Poketuber Reacts to "I Attempted my First Pokemon Nuzlocke"

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what's going on everyone matters Patterson if you've been in the Pokemon community in the past three months on YouTube you've probably seen this video is the I attempted my first Pokemon Nuzlocke video done by the incredibly talented Jayden animations but I actually haven't seen this video it has 21 and a half million views and from wifehood it's very well deserved it's a really really really good video but I haven't seen it so I thought I'd fill my reaction to see exactly what is so brilliant about this video I have seen some of Jaden's other animations in the past and they've always been fantastic so I have high hopes for this one we're gonna dive into this we're gonna see what their first Nuzlocke was like see how much I spiritually relates to this video shall we alright suddenly ready we are you are Chen just play the bloody video already will you you're alright Simon to it then show hey wait wait wait wait community there's a set of self-imposed rules you can add to the games to make them more challenging called I know you can help the first Pokemon you run into per route if a Pokemon faints it dies and you can't use it I just wanna see the animation style these videos is so nice to look I I don't know something about like the white background with like the colored creatures in the screen I think I think it's really nice and you have to nickname your Pokemon to get more than a Oh that means if you aren't careful you can technically lose a Pokemon game under those for the longest time I've started a couple in the past but never actually got to finish any because busy today's the day that all changes fair enough alright here we go on my first full attempt at a pokemon ruby Nuzlocke Ruby okay Ruby Ruby from the back of the moving truck my mom stuffed me in and introducing myself to the neighbor Brendan the kid that I always thought was a monkey said that he heard screaming up ahead professor birch is getting mauled by a level-two Poochyena so I led his Torchic out and she scratches the crap she's a still chick interesting okay personally wouldn't be my choice but that's okay that's totally fine it'll have your preference mudkips bother he gifts me Torchic for rescuing him and I named her teriyaki my first poke okay who challenges me to a battle where teriyaki precedes to officer out of his Mudkip good job Terry to do that agree professor birch gives me five pokeballs and the Nuzlocke has officially started she knows knows the rules knows the rules once you get the pokeballs it's underway now bust encounter let's see Mon and ran into a Zigzagoon Zigzagoon okay fair enough dude so today with a critical hit scrap oh no first Nuzlocke oh no I was all the time as well I'm sorry whatever contain your murder a little bit all right guy it was right around the corner and that's where I was able to catch corn this no not a sea dog oh oh so useless out of the game after watching the weird kid Wally struggled to catch his first Pokemon I can take 104 and found a little tailor with the ground yes good recive inscri oh yeah is that merging grunt jumps some random professor so Arion teriyaki pekka's eyes out yeah there's so much violence going on this name Union I make it to restroom I'm getting ready to take on Roxanne's Jim teriyaki kills another Zigzagoon I was about to catch come on alright teriyaki which the problem with Zigzagoon see goes something against the mei-hua Zigzagoon it's like there's that one person always that one pokemon on those locks that's like no no new team members no 60 goons dude but it turned out alright because she also ended up evolving okay destroy Roxanne with ease and we got our gym badge catch a glance at Team Magma is up to no good again something about the scorching earth or something and this old man exclaims that they stole his peak oh that's fine no no no no listen take it from me don't don't worry about the Pico it's irrelevant just get that just get the Devon goods of the papers or whatever what are you safe from the Team Rocket guys team magma here's your dog I'll see you're coming from me the mayor is turning me into his errand boy and I arrived in dewford to give a letter to Steven delivery gun Molalla oh ok cha know what season it was time to take on the school gym leader Ari's a stone-cold killer and MVP in that fight okay I actually I actually used to have a lot of trouble in that gym when I was a kid I have no no longer because of a Pokemon master now and I've never lost another lock ever but I used to have a lot of trouble in that gym back in the day the team is looking good on my way to the next city I caught a tentacle on the beach nice Squidward and after beating Brendan again in Slateport it was time again to get ready for the gym battle with Watson but as I'm not some trainers chumps the mall while got electrocuted a bit too hard and I