Polling of Ipecac (Lost D6) Run #1

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we're going to start this thing up right now lost the six ipa pulling like a triple triple threat mod hopefully it works because sometimes the mods they'll actually they'll put special item rooms into the mods themselves so if that ends up overriding the polling mod right which tries to take control of those item rooms then we have a crisscross applesauce thing going on music is a little quiet huh this music's too loud huh this music's this music's that suck it up nancy's what's what's wrong with nancy i don't know what did nancy do to make her be an insult do you have any nancy's in chat music is music a hole as a whole nagging nancy she was nagging too much [ __ ] if a cat you know it's i think it's tougher than the normal so fight me today we're playing lost e6 i think that at least the first run let's see how it goes let's have a fun one pick pick fun items enjoy it my grandma's a nancy i mean she sounds wonderful negative nancy that's that's what it is you're a negative nancy i owe you i don't really understand that but maybe it pauses my game randomly it's weird what about debbie debbie debbie downer negative nancy and debbie downer you think they've put them in the same room they'd eat each other alive or would they get along karen is worse [Music] yay it's working i'll create the poll i will then share that with you guys and all you guys have to do in the chat is either type of number one two three four or type the word reroll as it is spelled as it is spield and uh it'll automatically detect that in the chat so go do a thing uh elgato no signal sweet that's gonna be fun um also what else is up a hype train level one that's cool space cat set it off with two months beard looking good today dad oh thank you appreciate that uh blue wolf i need to know that intro song gimme dad i'll fight back just look how ball fight back monster cat you'll find it i think it's like sullivan king or something like that does it stand the intro sequence did i put it in the corner i might have i might not have as long as you have a fully charged d i will uh give you guys the reroll option yo what up dad should we go over the items here uh that is not greg that's uh the thing that if i get hit i drop a familiar for like the room or something like that it's really lame it's like done second is a fly familiar third is spider love like i basically it's bursting snack i think it's called spiders love me like kind of like a skatole and then the last one's infestation when i take damage i shoot flies out but i don't ever take damage so one and four are basically nothing three can save my life potentially but you guys have voted for reroll voted for death and um shazam let's do that and do the poll again one through four this time i mean there's potential that i can find a battery and stuff but let's just you know i'll be the final say if i take re-roll off it means we're not really rolling anymore okay baby africa it's a little egg guy these aren't much better i said vote for fun items it does not fight me i said vote for fun items guys that's not this isn't fun this one inspires fun this one is not [Music] i'd you know i wouldn't mind the uh the undies probably if i had to pick here i'd probably pick the undies just because potentially before i move in a room and let's say that i got a cube of meat i could walk around invisible and just start killing people with my cubes and me donate link please [Applause] hype train's going it's fine it's fine it doesn't have to make it past level one uh donate link mods have access to links also if you go to my information section if you're on mobile you have to like click on my name and then go over to like a tab section you have to like go to the about or something like that you can find it but save your money because we're gonna do a uh saint jude stream all throughout the month of may actually and today is the last day of april is it not this may start tomorrow is that true 500 bits i have my bits before i sleep putts appreciate it thank you eat greens have you been streaming or have i just not been to them have you been streaming or have i just not been to them like [Music] you know in general yeah i've been streaming for years and years my birthday in three days weaver years years how many videos have i put out like hey guys going live like three years ago i put those out every single stream i've announced it multiple times you haven't i have an ad lol clayman i have an ad i have an ad someone paid for advertising for me on time they'll see i used to be the chard on your boot leg weeaboo maybe i'll get a job just to donate in may indiana jamie what up so we'll probably end up doing some sort of fun thing so that i can dye my hair and or beard um i need to kind of come up with some more some more donation goals [Music] it's a different between donation and bits isn't it both money to you in different forms yes cdm 100 bits thank you for that and what up so if you send bits it's actually through amazon that you buy or through twitch you know more specifically i guess that you buy the bits and uh it is not a complete return on investment but then again if you donate money um directly to my paypal you know there's the whole like chargeback risk thing which i'm pretty sure has been solved i haven't seen a chargeback in forever and the last couple chargebacks i did have were totally resolved in my favor so i'm pretty sure that they've solved that whole conundrum for streamers but also that paypal does take a cut up so if you're really trying to min max the amount of money that you can get through without somebody else getting their hands on it you know i don't know it also depends on would you rather give paypal more money or would you rather give twitch more money i mean i get the majority of all of it anyways no matter what so it's you know i don't know what this does i'm gonna damage up though so sure yeah i still have this i still do okay it's probably like a health down damage up thing ass down face up that's the way i like to poop you cool now dye your beard or no balls 2.9 total plus 30 cents [Music] is what paypal so it would seem like if you're gonna do like a really really big donation there's like a curve right that like they kind of like crisscross like this cancer inbound hey if we could pull the cancer trinket this way yeah i can't get into my shop but i have the money to do so [Music] free damage weird sound it probably does something if i have health it's probably just really good for me as lost maybe gives us black hearts black lung [Music] oh little remix in here [Music] remix me [Music] that champion over there actually splits up into multiple i'll try to take that out oh that was a [ __ ] pinch mot looks like i took out the main one maybe and then they all died that's i don't know cool design though [Music] let's just stick our heads in here and see what's up how many best to join the train trains just left the station 100 bits though in order to get the uh your hands on the prize two months for i should slap you silly welcome back you double butt and breasted for 18 months say back in monotone why back you're saying that sound clip this is bad bryce g rice hunter bits thanks chad [Music] rice [Music] on the rice is green bits also go to saint jude next month the bits do not know donations would it's actually a specific tilted file link that you have to donate to and i'd change all my links to direct you there instead but if you send bits like in the chat 1000 you know cheer 1 000 i that doesn't yeah that's not yeah no yeah well uh well maybe no yeah no yeah that was a very dangerous rum the fact that that uh spider fly has like 10 times the health as the normal that could have killed me right there just playing with isaac but not no it just is [Applause] [Music] look what showed up [Music] [Applause] surprising vixx is not in the chat right now like [Music] i'm i'm re-rolling it oh what it's invictus screaming [Music] is that a normal secret thing oh it's not good that i took damage that was dumb [Music] smartest thing try not dying hey let me just smoke my sig [Music] nailed it it's taking a lot of damage here why don't we go into our room oh i don't have a key and i'm not going to get a key okay um what now fitspin 17. g that's 2x2 [Music] appreciate that found the cup up [Music] all these batteries suspends maybe i could get one from this machine here or any of these guys really fork it up bud chances higher on the three skull monty maybe i'm getting a key afternoon nuts damien [Music] reroll compost i know i totally could but i'm gonna ruin the idea of having a polling uh uh stream if i can't pull don't you give me that you douche oh take it [Music] gonna re-rolled it i suppose did you just like i had so much money and i was like let's go to the shop bom key something something here please oh that yup that's yeah good what is something douche you dick knuckle you ever seen a dick knuckle no you wouldn't want to [ __ ] teasing me just give me a [ __ ] key i hate you i hate you so much cuz i will follow you to the end let's just go cry in the boss room i could reroll the thing now but let's uh save a reroll for the devil room first and the devil room could stay open if we don't take anything in there it's for another re-roll we're on the boss item is not ever a bad idea this fire rate is going to get me killed because you guys [ __ ] blow [Music] i mean like the like like a fan like really good blow you know like no ellen complains on a fan blows unless you're a negative cold nancy it doesn't has poor blood circulation [ __ ] you you trite [ __ ] [Music] i mean yay friends and family [Applause] one more don't you dodge that you can't dodge me you're dead got him it's just the trites imagine me and you i do i think about your day and night it's only right to think about the thing you hate the most i don't know what that is we got it last time and i'm still not sure we suck like a vacuum blow like a fan stuck like a vacuum what are we talking about now oh la la okay no no no it's polling right but as the loss historically speaking devil rooms are free so it's like you take everything in there you take everything well ah yeah i know you take everything [Music] it's required for a lost run it's like one of the only good things you can get no keys from uh the boss room could have gotten latch key could have gotten box [Music] probably one other item on that list 99 bombs um that's it's really handy it's just like really nice to have that box i'll blow these guys like a fan like a fan we first bird dollar i don't think i do want the dollar although we can get like damage upgrades if we music is too loud you guys just come on [Music] too quiet too loud too quiet too loud it's like a one pixel difference ten dollars from net sherman hey hots love the channel good luck in the run want to see the channel continue to grow so i'm helping out as much as i can appreciate it you are helping um reroll of the dollar i like money that's a damage upgrade i'm just gonna take it never look at gift course the mouth burn the hands like touching your bush you know you know the sayings you know burnt dollar gives you a key [Music] that's it [Music] does it dave don't you touch me spider don't you touch me fly spider why don't you touch me beggar he's going to give me a key when i blow his ass up loving a freak kind of bit say dad how are you i'm good i'm doing okay didn't get much sleep but uh once again this morning i woke up like my body's like yeah you're up and i was like oh [ __ ] like i would really like to go back to bed my body's like let me think about now and go work chief we're staying up so i just like literally sat there for an hour trying to go back to bed and uh couldn't meanwhile i like wake myself up force myself to get out of bed well that's a dollar and a burnt dollar the dollar is clearly superior than the burnt dollar but what if i took the burn dollar and then i took the dollar right i only lose three cents that way but if there's a dollar what if i turn into mr krabs i know i got a key oh i already rerolled the dollar into uh the damage upgrade which is that that's fine that's fine it's fine i'm okay with that okay let me live my life mom [Music] and we have a full d because