Pokemon Scarlet, But I Only Use Frogs

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even with the discovery of a brand new frog Pokemon paldea is home to just two species of frogs so I've come here to find out where the rest of the frogs are while reminding people of how powerful frogs truly are but I didn't journey into this region alone I was able to sneak in the egg of a powerful frog Pokemon Froakie come on out little buddy couldn't be happier having you by my side treeby but we got a lot of work to do I might not know much about the paldaya region but I do know there's a brand new species of frog somewhere around here no lily pads no frogs it just feels so empty without a frog in sight wait what is this that's supposed to be a Whooper what's going on in paldea I just need to find out where the professor of this region is they'd have answers for me seems that a friend of mine is a rather serious matter they'd like to discuss with you this is what I've been waiting for it's so nice to meet you we have so much to talk about the great Crater of paldea at a site known as area zero what's going on down there or rather other what kind of Pokemon are they hiding in there what are you doing I'm sorry Professor I I have bigger things to do here I need to find out what's going on with the Frog Pokemon maybe you could help me with that bye have a great time wait no what about the frogs I don't know if I can trust that Professor but there's something being hidden in area zero and I'm gonna find out I need to prove to these people that I can be trusted with the secrets of area zero I think that means we gotta beat some gyms either way I need to go find another frog Pokemon bicycle lizard you hop this is the best news I've gotten in a while let's go find that new frog everyone's been talking about do my eyes me or is is that the Frog we've been looking for this whole time bad bulbs the name there may not be many frogs in paldeo but there's nothing better than a newly discovered frog Pokemon welcome aboard froggerton and if I'm right there it is the first gym building our first chance to prove how powerful frog Pokemon truly are bug Pokemon don't you guys know that bugs just get yourself a frog save yourself the trouble and the heartache eat up my cute little Pavilion are you taunting me I will not apologize for what my frogs are about to do to your bug team come on traby it's time for a snack delicious right you know what triby don't be a glutton froggerton come in and have your snack come on froggerton you're a growing tadpole it's still easy thank you for feeding my frogs what's next Teddy Ursa when did Teddy urso become a bug Pokemon is that like that weird Whooper I saw that is not a bug Pokemon whatever let's finish this off Trevi that's not enough tree but you gotta hang on buddy go I knew I brought the right frog to this region you wanna see me do it again let's go [Music] let's go you're the Frog for the job Travy and would you look at that perfect timing those bug snacks absolutely did the trick nice to see a Frogadier I cannot see I'm legally blind so far so good but we gotta do a lot more to gain the trust of these people I remember Arvin saying he needed some help let's go see what he's up to Arvin my buddy who's this guy again the Stoney Cliff Titan what is the Stony clip this thing is ridiculously big is it gonna be even stronger now after eating those herbs I think any tree be like a snack this is a threat to frogs everywhere I don't know what's going on here but it needs to be stopped come on freebie I know you can do it let's go treeby that crab's not gonna bother any more frogs that's a good thought Arvin there it is you aren't lying Arvin we're gonna deal with more of these Titan Pokemon I need something to combat them we're gonna need the ultimate frog and maybe this herb of mystica is our way to get to it what do you looking at oh you're not getting the sandwich should I saved this for the ultimate frog Professor Sada that's exactly who I wanted to hear from funny you mentioned that sauna I just battled the crab That Grew way too big doesn't eat frogs should I be worried what's going on here can you not hear me I'm asking about the Giant Crab something's up with that Professor maybe a gym leader could help what did they do to sunflora what are they doing to the Pokemon here this is a nightmare this feels like a grass gym and I don't think this team's ready for that but thankfully this Region's home to at least one other frog that I think could take on the grass finally that's a swap and you know what you find in swamps ogres but you also find frogs and that's what we're after immediately I am home are you winding up the punch me Pro guns foreign I like the cut of your jib you are perfect for the gym let me tell you welcome to the team Hopkins I've missed you I'm happy to have pro-gunk on the team but why is crogunk the only old frog Pokemon to be found in this region there's plenty of room in the swamp