Pokemon Emerald First Completed Speedrun in 2:41:02! [Former Personal Best]

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[Music] [Music] yeah but I'm already losing a couple of seconds by not using the Wi-Fi adapters [Music] Oh God how could this have happened did I start my timer like I did for fire at that's funny that I just did that without even realizing Abra Wingull rayquaza Eminem's also you chain the Mudkip into no encounters ideally they're pretty well I have a way of bird [Music] [Music] Misty's doing quite well she's laying down right behind me [Music] [Music] [Music] what did I remove Mudkip stats I mean they weren't even supposed to be there in the first place I just don't have the program open today they're the same every run so it doesn't need to be on the screen why do you use a broken battery because that's how the minutes where well you manipura quaza stats and the catch I've been trying to tell people that yeah there's a slot for it pretty good [Music] [Applause] son of a [ __ ] no because then I have to change all my manip offsets it's not worth it [ __ ] [ __ ] I might still work though [Music] give it a pen nice using [Music] right left bottom top bottom top one before sign bottom [Music] I'm the first son easy I mean getting burned once is already [ __ ] terrible but yeah pretty much [Music] [Music] but Donna no no no no but the Dunham my mic sucks he said getting ripped by grovyle or Wingull we're getting hit to 9 HP is also really bad you can you can die to that because then you heal it off and then it's like up decade didn't quick attack that happen to me yesterday other runs been I mean this is my first attempt today [Music] well what kills you is the threat of quick attack but then he doesn't use it up here at 8 he always quick attacks or 8 or lower it's not pretty well [Music] kepp Xbox is so hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you mean true double [Music] boss arras walked back for 57 months as so many months and so many years this is indeed glitchless Wow - shot that's how you do it I tell you Hale you would yeah it's a shitty fight [Music] nope I have not [Music] don't don't don't don't [Music] all these turn frames oh my goodness [Music] instead actors not glitch [Music] that's the valid point honestly is it really glitchless a few days ago you were playing fire ed yes and I got the world record in fire red so I moved on [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I've never seen a shiny starter in any game ever [Music] Kanzi kill Ralts yes but it's significantly less likely than it being shiny [Music] what about reborn we don't talk about reborn [Music] no it's much more unlikely than twice shiny is one an 8k it dying is like one in 200k or something [Music] [Music] [Music] I haven't seen it happen to anyone [Music] [Music] [Music] I've never seen this happen before I've never seen all tackles in my entire life [Music] [Music] Torrent with no water movies yeah I'm pretty sure all tackles is faster than all howls even though I have to heal now [Music] I'm enjoying it quite a lot [Music] hard-ass game this was second try Kip to [Music] [Music] miss Tokyo welcome back for seven months thanks for some in appreciation [Music] I'm on a coterie serious [Music] no that's so annoying [Music] Taiki alert for the fans I don't know [Music] because emerald is a good speedgame and ruby sapphire is a cancer speedgame my favorite my set my second favorite Pokemon is latias how about his a vermin if it's not that bad I always want to go up there this is s-video I'll do my best because sapphire kills you everywhere in Emerald doesn't you're like five times more likely to finish the run in this game or some [ __ ] this is so dumb my notes say Hilda 31 Plus unless 26 HP but I'm 25 HP [Music] yeah for sure [Music] the biggest thing is I'm not using a splitter because the court I have has come composite like the yellow white red part and in s-video part so I use one for my TV and one for them [Music] down - down - did it down [Music] hardened you piece of [ __ ] this is so bad now he's gonna do it again [Music] do I just risk 15 I guess I do I think it's 25% I think he's 75% the hard and turn one if it doesn't it or maybe I don't know maybe always use it when you're faster I don't remember [Music] [Music] [Music] well I'll go back for 22 months 97 baby that's so many months [Music] Oh God please save me [Music] [Music] [Music] easy [Music] now dude I always forget that I because I reset [Music] [Music] [Music] but up a useless arm diamond tip does work in this game but in general you're trying not to bagman have you want to cuz bagman having is slow but there are some spinners you half the value minute I kind of miss it during your name well [ __ ] you then I don't I hate that [ __ ] if you open your items or your Pokemon menu in front of a trainer that does not kill by the way they can't spend before you pass them if you're like one pile away [Music] is the idea but there's other ways to force past spinners like for example I'm about to do a spinner manip where I open my bag but I don't open the items and that's because if she hasn't spun yet by the time I opened my bag she can't spend by the time I pass [Music] assuming I do it correctly you have to open your bag pretty quickly she can spin before I open the bag but if I open the bag and have timed it properly it's safe to pass [Music] [Music] because those aren't spinners those are rotators or the first one it's a rotator the second one is a spinner and but