Mom USES CHILD For FOLLOWERS, She Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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mandy remember that dance routine we practiced i think it would be fun to record it for tick tock let's try it no mom i'm in the middle of building something look it's a spaceship oh that's nice honey but you can play after let's record the dance first please do it for me fine oh sweetie we're gonna have to find you a better outfit why this is my favorite shirt i want you to look as cute as possible it'll help get more views i'll just go inside and grab i don't want to change i just want to get this over with fine but next time i'm picking your outfit ready yes great don't forget to smile in three two there can i go play now that was close but let's try it one more time how are my beautiful girls doing hey we're just practicing some more dance moves we're tick-tock hello having fun mandy no mom's making me do it i just want to play stop she loves it i don't know why don't you just let her do what she's more interested in and where is playing with lego's going to get her with tick-tock she can actually be successful even at her age do you know there's kids out there who've become millionaires from doing little dances like this that may be true but i've always been a believer that if you let someone follow their passion they'll always be successful no matter what so go easy on her i'm gonna go change i've seen a bit bye why would you tell dad i'm making you do this you love dancing no i don't i've told you that so many times mom can i just play with my legos we haven't finished recording this could get a lot of views i don't care about that stuff i just want to have fun i was playing with that how about we make a deal you can have your legos back after we finish recording some more dances how does that sound fine smile smile big mandy great now let's do that a few more times [Music] wow sweetie you're uh getting pretty good at this thanks dad and this is for kids almost twice your age it's pretty impressive maybe you have a future with this i hope so i could do this all day i'll see you later mandy you won't believe this our little dance video got a hundred thousand views people are leaving so many comments plus we just broke 20 000 followers didn't you hear me people love you honey that's cool i can't believe you aren't more excited about this if it was me i'd be thrilled then maybe you should dance in the next video mom you know if i could i would but you're the cute dancer here sweetie you're the star speaking of which we need to record another dance oh mom do i have to i'm in the middle of this oh not this again you see how popular our last tick tock was we need to make more now for your fans fans yes you have fans now and we don't want to let them down so let's do another dance mom i told you i don't want to be a dancer but sweetie this could be your future our future i already know what my future is going to be i want to build things maybe i'll be an engineer oh honey you're too young to know what you want to do when you get older it's rare to be this successful at something so quickly so let's take advantage of this okay i'm going to take this but i'll give it back to you after we're done recording be careful with that it took me hours to build hours perhaps you're wasting way too much time on this if you spent that time making tick tocks then we could actually mom you ruined it how could you i'm sorry it was an accident but now that that's out of the way we can focus more on dancing come on let's record outside your dad can clean this up later no i don't want to you ruined everything we just hit 60 000 followers if we keep this up we'll eventually start making money from this wait does that mean i can buy some new lego sets oh mandy forget about toys i'm talking about new outfits dance lessons maybe this could even pay for your college tuition one day you know how expensive school is plus maybe i can buy that new sorry sorry are you dancing mandy yes she is oh my gosh my daughter and i are huge fans it is so nice to meet you both in person i think you're a great dancer i wish my girl would dance like you mandy isn't that nice she says she's a fan what do you say i don't even like dancing sorry she appreciates it she's just a little shy i see okay well i'll let you get back to it have a good day can you believe it someone just recognized you i told you we're gonna be famous are you excited i'd be excited if i got the new legos that i want oh gosh not bad again all right recording in three two one [Music] i told you you need to smile more act like you're having fun but i'm not having fun i don't want to do this don't say that come on give me a big smile you look so pretty when you smile you want me to fake a smile sure people fake smile all the time i know i do perfect all right here we go a one a two a one two three honey why are you crying sorry mom i just don't want to do this fine if you don't want to dance don't you at least want to make your mother proud huh all right then do it for that reason if nothing else it's obvious you've been crying now come on shake it off the mom keeps making her daughter do tick tocks despite how anyone else seems to feel about it as time goes on the mom continues to force mandy to record more and more videos regardless of how sad mandy seems the mom only seems concerned with her followers and dollars as their views and followers start to climb eventually mandy gets picked up by some local news the mom is over the moon in excitement thinking they're gonna make it big but as mandy's fame hits an all-time high a video of the mom forcing her daughter to dance surfaces and starts to go viral online it doesn't take long for the mom to start getting lots of hateful comments and lose a lot of followers honey why are you crying sorry mom i just don't want to do this fine if you don't want to dance don't you at least want to make your mother proud huh all right then do it for that reason if nothing else hey honey it's obvious you've been crying like an awful mother don't let that video stress you out too much i'm sure all those people will get over it eventually all the popular creators they all go through that stuff it's not so much about what people think it's that i got so caught up in all the internet fame i didn't realize how bad of a mom i was being to mandy everything's gonna be fine don't be so hard on yourself i'm sure your intentions were good they were i really thought that this could help pay for mandy's future but i guess i took it way too far i should have listened to her more you know not to pour any salt in the wound or anything but she did tell you many times that she had no interest in dancing sometimes you just gotta let her do whatever makes her happy like what playing with legos where's that gonna get her she's a kid she has so much time besides like i said if you let someone follow their passion they will always be successful no matter what you just gotta trust that hey mom are you feeling better yeah i'm okay sweetheart thanks for asking i was thinking maybe we can work one more tick tocks really you would want to do that no but i will still make you feel better oh yeah oh i am so sorry for forcing you to do that you know what what are you doing deleting the tick tock account from now on you don't have to do anything you don't want to there it's done really it's a big decision i should have done that a long time ago okay so what should we do now i don't know didn't you say there was a new lego set you wanted yeah but it's super expensive well it's a good thing we did make some money off of your views and it's only right it should go to you so [Music] do you want to go to the store oh my gosh yes thank you so much mom from that moment forward the mom decides she's gonna support her daughter no matter what she wants to do mandy keeps on building legos and this time she has someone to do it with her as time goes on mandy learns to build more complicated sets [Music] she continues to impress everyone around her even as she gets older eventually she competes in lego tournaments and even wins first place mandy's mom couldn't be more proud i can't believe you got first place again how unbelievable is this who thought you would get this far i know our tech major here i come oh honey about that i am so sorry we couldn't afford you going to usc but hopefully after a couple years of community college you don't have to worry about my tuition what do you mean i've been meaning to tell you legos has this program called lego's education and they've been so impressed with my work that they offered me a full-ride scholarship to any school i want to go to no yep so i can go to usc after all that's amazing how long have you been hiding this from us just a few days i wanted to tell you but i was waiting for the competition to be over your lego design was really cool oh thanks what's your favorite kind of lego set um that's a really good question probably the spaceship yeah you know he always wants me to buy him legos i never get a minute because i think they'll just end up all on the floor i hear you for a while i didn't want mandy playing with legos either really yeah i didn't think it would take her anywhere but then someone reminded me if you let a person follow their passion they'll always be successful he was right and now it's got her all the way to a full ride scholarship and who knows where else it'll take her wow what an incredible story [Music] hmm i wonder if i should buy my son legos then if it makes him happy it's worth it trust me i appreciate the advice come on miles how about we go to the store and pick you up that spaceship you wanted fro yes hi mandy bye congrats again looks like you have a fan without oh maybe we should take a photo you know for instagram actually we can just enjoy the moment come on i'm pretty good with kids i have a bad no one's lasted more than a day with these i've got donuts the mountain's on fire look inside the mug i'll be fine you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 17,031,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: bax3Oc6LpqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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