First to Catch the Random Pokémon Wins

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we're racing to catch a randomly decided Pokemon and the first to catch it gets a point the first person to 10 points wins our Target Pokemon is going to be young goose oh no that's everywhere and where are you going John where are you going John where are you going we're gonna count down you're gonna stand right here and just not move okay three two one go oh wait you actually oh wait you I thought we were I thought we were standing wait you you tricked me oh I'm a devious man aren't I like I was more focused on the fact that it's young goose first and I'm wearing a sweater that's silly goose University oh you like that sweater don't you oh my God that's a shiny hoppip oh my god oh what are you serious excited boy I'm stealing is shiny I'm in his game it's my shiny he spawned it first I get the steel is shiny all right well I got the young goose I'm so upset with you our next Target is Shroomish oh interesting remember John no fast travel so we got a ways to go I it's not fun or comforting when we go the same direction are you chasing me dang it oh you ran me into a pig that was brutal okay it's fine it's fine I found it already greetings my boy my child wow boom eat that shiny boy no I still have the shiny and I don't want to eat it John our next Target is going to be Gyarados oh dash dash oh my gosh my stick wouldn't press hey yo what the can we get a more unique Pokemon I know Gyarados is in the sea I don't know what sea oh there you are I see you why are you leaping cause it just makes my brain happy to to change what I'm doing or are you just trying to find Gyarados in the sky because it is a great Pokemon for teams game remember the first one where you didn't use it for the sky and you used a dog instead I have grown significantly as a person I have an amount of confidence that's more than zero I am in the middle of the open ocean I saw a single shelter where are you why would I tell you that wait why don't I see you where's your little face stealthy stealthy stealthy stealthy stealth oh I guess I'm just gonna um swim around the entire map I keep seeing Magikarp come on now I'm worried it's only on the other side of the ocean this is a slow one so I don't even know where I am I don't know what my name is I'm struggling man I have made an error I got it I got it I got it I found it no dang it okay got it yeah I never found a single one our next Target is quill fish okay let's see if this strategy works out for me what strategy is that you keep asking as if I'm going to tell you oh my god karate on just climb just climb how tall is this Cliff uh how tall is Shaq I don't know it's bigger than Shaq was that helpful not even mildly I can draw you a picture stop it okay I don't need this do you want this but friendship I do want this friendship I also want people to subscribe to have a JTV plays putting a lot of work in these videos and I would love to have the love of your subscriptions and get this channel to a million oh my God I see you you're battling one yeah did you get here before me it was the shack Cliff it was not true what you're saying maybe it'll make it a little explode subscribe to Evan Jay plays our next Pokemon is graphia oh we know where to go we do know where to go only one place just who has the greater Need for Speed oh this is going to be an actual race we know exactly where it is only one place in the game oh my gosh she's so uh not not ahead of me nope no what no I'm not behind I do not see him I'm not scared I'm not trembling in my boots did I surprise you yeah bananas smoothie that wasn't as surprising no I was more putting them together we were a team oh my camera's gotten all crazy my camera is falling behind my character oh no this is weird John is it just ain't no no makuhita stop it no no I oh yes oh I figured out a shortcut [Applause] I'm really banking on the fact that I might have shortcuted my way here otherwise it's curtains for the old John guy I see the poisonous Flags no I mean I gotta see them too but oh welcome to Lang tree Thicket boys and girls oh he's even insulting it don't give him what he needs catch with great haste no there we go oh man can I get a bang boom bang boom so I have a Need for Speed look you need to say kachow more often you say Need for Speed so often ah ciao does anybody actually say Need for Speed oh there's a gimme ghoul up on that Cliff there like a like a chest one yeah it'd be really cool to see if I was following you I think I'm not I see you I turned my camera around you went so confidently it freaked me out I can only remember a single location yeah and you're way more confident than my maybe I only had the Maybe you're gonna follow me all the way here and then catch it before me aren't you that is my entire plan it's not a good plan because I'm following but it's the plan oh I actually wait now I know where it is no no no no you don't you are a silly goob silly goose Mikey no goob it's different and it's worse I graduated top of my class and you will respect that maybe I did major in goob and goobering doesn't mean you can throw that out willy-nilly the really interesting part of this challenge is that while I knew that it spawned all the way out here your confidence of going right away made me worried there has to be somewhere closer do you go with your gut or do you go with your butts I always like my booty where are you you were right behind me I got I got turned off course best chance to make it would be I have to forge my own path I am deeply disturbed by the fact that I don't see it yet oh where oh where is the silly sunflower it is silly frankly what is this Pokemon aha oh there you are you goofy Little Flower so deflating you could say it's deflowering wait no you can't you definitely can't say it I caught it our next Pokemon is oracorio oh no oh no indeed this does not give me as much confidence as I wish it did look at us we're buddies yay how are you getting ahead of me surprise what what happened when you see the edit it is so far in front of me and also invisible it likes a nice Underdog Story you know the the the game throws an obstacle in my way but I still I still find it yeah but everyone's proud yes that's