@Battington 's New FNAF VHS Tape Is The SCARIEST One Yet! | Battington FNAF VHS

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the small chillins good reference to night marionette actually oh there you go night marionette great I see [Music] you hey guys and welcome to G live where today we are getting back to what we do best our bread and butter here on the channel some FNAF content we have not done FNAF content in some time it's been so long dude it's been 500 years since FNAF content uh but really like how long has it been at this point my God we was it it was before Poppy I wasn't it dare I say was it wanted too I was going to say I no no I think I believe it was us reacting to the trailer of the new FNAF game oh into the pit yes I believe so here let's oh wait hold up there's a new John FNAF he found the clue that solves FNAF security breach John FNAF found it John FNAF oh my God that was not the content that we were going to react to that was 30 minutes ago this is brand new content I we could be really on top of it we could be super on top of that FNAF content oh my God hi John do we pivot in this moment and throw away our plans to react to the horror attraction by none other than battington I what could be more GT live or we could throw it all away and react to the 3-hour breakdown of Twilight by Contra points oh boy oh boy if you thought our reactions to 15 minutes of FNAF content were three parters wa to see our reactions to 3 hours of Twilight cont by Contra points we'll have to like keep changing the background as we react to different sections put you in different snazzy suits very nice suit top by the way thank you I thought I'd get dressed up today I yeah I appreciate it we've got it's a big week it is a lot happening huge huge week big big moments um speaking of so you think in the back of your mind about whether you'd want to do horror attraction or John FNAF oh boy um me meanwhile I'm going to open up the conversation around like you ever have those moments in your life that feel like turning of pages and that you like sit there and you know that like a chapter is closing or like something about it is changing so for instance I I look back on my life and there was a moment after like my fifth grade graduation where I W you know when you're a kid spending 5 years in the same building at the same school is a big deal right and you're and then I was getting ready to move on to to Middle School right and I was in I was like the the student government uh president whatever you know degree that exists when you're in elementary school stuff like that and so I was you know I was always like really gung-ho about school and I was with all my teachers and I loved all of them and that was like my I love that school I went to this Elementary School that was very unique and I had a lot of pride in the school this and that and I remember after fifth grade graduation like the school like dies down and all the families have kind of like moved out because you know it's the end of the day and everyone's kind of like getting ready to go home or whatever and mingling out front and I remember me standing back and having a moment to just process you know the the school was getting quiet and I just was like kind of there and I felt kind of alone and I was able to like look around and even back then you know to whatever degree a fifth grader understood that idea of like oh I'm leaving this place and it changes from here like I don't know if I'll ever see it again I was spoiler ear I did go back and do like a couple projects there like science fair projects at my school but like you know you're leaving it and your relationship with that place changes right and so there was that moment of processing that and that was really meaningful um same thing with leaving High School not so much middle school but High School School same thing where I remembered very distinctly it was towards the end of the year and I was sitting we fortunately Madina has this beautiful theater it's like Rivals professional theaters it's incredible um so lucky to have gone to such a a amazing school um public and it was one of those things where I remember sitting at the edge of the stage while everyone else was gone it was like after rehearsal it was late and you know the whole theater was kind of darkened and I just saw all the like seats out there and I had spent so many hours in this business building and I like was looking at it and it was quiet and I was just there in my thoughts and processing again that idea of like oh this I'm not coming back to this place this place changes for me in this moment as as this page turns over and there's a couple other moments like that when like I remember when Steph and I bought our first house and there was that day of like I'm leaving this apartment complex and we're moving into this place that you know for all I knew at the time like I'm going to be living here for who knows how many years and I I'm becoming a fully fleshed adult now because now I own a house and that's a thing um and so there was that moment there too but uh it feels like this week I've had one of those moments as well um where it's like oh you know recognizing that at this point everything for the the final episode is shot you know we did that yesterday and last night processing that and we'll probably talk more about this next Monday on GT live just because that's the one coming after the kind of Matt Pat's final Theory um but yeah you have those moments where you like process and you're like oh a chapter is turned and something has changed and so I I had I did a lot of processing and cathar last night