Teen HIDES CIGARETTES From PARENTS, She Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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I'm sorry guys but I just can't it's fine you don't have to stop ocean come on Shilpa stop being such a baby yeah Tara's right we all do it it's really not that big of a deal yeah listen around you come on just give it one puff and if you don't like it you don't have to try it again okay oh I can't I'm sorry what in the world are you doing just wait until your mother finds out about this no it's like I swear light us up are you calling my mom please don't luckily for you it went to voicemail I wasn't gonna smoke it you have to believe me to be honest the only reason I was even considering it was because they were pressuring me too if friends are pressuring you to do something you don't want to do they're not really friends are they I just started hanging out with them they're the popular girls at school all I wanted to do was fit in look Tony please don't tell my mom you know how strict she is she's gonna kill me when she finds out I have no choice your mother trusts me I have to be honest with her I have to tell her if you do that not only am I gonna be in huge trouble but she won't let me hang out with them again is that such a bad thing I'm sorry shupa when your mom gets home I'm telling her no I did you convince her not to say anything I'm dead Tara when my mom finds out I'm literally dead I mean it's your word against hers maybe your mom will believe you no Tony's been with us for almost a year now my mom knows she's an honest person unless we make her not an honest person Tony I'm home I'm so sorry Mr calls earlier such a busy day and I is everything okay oh this isn't easy for me to tell you but today when I came home I saw shupa with a few of our friends and uh okay she was about Mom you're here yes and uh Tony was just telling me a story about you oh really um maybe she can finish it later but first have you seen my phone I can't seem to find it anywhere uh no I actually just walked in so um Tony have you seen it anywhere no actually no are you sure I'm sure well then do you mind calling it for me please oh sure wait it's my phone in your purse what in the world were you trying to steal it no I wasn't trying to steal anything and why was it in there I don't know I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding I mean Tony wouldn't steal anything maybe she confused it with her own phone no way her phone is so old and cracked oh I see you wanted my phone because you needed a new phone I would never do that oh I see what's going on here uh-uh no look when I came home today Shilpa was about to smoke a cigarette with her friends no I'm not that's why I was calling you that and that's why I was trying to tell you when you walked in she probably put her phone in my purse trying to take attention away from her is this true no I would never do that she's just trying to cover it up because she got caught red-handed what and you know what I'm sure this isn't the first time she's stolen something has anything else gone missing mom not that I've noticed well then let's have a look what wait mom isn't this your bracelet I don't know how in the world did that get in there bouja you know me you know I wouldn't do anything like that I can't believe you just made up this whole story about my daughter I really trusted you were you serious I you can't like I don't want to hear it just go you know how much I need this job please don't do this I'm begging you go now [Music] okay to my plan working perfectly and she'll be still being able to hang out with us Shilpa cheers I'm sorry cheers so um your mom wasn't suspicious of anything um I don't think so otherwise she wouldn't have dropped me off over here you guys don't understand how strict she is I'm sure if she caught me smoking she just shipped me off to India well now that no one else is around and we don't have to worry about your maid uh I'm sorry but I decided not to smoke I'm not talking about cigarettes silly I'm talking about something else oh give me one what is that something way more fun I promise you're gonna have the best night of your life here you go you know what I'm okay thank you come on don't be such a party pooper come on you guys it's fine if she doesn't want to do it we should be quiet ocean we're all here to take care of you you're gonna be fine try it you know what I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back I knew she wasn't gonna do it she would just try it she'd probably like it I don't know what she's so scared of maybe if she doesn't know she's trying yet no no no no come on don't see now it's a party yeah [Music] oh guys I don't feel so good don't worry about it you're fine no I just I can't wait my mom's calling can you please turn the volume down stop being such a party pooper just have fun but I have to answer her otherwise she'll you can call her back later finish your drink it'll make you feel better [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh is she okay how does she get so sick you gave her half right you put a full one in her drink I didn't know if she was gonna drink the whole thing sorry what are we gonna do we need to call an ambulance are you kidding no way then we'll all get in trouble then we need to call our mom at least that'd be just as bad well we need to do something look at her she's completely out of it okay Ocean's right we can't wait let's just get off my back I'm trying to think okay why don't we drop her off at a hospital but don't you think people would ask a lot of questions let me go inside dummy I just drop right out front on the street by herself absolutely not what better choice do we have Shane's medical attention we don't have time to talk about this okay help me [Music] what happened to her mom where am I oh thank God you're okay I was so worried about you I can't remember anything the doctor said that you have drugs in your system I don't know what happened to you used to be such a good girl and now you are someone completely different oh Mom told them no I swear must have put something in my drink right just like you weren't smoking cigarettes I found this in your jacket help Mom it's not what it looks like my friends were pressuring me too but I didn't you have to believe me I don't believe anything you say anymore you even tricked me and set up Tony to fire her didn't you you need help that's why I'm gonna be sending you to India to live with your oh wait no am I going to jail I'll let you do whatever you have to do she needs to be taught a lesson I won't stop you what Mom any drugs please I don't want to go to jail actually I know that what you're saying is true because she already told us what happened go ahead soba didn't know that she took anything Tara put it in her drink when she was in the bathroom see Mom tried to tell you yeah but you were still smoking and you got Tony fired well actually she wasn't even smoking either Tara and Rania were trying to pressure her into it but she didn't want to and the whole setup with your maid was all Tara's idea and Shilpa didn't even want anything to do with it I see thank you for clearing that up all right come on going downtown with two other girls I'm gonna need you to say that again see Mom I told you I know but you are still in trouble you still lied you should not be hanging out with those girls and from now on you are not to see those friends do you understand trust me you don't have to worry because as Tony told me your friends are pressuring you to do something you don't want to and they're not your friends sorry Mom [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 7,091,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: gByXpbbmgtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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