for another frog Pokemon there's plenty of room in paldea for more frogs where are the rest of the Frog oh there's more to this story and I'll get to the bottom of it but first Crow Gunk I think it's time you help me with the second chip what are you doing up there yeah this is the kind of guy I need on my side I almost feel bad for how this is about to go Hopkins it's time for your big entrance small live it's a little Olive guy destroy it I know all about pseudowoodobrassius you're not gonna trick me that's not a grass type that's a fraudulent tree wait what is he doing is that what they've been doing with sunflora did they just turn son floor into a magical hat I need to get out of this town dude what is happening here that was so close I let you down buddy I let you down we got one shot to fix this come on triby it's not a rock apparently you should be fine oh let's go maybe you shouldn't have put the magical hat on hey trailblaze this would be an awesome move to teach Bulbasaur ever heard of it brassius no don't leave hey what's going on hassle what compels you to collect these Gym badges and strive to be Champion oh my God are they onto me is hassle on my side does he also want to find the frogs I'm here to find my treasure frogs all paths lead to the great Crater of paldea they say oh hassle thank you I knew I was right to take on the gym leaders now we've been noticed by the Elite Four and I could be raiding too into it but what we're looking for is in the great creator of baldea just gotta get some more information gotta find that next gym leader two hours later I gotta admit it I am very lost is that bird pooping Boulders Arvin are you seeing this show me what you got does he want me to run towards the boulders oh my God this is insane I thought the crab was bad what's going on here this might be the craziest thing I've done but I gotta do this for the frogs dude we gotta take care of the bird we gotta take care of this bird man come on triby come on get this Menace out of the Skies the only place that bird could have come from is the great crater funny you should men mentioned that area zero was home to wondrous herbs that instantly impart Vigor when eaten we dubbed them Urban mystica and attempted to grow some in areas around paudia however before we could harvest the herbs were eaten by Pokemon which in turn grew large and strong we call these Titan Pokemon there's herbs in the crater that make giant Pokemon that devour frogs I gotta get to the Great crater and I gotta get there quick this wasn't here before downloadable content the hidden treasure of area zero who is trying to mess with me I know the frogs are in area zero I know you're hiding something oh come on I can't swim okay I've always relied on my froggy friends to get across and the stupid bicycle lizard is good for nothing can you jump over huh you've been copying the frogs and learning to hop can you do that [Music] when did you learn to swim are you learning to become a frog and there it is the city for the next gym finally I was a streamer as well as a gym leader so we want you to Dazzle her audience wait a minute if we could beat this gym leader on a live stream everyone will see how great frogs are and know that we are the right people to go into area zero and save all of the frogs that I'm sure are held there against their will you're being broadcast live to the world right now not just the paldaya region but the world it's time to shock the world and punch our ticket to area zero is that a bird I got the first electric frog on my side it's time to embarrass you a bit look how great my little tadpole is Luxio I think we could switch out let's get rid of this team huh oh my God what's going on maybe we underestimated the electric types but that's fine froggerton you know what no this isn't what I envisioned at all let's just finish this once and for okay she won't expect it when you turn into a normal type next turn we got her right where we want her had the electric frog this whole time what am I proving to the world people tune in each week to watch her battle fools with a belly Bowl they already know how strong this new frog is and I don't even have one I just have a tadpole don't you care about the other frogs I oh no I we still everywhere we want her it's fine okay it's fine electromorphosis what's that oh my God what we got one more trick up Our Sleeve triby come on pull through I had the whole world watching my moment to prove the power of frogs prove that we would be worthy to go into area Zero Save the frogs what do we do we lost to a freaking frog this is the end of the road how will anyone respect me after this come on don't give me that smile froggerton come on I I can't stay upset around you you're right we just gotta figure out how to turn you into a belly ball and then we'll prove that was a fluke not only will we beat this gym but we will destroy the rest of the gyms make it to the Elite Four and force them to let me into