the second one like the second one I can run up to like one tile away from him and force him to look in a direction that isn't the one that I'm about to pass on whereas the [ __ ] there that I just passed if I if I run up to one tile away from passing her then she's looking in the direction that I need to pass so that's why that doesn't work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no I'm just focusing on the manip I lost a minute here last time I did this [Music] [Music] ya know [Music] yeah I don't know the do you think has been an issue recently I don't know what the problem is [Music] it's very annoying [Music] [Music] so insane that it's pretty much impossible [Music] [Music] nice finally did that perfectly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright that is gonna drive me [ __ ] crazy so I guess tyrant does it too there's there's a chained manip where you do abre in - taillow instead of two separate but nips for a Burin Wingull and I guess they both do that I'd lose so much time but there's no documentation on the [ __ ] Taylor Manette so like I don't know how to do it [Music] my sub PB 1261 it's not about explaining it necessarily like I understand how it works but there's like variations right like yeah you could tell me how to do one one part of it but what if I hit frame two then I have to know how to do that variation as well or something like that it's something that requires like documentation /of video to learn so I'm just gonna lose 30 seconds there basically until when we get that figured out cheers that he would work on it soon [Music] apparently they do I don't know exactly how it works but I will learn it as soon as I can oh [ __ ] almost recipe I'm not pressing be is just run over Wow I just I haven't run this long enough to tell you which one is more fun but I can tell you I really enjoyed leaf green I wouldn't say it's nearly impossible I mean okay it's nearly impossible for me to record in the way of that like yeah since this is like my second day of running the game it requires a lot of practice I need to know where I need to improve on it I need to learn through you know playing the game like certain situations and risk management and whatnot so it is it's pretty much impossible for me to record like today realistically and what that means is that losing 30 seconds to not doing change manip is not that important just focus on playing well it doesn't impact the route in any way one you know once you have the slaves and stuff so [Music] yep it would be cool to complete I would be really happy if I completed a run clinic that was like top five because top five is really easy [Music] it's a rough game to pick up so there's not very many runners that have gotten any sort of reasonable times in this game [Music] what I propped I don't know about after this but I do want to run cults and balls it's just such a gargantuan undertaking [Music] it's like you do the battle frontier and get like you know the best reward for each of the facilities [Music] it's not like a 20-hour speedrun yeah if you're lucky [Music] [Music] eggs Orion got first trial ideas each latias fail is a one frame window that costs six minutes [Music] [Music] I actually think that would have died to water gun sorry hence gold symbols run is really good like if I if I picked up all gold symbols it would be the first speedrun that I ever learned without the intent of getting world record because like actually grinding for record and that category is not the approach that you want to take you want to take the approach of let's have fun and have a cool stream and do this pretty fast because like everyone is so hard to beat yeah I mean you're good like you know you could get a deathless run or whatever like it is possible to beat it I'm like I'm not saying it's impossible but it's just so like not run exceeded his expectations by so much you know [Music] I don't remember anything about that [Music] [Music] don't don't I'm sorry ins all gold symbols run [Music] and do it [Music] No [Music] [Music] I guess this is guaranteed to put me in quick attack range [Music] why do I always have zero [ __ ] potions left the folio is in case you get burned on this fight and also it's just good to have in general [Music] [Music] I reset after getting burned yesterday because I didn't have enough healing items to make it through the rest of the fight because I burned so many on Roxane I have nothing to heal this as in nothing to heal this damage not the burn [Music] that's right jump free [Music] yep [Music] [Music] yep I hung up the picture I had my dad repair the frame to it cuz like I kind of was kind of [ __ ] up and I was like by the way it's the girl from the video game no this is the girl from the video game and I'm gonna force you to play soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sarch mostly I've just gotten luckier though let's start [Music] [Music] uh yeah so it's basically the same thing as underground in Crystal except less movement to go for where you have to fight that trainer anyway so it just makes more sense to get the XP now it helps in a lot of ways [Music] [Music] [Music] bike movement for sure [Music] why I got off and on the bike I mashed so hard doesn't matter though I don't even know if it's faster I guess I'll just mash slower [Applause] all right this fight is surprisingly trolli all right well that's all it that's all it takes just the Zigzagoon going down he has growl ants and attack [Music] of course I've done the Rayquaza bike