want to show you how strong I am I feel like that should be more of an emotional moment to be honest you're not allowed to fight in here so I'm what a sort of a shock I miss chomps already and together with teriyaki they are able to get another victory nice riding high three gym badges in and no me novelties no ok ok I can't take this jump slander anymore ok I feel for chomps mobile is a good Pokemon at least mega Mawile is mega more was my favorite mega evolution I don't like the slander right massive confidence we decided to take on the wind straight family's challenge of beating all their family members I thought out front to get him some experience but we ran into some troubles with Grandma it's ok it's last one you'll be fine hi jump kick we can take him out what I need to clean switch first no whispers daddy whispers dad no so I filed the whismur but honestly that was the safest move to ensure no one else died good bye hush child sometimes you see that's the thing in the socks you go to make sacrifices sometimes I've done all the time chat always yells at me I'm like guys we gonna sock someone off who was knocking off and then chat turns into a hive mind they're like the old shoes different Pokemon I'm like great I can't make anyone happy now someone's gonna be mad at me you might be missed while we were heading to fall Arbor fighting some trainers re-evolved oh look at my I love swallow so loser had to get through the city grass on 113 oh yes bendy excited Team Aqua and team magma arguing about water and rocks do I have to be here go up the volcano they were blocking to fight Maxie the Team Magma leader that was a hard fight onion and teriyaki were able to take out his mighty Anand camerupt but it's which Inari and double team up to win the battle not I thought I was in trouble that geez but it worked and we're moving on on the way down okay now I ran into a matchup which add here a female did I shudder you're sad and started getting through Flannery's gym during that time Squidward was almost killed by a fury so I mean kecleon it was confusing as the wide kecleon is even in this gym but it has flame throw it serious so it's just like yeah we're gonna throw this like this no type in question oh no three times lucky came time to battle he pulled his weight and more honestly with the team their job would have done to Flannery's fire a pokemon but Squidward came in clutch by learning bubble beam yawn squid man may go on squid winder belt Brendan met up with us outside the gym to give a scar so we could walk in the sand storms I found a claw thaw jazzman an ERISA was born I didn't know what to name it so got a random Gary no it was time for the training Chad evolved into Machoke and the team was kind of looking like me now kid oh oh no yeah yeah I'm predicting some deaths yeah I'm predicting some death boys re re can take this well I don't know it's gonna be hard yep I meant squeak by with more double-teams oh oh GG god dammit first slacking someone the second stronger one came out I knew I had to use a different strategy I brought out I know every word and try and get more chip damage in which works but who was also killed by slacking his facade which I knew finish off the rest of the fight but that was the first death that actually heard oh no that's their side someone's just chopping onions in here horrible I need to fill onion spot all right you got at least in your first nose lock you got the main man Nuzlocke you got the nose lock if you don't know by the way mouse lock was a person that had like that nuns lock as are no sleep as like their main mascot when they created the nose look that was like their main mascot so hey at least you got the boy representing the squadron Watson asked us to help him turn off the city's generator and while down there I found a Magnemite hello you want to come with friends friends friend best mates wait Catchings perky the electric can while fighting some trainers corn survived two very close calls he took a sword stance boosted for now bye ninja that's what effective do well which resulted in him tanking a wing attack from a tail oh this guy you got this card yes boys yes I'm so sorry you're such a trooper good news is Squidward evolves while training so that's a neat we work on our tree city and this was a gym I was really nervous about not only did we know I'd be good you'll be good he was fine a flying-type gym oh no you would not be fine is notorious for sweeping teams if she sets up too many dragon dances I went to the grass to train up the team and the worst happened corn was you know whippin missile from a Zigzagoon wait to be fair when you're quitting your quad week to something there's only so many of those moves that you can take like it survived the pit I survived the fury card before it's not gonna survive the next one sorry four times it's like it's like the Karma coming back from the fury swipes not killing Squidward before and now