Police Car Tour

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hi everyone my name is officer vantham i'm with the shelby township police department today i'm going to be giving you a tour of our police vehicles i drive car 2. we have about 20 vehicles in our fleet and i will be showing you the in interior and exterior of our cars so this is the computer inside our cars we get all our calls sent on here we can type our reports on here we do most of our work from on this computer this is the radar in our car this is how we catch speeders going down your streets up and down so now we are in the driver's side of my workspace this is where i do all of my work from we have two microphones this one is how i connect to the radio so i can talk to all my partners out there and how we get information back and forth this microphone here projects to all outside so i can tell somebody commands from outside my vehicle this is a spotlight so i can it's a bright flashlight that can shine very far away i also have a series of noises that i can make from inside the car that's how we get the siren going and all of our lights in the back of the cars we have a trunk space which holds all our traffic stuff so we have traffic cones for when there's accidents and we need to close off roads we have safety vests we have fire extinguishers caution tape and we have a bag here that holds stuff for emergencies so we'll have spare face mask rope stuff like that you never know what you're going to encounter so we just have an emergency bag just in case i hope you enjoyed a tour of my police car today and just remember if you ever need help you can always come up to the police department and you can even come see me bye kids
Channel: Shelby TV Kids
Views: 22,144
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Id: I0puiyoiSaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 33sec (153 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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