with that um I don't know so that's me just talking randomly you you ever have those moments or is that just me Ash oh my gosh no I absolutely have those moments and it usually hits me when I'm maybe I'm sitting on the couch or I'm in bed at night or I'm waiting in traffic and just staring off into the distance really and you just have them in in kind of more random places and you just kind of that's your moment to Pro proc yeah it just hits me all at once and then I end up with these really Vivid memories of mundane scenes but they're changed because of how I felt interesting yeah so that's that's where I end up doing a lot of my processing and then I just memorize a lot of really strange street corners because of that yeah you're like oh I was on the corner of Elm and Vine on that one it just yeah kind of I cried a lot that day I did that's fun it's like o this street sign kind of hits different now that's really funny yeah mine tend to be in like random empty buildings that are quiet oh yeah o that's fun I know so anyway I don't know do you have those experiences in your life do you mark the time with those I've I've gotten to the point where I try to record them like if you would go through my like phone log it would be like just a random video of nothing basically it looks like where it's just like I need to record this moment or like this place where this happened just so that way I have it for my record just so I know that it existed and and help to remind myself of that moment where I where I felt those emotions but um but yeah it's it it's one of those that just it sticks with me and that's the way I process a lot of that stuff yeah I mean even now like being here and recording this with you feels a lot different for me right does it really well because of yesterday when we filmed your um your final episode like I was watching one of your departures and it was in that moment where I was processing that this was actually Happ 20 of them that's the crazy there's a lot of him leaving I've been leaving for a long time yeah no totally dad keeps leaving for milk and he does it in a different way each time well and to be honest like that was like when Steph and I were like talking and when we talked to Jason about this too and we're like hey we want to give people a 10-e timer and we want there to be a time for the creative director to step in but we want to be a clean break and when we're mapping out kind of the departure process one of the things that we were actually hoping for was like hey we kind of want people to be sick of me at a certain point because like it lends itself to other people stepping in and and hey I'm eager to have these new people come in and be fresh voices and have this transition process done and and I started to see a little bit of that with some of the comments where I'm like oh he's still around or like what's he still and so it's good I feel like that we achiev that which is good but yeah it's been an interesting kind of like step-wise process I think it's also important to note like right when you run five channels that upload sometimes 11 12 times a week which is crazy like that's a lot of mat Pat and that's a lot of removing like unwinding of mat Pat from a lot of those steps in that process and so it could be just like hey one and done peace out on Game Theory but then that's ignoring everyone who just watches style Theory or food Theory whatever and and we've seen over the years how a lot of those communities still have overlap but they've really grown out into their own and you have to respect all of them equally so yeah but anyway yeah so it's we're different now are we are we still are we still cool over here oh we are still so cool it's just it's made it real for me that even though you're going to be here on GT live for a while there will be a day where you're not yeah um and you know I've been doing this for literally almost two years now and I just I really value our banter time man oh I value it too we can still banter off screen we still can but sometimes that energy in the studio just can't be matched true no it it Steph and I talked about that the other day too where it was you know you can like food saying goodbye to food theory was especially tough because again it was and and it was similar to when Steph left GT live where you know it it was a different facet of our relationship right like we are tight as anything outside of all this and we do every we literally do everything together as much as we can together CU we're best friends and it's one of those things where food Theory and like something you can you can cook or you can play games right but something is different when it's a performance right when there's a camera on and you know people are going to watch it and you know it's meant to be entertaining for for an audience like you relate to someone differently because there's that added element of theatricality to it and I really value her and and that part of our relationship because I think she's a really talented performer I think we bounce off of each other really well and I have a lot of fun performing with her and it's you know to say goodbye to that that's always tough um so even though we're like oh we're still going to do cooking projects and wacky cooking projects there's still that like added layer of like oh but it's not like wacky performing cooking projects same thing with you like you know I I really value you as a scene partner and it's oh oh my gosh you're so sad we have time it's okay I know I know I'm know I'm sorry we have time it's okay but no I I think you I think you are fantastic and I am so grateful to have