Pokemon Gold/Silver SPEEDRUN in 3:13:46! (Previous World Record)

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I mean I haven't talked to xrn in like six days but that's not the norm and when I say talked to I mean like at least one word most days I will either say something to exile or well talk on discord or like you know convey information on discord I usually talk to XR Ian in like big chunks like I'll just doctors are in for like four hours one day and then not really talk for like a week [Music] of course I don't know who that is what do you talk about for four hours Pokemon are out streaming card-counting anime keys are on spaceman [Music] [Music] it should David would you think [Music] Oh Mia I'm glad you're enjoying it man come around anytime you like damn that was a hundred percent late [Music] the biggest donation I've gotten is $1,000 [Music] [Music] no way [Music] I mean there's no late yeah 8 frames late exactly [Music] what have you watched David [Music] okay well don't watch money go three [Music] do you like Dragonball Z like you know is it something that was special to you in some way [Music] okay [Music] of course she doesn't clear so yeah if you want to go with more anime that's appealing to like you know most people then you want to either you want to go to exclamation point starter anime and that's gonna be full metal alchemist brotherhood code geass attack on Titan and boku no hero academia however my personal recommendation is Madoka Magica it's only 12 episodes and it is quite the experience [Music] my only caveat if you decide to watch Madoka Magica is that you have to promise me that you'll watch at least three episodes in your first sitting [Music] but if you want to go with something safer than code geass or attack on titan [Music] the episodes are 20 minutes long did you watch Death Note subdued of David [Music] dubbed okay so I would recommend watching Madoka dubbed it's in my opinion the best dub out there maybe Full Metal Alchemist and DBZ and like YuYu Hakusho have like you know comparable or better dubs but it's on Netflix it's subbed and dubbed but the dub is very very good [Music] and I can pretty much guarantee you it won't be what you're expecting and the first couple of episodes it's called Madoka Magica [Music] [Music] just for reference Lia claritin liked Madoka Magica and he's an army just getting Leah's on anur me but he's not a weed either [Music] Swedish you pound out anime like no one I've ever met though no you don't have to watch movies first it has movie versions that you can watch instead but I recommend watching the series instead [Music] anyway I can't respond to chop for a second so don't say anything important [Music] twelve episodes [Music] [Music] buggers [Music] three episodes in your first sitting no matter what [Music] if by it you mean Roth skip [Music] did if you watch all 12 and all 12 in one sitting is by far the best experience but most people don't do that but I'm just saying that since you're not used to anime the first three episodes might give you a bad impression or you might love it [Music] leave in a little bit less than four hours if you skip the opening which would be blasphemy but that's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] no it's 12 episodes start to finish and that's all it needs trust me it's a start to finish experience [Music] [Music] I would not recommend it more than doki-doki but four for one I would recommend it to more people than doki-doki because it's it's gonna be easier for people to get through Monica magic and than it is for Doki Doki since it's more of in line with what normies are like used to doing like watching TV obviously I intentionally potion too there if you're not level aid for Spiro you want a potion for this [Music] I would have potion 19 Hall actually because that dies to crit he's got four chances to do it [Music] yeah also so the other point I was gonna make about Doki Doki is that I mend Doki Doki two people who liked Madoka and vice versa there's a similar kind of it's an experience you know and and like Doki Doki the art style and the music and the setting all of it is part of this kind of experience that it builds dr Hannigan welcome back for 20 months us some in the months [Music] [Music] who is this guy ultra are talking about [Music] like everything down to the art style in Modica Magica is part of part of the experience that it's building [Music] also @w SAAP if you're at sixteen health going into the spiro fight at level seven you're pretty likely to need to use both potions anyway right because you get hit down to like if you just use your berry to heal then you get hit down to five so twenty eight I mean yeah I guess you have to take extra damage again somehow but you are favored to take extra damage in this gym house Union giving it really good [Music] [Music] and it's not like you died to the Bugsy split often even if you don't have the potion when you skip Ralph like yeah Daniel does a lot of damage and yeah you're gonna be really low health but you don't die there often unless you hurt yourself in confusion and at that point you just have to pick up the super potion [Music] with the third dawn plus encounter manip the average Faulkner will be about 1450 I mean yeah I don't want to get the super either but you shouldn't have to unless you hurt yourself in confusion you you really don't want to go into that spiro fight like that it's so bad when you're super likely to have to use your second potion anyway [Music] world record does Toto Eminem but these manip SAR new [Music] I just lost that run to using like speed on the wrong turn on Morty [Music] every I've watched it 13 times Swedish [Music] my favorite manip is probably yellow moon it's beautiful [Music] yeah various people and on my own I watched the movie versions and the show versions subbed and dubbed each before I watched it with anyone else [Music] [Music] yep century minute [Music] I've only seen Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood once if you do watch Monica again I'd recommend watching the movie versions just to get a slightly different pacing and understand the difference and you know it can keep it fresh and when I watch Full Metal Alchemist I'm going to actually watch the original Full Metal Alchemist rather than Brotherhood see the differences next time [Music] it's a good first anime my men a thorough write-up you say I might be able to do that [Music] no good and I was like a death critical [Music] okay just one the speed I good good fine [Music] I need to watch Clannad I know all right boys it's time for the kiddies [Music] time for a manipulative EA [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Tuerto is amazing highly highly highly recommend [Music] [Music] now I can't stay in my own voice so I try not to [Music] monka ass that did not look like recognizable movement but what do I know [Music] i GT but that's okay this is good enough [Music] and that's why this manip is good because a lot of the IG T's give you Sanchar anywhere [Music] [Music] and there you have it boys the cookies [Music] no the manip doesn't yolo ball it sudo [Music] am I supposed to heal 25 I guess not yeah definitely not [Music] god this time though stuck [Music] this is with XPT [Music] yep that girls can get stuck and he can get stuck in a way that [ __ ] you too Bukka guy knows his time is dead with my nips he's not trembling [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Mia that's right critical Wow nice no quick attack that just made my life way easier [Music] Wow imagine that [Music] [Music] I'm never gonna have cut slaves on the faulkner split basically [Music] that's really bad this is not a favorable range yeah [Music] yeah fortune [Music] don't you dare not huh but that hurts that that's a lot of time loss [Music] but I may have had to heal anyway and now we're like safe penis [Music] just go into your subscriptions and your settings and you'll be able to turn it off like cancel us up eNOS taco taco taco taco taco taco taco taco Booga tax whatever [Music] Oh God poka guys gone rogue mod well you can't turn off auto-renew but you can sub and then cancel it right away and that effectively does the same thing it's just an extra step he did do something wrong his name is Gunnar hates them and then he posted the black guy emote [Music] all right let's scroll up [Music] gunnar hates him : what does gunnar hate hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can i man thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] what up Johnny [Music] in a blue bisharp hoggers whoops [Music] why no he was stuck I just didn't mean to take the extra poison took [Music] oh wow imagine this [Music] should be a 31 bugsy unless I die six plus twelve eighteen eleven yeah I'm dead if I don't hit the range stories bang wow wow wow wow well I'm out of antidotes that's bad but at least we don't die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not like one second behind poker guy what happens I just manually [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't give a [ __ ] about meme counts I gave it read about open racism [Music] [Music] well it's not bad publicity it's open racism also you can go ahead and been naughty Blaziken that's boat arrival [Music] that's poison powder myths of 2018 [Music] critical pause no I almost always know it's him instantly but I've been giving him a chance because he's been behaving but I left it wait a while Wow amazing fight um I'm not sure about that one polka guy cuz he didn't say enough for me to know yeah the zoo bot is significantly discouraged from using supersonic when you're under half off that's why I wanted