area zero we're gonna get our answers for the frogs but first we gotta unlock the mystery of how to turn you into a bellyboat buddy you with the sunglasses yeah okay that's not you're an electric type you haunt her that's maybe the battle stadium has some Billboards and maybe it's hopeless how did you evolve your tadpole Thunderstone A peculiar stone that can make certain species evolve wait a second there we go froggerton there we go with your beauty belly bolts we might have lost on live TV they'll give us one more chance I think we're gonna get the last laugh she'll battle me again I don't know if the stream's still gonna be going hopefully we can reclaim a little dignity here another stream we're still gonna have to take on a few other gyms after this to really gain the respect we need but maybe it's not over you send out the bird and I send out the Frog we ain't scared of a beauty bird not so tough when I got a belly ball huh would the world watching it's even now belly Bolt versus belly frog verse frog and we ain't losing this one we ain't losing this one water gun oh come on just one more and there we go you look at my belly boat world and you see raw power there's nothing that can take this team down not even a ghost in a hat wearing a second hat This is Our Moment no one will doubt frogs ever again come on eat that snack I packed you buddy eat that snack come on we just gotta get past this ability froggerton we just gotta get past levitate come on froggerton you'd never smack yourself on the head you'd never do it no not like this not on a stream Frogger 10 there we go don't give them the satisfaction Frogger 10. the other frogs gotcha hi Trevi froggerton hasn't let us down it's our turn come on there we go that's good damage hi treebe we're on a live stream the world is watching what are you gonna do triby [Music] that's the Frog I know and love we go look at us in this moment world this is what frogs are made of this is what a team of frogs can do from this moment on you ain't seeing this team lose a single battle oh iona's gone but did you see the battle chairwoman of the Pokemon League that live stream really got some eyes on us if I'm right we're well on our way to gaining that respect and getting into area zero it's time to work towards the Ultimate Weapon when did Pac-Man become a Pokemon I don't understand this region at all we're here for one thing and one thing only I need that weapon this giant worm confirms come on Hopkins you ain't worried about a worm you got a hat that worm ain't gotta hat Hopkins there we go Hopkins get that overgrown worm out of here that giant worm will never eat another frog let's go collect that Urban mystica don't even think about it bicycle lizard what do you want now Sada can we finally talk about the frogs just just the just the bite try to tell me this thing can jump like a frog now oh my God first you can swim now you can jump what's next huh oh no I haven't goodbye that was weird this is what I'm talking about if I started a frog Jim this is the kind of place I'd want to do it and look at that pond behind the gym come on hey there he is his way I'm worried this guy's not gonna be a lot of help with the frogs there he is near the Water Gym Leader and I've been wondering do you know where Poliwag is or Politoed Polly wrath any of the frogs you know shines so brilliantly aside maybe we could use this for the Ultimate Weapon ah absolutely kofu I can go buy the the seaweed for you if nothing else one step closer to the Ultimate Weapon sorry man can't get the seaweed back but you can battle me for it I never would kofu let's get this over with that's a Volusia Vault switch and destroy it froggerton wug Trio I was really holding out hope you had at least one frog man enough messing around let's end this get that thing out of here one more chance to send out a frog predominable he's on the side of the giant crabs eating the frogs he's not an ally to frogs he's an enemy I should have known let's finish this so close froggerton so close but it's okay Hopkins got this we ain't dropping another battle we're certainly not losing to a crab oh it's finally time it might not be the ultimate frog but it's pretty close this is where the team hits a brand new level only one more Evolution before the Trio's complete and I think I know how to get Hopkins to evolve cue the draining montage [Music] let's go beat some gems who's the first gym leader who has to face the new and improved Trio Larry quick question before the battle do you know anything about Poliwag timpole any of the other frogs that makes sense a sleeping Pokemon let's make short work of this that's just the power of doxycrow we ain't switching it's two oh so close I'm worried a little sucker punch has a tree let's end this froggerton oh you'll love to see it froggerton you love to see it wait it gets stronger with paralysis oh no what have we done dreamy you can't let us down buddy you can't there we go signature move for the