Giant Kit Kat | Super Size Guys

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(screaming) - It's all getting very exciting. The T button. It's like Stranger Things in a pot. Just cover your bottom. - Hi! - Alright James? - Hello. - Welcome. - Hello everybody. - Today we are doing a giant Kit Kat. - Four fingers. Oh yeah. - Four fingers of delicious chocolate-ness. Well you might be able to hear a gentle humming in the background. - I thought it was a fly there. - Check this out. Right there on the table is an actual, we've never done this before. - We're taking it up a notch to notch one. - You can temper chocolate. (fast forward sound) This does it for you and it's quite loud. So it takes a while. - [James] There it is. - Look at that. That's four fingered goodness right there. - [Lewis] Has it got like a hashtag on it. - [James] # My Break. - [Lewis] Oh wow, we're not even being sponsored, damn it. (laughing) - [James] That's it. - [Lewis] We can still get the snap though, right? - [James] Yeah. - Let's have a look. (snapping) - [James] There we go. - [Lewis] They use mashed up chocolate, the Kit Kats that don't meet the production requirements, they don't chuck it out and waste it. They recycle it with the wafers and make the spread that goes in between that holds the wafer together. - [James] That is quite ingenious. - [Lewis] Yeah but we're just gonna use chocolate spread and wafers. - Yeah. - [Lewis] So let's go shopping. - On the road again. - On the road to the shops. We don't actually know how big this is gonna be. Could be a two finger. - Or a four finger. How big's your break? - That's the question. - That's the question. - [Lewis] That's a loaf pan. What about those things, Pyrex? It's too curved though isn't it? It's a storage bin. Oh, mate. - A storage bin with handles. - [Lewis] It's got a handle for peace of mind, there you go. They're 1.99, bargain. You have to walk through it, there you go. Okay 1.2 kilos, I think we're gonna need a bigger boat. There it is. Rectangular wafers. So maybe a jar (mumbles) - Have a break. - [Lewis] We're back from the shops. We have got hopefully if we get to this stage enough card to make a wrapper with white paint. - [James] Kit Kat trays. - [Lewis] Yes, see I can't believe how good these are. This is the tempering machine. - [James] We ready? - [Lewis] Oh wow. So we've set the temper machine to milk chocolate mode. This all sounds very exciting, mate. - It does, right, it won't work. (laughing) - [Lewis] This is actually warming up and it takes 45 minutes to warm up. - 45 minutes so we're gonna have to do it about three times or four times. - [Lewis] So we are gonna be, hopefully we can get enough just to get that initial layer in there and then we'll work around that. But it's gonna go in there and you use 10% of the chocolate to seed it, right? So then it's melted. - Yeah and then you add the further kilos. - [Lewis] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright we know what we're doing. So much math's involved, this is crazy. - My head hurts, mate. It's Saturday, I'm not supposed to do math on a Saturday. - No I know. We could just eat Kit Kats on camera, that would be fine. - Why didn't you say that from the start? - Yeah. I think this is taking quite a while. - It's gonna be a slow process I think, yeah. - [Lewis] But this is what the pros use. This is like proper chocolatier territory. It's in there. You can see it's trying to do its thing. So what we're gonna do, the chocolate is gonna go in first of all just the base, and then we're gonna make the wafers layers up by stacking these, and I've just broken, they're quite delicate. But we can wedge them together, these layers, with the chocolate spread, right? So we'll get one and we'll know then the consistent height for all of them because if we go too high, we were talking about this weren't we, if we go too high it won't look right. - Yeah we're gonna assemble our wafer, chocolate spread wafer, chocolate spread combo raft as you put it. - [Lewis] To the required height. - And then plunk it on top of the chocolate hopefully. - What were you saying? - Well going on our chocolate melting experiences. - We normally just slam a bowl. - Yeah slam a bowl in a bit of hot water. And we'd probably have a couple of kilos ready by now. - We would yeah. It'd be steaming and it'd be hot and crazy. - Yeah. - We thought let's try tempering it, let's be a bit professional. - Yeah it's a slow process. - Yeah. - So yeah here we are. - We'll see. - 27.6 degrees. - It's gone up by like .2 degrees. - It needs to get to 42. - [Lewis] Alright, we've just realised-- - We just found this in the box. (laughing) - [Lewis] So you set that down and that might make it warm up. - It might heat up a bit quicker. - [Lewis] We've now got a sauna (mumbles) - [James] 28.1, it's flying now. Oh look at that. - Yeah. - [Lewis] It's probably really important. What the hell is going on? - [James] Save about an hour. - [Lewis] Oh this is gonna spin at 29, here it comes. 