Police Arrive When I Found a REAL GUN! (Scuba Diving)

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what's up guys jake here today meeting my buddy britton from the channel depths of history today we're going to be teaming up to see what we can find while scuba diving here in this river now britain actually finds a lot of cool stuff a lot of historic items such as guns cannonballs and other cool things but i thought he'd be the perfect match to dive at this spot and see what we can find here i'm searching for weapons iphones gopros any kind of cool stuff like that but that said if you enjoyed this video drop a thumbs up make sure you guys subscribe to our channel so if you guys are new let's get down there check it out and see what we can discover [Music] oh oh [Music] wow [Music] just found a shotgun shell dude this is so much fun i got a home bag of golf balls i'm having so much fun dude i found an old phone i just found another phone that's crazy i haven't seen one of these in so long oh so it's calling oh hey susan how's it going every time i find a photo river season calls hey elena susan's calling again oh really yeah dude she's oh she says congrats to the success dude you're doing a really good youtube channel oh dude she said this video might hit a million views yeah that's pretty ridiculous yeah she said she's sure i'm kidding if you guys are enjoying this video jump thumbs up we're having so much fun if you're new make sure you guys subscribe there's so much cool stuff to find let's keep going bye season all right so britain found a bag is it heavy yeah it's got some weight to it oh yeah there could be some stuff inside what do you think i don't know that looks pretty gross what's up oh my god what the hell oh that's cool dude look at this i found stuff like this before it's impressive hindu stuff i think i'm not sure that i'm kind of naive do it all but uh well that's cool we should keep it in the bag it could be some valuable stuff i found a statue it brought good luck to me supposedly that's what someone said dang i am don't drop that that's cool yeah yeah that's awesome dude heck yeah this is freaking amazing oh hey [Music] oh my god that's real right yeah oh my goodness i think so oh my god i literally found it that was incredible i literally like i just put my head in the water dude wow there's got to be more dude yeah that looks real wow holy crap dude that is crazy all right so what we're going to do now oh my god that's fast that was so fast so what we're going to do is we're going gonna definitely call the police hand this in because this could be tied to some kind of criminal case this is a real weapon and someone could have been you know it could have been used in a crime or someone could have been shot by it and they tossed in the rivers in here for a reason and we definitely want to hand that over but i've never found one like this before hello my name's jake i was scuba diving in the river and i found a pistol and i'd like to hand it over to a police officer so you guys can take that to the next level if you need to all right we'll get them out so we actually got two police officers on the scene right now they're gonna head over here check out the weapon the guy had a little giggle he's like oh no get a gun how you doing i'm jake so we were out diving here and we came across this weapon and like always we like to hand it to you guys so you can you know use it if you need to pretty wicked though how far out were you i could bring you guys to the exact spot if you need to so you just have it for in the books you know but it's just right here you're saying it almost looks like it's submerged in tar and that's what i thought too something's weird about it try to get rid of it but we came along he's over here he's like i can't believe they found my gun man we thought we got rid of it it's pretty wild though like crazy story you know where we found a gun and now we get to call the police and i haven't done this for over a year so it's really cool every time you find a weapon just because you can bring closure to some kind of family and that's what it's all about you know you find a weapon hand it in and just try to help out if possible it's a really cool find i mean that could have been used in the ultimate heist or it could be a cover-up maybe it was my gun you never know you know i threw it out there one day and i'm calling the police about my gun and i'm a criminal you know i found a drug lab maybe i'm just a drug lord know you just never know secret though all right look at this we got it in the evidence bag here now we're gonna hand it off to the police officers so they can take this and do whatever they need to do you know this is really cool because you can help bring closure to a family you just never know these are some of the big ticket items what we find you know and it's definitely one of my favorite finds of the year so far but where you guys go thank you so much for all your help thanks sir appreciate everything so the police officers got the gun they just took off and one of the officers thought maybe the gun was dipping some kind of tar material we're not too sure but the other officer actually recognized me from my videos that that was kind of cool but yeah they're going to be able to take that next step in process of whatever that may be they're going to run a serial number see if it's stolen possibly using some kind of crime and maybe they can use that to help solve some kind of case that maybe could have never been solved you know without that gun but hope you guys enjoyed the video if you guys did make sure you guys give this video a big thumbs up britain thank you so much for checking me out make sure you guys check out his youtube channel i have that link in the description box below make sure you guys subscribe to my youtube channel if you guys are new i'd love for you all to join me in my next adventure but till then i'll see you guys next time thank you so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 1,572,586
Rating: 4.95509 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, river treasure hunting, river treasure finds, found gun in river, found gun, gun found in river, found gun underwater, found pistol underwater, found money underwater, found jewelry underwater in river, police called, dallmyd, scuba jake, scuba diving, scubadiving, underwater, scuba diving in the river, searching for river treasure, found underwater, found in the river, found in river, found possible murder weapon, vlog, searching, best river treasure finds
Id: kzhJHNadZlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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