How To Make Poor Mans Burnt Ends | Masterbuilt Gravity Series smoker 1050 | Burnt Ends for Beginners

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[Music] guys how you doing my name is Tommy and this is the gallery backyard barbeque and finally it is summertime in the garden statement on today's show it's poor man's burnt down and it's happening now all right everybody my name is Tommy and this is the gallery backyard barbeque and look we got a long one for you today over 20 minutes sit back relax and definitely check it out right listen hit that subscribe button ring that bell so you get notified on all of my future uploads it is greatly appreciated and look leave a a comment down below I love to read those and answer those and enjoy the show alrighty so look let's take a take a look at what we're looking at so look anytime you are shopping for ruff beef chuck what you want is you want all this a marbling in here right you want to see some fat in here that's gonna render down there's really not much you're really not gonna trim anything I mean if you wanted to get technical you could probably take a little of this off all right and really that's about it and look when I'm doing burnt ends with a beef chuck the thicker the better okay so this is only a two and a half pounder but it's thick a lot of times you'll find a you know a lot of times you're gonna find a three three and a half four pounder that's gonna be bigger in size but thinner in girth right so so to me I'd rather a thicker piece so when I cube it up into my burnt ends I'm gonna have a thicker piece than a thinner piece right so look what I like to do here all righty so look what I like to do when I'm working with a with a poor man's burnt under a a chuck roast is I like to build flavors right so I like to apply a different flavors of heat and really built like a nice coating of flavor on the meat right so what I'm gonna go with is a little heat from Daddy Dutch barbecue this is uh some sweet heat right so that'll give me a little a spice all right little bite well also I got some a salt pepper and garlic right this is my own mixture you can look down in the description and there's some links to purchase big bags of pepper and so forth and that's my dog Molly hitting the camera of course and you know you can look you could start making your basic salt pepper and garlic yourself and then I'm gonna finish it off with some killer hogs this has a nice texture a nice flavor that I think will go well with this dish all right so let's build a flavor profile the first thing I'm going to do here and you always want to kind of mix up your rubs right I'm just gonna add a little of daddy touches a sweet heat you can see this has a nice coarse seasonings inside of each other I definitely like and you can just kind of Pat it and no need for a binder and we'll put some on the sides like that and we'll get those uh well dip those sides in there right I'm going to see that nice fact that this will render this is gonna be nice one there's gonna be good right in like I said take your sides just kind of dip them in all right you see a little spot you see it already going into the meat and hit it with a little more that's all alright look the next flavor profile on this is just a like I said a basic assault pepper and garlic course and texture and you can start making this yourself very easy to make that way you can control the spices that you like okay and also for the edges and if you don't want to tilt it on the board or maybe you're working inside the house and of course you can tilt the meat up and apply your a side road [Music] and if you think you're robbed missin consistency just give it a little shake no big deal you see I got a lot of coarse grained salt after I did that little shake course and now for some of mr. Reed's a killer hogs this is going to be a nice with with uh with the sweet heat with Kent's sweet heat with some of your Texas style salt pepper and garlic and then Malcolm Reed's killer hogs is going to put a nice color on it and a nice a flavor profile and if you've never done poor man's brisket either in Burton ends or just sliced to look you've got to do it and I'll leave links up top on a couple other poor man's burnt ends and briskets that I've done I picked up this meat for about thirteen dollars [Music] and if you see any little openings like that stuff in there why not just make sure if you think you've missed any spots see you over at the cooker alright everybody look there's been a lot of talk on Facebook about the inaccuracy of the built-in masterbuilt temp gauge that's inside the pit some say 50 degrees off and I got my trusty weber eye grill too wired up inside I'm set at 275 on the pit and we're at 268 on the iGrow I don't know if you could see that and zone 1 is 275 if you could see that okay and I did just have my pit open so look I think I'm within probably five six seven degrees I've been watching it as I've been prepping this a chuck roast I know there's been talk of us like I said 50 degrees off my best advice there is to a check your grill right and I'll be monitoring the inside temperature and bringing it up from time to time maybe I'll do a separate video on it we'll see alrighty and like I said there's my two weber i grill twos and trust me this thing is a pretty much spot-on plot this right in the middle and I'm gonna monitor the internal temperature of the meat and if I didn't mention it I'm gonna run my grill probably going to start it at 275 if it looks like the bark is setting up too fast then at that point I'll lower it down to 250 anytime you're doing these poor man's burnt ends you can go anywhere from two and a quarter to 275 depending on how much time you have I'm hoping on a six hour cook all right low so look let's give a a check we are run two hours in two hours in basically what you want to do here is you want to just look up make sure that you're not having any up any dry spots any burning you want to just look to meat over you want to make sure that that rub is setting up nicely and also you want to lay up probably start spritzing it at this point right I'm using a straight apple juice on the spreads as I check the bottom make sure she's not burning [Music] now if you don't have apple juice spray straight water is fine and now I'm also monitoring my temperature I got my pit at 275 you could see it's going at 287 to 70 and the meat is already up to 161 and that's enough two hours now look she'll start to us slow down I am an hour 3 here she'll start to slow down right you'll hit that 141 250 fairly quick but then the amine will really start to slow down and here a gallon just checking for us well just seeing how it looks right looks like we got a pretty decent color got some moisture where that fat was where I remember that fat running through the shop well that's where you could see that moisture just coming out and up three you know that's why you want to grab a Chuck when you go buy one of these Chuck's you want to the more fat and marbling inside it better it's all gonna break down into a