Polling of Ipecac (Keeper) - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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hitting up the button and we gotta go we gotta go we're going currently I'm gonna do a hard random wolf $20 lobby Hut's let me say Jude thank you the frontline workers and everyone staying safe out there I just looked and I think I left my iron on gotta go oh oh that's the first wheel spin so let's just you know let's just pretend that we didn't see it let's just pretend that we didn't see it legs I'm in a man get ready I'm wearing shoes but the first room I've ever worn shoes for I put the the short-selling cuz I was like whoa I don't want to be working out and get sweaty in my in my pajamas but then I needed shoes cuz my feet were cold let's do this deeper let's go Reese pin hard random for a second there I thought we were playing anti-birth and I was like Keepers not even in there he's not even he doesn't even exist alright 10 weight squats all right money workouts for a great cause being keeper not not a great cause why pulling you guys can help me win we could do this together love it $20 FBI donate thank you love you appreciate that let's go I'm out of breath already we're screwed I really should have like stretched more really should have stretched more I'm gonna I like bring up a thing so we can get a running total how do I do that geez mods help more in saqqara in suka do $20 my father passed one year ago today from lung cancer so thank you for doing this absolutely absolutely let's help some people out you know cancer is a big old bag of dick like the worst like uncleaned like all the dick cheese what was I doing I was gonna go to my tilt if I page and see if I get a running total so I can update you guys let's see here I'm also gonna need to keep track that way unless you guys are like really really good at and you're and you're here the whole time what's going on evil drippy says love the vid today have you thought about hiring an editor to keep your workload lower um I mean I had an editor that did some stuff for huts too but I ended up letting him go I think I'm probably just too picky I don't know JT got only two months still catching everything on YouTube is trying to stop by to support loved the content dude appreciated gone Lee I am I mean I'm pretty picky that's he read my profile no yes maybe I'm gonna start playing my own campaign how do I do this this phase will work this page will work 2164 let's just count her to like an even like 2200 and that'll be the next 50 just to keep things nice and easy to count you guys want to add before I hear I think that cancer wrote wouldn't done anything right activates like wafer after you take damage right which wouldn't really save us wouldn't really do much what am i doing right now why am i lost there we go can't see what just gives some flies all right we gotta we gotta figure out how to how to make this happen he looks exactly like how I feel right now slight cow Tier one sub thank you that appreciate it Mephisto with a hundred say Hut's thanks for her into the gungeon content helped me a lot finishing room five also great that you support cancer research mum of the diet of it last year and I know how hard it can be go on the great work started here my friends it's just so shitty there's anyway like no one's gonna have a good thing to say about it so shitty I feel like we should shoot the fires but they could like literally ascend the run as contrite eschatos rights superhero trite second because I will stand by you forever just let that try it's probably singing in his head cancer yeah that's the item cancer I'm not sure what I was really supposed to do about that I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about that Nickleby in there either kind of unfortunate ah I can't turn sex with my wife that sounds like the least horrible thing that cancer is done little my goodness why did they let him out alright at school I don't even know what that choppiness LSD champion oh my god all these shirts come on hit those guys is that fine my team yep I thought that guy's teleporting arounds diagonal key diagonally been looking in for a while this is the first frame I've donated to thank you sis life cow absolutely absolutely I'll get this guy permanently no way DB Vaughn it's my friends $40 from home remote public content you do for everyone and love the Khan no loving all you do for everyone and love the content awesome awesome awesome thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so we'll call it at 20 20 that are twenty two twenty twenty two hundred goodness gracious I'm gonna just spin the damn wheel just spin it I'm having a mild stroke you guys don't worry about me more legs go he'll be the pre-workout I had let's be honest it's probably the pre-workout add a little jittery then I've been working out more and more I find that my back hurts more and more which I'm hoping is a good sign not a sign that I'm doing everything wrong of course it started when I was doing some deadlift II things I've got I've actually honest have never worked out my back I've really been able to do push-ups that well I've never done deadlifts so you know focusing a proper form obviously but my back being sore is probably normal pain is life I'm gonna take it more seriously than ever you know I'm actually thinking about maybe even get one of those little like back brace things while I'm working out but I'm gonna put in some research as to what those actually do but I've been having to like put some peanut my back here now and then not because I'm I threw my back out but but just because I didn't feel it and I don't want to go into my next workout with a slightly even sore back bought a foam roller gosh slipping into thirty like a freight train that was close second have been bad tinted rock here too which could just give me some flies to help me finish the fight I guess you gotta try for a small rock right but it'll kill a stats upgrade or not because it didn't do anything on the side CDM helped probably overworking your back considering I've never worked my back my neck or my crack no um yeah overworking is just just working for me be playing with mods that's apply when you leave the room for whatever reason thank you it's modded yes I think we did everything plug that up just in case what it'd be like a row Rando strike dry boobs or something and let's collect the money that we left behind for health I'm check-in I'm gonna play MC with a friend see ya see you Fozzie double-check everything when I can't see the map it's like I have to like ReWalk the entire floor because