good this is balls you're up your turn burnt dollar removes all the money that you currently have and then if you go to the next floor with zero cents you get [Music] money back and things and stuff and then sometimes like a stat upgrade i don't know and by i don't know i mean exactly what i just said that is what it does i just don't know if i like it [Music] sometimes it's it's like sure that's good for min maxing but then i end up picking up a scent just on like muscle memory and you guys are like you're an idiot and then i'm like well you know what i'm just not going to take it next time because we'll just not have to worry about it that's list for money kinda i guess in a way the payout system is like that [Music] go was there actually a battery in there no we already used the batteries should have gone to the shops as christopher because they could have bought a key in the shop yeah but how many times have you done that like i'm gonna buy a key in the shop or i'm gonna buy a bomb in the shop i'm gonna buy a battery in the shop and then it doesn't have it all right knife knife would be uh prime it it totally solves the issue of our low fire rate and in fact it makes it so much better knife plus ease mascara is a clear winner here absolutely d100 oh i'm chad oh that's what you sound like i would have taken the risk what's up pedro all right i think we've had enough [Music] i'm gonna call it before you guys change your mind knife is good nice real good if we just get more devil from from grabbing the knife excuse me sir let's give me a key [Music] ah suck on that suck on that chat i'm at 99 cents i mean i actually will go into the shop now and i could come back and get the money but not anymore because i want you to suck on it oh boy oh yeah oh good oh grand got bamboozled yeah they're trying to feel bad about it but it's not working we're doing so well right now in a rear machine and a re-roll machine little uh fiery [ __ ] nuts hands can you do that thank you thanks i don't know why i picked it up right now i'm not sure don't ask questions you don't know the answer to no key hey christopher we could have bombed it and gotten a key but no key oh is that worth the battery for three seconds probably spider mod is not good it's lost congratulations i don't know what this the that thing is i don't know sharp plug key that's what i say to you um we do not want to take the more options that ruins the polling mod um habit plus lost equals op does more options work what if we had eight options wouldn't that be crazy rotten apple looks like it was a stat upgrade of some sort uh gashmill to fish i i could take it i suppose and get this down so that that's the thing that we just swallowed is more higher chance to get things from fires and then i can reroll this as well by just do that how the song goes [Music] i don't know oh he he eats my batteries he eats my batteries and that's that's to be a dickish thing to do because my d6 batteries are flippin flarp and sacred double bombs don't care let's buy this to re-roll it i gotta reroll it without buying it too you know whatever whatever sue me um this is again box of friends i thought i was boxing trinkets for a second it's been a while since i played louis obviously well that's good ah delicious nice we did well phil's can only do so much charm lost wow we thought this whole floor was gonna be a bust and look at me now look at how many items that we got out of that that was amazing that was amazing now the stat plate was 100 worth turning your sass i already got into the shop i got in the boat they're my genius and intellect alone [Music] mom knife 14 damage yeah our chances have never been greater but uh we do have to kind of get close because of the charge rate but we'll manage always an inherent risk though being the lost i might just you know do something really stupid then that's that never happens ever that was an example that's that that doesn't it's not real everything i do is always super genius at this moment i'm ready to pop this d that's someone that can take it [Music] sounded better in my head every single day cause i remember [Music] monkey stop spamming no i don't know why i would have any tips for you getting hacked well as a hacker actually oh [ __ ] got me bruh i have the option in the chat when the pole is open uh yeah the they're labeled here on the right um you're right as well so when i walk in options will be labeled on the bottom right and i put this on the screen there you go one two three four re-roll type whatever the thing is in a chat exactly you can only vote once if you try to vote multiple times it won't work you guys have to know though you have to know that like let's say that i replaced your text in chat with you actually saying words right and if you're just in the back like hey huts hey hats hey huss hey hutz hey hutz hey huss hey hutz hey hutz you know that you're being annoying it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't take common it doesn't even take common sense to understand that [Music] what it's for i don't really know what four is it's like everything is super messed up i think it's an active item i don't like it vote for fun items everyone vote for soy milk on the knife [Music] nice guys well done hey hutz hey heads soy milk soy milk soy milk big mama chunk or 18. i must go i must it must get so tiring answering the same question multiple times during the stream i try to i try to maintain patience i try my best hey hey hey hey cryphone is a reusable emergency contact right totally new that [Music] yup emergency contact too like i totally use that a lot it's like really really nice when i have that uh oh what's that you guys voted to re-roll oh that's crazy the sweet though excellent i'm glad that you guys voted for a reroll [Music] still at 4.19 damage knife so you guys can suck and blow you can blow the suck the [ __ ] let's have a fun run you're trying harder to kill me now than when i actually say fight me how long are you going to stream for i am in a stream for exactly 6 hours and 12 minutes and 4 seconds so if i if it's beyond that i actually have my computer set to explode true story um diplo