movement how do you think I am yo girls you see booms combo to end no sir [Music] dude it was so sick it's on Twitter or you can just search snow so Josh Brody boom like the car it's just so sick because it's like a comment that only works if you know which way they're dying and it was so hot this is the longest no gentoos longer Jan 4 is longer than five six seven yeah see that only works if you know the peak is dying up the full hop dare into and like the way the up airs worked out I don't know you have you have to know he is dying up that's sick [Music] well I mean the full hot dere works either way but the the Nair to up air to up air chain after only wear excessively bi up [Music] okay first real Mach bike section not a bad start yeah meet here [Music] every time [Music] I've got to stop messing that run to buy cup I messed that one up almost every time for whatever reason that was very unfortunate nice keep [ __ ] that one up I got it done' welcome back for seven months thanks Rousso [Music] ok you go down ok I'll explain in a second hold on that guy was in the worst spot possible [Music] [Music] Montu my greatest shot I haven't forgotten city I'm still gonna explain it this parts just very hard [Music] this is what this is some of the hardest movement right here you have to do one tile there to avoid that [ __ ] and then all of this is just very particular okay so you need to deal owed the spinner above you so that when you load him you are moving max speed on the Mach bike so that you can pass him before he has the chance to spend [Music] this is my least favorite trainer to pass in the whole game nice nice you have to do a one tile running to bike to do that [Music] for me it's picked the bride pick the grass starter and go [Music] this is not an emulator this is console [Music] dammit dude I hate messing on up it looks so much better when you don't mess it up this parts hard to know I finally got punished for being slow there but it's really hard to do that fast without risking hitting them nice not so bad not so bad I think only certain rocks can give you encounters like the one that goes up to mount chimney it's like 10 percent or something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it is very important that I do not waste any I mean it's not that important but it's relatively important that I don't waste any tiles here for this entire repeal because it gets me a free spinner pass basically or at least usually [Music] [Music] put up JMS also I'm pretty sure this Shroomish has like effects pour some [ __ ] [Music] [Music] don't waste any tiles don't waste any tiles [ __ ] didn't waste a tile though still haven't wasted a tile [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] it up wait did I was what did it we're out there oh I know what I did I know what I got I know what it did I went one tile to part of them right because I didn't line it up horizontally correctly or vertically I guess nice all right that was not all of that was like okay um but it definitely shows off the practice that I've done to be able to do it that well so I'm happy enough with that [Music] we're Pella doesn't stop those geodude's [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] I should still be online in four hours [Music] that is very annoying Wow cannot imagine [Music] I already felt old thanks but Goldie welcome back for three full years think through something baby that's so many years that's on your wing yeah but think of all the money they're making I guess it's faster to switch with winged all-first [Music] [Music] I don't know I haven't tried to make it work in a long time but it wasn't working last time I [ __ ] with it it's either yellow or emerald probably [Music] not only same attack but also intimidate it's it's for its for intimidate Plus Santa Tok free carts back turn and he always kills the Wingull [Music] this is one of the splits where execution pays off the most [Music] and I mean the one I just did [Music] he's so [ __ ] god dammit dude there's like a way to do that to I just don't know what it is like I'm supposed to switch him first [Music] [Music] Giroux doesn't well if you have turbo then you don't see the odds but it counts as if you see them for the streamer but I agree especially for a stream like mine where it's you know very focused on viewer your interaction I really try not to play odds unless I am like actually a okay and usually even then I don't do it definitely gonna lose time to record here [Music] maybe it depends on when you started your crime [Music] right you need to have two adblock turned off if you have turbo at least whitelisted on twitch I mean how will record Flenory split is so good he must he must not elixir until after [Music] monke ass oh my god did I I think I heal this long [Music] that's not gonna kill oh don't throw out there I lose I'd lose awesome that's so [ __ ] dumb I just have to die and revive [Music] it's so [ __ ] dumb double paralyzed double attract immobilize I don't even know if this kills it's gonna be close well that was very dumb in retrospect I think I won't peel off the paralysis next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [ __ ] [Music] [Music] this is another place where it's important not to waste any tiles to line up this spinning right here every time I get an encounter I've literally I don't think I've ever gotten past this without getting an encounter [Music] but I was a dude yeah [Music] my favorite Pokemon game is silver [Music] I died the Flannery banca 