road and it's on to the next gym no one's taking these three frogs down let's go take on another gym time to add another badge to the collection dead Fierce Pokemon battles what are your plans with my frog Pokemon I feel like you should have some more lines about frogs single battle double battle triple battle rotation battle it don't matter the frogs are coming away Victorious oh I didn't see that coming I'll be honest get that puppet out of here hang on Hopkins treeby that was a mistake GG rhyme we had a good run but boy is it over come on is this the best you got bring out the funny hat toxicity wait a second people are always trying to tell me that toxicity is a frog it's not a frog it's a lizard first the bicycle lizard and now the punk rock guitar lizard are they trying to replace frogs with lizards yes I had a chance against a real frog never in your Wildest Dreams toxicity I appreciate it but it's not me the frogs have evolved and I don't think anyone can take them on if I'm reading the map right the next gym is all the way across the region so we might as well stop by and help Arvin take on another Titan the Ultimate Weapon needs some more urban mystica what are you supposed to be is that a sand castle where did you become a Pokemon Arvin said there was supposed to be a Titan around wooden Mega alakazam's beard is that is that supposed to be a dawn fan giant crabs giant Birds giant worms now this oh God it's coming right towards me no no no not today I don't know what that thing is but a regular frog can't take that down I wanted to get all five Urban mystica but this has to be enough to call upon the Ultimate Weapon when I said I came to this region with one egg I lied I was told that when the time was right I'd know to hatch this Egg and I would be rewarded with the strongest frog ever created I don't know what's inside of this egg but what I do know is if one Urban mystica can turn a crab into a giant imagine three Urban mystica and that legendary seaweed and what it can do to a frog now do they think about it all of those were eating the urban mystica eggs came eat anything I just surrounded the egg with Urban mystica and then wrapped seaweed around that I don't even know what the legendary seaweed does here goes literally everything frogs everywhere are counting on you little guys no way it is a giant Froakie its eyes are almost up to my shoulders imagine how big a giant Greninja will be let me send this guy out it's a regular sized Froakie I just changed color kind of eating Urban mystica makes you a giant surrounding an egg with herb of mystica makes it a different color and stronger the Ultimate Weapon is here I'm putting a lot of faith into you General Dart I need you to lead the other frogs in the battle against that giant monstrosity but first what are you supposed to be first the frog that comes out of my egg is a different color and now there's a red meta type it Sparkles did this meditate get an urban mystica too or legendary seaweed I don't know what turned Froakie a different color I'm gonna send this to my top people to find out why this meta tights red Europe balding General dark and just after we found that red meta tight there's no coincidences maybe it'll be giant who knows that looks exactly like regular Frogadier I got my eyes on you we found the red meta type Froakie immediately evolved it's all gotta mean something I just hope it means something good all right General Dart this is it this is where do you see what your army can do for Hara tried to make a make a giant frog so you're sending out the tallest Pokemon you can find why didn't like that one bit just gotta work around that reflect come on froggerton they're not ready for this no that wasn't ideal time for the prediction we really need this to work come on way too easy now watch this let's avoid that super effective dazzling gleam nice try and bye-bye reflect who's next hi treeby come on Brody and only switches once I forgot that's okay triby that's okay we gotta switch come on froggerton I believe in you live this hit and get the para buddy come on there we go froggerton this is gonna be tough but I believe you did your job buddy hi Hopkins there isn't a gym you're less suited for but even with that I know you got this one Sucker Punch dang there we go only one gym left I gotta be honest the Frogadier Revolution was incredibly underwhelming I don't have much faith that this thing is going to turn into a giant fun you never know oh oh my God General dark you look incredible it might not have turned into a giant frog but this frog will lead us to area zero and there it is the final gym when we become Champions with a team of frogs helldaya will have to respect frogs and let us investigate area zero we've gone through a lot together to get to this point show off your brand new move let's do this that's fine I ain't too worried that's okay we just need one miss Hopkins just one miss that's all we needed let's finish this this is