Are THESE The FINAL 2 Characters Coming to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?! (Booster Pass)

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[Music] foreign kind of crazy to believe that we are almost done with this Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster pass I mean seriously we know all the characters in the next wave and we know at least one of the tracks coming and that next wave could be happening any week now as we approach towards the middle of summer but it's even crazier to think that there's only one more wave to finish the year later on which is crazy which means we only have two more characters left as well and of course everybody's scrambling around to find out who those last two characters are so far in the DLC we've gotten Birdo in the first wave and the second wave we have a whopping three brand new characters with Petey Prana wiggler and kamik and I don't know about you but wiggler definitely threw me off I didn't expect that character whatsoever so it definitely shakes up the rankings a little bit who is left it's a death battle to see who gets that final slot now of course all these characters so far have been coming from past games so no it doesn't look like we'll be getting any new ones unless Nintendo just wants to come out of nowhere and surprise us but right now it's looking like it's going to be nothing but past Mario Karts that include Mario Kart tour so that gives us a pretty still big list of characters that they could add and we only have two slots left now a lot of people are already throwing predictions as to who those two final characters are gonna be and most people are saying the likes of Pauline and Funky Kong just make the most sense but today I'm gonna go through a little bit of data and see if I can kind of predict what they're going to do because they did throw us off with wiggler there's a chance they could throw us off with these final two are they going to be Paul Lane and Funky Kong well I'm not 100 sure and I'm gonna give you guys the details as to why real quick guys before we get started lots of you watching this video right now are not yet subscribed so stop what you're doing leave a like And subscribe to stay up to date on everything Mario Kart and Nintendo in general we are trying to get to 15 of you guys subscribed and we have jumped up massively each and every single video already this high so we are very close let's get this video at the end to 14 of you subscribe stop what you're doing leave a like And subscribe if you guys are excited for wave five and the remainder of the characters in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster pads I always like to go through a little list of the characters that we have so far based on their weight classes I like to categorize them and look and see maybe Nintendo wants to add specific characters in certain classes and thanks to the addition of Birdo we can see on screen this is the number of characters we have in each class very light we have seven and light we have nine medium we have eight medium heavy we have five heavy we have nine and very heavy we have four this might not mean absolutely anything but I like to see like which characters we have in each slot so far and with Birdo being in the category of medium heavy I thought maybe they could fill out the different categories with the remaining of the characters now there are six categories and of course there are six DLC characters coming which we already have four of them and they might all fill up different category spots already which is also extremely interesting now I predicted PD piranha because of course he has a stage coming but also considering the fact that he would probably be the very heavy which I've already put him in that slot I also said kamik would just deserve to come back because he's been done during 30 so many times and he would probably be in the medium category and look kamik is back and probably will still be in that category I say either medium or light so definitely could be medium well even though I got those two correct I'm not gonna lie I was definitely thrown off by wiggler and wiggler to me would probably be in the heavy weight class since in Mario Kart 7 he was in Cruiser which was one away from the heaviest so that's not necessarily very heavy that's just sitting there in heavy just slightly below PD Prana which fills up the right amount of slots so far Roberto making the medium heavy Category 5 now that does allow us to predict the three other slots if we were correct kamik going into medium bumps it up to nine wiggler going into heavy bumps it up to 10 and PD Prana going into very heavy bumps it up to five which then leaves only light and very light left with nine and seven respectively yes this is something that we can use in order to help us make our predictions and to be more correct but it's not the only thing we can use something else that's a very big indicator is the tracks that's coming in in each wave now we know Petey piranha was most likely added already due to the brand new piranha plant Cove Trek that's probably coming in next wave as well so we can expect that and that's something that might help us to look for Birdo was obviously added for the Yoshi Island track in the wave before it so it's definitely a factor here thing is when we look at these last batch of characters none of them actually scream like they could have their own theme track besides the Kongs and there's actually a leaked data mine of a track with the code name DK which we don't know what that could represent now it could be you know different