'list gym world record the world record emerald run he's a good he's good he's a good player so there's not like crazy time to save in movement like my movement was reasonable there and I did get an encounter but I'm gonna lose a good bit of time here for example one of these splits have icons because I haven't found icons yet there was more important things to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I don't have a PB yet and these are the only two runs I could find that actually follow the route that I'm using so the splits make reasonable sense they're candy he'll [Music] feel first next time baka where the [ __ ] wait okay who who can explain to me who here can explain to me why my energy powders are on the top of my inventory and my energy roots which I bought right after that are on the bottom of my inventory who here can explain that to me [Music] my notes say he'll 226 plus is anyone else triggered by that [Music] why are my energy powders on the top yeah dude it must be quantum teleportation that's the only explanation Sal white welcome back for 16 months x-ray 7 baby that's so many months [Music] are you wait that's a range that's a [ __ ] range and I'm confused here comes the focus punches guide you piece of [ __ ] don't you miss this is such [ __ ] we should just put on battle animations at this point [Music] shut the [ __ ] up shadi sit down and enjoy the [ __ ] the zangoose is so scary [Music] yeah [Music] focus punch just does 150 damage if you don't if they don't take direct damage left turn [Music] I am enjoying it [Music] [Music] I did submit for sgdq it's too late for that if you have an Artie 63 to 86 63 to 86 that is 63 to 86 53% guy kms I guess I just do this and then heal and then belly drum [Music] [Music] that works too almost rock smashed drop drop drop [Music] that's the range we missed yesterday [Music] apparently like 99.9% thirst 99.6% or something [Music] I've never undone this game before no I made it to tighten Liza once but that run was really bad [Music] [Music] [Music] I was weird like I moved and I freaked the [ __ ] out caste forum is technically used but not really [Music] all right this parts got some pretty high octane movement listen here [ __ ] [Music] rocks [Music] milky welcome back for nine months in through some D which had a baby [Music] I hate getting stuck there [Music] not the best not the best but not embarrassing Lisa oh [ __ ] are supposed to much shot that but it doesn't matter [Music] what did I submit for stq sorry sorry I was focused on not being [ __ ] I submitted a pokemon yellow race with me pigs are e'en and polka guy yeah but I practiced this [ __ ] a lot you know I want it to be a little better than that but that wasn't so bad right like that it was fine I just did it better last that's the really annoying [Music] well Jen one still hasn't been run with supposed to surf that doesn't matter again I guess one of them is probably arranged how scared are we are missing an 88% range chat because if we miss it then we're dead I use too many healing items I'm not healing [Music] we also missed it last time [Music] [Music] I for one I'm scared really well it's never gonna be that but [Music] I mean the let's be real the Pokemon game is gonna be let's go [Music] [Music] cannot imagine oh my [ __ ] boy hold on time to check that range [Music] fifteen to eighteen and it did 16 pretty [ __ ] sick [Music] imagine missing that range twice in a row though it's pretty dumb [Music] that's not a bad mechanic of on it actually makes it interesting I'm just not interested in it I don't know perhaps I have no idea where my items are as it's super repellant yeah [Music] seems like he hardens every time my notes are like if he hardens you surf but like he always friends [Music] [Music] ah no protector can't believe it [Music] [Music] like 220 or something [Music] I hate this part I hate this part I hate this part oh my god I did it kind of where's my super impulse [Music] it's further right than you think it's further right than you think it's for the right than you think nice kind of actually now you know what that just was nice are you ready for battle [Music] [Music] we'd be like and he's like your fighting style is intriguing Zoidberg the [ __ ] out of there alright this part sorry easy oh yeah do a girl [Music] [Music] don't do that you do a flip can this round still top three I don't think so but I don't know how much time tyrunt loses later like I don't know how good his splits are honestly hello no dude you're on items you need to be on Pokemon you're on items you need to be on Pokemon no why would you Juke me [Music] oh my god I almost did it again super repel and then we give the candies god dammit dude I hate missing that run in the bike I got hit by our last time I did that well yeah but where does he lose the five minutes like he's only a minute behind now so he loses like what three more minutes until the end no two and a half four minutes so yeah it's still technically possible give mystic water teach while I teach shockwave and two three teach shockwave - you still have to run into bike the spinner [Music] [Music] she ran walk back for four months thanks Theresa main appreciation no no no not like this it's so hard to play perfectly man like God there's just so many places you can mess up and small ways and in big ways [Music] [Music] like that right there that's so hard to do every single time 100% so hard [Music] [Music] strength plus shockwave right mash a of carvanha die of strength left