Attempting another Three Player Nuzlocke

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we're doing another Soul link that's right but CJ what's a soul link I'm glad that you asked this is a Pokémon Platinum Soul link now if you know how Nuzlocke works it's real simple every time you get a Pokemon uh and it faints it's dead forever you can only Capture One Pokemon per route however we're doing that but as a team which means every time we go on a route all three of us catch a Pokemon those Pokemon are linked if fur and his Zig zigon dies and and that is linked to small ants gutina that gutina is dead too it is randomized random Pokemon random items also you can't have two of the same primary type on your own team all right you guys ready yeah yeah yeah okay go what's our rival named last time it was chat but we defeated chat so we need a new rival what what are we calling it then YouTube frog YouTube frog YT frog can I look what I have sure go ahead the windsh Pokémon chimco The Rock snake Pokémon Onyx poison pin Pokemon NE Arena all right I got Doug Trio Tang growth and mag mortar I got grum Pig togga tick and skun tank yeah I guess I'll go skun tank I'm going with Magmar you know what I think Onyx is the funniest so I'm going to pick the Onyx you know what for the naming conventions I think combining three different names is is overwhelming you know what I say I say we just name it after real people all right o b a m a Obama uh who who gets the first encounter CJ go in the lake okay okay uh my first encounter is G glcore I got a Fator oh my gosh good luck that's going to be tricky to catch I got a nice and Casual sandrew yeah this doesn't look very promising I haven't gotten a shake yet but I haven't used a ton of balls either it burned itself what happened honestly this thing being burned is probably good for me being able to catch it I got it you got it yeah I cut the sandrew we're good we're going to name this one John lenen Obama and John Lennon the most iconic Duo all right ready for the next one I got snow I got a Ponyta I got NADA oh I caught this fudger I mean I caught mine I haven't yet I'm just too afraid to I mean I can probably do like a smog cuz that's low damage that that almost killed okay don't you kill it dude I didn't I didn't I didn't it's like per it's perfect health I caught it so we're going to we're going to call it Michelle all right we ready for 202 or whatever this is I get first pick okay I get I got a I have a I have a Chikorita I got man manife I got a Skarmory all right well I'm almost out of Pokéballs me too I caught it so it didn't matter but [Music] oh I got critted what the fudge dude I'm getting out of here sorry wait you ran what was I supposed to do it's the hardest catch right of the game all right I'm going to go do my first battle I'm finding a fly gon that's a Mewtwo okay I got sand tmed turn one against the fly gon with Obama out oh don't kill Obama [Music] well don't you dare kill Obama dude I I don't think I can do damage to this thing Obama 100% is about to die I really hope for kills Obama so I don't don't do it he's he's the he's the best member of my team all right I swapped Obama out we're good let's go I think I'm screwed I think Obama just dies here so which Pokemon are we willing to lose what what did you do there's a a Mewtwo in front of me and it one- shots any Pokemon on my team right now and I have how do you know that because I did the math who are we most willing to lose I'd rather lose Michelle than Obama so here's the here's the thing um if we lose Obama it has the highest chance of us not losing another one so I think the starter may die all right well just do do what you got to do okay I I literally I think I just have to risk this okay use use disable um which is really bad because now we don't have an attacking move on Obama and it and it okay Obama's Dead um Obama died I'm going to be switching to Michelle now to see if it takes out the other one okay it failed disable okay I just need to hit two more tackles I I don't have an attacking move now um it used disabled three times in a row I I have to switch to John lennin please don't attack Mewtwo please don't attack it use confusion it almost killed John lennin in a single hit scratch it killed John lennin John Lennon's Dead all right well I'm going to get swept by a level five Mewtwo it use confusion it I missed tackle it disabled tackle I don't have any attacking moves should I get the second files ready I just lost I just wiped it's the second trade I'm just glad I didn't lose to that fly gun cuz that could have been me I'll do Kadabra a glcore oh great I always wanted a glcore I'll do weon uh we're naming it Morty after uh I have a cousin oh okay all right I'm going to get the encounter it is it's a gorbis I got a Celio I got a clay doll does it no explosion at this level I don't know oh it teleported oh well it's over we don't get that encounter oh nice try I'm getting the next encounter I got it's a Hound hour all right I got my next encounter and it it's oh lattos it catch rate is three so about the same as the Mana you but fortunately you got those extra balls right F I don't need the extra balls I got man Tike I can attack it again and it might bring it down to like one Health but I could also kill it ah do it hit it do it okay I'll go for it you're probably screwed either way and this is your best chance okay okay it's it's low Health all right I've got 16 pokeballs in a dream this should be easy My chat's Telling me there's A8 is% chance even with all the damage I did it's struggling it died oh all right I'm ready for the next Pokemon whenever all right I got Riolu okay I got a for alligator this is great wow and I got a Gloom I really love this game I got crit I got crit and I died wait that's a white then hey wiped me it crit me you kidding I figured it's the first Pokemon to catch it's not going