28.9, 29. - [James] I can't believe that, what a joke. - [Lewis] Spin. Why isn't it spinning? Oh. - [James] Oh wow. - [Lewis] It's spinning. I've just got to get in there and show you, look. It's spinning. Now we can add another 90% of the total capacity. - All over a bit of a lid. - [Lewis] Just needs a lid. - Mind blown. - [Lewis] That's kicking out some serious heat now. That's actually quite angry. I can feel like I'm getting a sun tan off it, mate. So we're just breaking up 90% more chocolate and oh look at this. This is amazing. - [James] Lid's on. - [Lewis] Oh this is exciting. - Yeah? - [Lewis] Sort of scared. - What are we doing mate? - We need to make the inside of our Kit Kat. - I mean that was a general question. What are we doing? - So we're gonna build a raft using mashed up wafer and melted chocolate spread. - So that's just like the Kit Kat factory does except we're gonna do it our own homemade cheap lower budget way. That is my electronic food processor grater thing. - Yes. - So we're gonna whiz up some wafer? - It's gonna go down like a deck of cards, mate. I've got the cheese grater attachment. - Isn't this gonna go over? I'm gonna get like splattered everywhere. - [Lewis] It could, I'm not sure, mate. - [James] Ready? - Let's go for it, yeah. (grinding) That's amazing. - Have you got something I can put in? - [Lewis] No just use your hand. - Oh okay. (screams) (laughing) - [Lewis] Alright guys, what's going on? - You scared me. - James off camera like, "No seriously have you actually got something that's not gonna grate my fingers off?" Watch this. Ready? - Ready? (grinding) (laughing) - That's cool. - [Lewis] We're making the filling that's gonna go between the spreads in the wafers. Oh. - [James] Not bad chocolate spread. - [Lewis] All crumbs. Wow that's possibly the coolest thing I've ever done with wafers. - What else have you done with the wafer? - [Lewis] Maybe the second. Oh kids, sorry. (laughing) - Mr. Lewis, what are we doing? - Well we got the whizzed up wafer now and we're gonna melt up the chocolate spread to create the paste. - Ooohh. - In it goes. Taken all traces of foil off of the jar otherwise electrical-- - Microwaves do not like foil. (screams) - Look at that. - [All] Oh. - Look at that. - Wow alright, let's not wear it. - Oh look. That's cool. In. - Let's mix it up. - It's like dust. This is it. I think whilst it's still a little bit warm we should start to wedge it together. - I think we should get spreading. - So let's raft. We're setting up for the raft building shot. We're kind of in a tricky situation because this is gonna dry and not be very clingy. And then this has just beeped three times which means, James. - [Both] The seed. - [Lewis] This is gonna slowly, we have to press the T mode. T temper, what's temper one? (mumbles) Whoops. Do we know what we're doing? Okay, temper one and then do we just press enter? - [James] Dude that's it. - [Lewis] That's it, okay cool. Oh yeah it's lowering the temperature. - [James] Is that what we want to do? - [Lewis] I think so. Rafting then. - Let's raft it. - [Lewis] We are gonna take a wafer and it doesn't matter if it breaks a little bit but we can join them together and make a pile, we don't know how high yet, using our homemade Kit Kat crust. (meows) (laughing) - [James] That was a terrible meow. Oh this is not easy. (laughing) - [Lewis] We can push it, this is a joint effort. Well let's just do one and show you so you haven't got the pain of doing this a billion times like we have to. Ah yeah. So you can see compared to our container we might need to go a few higher but we'll show you that in a minute. So we now know we've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Eight wafers in each one so probably about four or five rows times four, that's four. Nice. It's gonna be worth it, it's gonna taste good. - I feel like you're shouting! - The tempering machine makes your hearing go like what? It's like a constant drone. I don't know if the microphone's gonna pick it