Championship Battles! Eternatus! ENDING! - Pokemon Sword and Shield - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 20

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[Music] what is a guy Zack Scott here playing Pokemon sword last time you checked in we fought ilianna at the Rose tower and now supposedly I am ready for the championship battle what do you guys think you think it's true I don't know we're gonna find out we're gonna go to go to windin stadium and before we do though I want to thank you guys for over 1.6 million Jews in the first episode that's all thanks to you guys leaving over 28,000 likes so keep those likes pouring in we could just ride a thing there but am I really that far when I have a bike I don't think so let's just take the bike it's just down it's not over here sorry I feel like I'm just down here it's not uh what is that though let's just go here we go we'll get there where my bike I mean maybe I could have just taken the thing but I'm gonna ride my bike because the bike doesn't take that long and well what if we find another tiny thing in the middle the road we probably won't I'm probably got this all cleared up but it's really not that far of a journey and plus it builds the atmosphere builds the mood up a little bit right maybe not anyway here we go to the stadium finally I probably gonna go there a little bit faster but that's ok we're here now and oh there's hot waiting for me hey buddy hi Z dog already beat you on top what's up but I guess you did help me in the Rose towers - thanks for your support hop this is it here a wooden Stadium the greatest stadium and all of Galler you're gonna show everyone the greatest battle ever made and set the world on fire ok I hope I don't set the world on fire so go get yourself checked in alright here I go I'm ready for this I mean if the champion is ready for me I'm ready oh my goodness it's Z dawg you can do it this is the ball guy one time have I already talked to him no I have talked I'm just talking about the dream balls still anyway everyone's waving to me everyone is ready let's let's have some fun with this here we go challenges you dog we've been waiting for you since you won your way to the semi finals you must face off against the gym leaders in all the finals what the gym leaders in the finals okay and they won't be holding back whoever makes it through this final bracket will win the right to challenge a champion so are you ready to go to the locker room now yes straightaway so this is not just the champion I gotta fight all the gym leaders all right well here we go all right and I'm gonna guess since I didn't see opal here the bead is gonna be the the ferry type gym leader I say I'd say I aim to win this thing and I'll do it without using Dynomax to help everyone in spiked mouth reclaim their pride and to see them smile once again all right good luck to you long time no see this would be different sort of battle than you face in the gym challenge those are basically test matches but this this is serious battle sure that she's saying that yeah I don't see the fairy type here so I bet you anything that beep took over I'm going to win my way through every round then I'll be the one taking on Leon if I don't then I'll have failed to reap a dural udon and the rest of my team for all their hard work all right it's up it's a curious feeling my heart is racing a bit but I still can't wait for the match to begin I'll always press on and challenge myself so that I can go on as a pokemon trainer for as long as possible as long as you continue to put yourself your brilliance will never fade I'll be bringing my matches to an end in a heartbeat you'll see no one who sees them will ever forget me my first matches against Rahan of all people what rotten luck but even if he changes the weather around I don't plan on throwing in the towel so easily all right I'm ready will you be headed to the pitch the opening ceremony should be starting soon I'm ready all right then in you go I'm ready I think I'm ready I hope I'm ready I never really could find I mean okay anyway we're good we're good here we go rushing in so what's gonna happen all right it's the champion right here but is he just here for the opening it probably goes without saying but hello gala I'm your champion Leon the Chairman is tied up with some business so I hope no one Minds me stepping in on his behalf in order to lead to obviously greater heights as pokemon trainers of the gala region the time has come for you to battle it out and tell holding the greatest challenge remains I have to read this fast so on behalf of the chairman allow me to say let the finals matches begin oh my gosh I really do it three that fast but you can read it fast silently I just want them reading out that I mean I'm talking like the micromachines guy wait you it's speed right who's that it is a moment if I may does anyone here even remember me I am being the Challenger who was forced to withdraw from the gym challenge beat he's the Challenger endorsed by Chairman Rosa myself I have a score to settle with challengers II dog here I'm aware that this is against the rules but I must ask ton de les let me battle him I'll stake my career as a challenger on this battle if I lose I'll retire from being a trainer what an unexpected turn of events why would they let him do this former challenger beat has come for one last battle we are currently debating what to do with challenger bead to our viewers both here in Sandy him in a home in front of the telly we ask that you please be patient I know this is ridiculous of me but I had something I had to say something do something ever since you showed up everything I've done is gone wrong it was only honor who asked me to gather wishing stars with the Chairman but then the Chairman himself disowned me and then that strange old lady came out of nowhere it drags me into a boot camp on fairy-type pokémon do you have any idea what I've been through covered in pink dealing with quizzes and battles with fairy-type pokémon every day and Here I am pouring my heart out to you when I've never lost my cool before we've reached a decision ladies and gentlemen the champion himself has accepted beens sudden interruption is a champion showing his love by giving every trainer a chance to grow stronger or is it a trial for challengers e-dawg who knows let's do it my will hasn't been broken yet all right so here we go I will face off against speed Shirley and I I guess who's who's Mike who's in the front bead here we go Gym Leader beat it looks like he's the fairy-type leader now but he says gym leader so here we go Mawile all right now right now I have sea dog as my mane and I fought in a while before so let's see what's going to happen here we faced too much to quit now we've got no choice but to win all right so intimidate I can't do what my tank fell okay well super effective fireball coming up here we go boom after a while I'm a while I said that before but it still rings true all right bow-wow fainted alrighty so Pokemon game point seed augment that level 61 soon Gardevoir that's a is that a grass-type no no no that's not a grass type that what am I thinking that is a that is a oh I'm gonna look it up this is a psychic it might be a psychic Gardevoir is a psychic fairy just like our dog so a psychic fairy is going to be weak against not bug because the the weakness is canceled out by the fairy that's the only weak to ghost and not dark because that's that weakness is also cancelled out by fairy send me a link to poison and that's about it so we're talking poison or a ghost attack I could sweat even though I've never officially made him part of my team - we'll go to go lurk here he does have ghost attacks I'm holding something that powers up ghost attacks it says this Pokemon can't use any held items are you kidding me never mind I gave him a whole deal whatever I think this goes to taxing to work out okay against the fairy right I mean actually it not against the fairy I guess I misread that no they gets the psychic anyway here's Gardevoir coming out now my guys not super powerful but we'll see what happens so we're talking about a which one's better phantom forest here we go ha mind don't do anything to me alright the Special Attack Rose special defense here's phantom force oh yeah this takes me some time right here comes the psychic move that's not gonna hit me there comes phantom force one-hit wonder right there that's nice all right good job go alert it's a lot of points for you wrap a - now I myself have a rapid - psychic fairy as well so we're gonna keep the current Pokemon and try the same move here we go so yeah phantom force again okay I'm gonna get my psycho cut that's okay there comes phantom force I'll disappear again it's really pretty good [Music] becomes phantom force boom in the back of the horse head unicorn head whatever rap attack she's been hit alright so the final one c-dawg leveled up and arresting Lee hat hat terrine is the final one it's going to be the one that is is Giganta mac store whatever pan terrine is also a psychic berry so we're still looking at using ghost attacks keep the current pokemons tisk what's with that calm expression think you're going to win I think I will beat what a weird-looking Pokemon but awesome at the same time alright so I'm gonna go ahead and Dynomax and use there we go we got it I think this is gonna be it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right big boys here golurk I maybe should have made him at g-dog since he's been here the whole time lately all right we'll show you a truly great pink it's time for my dear hat earning two Giganta max I don't think I ever I don't think you think I have to get it back any of them maybe maybe I don't I don't know I don't think I do I've Dynomax