to crit me and kill me at the perfect opportunity god I think I'm going to go with fif flop SM you go next my starters are Blissey dragonir and mag mortar what which one are you picking small ant I think I'm picking me mortar yeah you know I'll I'll I'll pick manife we're going to name this one Beth after uh I have an aunt named to Beth wait a second I just remembered a character named Beth and freaking Mory what were you going to name the next one Jerry or summer I don't have any family members named Jerry or summer I was going to name the next one poopy butthole so um after who uh it was a nickname that uh my best friend in high school had I got drift blame Golem Pidgeon mine is just burning itself to death flame body is kind of weird I'm I'm 12 balls deep and it had I haven't seen it shake once oh caught I caught it oh thank God okay I don't want any SM L's here I'm going to I'm going to name it all right this uh one of my friends in chat suggested this one we're going to name it Helen Keller all right I'm ready to fish whis cash that's actually kind of a cool Pokemon I got Butterfree all right landed a Pokemon I got Magby epic I caught it I feel like we need to do a Taylor Swift we can we can do Taylor S we got another encounter coming right up and then another one right after that and then another one right after that and then another one and then the gym wait how many are before the gym four oh my gosh yeah let's go fight the Rival white te frog M dous lattos yikes it is literally just spamming wish every turn bro even when it doesn't work that sounds like a fun battle oh my God now it's about to kill me oh I finished the goddamn battle bro God that was so lame anyways all right encounter time it's a fan pee I've got Marowak I got CA turn I caught mine I could try and switch and do some damage to it with a fire move but I don't trust that when it's like 10 levels higher almost what's what's the chance of getting burned on hitting someone what happened I'm at one Health all right well I have two Poké Balls left uh the repeat ball will get it surely I did all right well we got it yeah two two Pokéballs left um I'm thinking Alice for this one a l i after who uh I don't know like Alice and Wonderland or something all right I caught mine I'm just going to name it and move on while you guys get ready wait what did you get I got a crow gunk what are you nameing it I'm going to name him he's a little he's a little guy and he likes punching I'm going to name him um Jake Paul Runk I got a Wigglytuff I got a Magneton okay I'm running my way up there this is first Pokemon to name this is first to name all right maybe you get the first I got I got to get there real quick I'm I'm a little bit behind oh I got my encounter by accident low Tad Kangas scan I got a shield on all right I have one shot all right here we go I caught it yo there's no way oh my God Ian chat some guy in chat said name it Ian all right all my Pokémon are Level 14 I am ready well I frankly am ready to fight this thing me too me too me too I'm ready all right 3 2 1 go bath is just car caring me right now oh and you send out electrode just kill it kill it just die just go just end your end your go get out of here it got burned now I'm burned never mind I can't be burned it's over I won easy all right I've got one more Pokemon left me too can gust Miss I think it's 100% technically it's 100% okay we're good then we're good we are good oh don't use UR all right well I am win R Done me too we got a b boom no casualties this is the attempt this is the one okay well let's make our way to the second JY then wait are we doing value in Works encounter by the way yeah clay doll oh that is going to teleport mine's a Wimer I have a stavia all right well I'm waiting on CJ got it let's go nice I'm going to name it jib Carrie it fits on my team what about you guys uh it does not and I don't want to get rid of manife okay that's fine all right now let's fight the guy so we can go inside so we can go to a different place so we can get the keys so we can follow him so we can go in so we can fight Mars all right I'm ready to fight Mars or whoever this is Slugma balls Mars you idiot I keep missing Super Sonic this is annoying I just hit a flamethrower and I just got hit by a sing idiot get burned this flame body activates I think every single time I've gotten hit without fail all right done all right and I have finished the fight oh I finished fighting oh yeah anti uh poison doesn't kill right no I guess we're going to find out I mean I can just use an antidote if we don't want to find out no find out let's find out who is it I think it's Beth I don't want to no it's Helen Keller it's Helen Keller that's fine Helen Keller survive the poison the poison faded away yeah one Health so Route 205 yeah yeah it is Scyther Sharpedo Smith get your counter go oh we already CAU ours you did since when since you were it's a Caterpie what do we name it what are we going to name it Logan Paul all right do we want to go into the forest how does this work with the encounters I guess you just pick you kill one and then catch the other yeah and you get to pick which one Cheryl is going to be following you and so it's all going to be double battles you're going to get a double encounter I got a CA and a crany dose but doesn't that mean there's a chance she just kills it yes so this is going to be hard it's going to be very I got a Whooper I just have to throw a ball okay wait I caught Whooper stop Cheryl well sorry SM you killed Wooper I didn't kill nothing it was Cheryl it was all Cheryl wait you can do single battles right oh you can let's go yeah you can force single that's a reged ice I'm sure it'll be be fine yeah I'm sure it's just going to explode it'll be fine oh God it's a reged ice in it I have to put it to sleep it's the only way it's the only way don't explode please that's a curse sing okay