your time to shine Hopkins get that hat on and let's go to work General Dart sit back and enjoy the show this is where we show you what this team can really you just threatened to throw me off the mountain Hopkins and this now it's getting out of hand and there it is all eight gym leaders down and out just one more thing standing in between us and area zero General Dart this is your team to lead now you've seen what they can do it's time for you to show them What You're Made Of it's time to go take down that Titan there it is General Dart just like I told you I don't know where this Beast came from but I have a suspicion this thing belongs in area zero I was right I knew this thing had to come from that crater I knew it if I beat this monster you let me into area zero I'd be like that's fair I General Dart this is where you prove yourself to the team and prove yourself to the professor this is a big moment for us come on get this Behemoth out of my face I defeated great toss I think it's time you let me into areas here or I can help out with whatever's happening I promise why are we talking about the bicycle lizard no maybe we just need to beat the next Titan you all saw that you all saw the green Merrell General dark I don't know what's going on but you're changing the color of the Pokemon around here no I know there's a Titan to defeat oh my god did that thing just eat the Titan wait the fish is still alive it's all up to you Darth there we go with the Titans defeated we just need to wait for that call from Sada and finally we can get into area zero that's all you have to say Sada I just beat all of the Titans what more do you want we're gonna take on the Elite Four and become champion in this region after that I'm going straight to area zero I expect you let me in okay finally our opportunity to show the world how strong frogs truly are I may have seen that loss against iono they're also gonna watch us become Champions So It Begins General Dart lead the frogs in the battle one after another the ground types will fall just let me go to the champion already huh volcano Campbell come on send it whatever you want no one's taking down the general pod sire huh didn't believe this is a real Pokemon but I've learned its tricks you're not gonna get me General Dart Ice Beam hang in there dark so close when one Greninja goes down the other one steps up traby finish this thing this is why I say bye bye Hopkins show them what you got stealth Rocks come on Poppy I buy birdie bye bye Hopkins finish this welcome on triby one more hit one more bye-bye Larry Larry Larry you're the strongest trainers in this region I know you've been waiting for this one dark you think you could intimidate dark we already fought the biggest bird the world's ever seen you think you can intimidate us didn't even stand a chance when are you gonna throw in the towel Larry pop those balloons and let's move on does he have Dragon Eyes am I gonna get frog eyes either way let's beat them get that overgrown lizard out of here I think it's time we get froggerton out here there you go froggerton there you go oh you know what they say an apple a day something something something these battles have been fun but we came here for one thing and one thing only bring us the Champion frog Pokemon might not be the most plentable thing in this region but I'm ready to prove they are the strongest we win this and they'll have to let us in the area zero how could he say no to a champion let's do this it all started with you treeby come on dark we got him right where we want them close perfect outplayed every step of the way I know the Frog for this guy is this all you got Gita is this all you got come on out froggerton everyone's gotta have a little fun just as we planned one more Pokemon standing in between us scenario zero we set out on this Quest and it's almost complete finish it Dart oh darts it just feels right though Travie it's been me and you since the beginning we did it team of frogs really can become Champions it's time to journey into area zero I think this is it I'll push the gate just gotta push the gate they forgot to unlock the gate weird but whatever look at this this is what I'm talking about a lot of people we're looking for right Professor Sada is that you I became Champion I showed you how powerful frogs are what more do I have to do to prove I'm worthy to go into area zero maybe Arvin will know what to do there you are Marvin I've been looking for you this better be about area zero you need our plot me into area zero I'm currently at the deepest point of area zero and the great Crater of paldea I'm asking the two of you to lend a hand and to help carry out the final step of the great professor sana's Glory is research we're going to area zero finally this is really happening we're really going to area zero I'm Coming For You frogs we spent so long trying to get here and finally this just looks like a land not touched by time perfect for the Bulbasaur line