it to crew well okay [Music] [Music] world record ski I have no idea poka guy I have absolutely no idea [Music] yeah [Music] I absolutely think we should route it in gold as well I think we should definitely look into it I'd be willing to do it with you [Music] it's certainly not going to be as big of a difference as it is in Crystal of obviously but it's possible that it could be I I really I really really don't think it is mainly because of how good for alligator is in this game compared to Crystal because of all the extra XP you're forced to get on top of the [ __ ] that comes with raikou obviously but yeah then we can call it the Dickies [Music] [Music] [Music] it doesn't even save that much time you still want to do early undergrounding gold [Music] [Music] well I mean if you're talking about raikou than yeah then that's different [Music] but if you're doing Totodile then you you need on early underground obviously [Music] yeah no dirty nyan gold [Music] [Music] that's very bad [Music] I only have a full heel left now at least I didn't get poisoned by the bay leaf yeah I imagine for Alligator doesn't even learn waterfall in this game it's hilarious [Music] next hard part this fight [Music] oh no oh no oh no oh just one more just one more baby come on just one more just one more wow I can't believe it [Music] please imagine missing that one that would've been a highlight really fast fight [Music] Carpy be whitney is so [ __ ] good [Music] I think it was - 49 or 47 yeah 47 - 47 [Music] I don't know I don't remember [Music] 11:52 would be really [ __ ] hot poker guy i mean w saw [Music] maybe Pokagon it's possible [Music] [Music] yeah this run has been spinner loss all right strength flow I'm gonna need you to cook up a Douglas manip real quick-like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know that part in breaking bat while this is a spoiler never mind it's not worth [Music] Rohan are we on a Sunday walk with gotcha [Music] [Music] mmm-hmm great minds think alike [Music] well I mean there's still spinners I could hit a spinner of this run in still record though quite easily [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're thinking of it the wrong way man just because it's technically the best case scenario can be faster than a manip it's it's gonna be faster like you don't get the best case the best case scenario in this game is like 20 minutes faster than world record it's just it's silly to compare it to that manip save time even though they're technically invest time to set it up please press the buttons that was a decent Whitney fight to clip [Music] [Music] playing way better than I was yesterday let's go [Music] the I'm gonna say before Douglas on this run unless I hit like who's been hurt or something which is not even possible because there's not two spinners but oh no I'm just kidding that's a lie there's the whole Chuck splint yeah you would use it when you deposit Pikachu it's still not easy to get on this pace I know I always thinks it of what it should be half grass and I always forget that he's not now there's no more [Music] that guy has hypnosis obviously now encounter you can get an encounter on the very last tile there [Music] [Music] yeah it was pretty good execution W something add a small hiccup when I missed the a button on the cut slave swap it's about it [Music] [Music] don't post messages from people who are banned in chat [Music] [Music] or even talk about them whispering you you can turn off whispers from people you don't follow if it's annoying you [Music] now I know I wasn't just talking to you [Music] it's very good very very good [Music] maybe you should pay more attention to Wayne though [Music] I shall win haha [Music] oh by the way this is gonna be my last room today no matter what it's already gonna go a little bit too late if it finishes but my grandma died yesterday and I need to go hang out with my family [Music] I appreciate it guys but her last couple years were lived with a lot of happiness in her life in a comfortable environment so I already said that poke a guy I wouldn't say it's ironic Dark Ritual but yeah she had something similar an advancing disorder like that all right let's not EXPEED yep exclamation point grandma I think is the command she visited the screen one time [Music] I imagine the absolute nut is don't you dare [Music] I almost wonder if that's even worth it without the paralyzed cure berry it probably is the Frenchie Franchi wow this is the [ __ ] run [Music] all right now just crit flinch what the [ __ ] [Music] yeah I'm gonna save for Douglas I'm gonna Xavier Duggal's even if I had a spinner I think never water getting that in 10,000 years [Music] nope never seen it [Music] thanks Bobo [Music] all right this is currently on pace to crush world record [Music] it doesn't heal in gen1 but no I don't think