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[Music] hey everybody we are back put me on pay to win this time really a successful video last time had a lot of fun looks like things might be a little trickier this time as we do not have guaranteed pairs to start with although we do well i guess we'd have a pair be the bear pencils a lot a lot of double entendres on that one uh paired cricket is not maybe like your ideal choice but it's good enough for a draw it's good enough for a draw against the two squad two squad pig beetle ew not exactly you know the most inspiring draw of your lives but you also don't get to control what you get in your shops you know you gotta you gotta play the cards you're dealt this seems very bad i don't see a way that we make it through this one but we were really only off by one life you know so i'm not going to worry too much about that we'll take our level which is the most important thing sheep is not really i'm not i'm not inspired wow um i mean we when i say we have to we don't have to but in a way we kind of have to consider hedgehog or double hedgehog just because it's what the shop presented us with now the the positioning is all sorts of messed up for the time this is gonna be an easy win actually um sloth guy i wish i could be the sloth guy for one day still have never seen one roll me once so we want to build a little on this least valuable unit at this point is the spider we're hoping a spider spits out sheep buy a second hedgehog i understand the conundrum here we'll do that both of these units are very interesting but i think i gotta roll and get a little bit get a little bit deeper into things i think i can roll once more okay i shouldn't have tackled this the way that i did but by having a swan level up it will survive the hedgehogs because our ultimate goal is to move the hedgehogs closer to the front where they will be a little bit deleterious towards me okay you got me but will also be substantially more damaging to the enemy as well that's our problem so we could go up to a level two i think for now you do that knowing that you could pretty easily just have another hedgehog show up in the future the problem now is that this son of a gun does four damage again places us a bit of a catch-22 but we can start building our second hedgehog we're really just hoping to see and this is a cursed thing you don't you don't hope to see a 46 dolphin leading the squad um new peace how do we do that what did we attack you're so unbelievably lucky let's go okay this is a mess right now but we just need anything ideally that has a a hurt trigger and then we're off to the freaking races man like already i'm like you know what put the swan and the rabbit up at the front and then you get garlic which is going to give you more hp i bet you've never seen this run okay sorry the swan has to go i bet you've never seen this run built in this fashion before it's so bad i'm like i'm looking at it and i'm like what what is this supposed to be dude are there no oh we should freeze salad probably are there no enemies or no no units in the dlc that have hurt triggers cause like i'm i feel like i'm dying here that being said i suppose it could be worse i perhaps i was a little bit ahead of myself did manage to get the job done there but any squad that has garlic armor is going to present us with a a real issue man i know how this looks that's just don't worry that's just temporary until inevitably these units get uh one-ups so that wouldn't concern yourself too much with it just yet okay your sheets are already gone yeah it seems like insanely bad for me the problem is i i have no problem identifying the fact that this run is basically in impossible to win with right now uh the thing that's more problematic for me you know okay okay this is gonna you're gonna think i've lost my mind a little but what is gonna live to finish the job here you know was gonna live to finish the job a turtle this cannot be the way forward for us turtle i i'm just why do you magic chick feeding the porcupine man i don't know what's happening i don't know what's happening anymore i think i just turned my own win into a guarant oh we won i'm lost in the sauce man we need more um and more like i think a turtle is one of the only things that makes any any sense here i think we could look the microbe is hilarious maybe we could do this but we need to then buff the crap out of this dolphin so that in theory it could live the barrage that it's about to like live through so it's gonna you're gonna be weakened you're gonna take eight damage and then eight damage so you're gonna die on the other hand how could anything expect to live through this barrage either what have i done yeah there's not a surprise that that we lost that one but hey i think like this is a start is this not like our end game is uh add a blowfish into this but the blowfish can't die how is that gonna happen so i'll give you a simple answer it's probably not gonna happen the turtle the turtle's the play okay but it's only gonna hold on hold on boom everything dies you go off you kill the turtle we get melon armor but you also probably die right after that and break my melon armor i don't know man just give it a shot it's this is a fun one i love the hedgehog