I just don't commit it to memory I just don't do that [ __ ] it's a trap so many of the things in my head remembering where all my pennies are it's not one of them there we go the tinted rock back there but I don't have any amount of bombs necessary maybe maybe I could get it but it's kind of around the other thing so if we shoot for too long will actually throw up the all stats upgrade the broccoli and like a monstros lung blast and then we'll be back down to our normal stats per room that happens what's cool posture you can do it what's your favorite vanilla familiar I say bumble so many not vanilla familiars that I love too though right boobs is good rotten boobs this good little monster ol buddy is good we're dead we're just super dead that was just that was those three enemies together is what the [ __ ] is a yeah God sorry doesn't matter how good you are you ready [ __ ] over let's go back in and I'm not leaving it like that what happened no it restarted that's so weird you died I didn't though it doesn't count as a death if you know it's in its that was more of a sacrifice made by the game more of a sacrifice a double Envy is just like I am actually bubbling over with rage right now and I'm going to pop that's not what I wanted double Envy Romo who [ __ ] mix EDM get Paige on the phone right now call him up I don't even know if it was because of his mod I don't care someone's gonna answer for this let's let's walk through this one Aquarius so we drop creep on the ground that damages enemys this will shoot out Impa [ __ ] shots when I take damage officially nuking the room I think if I remember correctly it's not murder if it's sacrifice I said death not murder you putting words in my mouth sweetie wolf girl if you need to just like sounds like you want to murder some people and you're trying to make it okay anyways hungry tears lack of fasci and then the bewitch tears if I hit him then I can like move them with my tears I think it's [ __ ] but that's just me it's just me going dumb don't go near that girl see my murder pause sacrifice Indiana Jamie with 20 towards the tilt if I keep donating everyone that is to 2 to 4 raised wonderful stuff at to 5 no not to 5 that'd be way too much a 2 to 5 2 to 5 we will spin the wheel again you guys want hungry tears does that just lump them all together no they come out separately okay that's that's weird did I show you guys the pole I don't know if I did blink blink flip okay um we have mouths as eyes now let's do this thing nice nickel drop there with this fire right it is just kind of like how you can lure the enemies into not take damage it's so necessary during a keep the run you need to be able to work the crowd power t-bone 18 went up less coal pills are devastating as keeper don't do it now instead of puja that stands for PhD so loud huh I can't hear you could you type that louder oh did these spider flies are gonna end our run I know that much I'm so time to take this pill still turn up louder everyone's gonna type in in caps now and get [ __ ] banned got him got him I like taking out the little guy first if at all possible that's the noise I like to hear that's the easy mode no it's just easy mode five dollars in man backs on the teal to five I'll read that in just a second it got smooshed that's pretty good - I should've taken the pill and then grab bag because if it was a health down which is the thing that would have been bad you know five dollars still defi lost a lot of family members due to this sickness and my best friend's mom is currently battling it sending my prayers to all who are having a rough time I don't have much but thank you HUD's for this absolutely don't you thank me and you guys are all do you're doing all the work here you're doing the work so thank you outside shot of a top seeker of me and right there and we gonna key if we don't get to the secret room get the key other way technically pill pill pill a from the chat why are we asking in the chat we said you guys it could have take the pill I dare you to yeah that's really funny that's a good joke jack are you see I usually like you should be a professional joke writer but those kinds of just absolute nice lappers that you're just putting out there I have to with the polling you guys gonna have so many more options to choose from squirrely day thank you for the tier one sub and loving to freak with a thousand bits cup Splosion thank you for the bits my friend chow is a half I mean yeah look at my face look at my stupid face I wish I could get some money here come on you dirty little [ __ ] and get money from here I can get money here from here and I can funds my addiction whoo to the Machine and I can get a friend something sexy yeah hey hey hey Larry Larry big chub big chub yes that was awesome I like me some big chub put your pants back on all right couple more runs here and realize popped my my active item popped it all too soon my big job look at him just a flower soles get a big job just destroy if I can get him just right right there drop him off look at there was a double and Larry's doing his thing look at him go he's failing miserably but he's trying he's trying which is the big thing here thirty bucks you guys around the wheel spin to tilt if I trying is good yeah that's pretty good it's the first step in doing just about anything I don't I found Claire he's not gonna grow right he's like nothing right now but he's still trying and watch at the end of the game it'll be a big boy he's how hard he works you missed one though a spin I missed a spin spin spin spin spin Homer PO would read we did one right we did a spin then we got 20 and then five it's four for every 50 when will we see donation goals so still Weaver if we can hit four thousand dollars today then a 40 than a 20 let me did the one at the 40 no am I wrong donation goal if we can hit 4,000 today which will double our Tuesday's amount just about I will guarantee one episode of abortion birth on my main channel and we talked about abortion birth last I shouldn't pick that up it'll happen for real oh dams the CDM I just don't think you guys have the balls to get us the 4000 so it's it's a promise I don't have to really keep really any nights because it won't happen oh wow that was close that was really close that was a bad spot that's got to be in general rip chub-o I only got him for the floor you know what I forgot about that city my sitting there like shaking his head like pots you're an idiot that machine only works for a floor I think we realized that last time too and then I promptly forgot it where's your buds go apparently I'm stupid use it at the very