up. The tempering machine is a constant uhhhhh. - Oh it's coming! - Don't know if you heard that. It's all getting very exciting. James is washing his hands. We've just built a whole rack there. We have got one finger of wafer-ness done. This is good and the most important thing James, this just beeped which meant, it says remove seed, which is any other lumps of chocolate but we don't know. (gasps) Oh my God. - [James] Is it lump-free? - [Lewis] I think that is lump-free, man. - [James] Oh no. - [Lewis] Is it not? Oh my God, it's not lump-free at all but it does say to remove it. I don't want to remove that amount of chocolate, mate. That's a lot. That's half our batch. - [James] What do you want to do? - [Lewis] I don't know. What do they do? Find out in the next instalment of The Chocolate Tempering Guys. (exciting music) Okay folks, we don't really want to be doing this. This is the lumps of the seed that have not melted fully. We're supposed to just discard it but we're gonna use it in our second batch. It feels wrong, right? - I'm not wasting chocolate. - Oh no, no. - (mumbles) Kill me. - The most important step out of all of this is we're gonna build up to the moment when we press the T button. - We don't know what it does. - We don't know what it does. - You press the T button and I think it's gonna be ready. It'll say ready and it's gonna beep and then we get excited. Yeah. Welcome to the wafer making workshop ladies and gents. - First clasp your wafer in your right hand. - Clasp it. - Then your spatula in your left hand. - Spatula. - Using your chocolate spread and wafer mixture, spread it over your wafer and repeat. - Spread, repeat. You should end up with that. (laughing) So a minute ago, away from the wafer making workshop, sorry about this, it made the most aggressive making beep ever. It was like beep! Beep! And it says it's ready and it's in temper, James. Do you know what that means? - It's angry. - He's angry. - [Lewis] This in here now is tempered chocolate. - [James] Oh it does look glossy. - [Lewis] It does look good, doesn't it? - It does look good, yeah. - [Lewis] So this should be enough for two fingers which we'll finish off though and then we'll get to that and pour it and then we can make another batch. Oh make it rain. - [James] Dance for me. - As crazy as our temper machine's been, right, one really good point about all of this is that we can still do wafer club and that's gonna sit in temper. Well if we've done it right. - Yeah, yeah. - It could be horrendous. Oh. Look at that. - The spatula! - [Lewis] Oh scrape it. Scrape it Jimmy, scrape it. - [James] Scrape it. - [Lewis] We've turned the machine off so you can probably hear us. It just feels like we've just been shouting-- - The whole time! - [Lewis] Yeah exactly. So we're gonna do four bases now. We've only got some of the bits done anyway but this is the temper chocolate so we're gonna pour a little of it in. That should be plenty I think. And we just wanna try and get as much on my dining table as possible. (laughing) And the really cool think I was thinking is with it having the handles we can now kind of do this thing where we're like-- - Shake, shake. - So we're gonna like tip it, and then just cover your bottom. - Cover your bottom in chocolate. - Yeah. - That's always a good Saturday night. - [Lewis] Oh yeah that's sitting on there nice. It's just touching it. It's delicately going, "Yeah hey." This is quite sensual, James. We might accidentally touch hands and that wouldn't be a problem right now. I'd be okay with that. (laughing) - [James] There we go. - Okay. - [James] We got a nice rim around the edge. - [Lewis] So the aim is to pour chocolate over that goes up the sides, soaks into any middle, and hopefully does the bottom. Should we go? I hope we've got enough. (sensual music) That's quite therapeutic. That's quite a nice sight. - [James] Is that a nice ripple? - [Lewis] Yeah. - [James] Oohh. - [Lewis] This is cool. So I can start to get a little bit of a spread on with that. Oh there you go. (laughing) We might need more chocolate but this is going good. It's just a case of getting this locked in. And repeating this over and over. Okay so we're just carrying on with this chocolate now. (beeping) Can you hear that? - Have you left the chocolate spread in there? - [Lewis] I don't know. Oh no, oh no, oh no. I melted some chocolate spread and I walked away. I just walked away from it. - [James] I can smell it. - [Lewis] Oh my gosh. - [James] Oh (beep) it's