you would heal Nidoking like that this is the best pacer area [Music] that's not Neto King that's me Turan we already established that poky guy [Music] and I said it before you said it [Music] Oh Lord good that's the important one - not wow that range was crazy holy bananas alright eyes on the prize Wow can't believe it this is why we named our Toby for the clutch factor [Music] I think it is possible polka guy I'm almost positive it is I mean just imagine the second range twice [Music] I think one one in thirty nine can do it but I'm positive to one in 39 skin wow wow wow wow wow wow [Music] this is gold pace absolutely especially since I'm full [ __ ] off [Music] does this not talk to hiker pace [Music] [Music] looks to the 300 shadow beats or maybe it was more I don't know I think that was a lot of alerts didn't the maka say curry similar just play anyway not looking at chat this is monkey s movement [Music] that's fine I was playing it very safe to make sure I didn't hit that guy extra step is whatever just building happiness for our frog inner [Music] ah you mean the suave strat for the 500 bits then shadow beats Wow okay let's say I get it together though that's unacceptable what at least I notice I'm not even nervous [Music] thanks Bobo [Music] in before like you're getting your comment in before it happens mama'll on [Music] quoted clipped screenshotted shared reddit [Music] I say before Douglas when the pace is good enough to hit him reset and try again which this run is I'm not in a rush earnest [Music] okay now I'm getting nervous it's okay though [Music] I'm not going to do that strat here next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] very good very [ __ ] good [Music] and I'm like 99% sure I didn't teach overhead but so we in there [Music] I'm also only 99% sure right this is the hottest flinch because well almost definitely not off to heal if we nail this flinch [Music] that was a crazy damage range too [Music] [ __ ] scratch would have killed that [Music] I don't really like either of them I like him on top more if I had to choose though I'd probably choose him on tram [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] I flinched I flinched gastly Haunter Gengar for kimono girls and both Hitman's this is the best flinch streak ever this needs to be edited together honestly [Music] I also flinched the final hunter Wow so the only yeah this is [ __ ] crazy [Music] this is a potential gold split yes in fact if I get the standard Chuck fight this is a gold split I'm almost positive even with the minor movement errors okay [Music] [Music] it's fifty seconds off cut dammit that's fine just gonna quit the get the thing [Music] [Music] womp got Reach [Music] announcer if just does a lot of damage we don't normally surf that welcome on challenges thanks for the 200-plus host appreciate you man [Music] welcome to the best run of pokemon gold ever [Music] [Music] very good mess good mind reader mind reader mind reader mind reader mind reader mind reader mind reader oh my god wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow [Music] I didn't [ __ ] a guy but when I go back and watch this Vlad I will [Music] [Music] that was an eight-second gold [Music] [Music] [Music] bonk - stuck Benjamin easy [Music] - - yeah yeah this is this is literally don't talk to hiker pace [Music] [Music] I'm definitely saving for Douglas I'll explain don't talk to hiker in a second thanks so much for the 10 sub gifts I was a shape think that's the first time anyone's gifted ten here I also I saw Leo said he'd gift 100 if this was 312 [Music] [Music] okay so um when we enter how does the sub gifting work railguns season two is so gungasm I know dude I didn't really see what exactly you asked about sub gifting but the sub doesn't automatically renew it's a one-month sub thanks to the tuner bits Joe good lord [Music] just go visit leo one time this place is nice if you donate ten subs like that it's it's random but one you can donate to a specific person then that counts Arcadia sub gifting counts fornix [Music] imagine that thanks so much for giving gifting the 10 subs next [Music] yay [Music] okay so the talk to hiker thing when we do Rock Tunnel in this game we rappel we basically stretch the limits of our rappel and there's a trainer that you can save about half a second by biking over to so he doesn't see you in his vision but you lose a lot of rappel steps from doing that right so if you make even one mistake in Rock Tunnel then your rappel wears out too early but if you just say [ __ ] it and don't lose the half second then it becomes much more difficult to actually run out of rappel steps I haven't been keeping up with my daily rock tunnel practice so since this pace is so good I probably will [ __ ] out if it stays this good like what you guys aren't even seeing is that I hit