would be great if we got to deal with the devil but no trey man what's up thanks so much for the prime stuff henry the penguin as well with the prime sub appreciate you guys okay you know what the song's a little bit louder than the last one turn it down that guy just ran into my knife hands off the keyboard still manages to somehow below it diplo the rest of the item pool and re-roll well i did say i'm a hacker so does that make sense two keys that'd be both my keys i don't feel like doing that dick [ __ ] gerard 41 self-destruct computer if too much stream that's some high-tech stuff no it's not at all it's homemade it's a potato bomb such a nice pc don't do that well that's just why we have to stop streaming once it's six hours and 40 minutes [ __ ] i lost track i'm screwed never fail to make me smile i've been content man slogan [Music] kind words [ __ ] man with the soy milk it's totally derailed to run here we could have just easily just walked through this run and had a good time and then the next done one done to fight me but here i feel like i need to like full clear now and like do every single thing i can possibly do to try to get some more damage or something i need help [Music] why do you take the hearts like soul hearts black cards why not let me be wasteful spooky save your three months what's up milk big gross isn't like you don't like milk milk is one of those things that i actually put in and on a lot of things although i normally drink oat milk now so [Music] you're like ah he's got a low damage knife still one shots bosses i don't [ __ ] fire right though it's almost gross i'd rather drink normal milk than soy milk [Applause] like if you're like super into cooking too or baking so many things require milk so many things and like specifically like milk that has like the ability to froth or like you know do the milky stuff it's important and a lot of recipes what's up daniel 1000 thank you for that what would you do what would you do as a like a baker [Music] anybody here bake a lot everybody here try baking without milk um actually there's a lot of substitutes and it just requires jalan gum milk stop this up there there we go thank you thank you i'm not actually asking you guys for your opinions i just want you to tell me and back me on what i already think y'all like pot stickers we're not talking about pot stickers right now yeah they're really good they're good yeah definitely no can't bake i love baking can replace eggs with applesauce interesting facts extra large fireboy but i bet his fire is the same size yeah so was it catch half off though clean y'all three months whip i'll take this sure one third but baby correct set up that item room i wish i had double charge right now that's really nice for not wasting charges i'm drinking uh some oat milk right now this is a an espresso coffee with oat milk uh it's what is it one part oat milk one part oat creamer one part chai tea mixed in to the espresso shot so it's kind of like one part everything you know volume wise and uh yeah it's called dirty chai it's great it's wonderful [Music] applesauce replaces oil not eggs for baking at least this gun says i love applesauce i can't get over the texture of applesauce nothing wrong with apples it's the same thing when like you go to dairy queen and you're like i want strawberries on that ice cream and then they like scoop into that like goopy gelatinous mushy [ __ ] stringy like like you know when you like you hock up a loogie and you get like a chunk like a large wad that comes directly out of your nose and like you can breathe again but like you're sitting there with this like giant basically like an egg that you just cracked inside of your mouth but like even more squishy that that that is the that's the tub of strawberries that is what that strawberry tub is sorry did you tell me what that trinket is because i totally missed it was talking about boogers in my nose that'd be nasty [Music] i like cashew milk cashews is just very good on everything you can't grow all the cashews here we go again what the [ __ ] kind of applesauce are you getting no the strawberries are the the boogers what is this charred dice return from the chaos i don't know what this could be good kind of like my silver dollar the applesauce is not like that per se i just don't like the texture of applesauce in general and the whole strawberry rant thing was just to say that like sometimes textures they definitely get to me it's a thing hey cdm what did you did you type it up cdn [Music] what are you laughing about whatever it is it's probably at my expense and i present it [Music] hey that's good uh if i reroll that now does that re-roll i'm gonna maybe even use my key to get another item to re-roll in here but i want a different angel room item go [Music] cool cashew apples are a thing yeah i remember fighting about that and then talking about that and then like three years later having like a bunch of youtubers be like did you know that cursor for your thing yes basically i'm a cashew apple hipster critical hit it's super effective i need help what are these trinkets you guys are going to try to hurt me again aren't you but reroll is an option in there because we'll probably get one at some point cyberbum could convert your wasted charges into pickups if you hadn't neglected him and underestimated his power if one day you run out of power during a crucial amount crucial moment and you see a silhouette on the window with the bright red laser on its eye you better run he won't forgive you jeez okay chapter two i hope there's a sequel to that novel that you just wrote it was riveting no you're sassy what's number three i don't know ask pedro he'll give you this big long sassy response [Music] about threatening me this is why i have a gun it's a rubber band gun mind you but if you get hit in the eye with that thing it's like fruitcake but randomizes on enemy kills probably useless with mom's knife probably well why don't you fix that right now i'll wait [Music] also that was a lame sequel pedro we were expecting a lot more like at least four pages that was not a page turner [Music] still inflicts burning poison oh