Explore the Wild Area RIGHT in Pokemon Sword and Shield

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what's going on boys and girls what's up world Austin John please here and today we're gonna be taking a look at the wild area so for those of you who may be picking up and playing this game today I know you're very excited I'm very excited too and there's a few things and nuances I've learned about the wild area that I think you should know when you start out the game now your first time in the wild area you're only gonna be on foot and you're gonna be trekking it and you're gonna be really slow SuperDuper slow it's up to you if you want to wait until you start to explore the wild area until you have the bicycle which from mana Stoke City you do the the story cutscenes you make way to Route three you make her way to the gallery mine you make a way to root for you have your first gym battle at turf field and then add Route five right after the Pokemon nursery is when you're going to be able to get the bicycle now the bicycle is a game changer it makes you go so much faster than just walking around oh thanks Diglett when you're playing you're gonna notice evolved Pokemon not in the grass those are very strong looking Pokemon if you try to take one down there's a very good chance it could kill you very easily unless of course you did a whole bunch of rate battles and you spam to all live your exp candy into your starter Pokemon at that point you can pretty much just take care of them no problem what's ironic though is I'm not allowed to catch this Pokemon because I don't have the required gym badges but I'm 10 levels higher than it and I could take it out when in two hits essentially they don't want you to overplay the wild area especially at the beginning of the game because at the end of the game the wild area opens up so much however if you decide to take all of your candy and give it to one Pokemon and just keep leveling it up and leveling it up it makes it so much easier to level up the rest of your team score bunnies evolving I don't want to do that yet but any Pokemon that you find in the grass in the starting areas and by the starting areas I mean down here which is the rolling fields up here which is east lake acts well and a little bit of west lake acts well these areas tend to have more lower level Pokemon and won't wipe your team super easily now there are some areas that have little corners tucked away like right here that will usually have a unique Pokemon spawn now these Pokemon remember rare Pokemon and let's go Pikachu and Eevee kind of the same concept here these Pokemon do not show up on the Pokedex so if I had whatever that's name is registered in my pokedex and if I were to look at its location it would not state that it's right here instead the Pokedex only shows you areas where it's in the encounter table like in this grass right here so any Pokemon that you see here in the overworld those are unique we'll all call them rare spawns because I don't know the official name yet because I didn't get the official strategy guide yet next to trees small bushes and such you're gonna find a lot of dropped items a lot of these are mushrooms or apples things like that that can be used to sell or it could be used for cooking I don't want to mess with that pangoro right now oh let's talk about berry trees great so for berry trees there is a formula 2 berry trees if you shake it you want to pay attention to how much the tree is shaking afterwards you see how it's shaking very infrequently we're gonna shake it again still shaking infrequently now it's shaking frequently that means that I should stop shaking the tree if I were to go ahead and continue shaking the tree I would get an encounter I believe the encounters are squall vut and also cherrim now you're gonna find this guy right here he does a few things he has what's called the Rotom rally which is a way for you to ride your bike from one area to the next and with that you can earn watts you can do a makeover which looks at the first pokemon in your party and will recolor your bicycle outfit to the color of the first pokemon actually this character I'm making blue so I'll put Sabo in the front there we go these guys also allow you to improve your bicycle for a certain amount of watts that they charge you can improve your bike which will then make it go slightly faster and a thing the recharge time is slower but also you can choose to spend your watts now wishing pieces are super magical stones that you could throw inside of a raid den and that will then cause a max raid battle to begin you have a whole bunch of TRS that are available to purchase these are usually super powerful moves there are one-time use only TMS and also they have a whole bunch of pokéballs the pokeballs are very cheap dusk balls are some of the best pokeballs in the game and only at 50 watts I recommend buying all of them that you can this guy appears in a lot of different areas and all of his different locations have different pokeballs so this guy right here in the dappled grove these trees here in the dappled Grove usually have apples and on rare occasion you may find yourself a I believe it's called a tart apple that's a special Apple running time you see little patches of flowers around a tree you always want to check those patches of flowers that was a Jarrah honey nice and then of course you'll find traditional pokeballs of items these do not respawn no matter what I was a white herb kind of a lame item to find the watchtower ruins even though it's literally sandwiched in between two areas that are lower level this is a higher level area so even the common Pokemon like this gassy right here is a strong looking Pokemon and he can wipe my team very easily but we got away oh and there was another gas late so that's reasons you should avoid these areas especially at lower levels now see you're in a situation like right there where you're about to encounter a very strong looking Pokemon your Pokemon is not doing great once you have the fast travel which after you complete the modest oak cutscene you get fast travel you could