a spinner on this split in PD I'm about to save like an enormous amount of time even if I hit Douglas when I save for him I'm still gonna save like 30 seconds or something I don't know how pb's ranges were [Music] [Music] yeah I hit the guy that was stuck this time around [Music] thanks No okay I really don't want to make any peepee management mistakes so I'm not gonna be paying as much attention to try every single move I use for this entire split like I'm not gonna heal this peepee until I'm almost at efore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes they do leo yeah Juanita [Music] that's right chato bids [Music] [Music] thanks for the 10 sub gifts again NYX I appreciate you thank you man no saving for red is never worth them making red by far the biggest hurdle we have to get over this run that's remaining [Music] Douglass's in prices Jim yeah but we're gonna save for him hopefully we'll still pass first try but I I'm trying to focus obviously I'm very thankful for the tens of gifts but this is by far the best run of the scheme ever mmm there it is sir grassy welcome back for two months thanks for some baby I appreciate you imagine that Douglas loses a minute but we're not gonna fight him if I hit him I'm gonna reset and try again [Music] saving isn't that bad saving and resetting is like 20 if I had him three times then each time that I hit him after is not as slow because I don't have to resave even if I hit him twice I will still save time I think I can hit him three times in save time on the split Toto to encounters and Santeria Douglas is 47 persuade is that what it is 47 think he's 47% to hit you [Music] no string flow computed it bypassing Douglas a million times with his bot we've gotten really good quick attack luck this run - it's not just sandshrew manip it's no encounters + bill pass + santur manip the Cudi's or the Sandi's Union Cave encounter manip real name TBA [Music] [Music] yeah it's about Erica's gym because we got more information on Pokemon Gold's code so spring flow has been able to make Morman imps I don't think I've messed up bird movement before maybe that's a next thing [Music] really good quick attack like I don't think I've gotten any quick attack sister I'm like at all saves a lot of time [Music] the shrunken 312 Pokemon place Pokemon I think I'll save like 40 seconds if I save for Douglas and don't hit him I'm not really sure though I don't really remember how the split won in PB I think it was like I think I hit all the ranges though which means there's not that much time so I think I I think I didn't get seal if I remember correctly I need to stay focused I almost hit that guy imagine that thanks flying [Music] I know w son [Music] very good that's a 29 out of 39 range and can be very bad to mess [Music] in the long run I'm pretty good at spelling yeah good also arranged [Music] prestige is silly it's no real difference but to me yellow record matters more what Up Kicks dude no one said anything about spelling backwards [ __ ] I'm too nervous I'll say something naughty I see No ever thought of selling merch I've thought of it never done it though poke a guy holds the record in this game I'm currently second place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these electrodes have random stats so they're all technically damaged ranges red is literally a coin flip yeah but on this pace I can actually take a few thunders so it's it's favored for me best runs so far today this is the best run of this game of all time from any runner ever so I mean yes is the answer to your question can I take nine thunders no definitely can't take nine thunders PB hit Benjamin [Music] nice got all five damaged ranges [Music] this is one of the best Pokemon runs of all time actually [Music] [Music] Parker's on a stick [Music] shouldn't have saved ya don't be results-oriented chat this is a damage range but it's a very tough one Wow like what is this I just don't [Music] karema thanks for subbing baby welcome to the gun show [Music] you think discord whenever you want hey thanks for the thousand bit spy on [Music] well that is quite the split [Music] [Music] [Music] how's miss a gold because I saved for Douglas my gold split doesn't save for Douglas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've never had anal sex before the [ __ ] are pretty nice I Glatt not even try to say the rest of that thanks for something baby and cyndaquil welcome back for 37 months thanks 370 that's so many months and so many years [Music] thanks Cindy call you're not worthy now dude you're worthy I would say sorry to anyone who ever tries to beat this if it continues like this [Music] [Music] lost some time to the earnest past but he was well worth it there's two spinners in red also good news everyone PB has the worst pink bow split ever [Music] Chris [Music] [Music] [Music] - spinners