it's worthless you guys can reroll or i mean redo your vote if you just type something new it'll take whatever you said last that's what all the critics say says pedro yeah but it's true i'm not gonna like compare it to game of thrones season eight but you know maybe like a season seven you guys are gonna make it that's there's no way you're you're in too deep you all suck at this i mean you guys are great that's nice though what does the crit thing do because it sounds exciting as he sails right on past it also that would ever die [Music] no thanks can confirm my knife is poisoning grvg with twelve thousand forty bits holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] did i need an echo on that yes i did so i can't donate on mobile i'll use my taxes on taking the b spot for today [Music] well deserving well deserving of the uh magikarp horns get out of here there's nothing wrong with magikarp he's magical he's a magikarp thirdly two months what's up [Music] you know what could have been even cooler than magikarp though guys [Music] hang in there with me magikoi right would have been way prettier and imagine gyarados as like a giant dragon koi with like really cool patterns right every uh every gyarados being different than the last with different patterns hello missed opportunity nintendo actually like the hat better says judy eevee sister weaver i'm sorry are you grpg [Music] evolved drippy ass how have you been recently huts i'm good i'm doing well um i'm gonna probably just blow this load here on this guy i don't like altos goldeen is diet koi goldeen is literally a goldfish that's why it's called gold theme no magic crawdad imagine a crawdad giant lobster-like dragon that'd be [ __ ] terrifying magikoi man is there a koi uh pokemon there has to be right koi being like some of the most japanese [ __ ] you've ever seen and then like pokemon [ __ ] japanese [Music] or is it too predictable i think not what the [ __ ] are we waiting on them goldeen is kind of like a koi it's literally gold dean is a gold fish it's a goldfish it's not kind of like a koi [Music] a hot dog is kind of like a sandwich you know but maybe in the same family maybe maybe that's it though magikarp was colored like the koi in the jump app it'd be called coidine he bus is magikarp v2 but based on beauty [Music] [Applause] all right we have a full d we're ready to go full dean folding [Applause] and we're on catacombs so one shot [ __ ] okay 1.2 shot [ __ ] okay belly button oh no that doesn't even work with the knife one of my favorite drink itself probably is my favorite trinket cdm pedro what do you think this weird [ __ ] dice [ __ ] or the uh the crit 85 double deal got none koi are goldfish so magikarp japanese translation is koi king why would carp be in there why would i have a carp mouth i guess coys and carps are kind of similarly mouthed dice for sure crit probably doesn't work with knife um i was gonna look up koi vs goldfish koi and goldfish may look similar but they the two are actually two different species [Music] done next next victim please don't you just love it when a simple google search just gives you the exact answer you're looking for think of all the koi koi isn't like shy koi oh we got some some charge to blow here a carp cap oh [ __ ] i just took mom's locket and then i got the butt knife from it that's cool smack sounded when really soft what huh some stroke carbs are ugly yeah they are that's what i'm saying would they been so much cooler as a koi magikoi because like koi or purdy [Music] where'd you get the demon lamb horns i got him from uh comic-con in minneapolis i would say like three four years ago that's why i also got the the gyarados hat and then somebody sent me the pink gyarados and now the magikarp to complete the set which is just swell piece of farts more farts [Music] getting hit a lot [Music] didn't hit a lot we got nothing nothing hello from stupid town kind of like flavor town but not in any way being mean to fishes says nambax what are you a carp got em fish are terrifying and i hate them i wouldn't go that far i think fish is terrifying they're very dumb they're kind of too dumb to be terrifying besides that one uh fish that decided it was a good idea to bite my nipples when i was swimming because i thought maybe it was food or something i don't know that was like that was just enough stupid that was actually terrifying what [Laughter] true story goliath tiger fish are terrifying cats aren't terrifying saber-toothed tigers is terrifying okay fine you found a way to make it that way what about this fish what about that fish what about this point zero one percent of the fish population huh hey look at that this is exciting life finds a way [Music] now rear machine would have been way cooler with a real machine um chaos what do you think probably good with polling but we're already on necro one saddest black market i've ever seen i know it's such a bust [Music] yes yes yes yes [Music] those two are active items and i guess i could touch them just so they don't show up again crooked penny i can actually get a battery and come back in it's not like a devil deal so we you know we got options [Music] because my friends stop following me fire hands go remember cold hands from game of thrones wait a second did that interactors come back if you hang a lot of attention rock it comes back guys write that down don't tell ed let me find a hack let's stop telling ed so we [ __ ] ruin it for everybody you losers bring all the beautiful things hey did you know that you're like bombing into a black market guaranteed jerks [Music] that's a page off thing what to tell ed about exploits because you want to seem smart in the eyes of the creator you suck up killing ed right now [Music] fight the boss now for the reroll and the devil deal probably a mod for always getting the black market there's a mod for just winning period the hey i1 mod i can never take damage the one shot mod any of those so no i will not be cheating that's an odd one that's not one what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] i don't need the speed upgrade so i'm gonna go ahead i don't need that either but whatever