ends they did do work they did kill things so there was not all for nothing but did I actually miss a spin though someone be real here in the chat I can't tell if you guys want me to just suffer like a normal amount of suffering yes is young you old boy you're the one that said you wanted me to have a video of me squeezing a sponge oh I believe that that doesn't scream integrity Tegrity we have been keeping track Matt thaiss hard just to utter push-ups you guys see now this is why I think that you guys are just full of [ __ ] because you're full of [ __ ] it could be that's you're full of [ __ ] nine lives could be a good thing could also be a very bad thing think about it d100 probably not that good could be could save my life you never know you know you never know until you know you know all it's not an option why guys are doing that I'll just spin the wheel just in case try set $20 from Lupe's let's get to 4,000 thank you for that whispers harder into your ear number one that's what you guys want not exactly a good time for it no exactly a good time because it has my health but it allows me to die nine times it allows me to suffer miserably nine times in a row and that's just hard to put a price on that kind of suffering yes it will screw in there now everything kills me in one shot I can I soaked up my money whenever I damn well please though I guess I can just go ahead and just use this up all until I get a health upgrade in a boss fight which is gonna be great because I definitely don't have anything that changes items around and it's gonna make it harder for me to find health upgrades in the boss room right guys it's not like I took chaos or something a dollar tilt if I Thanos the blank blank blank kind number kind of number is 2 2 4 9 make that round did you 2 to 5 that's it that's another wheel spin let's do it use your pill yes the next scene I like you where you're thinking where your head's at where you're thinking you're thinking probably in your brain of which I like long form hey shut up you know sometimes I say things wrong deal with it find a dollar every time my brain makes two words mixed up letters put two phrases and smoosh them into one I'm just [ __ ] rich let's do this take look let's just watch my life man I'll use the pill bombs seize that pompous and gonna the bomb key back three-day fight to me a pretty day I feel pretty day or so pretty Wheel of Fortune I could give us custom consumables maybe all right guys next we love Duma to three-zero-zero we're doing it we're moving use your pill to the next in why are you yelling at me I literally did that are you watching are you just like listening or something here right yeah that uh okay it's like a new shade champion 1452 from SIL Weaver I have no balls and no money but though well here you go I lost my aunt a few years ago to this [ __ ] disease love that you're doing we need a gun well said all said started here already here it would probably be quicker to try to count up who has not been [ __ ] over by cancer here in some way shape and/or form health up pretty much the same thing basically the same Yolo I'm going to the item room is that we got nine lives in this floor was that last floor I hate not being able to the goddamn map yes as Fozzie thanks ramps in the question yeah that's perfect good this this floor so I can use the keel I got a second key anyway so suck it golden bomb we could do some funny things of that bow-bow bow-bow bow-bow boo boo bilbo baggins who do do do ah stop bouncing on my [ __ ] tears what use nothing but bombs don't even shoot at him would you quit poppin off the douche be more predictable maybe I should just shoot him the bombs there were a bus they were a bus I'll be the first in minute mobs who heard the dumb idea it seemed like it was a smart idea they're very powerful we try to find like a crawl space or something no man I'm floundering give me like a place so I can get some health as I feel pretty here's the deal if I bought the candle we'd be much better off than if I stuck with the coin but if I get a health upgrade than I'm gonna want to have my coin back bomb knocks that's why I hate lacquer dented rock in the moving spikes room yeah I'm gonna hit get hit by the spikes can't you just feel it fire for rest of floor maybe I'll get the trinket involved get the trinkets and then I could definitely take the candle let's both some pots you want to do what to my pot take it drink it drink it drink it $50 space cat sunglasses me now I'd like to donate more but of Cour but because of the pandemic chick-fil-a is not giving me hours so this is all I can donate for now 50 is so much space cat is amazing thank you for that and you get sunglasses and a wheel spin and a dollar from pyjamas anti-birth returns guys it you guys are enjoying the videos and thank you for that donation my friends where's the wheel there it is but no look at my button sickos boom baby let's go gimme that trinket bathe a shrink get me good dog keep with that trinkets I'm open freaky that's nice did we find the speaker um that's not anyone said reversing complete 44 months in a roll faulty pole that's crazy balls that's a bunch of crazy balls welcome back he's not found it wouldn't think that I would have considering it's a curse to the loss please just check everywhere right Pedro it up now with this wall that looked like it was gonna be it less than useful minimal pot - $5.00 any actual plans to the video widths Invicta yet that has definitely not been the FIR minima forbidden mod that cannot be names no but I did reach out to him and this potential that will be playing some risk of rain to tonight actually what was I gonna do is gonna check the counter three to three to zero I think we did it at two three already right yes so waiting on two three five that's $30 away the next wheel spin I go for this I'll buy and screw over here a lot of rocks there for some potential crawlspace but I just I don't at this health I don't want to mess I don't want to do something dumb dumb things happen they spin I just did ads just now just spent half of me pennies in scratch and won three times in a row God does exist he loves me that's what a fair enough sums that gambling addiction getting started to me whispering to was Invictus sound sick I'm gonna do it I'm gonna take the frickin candle here I'm gonna risk it all there's those pots with the trinket that it's gonna give me and then we're gonna get a health upgrade in the boss room and everything's great everything's gonna be wonderful nice trinkets sexy trinkets candles gonna help me out a lot here but soon as I get that help upgrade I'm gonna