left Joyce and Rebecca this is by yeah this is my last run [Music] [Music] No I have bladder control don't worry about me [Music] that's funny Bobo [Music] we're green on controller power I charged it this morning I'm positive [Music] that's the first quick attack I've gotten like the whole [ __ ] run so you know PB also has a pretty shaky for as well but it has a really good Kanto [Music] [Music] Joe green thanks son baby welcome to the gun show I have not practiced mount silver but you can always play it pretty safe and it's fine I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get it [ __ ] up beyond you know getting to the end is this run capable of world-record inge - like 50 seconds on my split as world record and this is - two minutes no you can't charge and play at the same time see - spinners left Joyce and Rebecca [Music] I'll play rat if I get gold record it's just a Pikachu yeah that's all that really matters Wow imagine that [Music] [Music] sorry enhancer [Music] tom los verbos spinners is like 1:45 [Music] [Music] poke a guy skip [Music] safer rat is never worth that [Music] misty go get on your bed go gang you bet Jesus Christ Josh this is the run control her [Music] [Music] [Music] no the scientist sees you all the way from the ceiling [Music] [Music] well anyways thinks of something a bug to the gun shop preciate you alright this is one of the toughest ranges in the split and PD mrs. beebie misses like every single range in the whole split I just it's the run I don't know what to say anymore I honestly don't know what to say [Music] cyndaquil thank you so much for the 3000 bits by the way man that's a lot of bits thank you dude and Hilda dad welcome to the gun show thanks Evan [Music] that's our donations each bit as a penny thanks a man yeah yeah this might be the lucky SW soft like every split has been just amazing that's so good so [ __ ] good on that flinch I only have one full hill left and I really want to keep it for now such a good flinch those coins welcome back for two months thanks three sub baby [Music] [Music] [Music] good both of those coughing czar ranges the minute save on the price split was because you mean before price uh just really good luck plus orangey minute but mostly really good luck I keep by overhead but [Music] but as more peepee and it's special covers what we need more strength covers head butts lot just fine but I'll be teaching return overbite soon anyway also that I think the main reason actually is because I already used all my head but P P I had no head butts left and then I'm gonna teach overbite once I use most of my bites go swatch are welcome back for 10 months thanks for you 70 appreciate you [Music] this flight is slightly monk ass no I used all my head but since Lance healed me I use my last head but on the mock [Music] 3:15 SPB I'm second place 3:14 14:8 is world record ok so because Haunter took my paralyzed cure our actually was a snubbull snubbull took my paralyzed cure berry I can't set up on this Magnemite which means I have to set up on the Meganium instead and we really don't want to get poison because that's my last full heal which is super monk is but we have really good health so hopefully we just get raised early for reflect that's so bad it's ok we're still fine just can't get poisoned isn't there a full heal down here somewhere can someone tell me where it is since we want to be ready in case that happens [Music] well that really sucks snubbull really [ __ ] me this time [Music] the bobble for the gloom girl okay thank you I know where it is now I won't pick it up because one of the places I can get poisoned is you know before that just have to not get smogged by hound actually no we're fine right we just need to literally not get poisoned by this muck and it's unlikely as [ __ ] of course I have to heal it off which sucks but [Music] it's an annoying time loss but this has been a great split so far it's still fine PB has a horrible split [Music] [Music] yeah I probably should have W sob thanks for the ten bucks kissed for appreciate you man I wasn't really thinking about that w soft but it's one input it's fine probably probably worth not doing it honestly just in case but I mean I can't see myself ever healing from here to be fair [Music] good [Music] for all the rats [Music] okay so this is the muck that could really make us lose some time PB does not hit this damaged range it's fine as long as we don't get poisoned by it but hopefully we just nail it very very good very [ __ ] good dude very [ __ ] guy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] really maybe they're playing go or something bacon grease inks subdued not really no chance the gold split I don't think so my gold split here is very very good though if we didn't get poisoned by the Meganium this would be gold split pace I think