shockwave right if not [ __ ] I don't have a potion again dude how does this always happen [Music] wait wait strength plush weight there we go right if carvanha dies we now say if he doesn't die with strength left shock wave read [Music] okay strength laughs shockwave right god this is so slow I mean this ring can't be improved by that much we'll see I wish strong I wish cast one we just move first here wow that's so slow this is so slow see this is why I really want the carbonyl to die because now I this shockwave is wasted I am interested yeah [Music] just a lot to prepare for No [Music] nice you can actually get an encounter that I always forget that I switch Abra I have forgotten every single time I've done that menu every time nice can't match select win I don't know but I am definitely almost certainly gonna do that I am NOT interested in mystery done should certainly not catch them all mystery dungeon No done [Music] strength left shot left [Music] no it's not exactly the same you got a catch [ __ ] along the way you know but a lot of the battles are the similar strength left shockwave right I would died holy [ __ ] I have no idea what to do now I think I just surf in shockwave right sir [Music] Lola just dies hot [Music] there's no way that does Wow he critic n he tried his Castform though it's been a little spicy [Music] [Music] there's not that many from there's only like one that matters [Music] yeah the gym fight [Music] is it now it's like it's like this dude I hate this body and puzzle not now wait where the [ __ ] is my elixir I always think it's so much higher elixir can be [ __ ] idiot which in part is the most difficult atomizer yeah but any [ __ ] [Music] whatever [Music] so we set up one or two wino heal before the fight because I wanted him to be guaranteed to hit me [Music] I did not finish Iran yesterday [Music] I needed time to cover [Music] in order to hit torrid now actually we got pretty trolled and split I'm surprised I'm saving time on puffing [Music] also I played like [ __ ] ish [Music] by to lavaridge no it's only water moves [Music] and you did it I needed the surface camera [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god I thought that was a trainer actually it was pretty bad but the game Mike welcome back for eight months thanks for somebody I appreciate you I think there step based for the guaranteed ones don't hit this guy [Music] do this movement right for the first time when you're live easy and then say no to strengthen the boulder [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so this movement is really tight not only now but before I talk to the trainer I can't [ __ ] up here and you see that trainer would have hit me if I [ __ ] up [Music] yeah I agree emerald is definitely popular and but like you think sapphire would be too but people just really love him early [Music] exclamation point shiny we'll give you a list of all the shiny as I've seen on runs [Music] I always want to go up there I don't know why I think you're thinking of that wrong as a DJ I am less behind third place [Music] that part is hard too it's not so bad if you're ready for it I just always forget you got to be the little one there I guess you could also just go up and then go left it's a couple ways to do that magma hideout is actually surprisingly difficult to remember all the little intricacies behind the movement what is this sort of cottage snow should sustain a [Music] your curriculum I think I'll just shop early here yeah I'm selling my dad's [Music] hi bedbug back for seven months in through southern appreciation okay I'll do my best I mean I'm I've been I've been in my dad's for like months now almost two months no over two months I was up today I have pretty much everything I I need why have I been there so long because I've been training for a 10k and dieting with my dad [Music] yeah this is my job [Music] I've been moved out now I still go back and visit it's Arion while I'm doing this okay running yes running I mean I'm not moving in with him but this has been very helpful for me [Music] I always forget about lives and then he's super potions even though he's faster and could kill me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm using a Gameboy player with a Game Boy SP as a controller this would be a third place pace if we didn't buy two Flannery [Music] interesting [Music] I'm running it for real you can get an encounter there it's not worth propelling them I'm not using an emulator this is console and the SP doesn't have gameplay on the screen [Music] yo [Music] probably done to you [Music] we got to Flannery but other than that it's been good I don't know my leaf green run is certainly beatable almost certainly have to go back at some point but I'm not too worried about it I enjoyed my time there except for squirtle minute everything besides squirtle manip is good in that game it's rural manip and I guess maybe but by now [Music] I mean I don't know if I'll go back immediately it just depends on you know what I'm doing I got it in less than one month girls it took me less than a month from my first day of LeafGreen to get the record paint and lobby [Music] really wish world record with stopping so good I keep losing time everywhere God you just say yes have to play well deed [Music] Hugh and Neutron welcome back for 21 months in Surrey some days I appreciate you Mack selector and a giri of super at all [Music] super [Music] [Music] Scarah dose is our greatest enemy a water pokemon that has intimidate you just