miss my my coin baby c1 subbed I said the right shady or chavvy slavey 148 Thanos to the donated 52 cents by the way make these numbers even now we are a 2 3 2 2 they've solved it you just keep donating weird numbers you guys Thanos has to fix it it's like I'll match your donation kind of thing going on right now where's the top so your arm just gives it just gave it to me let's stop [ __ ] around here you know I'm gonna find it eventually just submit flies actually pretty ok for going to the bathroom BRB donating one sense it's the roll last chance for romance look at the [ __ ] candle hook it up hitting kondal yeah are you help I need help now I need help i need help mom so fear of gas is nothing on that bad either cuz look at this look at me just shout through the rocks baby hey yes it's great with lack of Fozzie look at me go I think angel rooms here for sure although I could give up health now than on that this amount oh [ __ ] that's good for me right oh damn that that's gonna give me some help right if I get the 25 cents that's gonna give me another health piece right so we should just be hardened money right oh my god Samson Shane will be so good right now but I still think Angel for free [ __ ] paying for it has done I think maybe I'm leaving I'm just gonna close my eyes and go hey Bishop out my wheel fortune here live it goes bum chum blow it's for a freaky go get the penny now get the Wooden Nickel maybe I got the trinket you guys I got the trinket shrink it was the big play here let my living I'm on fire why am i lighting them on fire like I have fire mites sulfuric acid lights them on fire chemical fire we didn't start the fire but it's been burning since the world was turning it burns acid Oh acid burn da da da [ __ ] da bra gonna give me the battery I didn't need the battery really but I appreciate the effort on the loss here we see the lonely bit making its most important travel of its life back to the glass sinus domain it's like the whole is it like I don't wanna run hole with that video the iguana's were running from like birds or something open it Hut's open chest you have nine lives open it spike chest No I like that I can burn that guy too I just thought maybe I'd get a run behind it but I didn't talk right that could have been a stupid loss of life right there I need more money that's what I need Saint Jude needs more money well letting this pre-workout go to waste I also had a really big breakfast too I was like I was a brunch where I had like a bunch of bacon left and a bunch of like breakfast potatoes from the animal crossing' video like a bunch left and I was sitting there like I'm spreading this out over multiple days and having multiple bad meals why not just one bad meal right now and just do it vanos with a dollar greens go up the extra health container can exceed the maximum heart container limit for keeper allowing them to obtain more than two heart containers of cheaper drops under two health coins as a result of greed Skeletor by any of them means he is unable to use an HP up to increase health again [ __ ] so you're saying a health upgrade won't work it's only money okay okay number two here you guys launch the orbital sounds nice for me I'm gonna call it rabbits shoot fire don't forget we can let the rocks look at that would you look at that a free was at console it's a free console shoot the mushrooms shoot your mom's mushroom I'm not sure what that means hashtag [ __ ] worth hashtag he's a genius oh my god can't go that way and I can't if I go to take this ah [ __ ] [ __ ] right that's [ __ ] right fire in the hole there's a fire in the hole just go over the chest you won't lose that many lives during the whole [ __ ] game look a nut look a nut who ever said that anyone want me open the chest there are nuts to be licked alright that that was cool looking touch the shows Oh what you sound like all the fire pro game move knows I was gonna issue when I really talk it's probably a talking thing you think it's my own mustache curling up and tickling my own nose could be it it always happens on stream I'm just sitting here like constantly like oh no thanks I'll pass on that thanks vibrations they'll learn Thanos again listening to you play in this game duck context be like a free tonsils creaming there are nuts to be licked etc so you're admitting that you're not watching got hit by that random deer brah just stop I'm trying to kill me stop it you can open secret runs of sulfuric do I have a permanent the occurrence of her permanent curse a carbonate purse goodness [ __ ] gracious what sometimes I wish I could just take my brain out just go [ __ ] get your [ __ ] together you [ __ ] yeah I said Kerman that's it how many Ferb here hematemesis cram it frog here let's just try to find some secret rooms I guess give me top secret room all this way I already found it I can't tell I don't remember things I'm not stupid for not paying attention if I found my cigarette or not why put that if I committed that to memory then something else is shooting out the other side of my brain the facts gonna live long enough to know this we have found this I remember finding this now it's only a two-sided sticker on that would have been tough to find on dirty though it's a new genius Kermit buddy and Isaac LLP shoot the walls huh that it would hit probably with a head I got an itchy eye goes to Lenny's past I swear man he's rub it up on my face again shot baby well I have to save my money if I want to get more health and I think getting more health is literally only way of rescuing this whole run so I kind of need a hoard my money and not spend it last through already fight you now I'm back with my brother are you back there you you died in my arms I just died in your arms tonight must man something to walk away is that down in your arms tonight give me my angel please I'm ready to cool bruh she's from the afterlife still here just invisible more damage and move speed is amazing oh yeah it was great item oh yeah that thing yeah great go back [ __ ] me in the corner then we have nine live and then a pop it would be alive though I probably be doing totally just fine if I didn't have nine lives I'd be better off it wouldn't be dying in one hip am i thanking the thing that put me there that gave me the problem in the first place you know it's like thank God for saving me from that car wreck well he'll put you in the car wreck the car wreck still happens that's a good thing that's your okay for sure but it's a little weird thankful after a car wreck Lenny with hollow that's not that's not this guy is gonna kill me this guy's me sit down I hate