okay put it to sleep I need to use a special move to kill it now no wait it's a special tank I need to use a physical move to kill it um we switch back to Helen Keller and now it needs to not wake up it f it woke up Helen Keller died no you're kidding no I'm not kidding and there goes another one five in a row for small I haven't done anything it was the r ice this is Terri if it explodes Beth dies Jesus don't let Beth die I it's the only thing that I can do I just have to spam Ember it's the only way I can kill it cuz it's cursing it's dead okay we're good we're good oh my God I'm stupid wait it couldn't have exploded it was its last Pokemon I could have just stayed in with Beth uh uh well I got a Pichu uh zangus I got Infernape I mine was Pichu and uh alfad actually maned Pichu when smash came out so we're going to go with Jacob we can do the gym now I think we do gym now yeah all right so how do we do the gym here what do we got to do so you just talk to the the women inside and they will once you fight them they'll turn the clock you said the level caps 22 yeah yeah I can do 20 for all of them hold on uh so um so Jacob just died Jacob died I don't know how this happened do I at least get to do the first battle with Jacob if you're in a battle you can finish it I'm not in the battle yet you're [ __ ] out of luck oh my gosh well that was like 30 seconds you killed alphared yeah I was getting a little uh a little bold with it Chad this is just too easy are you just tail glow sweeping I'm just tail glow bubble sweeping bubble yeah oh my God not even I'll get like plus four and then I'll just Spam bubble that's crazy oh no oh my God who did you kill I swear if you killed Beth no not Beth uh Alice he's killing the entire Twilight cast what the I saw Spence reaction okay I needed this it's about to evolve oh no that's on me it's on me guys all right I'm ready to fight the gym leader yeah I'm just going to go I'm just going to go fight I'm doing the gym leader okay all right let's go I have been rolling out on this Mantine and it died before I did so fantastic emit proud of you is kind of a tank kind of a kind of a a beefy dude oh and it's a torque cool so roll out will KO if it just hits here let's go well I won well the Gym's over and it went off without without a hitch yeah no problems whatsoever no deaths in the gym at all nope all right let's get those two encounters and then let's fight Team Galactic am getting Shroomish Victory Bell I got granbull what are we naming it Carl marks oh wait I got an encounter what is it Cason H I'm getting all the bugs bro I got Whooper yo come on encounter okay we got a wingle yeah what are we nameing it John do okay right what oh my encounter is ilam I got Umbreon neino do you guys know that Jack Daniels like the the alcohol Jack Daniels the guy that made it is not named Jack Daniels what's his name Jack Daniel Jasper is his first name Jack is like like a nickname or like a middle name or something I caught it nice we'll name it Jasper then I'm assuming you have a naming scheme going on here and I have no idea what it is definitely does no I don't I'm just I'm just doing random names that I can think of CJ knows he knows all right I'm there what level are you thinking I'm just staying at the level I'm at which is like 23 22 cuz after this what we have to go through the mountain and that's it I'm ready no speed up on this battle Jesus that does a lot but all right no oh my God Beth got iCal hit and died one hit that's that's my one good Pokemon it just got crit and died in one hit it was a highroll crit how am I supposed to tail glow sweep anymore a lenon just a headbutt highroll crit bet that's insane all right I beat Jupiter I beat Jupiter too with only a minor or minor casualty oh I got an encounter under the under the B path I got elid I got Heracross another bug type Danny for Danny deito what is your like what's your Magneton name Jake Paul I would only want to swamp if we can get an extra Pokemon out of it could we what's your Jake Paul SM Wiggly tff could you bring anything in if you lost Wiggly tff uh yeah I could bring in Jim Carrey I can bring in Jim Carrey yes sir okay all right then I'm fine with it I am so fine with this all right I'm going into the gym I'm going to make my way to the gym later I'm at I'm at fantina I'm ready to go bro all right go magicarp let's go boom done got it out of here all right Carl Marx doesn't get crit here no I never well draag Dragon rage can't crit it's okay it can't no it has to do 40 oh I should win right here Jim Carry let's go they call him Jim they call him Jim Carrey the way he sweeps these gyms well that's it for today right five hours we managed to beat three gyms nice we got we got past the slow stuff day two yeah let's let's not screw it up now we're three gyms in we got five to go we're ready to go then huh what level should we be for the Rival fight just still 26 yeah wait what's our level cap 32 okay let's go into the into the connector okay okay yeah yeah yeah Rival Battle let's go if we just lose right here that would be really embarrassing for us if we just white out right now right oh my God zangus use sword stance and it outspeeds me I might get one shot here what no I'm fine oh that's scary he know's Pursuit uh-oh no switching wait who's in right now Carl marks I mean wait use takedown is that going to deal more uh yep that almost killed but I think because it used takedown I kill him yeah okay we're good it's fine nice all right I finished mine with full health I'm fighting a dark cry right now so just give me a minute to scream and cry animous wind do not get the boosts I miss sleep powder bro it's a any hypnosis to me oh and I have bad dreams now okay missed okay he missed a couple of hypnosis so we're fine we're fine here we got this all right we got a new encounter I got my encounter it's a great all right I'm going to I'm going