wait a second that's a river and look at that a little Pond hidden away I think we found where the frogs are why are there so many gold Ducks there has to be something else here it's just one setback doesn't mean they're not here is this stream any different frogs love eating moths I don't understand this is the perfect place for a frog what is that are they doing experiments on Kanto Pokemon to give them hair maybe there's some answers inside thank you Sada what is going on some of the life forms that you see residing now within area zero are ancient Pokemon that lived in a distant past long lost to us kind of like Venusaur is a prehistoric frog right zero labrum located contains a time machine summons the ancient Pokemon to this place if this is like a trade something's got to be sent to the past to bring those things forward Sada what are you sending to the past I want to jump to conclusions but oh my God you're right the bicycle lizard's been spying on me this whole time but why why me I just wanted a team of frogs I'm not that special fine I'll play your game Sada is that an ancient misdreavus how many Pokemon were traded away to bring these here what happened to this building what is going on is that a building in the crystal we will find out what happened here no we're not gonna ask the spy for help Arvin they forced my hands [Music] I told you guys it's a spy it alerted its friend that did not go the way I thought it would maybe the bicycle lizard didn't betray us how many Pokemon did she trade to bring these here I'll get the answers we've been looking for don't you worry it's finally time to get some answers there she is Professor soda what's going on here deactivating sleep mode you're not the real Professor Sada figured that out at least okay that's cool and all but where's the real Professor oh no no that's what happened there the original Professor had a dream of a world in which ancient Pokemon might live alongside present-day Pokemon in harmony but these Pokemon powers seem to stem from a primal energy of the ancient past and this energy is proved too terrible I got so focused on the professor trading frogs away I forgot my initial thoughts these ancient and giant Pokemon destroying the frogs that lived in paldea normally we have to stop this time machine I thought we were training to become Champion to get down to area zero but it turns out it was much bigger than that we've been training for this moment the entire time up to the John guy you're mistaken it started with Travie and ended with General Dart but all together these frogs create team frog and there's no way anyone can take us down team frog I know you won't let me down we might need a crit Hopkins then headbutt no Hopkins it can't end like this hang in there traby come on come on froggerton I'm gonna need you to absorb some hits this has to work perfect this needs to kill treeby it needs to kill there's still a chance get back in froggerton come on we need a para come on para there we that's what we needed yes froggerton it's even now three frogs versus three ancient monsters Brew bunny sounds French get back in your general dark the troops need you you can't let us down here Dart you just can't we take those okay don't know that was way too close come on tree B you know what we have to do come on dream come on there we go [Music] there we go what is that thing is that some sort of ancient flying toad it doesn't matter we need to take it out that wasn't enough just a little bit more tree B just a little bit more that has to be enough you did good tree but this is where the Ultimate Weapon comes in general dark end this for once and for all there we go there we go no one can beat Team frog for we did it team frog comes together to save the frogs and this is where it ends I don't have anything to battle with I'll let you guys down High School lizard you'd battle for us I thought you were a spy has it learned the way of the Frog it learned to swim it learned to hop and look at it now let the love of frogs flow through you cried on come on go ride on you can do this yes let's go oh we did it this should be the end but something tells me it isn't I'm not going to give up on my quest I will find the rest of the frogs and I'll bring them back to palday mark my words You Haven't Seen the Last of Team frog yet
Channel: PM7
Views: 1,162,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pm7, new pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, new pokemon games, gen 9, new pokemon game, shiny pokemon, frog, team frog, pm7 frog, pm7 frog hat, pokemon scarlet but, pokemon scarlet but im team frog, new frog pokemon, frog pokemon, pm7 frog pokemon, pm7 shiny pokemon, pm7 pokemon, pm7 pokemon scarlet and violet, generation 9, nintendo pokemon, pokemon but i only use frogs, frog pokemon only, frog pokemon scarlet and violet, frogs
Id: 1cA0AeVl2Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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