of course here's a weird shape I don't want to say it's phallic here we go here comes some ghost moves I'm gonna throw all these ghostly things like chairs at you and you are gone super effective [Applause] all right adios all right beep was an easy guy to go against the godom dude I couldn't win but at least I was able to show everyone how great fairy types are I don't think you did I think they saw they were like a fairy type suck all right well I lost it looks like challenger B was no match for challenges he dog and his trusted team hey bean that was some match since the audience don't retire just restart your career but but this isn't what I planned if I was able to defeat you then everything would be fine even if I'd lost I was going to use retiring as an excuse to get away from that old lady you just keep messing up my plans with everyone cheering me on like this I have no choice but to continue to my training as the fairy-type gym leader but I suppose with my talents I'll be able to overtake miss Opel in no time the stadium is filled with voices cheering on these two young trainers now challenges e dog please head back to the locker room so you can rest up from the unexpected match all right sure enough I'll be here rather surprising for challenged Abid to barge in like that in any case once you're ready please head on to the pitch the finals are about to begin now when they say rest stop I mean I'm right on my Pokemon fine are they yeah they're fine they're already rested what are we doing here alright let's go back in I'm back I'm ready to go why not who's next what's next okie dokie the time for waiting is over the finals of the champion Cup are about to begin the two the two trainers to face each other in the first battle of the first round are a trainer indoors but the champion himself challengers e dog as opponent is the raging wave the master of water types Nessa all right what's up Nessa you bring the water back we're talking electric and grass I don't have a grass I do with I do I can't tell like I can tell you've grown far stronger since you faced me in Hull Barre stadium I got to hand it to our undefeated champion he said a proper eye for talent too but you're not the champion and you'll never become the champion either you know why it's because I Nessa I'm going to both of you and Leon both you and Leon I'm not going to underestimate you again I'll use Dynomax to wash you out of just to see and be on the horizon all right all right we'll see you about that here we go becomes an SF you know scare me Nessa what the heck is that still these spod what the heck is that I'm assuming it's water it's a bug water so it's gonna be weak to electric the fire weakness is canceled out the flying weakness is there the rock weakness is there so I'm gonna have to try to rely on electric so I'm gonna switch out I've never faced this before so tdawg come on out we're going to use the electric weakness of water and do some overdrive with tdawg here boom here we go are you ready to rumble I'm probably gonna get hit by something right Swords Dance yes they do all right attack rose sharply now I hope my speed is better let's do overdrive she has five pokemons here comes overdrive there you go easy easy super effective all right see John levels up to 59 golurk is 58 and once to learn the move earthquake yes oh my god yes finally I can learn a ground move this guy puts a hundred all right so take a look I even the defense needs to go or I just need to be better with I don't know man I I still kind of think that maybe maybe I never use iron defense so let me just forget it now I'm okay iron defense might be good in the future but for now I don't seem to need I don't need a restoring mode at least Barracuda that's gonna be justice is that just a regular water let's see Barracuda is a water type so we're gonna keep electric here we go alright beerus you da prepare for some overdrive she has 5 pokemon by the way here comes drill run oh my god oh my god what the heck was that dude I need to heal and I will heal alright level up for our dog and eff tog this guys are doing quite well I do have the healing ability I totally forgot about that my black sludge seeking seeking is probably another straight-up water type it is now water types are weak to grass as well I'm gonna put an F dog so that we can maybe do do well with maybe the leaf blade I guess but I probably need to find a way to heal t dog [Applause] so let's just see what happens here in my bag I'm going to use I could have just done this already what am I thinking let's do a hyper potion on t-dog and then I'll probably get hit I could probably use leaf blade though here's the Aqua ring okay veil of water looks here comes fight we got leaf blade let's do it that was good that was real good all right glad he had that move who next pelipper another just I think this is a flying-type as well if I remember correctly and yeah it's of water flying so it still has that electric weakness so I'm gonna switch pokemons back to tdawg and then do overdrive again all right [Applause] [Music] to have a significant electric weakness for real drizzle you're gonna make it drizzle up in here alright that's fine here we go with overdrive I go first thank goodness and pelipper is gone now whoever is next is going to Dynomax or Giganta max even so let's see how that's gonna go I get to heal again I love that ability look at that sludge healing me the Dreadnought okay I know dreadnought dreadnought is a water-type is it a water ground or just water its water rock so it's still weak to electricity so I'm gonna keep the current pokemon we're gonna blast it with an electric attack looks like I'm down to one last pokemon I've been saving the best for last all right here comes red knot I have a ddong on my team time to Dynomax and do max lightning and now it's in God's hands I'm pretty sure I can guess how this is gonna go [Applause] here we go alright t-dog [Applause] flood the stadium and make it our ocean dreadnought time to gigantic max dude look my head goes off the screen I'm so tall let's see how big this is compared to me that's a pretty cool look but I think I look pretty darn cool as well [Applause] tell me again yeah here we got max lightning goodbye Dreadnoks another one hit on my head just it man see the perfect view of my torso [Applause] alright well that was awesome I can't think of what else would be better than that alright that was cool super cool in fact [Applause] all right well you had no problem hailing our surging might it's no wonder that you won yeah I just think I did pretty good dude and the winner is Z dog are you two time to hug he defeated Nessa during the gym challenge and now has pulled it off again you and your pokémon are just too much even with my Dynomax partner you weathered our waves and stood firm now that I think about it Sonya was saying something about how amazing you were I wish I'd paid more attention to what she was talking about I bet everyone gathers got their eyes on you now you defeated my team so now you've got to ride that current all the way to the end now don't go anywhere ladies and gentlemen the second battle of the first round will begin shortly all right I beat Nessa B baby beat Gordie Ryland beat Milo and piers beat kibou I cannot believe piers won that one does it make sense it probably makes sense but I'd have to look at the different types to know for sure like this fighting really beat I guess fighting does beat Rock right fighting I mean there's no yeah fighting does beat rock if you look at that so okay I'm just gonna assume it don't make sense it may not but dragon beats beats grass I'm sure yeah dragon beats grass that that makes sense as well and then what's that what Spears oh yeah Pierce's emo versus whatever kibou is I don't even know what could be whiz anymore I don't remember is that fine I don't know anyway let's just go on give me piers 1 all right I'm good let's go back out I'm ready to just begin the next round of immediately here we go I'm gonna go against be on Bay ladies and gentlemen where are you at the second match of the finals of the four remaining challengers which two will be left for the last match if you're just tuning in ladies and gentlemen we witness quite the surprise during the finals here at this year's champion Cup as the former gym challenger bead storm the stage but Zee dog was having none of it this year's top challenger made quick work of him by washing away Gym Leader Nessa on the other side we have the gallery prodigy let's hear for Gym Leader BAE via I don't know how to say her name everybody she's here though she thick I promise you my attacks will shake your very soul this time may the best trainer win all right so fighting-type we're lucky we got flying psychic and fairy our dog is gonna make quick work of her probably all right hawlucha all right hawlucha is one of those types that's just straight-up fighting and flow notice on fighting flying sorry I misread the situation so we can do electric you may have okay well I wasn't even reading what she was saying let's save them bother let's just fight with fire I don't care we're good let's do pyroblast this would be a good head there ain't nothing wrong with fire I mean I'll do everything but it did everything there we go all right there you go who's next the Lynx is just straight-up fighting so we could definitely use our dog here my strongest Pokemon actually no sea dog what no no no that's our so I have misread it look sorry for those it's 67 for d-day was 57 all right here's our dog beautiful our dog the Lynx coming out whatever you like man we can use whatever move you want she has five total let's use this dazzling gleam let's use psychic that's a ninety attack there you go I'm going to attack your mind your mind