just fast travel back here to the meetup spot literally like a centimeter from encountering a Pokemon talk to this lady QV hills your entire team this guy right here is another watch trader he has dive balls here we go here's a here's a really interesting person this is breeder Khloe breeder Khloe has all three starter Pokemon and at various points in the game at different levels and different imagine badges that you have you're gonna be able to battle her she always gives you a lot of money she always has the evolved forms forms of the three starters which if you do not encounter her you're gonna be able to see your three your rivals three and Leon's final form so say for example you pick kruky because I wanted you you wouldn't be able to see score bunny or score bunnies evolution but you would see score bunnies final form now here at a very low level the Pokemon are only level 13 and I guarantee your Pokemon if you're not at level 13 maybe not take her on because starter Pokemon are inherently stronger than you know regular wild Pokemon because they have better stats by the way I have battle animations off right now because well it's a new game and I need to cover a lot of stuff and I can't spend my time on the animations but the animations do look beautiful they really do like especially in the max rate battles oh this is a beautiful game overall like bro you're gonna pick on a tree who cares about what the trees look like seriously like look at that character model look at the depth of field effect that they had it's beautiful $2,600 or pokey dollars her quid nice and she's gonna disappear now if you head down here there's gonna be an extremely powerful give Angela I think it's like over level 40 so definitely avoid that are these machop's super strong can you come here yet oh you can come here nice see ya right here you can get yourself a Machop and evolve it to match oak in the earlier areas you could probably find a Thai rogue and by level 20 that becomes hitmonchan Lee or top I'm really pushing fighting types because well this game has a lot of Steel type Pokemon that you encounter so having a fighting type on your team might not be a bad idea also in the wild area there's various weather types and those weather types do translate into battle like where I am right now there's the thunderstorm so in battle it's raining which increases the power of water moves and decreases power of fire moves and there's electricity on the battlefield which a Pokemon can't be put to sleep or are affected by yawn so that may affect your ability to catch c'mon oh and yeah Ledyard moves are fifty percent more powerful okay awesome the weather can actually really affect like even casual gameplay so say for example you're trying to catch pokemon and you have false swipe as an attack to you know bring a pokemons HP down to one however there's hail on the field that hail will knock out the Pokemon and then you're just kind of Sol out of luck it's a kingler it's so awesome seeing fully of all Pokemon walking around in the world like I know I should avoid those there's a Gyarados over here there's a steelix right here actually this is where we supposed to be so right here at the giant seat where the steelix is we want to come back here and in behind this patch of grass avoid everything yep now this is podracing you can find the team for bulldoze which is a pretty fantastic ground type move that could be learned by a lot of Pokemon who are not ground types okay right again again through the field dang it oh he was a glowing one knocking out a level 38 Pokemon before my first gym badge this game is magical like that and any time you knock out a Pokemon with the waves around them you get watts that's the reason I recommend doing it yeah any time you come across an inactive den press a in front of it for your 50 plus watts but the real thing we're coming for is right where this vehicle volt is this pokeball serving of leftovers leftovers are typically very hard to get in Pokemon games in the fact that there's one out in the open that you can get in the first hour with pretty much no difficulty at all I think it's fantastic I'm gonna give that to Corvus corax he's a good boy good girl it's a female Wow Vica volt is fast glad add my bike there's usually a core of a knight right here yep you don't want to mess with that while they're venturing in the wild area you are going to be able to find evolutionary stones including right up here this is a thunder stone it's always a thunder stone see this girl right here she will trade you watts for random items and she's a Fisher so she usually has some pretty good stuff too big pearls big pearls worth a fair amount of money Conn colder so like right there is a pokemon that normally requires you to trade for it to evolve and you could just catch it out in the wild I'm gonna have a full guide as far as all of the Pokemon that you do not have to evolve because you can catch them in the wild come cold or definitely being one of them right back here is the TM for a facade which is the move that makes it so that if you're poison or paralyze then the power is doubled more berry trees there's a whole bunch of great loot that you can pick up as soon as you start out the game it's just important to not die protip don't die a max revived a Waterstone there we go oh no Vern if you wanted to do this playthrough as an evolution user I already have the Thunder stone and the water stone speaking of evolutionary stones if we make our way over to where the breeder is here in the wild area you're gonna find the digging bros here on the right the one on the right usually goes further but gets less awesome stuff and the one on the Left gets more awesome stuff but doesn't go as far they charge 500 watts for you to do one dig so they're pretty expensive and in the early games you're not in the early level you're not gonna be actually utilizing their services but later on in the game when you have you know 20,000 30,000 watts Oh an ultra ball then it's gonna be fantastic I definitely recommend before really progressing with the story too like coming here and here's a great