flavor and here you could see that's my little hand gestures we are an hour 4 [Music] and here I'm going to get a temperature a read I always check out reading and see we are probing very easily we are at 1 and 74 I think that she's is just about ready to a rap now look when you rant when you're in the store if your bark is not set up good enough if you're not happy with the color of your bark let her run into the store don't be so quick to pull it out a lot of times people pull the Amin wafting up it too fast and me a bark never really sets up and done the end results have not as good right so you want a good looking a bark before you pull it in the yes store [Music] and that's a pretty a nice bark Mesa we'll get that a laptop [Music] all right so look when we do a these burnt ends these uh beef chuck burn downs you wanna drop the butcher paper you don't have this 24 inch butcher paper down in a description I have it down there where you can purchase it right I have a few of things down there that I use on the show I am spritzing it with that apple juice and I'm gonna put a little bit more of killer hogs on it I mean this is some a pretty a good rub [Music] is a a nice color [Music] so basically what you're gonna do here and you're just gonna wrap it up into that uh that butcher paper and it's just gonna steam in there right it's gonna help break everything and down [Music] you really don't want to use foil with this because you'll lose a lot of that bark okay so you really want to use this up paper okay so we're gonna get that back on the grip on the pit we're gonna hold that temp at 275 degrees Fahrenheit and now we're gonna run it right up into the well over 195 anyway dr. Wendt will take it out and cut it up and see that in a bit you could see where 203 and we're probing quite nicely so let's get this out and let's get this [Music] you know it's like a Christmas morning tea time you wanna wrap any type of meat like a brisket or a a chop right can that is looking at mighty fine [Music] very happy I'm gonna get those juices right I'm gonna save those juices put those in that tin that'll save me 30 seconds or so now well basically what we want to do here is we want to cut the slices at about inch or so and we want to do it up evenly because when you put this in the tin fix it up you want the slices to be as even as possible of course that's not going to be perfect but you do the best you can do [Music] and that's a meal right there sliced up beef chuck but uh on this show we're going to take it one step further you can see I got some pretty a nice even the slices we're gonna render everything down inside that a tin with some on what some other breeze like about a half a stick of butter you can go a quarter to a half a stick depending on how big your raw beef chuck was I'm gonna put a little bit more of that killer hogs in there and of course you use your favorite rub you know eighth of a cup of a brown and sugar or so [Music] [Music] and then you want to hit it with about a quarter a cup or so of a BB to sauce there you go I mean that is uh that's a whole lot of flavor right there oh this is a certainly a treat a summer time a treat I should say [Music] give that a nice mix up of course and then you want to get yourself an aluminum foil and you want to seal that sucker [Music] Oh can't forget the honey gotta have some honey [Music] honey is optional if you want Tony added if not don't I know a lot of people don't go a white honey like I said get it sealed up and back on the pit now you're gonna run this anywhere from 15 20 minutes to a 40 minutes right it depends on how where your beef chuck was when you dressed it all up just God you know you want to break it wall and down and render it so it just basically as smushy right it took me 40 minutes to get it that way again so you know one at 10:15 and then check it if it ain't ready cover it back up and put it back in and you know what's ready because when you push it with a spoon it just crumbles apart which is basically what I'm doing there is just checking it you know if you pull it too early you're gonna miss the whole thing you know you have to render it down to where it basically just falls apart [Music] [Music] and at this point I know I got about another left 15 minutes left or so so you want to leave the top tinfoil off and just let it render and let it up kind of what's gonna happen is it's all gonna turn that up sugary a brown and call it right like it's up almost going to look like it's adult okay so when you're almost done leave the tinfoil off the top hit it with a little bit more DBQ sauce right just close it up for about 15 more minutes and that's going to alternate into what it means [Music] and there you go and look at that that is candy right there that is BD q a candy that is a treat all Mantha see it just fall apart watch this you know I know it looks like a lot of things flying around on the screen and that is the camera picking up stuff trust me it's not as bad as it looks and that is certainly as it blurs it looks I know people will leave in the comments about all the stuff floating around all right look before I take this a back in alive I want to thank everybody for checking out this video it is greatly appreciated I know this is a long one this is kind of like a 101 l2 but you follow these directions and I'll tell you what you are gonna be making a certainly a treat don't forget to hit that subscribe button and leave me a comment down below write I love reading and I do answer all the comments all right everybody here we are eight hours later that's eight hours in the pit and I arrested them for about 15 minutes now - no want to come around here so we get the shot [Music] and basically it just kind of falls apart like that oh man Oh [Music] all righty look and get these on the board I'm going to do way we're going to do a quick taste a test I'm gonna do a quick taste test and get these in the house for dinner time they fall right apart I mean and that's what it's about there Cheers guys it's candy I mean look at this I mean this is a must-make period I mean these things came out perfect it's like I said it is it as good as a brisket burnt then probably not but I'll tell you what if a brisket burnt and is 100% these are 97 percent I mean I picked up this mean I think the 1314 bucks look so that's it for this one please leave a comment down below like and share the video
Channel: The Gallery Backyard BBQ
Views: 18,514
Rating: 4.8804598 out of 5
Keywords: masterbuilt gravity smoker, masterbuilt gravity 560, masterbuilt 1050, masterbuilt propane smoker, masterbuilt gravity, masterbuilt pellet smoker, masterbuilt gravity smoker 1050, poor mans burnt ends, how to make burnt ends, burnt ends recipe, brisket burnt ends, smoked chuck roast, chuck roast burnt ends, Masterbuilt, masterbuilt gravity smoker review, how to make burnt ends on traeger, how to make burnt ends from a whole brisket, how to make burnt ends pork belly
Id: 2u2L5XozCV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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