can't win [Music] no it isn't it's actually 45 seconds faster if you get rayquaza first try and the pokeball [Music] please actually I think I might run out of money if I do that no it's not new you always caught requires you just used to do with the master ball [Music] so string shockwave ok please hit me curly uh just one time hit me like you did last run hit me I don't even know what to do now dude I don't know how to play this fight when I have this much HP like I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to do yeah one time when I want you to [Music] I I just do not know how what I'm supposed to do [Music] I think I have a plan but it might not be right something like that I'm basically I think I don't even have a potion though dude I was gonna push in but I don't know how to pose I wonder if energy powder will come through for me it's not enough okay okay okay okay hold on let's think about this how much does it do two three okay so earthquake plus Zhou to psychic does like 100 basically but what's the least damage I can take [Music] I mean I'm pretty sure the situ is just gonna psychic me if I do it like that [Music] oh goodness alright gonna try to pull this one out of my ass I have not I have not done this with this much shelf Garrity's really [ __ ] me [Music] hmm and all earthquake [Music] okay so this is 99 [ __ ] okay what if I just speed and do nothing okay [ __ ] if he quakes that's really bad [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so now I just need to live this [Music] I may not have enough health take it just yes 3000 IQ what God [Music] oh and I need to hit a 15 and 16 range also also I already shopped [Music] you press Start change the HP numbers easy get [ __ ] shredded [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah true double Inc true double it's such [ __ ] watch HP do I have 15 that is not good I don't have any potions why is it never the potions dude I always run out yeah do we just got to believe in methane methane my [ __ ] boy dude sometimes he goes off sometimes [Music] [Music] I actually don't really know how I'm supposed to play this [Music] like I think I'm supposed to heal before the fight but I'm not sure [Music] [Music] you're outnumbered 3 to run when you still want to fight us yeah bro I watch anime strength [Music] I just don't I just don't know man I just don't know I've never been in this situation but this is a situation that's gonna happen sometimes for sure true double is just weird like I don't even know how the fight is like supposed to go I don't think there is a way the fight is supposed to go but I know you want to have torn it [Music] also someone please tell me why the [ __ ] are my energy powders at the top of my menu I still have not figured that one out like how how did that happen [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] yeah I did full heel in plenary is that what does it I said I wasn't gonna do that next time to some weird [ __ ] my man I'll definitely never doing that again I died too Flannery actually a guy acts special oh sure [Music] I have 2x specials but I stuff that I need them both that's what a [ __ ] loves a scary face that's a pretty good first turn I guess hit me [Music] see if I was important I would have died but my boy Metang isn't gonna light screen he's gonna psychic the golbat my boy methane that works too actually [Music] am I going to get torrent when the crobat weight doesn't crobat supposed to come out my crazy died okay okay okay now you lock psychic you lock a psychic rate don't flinch oh yeah oh yeah surf doesn't it my tiny now it doesn't work like that that's earthquake [Music] now cravat hit me into torrent actually I don't even think it matters money stairs - I have five all right that's enough okay so it does matter actually no actually it quite mattered their torrent here no hit me hit me you idiot why would you wing it to add to meThe hang it now a mime how my man has to hit their confusion you can do it come on my thing bring it home baby bring it home hit me [ __ ] god I'm not I didn't even take damage this fight and now I don't have torrents if not in torrent ex-special on Mightyena and pray yea pray for in his scary face I think oh god what am i doing don't don't forget dive don't get dive don't forget dive don't forget that don't forget dive ah so close [Music] are you just practicing the route no I'm speedrunning don't patronize my speedrun it's not practice it's real [Music] use a max repel and teach dive over mud shot [Music] I mean I died I literally died to Flenory but this run will be top three face alright time for some high IQ puzzles yeah not mud-slap all right this guy's actually kind of hard to dodge ah [ __ ] goddamn it up right right left up right right left up right left up right right [Music] [Music] [Music] okay if not in torrent ex-special on Mightyena and prey for the love of God don't just carry fees me taunt scary faced me oh my god oh this is so bad [Music] what do I even do now because earthquake isn't good this isn't gonna kill and then this is gonna kill and then I guess I just heal for the Sharpedo [ __ ] I don't know how much damage this does though think I'm just gonna energy powder so 36 [Music] all right easy [Music] [Music] and I have an extra X speed which doesn't matter at all after the cutscenes surf to Pasiphae dog pacifidlog no the terminus repeal apply to mossdeep big bang thanks some Bay belong to the gun shop region alright this is some fancy surfing by the way this is not your