corn is dying to the pin missile because the floor time heads going into an owner's gym and by opening up a space we could get the type advantage we needed to stand a chance with a heavy heart which is friends and best friends I'd be fine no many Merrill's to get zip zap zop on par with the rest of the team you want to know when your Thunderbolt can be used 15 times before it runs out and okay a maths lesson I love this Center almost six separate times to refill it meaning zip zap zop killed more than 80 Merrill that we're living in that Lake and now the population of Maryland that Lake is severely lower than it was before takeout but definitely brought out alt area which made me very scared because exactly which and I knew no one on the team could take two hits from this cloud bird so I ultimately decided that I'd have to have zip zap zop terrible is it in exchange for his death no no you weren't here how long but your efforts will not be in vain I don't know why I am like really standing zip zap zop in this right now yeah I see let me know what your favorite team members right now because I am I am a zig zags up stand right now I want this boy to go all the way live the earthquake on 2hp like a mad lad yes corn must have been looking down on us for that one definitely a 90% chance zip zap zop was supposed to die with that string of luck I was able to switch re-enforce if zap zop to predict go on re quake and going on right away at the alt area which was not gonna be slowly but surely starting to back up those dragon dances which make her move but more powerful and I was legitimately sweating but with what little luck we had left Winona got greedy yeah to get in that way Malka now speeds no sir chance re now search at wait ways the ways the ways the sound effect the having here I have here this re kill its finish a decided to attack at any point she would have one shotted anyone and everyone on my team probably oh yeah you shined your photosynthesis on to us from there I'm what's concepts up and sweep the rest of her team this let's go boys was ours I need zip zap zop to make it to the end to catch I tried to have good wait didn't get that in the sparse or outside this vaartha I was saying from the dirt but he honestly has like no matter is damaged so I decided to replace him with sin we are I tried for a Pokemon but Chad punched the wailmer I reeled up too hard we killed it is one funny and while trying to get the master ball they've got on the ground an electrode exploded and almost killed Chad after beating their admin they escaped into a submarine and I went on to fight the next Jim Haden Liza were the first double battle gym leaders someone's got died here showing I was under yeah it's gonna be a old Floyd series and that they don't have any more than two Pokemon so here we go should be okay no no oh yeah II 242 yeah good luck mate made a good duo being able to confuse and paralyze them butts cards managed to get off a sunny day powered flamethrower in zip zap zop snow no no no I was hoping it would be that I would open you be here until the ends I thought we smite that was my main boy damn it so much work for the team and really cure is far the rest of this fights for you zip zap zop squid berry band together with sin were able to finish off the day by tomorrow seventh gym badge all right Sparky you're up I miss a job job I think I single-handedly wiped out the entire water pokemon population between zip zap zop and it's okay it's how I miss plenty of water in this field and went out to take our maxi one last time for some reason I didn't learn my lesson when being underleveled for Tate and Liza because I was even more retro ready this shopkin I'm glad my Deanna is ordered to Squidward when his crobat came out and looked documentation side here because Squidward was killed by a high roll wing attack oh no it's a small range of damage and it's not actually the same all the time and it's kind of based on chance so even though it it's kind of [ __ ] I'd have lived to wing attacks maxi was able to get a low roll on the first one high rolls are the bane of nuzlockes how many times have you been like I can live this and been totally ok click the button BAM it's a high-rolling you're dead how many times me all the time which was the death of a Squidward time to give up we had to persevere for Squidward re came in and took out that I must accept on one HP when hit by camera ops rockslide squeaked by nice good going shot like Chad's that carry of the team teriyaki spend like relegated to the back in terms of being a fighting type it's just Chad's been doing it back and seriously grind up the team again if we were just a bit more under leveled we would have been murdered blobby joined the team and he got to work arriving in sootopolis Steven and the sootopolis gym leader Wallace were there saying growl done was in the cave because someone used the wrong orb and pissed him off so I went in