all right so dee-dawg leveled up to 58 sir fetch that's also just a straight up fighting type so we're gonna keep the current pokemons I to have a surf edge to myself I enjoy him I mean her quite a lot let's go ahead and then and do another psychic move boom sir fence you're going downtown downtown all right grap lock another just straight-up fighting type from my memory maybe it's a fighting water I don't know all right easy-peasy who's she bringing out for the finale though I gotta I gotta know about that who next Machamp okay yeah just another no Peter in Pokemon our dog is really doing it's time to dig in our heels I'm not giving up so neither should you all right here comes my champ not a big deal so we're going to Dynomax our moves 1:30 let's do this max Starfall that was a fun one [Applause] you're ready for it [Applause] that's what I like to see all right here we go you can't really stand a chance I'm so tall [Applause] here we go get ready Machamp you're about to get max Starfall to death oh he was stood that I do I was hoping to go down in one hit that's okay that's okay I'll get you next time there comes next flare fire doesn't really do much to me nothing special what an attack though huh [Music] all right so just to end this I could do let's do max strike I don't think I've ever done that before Oh full restore son of a all right fine here we go magnitude next strike I thought it's an efficient mop of this but here's a cool move it's a normal move though so I just want to see what it look like his feet fell let's do max mindstorm now all right there you go you're gone and I'm a beautiful unicorn [Applause] this is a feint if it's like they explode at birth all right can experience our dog level up to 66 not too shabby right all right she touched your boobs your strength nearly made me want to turn it and run in my bare feet all right here we go [Applause] he has been defeated challenges Enoch has shown his skill thank you for a wonderful match let's hug I really enjoyed battling you and your team I'm upset that I lost but I also feel so satisfied and so refreshed in a way I guess you could say it was the best sort of match anyone could ever hope for I hope that you'll meet many more trainers and have many more matches in the future and I hope that every one of those encounters will nourish your spirit the next match will begin in no time so stay in those seats folks you want them to get up oh yeah Ryan hunt won again okay dragon-type that's fine so contender Ryan gloriously defeated considered peers no surprise there but if we're gonna go up against assists you shouldn't be forcing your way in here sorry is he dog I thought my bro could get revenge for me but he lost to Ryan you look so sloppy out there that people are gonna think we're both weak because we're related you gotta run sis right I was just that strong but I was able to show everyone in the audience how amazing a proper battle without using Dynomax can beat all right I get it but that's exactly why I wanted you to win I still thought it was a brilliant battle though Marnie come out with me come out with me we will fight it's like - isn't it don't over using - anyway come out with me come out with me Marnie we can do it two-one-one there'll be fun I'm counting on you to win Z dog got that I'll be cheering for you started coming for a chinwag just before the final match - Ryan's waiting for you on the pitch we're looking forward to a right good battle so last time you know I had I had a great combo against Ryan and I don't know if he's gonna be sending out one or two but I'm going to switch our dog up there and F stalks still gonna be number two and we'll see how this checks out against I don't I don't know if he's gonna be doing doubles again you know I don't know that should be against the rules honestly but let's let's see how Ryan does maybe this ins out one at a time anyway blue blue will be fine I don't know here it is the last match of the finals who will earn the right to challenge the unbeatable champion Leon will it be the brilliant rising star challenger Z dog oh really but the only trainer that champion Leon calls his rival the tamer of dragons Ryan I think I'm saying is it Rehan Rehan I don't know you're really something else kid you made it all the way here I guess that's why the champion himself endorser yeah Leon's my rival and he chose you so I've got to first prove I'm better than you if I'm to beat him I've reworked my whole team and now we're all geared up for one-on-one battles you might be thinking that you beat me on once already but if you think I'm the same right on your face during the gym challenge you'll soon regret it alright so one-on-one battles huh let's see what he sends out I really don't know what to expect alright gym leader right Hahn is sending out what torque whole torque holes interesting I remember him from a previous game but I just don't remember what he is I think he's like a fire I don't know so he's like a ground he's easy he's a fighter he's a fee is a fire alright so as a fire type we want to use water ground or rock fish I finally do have of course here's a thing I got a steel ghost don't I so pokemons this is kind of this might be one of the weaker ones we do have a ground move with golurk but I do worry that no he's not steel at all he's a ground ghost so okay this could work let's do this ground move fire waiting his ground good against fire yeah okay yeah let's try this ground move the earthquake golurk I probably should've named Yugi dog but who cares maybe I'll replace Jewesses we get whoever the cool pokemon is on the cover of the game solarbeam watch out this could get hurt what is it what does this do Oh God yep that was heavy super effective I don't like that here comes earthquake how earthquake is good earthquake is good but not great it comes another solarbeam come on he's gonna kill me I think right [Music] he probably has the thing where he charges up the item and they get to use it multiple times son-of-a-gun dude golurk fainted all right let's bring out Dee dog then we'll use liquidation I mean I guess should I use look at my bag let me go ahead and do a revive on golurk just so he gets out of XP I'll take whatever he throws at me it's water versus fire of time saying it use a full restore all right whatever here he goes again let's do liquidation that was not as good there comes another solarbeam I think he has the held item where you get to go ahead and use your move after charging it and that's why this is so effective maybe oh my god what the heck is solar beam alright alright whatever I might just I mean what the heck is fire type rock we have a rock move no we don't do I don't actually have a rock move okay I guess I'll bring out this guy to look for another ground attack if I can hit him first that is if I get my solar beam first it's a no-go comes earthquake I don't know if this will take him out I don't know if this is enough it is thank God all right super effective I guess I didn't care about reviving g-dog whatever t-dog leveled up [Applause] sunlight has faded who's next goodra I don't know what goodra is sounds like a poison if I were to just guess it's a dragon so dragon of course weak against two ice dragon and ferry so we're gonna switch to our dog and we're going to bring out a great fairy move here we go [Music] this should be fine [Applause] there comes goodra you look cute but I'm pewter and I got a fairy move so dazzling gleam he still has this one in three more left dang dude like this guys are really strong there comes rain dance what does this do well what does it do it started to rain here comes the rain feel it's cold dampness soaked into your body okay yeah just believe it or not rain doesn't intimidate me too much alright super effective golurk and sea dog both leveled up [Applause] and what's another move Court change what the heck is that it's a normal move with this mysterious power these are swaps the effects on the other side of it no no I don't know all right I don't know man I don't know what this weird stuff is tert inator I feel like I've gone against him right certain nature is a oh it's a fire dragon so that cancels out the fairy weakness of the dragon not the dragon weakness and the ice weakness believe it or not so we're going to attack with freakin water actually ground is the only thing that will work again so yeah switch pokemons I'm worried about golurk with the earthquake move but at least I have the ground move finally to actually use against these I guess rock would have been good too but I don't think I have a rock attack right now all right am I wrong am I thinking about that right I don't know the guy has a big big shield face me face me alright here comes a super effective earthquake but it's probably not gonna do - terrible much oh did everything it did everything I need necessary excellent one hit man golurk is really becoming part of my team who's next we're not even giving a DS apply GONOW Flygon is is it a dragon flying I mean just by the name flying dragon no it's a ground dragon believe it or not so a ground is going to be weak against well I I guess ice is like the only thing oh we can go back to ferry though here we go so it's Pokemon back to and I felt back as dee-dawg ain't getting none of this here we go I should maybe revive ddong for the XP or not I gotta fly gun I really don't know what to do maybe I should just attack him I got a ferry attack here we go our dog is proving to be quite useful even in the finals alright who's he sitting out next dural udon now if i remember f dog was really good against Darrelle udon because duralumin is a steel dragon and that with that the fire weakness and the ice weaknesses are both canceled out but there's a fighting weakness that the steel has