Adding a Lean-To on a Pole Barn Pt. 3 - Roof Sheeting

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well we're back here again it's the new year and i'm here at father-in-law's house to finish up the lean two this is part three of a uh series of adding a lean to under this pole barn if you haven't seen the other two you can check them out on my channel there'll be some links to them in this video appreciate you guys watching and if you would hit the like and subscribe button i'd appreciate it so plan for today is we've got a pile of shooting we're going to get it up on top of the purlins here and get it screwed down you can see it's pretty high up there [Music] okay we got first three sheets set big thing we had to do was make sure they were all square so we put one up here and we started screwing it down and they put the second one up and there was like an overhang just on this side here like the sheets were tilted so we took the screws back out we got them so that they're both on one seam here because they overlapped seams and we pushed them both tied up against the building over here and then we shimmied you know left and right over here until the uh two ends of the sheets lined up good and you can see right here see that's where the overlap is and it's nice and there's no you know one's not sticking out further than the other i'm running low though okay so i really wanted to point out here at this time um you know i decided to take a couple minute break to put on these knee pads and also like i said there was switch my screws over to my other pocket in that um tool belt so the knee heads i think that's pretty self-explanatory um maybe move around a lot quicker without you know hurting my knees on that metal roof but another big point was moving all these screws over from my right pocket to my left pocket made the process go so much quicker because i held my drill with my right hand so every time i had to reach in to get screws i'd have to put the drill down and then pick it back up and continue on so you can see throughout the rest of the video now after i've got them switched over to my left pocket here i can be drilling and reaching in my pocket and grabbing screws at the same time so you know two or three minutes here i've put on some uh knee pads and switching my screws over made this project go so much much better [Music] so if you've never worked on a pole barn before or done any shooting work these are the special screws that they sell you and they're pretty much needed so i'll show you why these screws they're self-tapping so they'll screw into this metal and they've got this rubber bushing or rubber washer on them right down there and it squeezes out around them to seal the wood so i'll show drilling one in here like i said they're self-tapping there and you see all that bushing or that donut squeezed out around it that's gonna keep it watertight [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so basically i give the sheet a little flip like that to get it to flip underneath the gutter pan there then i line it up on this rib and shove it in [Music] hmm i want to make a quick note here see this sheet has no lip on it but the next sheet that goes over this rib has a little lip on it that sticks out so if you put a screw there like i just about did that lip hits that head of that screw so when you put this one in make sure you bring it back off your ways so that that next sheet lip can lay over on here and this here shows what i'm talking about see this lip comes over and that's where i was gonna put that screw and that washer would have probably caught that lip a little bit it might have been all right but that's why you want to keep it out away from that lip well there's most all the sheets on didn't really take that long and we just got a couple screws at each purlin for each sheet i'm gonna go along this edge right here where the wind could catch it and put all the screws in and then uh he left this sheet out here because he might do something with his downspout there might cut out around that or something but if you look here on this building they put at the gutter two screws in between each rib but then as you go up there's only one screw at each rib and then probably at the very top underneath the ridge cap up there there's probably two again so we'll probably follow suit with what they got there like i said we put a double screws in all along this side and double screws all along that side that faces the wind and down there he's gonna add another sheet like i already mentioned so all these are stuck nice underneath the gutter line there so won't have any water seeping down that wall i appreciate i was watching this like i said this is part three so part one was installing the post i'm augering those and installing the post and the header board up here video two was putting the header board along the building and the rafters and all the purlins and then this is the final video where we got the roof on so here's what he had done so far he's got these uh six by sixes along here and he i think there's some waterproofing on this side of them to protect them a little bit but they're also look like to be treated wood and then down over here he's got him lag bolted into his post so that's like a little retaining wall holding up some fill and allowed him to get that area you know pretty pretty level across there so i appreciate you guys watching again if you like the video like and subscribe to my channel i've got a lot of other videos on buildings and dirt work and other things and probably what'll be coming here in the future is i'll probably bring my mini here and dig a trench across here and out and down daylight out somewhere and we'll get these two uh downspout lines buried so that way he's got access into this lane too from this backside you
Channel: Neal O'Russa
Views: 79,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pole Barn, Lean-to, Pole Barn Construction, Post Frame Building, Lean To, Construction, Buildings, Barn
Id: idvKUNeA7aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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