blackout shut the [ __ ] up oh my god somebody kill this boy now oh hey hey hey hey hey hey hats hey hutz hey hutz hey hats same thing same exact thing go oh he can't die kenny because he just comes back from a [ __ ] blob [Music] get him oh my god well this is actually pretty overpowered can i push you over the spikes no what if what if though hey get him in there i tried i tried i tried i tried [Music] reverse okay totally understand that card now what do you got reverse piece of candy hey it ripped the item room it does that one as a mini room this is a known problem and you are watching your animal crossing videos very fun series that i'm surprised is so underwatch says nebula bebula right you know i did ask for a double charge here which is nice and to find that in the shop after i got chaos is interesting [Music] hey yeah where'd he go your idea is gone what happened nobody gives a [ __ ] as a game continue to get rid of unwanted friendly huh cool but everyone plays animal to seal weaver it's not cool if other people play it regardless of whether or not it's it's fun or interesting or you pour your heart and soul out into it [Music] or make it so creative and unique by having a date night every single time you do it oh wait what date night why didn't you say so why would you have labeled the thing something like animal crossing and children if you okay so if you live your life around trying to enjoy things that most other people do not you're probably just not a very happy person and i'm just gonna say that like straight up and this isn't like me saying [ __ ] you i'm just i'm just throwing out the facts here every person that i've ever known that has avoided things that are popular just because they're popular have not been happy people and you're depriving yourself of things you might actually enjoy and living off of this idea that you're somehow cool because you're different which isn't really the case maybe it could be the case there's some things that are like oh god that's so different that's super cool but the cool part generally happens first and then it's like extra cool because it's different you can't buy coolness by being different i like watching only because of the date stuff and i'm not a happy person i am like that uh this is a great conversation just very matter of fact this is nice why can't we just be like this all the time someone out there needs to hear this i'm not saying don't be different i i made a twitter post on that that they're not the other day but it was a while ago damage nice [ __ ] yeah um yeah no it's like there's no concern just don't concern yourself about being different do your thing man if you end up finding something that's really cool is is having other people that to enjoy that with the problem i kind of wanted to keep the gospel i guess i'll keep the chaos card [Music] you like you purposely here's the thing no think about this though think about this this is an interesting tidbit that like just dawned on me right you spend so much time to find things that nobody else enjoys nobody else even knows about so now your hobbies are not relatable to anybody and you wonder why you have such few friends this isn't me trying to tear you apart it's just like a hey wow if you really think about that for a moment that actually makes a lot of sense moment right [Applause] nobody gets me well yeah you designed your life around that fact you can like weird stuff big gigawatt this is not an attack or a front on like certain things like well you should never like this thing you like whatever the [ __ ] you want to like i don't give a [ __ ] if you end up liking something that is super different don't not like that because it's different don't do the opposite okay that's not that's not what is this about don't twist my words don't do that super weird and i have a big friend group well you're lucky can i be your friend huts you [Music] nobody move nobody move his vision is based off movement we all just hold still and don't say anything i'll leave i wish i had like a button i could do like the jurassic park like and that is not a shot at you it's invicta in any way just a reference to the movie and not moving and vision based off movement where'd everyone go [Music] i got some uh i got some ideas though it's invicta i'll probably reach out to you at some point in the near future with those ideas wow rude i feel offended now sister weaver based off what we were just talking about you know what i think we should go take the [Music] the the the the the thing stop taking my [ __ ] keys nobody told nobody tell synvicta what showed up earlier okay just don't do it what's up why didn't you take the sun into a room and then kill the enemies with it for his free room [ __ ] mid-maxing nerds sometimes you gotta live life i can't hear you nobody's moving i said vision though my hearing is based off movement that's an interesting one hey should we get a second chaos pedro your shit's broken what's going on [Music] how what's what's the temperature outside right now ah that's it's warm-ish warm-ish it's not like so warm i should be sweating right now [Music] and one of those like sweats where like my body's sweating but my feet are actually really cold but here i am taking my socks off anyways because i'm trying to not sweat how am i how is my body sweating but my feet are cold like why don't you just do your [ __ ] job and distribute the heat to my extremities if you're too hot huh [Music] no snow in april wow oh no there's snow but like 30 degrees is warm here i'm kidding it's one re-roll let's do it and then let's do this i think actually there is a battery we could re-roll it again if you want to choose to do that number one bouncy knife welcome to isaac [Music] beyblade there you go number four okay people are actually voting for number one that was sarcasm can you change votes yes it takes whatever you said last you guys want to reroll you don't want beyblade loki's horns with the with the quad knife nobody wants that [Music] it's invicta said one way a bunch of sheep [Music] oh oh it's it's close you guys this doesn't actually give me the exact number oh no it does there it is