this guy he's not good company not good company sits on people excuse me sir you're sitting on my face when she's also my body hey let's test it does it give me HP it does not fan house Congrats one for you not good kind of sitting on either that Y okay that was important yeah to clarify okay I'm glad that we finished that room the dagger really took her home there okay I I got a right I think I have to buy that setting me back some moolah but it's pyro and I got extra bomb so I'm just gonna go ahead and nuke my machine here and that's gonna take all of my money away but maybe I should still take it just in case then pick up the money it's a stuck nickle cuz it's the game likes to hurt me I'm not gonna give you hit 25 cents by doing this subpoena 25 cents can we hit 26 more dollars so I can spin the wheel again let's set this you guys what's the burnt dollar I get like a benefit if I hit the next floor with zero cents which will probably never happen well he only lost that's just the [ __ ] up room that's just [ __ ] up and it's so [ __ ] up is it gonna respawn key buddy no surrounding me is just sick if that's just sick never go there we go there we go take two of those keys and I'll allow to it under be sucked so I can get some out of this suck Jess I feel I could get money out of there a lot unfilled hello can you fill it please donated my last monies to Silla Weaver I appreciate what you've done I'm not trying to not be appreciative of what's already happens I'm gonna build a global light so I said $4,000 and we'll guarantee do an abortion birth video what's even more ridiculous than that that I could do for five thousand today let's drink it oh god this is gonna be so much better with the trinket whoa credit card good deed stole three thousand four new Lenny emotes probably you know here's the thing it's a little weird to still have the Lenny emotes I don't see myself going and making more that's for sure we roll is an option here I'm putting it on the list go I feel like Lenny will always be kind of a mascot for the channel but at the same time this guy's Lemon says got any pro tips and how to clear ultra a hard challenge I think I just struggled through it just had to do redo it again and again and again and again right I've done it what three times now all on video watch those I guess I don't remember it's been a while vanoss above the do exercise with you but my wrist is not functional so I can't do like half the stuff until I see a doc tomorrow well good luck with that yeah wrist will definitely get in the way Leonard forever yeah removing emotes would be even more sad than seeing them yeah I mean plus you have reroll as an option yeah member like five seconds ago I said I'm gonna add reroll to the list because it's a real machine in the middle of the room fun stuff let her live on the chat what do I do when I have a new dog or a cat I've got to reach like 3000 subs so I can get more emote spaces for that what kind of but do you have a double tri quad but all the but omniscient but all-knowing all-powerful and it is everywhere omnipotent but though we already have that item wait a second are we gonna get that item again how does that work you guys are voting for a second syringe the one that we already have chaos gets messed up and ipecac that's yeah Pedro why did you do this to me oh no I guess I'll just take this amazing item again it does stack thankfully eight eight nine damage is phenomenal do we know that this bill is can I fan out here's a question for you can I lose health again with green skullet as keeper past one with a health down pill does that still take effect you know I might actually be able to do some magic on this thing Hey oh okay doke said that that should not count towards fun if I remember correctly getting to the same guppy item does not not work towards spun $1 Thanatos mix the bottle of alka a police with a bottle of hot sauce and chug the thing for 5k then film me film your poop session that was very vague so not specific oddly specific was that all just a roundabout way for you to tell me to go film my poop should I be worried this is why I lock my door at night thanks the dollar oh look at these nickels popping out this is glorious week you might be able to get more healthier bread we should totally take yeah we should state the IV bag infinite money you're right because of the trinket we'll go back we'll get infinite money probably end up rolling still with the candle because we'll have like five elf at that point in time and hopefully it would be safe I mean we can still like use the IV bag to buy stuff but here's the deal it's buying things gonna outweigh the actual having of this amazing candle we bought the candles so that's gonna be meaningless speed up to speed up so it's not meaningless so now we've filled it back to two we can go ahead and use this IV bag to get money money money sometimes you still only get one no it's gonna take a while but I do believe it'll be worth it in the end for the lockup and for the two coin drops the dimes the nickels that's how we get the money if only I can do this with my st. Jude plah fundraiser right wanna be nice if there was some way to like break real life money like all those stupid ads banks hate him for this one reason that's what MLM is try to make you believe multi-level marketing is trying to make you believe that you can break your bank account that's it 99 you guys the health is gonna be worth it so worth it if I just do this in a corner I think maybe no I was gonna say I get to the point where I can start spotting money on top of myself and then infinitely do this but that's gonna actually work oh god the nickels and dimes in here though this is wonderful sailor ginseng hey oh it's soap you having a good day absolutely it's that much better now that five dollars till two five and I'll see mean you want to poke yourself with a needle until we donate more I mean it's kind of like I'm suffering for money yes but please no needles I don't like needles I don't like them it's so weird like I feel like I'm over like a needle phobia like I used to be like really afraid of needles when I was younger but then I've you know had a lot of illnesses and been in a hospital a few times see I'm Lux I can't move I can't move help ya see em hey Joe you're heavy from the sack fire tear oh okay almost shot myself alright with five and this trinket we should be able to just go off with the candle have a good old time a grand the old time [ __ ] happen to you in real life I don't know let myself go all the suffering caught up with me don't be nice a nice you got a nickel for me that I don't