puzzles dude nice chili pepper oops we win um okay so this is a new one i don't think we need the blowfish it appears to offer nothing to us we definitely want a one up on a hedgehog where the equipment doesn't matter anyway that that's an obvious one two microbes no i don't think so tiger i thought about it for a second but you definitely just want a second one up there i have a hard time imagining this getting many more wins but i would like to add that i also have a hard time imagining this getting any losses like i don't know what could beat this there's got to be some like a lot of stats like like i'm assuming like garlic armor creates a real issue for us i guess you might as well do more damage although the dolphin was an attractive one for us as well i almost think that also you coming back gives us a second melon armor i know how insane that sounds but there's like something is screaming in my soul that this will actually protect the dolphin from the second porcupine popping oh no they got their own they got their own meta my dolphin died okay um [Music] all right you know nobody ever says no to pizza okay that's a big one i don't even we actually don't want our turtle to level up as strange as that sounds because we don't want to override the one up i guess we can move the positions around a little bit okay something with 50 hp this is very difficult for us to deal with because we don't have any uh we don't have a skunk and a skunk is kind of like is pretty important i think for this squad it's more important than a microbe but the microbe let's be honest at this point we're here for humor's sake we might as well embrace that humor even if it appears obvious that we're sliding into oblivion we gotta give it a try it's just it's just funny like i see 50 hp i see some hedgehogs i said oh no no no we draw these no sweat i don't even know what am i looking for let's think about it dolphins and hedgehogs that's it well if you got to make a decision it hit our dolphin that's all i like all i care about don't really need a steak on anything hedgehog chocolate that's a hedgehog basically or a dolphin i don't know what to tell you i've lost my mind a little bit certainly see a lot of units with a decent amount of hp that was a great snipe though it would you can't i'm i'm dead completely i'm completely dead okay a skunk blows that team up but that was hilarious that was a lot of fun now this now this is something we can discuss you need this for now this squad doesn't pop until next turn these skilled teabags how does that sound me and halo 2 in 2005 but never ever since again we don't we pretty much you know with the way you roll that squad you're gonna lose round one but round two you see those cascading cheeseburgers round two things get mighty interesting now we we level them up next turn get ourselves a little bit of a rabbit i feel like robbed that we fought a duck team because this team could beat anything i think [Music] start me start me snail ew i think we buy two things in a food which is unfortunate no i don't think we should do that i think we should roll until we get the squad we like you're not really it we can fit a flamingo as like it's genuinely something i'm adding only because of the fact that we needed some something to do and and we should saw squad placement is all messed up and i was hoping that maybe you didn't notice that over the course of that i snuck in a little headshot just a quick little hedgehog that just just to finish things off there let's do this and then realistically let's do this our flamingo gambit didn't really work out but that's fine we need to fill two spaces honestly i understand your your position here um but this is how it's gonna be uh we're gonna forget the fish the fish has got to go bat into double hedgehog into i i look it's the hedgehog is like the new shrimp for me okay if i see that it's in the game and especially once we get more of them i can't help but take them and i can't help but take multiples of them which is the scary part i think so you're gonna take the buff and then you're freaking out kenny powers you're freaking out and then honestly like you're freaking in and we should probably be building a food meta but that's not what i am doing what i am doing is just praying that our level two ladybug can survive the onslaught that we're about to impart upon our foes here and also ourselves okay i see that you have a level two hedgehog that's cute nice b we win these i can't stop and especially when you roll into other hedgehogs i can't it's just too much fun i'm sorry it's too much fun if you got a problem with that you got a problem with fun you got a problem with fun then you have a problem with me i'm sorry to say it but it's true on this one this this one i'm just gonna be honest with you is not looking too good no matter where i put these essentially it's all over um the good news is again most enemies that are not preparing for this are going to run into some serious troubles the bad news is they have effects on hurt which is uh sub-optimal for me and it's going to lead to my demise but that's the that's the only squad that's going to screw us up like that don't worry [Music] so you actually need the garlic i do like a deer i'm not willing to combine them