I Attempted my First Pokemon Nuzlocke by Jaiden Animations | Aychristene Reacts

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we are checking out a new Jaden animations animation y'all were like hey check out the Gina's animations animation she just got a new one check it out and I'm like ok I'm gonna check it out the new gen animations animation I missed out of like a song right so many click that and put a beat to it and send that to me alright I will post you everywhere this is I attempted my first Pokemon is it Nuzlocke or you know I don't know how to say you know let me know what type out the pronunciation down below let me know if I said it right nuns lock for news locker anyways links for this video is in the description box below for you to check out in the Pokemon community there's a set of self-imposed rules you can add to the games to make them more challenging called a Pokemon Nuzlocke you can only catch the first Pokemon you run into per route if a Pokemon faints it dies and you can't use it anymore and you have to nickname your Pokemon to get more attached to them that means if you aren't careful you can technically lose a Pokemon game under those conditions I've wanted to do a Nuzlocke for the longest time I've started a couple in the past but never actually got to finish any because see I didn't wear a day that all changes I decided to make a video on my first full attempt at a pokemon ruby Nuzlocke let's see how it went after breaking free from the back of the moving truck my mom stuffed me in and introducing myself to the neighbor Brendan the kid that I always thought was a monkey said that he heard screaming up ahead professor birch is getting mauled by a level-two Poochyena so I let his Torchic out and she scratches the crap out of it he gets me Torchic for rescuing him and I named it teriyaki my first Pokemon more I ran into Brendan who challenges me to a battle where Terry actually proceeds to also scratch the crap out of his Mudkip good job teriyaki two for two doing great professor birch gives me five balls and the Nuzlocke has officially started to catch my first Pokemon and ran into a Zigzagoon or you know we're gonna have a really awesome adventure oh it would happen dude so ten thousand one shotted Zigzagoon with a critical hit scratch us whatever contain your murder a little bit alright guys right around the corner and that's where i was able to catch corn the seedot after watching the weird table he struggled to catch his first pokemon i continued on to route 104 and found a little Taillow in the grass this have been screams and hungry and teriyaki peck his eyes out dear porque Oh Shroomish Oh named you onion I make it to take on Roxanne's Jim teriyaki kills another Zigzagoon i was about to catch because she also ended up evolving onion was able to discern got our first gym badge exiting the gym we had to glance at Team Magma is up to no good again something about the scorching earth or something and this old man exclaims that they stole is Pico oh sorry oh here's your dog I'll see you're coming with me the mayor dance me by turning me into there and boy and I arrived I offered to give a letter to Steven and all right what do we got that's creepy okay chomps he's a stone-cold killer and easily earned MVP in that fight GG two badges in and the team is looking good okay to the next city I caught a tentacle on the beach mmm-hmm Squidward and after beating Batman Brendan again in Slateport it was time again to get ready kinda gym battle icing but as I was fighting a trainer yes jumps the mall while got electrocuted a bit too hard and it was killed Jaden let's battle I want to show you how strong I am Oh all right this is an electric Jim you're not allowed to fight in here so you can just wait outside Jim trainer's onion avoid their prelude and together with teriyaki they are able to get another victory that is main casualties with our massive confidence we decided to take on the wind street families challenge of beating all their family members I had sweated out front to get them some experience but we ran into some troubles with Grandma oh goodness oh god it's gonna do a high jump kick I'm gonna take him out what I need to clean switch first okay is he okay oh so I had to sacrifice hush child the whismur but honestly that was the safest move to ensure no one else died by hush child while we were heading to fall Arbor fighting some trainers are evolved we're almost a town but we had to get through the city grass on one three I was like the grass or snow jeez see Team Aqua and team magma arguing about water and rocks can I go laney and I had to go up the volcano they were blocking to fight Maxie the Team Magma leader rocky were able to take out his hair camerupt but his gold bat hit hard I ended up having to switch in Arion double team to win the battle okay the most honourable of strategies but it worked and we're moving on all the way down the volcano I ran into a mad about tire there Chad what you're a female oh did I stutter Flannery's Jim during that time Squidward was almost killed by a fury so I've been checking on Oh oh my gosh that does a lot of damage okay but when it came time to battle he put his weight and more I'm not leaving the team there wasn't much I could have done to Flannery's pirate Pokemon let's chat word came and clutch by learning bubble beam and it was all over for for under our belt okay I met up with us outside the gym to give us goggles so we could walk in the sandstorms I found a claw fossil and an erisa was born I didn't know what to name it to my friend named him Gary now after some training Chad evolved into Machoke okay leveled up I started the battle with Ari and after relay are you in trouble yeah nah nothing oh my god an image to squeak by with more double teams I was barely able to take out the first lacking when a second stronger one came out and I knew I had to use a different strategy Takato onion to leech seated and try and get more chip damaging which works ok good who was also killed by snow which I thought he could take Chad was able to finish off the rest of the fight go Chad was the first death that actually