it's behind my microphone boom 37 to 36. i wanted portable slot your mom's a portable slot i didn't even have to do a slot [ __ ] joke in there that one just worked that one just worked all right number four stay in the lead cringe hit your mouth let's do it i'm gonna call it blender beyblade i'd kill every enemy like this from now on hold me to it don't throw the knife the idiot i can't spin [Music] it's like i'm twirling a tutu of doom [Music] it just spinner with knives [ __ ] about to make an enemy smoothie any curses here no that is good it's a good card though uh judgment being a free item on the last room though [Music] um let's get a second charge on this thing where we go will it blend mom's foot edition [Music] a butt blade i do have an extra blade limited time only extra butt blade if you order before three and a half hours over the next 30 minutes well that's unfortunate last floor already went to the shop nice dude nice [Music] wowzers mama done black rude is it super cheaty if i take the black ruin into the item room and then suck up the rest of them yeah shall we still gonna do it probably i got a butt for you right here [Music] silver dollar huts ah you're correct [Music] i'm most excited for the speed there actually look at me backtracking now flying let's go we could pack our bags tomorrow leave all of us out row see where all this road goes maybe san all right mom's fight yep ready 51 chance for a deal the devil is just an odd number makes the fight much easier for me did not get the deal with the devil so we must go it's not cheating if you don't pick it up remember stay hydrated there's water and coffee [Music] oh that super pro move diagonal knife that use controller are like i don't get it you're dumb this last time husted boss rush [Music] allergies is probably good for me here papa dig guys what was that better twitch emojis called better twitch emojis no better twitch tv i forgot we could get more money by bombing rocks because we took the the small rock that [ __ ] wonderful right before the shop um this is pretty good i suppose we could use this maybe in that l-shaped room r-shaped room i don't know boss rush is always doo-doo i just don't think it's worth getting there that quickly and then fighting everything like especially not when you're playing this loss especially not when you're doing an eating streak especially when you're doing most things you're going for like a point score which [ __ ] only nerds do that then yeah sure great oh look at these knives they're gonna come in handy here trinket me though sooner than later [Music] please you got that drink it though how about that drink it though where's that trinket maybe you can give me a trinket can i get a trinket i think it's for fun can we have a trinket we're almost done only what 70 cents no one is starved [Music] is that's stupid almost got me there [Music] [Music] battery in there worth noting [Music] magician with the knife makes me uncomfortable homing with the knife in general makes me uncomfortable it's like weird how it's like like fighting itself the whole time [Music] should we go back and get our thing before we forget about it was there a real machine this shop i think there was right gonna work for a while while i make food cuts good luck with your food stuff take luck d forum snore like the snorer i didn't see it look at that getting people on the back swing it's called being a professional [Music] ultimate flex baby i think i need a chaos car to win say to you nothing why is this chaos card in the wall lots of batteries man [Music] another scratch card got an item that could be handy absolutely extra allergies which means we pop one on this boss fight and then just sit on his face spin don't forget to spin [Applause] nice graphic for that item justice and lovers justice it's just ice man [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and reroll that ooh better place holder graphic i have two charges right right right right right right and a forum point anti-grav with a knife at one fire right none of that that doesn't do anything at all let me do zilch could be zilch how's the run going very good deal and gum freda's boss i always feel bad for you see him so rarely and he's such a pushover i mean everybody right now though you know with what we have to push over i think that uh fred needs more patterns more attack patterns she's a little boring right now it's very predictable like maybe if he like kept spawning those little chain guys i don't know spoiled magician what would that foil do how can you get more magician oh you spawned at all nut bags mega nuts joshua mussolini thanks for the 201 sub is mussolini the food or was he like some sort of like really infamous history guy guy who's now a part of history [Music] muesli isn't that the food fur throw is probably what i'm gonna stick with here but algae is so good italian dictator muesli is like the some sort of breakfast thing anybody here now guys too uncultured well i'm sorry if i put that on you joshua unless you you know that's not actually your name and you did that on purpose [Music] muscles are shellfish no [Music] what are you talking about cereal muesli is cereal i'm gonna try to look it up [Music] yeah muesli i don't know how to pronounce it appropriately but you uncultured butt heads muesli uh let's see here cold oatmeal dish based on rolled oats and ingredients like grains nuts seeds and fresh dried fruits [Music] [ __ ] nailed it muesli 550 bits from lord hello alucard yes greg the egg for life you said i don't even know if i turned that on two months also from lord alucard been watching for about four years on youtube trying to keep the streak up here but it's tough thank you so much for the 550 bits i'll put some glasses on in your honor i got the perfect glasses for magikarp need an umlaut for that with an umlaut i mean but it wasn't muesli there's no see there's no umlaut you guys you're drunk you're [ __ ] drunk no my search history what's funny about that is probably the fact that like what you guys really want to see is that like i had some sort of like stupid porn in there or like anime titties something something