it'll be close if I hit every range which is not favorable from here since we have to hit the 45% gold I think that's my boy Josh [Music] people gifted a bunch of subs you can gift a bunch of subs at one time now [Music] [Music] [Music] I started the stream at 580 something [Music] [Music] my highest view count ever is 2500 and two kappa in August of 2016 [Music] that's Josh [Music] [Music] yeah there's a spinner in Kanto and then obviously red and then I just have to execute well besides that PB has a very good Kanto but a very bad pink bow and delete for while the Ilia 4 is not that bad but it's kinda bad and pink bow is atrocious and PV while there's 30 seconds of time Savior [Music] yeah most of the variance is front loaded into the front and in the beginning of the run but that's not to say there's not variance otherwise there's still plenty did i bonk the tree outside a violet and I don't think I did [Music] yeah well now there's less obviously [Music] yeah the last fight sucks in this game but it makes it kind of hype [Music] [Music] that's a good quote we don't see that one often [Music] didn't bonk the tree damn myth debunked imagine if I bump that tree and another world line I did and we're currently resetting for Totodile saving Freret is never worth it now I'm not picking up the full heal I was only gonna pick it up if I got poisoned by the muck it's not possible to get poisoned from now on so it's fine since we're surfing the houndoom [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah a bunch of random subs were gifted earlier and you got one yeah PBS pink post-split is really bad there's only two ranges left goal bad and vileplume goal bats 45% and vile plumes like I don't know 70 or something 68 goal bots the scary one [Music] [Music] Goldin thanks for sudden baby walked with a gunshot preciate you I seem to [Music] middle Magikarp thanks seven deep welcome to the gun show the golbat range is right now the skull bot has confused or a it's 45 percent to die to ice punch we could also freeze [Music] [Music] can't believe it [Music] [Music] [Music] not disappointed disbelief [Music] [Music] hit every single range and crit MUC literally the god split besides the fact that we got poisoned I think this is officially the luckiest Pokemon run of all time every single split has been amazing every one of them top to bottom [Music] I don't know if shenanigans I never saw that I don't know about Shane against yellow and Etsy W stop would block me if I XP did turn one i GT Cuddy's by the way yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] no saving fred is never worth that [Music] as if you could not watch the end of that run w some don't lie to me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Galia indeed [Music] no I wasn't on front page when I got that I've been on front page but I didn't get quite that money oh that was hot [Music] because you lose too much time if it doesn't work out [Music] no I'm not on the front page right now [Music] but it should be one quick attacks fine [Music] [Music] I usually get a two tiles later one tile later actually I forget why it happened this way this time all right everybody shut up [Music] that's exactly what it was strength flow well sleuth it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay ice path check peepee management check all good on items my inventories cleared no full heel no antidote no super potions [Music] hit every range so we won't have any problems with return peepee even if we get [ __ ] on Claire oh there is one thing to be really [ __ ] monkey ass about though which is uh ya know full heel because I can get dragon's breath paralysed on Claire that's the that would be super bad but I would take the Elm heel if that happened I think [Music] where yousa good practice [Music] [Music] Josh will you screw this on to in the back there on the table it's on the bottom side it's plugged in yeah [Music] [ __ ] [Music] and if you really want to get crazy you can plug the other one into yeah in the world record description shoutouts to Josh thank you [Music] and I'd really like to drink but I'm not going to [Music] a reasonable assumption [Music] next spinner is Joyce on my way up to the Elite Four very MUC ass that you're cutting out the drink yeah but then I went out of town and I thought my dog had cancer and then Bo bells coming in town but then I'm gonna stop drinking yes it's charged [Music] how I am getting to Irish car bombs with us world records I might get four [Music] I don't know if I could do four no I'm just nervous why are eight side cuz I'm nervous I'm gonna pick your ass up [Music] oh don't worry I'll snap it if the car bombs are getting snapped $5.00 per Thundermist pogchamp [Music] am i starting red next stream yeah I guess the designated Irish Car Bomb cameraman [Music] no the these are