cat claws you know you don't have like little little pads they the fingers feel a little bit a little bit too long what sort of creature does this remind us of I mean if it's got four fingers that's the standard cartoon glove right so it might similar to Mommy long legs in chapter two where she just kind of came out of nowhere and they're like here's the new crease here I think this is again one of those toys that we don't know exists but probably will um does seem to be feline in some way since that's most associated with kind of like claws like that but the the Paw layout and shape are vastly different um so we'll find out maybe maybe uh soon the fact that they're releasing this makes me think that maybe we're getting closer to the release of chapter three which I would be very excited about um because that one seems like it's been cooking for a while and it's been a while since chapter two too I know they've been busy with project playtime but nothing beats a standard upload of your of your games the standard upload of your game yeah let's start alone what is that what does that mean standard upload of our channel right we never do that no get out of here nothing nothing is standardized here who knows who's got behind the camera at any given point in time so anyway there you have it ladies and gentlemen that is restricted underscore restoration.mp4 uh on the mob entertainment Channel found ourselves a new villain we got ourselves some lore confirmation we got some really interesting timeline details and in general uh this one has gotten me more hyped than anything else and it proves that Chapter 3 of poppy playtime is is going to some really dark places like we've seen dark stuff in these series before but this one's getting pretty intense you know they're brutalizing this poor former cancer survivor like rough man it's tough so anyway thank you guys so much for watching uh and thank you for theorizing with me a long down in the comments below and as always remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see ya [Music] [Applause]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 721,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poppy playtime, poppy, project playtime, poppy playtime vhs, poppy playtime chapter 3, huggy wuggy, bron, restricted restoration, mob entertainment, poppy playtime gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime restricted tape, poppy playtime vhs tape reaction, poppy playtime vhs tape breakdown, project playtime vhs tape, huggy wuggy vhs tape, poppy playtime ch 3 trailer, bron vhs tape, bron the dinosaur, bron the dinosaur poppy playtime, gtlive, game theory, matpat
Id: 4vSOeBjnMkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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