and there's also a ground weakness so let's try that let's switch over to F dog and we're gonna use a fighting move for the end there and I do remember them these two being like the Power Team when I went up against him originally but all right here we go you do realize I'm the great Ryan right I'll be the one to beat Leon I don't think he will be I think it's anyone a Dynomax half dog that's a big one though they're lewd on this is watching me don't don't look at me dude [Applause] max knuckle here we go bring this storm my partner will send everyone in the stadium flying so he's kind of maxing first why not mean biggest selfie with his floating Rotom [Applause] all right maybe I get hit first I don't know [Applause] here we go I'm ready [Applause] ain't got no worries [Applause] except like what if I lose that's a worry I'm not gonna lose here we go if I lose this I delete my channel now he's using max knuckle - what you gotta be kidding me dude I'm using max knuckle I'm using max go [Applause] and my Mexico works you idiots super effective critical hit all right well rip in peace my friends f dog leveled up that was a great now I'm the one who faces the champion not you right hon alright he's like what's losing the finals is pretty rough but I suppose I better take a quick shot to remember it by I don't know man don't take it you know what that challenge is e dog sees his victory my lovely Pokemon and I have become much stronger than we were before but you just blew right past us beyond anything I'd imagined I'm still pretty young myself but it goes to show that there's always someone younger coming up reaching further than you ever dreamed and you've got your whole future ahead of you keep keep up the momentum prove that Leon's not unbeatable number one challenge is e dog has achieved the dazzling triumph the trainer who was endorsed by the champion will now face the very man who endorsed him all right here we go let's go up against the champion then soon right are all my Pokemon he'll to everyone rested up okay here we go I'm gonna go because the champion all right the big moment is finally here huh I just came to cheer you on you know still it's not easy picking sides after all it's a showdown between my big brother and my rival who should I really want to win more probably your brother honestly guerrilla boom just made a noise right you recognize your cheer for Zidane - don't you gonna degree more after all we did start this thing out together blade back in post wig way back 10 hours ago I'm posted 20 hours ago I don't know so you better beat Lee you hear if anyone can beat the unbeatable champion it'll be you mate where the boom I'll do it it should be easy now I honestly have no idea what type he uses I don't remember I think he took the water-type didn't he take the water type Pokemon if he did take the water type Pokemon then we're gonna want to use the electric and grass but I can I'll plenty of time to switch over to okay I'm just input c-dawg I'm playing time to switch over to talk soul tdawg if I need to talk tricity so I think we're good here we go should be fine I could save it beforehand just in case something goes wrong actually I won't cuz what if what if the video goes wrong itself that's a go way back and record everything who knows there he is he's smiling the tint still air on the pitch and the exact opposite from the audience cheering and yelling they're both fantastic wouldn't you say but remember the audience is also a bit cruel they want nothing more than to see one of us lose after all if you can it can fill you with fear knowing that but I absolutely love pushing past the fear I love giving it my I love giving it everything I've got as a trainer and seeing my team give everything they've got to seize another victory it's the greatest feeling in the world and I can't get enough of it I can feel my partner's itching with anticipation inside their pokéballs we're going to have a real champion time I'm the gala region's champion Leon Mian charizard with all the rest of our team we will use all of our knowledge and experience to crush you completely all right I forgot to use Charizard I thought I was remembering he took like like sob away somethings beginning so I was thinking anyway wait hold on Hey look at the monitor what's that on the big screen this is what I was worried about hello there Leon and Zee dog just letting you know let me know what I think it's time I brought the darkest day for the sake of gallery's future of course why he's gonna bring about the darkest day for the sake of the future but I'm a bit of a pickle the energy released by the darkest day is too much for us to contain why is he doing this I don't like this guy I'm sorry it's come to this buzz you who forced my hand Leon you refuse to listen great the darkest day is here when I've been gonna get to have a battle Liese dog what's up the video stream that wasn't hammerlock Stadium right what in the world did the Chairman do I don't know but everything he was saying yesterday did he really pull this crazy stunt to solve some problem a thousand years in the future I've got to go see what's going on I'm the champion I have to go I should have realized what the Chairman intended to do before it came to this I'll take responsibility now but for fixing this mess this is the real champion time all right and if I have won the battle it would be me but leave your terrible directions what if you get lost along the way I want to help my brother Zedong I've got to but I can't even manage to beat you so what sort of help could I ever be just try what what can I even do hold the phone the Chairman was talking about the darkest day that's the thing with the sky when all dark once ages and ages ago right what does he mean he's bringing he's bringing that about and where do we even hear that name the statue of the hero essentially the hero of moto spoke Sonia said something back then didn't she though it turned out to be wrong since there were actually two heroes and all that still those two managed to bring an end to the darkest day with a sword and shield pokemons certainly thought the Pokemon might still be sleeping somewhere though right we should trying to find them c-dawg but where to start looking how about in the slumbering Weald that's hit Zee dog I'm sure it's got to be in the slumbering wield that illustration you tried to fight off that day it must have been one of the pokemons that are supposed to be sleeping there let's go back to the slumbering Weald if we're lucky we'll find something that can help all right so we got to go back huh head to the pitch at Winans idiom lunar if you're ready totally ready so we're going back here Sonia is already here all right huh Zee dog and hop I completely forgot about the championship match what are you two doing here my mum's here have you been watching the news at all the tournament is off Sonia the chairman thought of that and is sending the entire region into a state of havoc huh what what happened while I was researching things of the slumbering Weald well for starters is a great black storm or something raging over hammerlock stadium what are they calling it the darkest day it's thrown everything in a disarray still I'm sure we don't need to worry too much the unbeatable champion will be able to take care of everything won't he hold on a tick ma'am did you say the darkest day the darkest day is the name for black storm for the black storm that nearly brought the gala region to ruin in ancient times so what are you here for Zee doc I'm here to stop the darkest day basically to stop the darkest day you mean you're going to search for the sword and shield Pokemon ok here take this you should head to the slumbering Weald I'll catch up with you once I'm done looking into something that's been bothering me I got three max revives thank you and so we're going over here and we gotta figure this thing out there's my mom all that matters so that you can do what you can you'd become a fine pokemon trainer after all all right well I'm excited I guess ready for the sea dog I wonder if we're about to head straight into a wall of fog again not that it bother us now we both groan load stronger and so far Pokemon going to the forest after blue that day that was the start of everything wasn't it it legendary beginning really I reckon whatever we're about to see will be pretty legendary itself let's head it and then add another page to a tale all right now I don't really want to deal with those I don't want to deal with these guys either don't run into me bird isn't just all beginning Pokemon oh no what is this flip bug okay I want to just run can I just run it's a level two I got away safely now hopefully there'll be more than just that here out here maybe the big thing that I've encountered before will be good enough there we go come on oh my god okay I guess I haven't been this seat before there's a full restore how [Music] alright mental herb and item to be able to pokemon shakes off move binding effects and to move freely gonna be used once [Applause] all right so I hope this goes smoothly so many paths I got a question you know am I missing anything hops over there kind of smoke ball allows the holder to flee the encounter without fail that's kind of what I have with our dog do I want to catch one of these stinkers in a lick sir I mean I don't really want that do I phantom force and this is a the user finish is somewhere that strikes the target on the next turn the move hits even if the target projectile I have that right that's what golurk has [Music] all right let's get a move on then [Music] thought I heard something else no okay let's let's just move I'm going north [Music] all right sup pop what's with this fog is even worse than the first time we came here