yet but i'm willing to throw a deer out into the squad just to see that's a big freeze honestly that's a freeze i can be i can be happy with and then i think you know what if the going to stick around let's just give it let's give a little apple just give it a little apple okay so the deer is going to be able to do its work it's going to soften them up and then the hedgehog is going to finish the job hopefully not the best targets for this but that's also that's life that's that's how life works in this mixed up world that's terrible news that's highly unfortunate are we we're down to one life okay that's pretty bad difficult decisions have to be made one two two four look it's fun but is it as fun as a hedgehog and i would say the answer to that question is absolutely not so as a result uh we could start building our second hedgehog back honestly i want to go out as i came in we don't have the space for that he sold a deer for nothing you don't have the money for that okay that being said if there's ever been a run that could win on miracles it would be this one this is how you know i've gone too far i didn't even oh no they got their own hedgehog actually now that i think about that that might serve me kind of well no it will not serve me well at all i'll be killed okay okay okay all right look maybe i like to have a little fun is that a crime to have fun last time i and ladybug i hate to say is a little late but we'll be the sizzling ice cubes if it's a crime to have fun lock me up go ahead okay because i i don't think i can change so i'm not gonna lie to you and promise that if i see a hedgehog this time i'm not gonna grab that hedgehog and maybe take a second one and a third one and a microbe and try to make it work okay because that's just the kind of i i would i wouldn't be being honest with you or me if i said that that's what i was gonna do so i'd rather just keep it real something i'm known for i keep it real roll me you got a problem you got an issue here's a tissue we're gonna it's i'm only doing it this time to create a honey badger type situation it was the best unit available it's an s tier unit on my power rankings many people are saying this oops now if the hedgehog should happen to find its way to the front of the squad who am i to say that it might not be welcomed there no thank you sure that would be lovely freeze me we're almost at a level three ant which is why this might surprise you to hear me say this but that's why i'm playing things just a little bit more coy than usual it would have been nice for that to kill the peacock but that's okay we get a draw out of this nonetheless this is still is still good the peacock is not a good synergistic hurt trigger for us so you got to be a little bit more cautious but but we can for example maybe buy this buy this combine buy another one i know you're gonna say you never put the peacocks or the the hedgehogs like side by side you always stack them on top that's not the case i'm telling you it's one of the that's why this unit it beguiles me that's why it's so interesting to me is that i think it works in this unique capacity let's go the more of them you have the better they are instead of the the better one is the better it gets it's very unique saladmi i have no complaints about this though that may surprise you then i'm going to put one of you in there it's very hard for me to build a uh three level one hedgehogs that's a little bit too much for me i'm just gonna be honest one level twos a little bit more my speed and i still think like as insane as it is and we're going to get a lot of draws probably i still think this squad has the capabilities to get to the moon that couldn't have gone better quite frankly as and you know the hatching chick is a necessary sacrifice we're so close to a uh to a bison freeze it and then just hope you know chocolate is going to show up you know what it is non-negotiable okay you need a skunk and honestly we should have a skunk instead of our peacock that's the unit that has to go i understand the concerns here i understand the complaints here but this even if we lose we have 10 life if we lose a couple of rounds to get it to the point where our skunk has gotten to where our peacock was i will consider that worth it what can i say perfectly calculated come on i know we got a lot frozen here it's in my mind it's worth it just give me some chocolate i know we're not even at chocolate levels yet i can't peel you i can do that i can i would do anything for love and i can do that you know what take some meat just to take out some of these stronger units that are gonna show up i mean if you just wanted to feed me like a uh a level three skunk instead i would be happy to make a level three skunk work perfectly calculated but the ant just seems more likely chocolate thank you now we understand how the game is played the hatching chick must go tiger skunk is interesting but the bison is like the ultimate fail-safe for us here that being said it is going to live with one hp so let's i don't even know if our skunk is going to live we might want to play this one a little bit more coy might want to back this one off just slightly [Laughter] interesting interesting a delightful little play there we'll come away with the draw 12 one