you as a scene partner and and witty banter like we can have the wittiest of banters the wittiest for sure well well maybe we can pretend to camera's on us or something like that yeah just a fun game of pretend so anyway that that episode hasn't gone up yet and it will be going up and all this week all the finale videos are going up like I believe today if everything has gone according to plan style Theory should have gone up my final style Theory where I get my glow up um but what are we doing today are we are we reacting to who John FNAF or battington so I'm going to say battington I think John's video just came out let's let it cook let's let it simmer and then we'll come back to it so go watch John fnaf's video now and that way when we react to it y'all can kind of get in on that dialogue that's that is the right call yeah yeah uh so this is uh battington We've reacted to battington obviously a bunch of times on the channel both uh uh battington series as well as their kind of uh their take on the FNAF franchise with um their their kind of Faz bear fright series their uh training tapes things like that uh so today uh we're reacting to the horror attraction and based on the fact that it's 23 minutes long we'll probably be reacting to it at least one other time unless some miracle has happened which I doubt that's going to be um so without any further Ado I like I don't think you need much more Preamble I have been very adamant about how much I love battington work in the past I continue to encourage you to check out the channel cuz it's incredible and I am very excited about what this is cuz I'm assuming with a name like the horror attraction it is going to be about uh Fazbear frights right that's super exciting uh so I'm curious what they're going to do with it so without any further Ado here is the horror attraction let us watch Let Us cook let's cook following footage contains flashing lights loud noises and graphic imagery your discretion is advised take that for what it is make of that what you will yeah make make of let's interpret that Freddy's is having a grand reopening at the Washington County F oh this is delightful already relive the terrifying Tales of Freddy Fazbear's P this is so good I'm sorry I'm so hyped about this already oh this looks so legit oh this is awesome this is is awesome and we're already getting previews of what everyone looks like I mean here's the thing I love this cuz the concept of the Fazbear frights or sorry uh the concept of yeah I guess it is Fazbear frights the of FNAF 3 right where hey we found we collected all this memorabilia from this like murder Pizzeria and we turned it into like a a spooky horror walkthrough experience it's such a cool concept but like you never truly get to experience it right like you don't really get to experience it in the game cuz the game just feels like a FNAF game and you're stuck in one room and sure you can peek at things but you don't feel it right and I think the closest you ever got to something like this was the the game glitch detraction which we played here which gave you that yeah another traumatic memory a lot of hours spent on that one but it gave you that sense of like oh we're going through an attraction themed around this this franchise right but seeing a real life like oh this is like a literally like a haunted house experience and in the style that they would promote something like this on like a local TV news station or like a local TV channel you know with very rudimentary camera angles and like oh this so cool I love this already cuz it it's finally realizing what is probably one of the coolest things about FNAF and one of the coolest settings and Creations that they've ever done I I am curious about what the heck this thing is supposed to be though I did want to go back like this is the first image that you get of of this horror attraction what what is this is this cupcake yeah oh and this is um is this from his other series is it like Harmony and horror yeah I mean the clown lends itself to that right it that effect looks a lot like it doesn't it is that just a little Easter egg battington are you are is this is this a United world that would be crazy if they were sharing a cannon and all of a sudden you had the like characters of Five Nights at Freddy's sharing a world with the harmony and horror characters oh man just a YouTube analog horror Multiverse of Madness I can't wait for the Super Smash Brothers where bendy is punching Freddy in the groin bendy um I mean it would look really cool that blending of animations and then Hello Neighbor comes in and smacks everyone with a weird mannequin or shoves them in a cardboard box oh my gosh it's like the Final Smash for um for the Mandela catalog um they're just like changing their faces and the pure shock of it blasts them away that's amaz oh my gosh I I just want to sit here and think about what a crossover Smash Brothers game of indie horror franchises would look like like back you have a back guy from the back rooms in his like yellow suit like running around like lassoing people with like red rope or whatever that's his toss oh that would be amazing please someone make that happen hey we're 16 seconds in let's continue with the reacting shall let's rewatch this again though cuz I love this is having a grand reopening I and he's using all his models for stuff like this this is great these angles and these swoops Tales of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza at Fazbear fright awesome awesome what a great logo too like oh it's springtrap I I mean this this is about as well realized of the concept as I as I would have ever asked