to go on the grass oh it's a it's a legendary it's a gutina oh [ __ ] saw rock all right I got it no way what all right so the name is Pete space ball who's that it's a cousin there should be an encounter coming up I got feeis all right I'm going to get my encounter it is a side duck all right mine's a Kingler yeah we're going to name this one Edward well I'm ready for the gym okay I am at the gym leader ready to rock all right 3 two 1 go no speed up all right well the gym Leader's last Pokemon is Mesprit uh I'm not too worried yeah I mean I almost killed it in one hit I had one Pokemon left and I was really nervous what they were going to send out and it's a Pidgey next gym is 37 yeah I'm getting to 34 I think that's a comfortable right after the gym all right now we have to go do this double battle with the galactic idiots oh I got a mold Trace in the cave no in Valor Lake Front all right come on let me get a legendary I deserve one I'm hitting him one more time I got it he died it CR are you kidding me oh my you you crit your Pokemon oh I just I was not paying attention to what a person was saying under the houses and now I'm in a battle you just wanted to battle one of them I I had speak beat up on you're crazy when does reg steel learn explosion what Pokemon is most likely to dis cuz it's a double Battle of course um so I can send in Pete ball and that'll be fine is Jim is Jim Carry tanky no yeah Pete ball just PE ball can take an explosion it's fine I've already I've already put people on okay yeah you're fine oh wait your other Pokemon yeah cuz it's a double battle for some reason oh my God bro so I have to hope it doesn't use it yeah you just need to focus it and only it it is so tanky I hate this all right I I outspeed it so I think it dies this turn please take it out he used the full why all right well Jim Carrey died he wasn't even exploded on it wasn't even exploded on all right well I mean it was only one Pokemon yeah it's okay we're chilling we're going to the Rival fight now yeah let's do fight the Rival let's let's decimate this child wait how many Pokemon does rival have this rival has more poke than the gym leader does and this has been a pushover of a fight same he's only been sending out like first evolution Pokemon for me boom done didn't take a single hit of damage well I uh I beat the YouTube frogs me too all right let's get through this gym there's a lot of required trainers here wow I am destroying these Pokemon my skun is so overpowered don't ever let Charlie s die I've gone through like five trainers plus the Rival without getting hit once H Danny deito died no what that was the only good Pokemon on my team I did not have a single good Pokemon to swap into against a r Fior that was my Zapdos oops put everything in the Box let's restructure the team so we have Charlie s Pete ball Carl Marx Damon EMT and Bonnie ready okay go all right he's only got three Pokemon this is going to be a wash toga tick done for okay now I'm going to hope that elect of Fire doesn't have any attacking moves for Charlie s we know it's going to use Thunder Punch light screen it doesn't have any moves for me we win we just win by default hydro pump in the rain that's a little [Music] scary oh my God I almost just got one shot what against what this my loading set up rain and then hit a hydrop pump and it got me down to five Health from Full that was so scary I thought I just lost my best Pokemon all right this will be easy for Bonnie let's go what's the next level Cat by the way 41 all right let's go we made it through no casualties on the gym leader the next thing we have to do is we have to go to town the hidden town in the in the rocks and fight Cyrus oh no what what did you kill yeah I it died oh that's bad all right get your butts to Canal leave City Boys all right I'm on my way baby let's go and then we have an immediate rival fight on the bridge so watch out are you ready yeah I'm ready we're doing this this rival fight yep go go go oh this is scary this dude has a Groudon I think I'm going to lose a Pokemon here all my Pokemon suck don't make them worse who's the worst Pokemon on your guys teams I mean I just I literally just swept the Rival with Bonnie so not Bonnie oh that didn't do that much damage wait a sec oh wait but it's Groudon in the Sun and I have a grass type out holy sh Carl marks you're so sick oh uhoh crit crit again crit him again all right he used earthquake I'm KL Marx is dead wait we'll see but like almost definitely two bulk UPS earthquake yeah okay so now I just need who can kill him in one hit cuz he's kind of low Bonnie will kill him here okay the groud on 's dead Jesus Christ dude that was so hard wait I believe we have an encounter in this town all right I got a Pokemon it's happening I got M while I got an egg Ron I'm going to name mine Greg H EF l y Greg hefley let's beat this gym leader quick guys I'm really hungry all right go go go go ooh king draw oh a dragon type it is scary I outp spe it though so that's good oh it just used agility so I'm not going to outspeed it next turn uh oh the last Pokemon's aaca boom done got a crit how did you do that so fast we're sick with it bro well there we go we're done for today there we go yeah next week's going to be a a big day we got a lot to do next time but I think we'll nail it all right well uh now we are moving on so next thing we need to do is go to snow Point City I believe I think we go to Varity Lakefront actually I guess it is Varity Lakefront all right I'm I'm fighting woba Fett yeah if you just double team the woba Fett cuz he's slow right I'm I'm sure it'll work out here we'll kill we'll kill him turn one we'll outspeed it'll work bad news did not kill woba the first turn oh did it kill you no it used counter but it attacked Pete which it doesn't affect oh I'm doing the exact same turn this time except the wob Fett died it died don't worry