heard crying someone's just chopping onions down there's enough and corn stepped up and I was ready to fill onions spot Marvel again Watson asked us to help him turn off the city's generator and while down there I found a Magnemite alright you want to come with Catchings perky the electric sword stance boosted fury cutter by ninja and a miss click from me which resulted in him tanking a wing attack from a Taillow [Music] I'm doing it corn I'm so sorry you're such a trooper good news is Squidward evolved wallet okay so that's a neat arrived in four three City and that was a gym I was very nervous about not only did we not have a good team to take on a gym but Wynonna's Altaria is notorious for sweeping teams if she sets up too many dragon dances I went to the grass to train up the team and the worst happened no I was killed by pin missile from a Zigzagoon you should have teriyaki is this why you kept trying to kill all the good things I want to thank that corn sacrificed himself because he knew we were at too much of a disadvantage going into my Nona's gym and by opening up a space we could get the type advantage we needed to stand a chance I brought zip zap zop the Magnemite to the to do I had to fight so many Merrill's to get zip zap zop on par with the rest of the team can be used 15 times before it runs out and I have to go back to the Pokemon Center almost six separate times to renew it meaning zip zap zop killed more than a team arrow that we're living in that laptop was able to take out but she immediately brought out alt area which made me very scared because I know she's got earthquake on that thing they have a clean switch and I knew no one on the team could take two hits from this cloud bird so I ultimately decided that I'd have to have zip zap zop paralyzes in exchange for his death Oh goodbye zap zop you weren't here for long dear your efforts will not be in having it be told in a story like this way live the earthquake on two HP o corn mothers are looking down on us for that one definitely a 90% chance zip zap zop was supposed to that like the way that this is being told it's like as if it's a story with like creatures but like it doesn't seem like it's like a retelling of a gameplay it honestly feels like a story you know these cute little freaking creatures and they're fighting and then they die but this was like the ender the way she's animating the story is just it's really really freakin good and especially the with saying that corn is the one that might have looked down and saved them and you see zip steps off with the eye like he was crying like I see you like he's gonna cry I feel it are you in for this got to predict another earthquake and started chipping away at the alt area which was not going to be baby she was already starting to stack up those dragon dances which makes her moves even more grateful and I was sweating but with what little luck we had left wenona got greedy and tried to get in that last dragon dance and that's when I was able to swoop in and snipe that kill to attack at any point she would have one shotted anyone and everyone on my team porns you shined your phone this is on top and sweep the rest of her team the sixth gym badge was ours there you go safari zone I found a desk oh I was able to catch directing him from the dirt but he honestly has like no moves that do damage so I decided to replace him with sin we arrived in lilycove and I tried fishing on the beach for a Pokemon too hard and killed it we saw team magma's base and while trying to get the master ball they've got on the ground an electrode exploded and almost killed chat which was uncalled for meeting their admin they escaped into a submarine and I went on to fight the next Jim Tate and Liza were the first double battle gym leaders and I dare late I was just a tad underleveled for them they don't have any more than two Pokemon so I think we should be okay 42 yeah that's way more Oh Oh Finn and zip zop me a good duo being able to confuse and paralyze that's good soul rock managed to get off a sunny day powered flamethrower in zip zap zop space which kills them no really sucked he put so much work for the team and easily carried us this far the rest of this fights for you zip zap zop when word came out and together with him were able to finish off the duo seventh gym badge all right Sparky you're up Sparky you gonna hand out the entire population between zip zap zop and Sparky I would say even Cod blobby this feel and went out to take on Merapi one last time for some reason I didn't learn my lesson when being underleveled for Tate and Liza because I was even more underleveled for Maxie really 41 it doesn't go down this fight was rough Chad was able to take out his mighty enemy but I resorted to Squidward when his robot came out and luck wasn't on my side here Woodward was killed by a high roll wing attack oh wait oh c'mon works is there's a small range of damage and attack him do it's not actually the same all the time and it's based on chance so even though it looked like Squidward could have lived two wing attacks maxi was able to get a low roll on the first one and a high roll on the second close the death of squid but it wasn't time to give up we had to persevere her Squidward already came in and took out the crobat and lived on one HP when hit by camera ops rockslide it was a tough battle but we squeaked by Chad Barry after that fight I needed to take a step back and seriously grind up the team yeah if we were just a bit more under level them up we would have been murdered we joined the team and we got to work eventually arriving in sootopolis Stephen and the sootopolis gym leader Wallace were there saying graudin was in the cave because someone used the wrong orb and piss them off on accident route on and masterball of them immediately there's no way I'm fighting grout on now get in the box Oh Sparky was able to take out his Luvdisc in see Danny beat his whiscash and Chad finished off the Milotic Hey team was perfect and after obtaining our final gym badge I knew we were ready for the Elite Four we got through Victory Road well he tried to fight us for the last time but he