for like Scott should be contacting battington and be like hey let's make this a reality I would love to see this the horror attraction tickets are now available even have this.com oh at Hurricane hunts. can can we go to Hurrican huns.com I'm just really curious now uh for those of you who don't know hurricane huns.com hurricane is a reference to where it is set in the books in the book uh Trilogy Where um apparently that did not work at all oh there it is um the they they you know the Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria obviously set in a hurricane so that's what they do can get your guides can oh convenient and flexible cancellation of 24 hours so there's something here it's like there there's something here like it's not just a blank broken link it's just odd that it's not because it's Freddy Fazbear official merch I mean I've I've landed on sites like this where I type a URL in wrong and then there's just a bunch of random links on there weird huh fascinating all right so that's a horror attraction does that shirt say Phillip wait where it does Phillip you know it's your custom it's your custom gamer shirt philli birthday boy 6 yeah for Philip birthday boy 6 come be a part of the show custom gamer shirt Freddy's game matching oh Matt do you want a custom gamer shirt man I know I know your birth is coming up soon Ash do you want me to get you philli birthday Bo maybe I'd customize it to Ash I would love to be Ash birthday boy 6 okay okay Ash birthday boy 6 I'll work out of here let me bookmark it for you I'll pull it up another window I mean for $5 that's a steal it's a steal man I'm I'm getting a great deal honestly happy birthday to you Ash thank you Matthew very cool yeah very the coolest ah Fazbear frights here we go also shout out to anyone who didn't know this uh that there was a horror attraction there there was a horror attraction done in Vegas in the early days of FNAF it was a very like early shockingly early version of the franchise where they did uh this in Vegas at Circus Circus and they had a like horror walk through a FNAF there's I think a video or two of it that still exists online um and like the iconic image of Scott cin that exists is from that event I believe where he met like coryx Kenshin and and Apen Ryan and some of the other guys super wacky uh I I feel like they should redo it now that it's become more of a franchise and it's a movie and this it feels more appropriate to do it now than it did way back then but it's one of those like premature things in the history of FNAF that you're like oh that's a thing that they did that's fascinating for ad that you do not on this yeah no they dude scream off that's awesome this is great this looks like so much fun also people love horror stuff so I wouldn't be surprised if it was packed like this Vanessa I see you oh man oh man oh man the lore implications of this stop stop using the same names Vanessa AKA I bet she goes by Nest huh hopefully she doesn't touch like a circuit board and her brain gets possessed by something or maybe she's nothing maybe she's a cop maybe she's Vanessa from the movie who knows who knows no that's not what happened so apparently corse as a decoration oh it's a ride e that is like so disgusting that's so disgusting d d like Derek yeah like it should right it's Derek I've never met a dererk who spells it that way I mean I guess it's the more literal like dare D dare K yeah maybe his name isn't Derek maybe it's dare K dare K dare K it's all the it's all in the subtlety yeah dare okay oh jeez smell like count bar a lot here from last Hallen yeah would smell like count Barks A Lot count Chula's rejected cousin don't PE your pants shut up D you're going down with that thing Derrick's going to die some horrible fade based on the way he's behaving man if if I know horror media Derek is going to get just the worst of deaths whoa sorry kid it's only three per C hey guys oh my God Derek guys what about George wow he's a big man was so make sure you don't wow it's big this big to do who is this foxy this is Foxy right Freddy and Foxy so this is what we saw in the commercial this is awesome this is great I would ride the heck out of this thing although to be fair I would also be terrified like this sort of stuff actually kind of like freaks me out and enjoy your oh awesome awesome has been dying to Yellow Bear ooh that's so cool that's so cool that's also so scary if I saw that in real life I might actually pee myself right I mean d Derrick was right count Bar's a lot yeah he solid advice right oh that is awesome like that's a great jump I remember one time I I Steph and I have this debate about what is the scariest ride at Disney we've had this a on GT live before and I say Pinocchio largely because the Pinocchio Dark Ride in in Disneyland California um it it was poorly maintained for a while and so half the lights didn't work and so you would go and not only is it just terrifying in general because you hear sounds of whips cracking and children crying mama mama turning into you know donkeys that's already pretty darn uh dark but towards the end you know like you do in Pinocchio monstro Rises up to swallow you right but I had never ridden it before and also half the lights in that room specifically were not working so all of a sudden you just enter a dark room and teeth them and a giant and you're like really close and giant teeth appear like right in front of you and I'm like oh my God I'm I'm riding Pinocchio at Disneyland this is not okay and so seeing this gives me visceral reactions back to that moment where I'm like oh my God I mean it's the same form out of ride right like