oh do you think we're gonna find him now oh my god oh my god hi guys [Laughter] Lord alright they're each missing half an ear that's interesting grilled they really are here the sword and shield Pokemon I knew it yeah I'll take the sword you take the shield where they go hey where you going we need your help over here you two what in the world are you doing what come off it Sonia you must have seen that right those sword and shield pokemons they were right in front of us but then they disappeared into the forest pop you sure you haven't lost the plot there was no one here but the two of you what didn't where they're just illusions or something listen I dug up some literature from other regions and I finally found something mentions of the sword Pokemon zakian and the shield pokemons called samus and the writing said that the two pokemons were born somewhere beyond the slumbering Weald some time long long ago did they really sonya thanks for digging into it even if it is just an illusion whatever we didn't manage to find that Pokemon again maybe this sort of the shield that those two used to carry are still here too let's go let's find out see you soon yeah all right here we go I'm not so sure what we're gonna find over here aisle boy it's quite beautiful kinda looks like a Zelda game here it's like a graveyard you're a grave site would you look at that Z dog now that's something you don't see every day this place definitely feels like the stuff of legend yeah for real you do not see this every day so what's the deal yes there's a sort of the shield holy cow can't believe no one's found this before see Nazi dog his sword and shield the legends really weren't true cool I'll take the sword I rested sword okay it is said that the hero uses sword to halt a terrible disaster in ancient times but it's grown rusty and worn that settles it I'm taking the shield though Wow would you look at the state of this thing it seems like it might fall to pieces if you so much as look at it funny I don't know if these rusty old things will really be able to stop the targets day but oh I guess it cared to have them alive them along let's hope they bring us some good luck okay what didn't happen maybe the Pokemon themselves really are still asleep somewhere so it seems we're on our own if we want to go how bleed this is all the help we've got you sure about that I guess so for now well I'm gonna leave see you hop I mean should I've talked to him or pop come on he'd left too what the heck dude pop you're being spooky how did you leave where did you go all right so you're still here maybe I'll encounter counter by myself I don't know all right bye wait there's something up here how do I get there uh [Music] hey wait for me dang it I ran into this I don't even want this so wild wheezing he's big but I don't want him this guy neutralizing gas fellow forty-five I'm gonna run there we go I don't really want to fight in my or get him honestly misty seed and Booth special defense on misty terrain interesting it's just a fishing opportunity so right now I'm feeling pretty good Oh God I ran right into them again all right okay we got away safely and is that it I mean like I mean we saw them right I saw him but now why I mean I gotta know what to do those two artifacts right [Music] all right am i doing the right thing I [Music] guess so we're running out of here real quick all right I could have probably taken my bike and been a little faster on post wick where is everyone dude wait what where am I supposed to go so you'll see hi to mom what a frightful situation this has become still I suppose everything will be all right as long as we've got Leon taking care of it and you wish to help him as well don't you don't worry I'm certain you'll be of some help all right so where am I going now exactly let's take a look at the map because I really don't know now have the hammerlock stadium and hammerlock right there well we can is that no that's moto Stoke horse hammerlock okay up here okay so I'll just take a flight I guess I'll take a flying taxi I assume I'm not really sure what all has happened [Music] but it sure seems like that's what's supposed to happen so sure I mean it okay yeah let's just go [Music] am i I mean okay Here I am who's this [Music] this is right on well if it isn't Zee dogging hop it's a real shame the way things have turned out you make it all the way to the champion match then something like this has to happen and chairman Rose thinking that the energy pouring from the darkest day would somehow be the key to saving gallery's future it all seems a bit mad if you ask me I can't follow at all how that's supposed to work well I don't care if I'm up against the darkest day or the Chairman or whatever I'm going I'm going ahead I'm off to help my brother all right and he's gone that hop never changes always in a rush about something isn't he the key thing is that no one's been harmed Gym Leaders work together with the city's Pokemon oh we've got everyone evacuated and you you're fixing to help our champion to save everyone in the gala region of course I am our greatest ever champion and the greatest ever challenger along with his fiercest rival all timming up against the darkest day a he'll most feel sorry for it go on then our great Challenger into hammerlock Stadium with you so what's the deal here like what's gonna happen exactly [Music] now there's Eliana what's she doing Jim Challenger you must help me I mean please please help me my pokemon suddenly Dynomax for some reason and started running amok in the stadium Brian I mean mr. Ryland was able to subdue the dynamic smoky one in the stadium but if feather pokemons also Dynomax and go on a rampage the underground power plant would collapse mr. Rosas down there right now I know this is selfish it for me but I must beg your assistance I want you to head into the underground power plant and stop mr. rose mr. Rose has awakened Pokemon known as eater notice apparently the energy emitted from its body is what causes Dyna maxing at this rate all the pokemons in the gallery region will Dynomax and go berserk if that were to happen please you must save mr. rose you can take the lift over to the over there to reach him I've listened to help with the champions younger brother too but who knows what's going on all right let's say you challenges Zee dog up above the champions facing the darkest day yes the lift will take you to the underground power plant here I go to the underground power plant then energy plant so to speak all right here we go hop well what's all of this we need to help lead now what is this that's mr. rose I didn't see him there all right he looks so happy and what do you plan on doing Jim challenger stopping the darkest day pardon what are you talking about there's nothing to stop now we've already brought about the darkest day or should I say the ultimate Pokemon eternity must I explain myself from your perspective I suppose it must seem like I'm doing something terrible I don't expect you to understand but I must provide the gallery region with limitless energy to ensure everlasting prosperity is I purpose my duty my destiny that's why we've been giving the wishing stars to Eternity surely you remember the red light that caused a ruckus around hammerlock that was all part of our experiments to awaken eternity you must understand I can't let you interfere with my plan to protect the future of Galler all right I guess we're gonna fight then here we go I'm ready who do you have a macro cosmos Rose alright sure let's fight Rose then s cavalier that's a cool freakin Pokemon he's got five Pokemon as well I don't know if I can Dynomax in here but s cavalier is a is a bug steal interestingly enough so it's going to be weak against fire so perfect pyro ball let's do it dang it a failure rate sometimes happens and at that time it fails that's okay his uh what is a tax up let's try again come on pyro ball boom goodbye nice alright Rose what else you got going on you're pretty tough yes entirely too tough don't you think that's unfair nope our dog level up to 67 Kling Lang cling-clang and that's going to be is what that's gonna be good just a regular ol steel so again it's gonna have that fire weakness but also fighting weakness so let's switch to F dog for fun he's also level 62 all right here we are Brick Break super-effective here we go oh man he gets to go first whatever here I go now oh he's damaged he was aiming for the recoil here's Brick Break super nice super effective all right who's next [Music] this is kind of exciting Ferrothorn that sounds like electric grass I don't know no it's grass steel that was close so grass steel is is still still week a week to fire also fighting so I'm just gonna keep on fighting then here comes Brick Break nice another one hit a critical hit at that iron Barb's do a little damage to me though I kind of wish it would have like a little animation to show me it's doing damage to me rather than just saying that it did damage to me all right who's next per sucker now that's a steel is that is that the kitty that's steel I think so yeah it's from the goal area meow so we'll just keep the fighting I guess I don't know who his finals gonna be but we might bring up the fire for the final let's do another brick break here [Music] goodbye per sucker all right a super effective critical hit again and then whose is final copper Oh JA now that is that sounds familiar oh that was the S at the FC elephant oh my gosh this one's also a steel I'm gonna switch to the fire switch Pokemon back to a c-dawg and then we're gonna just use a cool fire move when we Dynomax we're gonna get to see copper jaw pretty much the first time and his gigantic max form most likely oh oh dennah my last Pokemon this isn't looking too good all right here