MOM Puts ONE CHILD Over Other, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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hey girls how was school amazing guess what i got wow 98 i'm so proud of you michelle thanks you know what i'm going to hang this on the fridge right next to all your other achievements oh great i'm going to put my stuff down were you just going to walk past me without even saying hello sorry mom i'm just really tired i'm gonna go take a nap if that's okay maybe if you slept at night instead of staying up wasting time you wouldn't be so tired working on my art isn't wasting time wait what about your math test uh yeah about that um i need you to sign this you failed another test it was really hard well your sister just got an a plus so you couldn't have been that hard what's your excuse exactly why can't you be more like michelle math just isn't my subject neither is any other classy sims you know the rules no i'm not doing that if you want to give me a thousand dollars and pay for it yourself you can do that otherwise it's mine just sucks if you just apply to yourself like your sister then this wouldn't be happening just because i don't get good grades like her doesn't mean i don't apply myself i'm just passionate about other things here we go let me ask you something you think your drawings are gonna pay the bills you know how many broke starving artists they're out there that doesn't mean i'm going to be one gosh mom i don't know why you always have to be so hard on me kimmy ever since your father left things haven't been easy you know taking care of two girls by myself we almost have ten thousand dollars in credit card debt i'm not trying to be unsupportive but i do want you to be realistic um what's going on in here mom took my phone away again if you pass your next test you can get it back so instead of napping you should be studying [Music] now tell me what you want me to make for dinner tonight anything you want just name it um [Music] how will we all go out tonight that sounds even better i mean you and i kim is gonna stay home and study [Music] oh it's you i thought it was mom how's stunning going uh it's going [Music] horribly i got you chicken parmesan your favorite you drew this this is amazing thanks i wish mom felt that way hey don't let her get to you she'll come around one day i doubt it oh check this out oh my goodness you drew this yeah and i've got a handful of others too i'm launching my first nfc tomorrow and selling it online i keep hearing about those but i don't quite know what they are but i'm sure it'll do great thanks i'm so excited so this is what you've been doing no i was just showing michelle something really quick yeah i asked her to see it i was studying right before she walked in right and by studying you mean making your silly little drawings inside of your book you haven't even taken a single note how are you grace ever gonna improve if this is all you do please i don't need another lecture i should have done this a long time ago i'm taking your laptop what no i need that for what when i bought it for you you said you need it for school clearly all you do is waste time on it that's not true i do use it for school you can have your laptop and your phone back after your grades improve you don't understand i'm selling my art online tomorrow i need that back i don't understand where i went wrong with you michelle does everything perfectly and you are just a constant screw-up don't say that to her it's the truth get out of my room i want to be alone one day when you're older you'll say mom you are right please get out [Applause] hey i just want to be alone right now please i'm just worried if she doesn't get her grades up that she may not graduate i know trust me i know i took away your cell phone and a laptop i'm doing everything i can to make sure she studies i don't know why you're talking about me as if not sitting right here well go ahead and speak up then why aren't you passing huh kimmy we're a college prep school the last time we had a student who didn't graduate was three years ago i don't want you to be the next one i'm just not very good at school well i noticed that you're getting an a in art and that's great how do we get you to do that in other classes do you mind giving your mother and i a moment normally in these situations we'd look to see if there was an issue at home but michelle's grades are outstanding so it can't be that exactly i wish kimmy could be more like her sister i'm not sure if you heard but there's a good chance michelle will end up being the valedictorian she brings great honor to the school that's my angel she makes me so proud all right well hopefully you'll be able to get through to kimmy thanks for coming in of course and thank you for your patience have a nice day we'll keep up the amazing work thanks hi i don't believe we met i'm the new art teacher you must be kimmy's mom yes hello i can't say i've ever met someone as young and talented as kimmy before yeah well i wish we could say that about all the classes not just art ah is she not doing as well in other classes i'm sorry to hear that but don't be too hard on her why not i was thinking i need to be harder situations like this always remind me of my favorite quote by albert einstein he said if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid i love that i'll see you in class tomorrow it was nice meeting you did you hear what she said nonsense what does she know she's just an art teacher hey kimmy are you still launching your nft today uh if so you should totally list your artwork on openc no way it's way too hard to get approved on that site you should try wearable she's not going to be drawing anymore she needs to focus on her classes oh okay but mom i don't want you wasting any more time i'm serious i'm not going to have you embarrassing me and this school by not graduating now come on let's go