you're not going very fast and you're like okay a kid could do this kid it's a kid ride and then it's absolutely terrifying yeah yep and I and all the and for whatever reason they decide to give monstro very sharp teeth and that's not okay not okay the spooky narrator surely you heard the tales of [Applause] kw8 write that down write that down that's L hey oh there's um there's more of the Harmony and horror I don't I don't think that's from a previous one of his FNAF videos oh a previous battington video I don't think so I could be wrong I think that's more Harmony and horror style but not sure them all broken broken Freddy oo better than most jump scares in this franchise at this point [Music] this is this is legitimately very unsettling I would be very scared to ride this oh that's from the bathroom so that's actually from um the the previous where we at here we go uh one of the pre film analysis uh one of the previous ones here where it was chica attacks him through the like attacks him through the bathroom stall right I could dig around for it but it's one that we reacted to before but like the big twist or like one of the big moments right as chica is in the bathroom and you're hiding in one of the Stalls and Chica like finds you regardless so that's a a cool call back to that [Music] moment and I think Bonnie was actually in the storage room too so that one might also be a kind of another reference funny oh what's the matter I thought you want going Al yeah yeah I am obsessed with the concept of Afton sounding that way right forget the cultured British man who's like speaking with a classy accent in Sister location no he's just like oh shs I'm going to kill you all he like oh my gosh right hello it's a very different interpretation I yeah like you you see more of the madness in that right what might have compelled you to lose your mind right this is also uh I mean obviously it's it's like oh it's the the Tableau of the the five kids that he kills right but this is also I believe a reference to one of the other previous um uh battington specific FNAF tapes where he reused I think this scene or kind of like recreated this scene cuz I remember it was very like disturbing to me as like oh wow it's that's terrifying that he did this with the small chillins good reference to night marionette actually oh there you go night Marette great I see you see R same way like7 we would like you to join us so they're putting their foot down saying like this is 1987 good it's great comedic timing there the bobbling H oh that's great hey hey lovers it seems like we are experiencing a potential Cod but in the event that this is a false alarm which is most likely the case we ask that you please remain seated at all times and the should resume momentarily that's all for now post scream on Scream on what's the code yellow is that uh Missing kid code yellow there's uh something in community that poses a threat to the school but there's no immediate threat so that's high school code uh yellow code code yellow emergency just curious code yellow's hospitals to indicate a situation with a a patient or visitor is missing so it's either hey there's someone in the community that is in danger or like there's there's something that poses a danger here uh or in which case it would be like ah the yellow bunny right or in this case it would be a situation where a patient are visitors missing or lost which also would make sense okay I like that detail that's cool I don't know if they're allowed to carry the camera this entire time yeah how long do you sit here before you get up I really should have just begged VY to come with me huh Manny a I get it I know what you did there right how long are you waiting before you move on this would freak me out man these guys are freaky this happened to me on Space Mountain one time where like we were getting ready for Space Mountain it just turned off to the side and no one explained anything and we were just waiting there in like one of the like behind the scenes areas waiting for someone to like unlock us and let us out and inform us what had happened and it's really unsettling when a ride doesn't do what you expect it to do and you're just kind of like left hanging finally okay so turned back on help accidentally without help me I mean presumably she might also be stuck on the ride with you bud she's only one car in front of you also I think it goes without saying but like the animation quality of this is Fant like the fact that this is all done in animation software it's incredible right this looks so realistic the world is so well realized so detailed there's so much here it's wonderful and that the fact that this was all like just imagined and created out of battington head and now we arri in the present where presence has been awakened oo demonic presence me to introduce to you the strange ro oh that's cool no one me you a drop wait what drop W oh that's crazy oh that would be a huge twist if there was just a a drop in the middle of this like dark ride huh did this no yellow bear has been dying to eat you jeez that's so unsettling can't just reuse rooms lazy and repetitive it's lazy and repetitive I love [Music] that what a good twist okay so it was Bonnie in the store room so it's again reference to the previous uh episodes that battington put together the Bonnie in the store room that's where like there was a technician working on uh what's called broken Bonnie here uh removing the face plate and all [Music] that okay already seen these guys yeah but who's missing who's missing oh I love the use of the sound effect like it's so the attention to detail is so good and Easter