things maybe another city track or something or it can be a new Donkey Kong themed track one thing a lot of people were making predictions about is it could be the island of Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Island that we see in the country series from time and time again all wrapped up in its own track kind of like Yoshi's Island so we don't really know yet but that would make sense in announcing a Donkey Kong character would be huge for that first let me get rid of the characters that I believe are not happening I have originally would have said wiggler probably not going to happen but look what happened so who knows at this point but I believe we are not going to get Peach at that just there's no way that's gonna happen I I just don't even want to go into why but it's just not going to happen next up we are not getting Captain Toad we have toad there's no reason to waste a slot on another toad We're not gonna get DK Jr because there's other Kongs that should definitely get the mantle way before that with Diddy Dixie and even Funky Kong so yeah which also leads me to believe I don't think Dixie calm is going to happen just because Diddy and funky are way more higher priority than them right now so no they're not going to happen I also think charging Chuck and Monty mole are not gonna happen they're enemies that are kind of lower priority right now I don't know why they would beat out any of these other characters that are still in this list right now it would not make sense I don't think anybody is craving for Monty mole or charging Chuck so unfortunately I think they will be dropped as well I also think nabit is kind of just irrelevant now even since new Super Mario Brothers is done with Super Mario Wonder just now being released so I think they're just going to get rid of him and yeah I think Rob is gone as well just because he's not part of that core Nintendo Mario lineup he's you know extended Nintendo and I don't think they're going to add any characters like that in this DLC we haven't seen anything like that unless he's like a surprise last character like you know what let's bring back Rob but unfortunately Rob fans I don't see him coming back either with those characters gone that leaves us with Pauline Hammer Bros King Bob bomb Diddy Kong and Funky Kong and let me try to explain what I feel about these characters so yes there's two options on this list a lot of people might be like why does he have them there which would be Hammer Bros and of course King Bob on but let me try to explain myself the Hammer Bros were in Mario Kart tour and they're actually characters I believe that were cut from Mario Kart Wii so they kind of have that you know Nostalgia factor that kamik did where a lot of people wanted them in but they never happened you also have tons of alts with these characters which none of these DLC characters have so far you have Hammer bro fire bro ice bro and even Boomerang bro with different colors which would be really cool to finally have a character with all in the DLC now most of this is kind of a love letter towards them from me because yes I love the Hammer Bros they're my favorite enemy in the Mario Series so I'm sorry I'm gonna give them more love than normal um but yeah I feel like there is a good reason to put up at least with the different alts for why they could appear also probably considering the fact they could also fit in the light category I think pretty well why King babam this one is also a weird one well he's not just a Mario enemy or Mario boss from the past but he actually is getting a lot more love recently he even appears in the Mario movie and he's appearing in the Mario Rabbids DLC the guy is kind of making a name for himself and you can't deny that I mean shoot he was even in Mario Golf so yeah he's having a lot more reputation and with that said he also could go along a Bowser's Castle stage we know that there is a Bowser Castle 3 a remade version that's already in tour that could be coming to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and the fact that there's no Bowser's Castle so far yet at all in the DLC could lead us to believe that this could be a character that goes alongside that in that wave now obviously with light and very light being the last categories without a DLC character he wouldn't fit in any of these he definitely would be heavy or even very heavy which we already have characters in the DLC but who cares I mean very heavy characters we don't have many we have five in the base game right now if PD piranha is going to be in there so technically right now as of today we only have four so maybe Nintendo just wants to add a lot more very heavy characters in order to flush this roster out and King Bob on would make a lot of sense okay okay let's get to the more likely ones Funky Kong what if Funky Kong gets added into this game obviously he's a fan favorite there's a chance of a Donkey Kong track coming out very soon so why would Funky Kong not be added well because Funky Kong hasn't really been added in anything recently Nintendo has changed and they don't really represent the rest of the Kong as much in Mario franchises I mean we used to get Funky Kong and everything in Mario Kart Wii and Mario Baseball Super Sluggers and then we haven't seen him or heard of him since in fact he hasn't really appeared in anything besides the Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Port onto the switch where he was in Easy Mode but besides that we really have gotten nothing now Funky Kong is added it's gonna be purely based on fan one that's it it's just gonna be fan