we go here we go so here we got your glass Pokemon that means Dynomax and I'm assuming that we're talking of this one this one's 150 here we go well I'm ready sorry copper inch I'll be cool to see you in action but doesn't like you're gonna get the chance all right so what are we gonna do I'll show you move that hit so hard you'll be speechless I don't know that you're gonna show me the move I might just want his kill you pepper telexfree darn cool though I gotta worry about this tonight do I get to hit first a cup smacks Flair it was not a one hit so I do get to see copper jaws move all right now what here comes backs quake and I need to be worried cuz he might have a full restore coming around that was pretty devastating that was super effective against me by the way his special defense Rose so we're just gonna do it one more time and this will take him out awesome another super effective move all right no one leveled up but I still feel pretty good about this all right it looks sad or is clapping I've forgotten how great Pokemon battles are it's been so long since I battle that sure was satisfying yeah right let's see what's up what's he got up his sleeve though most impressive Z dawg I wouldn't expect any less from a challenger indoors for the strongest champion ever to grace our beloved gala region I really do wish I could have seen the champion match between you two and I'm terribly sorry to have ruined the whole gym challenge and everything it's too bad but it can't be helped in order to solve the energy issue as soon as possible we awakened Eterna test but we can't cook but we couldn't control it the champion came to aid me even at the cost of abandoning the match indeed just like a knight in shining armor coming to rescue a princess from a dragon I do tend to ramble on I know I love to make speeches but I think I can stop talking now I think the champion should have captured you turning this by now if you're curious you can take the lift up and I trust you'll be going too right hop I certainly hope losing the means and it discouraged you that much go on now both of you go see how our champion is doing this courage you don't get it do you chairman neither me nor my Pokemon are anywhere near giving up we've learned how to be strong thanks to the gym challenge you organized all right you want to say anything else of course I won't stop you head up via the lift if you wish can I check this out this is pretty cool it's like a giant pokéball that broke open any cool things in here for me guess not alright alright Z dog I'm ready for anything are you of course what I'm expecting Lester my rival now come on we've got to help Lee all right I'm I am a little concerned about this honestly I don't know where this is gonna go but we'll see did we go all the way up already I guess so yeah we did okay great okay good luck capturing that guy oh my god [Laughter] that that's a pretty awesome Pokemon oh my goodness what is this Pokemon called you came to help me in spite of the danger thanks hop a newsie dog you two really have grown tremendously but no need for you kids to worry it seems like some power of eternity tsa's was keeping my team from Dyna maxing but we've had a champion time all the same Charizard the rest of my champion team members have really worn he turning us down now if I can simply catch it in a pokeball we should be able to get this madness under control then everything will be back to normal so watch this I'm gonna be a real it's going to be a real champion catch all right good luck unless unless this triggers something I don't know does he turn it this trigger anything good job wait oh oh oh didn't it work out what happened what happened oh my god [Music] okay we got a fight eternity this now do I try to capture him or is this a fight fight I think I try to capture him right he turned this is pressure alright so what kind of Pokemon Swift dream ball dive balls moon balls ultra balls great balls luxury balls click balls uses a sort of a wild encounter here we go I can't throw a Pokeball oh you know I thought they would rest up my characters honestly okay this guy is a poison dragon that means we're talking about a nice sweetness and we're talking about the fairy weakness being canceled as well as the bug weakness being cancelled so this is such a great combo that I don't know and the ice can't the ice sweetness is canceled as well but we still got the ground weakness and the psychic weakness is canceled as well the only weakness it as is the ground weakness [Music] so geez uh let's just do can we just do like a normal attack I'm almost dead dude I should probably heal let's go to my bag and heal I let's do a full revive max no I mean super potion hyper potion I really thought that it would it would heal me beforehand so we want to just be attacking with normal moves really i les like switch to go alert dynamaxx can and what the heck is that Oh God all right you know I don't have any normal moose fire is gonna be nerfed basically flying isn't different though I could just do a flying move that'd be kind of fun there you go peace see ya here comes another Dynomax cannon that's gonna miss ya not a big deal but oh he might be paralyzed it can't move nice lucky me love can I catch it yet I can't throw a Pokeball all right let's just try bounce again then it's working out for me so I'm just gonna pounce out of here and just keep coming back down on you use dragon pulse missed and his bounce again all right Oh flame throwers gonna hit me though what the heck that shouldn't bother me too much [Music] there's one more bounce unfortunately I only have so many of these all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] I could use ghost attacks I could just frankly use a ground attack to help another bounce here comes the dynamics cannon I think sea dog might get wiped out here all right that's fine we have other Pokemon believe it or not I'm gonna bring out golurk I think he has some good stuff going for most specifically the ground move this is ridiculous but here we go earthquake he's paralyzed but he's attacking me like every round all right sure super effective now what happens now can we catch him oh my god okay oh my goodness [Music] this is bad isn't it is just what triggers the darkest day or why what's going on oh boy oh my god the heat drug Animax or something [Music] all right come on hotter heat Ernest has appeared wow it's huge let's take it on together ZZ dogs is to really turn it is and there's pressure see dog actually did heal so I can't Dynomax so this is like the real deal eternity is right here right I'm gonna I'm just gonna pounce out of here tried the pouncing can't do it I don't know here we go now I can't use any moves what what I can't use any moves that's bad right that's really bad [Music] message pokemons and bring out golurk I can't use any moves I don't know what to do [Music] stowing its energy I forgot we found the sword and shield in the slumbering wield how do you forget that earthquake oh they also hit stubble okay I'm his fan I don't know dude yeah g-dog use a sword it might be old and rusted but there's got to be some use to it I got it here we go this is important we got this right oh if they're all the way over there they got to get all the way over here though they're so far away boom boom alright we've we've got this right [Music] oh boy I got a sword he's get the shield please bring up the Popo guys there they are get Zaki in and the other one awesome we will stop the darkest day now finally maybe come he hasn't going on that long and they merged oh my goodness oh my god they're even bigger and better than before alright well I'm ready let's stop this thing eternity we got some real Pokemon out here now Zakia's an intrepid sword and osama's enters dauntless shield alright so what kind of moves these things have let's see fight with oh wait what oh see dot what I'm so confused see dogs here oh but oh but so are they okay so you sure use the bounce I guess whatever Eterna just and then now do I control the other ones do they just control themselves they're gonna soon control themselves here comes how I thought I said how go look though why is C dog still here it's fine here we go everyone's attack is rising there comes light screen on everyone - all right here comes bounce I'm like I'm out I'm out I got other things to do hiccups max were mine I don't like that good thing see dog got out of there all right that doesn't affect me though there comes double-edge that's an okay move not the best hey looks like we use our moves now thanks exactly in an exam Ascenta that is I think that's how you say his name I don't know where am I oh whoa the behemoth blade holy town oh my god and that was pretty good gonna probably be better than my attack here's a behemoth - there's a - pretty doggies these are good girls good guy good girls good boys I don't know they're good doggies deterrent is is taking some where am I boom that's like nothing oh yeah I might switch to golurk but no no I can't because man I think are the ground move that he does know is just not a good move maybe I need someone's a really powerful normal move and I'm talking about electricity t-dog some might turn harsh do you think my fire move will be good now I don't know I'll just try the fire move even though you might be not anyway let's try it out I don't even get a move come on goodbye double-time Snorlax a normal-type put her to sleep so we can catch him all right let's I'll try the pyro ball I'll try it let's see what happens maybe this is sunlight harsh it'll do something it has another great move yeah they're doing all the work they're doing all the work all right [Music] and zombies if I was gonna get hit by the recoil a little bit right his fireball I just want it that wasn't