hey we' only losing Charlie Charlie Swan is my fly gone that's my best Pokemon don't worry I'm I'm swapping him out I'm swapping them out all right daely make sure you split the next Double battle into single battles is there any chance of failing now yeah there's a huge chance of failure we're playing with CJ and fur hey what I mean you can just surf around the the battle you know that right oh that's so true I'm I'm actually concerned oh okay no boosts good uh if it slashes me it's going to do a lot this thing is a monster I need to try and paralyze it I guess it has a citrus um something is dying to a Groudon uhoh I don't know what it'll be a completely random move so going to hope it goes for earthquake here no it can't cuz levitate slash okay not very effective good now I I flamethrower cuz we're in the sun I got the boosts you've got to be kidding me this might be a short stream this might be a short stream oh no wait this is the this is the commander am I able to use healing items yeah this is a boss battle I have to hope for a flamethrower burn but then ancient power is still an issue I don't want to kill Pete ball cuz that's your best Pokemon right F yeah but I mean is is it a matter of us actually continuing the stream cuz that's a completely different story than just losing one Pokemon cuz it's going to be it's going to be random move and then Pete just has to either take take a slash yeah I heal healing Pete is the best and just hope we don't crit okay okay I heal no crit no crit no crit don't you dare oh it bulked up it knows bulk up it didn't use ancient power come on burn burn burn it crit oh my God slash it went for freaking slash bro I switch in Damon and then it earthquakes but it Damon no no we switch in Danny yeah I was going say he's going to slash I have to switch in Danny then Danny switches in I think that's good right all right go for it it used ball cup yeah it's out let's go then there's one more Pokemon I mean it can't it can't possibly be as bad as this all right if it's a second Groudon I think we'd lose okay no deaths oh my God bro that was a nightmare I was ready to end stream can I catch a Pokemon yet whose turn is it my turn Okay bom Charizard I got hit mon Lee okay I caught it yo what yeah we're going to name this one reneesme not Nessie you know you know what let's let's name it Nessie okay I keep accidentally running into battles oh wait Cay all's ground I forgot a body died yo are you listening fan no what happened do you know that Bonnie just died what what how did you kill B that was my is the Gerra your catch no it's it's what I'm fighting and it's really freaking strong I actually don't know how I'm going to sand to him good good idea chat let's sand to him and do two damage it didn't even hit wa 4 HP good one if I if a Pokemon dies it's your fault Charlie has just died no SM what the [ __ ] what are you guys doing I just realized I'm an idiot Damon can't get hit by Gerra wow good go s wait healing healing wish is the one that you use healing wish why no there's no way I got mixed up no what did you which Pokemon was that what a [ __ ] mess dude you my favorite Pokemon how is this where we're losing we shouldn't do too much team building right now we should get our encounter so if you have four on your team you should be fine get the encounter and then we'll do a whole restructure I got weeping Bell Gengar all right I got an Electabuzz what do we what do we name what are we naming it okay it's Tom Tom and then put the plus symbol plus Jerry I was already I was already putting in Jerry all right which Pokemon can you not get rid of for Pete yeah Tom and Jerry is good I I Nessie is one of the better Pokemon for me yeah okay let's do that let's let's do Nessie then is there any chance we use Edward Edward actually would be pretty good yeah if you'd rather add Edward than John Doe I'm fine with that I can I can do Freddy yeah okay let's do Jasper oh God we have six at least team is significantly worse than before but we'll make two we will make two so are we going to the gym now or do we need to do the lake stuff first um gym is a you can't use rock climb until you do the gym I am ready to go we're going to win this start go no speed up MMO swine to start wait no that makes sense get that out of here Edward is crazy dude let's go pin sir send out another bug type I dare you could he one hit you probably not uh um hey so um no no don't tell me something just died what's your guys' worst Pokemon just just wondering they all suck honestly it doesn't matter what dies at this point it couldn't get worse I don't think you should be asking me because all my Pokemon are good do not kill Edward nesser Tom and Jerry okay well I got really good news Freddy died all right that's fine that was the worst Pokemon on my team okay I I just won the battle the first Pokemon was a little tricky but Tom and Jerry swept for the most part I have won let's go with barely any blood shed I'm talking to Cyrus me too I'm talking to him so we can heal on this battle right yep three heals it's over by the way you're done did you speed up oh man what the hell is your problem what I thought it was only Gym Leaders what is happening this dude is so strong I can't kill Edward Edward's my best Pokemon if Edward dies I'm screwed all right live live live live live live no no who died Edward no you killed Edward I'm going to kill everyone it's looking like this Pinsir is so strong oh my God all right Chris Pratt is going to die why it has to happen it just has to happen Do we wipe right now honestly it's looking like I might I have Blaze kick I forgot wait he has Thrash oh my God wait he might me up anyway oh my God if I don't one hit him here I die okay I'm going to send in Jasper cuz he's locked into thrash he's going to use thrash on Jasper get confused while and then he's going to hit himself in confusion surely what is Jasper