black. - [Lewis] It's like Stranger Things in a pot. Well we only needed one-- - [James] The fire extinguisher. - [Lewis] I've got windows open. Alright we'll be back. Let's not put that in the bar. - It's still smoking. - [Lewis] Some high tech stuff now guys. We are using a tripod box and we're using it to... - Make a straight line. - [Lewis] Make a straight line because we don't have anything else. - [James] Nothing like a bit of arts and crafts. - So we're gonna paint this? - [James] Yeah. - [Lewis] We only need to fill in the white, don't we? I'm rubbish at this sort of thing. We've gone for the well known cartoon character. - Top Cat. We nailed the tempering this time. No bad tempers here. - [Lewis] Oh. I think just a little bit like that at first and then we can. Oh wow. Alright we've got enough there. The instruction manual is covered in chocolate now. This is great. We're just getting, just as long as it's covered. This is enough anyway because we're gonna sit it into a big ole base. And for that James we need more chocolate. - More chocolate. - Hello. - Alright the stage we think is nearly set. - I'm getting a bit nervous now. - Yeah, we're at the point where the fingers are in the fridge and we kind of want them to set a teeny bit more for them to drop out. - Hopefully they drop out. - Yeah. - This is the last temper and it's just about ready. So that is gonna go into something special. So this is what we're gonna use as kind of like another mat or raft. - Yeah. - [Lewis] The chocolate will go in that we're just tempering and then we'll sit them all in, set it so we might be able to snap one off. - Yeah when you (snaps) Take your break. - [Lewis] Yeah. We're gonna get it down because it sets pretty quick. We only need a really, really thin layer. So the fingers will sit in there and bond together and that's just something to link it. - [James] I think if you push down there it will come out. Just push on there. - Push it, oh you can see there's like little air bubbles. Alright should I get my hand ready to catch it? - [James] How is it not done? - Oh no it's doing, it's dropping. Oh my gosh. We just don't want it to smack on, oh look see. That one side's falling out. - [James] Oh. Yeah! - Oh look at that. - [James] Oh that has got a nice shine. - [Lewis] That's one of the bars in there like that. Oh we've got to do that three more times. (banging and laughing) - Oohh. - [Lewis] Jesus. Look, that is awesome. They're quite, yeah we need to push this together. But then again we don't want it too high, do we? Alright so now we got to get this into the fridge. It's really messy, it could all spill out. But I think we're just gonna go for it. My fridge doesn't like it, it's beeping at us. (dramatic music) Oh. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. - That was close. You should always measure your fridge before you do giant food. - It's like a murder scene of chocolate. It's like hand prints all over my fridge. - Carnage. - We were gonna try and brand the top and we spent about half an hour earlier in the shops trying to find these magnetic alphabet letters which you can get pretty much everywhere when you don't want them but I've just found three on the side of my fridge. This is genuinely the only letters there and it's an A. - A T. - And a P. - So it's now a Top Pat. - Yes. - What if we soaked them in hot water or something to just increase their temperature and then just press them lightly into the surface? - Yeah. - Chocolate hates water but. - Well in that case it should be great. - Yeah, great. It's not something I do every day. We're giving them a wash anyway. We're having a little moment where we're sort of thinking to ourselves we made a giant Kit Kat that's got a Top Cat wrapper on it. We're probably going to put Pat on it but we've had a lot of fun and that's the main thing about these giant foods. Ahhh, ahhh. - [James] I thought you might catch a fish. - [Lewis] So we're gonna try it with one letter. I don't know if this is gonna work. - [James] No it's too cold. - [Lewis] It's too cold. I mean maybe leave it on there for a little bit. Alright just before we un-reveal, un-reveal? We realised the letters, they didn't work. - No. - The magnets were making marks on it, that's fine. But thank you to everyone that's recently joined us and supported us on Patreon. If you didn't know, I'm really trying to get James to come on board and we can make so much more content. - So much more. - There's some very exciting plans so anyone's that