ties with the one one sad story once you go ahead and take that why don't you go ahead and take that why don't you go ahead and take this feeling a little bit better about where we stand now it's a little ambitious i'll admit to move the hedgehogs back but there's something to it oh what the heck there's something to it man you're over you overrode your own chili pepper man what the heck are you doing mouth mouths rolling over that i mean he's not in his grave like your mouth's rolling over like in his bed right now we want a skunk to hit level three it's so important for us that the 50 hp units go down to one this is also insane we either we had 10 lives i think we could definitely afford uh to work for a level three bison for a little bit of a scaling factor here see that's the value of the skunk although we still got a serious problem here with this kangaroo close close forget the b the microbe might have been a little one step too far towards ambition i apologize for my previous uh micro play uh i was in a different place in my life things where things were different then that's a good team that's a good team i'm not crying i'm not crying you're crying i would like to see some one-ups forget a t-rex man not interested forget it okay it's unfortunate with what we have i would rather roll that's beautiful we can now sell our that part where i said i don't want to see the t-rex in times of heat people say things they regret i would very much love to see a t-rex right now because it's not a necessity but it would be quite helpful it's starting to pop it's starting to pop that's seven wins god i'm so sorry but also i so love this build because it's so funny nothing yet nothing tickles me cow was always interesting i think we could probably say yes to a cow nothing nothing really um so you know what i no i was going to say put a steak on the couch that's not smart though you can roll one more time because we don't see a one-up or anything look it's very meager right now but i think this does it it looks bad but it doesn't change our game as much as you think that it would that's where the skunk is necessary and like this squads it's blown out man although the fly is still pretty nasty yeah okay when i said it was blown out i didn't mean that i was i that was based on old data i'd like to apologize for now i like this no guarantees but we still got room to work with okay you know that part where i said i like it i have to freeze you sell you buy you sell you put a blowfish in the middle and we run t-rex next time because otherwise we wouldn't hit the scaling factor on it anyway we might as well try to get some value out of our three gold love to see a skunk work like that man hey we'd love to see a skunk okay my blowfish didn't even get a chance to shoot which seems a little insulting but we win these nonetheless get sold by me it has it has no merit whether or not you die you're like you're worth so much more to us for the scaling factor than for your nine damage although placing you at the front is kind of interesting but i like that i like the hedgehogs messing with your game honestly more than anything else i just like the fact that the hedgehogs up at the front is going to be like whoa i didn't see that coming next best thing we want is a is a one up for our hedgehog that's it we get a one up for our hedgehog i'm a happy man so we're gonna draw this one which is devastating to me on a personal level but was a lot of fun one up hedgehog we can buy one more thing dude honestly freeze me i'm going to roll i don't think i'm going to roll the t-rex next round i think i'm going to suck up the buffs this round we're not going to get the bison he's already maxed basically we're gonna send out a level two skunk along with our level one skunk and i think that will give us that much better of a chance to make this actually happen i mean how did you spawn a 30 out of what the heck is happening that's a unique squad anyway we win okay we're on nine could also fit another hedgehog out there but i'm telling you this is the way t-rex wouldn't be caught dead using the t-rex at this stage of the game don't make me laugh round 18 holy crap [Laughter] this is why you need two skunks but to be honest we actually need like five skunks here yes is the case can we get a level three skunk it would take like a perfect roll here i see the hedgehog but it's it's less valuable i promise okay we're not gonna get it we'll be cool no we definitely do not care about melon armor with all these hedgehogs you piece you know what scorpion breaking melon armor shattering level two skunk up at the front oh no what the heck they've all got one hp i don't even know what happened but that's ten wins oh dude the skunks just bodied them that's so good they all the caterpillars cop butterflies copied from the one hp unit that got skunked oh thanks for watching we have a great time here i hope you enjoyed if you think click the like button upset a great deal of course subscribe you want to see more in the future for now thanks for watching i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 137,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GO0fSDb9ZL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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