need no you don't it's too smart we need 18 bucks 18 bucks and that'll be a wheel spin only $18 at 5,000 so answer Thanos Ridley's not question $5,000 I will actually mix a shot of hot sauce and apple juice and take it but I don't think we're gonna get 5,000 it's not bad do bits count towards the money total they do not sneak Oh Brill they don't go to waste though I still get them I'd highly recommend going into the tilta pie though that's know like yes come on boys we can do this what the flip with me battery drops on the floor we do let's get naughty with this thing there any luck pennies in there we probably should just grab them all we roll this might be around a pedestal really oh yeah that's good wonderful hmm Dave reckoning will come keep the d6 boy I mean we're to get four choices the chances are you guys gonna want to pick one of them are you good boy keep the d6 candle though the candle is a candle it's the blue candle it's a good candle my favorite candle that just means reroll is a permanent option yeah buy the candle doll it is amiss fill you the donation machine I could what happens if I actually put too much in though I don't have my ID baby the money back Pano's peggle for hot sauce apple juice shots at fifty to fifty sure we'll do it all right we have more to give how do you have for health is I'm a hack and cheater and a [ __ ] and a lover keeper d6 runs a collegial for a streak what did you do all right let's get out of here let's get out of here a school keeper glass cannon runs does he actually lose half his health if it uses the glass cannon we got a range of room I'm gonna bomb the Stach headless boobies is not my favorite now the d6 would be nice it's chaos though it's not like I could have rear old that into another angel room item that would have just rear old into some other [ __ ] I'm sure but don't even give me the [ __ ] chat like you could have gotten get outs you're wrong I mean you know it's completely wrong but like mostly probably you're probably wrong finest of the dollar click someone find Dale to donate 3 K want that special shots peggle we'll go find him then rock creek you know where he is I keep them in my back pocket crazy day 14 what's up actually could totally go into this room here Oh suck on there people that wanted d6 I didn't need it look at my aura too when I get them oh my goodness they're big enough now to that they grab on to each other and make a mega aura a mega mega oryx $20 I'm doctor Loki that puts us over 23 pity at the we'll spend wonderful stuff wonderful stuff triceps I love push-ups Jah girl oh yeah Hots more like buff seated loving afraid kind of bid scam rip bra let's get that mama mama I just killed a man put a tear against his head nickel brought hundreds not leave for five seconds to come back to Godhead well why'd you leave this question I have to ask you nails will be awesome number one monster thews it's kind of garbage it summons mantra once number two Eden's blessing we get a tears upgrade plus the next time we start around we start with one extra item random three juicy sack excellent items funds spiders after every room and a slowing creep number four nails damage up very good it might have like another stat to it I can't remember I just don't care it's a damage up nails is a knock-back I'll say you guys want nails I'm not even sure they're gonna look like nails with lacquer [ __ ] hungry nails I think maybe we had this last time they might have dance is five bucks definitely from dance I promise that sounds a little fishy thanks dance you guys want number four for sure nail me what does he just take all of them well for a very alone they do look like nails great that looks awesome it's beautiful oh we got a little fly guy that follows me around or no is that the one that goes outside the the room it's one of the Flies that might be the outside room one this one drops creep that would be amazing by the way this one gives us that's what it's a spider I love we shoot spiders out and we take damage Boyd we can suck up items I like my candle Boyd is you know you can do some really cool stuff with the Boyd but it's I'm not sure I would feel good using it on a polling room so I might just not ever use it ever is the problem here you can't bug the candle but it's dumb it's you know you can use candle it's just a timer when you avoid it you can only use a candle once for six rooms and then you also just for gold be able to suck up items no it's not frisket all as it's good mouseketools them is the poop right or is this task atoll no you know you might you may be right it puts a poop on my head I think I'm just kind of jarred because I'm seeing it outside of the three skull Montee maybe yeah that's good toll sorry what was I thinking spiders I was thinking of the spider guy with the hearts yeah spider baby grace friendly attack spiders when you stand when I'm damaged just totally didn't expect to see you at all inside that room I guess my brain saw a spider instead definitely from CDM five dollars what do we add two three six four three bits of spilly ham ham you guys want number two I like it I'm a fan don't forget spilly ham ham or raising money for st. Jude so if you at all can I highly recommend to donate on the tilta file link goes directly to st. Jude phenomenal cause no it's not even worth it to shoot those candle honestly we could like all the candle now I think are tears of out-powered our candle we're being honest six months related s4 time first time catching a stream live thank you for the great content of the year's greetings from Germany six months and just catching me live thank you for the support my friends are we going that [ __ ] what a phenomenal keeper run I'm glad that we redid it after losing why matters hundred beds hypetrain is there a train going around there is instead of donating bits done it to st. jude's is dance I agree I'd rather have you send the money to st. Jude there's way more height going on there than there ever could be an ice-cream here there's no peggle for hot sauce shots on the hype train last I checked yeah girl kid y'all the disincentive did naughty that's a luck right yeah yeah same shoes before [ __ ] my dudes said with [ __ ] grip any luck buddies in here gonna hug this night dee dee diddly-dee diddly-dee needs that rocks on me thank you me that walk though want more logic please it gets damaged aura on these flippin tears look at the legs on that daddy what am I gonna use this credit card never apparently meaning send one in and let her little round cap algae's probably better for me did I slip my angel chance by going in there I might have