egg references like that would be so cheesy right cuz they're like cheesy sound effects right but they feel so organic in the world they're really well utilized you kidding me again you put me through the whole ride again just to break down in the same spot this is wild h great yeah is really not going to wait for me yeah yeah B so unsettling this is so unsettling wait a minute what do you see what what was it no oh no guys watch out for the black light but oh [ __ ] nope this just freak me out I'm I'm not doing this man yes please let this [Music] end this is great this is really really L very aggressive door opening this this sort of like approach too makes springtrap really threatening actually now AR like this buildup and him framed this way makes him really scary allow me to introduce to you [Music] the he's just gone that's not okay no George no comment on that okay just one W drop and everything will be [Music] fine what I loops around again no that's awesome has been ding at this point you're you're popping out of your seat right like yeah at this point you're like hey I'm I'm I'm jumping out of this thing and I'm I'm getting out of here cuz it's established that he's able to get out of his [Music] seat right especially if I'm not wait was the cupcake there now was he there before I guess he's been [Music] there yeah I'm real funny guys this would be so unsettling you do this to people yeah yeah okay I get it I get it now SC you okay right me for a long time actually uh we we did we partnered with this uh Team uh who did the the blackout uh scary experiences uh for gam lab back in the day uh and you read about these like really intense haunted house experiences and these really intense like horror experiences where people come in and they like create these really intense scenarios for you and and they're really frightening and and really traumatizing um or you the mckamy manner stuff where it's like we're we're just going to like torture you for a while and you're going to pay us for it and good luck uh like I don't know I I've always been really fascinated by a lot of the like horror experiences that I would I would never in a million years do and that are way too extreme and really like not great like I I don't love the fact that those exist but I get why people like I want to push myself and see how scary I can get it for a long time I said that the scariest haunted house though would be like this non- haunted house where you get stuck in a line and you get brought to a wa waiting room with a bunch of other people and then all of a sudden like you're left there and the people that you're in line with are plants in some way and yeah and all of a sudden it becomes like a kidnapping situation or like some crime like some really intense crime goes down and you know guns come out and whatever but like you still think you're in line with a bunch of like normal people but you're trapped there with other people who are actors and plants and you're the one who's kind of like truly in the horror experience and then eventually like you have to figure out a way to wind it down or whatever but it's that idea of like oh this is a normal situation I'm surrounded by normal people you're in a completely normal looking room mhm but all of a sudden like stuff goes down and it feels real cuz to your knowledge it it doesn't have the trappings of like horror and spooky and monsters and whatever it's like oh cuz the scariest things are the things that feel real and mundane right it's like a murder mystery party but someone did not get the memo yeah that's exactly it right it's like if if someone has like a medical emergency right next to you that's about as SC right that's about as scary as you can get like oh my gosh please someone help this person like I didn't expect this ha and I I that's part of the like the whole that's just a prank bro thing which I don't love but like if you're in line for a horor like haunted house experience that's about as intense as you get I mean it would probably feel traumatic in the moment see that's the thing you would you would need them to get to sign cuz it would probably be traumatic and that's why you'd have to get people to like sign away like hey you're going to enter a really scary thing we're not responsible here you go I I mean you're right and it's so funny because this went in a completely different direction than what I thought because you said a non haunted house and I thought you meant the no I thought when I heard naan I must be hungry I was thinking about the bread that usually comes with Indian so just floating like flatbread like some of it's sprinkled with garlic some of it's like buttered na yeah or like or you order CES everywhere curries everywhere that was a very different non horror experience for I have nothing to dip into my Curry no oh you monster is oh let's return to George S let's see how George is doing but anyway the long and short of it is as as he kind of goes through this a third time um that idea of there is a certain comfort that we have when we know that something is meant to be scary or is has that heightened level of disbelief R oh turn back it says turn back oh no the puppet's trying to talk to us sadly the puppet does sadly George does have closed captions turned on in real life he can't listen to you puppet only I can oh no no no God damn it you got to get out of here man get out leave this place grow groan he grew he grew he grew George I'm so proud of you he's big enough to ride the roller coaster nowc exit yes you would think that right staring at him no I swear if Derek is Derrick's not behind all I don't think he could