uh Umbreon so if he does use the Swords Dance no so I'm fine but if he hits me with X scissor now I'm dead I just have to hope that doesn't happen hit yourself hit yourself oh my god dude oh 2 Hp oh he got hit with a recoil it hurt itself yes oh my God it killed itself but there's still one Pokemon left oh my God it's a centrate I'm going to be okay I think all right Tom and Jerry is my only Pokemon with more than 20 hp holy [ __ ] I one hit it I CR oh my god dude I almost wiped you guys are slowly just decreasing the strength of my team until I have nothing left all right so do not move forwards because there's another battle so go back and we're going to change our team so we have more than four Pokemon so we can do Damon yeah we can do Damon so you're saying no Mario Tim Carrey John Doe Logan Paul Danny all of my Pokemon are bug types um I'm trying to think if we got rid of Jasper could we add two Pokemon or no maybe let's let's get rid of Jasper and think about it I'm just going to take him off temporarily okay we can only add either Logan Paul Mario or Jasper all right Mario it is woohoo oh my God what what just happened what did you kill I'm too embarrassed to say F's going to be so bad at me no oh no it's Tom Cherry I think it used Destiny bond this what use Destiny Bond the Pokemon I was fighting are you guys able to add Jake Paul yeah yeah you ready SM yeah I'm ready as ready as I'll ever be with this garbage Team all right five Pokemon this is going to be scary oh does graer know explosion at this level let love it knows double explosion earthquake and rock blast do I outp spe it what's it speed I might outspeed it and like I guess reflect might save me I should outp spe so I just reflect and hope I survive it it outspeeds somehow I I don't know how please tell me I live this just just one just tell me I live one just one okay all right um I think no matter what I don't survive an explosion unless it explodes on Mario all right I'm done I'm going to hope it explodes on Mario okay um we have to hope gigar drain heals us to full at the very least it might not rock blast it might explode we could just kill it here and we're back to full um I'm going to light screen and it's going to kill me now and I don't have a roof likeed up anymore uhoh Jake Paul goes down here it's the only way that I can beat this armaldo I think it could protect no it can't protect it literally can't protect it always goes for the kill chat Jake Paul's dead I don't have any heals by the way um why do you light screen because that was the only thing I could do because I have four other Pokemon to beat after this oh my God I now have to use mock punch and it will not kill Nessie will die we can handle a setback we just can't handle we could if we crit maybe Nessie is dead uhhuh Mario is two chances Mario is a focus sash so Mario Will Survive a slash no matter what G good drain doesn't even kill I think I think we wipe here I hope he doesn't again I think we WIP I think let Mario die what do I even do against that I I don't have any moves against do I just bite I guess bite or rock smash why did I out speed that's crazy there's a chance Dratini does this have dragon rage I swear to God if this has Dragon raage bro it could Flinch I can flinch Flinch still I can Flinch I can Flinch I can Flinch I can Flinch I can Flinch I can Flinch I can Flinch I can Flinch no way oh my God come on okay light screen's gone Abra oh that's easy teleport oh and he's okay the the the the way the AI works is it sends out worse and worst Pokemon because it s out the best one first that has another Abra another Abra yeah let's go let's go all the sacrifices we made don't I know it's Cyrus it's literally just Pete and Damon that are left it's better than nothing and we're about to get a catch the anticipation is killing me here I'm a bit nervous all right gutina is in front of my face but what is he truly behind that disguise what do we see please be good wait it's just guaranteed Ina wait yeah it's just geara we could put it on the team get rid of Pete ball and that does open another slot cuz there's that is true has been stopping us for getting a lot of Pokemon I I I think we take it as a token right give a nickname I'm naming it token we get to reencounter in some route all right so the uh the first town water thing then is that where we go yep so we're doing ver lak front uh no a cutie up top ooh Earth ring all right I got a Buel all right I got a Eevee what are you nameing it for uh is it me I think small an should name it cuz it's like his first good Pokemon in a year Carlile all right yuie is a DUS skull which I had but I don't mind Heracross I've already got it it's just another bug type Metagross oh you're not going to [ __ ] catch that oh yeah I forgot I had Hammer arm nobody liked Rosalie though right no is this really worth it it would be your best Pokemon it would be my best Pokemon if you got this you could get rid of Pete ball and yeah that is that's why you guys want me to get this Z need to throw that piece of [ __ ] in the Box oh it struggled it struggled it did not get it and people didn't die either I'm sorry all right I am in the Sunny Shore ready for a new brilliant [Music] encounter I got a mol Trace it's it's an okay Pokemon and I caught it with a quick ball first turn no way oh it's it's done SP all right all right mine's a clefable Esme wait we're doing Esme and Nessie let's go to Fuego Iron Works real quick I got glore vile plume meditite I'm going to name it Rascal all right we need to do our team then all right so it's Carlile Rascal Jasper is and Ian what else can be added let's let's Taylor Swift would be big for me yeah okay let's do it I can do Danny and Danny's a Heracross which is fine well then we have a team well that's six um it would be really funny if I lost on my first battle without gutina yep we do not have a Route 219 encounter