average surfing this is this is very fancy surfing which I may or may not remember by the way [Music] this is it okay now this town two down two up no we did it three up nice unlucky uh god this doesn't even die right my space that's idiot I told you it was fancy come on this guy's gonna hit me too [Music] all right whatever reached up to get first try requesting them star you wow these five months suck but I'm done fighting with Swampert that's the problem there's no more fights okay so if you hit them then you also hit him or no I actually I was just one tile to low there that's why I practiced this so many times but I guess I never practiced actually [ __ ] it up like I said the actual hilarious part is if he protects again I have nothing to kill this with oh that doesn't die of course the one thing oh my god that's not gonna kill what Pollak did we made it so far without doing [ __ ] [ __ ] in the last 20 minutes okay I'm gonna blow some tits off with this sky pillar movement I can yell a ball Rayquaza be worth it that's a good question dude oh she could hit me she could have hit me I did not go down enough that would have been hilarious [Music] and I already repelled the drink they go here and then look for some Oh God please tell me what the right way okay all right we made it - who [ __ ] siddhappa know I used to try a lot of the kid but I never saw it god dammit dude all of that to hit three optionals back to back to back I didn't do anything [ __ ] this whole run I even made some 3,000 IQ plays no first try yolo ball is 45 seconds faster are like a minute faster or something it's way faster the master ball you're not just manipulating the Rayquaza stats as well it's a lot faster what's up don't choke long so one other thing that's better than sapphire is that this guy actually walks you to the [ __ ] cave so you don't have to do all this [ __ ] mountain movement on the bike and then the cave isn't dark and has less rooms it says sick I lost way more than 45 seconds fighting those optionals [Music] okay caught in hilarious if I got an encounter there [Music] it's just max rappel and then escape rope I think [ __ ] where's my notes fly to puts up all the dog [ __ ] I had it made spinners today I hit three optionals I haven't hit any spinners alright more fancy surfing not quite as fancy but it is fancy [Music] we did it all right this is baby mode [Music] I messed up to get off the bike but not bad you know that's super easy possible a dog again you save yes and round to try to trying to kind of blow some pits off here [Music] wait am i doing it wrong am i doing it wrong why am i doing it wrong oh I forgot to go back to yeah I forgot to go to masti first right you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine wait do my notes say that no flighted Siddappa TLAs wait do my notes not say this bike up to Rayquaza then fly back to xalapa list it's not highlighted it's not highlighted okay hold on I'm highlighting it in red [Applause] [Music] are you see you see [Music] you see we did it [Music] man we really screwed the pooch on this one [ __ ] its Ranma but up till Archie this rum was I'm actually pretty happy with how I played this run though Oh God rain RNG this is orangey by the way how long this rain lasts is completely RNG it's a cycle ensure a mist record two at one time which was hilarious hi I was medium rain RNG I knew that repel we're doubt we're out at a weird spot I was like wait a second [Music] I always do that [Music] yeah I haven't gotten this far yet all right here we go nice start hold that repel the first room is the hardest by the way I was really close [Music] no tips are being blown off okay well at least I didn't [ __ ] it up its rims hard to [Music] mm that felt like bad brave to me maybe quirky [Music] and stabbing it [Music] [Music] easy [Music] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] hisses no dude what did i do I manipulate quaza oh [ __ ] how much HP today I forgot to check was it 229 that be hi 241 I was right it was the bad brave I'm a literal genius also pretty try to talk to him twice whatever we got plus attack it doesn't even matter that's the dream [Music] all right I have not practiced the snow bully [Music] very high IQ fun fact I did do that first try without watching a video and I didn't pussyfoot it either [Music] [ __ ] fly spotlight he has double-team oh god dare do who let this happen I've never seen him used that before oh god oh god oh god dude imagine dying in this fight holy [ __ ] that hurts I don't oh my god oh my god no wait I can't are you kidding me I have to die and revive [Music] [Music] [Laughter] no oh did I have a heal powder I didn't even see it I thought I only had I thought I used all my heal powders [Music] double-team miss double-team miss ice beam freeze do I have four left I thought I used them all I swear he is small senior bro jangles oh my god he double-teamed again welcome back for 35 months x3 son baby I appreciate you oh my god we win [Music] actually we don't win yet well we hit three optionals I missed fly twice then I got frozen died had to revive I flew to the wrong City I surf to the wrong place [Music] [Music] yeah besides that it was good God everything was so good until this I did I tried my best that's what matters [Music] yay these bees [Music] [Music] but we did get fresh memory closet why to mossdeep surf to Evergrande [Music] our Paul airsoft teach waterfall of arrest teach release of extreme speed each area lays over that should be backwards you're