do that bestie no I don't think you're doing it man anyone back here I mean see but this is again like you think that things are supposed to go one way like what if this was all part of the horror experience that's mine that's the meta F anymore mature stream it's not funny anymore it's funny in that sort of like I'm laughing nervously can you get out by going through like that's the opening scene Can You Go reverse result the tricks we it's the result of the tricks we had earlier yes clearly that's what it is have you noticed the changing time stamps on the VHS I I haven't we were in the 30s and now we're back in70s oh that is interesting I I I had noticed that it was up there but I wasn't specifically paying attention to the time code yeah so it's is it going back is or is it jumping around 26 25 was it did oh 25 here do you think that's just the continuity thing 35 24 cuz it Loops back around back around over and over again oh that's so he himself is like in a time is this a Time ball pit situation no no this isn't even into the pit it's into the dark ride is this a time travel Dark Ride coaster into the coaster oh we're dealing with time traveling ball pits aren't we that's what's going on here this whole time mostely isn't real most likely isn't real most likely remains to be seen I could try this I was just attracted to the fact that he told me to try this that was I don't know brought me down to the related videos it's fine I was just I was intrigued he was like try this I'm like okay why [Music] not London Bridge falling down London bridge what the [ __ ] hey stop get back here and get me off this ride yes yeah yes strange funny person hey it's a new it's new location stop running away wait you have no reaction to the fact that you went through this door once and it was a loop and now you're like also he's running out of battery power in a hurry I that isn't looking good he needs he needs a [Music] recharge no loop I saw it and it recharged and it and it recharged too that's that's interesting that's really really interesting is he going to punch him oh [Music] no huh so the battery recharges that so everything loops and starts from fresh except for him please don't shut down what do you the insane one is George the the fact that you expect it to be different this [Music] time I'm going to have to sensor this one a fair bit apologies sorry shanon apologies to shanon going to be lots of sensoring this one's a bit too mature for us is he pushing it forward that's an interesting interpretation like hey if I move this forward we'll get past it not not making it very far very [Applause] fast George not the strongest shouldn't skipped leg day honestly but he could relive arm day over and over again by doing this now we're watching skin Mar ring yeah wait I think I see a shadow of something spooky oh o he pushed it forward and it made the lights go out so alarming I hate this this is terrifying like the idea that you would be in the situation is horrific hey stop oh oh oh oh oh that's nuts that's nuts what a Twist it's all this is all the horror experience this is it you got the premium ticket people pay extra for this this service oh you ever watch the game I just lost it but no what's the game oh I'm sorry I know well it's okay the game it's uh I highly recommend it it's one of those these sorts of movies where it's all like what's real what isn't you know what is it's it's one of those movies that I think was way ahead of its time where it was questioning like the it was it's very meta and I don't want to talk too much about it if you haven't seen it watch it it's it's a bit dated at this point but it's one of those that like gets you to question like where the edges of reality are and you know a guy signs up for an experience and an experience happens how far that experience goes is up for debate for in terms of an experience yeah what kind of cuz there's like game he signs up for a game a game experience a game experience cuz there's like horror experiences there's Willy Wonka experiences we have previously seen so experience is way too broad at this the unknown oh no look it's the unknown the evil chocolate maker that lives in the walls just the saddest of oal loomas just give me my jelly bean and a half please just4 cup of lemonade I just I just want I just want a jelly bean give me the one bead just want my $40 Jelly Belly I love that we we should react to that that's what I want to react to the Willy woni experience we can make it happen okay we can make that happen great we'll do it Innovation that excites all right let's see what's happening to poor George this is wild I love this pleas don't move please don't move oh so okay he's broken the loop it looks like and technically based on the the time code he's got like what 15 to 20 minutes before it Loops again get going man go speedrun this I'd be worried about that thing [Music] too this is fantastic I'm so excited to see where this [Music] goes it's all fake not of it it's real it's nothing but props costumes and cheap scares oh I I would say this not cheap scares this would be pretty viscerally terrifying actually stuck in a Time Loop bunch of animatronics a robot that's literally like trying to run away from me God it's freezing in here huh that's an interesting detail see something in the distance threading heral there's a light a light a light not to be trusted a light that is universally told me that it's evil trap oh oh my gosh um we've watched uh part of the sequence before I think right I was going to say this looks familiar like it had springtrap and then he just kind of like laed himself on the cage yeahhuh right I