supported me on Patreon, thank you so much. The link's down below if you fancy helping out. Exciting times. James? - Yes. - Shall we see it? Look. This is the Top Kat. - The Top Kat. - So those of you that are old school and know the way Kit Kat was packaged. That is it. - I'm so happy. - I'm so happy with how that looks. - Yeah man. - Like from afar it just looks like we're really short and I mean that's true but it just looks amazing. - [James] It looks good though. - [Lewis] Yeah, wow. - Does it look like a normal Kit Kat over here? - Yeah, you're just walking down the street with like an oversized mobile phone cover. - From back here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean now you've just gone but. - This has been a test. I couldn't get hold of tempering chocolate in time so that's why it's not been the most ideal finish but we've loved experimenting with the machine. It looks awesome and we will probably revisit this with the actual correct dimensions because we kind of winged it and we're over the moon with it, right? - We winged it. - We have winged it. - As per giant food standards. - Yeah. Top Kat style. Okay. - The moment. - Do you want to rip it open? You're allowed a Kit Kat but you're only allowed one. - They always open like that. - And they always have duct tape on them. - Go for the finger. - This is the moment. Oh yeah. Three, two, one. (snaps) (meows) - Oh! (slow motion sounds) That's why you call it a Top Kat. (smacking and laughing) (grunting) Oh my gosh. One of mine fell out. - We need a knife, man. - We do need a knife, should we do this properly? - Yeah. - Take two. (laughing) Action. - You went a bit crazy there. - I think it's kind of relief. - [James] What have you done to that? - [Lewis] Sorry. Straight down through there mate. - [James] Straight through your chopping board into the work centre. - Yeah. - [Both] Oh! - [James] Hang on. - [Lewis] Oh my gosh, look at that. - [James] I think we nailed that. - [Lewis] That is superb. - [James] Would you like a slice? - [Lewis] No actually no, I hate Kit Kats. Oh wait a minute. This isn't a Kit Kat, this is a Top Kat. - Top Kat. (crunching) - Is it good? - Yeah. - You exhaled a lot, that's the sign of. Oh my gosh. Oh that's good, geez. - I got the hazelnuts. (mumbles) - Wow. Alright so if you fancy rolling back the years, having a playlist marathon, checking out the giant food from years ago, our amazing hairstyles, some of our first attempts is totally worth it and actually some of the requests we get have already been done but we will revisit them. Like the roller, one of the very first ones we did. It's on the to do list. - It's got redone again. - Yeah. - Have you tried the middle, it's pretty good. - We're like Lady and the Tramp. - You're the Tramp. - Oh yeah. (laughing) You're the Lady. Before we go Jimmy and you head back to your lovely home, we are changing the Giant Food playlist. In fact if you're on it you might already spot it already. It is now called. - The Super Size Guys. - Yes, because we super size stuff, it's what we do. And we don't want to just do food. - Oh no. - Oh no, oh no, no. But with your help on Patreon, again to plug it, or even just by watching more of the videos it just really helps us grow and we want to try and do some really cool stuff and probably gonna need somewhere bigger to do it. We have some plans in progress, right? - That's it, something bigger and better entertainment. - Super Size Top Kat entertainment. - That's it. - So check out the rest of the playlist. Keep the ideas coming and if you can support us in any way, please consider doing so because some very exciting times ahead. Chow for now. (rapping) - Daddy, it's not a Kit Kat. - [Lewis] It is a Kit Kat. - No it's not. - It's a Top Kat. - [Lewis] It is a Top Kat, yes you're eating a cat. Congratulations.
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Views: 162,842
Rating: 4.9189973 out of 5
Keywords: giant kit kat, super size guys, barry lewis giant food, kit kat, giant food, kit kat bar, diy giant kit kat, my virgin kitchen giant food, super size, candy bar, kit kat recipe, giant chocolate bar, chocolate bar, barry lewis, barry and james, my virgin kitchen, james mawditt, worlds biggest, world record, giant foods, snack pimping, jimmedy james, virgin kitchen, giant chocolate, nestle, wafer, diy, homemade, candy, milk chocolate, tempered chocolate, fun
Id: RM0X95V82h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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