there I think and masterball them immediately there's obviously fighting able to take out his Luvdisc and see leo sin beat his whiscash psychotic the team was perfect and I'm painting our final gym badge I knew we knew uh so you're gonna you know evolve that a choker or just come he's kind of hanging around with him a show just sport out there the Elite Four we got through Victory Road well it's for the last time but he just needs to stop and there was the final challenge here we go Sydney was up first and honestly he wasn't a challenge at all Chad and he decides to take care of his team with ease even a vault there with sin and Bobby being MVPs Glacia was a bit tougher teriyaki was able to take out her Glalie since I could handle her see Leo's chick snick can tank a lot of hits and can do a lot of damage I'm shackles because I have one I brought out Chad and she was able to get in a good amount of damage should have all been really killed by Blizzard sin can confuse it but it broke through the should have evolved they would have been fought in action and landed a shear cold sure this is a one-hit ko hitting the target and will fail if the level is higher than the user's conditions it hit and sin was killed that's unfortunate team members down and out Chad was with us for so long and pulled so much weight and sin got us through some tough battles even with those losses we were able to finish Glacia off and move on to the final elite 4 member Oh Drake tough team good luck and she wanted revenge for her fallen calm yeah super saiyan themed every single one of Drake's Pokemon just a straight-up massacre is he when it was on to the last battle chavin balls even stone legitimately nervous I led with spur key to take out his Skarmory as quick as possible and blobby was able to take out do it all in Agron but their aim is Metagross this Metagross is Steven strongest Pokemon so I do for Sam so much as I could before it started doing serious damage I knew his Metagross had earthquake which would definitely take out most of my team so I have spooky kamikaze to get a paralysis off a lot of hard work finally beat the Metagross by spamming sir terry guys finishes crazy Lee and his final Pokemon with our maldo Gary's final revenge for getting Gary's final revenge cuz he got relegated to the box all right Jose Aldo killin it then let's see I don't think I'm always gonna kill Anthony from the team I brought out blobby because teriyaki was pretty weakened and after realizing she gets powered by him Oh gonna have to die oh no me heart blobby pulled off her last surf getting our maldo in the red and was killed oh it didn't the Pokemon who's been with us from the start who'd seen her friends die in front of her the og refused to let any more murder happen onion corn zip zap zop zip sins wait wait wait you forgot about Chomp port chomp please come I need some justice for job lobby they're zeros and ones will go down in vain one good kick to the head and we did it we completed the Pokemon a lot of work to get us to number one a cheers to the true mad lads oh that's actually kind of adorable I'm not gonna lie I haven't glad I watch so that is a really fantastic video that takes you on an adventure really does like you got to let me know who your favorite team members I was standing zip zap zop that entire time die again that's absolutely fantastic Jaden's link will be in the description of course you can go and check out the video for yourself I would highly recommend that you subscribe to Jaden animations because the animations as you've seen are spectacular and they all fantastic a nun definitely worth a watch if you did enjoy this video then let me know in the comments below let me know what other videos you'd like me to react to if there are any other videos you'd like me to react soo let me know in the comment section below thank you so much for watching make sure you follow me on Twitch and Twitter and Instagram because i stream everyday on Twitch I post every good day on Instagram and I tweet every day and I post some really funny tweets so if you're not following me on Twitter then you're probably a big doofus for headed here thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time thank you so much to our twitch subs and YouTube members of the day remember if you are YouTube's member or a twitch subscriber that both gives you access to the sub discord and I appreciate you supporting the channel thank you so much guys
Channel: Patterrz
Views: 2,834,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon ruby, jaidenanimations nuzlocke, jaiden animation nuzlocke, jaiden animation pokemon, pokemon ruby nuzlocke, pokemon, I Attempted my First Pokemon Nuzlocke, reaction, react, reacting to i attempted my first pokemon nuzlocke, reacting to i attempted my first nuzlocke, patterrz, patterz
Id: wdxHHj28eE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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