ball and like just mess around elect watts get some items see all the beautiful Pokemon I can kill you if they look at you the wrong way that like there's NOK dowels the Noons cincy knows a wild liepard oh sorry no those prime Mincey knows here's a sin see no this rakh sometimes has leaks around it for cooking here's another wot trader located right here in the Giants cap right next to the link of outrage and this guy usually has quick balls oh he'll balls never mind God you are useful maybe they're items do switch around like that's the final form of the bug you find on the first route here's the bug you find on the first route now as far as the trees and the berries that come out of them I'm not a hundred percent if different trees have different berries or if they have different percentages of berries that can come out I still need to research that a little bit more for an upcoming video right here's a dawn stone now you see over there that's uh that's one of the best areas in the wild area that's called the lake of outrage up there in addition to that small patch of grass over there is some of the strongest Pokemon in the wild area some of the rarest Pokemon in the wild area including ditto a whole bunch of evolved Pokemon eeveelutions can also spawn over there so there is some really fantastic stuff that later on in the game you're gonna be able to encounter now this crazy dragon head right here is where he's supposed to go much later in the game this is actually after you complete the third gym this is where you need to venture to hammerlock and this guy will actually check your credentials if you have the fire badge before you can even enter and he can fast travel you back to mana stoke which is cool if you're here before you get fast travel he will just bring you where do you need to be this guy right here in front of both mana Stoke and this city he is the cooking guru these guys are going to sell you a whole bunch of ingredients and the one outside of mana Stoke will actually be able to reach your curry decks net balls that balls are dope / waters and bug type Pokemon there's some Pokemon in the wild area that only show up after you have a certain amount of badges once we come down here to the dusty Bowl this area is a little unique because of the shining spots that happened which also allow you to find fossil items that's a great ball usually by the big rocks over here oh there's a flag on just chilling out in the open here's a chuckle poor little guy hey can you can you come over here yeah yeah come on you can do it the little buddy come on oh I believe in you come on don't you yeah yep come on you can do it yeah you're almost there bye here's the sunstone you're also gonna see some areas like this little pond right here that on the other side you clearly see a TM and there's also probably a very strong Pokemon over there again that's gonna be after you get the ability to drive over water here's the Jiang mo or Haku mo whenever the final form is it's one of my favorite things to just ride my bike through the wild area that's in part the reason I'm making this video oh here we go fossilized bird that's one of the four fossil pieces in this game if you didn't know I made a video theorizing about how fossils combine to make hybrid pokemon and that's exactly what happens in this game you make hybrid Pokemon I'll be having a full video coming out shortly as far as all the fossil pieces where to get them and the Pokemon that they make right here is another great example of a pond in uh in the middle of an area that has very strong Pokemon on it well pokemons over there I don't know I can't ride on water yet also riding through the wild air you just start to hear the sounds of all the Pokemon and you hear their cries and you're like I know what pokemon that is just based on like the sound of them oh here's Chloe again boom we could take her on a second time it's a mud steal he's a good pony still while you're in your first time you don't even have the bike yet you have access to max raid battles which you're more than welcome to come over here to areas that you should not be in yet and take a look at the Pokemon here because say for example if you want an all bug team or if you want to have oh there's a dusclops right there or if you want to have a ghost-type pokémon early in the game my face is covering the typing boom there it is it goes flying that's a drift loom if you want to drift loom this early in the game you just do that so even at these very very early levels if you want to come in and you want to take down you know and get a ghost type Pokemon which it I don't know I feel like there's always been this thing about ghost-type pokémon early that it just never happens may that be because they completely ignore normal type moves and a lot of low-level Pokemon have normal type moves oh by the way I can confirm that if you are doing a max raid battle then everyone who is doing the max raid battle gets to catch the Pokemon which is great because on different people switches are different raids that show up oh here's another another fisherperson a pearl string that's money so guys I hope my early game guide to the wild area is gonna be helpful for your playthrough for Pokemon sword or Pokemon shield if you haven't done so be sure to hit the like button down below if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe turn on notifications until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 1,719,607
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Keywords: pokemon sword and shield national dex, austin john, austin john plays, austin john plays youtube, nintendo, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, youtube austin john plays, pokemon sword and shield tips, sword and shield tips, wild area tips, tips for the wild area, wild area in pokemon sword and shield, early game tips for pokemon sword and shield, before you play pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield wild area, wild area sword and shield
Id: Ya3o8_F4Nqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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