too bad that wasn't too bad it's not very effective but a critical hit max news nice nice okay I think I do want to switch pokemons to tdawg here because I can do a boom burst normal move and it might be pretty darn effective here we go vehement slaying again I mean these other Pokemon might just do the trick for us you know [Music] excellent moves eternity is going down that's what I can see [Music] yeah I might not even get a chance to attack them again max were mine again on me son of a fine on everyone I guess I don't know well tdawg fainted sorry Bo bro bro bo I don't know all right sure tonight I think I think the other two Pokemon are let's just what the heck bring out F dawg I have a fighting move that maybe is good I don't know we'll figure it out maybe I won't get to move at all yeah cuz here comes howl on me i attack rose alright everyone's attack rose there comes crunch this this is probably gonna nubs I didn't do him in oh god what was that okay another Mac's were mine come on I'm not getting any attacks in you've got to be joking kidding hell yeah that's I'm still alive I'm still alive come on let's get my attack belt but here comes brick break Oh is he still alive I think he's still alive a sliver of help here comes height you just shirt store likes did the job there we go all right this is it hurry see dog tried to catch me turn it this now what kind of ball should I use like that's a good what kind of ball you think I should use what ball to catch it says I'm just googling it I really don't know everyone's saying dream ball [Music] I don't know what do I have ultra great luxury quick love level dust ler friend premier do I don't know what's premiere do [Music] I was just a premier ball I don't even know [Applause] what art do premier balls do anything special [Music] all right [Music] all right stay in there please locked and loaded I think we got this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we did it did we stop the darkest day I think so well that was pretty cool all right now what happens because this has been pretty big all right [Applause] three days later already huh all right oh I gotta click it sorry I was like okay three days later all right all right there we go there we go we actually did a really good a really good thing by stopping the darkest day so what needs to happen now so chairman rose turned himself in then never thought I'd live to see the day he awoke eternities and nearly caused a catastrophe for the entire region you reap what you sow I say all right so I don't know about you but I slept like the dead everyone's still talking about what happened but at least things are back to normal now we really did defeat eternities together with zombies inta and zakian and still leaves well he's being lean insisting on having a championship match with you today it's a bit much isn't it you sure you're up for it he's I'm not even too sure about him he was out cold and hurt pretty badly and himself during all that mess I do understand how he feels though feels like I've been waiting forever to get to see you and face off in a serious match so come on the match will be a winning Stadium where else so we gotta actually have the championship battle now all right I'm assuming that all my Pokemon are well-rested all right looks good you know if he's gonna be using a fire-type Pokemon like Charizard you know water ground rock so you know maybe we could go ahead and make gold I mean we've been using golurk a lot right we can maybe make a lurk part of the team be nice to him you know go in at last the final match challengers e-dawg so I want to go over then to a well where's the nearest let's just go let's just go that was pretty eventful is there gonna be a I think that's gonna be a Pokemon thing yeah right there I want to make sure I have everything that it takes and that includes you know if I'm gonna be using good luck on my team and I have been using golurk on my team for all this time I might as well make him an official team member by renaming him to G dog that makes sense to me I hope that he'll be happy with that decision and I think he's gonna be useful if he uses Charmander so what do you think about a name right a nickname what do think about go lurks name it's right here select it hmm golurk is it that's quite a fine nickname but I think I would give it something even better yes go lurks new name will be now g-dog there we go all right nicely done no we're good we got them in so now we're gonna move on I guess to the final championship I mean we've defeated everything we're doing such a good job now let's go into the final championship and see what we can do this might be a long episode I suppose all right the final match is against the champion the championship match are you ready to face it Leon I'm ready to beat him then change the uniform at half of the pitch I think we're both number one here does he have disease six pokemons let's see what's gonna happen here are we both number one I think I think we might be honestly so here he is we're both number one there can only be one number one my mantas are always sold out but this I've never seen a crowd this wild everyone knows what you did for us this week and c-dawg they know you're the one who caught it turn it to sand save the future of the gala region a real hero who battle along to the legendary Pokemon zakian and Zama Zinta do I have a turn into my box I would be so mad if I have eternity this but I wasn't using eterna tiss but anyway I couldn't have dreamed of a better challenge and help increasingly winning streak now that I've seen just what kind of strength you possess as the greatest of challengers crushing you in the dirt will show everyone just how strong your champion truly is come on Z dog let's make this final match that will go down in gallery's history no a match it will change Skylar forever we're gonna have an absolutely champion time all right if you say so alright here we go guys Leon [Applause] [Music] get your head on your challenge by champion Leon and I'm gonna become the champion I'm gonna beat my friends bro whoa aegislash is that a cs6 Pokemon it's agent I'm gonna guess that that's a steal but I don't know it's one of the duties of champion to get the crowd fired up all right they're both oh my god oh you couldn't mean 62 and 62 let's try pirate ball I don't know man here we go I don't I don't know what this I didn't look it up aegislash is a steal go so it's gone okay there we go a super effective hit I'd expect nothing less from your team all right these are high level Pokemon my friends sit up leveled up to 63 and g-dogg is 60 hacks or us what is that Haxorus is a this is cool this is cool it's a dragon-type I'm gonna switch pokemons I'm seeing so many Pokemon I've never seen before our dogs gonna be brought in with a great fairy move here we go but a beautiful horse unicorn whatever [Music] all right mold breaker he breaks the mold sure enough here comes dazzling clean alright okay one hit again who's next send out who you who you may a lot of people are leveling up here that's good news [Music] [Applause] all right drag a pole that sounds like a dragon-type I'm just saying it sounds like a dragon type it's a dragon ghost so normal moves are off limits but fairies should still be good so we're going to keep this our dog it's coming in quite handy like for real I love that that's such a cool-looking Pokemon there comes another dazzling gleam but I'm gonna get by the shadow ball first and almost die aiming for super effective hits is a surefire way to claim victory yeah that's something to be doing this alright mine was one hit all right who's next F dogs level up again no I'm sorry our dog mr. rime who is that mr. rime is an ice psychic so that's an interesting combo is gonna be weak to fire so I'm gonna bring back a sea dog here all right [Music] [Applause] all right fight [Music] [Applause] I mean he's stronger than me I'm gonna have to give it my all he's like a level stronger than me I can't believe it but that was still the one hit mr. Ryan looks ridiculous all right what's next and tell yon I like how does the name Leon in it that's why he probably uses it Natalya on is a water oh okay just a water okay it's the final form of Sabo okay so we want the electric your grass let's go and switch Pokemon will bring out tdawg here and when he brings out Charizard that's a little switch to probably honestly g-dog all right let's see what happens here and telly on these things are stronger than me I cannot believe it I thought I was ready but I mean there this is proving to be a little bit of a challenge even though I'm doing pretty good cheerful look I don't like when he goes first what is this what is that lower my attack and my special attack come on all right fine Oh almost the one hit I have to do it again no I don't know what he's up to okay i full reach so I knew it becomes a full restore well here comes another overdrive and I'm lucky I'll get a critical and then you're just done but this is probably just not gonna do anything different whoa-ho-ho super effective all right he's done I don't know what change but he's done all right last but not least Charizard I am going to switch pokemons g-dogg is gonna get the credit he's always wanted but he's only level 60 so yeah I don't I don't think I've any rock moves I do I do dog it's a rock tune but he's weaker so here we go swap Pokemon wish me luck I don't know what to say man hello she dogs here ready to go I'm not finished having a champion time here and I won't let anyone else finish it for me so Charizard is coming out good luck [Music] dynamaxx max quake I'll show you what Charizard can really do it's Giganta max time it's charged our inventions a flying-type I'm gonna be so mad if he's also a Flying type I