something right in my search history and then you find out that there's no anime titties in my search history and now you're like wait a second it would have been funny and i would have made fun of him had it been in there but it wasn't there does this guy not even look up anime titties it's almost weirder that i didn't have porn you're like this guy doesn't look at porn wait what ah key piece you're [ __ ] drunk [Music] tell me i'm wrong though chats somebody stand up and be brave enough to actually mean it too you can't you're like [ __ ] cause if he's right that is weird [Music] imagine not using incognito and a vpn so you know that guy porn i was going to take my algaes and then just pop the allergies in the boss room get it over with and come back for the first throw if i can remember that animal crossing rule 34 i did actually see that there was a an animal crossing rule 34 subreddit when i was looking up animal crossing on uh reddit the other day you type it into the search it'll give you all the relevant subreddits that you might want on events from living to freak your income need a search window bs don't fool us what do you mean it didn't actually like show up things that i recently searched though just happened to come across yeah i just happened to also be masturbating at the same time it was just it was convenience okay hydrate apparently by the way [Music] same i don't know what you seemed but [Music] none of the options were good [Music] all right yeah of course plus you blossom 100 bits hype train joshua oh wow okay that was close that was real close so close i touched him close honorable joshua appreciate that what the hell burnt penny you know what actually on room two we could totally uh ditch the uh silver dollar yeah you know what yeah [Music] these things are just the worst one of the toughest things in the game boss is included [Music] did i say loving a freak with underbeds i think [Music] you're done you're done you're done oh you know what i kind of wanted the pro throw here probably that you know could be better in the chest i don't know i don't know that's good phoebe is my ho [Music] [ __ ] touch phoebe or talk about her like that [Music] bird ass is mine although i am competing with an elephant so just remember size doesn't matter g rice sauna bits appreciate that party 100 [Music] oh god it's a cdm what boy's a beefcake even admits to working out plus he probably has a giant dong good spot for an anus i'm still talking about vb here have fun pissing my guy [Music] assuming that's not to me [Music] pretty much infinite bombs since i can bomb rocks i mean there's not infinite rocks i understand that but bum rocks to get money which then give me bombs [Music] can't lose derice how do you tell what level hype train is it's at the top of chat right now it's level two with 29 with 30 seconds left [Music] looks like we're gonna let this hype train slide too it's all right we've had too many good high trains so we need to hold off the same dude [Music] same shoes the time well not really though because the bits don't count for st jude that's a bummer you can't really hype train the tiltify my knowledge [Music] you guys think that oh goodness christians that got there you think that's invicta's actually lurking like he said he was do you think he's actually lurking because right now if that's true we could talk as much [ __ ] about him as we want to and he can't say anything about it he's cooking he's gonna burn himself but we can also test it by getting giving him something to say back whenever he comes back like a password [Music] who wants to play is invicta a liar [Music] he could be listening right now well he said he was gonna i don't if he's not watching that's totally fine i wouldn't expect them to be compost sucks the cdm oh easy there guy [Music] let's smack talk him but jeez yes [Music] was there a second person on the floor i think there was we could totally just pop one of those and we could totally just min max and do the rest of the floor here and blah blah blah blah blah i just don't like doing the cathedral is lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm hoping it was a birth row in this room correct myself who did that the wraith is that the right transformation again that needs to not be a thing [Music] down we go [Music] you ever want to make a streak again probably at some point yeah what the hell is this red chest doing here what the hell [Music] supposed to be funny [Music] not that strong with a knife but [Music] let's go ahead and pop my first one out i think so the yard the per throw oops sad bombs this is probably pretty good for me [Music] orbitals go a long way i think is lost oh my goodness i'm dying let's not die to blast this especially now when we're this strong look at this combo though this is sexy [Music] that'll solve the wraith problem is that my third book no [Music] oh isaac's heart thank god [Music] dropping out they go with the knife has techx and now [Music] what you got burke take it or no balls you guys i already have balls it's fine you can keep yours i'll keep mine hoping you take acid tears that literally does nothing though there's not even a rock on this floor not even a rock can we already have it packed i already have soy milk double soy milk [ __ ] you it didn't do anything good dude no balls [Music] hey there's our third book sennheiser sub with the sexy amazing tier 3 sub 37 months sub zen i'm we're ripping and tearing it's a good loss run look at that wow [Music] where's chaos card we dumped that a while ago [Music] good evening everyone [Music] [Music] we got secret um nothing a baker papoo i'll probably get another charge off this thing [Music] contact tech's so good yeah yeah we're having a good run we're having a good run watch you al jaz well there goes the boss fight well there goes the neighborhood oh that was an emperor card i didn't get my thing [Music] done baby
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 6,947
Rating: 4.9796953 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 19sec (5539 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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