yet really yep oh how did that happen we I think we just forgot this run um it's a Mewtwo well good luck it's only level six cuz I used an Old Rod I've almost thrown 40 balls at this Mewtwo I got it you got it I got it I got the Mewtwo do not screw up your encounter let's see what I got a Cresselia yo what double legendary it's an inaros Aeros you don't have an electric type do you I don't think I do oh it's struggling it's been 40 turns yes it has it's dead it died it killed itself brutal sand are you good yep was that your next encounter is what my next encounter the one on your screen you're killing Pokemon right now yep holy [ __ ] it's a Goku [ __ ] it's a gados that's kind of cool I got a Geodude and I got gastrodon chat if you're curious as to what this is I just grabbed every image on my desktop I cut the Gyarados sorry CJ's editors good luck with this one wait what happened what's the name uh Odie is it time to go to the gym I think so so we could do the Honey Tree and Flor Roma Meadow do you want to do that while we're doing this um I mean just change your clock on your computer change to the next [Music] day it's a it's a comi it might not be R maybe I just got really awful luck yippe I got a Burmy so it's not randomized then 20 minutes later wait wait wait wait wait wait the bee trees weren't randomized does that mean we get a token I think so then we could reencounter the the Mewtwo maybe I guess you'd have to catch another Mewtwo I I'll do it I don't know and I'll probably just get another gelia yeah no you're guaranteed to get a Cresselia if you fish it's guaranteed you just get just get dust walls this time I got the Cresselia okay you got it no I encountered it but I got it that's good that's good it's good okay there is mostly on me I am going to try and catch a Mewtwo for Redemption come on come on yeah got it you got it oh my God Arrow all right I am at the dude I think this Tyranitar might kill something it kills with earthquake and I don't have a levitator anymore how do we feel about Jasper Jasper's all right okay it was a crit it just killed Jasper with a crit Force palom good I got a crit back all right I'm going in for hold on I didn't actually start I want to though we've been here for seven hours we have we're so close to the end Let's Do It Go no speed up it took 7 hours to get here today we two badges 7 hours arudo yeah as long as he doesn't have a Tyranitar I will be a okay okay oh yeah there's a bell sprout okay this is a tough battle this is probably the easiest gem I have gotten yeah no this is this is fantastic this is it my trump card as he sends out a Pokemon that cannot damage me I won we did it guys we have all the badges and I don't know it's a it's a miracle that we made it this far I'm just going to say that much we should have lost multiple times we need rock smash to wait so we need five HMS five isn't it rock climb waterfall rock smash strength and serve oh we need rocks yeah we do need rocks it's so stup God damn it bro Crow on wait no this is this is easy I remember yeah cuz it's going to just bulk up and not attack me oh wait that was when I had levitate I forgot so this is actually really bad because I only have four Pokemon right now right and none of them counter Groudon we we wipe it right here after everything because of the HMS because of some hm chat I don't gain anything from sacking anyone don't tell me to sack want to see the world burn don't don't sack my arrow there is no reason for me to change it Pete he might use earthquake I think this might be where Pete finally dies it that did less damage it crit all right Pete's dead and finally happened what he's finally dead no okay I I killed Groudon that's nice thanks God we're just Crush in the victory road right now uh-oh I uh made a mistake and I'm very sorry about it what did you kill something his name is Jonathan doe smant did you think it was Aro I see your face I was like we lose if I lose Arrow I'm literally soloing with arrow it was literally the last battle of Victory roader you kidding me the last Pokemon it was a blossom oh why did I stay in I'm so dumb CJ are you out there C CJ are you are you ready to fight the Elite 4 uh hold on can you hear me yeah how are you I'm just calling to to to see H how your day is going it's okay I it's been a long stream but it's okay the only way to escape is to fight who is growling in the call we're so close are we are we fighting the Rival yes okay let's go all right we got to beat him it would be embarrassing if we lost here yeah if we lost to the youw frogs in the end meww it probably doesn't have anything good it only has uh Miss miracle I psych up and future sight no attacking moves no attacking moves yeah well it has future sight but that'll hit you in like three turns mhm all right Danny did take the future site it did like 12 damage Mesprit oh you getting all the legendary psychic types huh these Pokemon don't learn anything oh and I One Shot It Anyways with a crit dude Danny's going to sweep Danny is doing it my Danny is sweeping too all right my battle's done all right I am up in the Elite Four in front of this guy all right I'm ready you ready you're ready all right go go go no speed up easy easy first kill that was [ __ ] neutral bro all right I'm going to heal here he's going to do a lot less with Drew I think I made the right show SM can you check something for me yeah what's up what moves will level 50 regi steal now charge beam iron defense Amnesia ancient power oh that's easy charge beam will be neutral on Ian okay all right this should be a free x-scissor kill x-scissor is busted no stab but this move is dummy strong and it's super effective let's go I've had to use four psychics on a low puny so but I think I got it yep it is over I got it all right bathroom break I'll be right back chat and we'll continue this do you want to lie to SM and when he gets back say