mean he is kind of flying right dang it dang it he's fire flying I'm such an idiot I'm such an idiot his on the ground though oh my god I'm such an idiot I forgot his fly I just thought he was fire what a fool this ground move is not gonna work I feel so dumb alright let me set detect what the ghost moves or a swap him out I guess I don't know there we go I'm such a fool he's gonna use a flying move on me and kill me that's okay we can make mistakes [Applause] that's interesting here comes an ineffective move so whatever [Applause] this is so tom man I'm sorry I'm sorry all right I'm gonna try a ghost move I don't think it's gonna work but let's just see [Applause] nope max overgrowth is hitting me first okay I'm such an idiot that's okay sorry jido uh what an idiot move okay I am such a fool I forgot he was flying type as well you know in that thing in that case you know rock is pretty much the best thing to do or electric camping I think you lectric might work out here good luck see doc you're so doomed this guy's so strong all right here we go overdrive do you think it's a champion time to turn up the heat Charizard time for our G max wildfire all right tank dude all right here comes overdrive not too bad Wow fire those Tilton's freakin killed me all right it's a struggle but we're gonna we're gonna do this are we uh do I have a rock move yeah Rock tomb sure let's try rock tomb or water I don't know dude all right hey I'm back okay now you're back to normal size I find such a fool that's okay which one's gonna be better liquidation or rock - yeah liquidates is gonna be better sell their bheemsen to me first though it was over the light yeah so he saves it so yeah that kind of proves Oh got you addy dog all right lesson learned ddong leveled up to 60 defeated champion Leon I'm super happy I don't know if he's happy at all there he's forcing a smile my time as champion is over but what a champion time it's been thank you for the greatest battle I've ever had that's that's pathetic that's the greatest value ever had I won though oh boy alright well okay what's happening now the game crash No or did it better not have there we go what's in his hand all right is that my mom and hop congratulations e-dawg you've been every even the unbeatable champion making you the new champion of the region you've become a first-rate trainer alright I offer you my heartfelt congratulations that's me the champion and now that you've grown so strong perhaps it's time I started looking ahead myself it's time we adult started working on improving the here and now for the sake of all that's to come all right a newsie dog what you want to do now is believe in yourself and your partner Pokemon and keep on blasting ahead in order to create the future we all hope to see but they don't look very happy all right if I can do that people of Galler a new legend born right before your eyes your champion Zee dog all right that you can't wait to see what kind of future a kid with this kind of strength might bring about I sure can't let's watch and see what he can do have there ever been any like direct sequels to the Pokemon games like instead of just taking place in different regions or whatever so we made the game pokemon sword that was a really really fun game but there's still a little bit more content to do for example I don't think I've captured you know the sword Pokemon oh that's one thing about it I really enjoyed this game you know there were some complaints before this game launched about Game Freak and I did not buy into any of those I really enjoyed this game they did a fantastic job I I'm happy with this game I you know I didn't I did not play pokemon growing up but I first played it on my channel I forget it was a Pokemon X that I played I don't remember but you know I eventually started kind of liking it and and then I kind of stuck with it and then you know we played Pokemon let's go Pikachu last year this year we've now completed you know pokemon sword and so what we're gonna do is we are going to probably play a little bit of the postgame like one or two episodes I don't know how many at least one but yeah I really enjoyed it I had a lot of fun to forming my team and at the end I think I had a pretty good team I miss that silly blunder hopefully this ground move I'm like our way it's a flying-type but either way I won you know I probably should just came out strong with electric I don't know what I was thinking I just wanted to give G dog his dues but now it's it's fine it's fine I can't believe it everyone's probably watching that and me going in and they're like he said he is g-dog it gets Charizard he's he's gonna lose and I thought maybe I would identify now I thought I was gonna win the whole time because I mean he had some pretty powerful Pokemon there I enjoyed all the gym leaders some of them could have used some more personality some of them personalities would like really fleshed out like opal and and and uh what's this freakin name the emo guy that mr. depression piers piers was really fleshed out as well Opel's fleshed out pretty well but Sandra Homme was pretty fleshed out but some of the others were not so fleshed out I would have liked to see some more done for them but overall it was pretty fun I wanted to see more of Marnie honestly but we'll see what happens pretty disappointed in her brother loosing unless hop way less hop than ideal but no we're gonna see what's gonna happen here with the game you know after the credits roll I'm sure there's like a little sliver of something left to do last time I played Pokemon let's go Pikachu I went and captured em you - I think right and that was that's that's what I kind of focus on for that one episode so there's probably gonna be something for me too I haven't you know captions akkyun right and this I've saw so many pokemons I don't even know where they are like I don't even know where I would capture them so that's another thing to kind of think about oh they have voices here Wow only like a couple so uh yeah even though I was given a Pikachu at the beginning you know for playing let's go Pikachu I never really used him on my team I thought talks tricity was a much better character for me and he ended up you know with the poison and electricity even though I primarily just use him for the electric attack that he had and overall you know I'd also didn't use send erase as much as I thought I would especially towards the end you know I honestly can't believe I don't know it might to my friend yah she gave me Rapha - no she gave me whatever it was called before it became rapid - I named it she I had her name and our dog so it matched him with my team I don't know if she did some research to know that that character would just be super useful in the game but I am the beauty our dog a lot and sir fetched I ended up catching on my own because of the fact that I really like to hide behind sir fetch and so sir fetch is another really valuable member to my team and so I need a pep talk for a fetch so thank you everyone I don't know if they'll be some Oh God not those guys so the end again I don't know what that entirely means for this game but uh the end I had fun I rate this game really high Game Freak did a great job Nintendo of course does a great job this is the intro right I don't know if there's a special intro after becoming a champion oh here we go what's this I'm back in my room ding dong who's here oh hello basement oh yo congratulations champion here I've got a little something for you as celebration oh it's a master ball alright great I was looking for one of those the best pokeball with the ultimate level of performance with it you can catch any well Pokemon without fail professor Magnolia why didn't you have oh you didn't have to come all this way after everything zedonk has achieved it's really the least I could do the wishing stars that make Dynomax impossible are part of eternity and when eternity this was awakened Dynomax energy flooded the entire region because of that Dynomax pokemons were popping up all over causing trouble all across of Galler fuzzy dogs and his friends came to our rescue the Dynomax phenomenon has long been an important part of gallery' and culture I hope everyone will use the power of Dynomax incorrectly in the days to come so young z dog please do what you believe is best I'm gonna take over the world no I'll talk to my mom really quick poor professor Magnolia she seems quite bothered by the Chairman's actions since she helped carry out so much of the researching into Dynomax before him all right anything else the master ball is guaranteed to catch any Pokemon and one try right that's amazing I bet you run into a pokemons little to deserve such an amazing pokeball one of these days so I think so I'm gonna try to track down Zaki and I suppose and then yeah but there's probably some more stuff that we can do I don't know what but let me know in the comments below what you want to see from me in the postgame activity and I will bring it thanks for watching thanks for liking this video come back next time for more I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and want to help this channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join and become an official member of zackscottgames and if you want cool shirts like this visit Zack Scott dot shop you
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 1,560,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, Pokemon Sword and Shield Walkthrough, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay Part 1, Pokemon Sword and Shield ZackScottGames, Pokemon, Sword, Shield, Galar, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 56sec (6596 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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