service but does Nintendo really know we want Funky Kong has Nintendo been paying attention that people love Funky Kong as much as they do it's hard to say once again this stuff could be planned a very long time in advance so maybe we just don't get Funky Kong at all as crazy as it sounds I don't think it's as likely as a lot of people think it is this is completely random but it just hit my mind no we're not getting queen bee either but what about Diddy Kong I think extremely more likely because Diddy Kong is you know Donkey Kong's nephew he's part of the fam you know he's always in there as a Mainline character in a Donkey Kong game so I think Diddy Kong has a very high chance I feel like definitely Diddy before funky at least personally I think that would happen um I don't know how Diddy Kong still isn't in Mario Kart so it to me just makes perfect sense and also if there's a Donkey Kong track coming yeah I feel like they would want Diddy in there before funky to represent you know the Kongs and the Mario Kart franchise or at least in Mario Kart 8 since you only have Donkey Kong Diddy's gotta be in there he's one of the ones I just feel like just makes the most sense plus you could throw him in the light or even very light category and of course everyone's favorite pop star singer Pauline Pauline is gonna make it I'm just letting you guys know right now it's gonna happen why because Pauline is in freaking everything like literally everything Pauline is the new face of Nintendo's main cast and she's just gonna be there I don't really have any other explanation as to why I just feel like it's gonna happen I will be extremely surprised if Pauline doesn't make it she can make it because she was in Mario Kart tour so she's obviously eligible so I think right now I'm letting you know right now you guys better just have a big fight for whoever the second character is going to be because Pauline is a shoe win but let me put all the characters on the screen and tell you about what I think the percentage is that we can get each one oh overall I think Pauline has a 100 chance of happening she's from tour we don't have a character from tour yet and it's Pauline Diddy Kong has about a 77 chance of happening in my mind because I feel like it's Diddy Kong if you are getting a Donkey Kong themed track he would be the next Kong I think to get it over Funky Kong which I think has a 55 chance I think it's almost about 50 50 for Funky Kong if Nintendo recognizes the hype for Funky Kong and if they just want to you know cater to the fans or not then we have Hammer Bros I think it's also around a 50 50 percent chance because of their alts and it would just make a lot of sense to have a DLC character with changeable alts and stuff like that and then King babam I'd say around a 38 chance not very high but I still think there's a potential for that character get to get added and once again that character coming from tour now one thing a lot of people might also note that as I didn't really talk about the games that these characters come from and maybe Nintendo wants to kind of versatile the games and the series that they come from which I don't think is the case because we already have Birdo from Double Dash we're getting PD Pro Rana from Double Dash which is two characters right there so I don't think it really matters um wigglers from Mario Kart 7 and kemek is technically like Mario Kart 64 is where he was supposed to appear in but I guess you could also say tour right now which is the first actual game that can make you know came from so I don't know I don't think they're gonna actually you know pick and choose different games like for the DS they would really only have Rob you know what I mean SNES they would only really have Donkey Kong Jr so are they gonna do that I don't know you know that could be another point for Funky Kong since Funky Kong does come from the Wii but at this point I don't think that really matters because if it did we'd have a lot more Mario Kart 64 and a lot more Mario Kart DS tracks left and we don't we're out already so yeah I don't think it really matters but with that said those are my top predictions as to who I think could be coming as the last two characters in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe there's also a bizarre chance Nintendo could add an extra character or maybe just you know one of those last slots is a character that we're not not even remotely expecting maybe they just want to give us a big surprise like Sonic or Kirby or something who knows um it's completely up to Nintendo but let me know in the comments down below what you guys think do you think Nintendo is going to add you know the obvious Kongs with Diddy or funky and even Pauline or are they gonna do something unexpected let me know who you also would like to see down below and comment why but thank you so much for tuning in leave a like And subscribe to stay up to date on all things Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in general and like always I'll see you all on the next one see you guys [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Nin10doland
Views: 113,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 8 deluxe, Mario Kart final characters, dlc characters, wave 5, wave 6, predictions, release date, mario, Mario wonder, Super Mario Bros wonder, new track, new game, nintendo switch, nintendo direct, trailer, new trailer, things you missed, squeaky clean sprint, Mario Kart 8 deluxe booster pass, new characters
Id: ywT3BsgaVHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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