PokeTuber Tries to Guess Pokémon from Emojis

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around a year ago i saw my buddy m jtv do a video where he tried to guess the pokemon from the emojis from two different videos that he had found somewhere on youtube i never watched this video even though i really wanted to see his reactions as i wanted to try this challenge for myself and it's finally time to see how i'm going to do with this now the two videos he reacted to are gonna be in the description along with his video as if you haven't seen it you can watch and compare to see how both of us did but there's not really too much else to say so i'm gonna get into the challenge because i'm really excited to see how difficult this is gonna be okay pokemon number one oh okay dragon dragon knight oh that's a lot of that's a lot of time left that was easy yeah wow call me okay pokemon too eradicate i mean it's gotta be radicate i mean i could say rat lightning rat thor rata thor tooie okay eradicates the raichu raichu that was saying it's ride shoot was i saying raticate oh my god what's wrong with me you stupid or something edit this out edit this out edit this out oh my god i did it and it just edited it out it didn't happen it didn't happen didn't happen okay last time i was being a fool it's a gray ninja grey ninja grey ninja the ninja kind of looks like a bomb like what's happening here grey grey ninja greninja okay okay okay redeeming myself that was interesting cat cat it's like cat dog but double cat persian meowth wait what what am i missing mew2 [Music] okay all right horse and then water horsey okay okay we're i'm not doing as well as i i should which is probably not great uh but that that's fine the softballs were getting and you know what that's the important thing here maybe i don't know victory bell easy victory bell oh try again or bell sprout no that would be bell sprout all right close enough with my first guess but this is definitely what i'm locking in bell and then sprout let's not uh go reverse order okay there we go now i'm like logged in because i don't want to mess up anymore starfish star u no wait could it be i mean star me star you star me i mean it wouldn't be the fish right what's a starfish i gotta go with star u i guess but it doesn't feel correct what i guess that would be magic i was just so stuck on star having two pokemon like that will this be squirtle i mean it's gotta be yeah it's gotta be squirtle it's gotta be squirtle i i guess i'm a little confused of if it's like all the generations or mostly gen one because they did they did greninja out of nowhere so i guess i should just expect gen 1 unless it's obviously something else man key manky oh just say the word out loud and get to it man key thank you okay sometimes it's that simple all right perfect all right 10 what's going on here okay snowflake massage woman snow cragonal snow jinx ice and then woman chinks maybe [Music] what okay ghost purple heart dead what ghastly haunter gengar gengar i just get okay chore [Music] b drill yeah this has been a little bit more all over the place than i expected but i i like that they throw in some of them where it's literally the word be in the word drill and that's just the pokemon and i feel a little bit less crazy it's helping my insanity 13 sure okay gold duck nice thank you two easy ones in a row and that's what matters to me gold and then duck here for it there's really no middle ground it's either i get it immediately or like i'm at the buzzer like just throwing something into the wind just praying that it works out [Music] it's kind of stressful i is this no purple rat rat or rattata right i mean they use the purple heart to show purple i think with gengar that's why they're doing it so i have to imagine this is radicate or rattata right rattata rattata all right sure okay snake purple dead so arbok i guess because what is the skull and crossbones for the thing on its chest i guess i mean i guess that would kind of differentiate it from atkins but okay it is interesting that sometimes the emojis like show their name and sometimes it's for other things i i don't know either way what a they do a lot of things either way we're going for the second one and you know what i'm not gonna drop a single one of these the first one i feel like i embarrassed myself a little bit so this one hundred percent easy zeb strika apparently we're moving on to a bunch more uh generations which is a little bit scary but that is easily zeb striker very cool pokemon a zebra pokemon in general is sweet so that is easy but now i'm a little worried that they're gonna throw out some random pokemon no one cares about in just 20 emojis like dragon water water dragon kandra king drug yeah i mean that would make sense right it's got to be kingdra it's just gotta be kingdra foolish miscalculation but maybe they would do a crown and dragon for that gyarados it's not even a dragon it's not a dragon i hate it i hate it here okay this gotta be paris wait paris has the two mushrooms so it's paris i still hate it here but i i think i've got this one right it has to be paris because parasite does one yeah mushroom okay sure pokemon number four pig this is slow bro when you use a pig that doesn't feel correct at all like at all [Music] okay time time gator what crocodile no wait crocodile wait what alligator alligator oh my god i'm i'm blanking i'm like uh crocodile totodile for alligator for alligator sand dial oh that's [Music] i didn't go to the baby form quick enough oh god okay so that's teddy ursa ursuring hey here's earth ring uh munchlax no snorlax where he did snorlax what's a sleeping bear wait didn't we didn't we do snorlax in the last one you're right you did snorlax in the last video and it was a snowflake and then someone getting a massage on their head and then you do sorlax a second time i mean i guess like i feel like i've been bamboozled i just assumed it'd have to be a different pokemon so apparently there can be repeats in this quiz and they'll be completely different emojis that's chaos okay lucky number seven okay frog plant frog i mean i i guess bulbasaur or venusaur i'm gonna go with bulbasaur because the baby plant i mean that feels correct i like frogs i could if i got the frog one wrong i feel like i'd have an uprising against me it's frogs are my thing and this is ponyta i just don't i don't really understand the theming where there's so many gen 1 ones and it's like sandile like what do you mean sandile why are you throwing sand tile at me that's so random confused duck psyduck okay shouldn't you put the confusion first then the duck kasai duck i would just be duck i i mean i feel like could have flipped them but that's i'm nitpicking it's fine this is pretty straightforward and that's all that really matters it was decently straightforward enough and i'm fine with that all right 10 what i i don't have a single i have no idea i have no idea what is this you already did dragon knight in the last one why is the second video have dragonite but it's more confusing okay [Music] black red ghost what [Music] black red ghost you know they do so many repeats it's just gengar sure screw it man i give up darkrai darkrai isn't even a ghost pokemon am i insane am i losing my mind dark rice just a dark pokemon short dark rye this is a bad dream all right lick a tongue because like a tongue is a pig too okay lick a tongue you probably could have just put the the tongue emoji because now it looks like you want to lick a pig it's making me a little uncomfortable but i guess that's kind of like a tongue's whole thing they they should have just put licky licky just uh you know what just uh one last middle finger to me sure all right baby egg togepi fine fine with that i feel like it should be baby and then the egg because well i guess there's a baby in the egg now they did this right now it's fine now i'm just a little upset and i'm i'm just angry no this is this was perfect this is yeah this is just togepi all right 14 shore hi it's star fish water it's gotta be just star you it's not starmie it's star you i think right it's gotta be star you am i messing this up is it it's not magikarp it's star you right yeah okay okay yeah the last one magikarp i get that sure that emoji was like magic i just thought star i'm a goofball and this it's got to be for alligator right or no doll doll toe dial toe they're going to do the baby first yeah he's a little little baby guy they've gotta right yep all right perfect [Music] i'm so happy i did this but so legitimately annoyed with some of the things that happened here
Channel: PM7 Plus
Views: 507,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, guess the pokemon, pokemon quiz, emoji puzzles, can you guess the pokemon from the emoji, emoji challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon emoji challenge, pokemon from emoji, spot the pokemon, find the pokemon, poketuber, poketuber tries to guess pokemon from emojis, pokemen7 tries to guess pokemon from emojis, guess pokemon from emojis, pokemon guessing, pokemon guessing games, emoji riddles, mandjtv, mandjtv tries to guess pokemon from emojis
Id: SmvnwWoBEKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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