yes I don't know if we saw I believe again was that another battington one I yeah I think so it was at the very end of one was it or was it like early one late or just like its own little video there this one yeah yeah this is it good memory hey there kid child so they have really kind of kept it fairly consistent with the voice don't I mean just a puppet [Music] oh so scary so intense oh boy and now we're going in to see that thing so that's with that context out of the way [Music] enjoy yeah this the route you're going to take through this this little hun experience okay why would anyone need a SM oh my gosh I feel the literal chills sir oh that oh my gosh no and birth it oh it did birth it I thought it was I thought it was like actually joking I thought it was a misspelling I thought it was like breathing noises or something but it literally was birthing noises no way go dude I do appreciate in this world that canonically speaking springtrap is born out of a giant Freddy head and not out of my stomach like it is in the the books if you know you know that's a welcomed rcon yes I that I think that was a good creative choice I did not like the impreg stories that were happening with me in springtrap so good good creative choice he didn't come on please can't this open no [Music] way no what are you doing man why you yes let's hop on the slow moving tram you idiot why you of course it's going to catch up to you go oh no yes you've RI this ride three times sir you should know it's relative speed holy [ __ ] come on come on move no no no no no not again no it's different cuz the time's still going cuz the time's still going and his battery hasn't reset where the hell am I you're back at the beginning man get oh I'm outside oh man please stop please please please please stop go get off it get out of the car you have agency here sir oh my God you have agency stopped yeah go you idiot leave this place yes please [ __ ] I can leave go forth stop leave you idiot he's like maybe I can go around one more time I jumped the rails hello he's like I need to I need to respect the queue no no you are more Nimble than why won't you just let me leave you you seem to refuse to leave sir please get out of here also springtrap has a very intense screen oh God what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing oh not the twist that I expected getting taken out by the next cart sir you only have yourself to blame for that one let's be [Music] honest Georgie that was that was fantastic oh clap and a half that was wonderful that was so scary oh see me voices it's broken [Music] Freddy see that's why you have to keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times until it comes to a complete and final stop true I will say I will say yeah I admire George's commitment to media that he was filming it the entire time his aim was impeccable it's true that camera movement was phenomenal right like I grew up with those handheld cameras and my my parents man some of my home videos unwatchable just yeah you know here's here's Matthew at his at his Elementary School play why are you moving why is all this movement happening what's going it's a stationary play you have a tripod what's going on maybe that's why I went into making videos that must be it yeah it's to resolve those traumas to correct the sins of my past that's what it is exactly breaking the family curse right that's what it is teaching teaching the next generation of Patrick that this is how you make us the camera stable exactly must be it oh this was fantastic hey we got through the whole thing good for us I cannot believe we did that I mean it was really it was really compelling it was and also there I didn't I didn't have to go frame by frame to pick apart stuff there was like hey that's from a previous video hey that's from a previous video yeah done very rewarding to be a longtime battington viewer and to catch all those Easter eggs sometimes sometimes it's fun to just sit there and enjoy yeah and that's what we were able to do today it's pretty cool just sit and reflect and take in the moment yep remember it vividly you know y just like that that was great it was a beautiful thing so anyway that is the horror attraction by battington um again I cannot wait to see what else they have in store like every upload that battington does is fantastic like takes a while between them obviously because the amount of work that you can see that goes into all of these but man just really top top quality um and now now I'm really excited to see what John fnaf's video is so who knows maybe that'll be coming out next time woo who knows for more FNAF content here on GT not live uh but anyway thank you guys so much for watching uh thank you Ash for engaging on this chapter and starting this new chapter with me of course and uh I will see you all in the next video so until then my friends remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] y [Music] w
Channel: GTLive
Views: 449,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddys, battington, battington fnaf, fnaf vhs tapes, battington fnaf vhs tapes, battington fnaf vhs, scary fnaf vhs tapes, fnaf analog horror, battington fnaf horror, fnaf horror tapes, fnaf security breach, security breach, fnaf ruin, fnaf dlc, fnaf movie, fnaf movie 2, fnaf help wanted, fnaf help wanted 2, fnaf vr 2, harmony and horror, battington harmony and horror, battington fnaf series, game theory, matpat, gtlive, matpat fnaf, gtlive fnaf
Id: xxUvZm1H5YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 5sec (3365 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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