always gonna be on aerial ace first because you reset from will finish now the every Clause unless I died a champ [Music] and then I guess we heal as well can't you fly over the waterfall no you can't unfortunately then I practice with tree road yes now I'm doing world record attempts Abra lets us teleport you don't get fly until very late in this game are you serious [Music] [Music] this should be lined up [Music] hip non thanks so much for the five gifted subs appreciate you how many hours of practice for the first time like 30 almost [Music] there's waterfall that useful I mean you have to have something that uses waterfall and it is useful and Rayquaza somewhat it's useful for because you want a special move you want to move that that deals special damage that isn't outrage because outrage is like once you outrage you're getting confused unless you're finishing the fight and you don't have any other move to deal special damage and lots of things I'm intimidate or I think maybe just the Mightyena and one other thing Mightyena installments have intimidate so you want you want something to do special damage that that isn't our age it is physical starting in Ghent for I believe close who knows dusty I don't know other requires more thinking than I'm willing to do right now [Music] Gentoo is my favorite oh that was hot [Music] most stressful part a maxi one split is pretty [ __ ] stressful as far as like moving and stuff yeah cuz I practiced this one and not that one for slidin I welcome back for six months got something on phone Nidoran joining them is this this is plus a talk right this is the bad brave so Ilya skills get the waterfall that if you don't get plus a talk or if you don't get one of the cluster great causes an outrage [Music] I mean infinite rate causes are possible it just depends on how good you are so how many are possible because it's how many you know frames [Music] all right spinner in the dark v2 Oh God I'll be failed the run in the bike but she didn't hit us [Music] I have not because I don't know what that is [Music] nice that movements really hard [Music] [Music] [Music] this movements actually surprisingly difficult as well yep for some reason they put [ __ ] trainers there we'll never understand that [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I do love this music see this thing leads intimidate so waterfall is already useful [Music] [Music] oh you're right I am supposed to deposit the other pokes you find out to say that my notes don't say that I don't might not say that hall-of-fame cutscene [Music] [Music] yeah it only takes one pp [Music] in this up to 40 I don't know I do have plus attacks on maybe I don't know what Tyron had it's down it's down every time [Music] Ricardo seems broken it is [Music] who is the ex attack or UX attack most of these fights [Music] what's nature it depends on which one you get but this one has a brave nature [Music] [Music] [Music] I mean champion is the only fight that can kill you but it's not particularly likely to [Music] nature increases one-stop by 10% and lowers it by another by 10% [Music] holy [ __ ] no hail oh my god you [ __ ] [ __ ] I wonder what's slower getting hail or having to he'll probably hail [Music] now I doubt it [Music] but there is like a five percent chance we die now well that was a critical stab ice ball and it's four times super effective so no it's not garbage [Music] that's don't miss [Music] [Music] Wow now protect I played [Music] what is can someone tell me the fifth-place time they might change I play the last fight [Music] oh just kidding we can't get it at all ever right I guess I'll play it safe them [Music] [Music] [Music] this would be my first to finish time well done yeah [Music] [Music] I have no idea all right we could Yolo this but it's the bad Braves so some of these arranges if I don't next attack three times [Music] this guy's a huge count by the wire [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not you're lying I'm not [Music] [Music] you should hyperbeam from here [Music] okay so I think Kurt might kill me actually dragon dancer [Music] [Music] that's gonna be 9th place then right [Music] I'd heal and play safe on this one so not surprised to least I'm Steven no Steven thought the champ in this game yeah and I forgot to put the paws of my pokes - that's true no I didn't deposit my poke so it's not a why deposit folks you'll see in a second let's see how much time we actually lose holy [ __ ] this is so slow oh my god time to add this to the notes in a second [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how do I make the last column like blank or I guess I just removed the last column [Music] no because I wanted to show my time [Music] compared against a blank comparison so ad comparison [Music] [Music] okay
Channel: Gunnermaniac
Views: 48,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Pokemon, Speedrun, Speedruns, World Record, WR, gunner, gunnermaniac, gunnermaniac3, pokemon speedrun, pokemon go, pokemon let's go, let's go pikachu, let's go eevee, let's go squirtle, squirtle, wartortle, blastoise, pokemon movie, pokemon shield, pokemon sword, shield sword, live, livestream, stream, highlight, clip, best of gunner, emerald, sapphire, ruby, battle frontier, hoenn, mudkip, may, rayquaza, personal best, pb, wally, gen 3, gen, best starter
Id: z5zlBdG84eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 14sec (9854 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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