home [Music] i don't want to talk to you mom leave me alone it's me you all right i mean no i was supposed to launch my art project today but now i can't because i don't have a lab you can use mine all your files are on cloud right yeah well then what are you waiting for thanks sis you're welcome good luck kimmy ends up turning her artwork into an nft and listing it in an online auction she starts the bidding process at half an ethereum [Music] after excitedly refreshing the next morning she comes to realize that not a single person bid on her artwork she starts to feel really disappointed as time goes on nothing changes not a single person wanted to buy it kimmy starts to feel really discouraged [Music] over time she even considers giving up on her passion some say how you market your art is just as important as the art itself take people for instance is he the best artist or just the best marketer for sure the best marketer lots of people would agree with you it's unbelievable how much the art industry changed ever since he sold his digital art for 69 million dollars many artists like him are starting to catch big breaks not me what's that kimmy oh nothing i heard you listed some art online how'd your lunch go not great i'm sorry to hear that hang in there all great things take time to be honest i'm not so sure how much more time i should be spending on this i mean yeah sure some people make it big but do you know how many broke starving artists are out there that is true but that can pretty much be said about any field where's all this coming from i spent so much time listing my first piece and not one person bit on it that was a complete waste of time what site did you put it on nfc land okay first off no one uses that site anymore i'm definitely not surprised it didn't get any bids how did you promote it i didn't i just posted it and thought people would bid on it girl that's not how it works you gotta hype it up create buzz online go on blogs start a thread on reddit post it on instagram i have like 50 followers that's all right i know tons of nft pages with big followings if i ask them i bet they post about it really with how good your work is for sure yeah and i can help push it on reddit one of my friends on the podcast i can see if he'll talk about it you do that for me definitely i love your stuff you see kim you're proving the whole point i was trying to make for today's lecture i mean i guess we'll see kimmy is once again excited to list her art online she meets with friends who help her list your art on a more popular nft marketplace they guide her through every step of the process a few days later she ends up doing a podcast to help promote her new launch [Music] her friends even helped get different social media accounts to help create buzz kimmy couldn't believe how much support she was getting and then a few days later her mom is about to get a big surprise you're not gonna believe this oh don't tell me another 98 no no 99 yeah i'm so proud of you honey thanks [Music] pretty soon we're gonna run out of room on the refrigerator i'm gonna drop off my stuff [Applause] well please tell me you at least pass i did better than last time that's a positive a c minus ah i i thought you'd be happy your sister just got a 99 and you want me to be happy with your c minus whatever can i just have my phone back i said you had to pass a c minus does not cut it yes it does anything better than a d is considered passing not in my eyes fine here's a thousand bucks so can i please get my phone back now where in the world did you get all this money let's just say that my little art passion paid off well i must say i'm shocked if you want to spend all your money on a phone be my guest but don't think you're getting your laptop bag until and this is for my laptop so next time you can't take my stuff away again how much is this it's another thousand you can count it if you like you made two thousand dollars selling art she made a lot more than that you didn't tell her yet not yet told me what there's a lot of articles about it online kimmy sold five art pieces for twenty thousand dollars no i don't believe this that can't be possible you can look it up if you like but first you should log into your credit card why okay you you paid off my credit card yeah so now you don't have to stress anymore oh my gosh give me i don't know what to say come here thank you so much you're welcome oh the school is calling hang on hello [Music] you know i'm the one with straight a's but you've made more in one week than i've ever made in my lifetime isn't that ironic thanks for calling principal stevens are you calling about michelle being the valedictorian you're calling about kimmy no i was actually just about to read the articles yes i heard about her digital art it really is amazing you're right she really has brought great honor to the school well you know what they say if you judge your fish by its ability to climb a tree it'll live his whole life believing that it is stupid thank you i'll talk to you soon [Music] apparently you're the talk of the town kimmy i can't tell you how proud i am of you thanks mom so does this mean you support my art now absolutely i'm sorry forever not believing in you sweetheart you know what why don't we all go out to dinner and celebrate sounds good to me my treat i was hoping you'd say that what i just got my credit card paid off i'm not trying to rack up any new debt over here you're dating nelson why you'll see where's the steak for lunch hey guys then the shots of expensive tequila where is all the money coming from i'll take care of you such a gentleman nelson should we do now maybe we could do a little bit of shopping
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 19,707,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: l1i4MX1WiUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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