how that that's how these stories go right Mikey um yes a bearded man down on his luck wait constantly ridiculed wait or taste in Pokemon that isn't even real wait a minute you will overcome the treatment of him overcome being multiple points ahead in the John Michael cup season two to become the first ever back to back John Michael Cup champion Mikey we're right next to each other what up to me I got here first and then you ran past me what what yeah yeah I don't know what happened I found squawka Billy instead come on oh I see another one though if I don't catch us with the quick ball yeah I found it I did what a cinematic Zoom that is the most full ball has ever been on my screen John what John our next Pokemon is Altaria ah Cloud Bird Okay shadowy figures in the distance please let me pass oh no don't slide down the hill what are you doing avoiding the obstacles as if they're not even there maybe they're not there John maybe you're just hallucinating your own obstacles oh no I'm losing and losing my mind oh wait a minute oh come on I could it be I am lagging like mad I found SWA blue oh I found those yeah oh okay I don't care about the little SWA Blues I think I'm in the right area but I don't know now it's so nerve-wracking with these ones or you just have to go so far yeah when the sea SWA blue like did I get unlucky would does alteria sometimes spawn no with them I don't know oh I am very much in my all right I'm almost to the place where I know they appear yes yes yes I was right okay it spawned with the swallow blue no John I found it okay please come on please come on oh my God I turn around there's a go go okay please go go I have to go goat wake me up Go goat what oh this is not my day did it take down well I haven't found one yet so my confidence is shattered oh on these other birds I'm literally looking at an empty field where are you where it be hey it's it's SWA Blues there should be an alteria here right yes yes okay please who's this after two of them I will be devastated thank you oh my God I caught it uh all right John our next Pokemon is teddyers I know I've seen it so many times yeah I do too but I keep thinking of like where it is in Legends Arceus all right um you ready no if you're following me we are really going off of a hunch and nothing else oh no Fletchling oh I will lose him I'll lose wait no if I if I lose you there's the chance you just find it because I don't know where I'm going if you are if you're going off a hunch if I go elsewhere maybe I should I'm going to go elsewhere I'm going to be bold Brash and hopefully I don't belong in the trash I invisible Pokemon guide me to Victory my weakness will become my strengths you might encounter fewer invisible Pokemon if we're separated oh this is a good call because I think the invisible ones are ones that I spawned in that just haven't loaded for you visually yet is my theory they also could be ghosts here to torment me why are you sliding there should never be a slide the bicycle lizard isn't that bright they replace part of its brain with bicycle I suppose that is fair I mean the wheels don't even do anything when it runs around it it wasn't the smartest it's an inflatable sack what do you mean by that and then a curled tail they're not true Wheels John you're gonna be nice to her right on all right people are already mean enough with that picture of no one having bought its plushie I forgot about that which is very upsetting because it is the cooler of the two I like Merida let's be clear it's a lizard we respect lizards in this YouTube Community but I prefer karida um I well I was a bold Brash but I've found myself in the trash I feel pretty good about where I'm going trying to climb this mountain but it's bumpy well I found Ursaring where is the smaller one that's so much more crushing than if you had just found the dead ears oh oh oh there it is underneath the tree a tiny little baby bear I was gonna go look under trees too that's the crit capture let's go three why do you not have a bear The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein our next Pokemon is going to be burgmite this Berg might be a tough one there's an invisible Pokemon about to strike you down any moment now no I did get white oh my God and it's invisible as soon as I run away okay right on flies significantly slower and he runs you ain't lying I like this part uh it's just a big field I just get to go straight for a while it's not bad there there's no Demons of my past hiding and waiting Demons of your past wait do you care to share I just assume the the invisible the Pokemon are our little demons I have reached an icy area I will find the bergamite I'm gonna turn it from a bird might to a Burg will where is it Berg will where are you no no no we're both looking for it I haven't found it I know but I have been trapped by a tree spawn in a different area on this map oh my god there you are greetings you silly goose man Oh Me Oh I found it no oh my God you I thought you had found it I was so Crest Fallen oh no man it was oh you were right in front of me caught it oh my god oh dang it the amount of emotions that I went through in that round I I got so far behind I caught up to you I thought you found it you just found my silly goose new Pokemon Goomy Goomy Goomy Goomy Goomy gooey yeah you gotta go uh-oh as soon as we went different directions I knew where you were going and where it spawned this is there's a little muddy spot well I I remembered something after I felt like I had run into hopelessness so hopefully this works I hope not I hope the Gumi shows up right away from me oh I have some amount of faith it showed up right away for me there you go I caught one now hey it's a Goomy that's the car our next Target is Magnemite many people are scared of artificial intelligence or Ai and it's not hard to see why I'm following what no are you following that I got trapped oh I see you running off you stupid jerk okay how did how did I get got I don't know I mean it's just like just slept for so long the spawns have been messing you up I'm glad that the only time it has helped me in this entire video is when I don't know where I'm going that is that is good timing game thank you all right well I hope we're going to the same