there's potential like a good thing mammoth nine total but baby thank you for that welcome back my friends five city nine now someone asked to make it even again Thank You Bobby well confused now always like weirdly like wait a second does that early who did that I don't have the power or ability to say that you didn't know what I want to but I'm all confused now Greed's gullet sire hacks cheating pipe is gone I still hear you guys we're fighting cancer come on shape up rose we're doing some important work here for a phenomenal cause couldn't be more important oh it's is the biggest hacks no the train left I know I'm saying forget about the Train there's so much more hype on the [ __ ] cancer train that's the train you should be ridin over whelmed right now yeah game throws Trites into the mix oh good yeah come on still fire right there doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop do doop doop doop doop doop doop do dig it a pop thank you paratis reverse oh [ __ ] I didn't want to do that ah balls you know reversal how much 98 cents or need another penny inside sometimes that spike blocks and jumps over the buttons and I hate that that's the real hack pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop up what would pop do probably good things with Locker [ __ ] it's kind of like pop it's already kind of like pop oh good stretch more options is not a good thing here it does bad things with polling when it's pop then there's moms Pat then there's a damage upgrade just look good I love my glasses like this all the time just kind of like creeped you out yes much sexy I'm looking at myself in the in the preview window and it's kind of creepy bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump when grabbing be reading the newspaper be water at 39 Chris the young one 34 what's up guys most is fighting chicken 11 months you look like a bearded alien who put on glasses for the first time okay ouch that hurts my soul you guys want me to let's take it and see what happens nothing might happen oh and splits they bounce around a little bit more okay I'm fine with that cuz the Godhead aura in conjunction with pop Godhead and pop or just like made for each other match made in heaven just just wonderful anything that makes those or the aura of the Godhead last longer yeah yup and then that's your movement they they don't like go anywhere now and I would shoot but you know that's just something I can deal with next up is piercing piercing would be dominant but tiny planet be good with Godhead could be but why not steal the director tears right and soy milk no get out there gets body would be good any kind of split shot just point in time would be pretty deep didn't want this God and balls houses where are we going the land of winning see with the goddess I don't know what that means I don't know gods balls [ __ ] you dun da you can suck my dick you can hurt me because he just got spots balls that's a lot there we go okay that hurt thermally makes enemies drop half soul hearts gold hearts and eternal arts normally why is it not doing the normal thing now Oh cause it's just generating flies something a phenomenal item I love hearing that dang rookie Balboa twenty dollars to st. you that's two three nine zero six nine vanos is not making an even elf of 69 so remember that I that you told me I should find Dale myself while he is on tick tock and patreon but you can message people on neither of those platforms so yeah just give it up man don't bother people do you know and all you guys don't have to advertise my stuff someone was saying earlier that they advertise me in freedom and discord that just kind of sounds like spam don't spam people if you guys really want to help me out shabby hang on a second we just did over to four that's it right there my mother had pancreatic cancer the doctor noticed it a while why it was young but then a Whipple surgery to remove it and she spent a little over two years cancer free that is not awesome that she had it awesome that you guys found it early that's the way to do it we need with 24 months that's two years welcome back and a wheelspin just for you you guys want to help out my channel do not advertise or spam me what you could do though is you could help by clipping cool moments on my my streams you could go ahead and post that [ __ ] on like reddit or you could share that on Twitter you should share it back with me so I can retweet these clips that would be super helpful that'd be crazy awesome what was it biceps [ __ ] it wasn't pay attention sooner [ __ ] from cube my friends biceps yes okay let's go to Oh let's go goodness gracious great balls fire hate those guys games like you want more of them I even noses to nose bras we've been hit so many times if we didn't get this grades gone Ron would have been over [ __ ] me I got stuck in the rock by a mouse and keyboard or controller with Isaac because of the fact that everything is cardinal directions I I prefer mouse and keyboard but it's not really Mouse it's just keyboard let's you know let's be real here I ain't using my mouse for [ __ ] if I blow them up its higher devil chance like getting a payout it's higher angel chance but that's that's to meet my money that's my money and my money is my health I'm out of my money and my money on my mind goodbye David 42 what is up totally not a reptile $10 until to Phi I hats f cancer short story I agree I liked it get some pretty faces going on oh that's kind of nice these are some excellent faces there we go slightly perturbed face oh goodness I kind of walked into that one man often meets this destiny and the road he takes to avoid it that was just [ __ ] up trinket is just saving me hard the trinket play was huge though all your tater tots bro goodness Wow is that ruined when I already have that ruins my Godhead aura that's terrible no that's not good literally what we had with so overpowered it's still good but not nearly as good remover no I'm not gonna suck in cheats it's still unbelievably strong I mean look at that ho main tech axe is still good I just kind of liked how goofy the last one was nine keys probably should actually grab that key moonshine enjoy but it's up six months welcome back back how many subs do we have right now twenty-eight dollars i blance a grand flood just got diagnosed with end-stage cancer and was given two weeks to six months to live let's all help where we can cancer sense it's like the worst thing so terrible thank you so much thank you for giving back for cancer research kick it to cancer right in this cancer that's two four four zero ten more dollars we got another wheel spin