Handing Out GIFTS to COPS (Cycling Sunday S1 E12)

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I was gonna go and ride out with a bunch of friends but it kind of all fell apart so I'm gonna do something different that I have planned and get some chick-fil-a gift cards right here God please get a four five dollar gift cards okay is it okay if I have a GoPro on inside sweet thank you PSA no gift cards in the drive-through guys for look officers today who will they be Johnny and Julian were just out here so I'm at the drive-thru but uh I don't know where they went oh I think I see him where'd they go they were just right there done disappeared on me he said he was gonna wait but like yes not is there places to be people to see hey there lady are you gon hit one time right here alright so now that we got gift cards it's time to go pass them out to some police officers there's gonna be like a hide-and-seek match because I gotta find him I saw some mom's logging at chick-fil-a go that way with their blue lights on so maybe once I get down there there won't be in an emergency situation anymore if I miss any totally grill me in the comments this this is horrendous traffic you know what it will hit up the left turn lane and get out another way but the Hecker's just got doing you you had right away sure sometimes there's one cruisin around Walmart over here let's go check this out I don't see one this may be harder than anticipated see yes oh no wait there's one sorry you're stuck in traffic though see if there's one up at northbound Elia there's two police officers officers oh there's one can we catch him oh yeah we can he's a speed enough oh he he just whipped in there Dean never come back I have some nice for you this is five one two nine or sick we're in pursuit of a mountain Julie a police officer here to give him a little something all right let's reach in here and get yourself I'll be going Wow it's got a little something for you slow chick-fil-a gift card just as the thanks for everything I'll do in the community just run around a day and see if I can get a few y'all before the rain yes the 250 little gas saver get around yeah yeah it's not bad at all so oh yeah oh nice yeah that's one one that goes our six skip and go for who crazy people on the road is not quite enough yes sir welcome give good one yes sir will do got one to Ching putting some food in hummus one down three to go and hope for the Noreen here's a pop sir but his lights are on so it looks like he's a little busy just backed up over oh that is a raindrop that's another raindrop it's that seriously coming from over there never comes for their rain always goes this way not that way what's going on abort abort negative turning back immediately no way just see for us this panic say Jose that would be stunner clouds there this is not wanting times you just hit a speed bump going 25 those meant for 5 miles an hour and just keep on ticking get the heck out of here just about to start coming down laurel mati it's starting to rain not being going back to my my rooster nest right here at the old Starbucks you'll see the oh my lord look at those clouds those clouds are more monstrous than my great-aunt Ruth we don't call her great because she's great aunt who call her great because of her girth I know loser the rain kind of kept me out babe the other day around but not today today is nice and sunny the grass is green the birds are singing actually don't know if we're just singing I can't hear him I say the rushing of wind through my helmets today I found another crop I was actually pulling into my friend's house I thought I hit record but apparently I didn't cute like super super surprised but he was thankful he was pretty happy about it so I'm glad I was able to dry it up this day a little bit I'm gonna drop off this red box movie watch ready player one the other night and it was pretty darn good coming out of there enemy out of there I'll tell many others yeah two more of these cuz we got two down and two more to go get these suckers out to where they belong but is Sunday and usually there is a cop over here uh-huh oh it's lady option hello just want to give you a little something and appreciation everything y'all do still five dollar gift card for chick-fil-a yes ma'am thank you all right we'll do you have a good one I can get a sing and drive sweet that's another one in the books now we're a three down and one to go there's a lot of people in that church Joy's Church why people go there I'm not dissing it but I was weird out when I went because everybody was giving me hugs I was like who the crap are you people thank you for the love but who the heck are you there's one we are in pursuit of the police officer this seems wrong noise I guess they come over here a lot is this where I got the last one it's going get this guy out of here excuse me where did he go you see what this way come back officer nope stop stop breathe hello Oh is he turning busy okay oh oh this is two lanes oh I think she's scared of me oh please don't be scared doing well how are you doing I just want to give you this it's just a five dollar chick-flick gift card just as a thank you for everything y'all do in the community Yama's uh I was following you for a second of course you have a good one appreciate it oh really really maybe I need to join the police department right on we'll have a good one yes sir thank you for protecting the serving all the cards are out oh wait wait and I go this way sure is it a rock climbing wall you can get on oh my word that's so cool oh if I was a kid I would I'm an adult and I would you know I would totally be on anyway oh I am the king of Madra lights I did it parkour parkour and now to go meet a boner just shoot the video that will air tomorrow possibly on as you to 1000 what's up bro it was like my bike I love you we're ready to do this yeah chick is wild in what you're flapping papa back yeah all right look at that that's how you think of your kids and a frickin GTR yeah boy almost forgot to do this
Channel: Vlog City
Views: 6,651,341
Rating: 4.8020797 out of 5
Keywords: giving gifts to cops, motovlogs, moto, honda cbr250r, repsol racing, mt juliet police department, mt juliet tennessee, spiderman meme, great aunt girtha, police department, chickfila gift card, good gifts for cops, showing appreciation, honda, indian, motorcycles, sport bike, harley davidson, kawasaki ninja, yamaha r6, r1, suzuki hayabusa, police encounters, lady officer, cop, fuzz, pursuit, police chase, nashville tennessee, cycling sunday, providence mt juliet, bikers vs cops, pd
Id: o7-TwPW0TS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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