place because if we are I actually have a chance if we're not right all right where are you wait you running into a Pokemon for the first time actually got me because they did know an earlier place to find oh my God I'm returning this game tomorrow there you are yeah Victory next Pokemon is cryogenol a lot of places to find that Mikey indeed I think it my favorite is the very sweaty Forest do you melt cryogenhole do what I want John dip Dodge duck dive you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball dance I didn't even see what you ran into yeah I ran into one that just spawned into my body oh no all right well I got hit so um fire with fire I need my Army of the chunks I need to turn your hatred toward the other John Michael we have the same name that dog was it was hidden in the ground okay never mind Pokemon I know it's haha funny when you appear out of nowhere but oh my I and I see you are you kidding if I didn't run into three Pokemon in front of this silly man you see me I'm right behind you what route are you taking apparently the right one it's so like terrified to turn around and just see you there I am a lizard I am a lizard and I'm gonna go faster than the other lizard are you on top of the mountain already uh it's snowing how I'm from the the winter land Mikey I walked through snow today I know my way around this area it's fine I have crested into the snowy area which means my cryogonal is moments away I can feel it all snowflakes are different and unique and they're they're all good so come out wherever you are crocodile have you gotten a shiny Crag and all I've gotten two that's cool oh oh I was about to say shiny cragonal though in the sky crack it'll come over here Fly Away cry there's one for me yeah that's thank you my worst nightmare was so close to happening dang it I just entered battle with mine our next Pokemon John is gonna be Dreadnought Tom my problem is that the place I most think of Dreadnought being was a place where I got an outbreak hey hey look look at us who would who would have thought get away from me get away from me oh we're both climbing at the same time no get off the ledge go right on oh I'm lagging like mad that actually happened to me too I thought it was just me I think it's because we're so close to each other no no no no little oh no no no no no no oh my God cried on don't I John when I tell you I cannot stand this stupid wrapped truffle it is most of my outbreaks it is little why does it become an ostrich I just it's just it's stupid and why do you have to stare up its skirt to find the shiny I feel uncomfortable I've never found a shiny and I don't think I will preach preach there's so many things wrong with flittle Beyond its name its name is great what the heck that's an oh my God I ran straight into the smallest tree I need Katie to edit in just the doink of a field goal hitting the uprights no don't slide oh now I know what you're talking about with sliding the slip and slide how do you only just now know what I'm talking about do you not deal with that Agony on a regular basis no honestly no oh my God I a freaking ledge just hopped slid down most of it okay I know it spawns here not to not to ignore your thoughts I'm just very nervous I'm very stressed I can only fumble Bumble right now where are you I I got here first I just need a little like an average amount of luck oh I found them okay oh no things are looking dire he is oh my god oh you found me oh yes I found it I found it no please I knew it spawned here I knew it spawned here I knew I got it John our next Pokemon is going to be Jigglypuff that's a balloon it is a balloon hey Mikey do you know where Jigglypuff spawns closer than I do I don't know where you know oh come on come under bug scatter bugs come to me stop him what are you some insect super villain now descending Swarms Out hey Mikey I uh I have a complaint where do I drop it off um the suggestion box okay well it's an it's an audible suggestion could you stop running into Pokemon uh both times I need to follow you it's really good strategy but I know you're not doing it on purpose and that's the only thing that's frustrating me you know where I am no because I went in front of you okay I have immediately given up I'm going back to where I think it spawns ah there it is I hate Scatterbug I have no other thoughts I got it our next Pokemon is it's him now yeah it is for following me I don't know I you haven't you know where they are yeah I am not an expert I know one place spawn quicker it'd be so much cooler if you just spawned quicker wait are you already at a place where Hypno is watch this there's a Hypno where are you all for nothing or all for for one and one for okay I caught it nice Pokemon is belly Bolt I'm up against the Frog expert I know of two places no three places it shows oh my God another scatter bug this video has not gone enough my way for you to be anywhere near me with the belly bolt round if I lose this one I lose a part of my heart and my soul I am nowhere close to where I was going where did you already find it yeah my belly build is hopping hippity hop I said a hip hip hop I just caught it all right John the score is nine to eight if I'm able to get this I win it all nope no pressure let's see what our Pokemon is Hawlucha oh God okay I come on are you kidding me which direction did you go the alpha what's the town name it shows up in alfornata I think so I'm not sure I am in area zero that was the other place I was gonna go I thought you might have known a smarter spot well there's the Northeast area you know it's the bamboo forest and the spiers and stuff but I I thought area zero would be quicker I might be completely wrong that's the thing yes oh that was that was disappointing all for another [Music] well I hadn't gotten there yet oh oh I didn't quick ball it well if you spawn here Hall Lucha this is the time boom victory for Mikey is that your catchphrase when you wouldn't know
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 963,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon scarlet and violet, scarlet violet, gen 9, union circle, random pokemon
Id: mASphq1Skhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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