on that I was gonna say fanouts if we can hit over two thousand subs then that would be a good time to call a shots for peggle toggle four shots run stream video segment i guess would be the appropriate word there but is saying that since we started streaming we've actually lost fifty stuff how many subs do we have 1600 since we started we've lost 50 up you know when they talk about twitching it being a grind that I know it's a dollar alright last time for me today everyone take care and have fun cheers with pear cider wait a second you're on you're drinking apple juice Oh excite us you got 50 on Tuesday though I'm Tom but since we started today must be because of a big sub gift yeah I'm sure sure was a big stuff gifts and then here's the thing though I think that if you have a touch prime sub like let's say that it just rolled over right now you could you you might wanna check people in chat then maybe your thing rolled over or maybe your twitch prime right let's out so I'm saying like twitch problems specifically you can renew it and you have to do that I think it will take it away from my numbers whereas if you're not twitch prime the number will still stay there you'll still be subbed it doesn't actively unsub you first it's really a roundabout way for me to say that interesting Avedon who it's not actually is it called rage what's the actual name for it JK got you a dollar having going Abaddonn kills him Abaddon kills me so let's probably not go with Abaddon we would come back I'm not sure that we would come back with five empty part B five empty hearts I don't know cuz we would still have great skull at $0.99 having an angel room that's illegal right Stephanie keep up the good work good karma always comes back the dollar you got $1 with a karma come back at you want to run to ends I say let's not have it ends I would really like to take number three it's it's really really good if we could maybe stop voting for number one and blowing this really good run that we made for ourselves it's up to you though Chad as the final say put you hell for lives once damage upgrade and once a temporary but better damage upgrade why does it kill uses sill Weaver the way that Abaddon works is it takes away all your health and replaces it with block cards now we all know this correct it would take away all my health and it would replace it with black arts which do not exist as the keeper it would just give me a bunch of flies and kill me bring a jerk about a 50/50 split right now 44 percent to 42 Wiki even says it's a humorous amount of flies as he dies you'll respond with three lives in Green's gullet pieces won't you even still like I was saying with that in mind I still would rather choose the other damaged upgrade Rhys to bond with one coin heart wouldn't be able to get back to five without losing your money first so it would [ __ ] me over then if what studium is saying is true meteor meteor may hub there's a mashup $1 it's not much but every little helps yes it does thank you thank you just dies this dark devour Wow you need a hug come here yeah come on stop the pole stop the pole I'm gonna call it I think three is gonna take it here this old-school collide this is like instrumental collide I know all the lyrics bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla something-something chemicals mix I look at you you look at the camera you look at him you look back to me we all want to hug a fair I want a hug my something miss operated something connected something alive then we collide nailed it the good thing on here for the lyrics well out out Nene I can go for some flies here can you guys even hear the music even know this song well enough to get my jokes now bow-bow now I thought he was calling his cat over with the come here give me a hug thing but I know how to bonk well enough that's like the whole like Oh was that from like friends or something I think uh some scrubs bar Carlos has a joke in Spanish and Elliott laughs just like you speak Spanish you understood that it's like no ice no into laughs ice no in a bonk no idea what you're talking about though I could do that that dog trick or make noises for dogs and then watch chat to see whoever has a dog because they always [ __ ] my dog was like want to go to walk walkies when I go to walk when I go to the park I'm gonna go potty hey buddy I'm gonna walk I gotta take your dog on a walk oh yeah I just didn't do anything my cat starts barking is that Oh we'd not invite we had to gain a little time I would love to walk though you little [ __ ] see everyone's freaked out loses 30 viewers yeah if it gets you outside for exercise I'll take it else I'll consider to win I'm trying to make fun of you specifically I'm just saying in general exercise is good I'm here I'm doing exercise module prime sup what's up fastest swag well i'ma head out to have a good day and do the thing we'll do fest it's the [ __ ] so I have a no I'm gonna starve gif I thought I'd put that out here huh thought I put that on my stream deck shame cuz that wasn't good to use when we got tech X we're still just killing everything nothing has a chance lots of balls if you don't take the heart then we collide I don't I don't bow not bound by the baby but then I don't know fight me can't beat me nice balls huts thank you finally someone recognizes litter boobs why have normal boobs but you can have beautiful you guys watched in bada still wish we had that pop combo that was deadly there's so much better you get back heel who are you calling : I'm dirty Dan I'm dirty Dan well wiki's whatever homes are Patrick emotes no way next level cool but at least you have something cool get the horn your throw the horns off yeah uh come into the end of the circles plus work for the circles to have to do that actually works it's get the horns hot since the roles you have still you're happy you're [ __ ] happy chat what you wanted yes oh god no skip baseball kicking yes I'm grooving surefire it was higher oh god that's hot only way that would be hotter as if we had serpents kiss and I spent a bunch of black hearts are you alive a bunch of black arts are flies about now flies something a bunch of something's tastes like ticking yes son grooving tool my favorite stream is start streaming right now sis hots lock I can only guess what one of them uh are
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 14,321
Rating: 4.9008265 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: vLQ5Lp7mExo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 36sec (6096 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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