just needs to stop we exited the cave and there it was the final challenge okay here we go Sydney was up first and honestly he wasn't a challenge at all Chad and teriyaki were able to take care of his team with ease it wasn't difficult either with sin and Bobby being MVPs Glacia was a bit tougher teriyaki was able to take out her glaring smirk you could handle her stelios but her walrein was the bernoulli's rings are thick can tank a lot of hits and can do a lot of damage that's I would know because I have one I brought out Chad and she was able to get in a good amount of damage but she was ultimately killed by Blizzard sin came out to try and confuse it but it broke through the confusion and landed a shear cold shear cold is a one-hit ko that's a 30% chance of hitting the target and well if the target pokemons level is higher than the user's but even under all those conditions it hit sin was killed too great team members this for so long and pulled so much weight and sin got us through some really tough battles even with those losses we were able to finish Glacia off and move on to the final elite for Mary Drake Drake's got a tough team but we've got a blobby and she wanted revenge for her fallen comrades she i steamed every single one of Drake's poke oh wow just a straight-up massacre okay that it was on to the last battle there's one more Steven stone I was I led what's perky to take out as Skarmory as quick as possible Bobby was able to take out his clay doll in Agron but then came his Metagross this might be the end is Steven strongest Pokemon so I needed to hinder it as much as I could before it started doing serious damage I knew his Metagross had earthquake which would definitely take out most of my team spooky kamikaze to get a paralysis he came out again and after a lot of hard work finally beat the Metagross by spamming search area he was able to finish his crazy Lee and his final Pokemon was armaldo Gary's final revenge for getting booted from the team I brought out Bobby because teriyaki was pretty weakened and after realizing she gets to shotted by him what I knew she was gonna have to die so with a heavy heart blobby pulled off her last surf getting I'm Aldo in the red and was killed teriyaki the Pokemon who's been with us from the start who's seen her friends die in front of her right oh gee refused to let any more murder happen ok onion corn zip zap zop I've been like emotionally with this for the pretty much the majority of it but when she was naming up all the babes like as they died it's like oh no corn oh no it's it's tough oh no see but like what she's naming them off consecutively it's just freaking hilarious I gotta take that back start who's seen her friends die in front of her the og refused to let any more murders termination onion corn zip zap zop Chad since perky blonde in vain one good kick to the head and we did it yes impleaded the Pokemon Oh teriyaki and re were the only survivors whole team put in a lot of work to get us to number one that's good Cheers to the true mad lads yes that is so cute Jaden's pokemon ruby no Nuzlocke oh this is a really cool like outro Inbetweeners this is this is really really cool thank you for watching thank you for my team where they'll insta made this video possibly yeah like this is a really freaking cool video like excuse me it's one thing for her to tell her story and you know it's like do a game play like this this is actually really freaking cool cuz you know I do gameplays I'm a gaming channel and it's me playing a game and I'm talking along gaming but you can see it all happening so a retelling of like a gaming adventure and experience what you experience during your journey and animating that I think is Nick his next level in it it's really really cool it's super pretty cool like you get to be a part of the gameplay in a different way especially the way she told the story there were times where she was like she said when she said what corn was looking down and I'm saved was an onion she saved her whoever she saved by you know stepping in and they were able to get the victory and then that one didn't die that time they end up dying later but it was like you were on this adventure in this journey with her versus just watching it happen so I feel like it kind of helped you dive into it a deeper way versus like a regular gameplay and this outro is really cute you have her characters to ride in the bike and then the way that the text is coming up like the credits on the video game but it still it's a credit super video so I really I think the whole thing came together very well I enjoyed the journey I like teriyaki was the one that was my favorite so I'm glad teriyaki made it re was cool Ari's her bird but teriyaki was the one I was like okay I want teriyaki laughs okay I could make it so when I thought teriyaki almost died I was like oh no but glad teriyaki made it but let me know your thoughts down below in the comment section what did you think of the video which Pokemon unless you which pokemon outro I'd love it that way that she had was your favorite and you know obviously we know if they died or not because we watch the video but let me know what your Pokemon was your favorite down below in the comment section if you liked the video journaling in the description box below to support everyone involved in making this video with Jayden if you like this video click that like button I love you guys I've always been until next time buddy [Music]
Channel: AyChristene
Views: 1,145,181
Rating: 4.6471772 out of 5
Keywords: aychristenegames, aychristene, Aychristenegames reacts, aychristene reacts, reacts, reaction, react, reacting to, I Attempted my First Pokemon Nuzlocke by Jaiden Animations | Aychristene Reacts, Jaiden Animations, Pokemon, jaiden, jaidenanimation, ari jaidenanimations, jaidenanimations, theodd1sout, jaiden animations ari, animations, draw my life theodd1sout, jaiden animations vegan, theodd1sout draw my life, jaiden animations bio, video game art, jaiden animation ari, pokemon nuzlocke
Id: 2hL3RibXXWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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