we killed Arrow yeah well actually I think Arrow could die here if I get crit you might not have to lie maybe we don't Maybe we don't have to lie you're kidding did you actually kill Arrow not Arrow Danny switch to Dany oh well all right well we better not lie about the second Pokemon being dead then too I heard you guys joking about faking a death but now it sounds kind of serious what's going on well somebody actually did die Danny's dead you killed Dan Danny died I don't want all the blame to go to me all right what does palia resist fire water he will block thank you for using that move what a waste of a turn all right spatial Ren didn't kill in one hit so oh yeah that's scary spatial Ren Dragon claw ancient power and then he'll block yeah that just deal um I mean I will die next turn unless it uses a weird move I mean if it if it no if it has a if it has a kill it's guaranteed to use a move that will kill yeah that's true true all right um I am just going to use sidekick he used heal block let's go oh my God please kill please kill this should kill this should kill if brick break was doing that much yes oh my goodness all right we only lost Danny hey if we lose one Pokemon per battle then we're on track to win yeah we then we win then we win we're good all right so we're we're just fighting right now wait candy wait what's our level cap what's our level cap now 55 I totally forgot I was about to go underleveled all right I'm ready to fight you guys ready to fight let's go poly whirl I'm so sorry CJ it has to be done no wait I was speeding up the whole time I didn't even notice man what is wrong with of course the fight's over I just used psychic six times oh this Relic killed itself with recoil let's go what that did so much damage who my God against Ian one hydro pump did 180 damage and crit again and now I'm on one Health oh my God what the hell is happening it's just spamming Rest full restore bro what is this I'm getting St stomped maybe oh I finished my battle how many Pokemon do I have left cuz like I'm not in a good position vile plume has good special defense right we'd hope so all right please don't miss why do I always miss it crit no on what Rascal did Rascal die Rascal died a crit all right I'm done with the fight hey we lost one more Pokemon we're on track to win this all right next battle let's go it's so late bro if we lose it'll evolve in for nothing oh go go go okay I think we're going to switch to prison Mike what if prison Mike dies here Jesus that wasn't even a crit all right I'm done with my battle I one shot the first four and then had some trouble with a happeny I don't know if I can make it out of the Elite 4 with this team what do you mean I'm just trying to be honest with myself [Music] okay okay the biggest threat is gone the biggest threat is gone here I don't know what I do did I get I thought I got crit again all right so I die in a hit I don't have any super effective moves all my swaps against gastrodon are bad I guess I could drain punch here too yeah I mean I guess drain punching is really the only thing you can do right yeah it's a good plan yeah muddy water can miss and you could like cuz you're out of heels right yeah I am out of heals well if someone's going to die yeah I think Ian's not a bad one to die right yeah Ian's the best one to die I guess if you're going to kill somebody well but dizzy punch could confuse yeah dizzy punch is actually a similar damage to outrage so use dizzy punch I'm going to be so happy if I finally get lucky for once here great and he heals that's ftle buy water Miss I got another chance that's big I've got another chance okay did I missed no it could miss again no it didn't does Mr M out speed probably I think gastron is painfully slow okay yeah just magical Leaf do you have magical Leaf I do have manual oh just do that yeah just do that what it didn't kill one Health it didn't kill your other Pokemon are faster right okay try Taylor Swit this is so bad oh boy yeah okay I just just got to hope it's wait so who's left Taylor Swift and arrow Taylor Swift and arrow and for how many battles two come on baby two more we're going to kick Will's ass we have two fights we die one right before reaching Cynthia after everything all right let's fight will go let's do this this could be scary or he could just throw out a bunch of magikarps we never know silun let's go silun chaio and sunflora Chomp how is that not the biggest threat oh this is actually a really bad Pokemon to run into isn't it wa wait wait wait uh 59 it has Dragon Rush crunch dig and dragon claw it's going to outspeed no I think we lose here I think it's over do you have any X special attacks oh I have One X special so I guess I use the One X special use it and then hope you survive one dig and flamethrower back okay what if it doesn't use dig you can heal him between digs if it doesn't use dig you can just K okay it used it okay perfect now you're going to use flamethrower and hope it doesn't kill if it doesn't kill we have a chance okay does it kill if if it kills we lose if it doesn't we're fine please tell surv k no no I think that's it all right well maybe I can still pre maybe maybe power I don't know yeah it one shot no right at the end right at the end one trainer away bro come on well I guess we'll just have to do one more we made it a lot further than expected when we were 10 minutes into the stream and thinking we were about to White out well good stuff guys sorry sorry we had to play for 9 hours and then lose no it's fine it's fine till next time I guess we'll get him next good until next time okay bye oh my God we were so close well next time next time if people want another one we'll do another one
Channel: cjya
Views: 824,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Di05HxlhTgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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