guaranteed ranges at level 46 with perfect special all right boys hyper [ __ ] beam she can crit my ass off I don't care just hyper beam [Music] hyper beam hyper beam hyper beam come on Paul second now she can't yell either [Music] don't worry about that split [Music] [Music] I'll fix it in a minute [Music] virus and threat protection [Music] [Music] because PB hit a spinner on that split [Music] imagine this is officially 312 pace which I'm sure ten people have already said but yeah I just noticed [Music] [Music] oh yeah PB gets absolutely [ __ ] on the split - I missed the slobo Ranger and got confused raid I am gonna take my time I thought I did rate D be super maybe I didn't [Music] I did enjoy it though it was a lot better than I expected since GT set the bar no one did [Music] don't forget the master ball [Music] rotator [Music] thanks for the 500 cool an it's too late for the Monster Ball now there's one word spinner in Sabrina's gym Rebecca [Music] the Dragon Ball super is barely weeb it's like we've level point five [Music] mónica tree series as we be as it gets I don't know I've never seen hunter x hunter yeah I heard it's really good [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I'm definitely gonna watch them alright boys this is a big one right after this fight we're gonna heal up the heal house and then we have to pass joists on two tiles if we hit her we lose about 50 seconds which I mean we would still world record from here but [Music] we're not just going for record we're going for 312 no savings not worth it [Music] [Music] sucks [Music] it's not over this is still world record but sucks [Music] [Music] just never never ever [Applause] [Music] [Music] program us be happy mins is still record [Music] [Music] could you skip a trainer what trainer am I gonna skip there's no trainers I fight on that aren't force goddammit man [Music] [Music] [Music] no that's fine [Music] I'm just very upset with myself should have been more patient but I saw a pass and went for it I mean it was a little slow reaction but not that bad just hurts yeah I would have [Music] that's all good you can't make it any worse than it is it's fine though [Music] yeah I mean I hit that goal block range and PB gets absolutely [ __ ] on the split [Music] [Music] true also the Dragonite range [Music] oh by the way I will take that beer now if you're downed rush goddamnit I'm being walled bummer boy alright he probably knows what's best [Music] josh says no [Music] I couldn't even get drunk by the time I got to Rock Tunnel even if I tried my hardest [Music] now actually the muscle memory like crystals movement is different and a lot of the lag is different it's actually hard to go from one of the other I don't like to do that same with red and yellow the Josh good with synonyms I don't know it's not bad with synonyms [Music] Christel after a synonym the synonym is just like two words that mean the same thing [Music] gargantuan and enormous that's right [Music] Wesley moved away three hours he'll be here this weekend though [Music] okay guys in marching band practice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so PB gets confused right here and also misses the slope or arranged so if we can avoid both of those we'll only lose like 20 to 25 seconds I think maybe probably 25 I did get the gold up as well though I don't know just psychic psychic psychic psychic [Music] very good [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh was it I didn't get confused right yeah I remember that now alright so I'll probably move lose more like 30 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thirty point one seconds [Music] [Music] yeah that's right it can't 3:12 [Music] nice double double team maybe I don't know makes the Karen fight worse [Music] [Music] it's not free there's still spinner and red left [Music] because if I can't get under half health then she's going to confuse her Amy [Music] I don't even think Big KRIT does it at that he's fun I had joyous [Music] bring attack or than hot maybe we can go heal us with really if we get a good Karen like it's still sick go heal us it just unlikely [Music] PB had to heal there [Music] rocks thanks with seven for two months the XP from Joyce matters in a in one place in particular the Dragonite range on Lance I'll be 54 for that instead of 53 makes it better [Music] seven returns [Music] I need to use a couple strengths [Music] [Music] it is Opie and soloing one Pokemon gets you a lot of happiness [Music] [Music] Freyja thanks a sudden baby welcome to the gun show appreciate [Music] all right the spite actually matters a lot we really want to go heal us but we're likely to get confused rate and we have to heal that off if that happens how many thunders each Thunder is like 20 seconds or something 22 seconds yeah it's just how it goes [Music] that's good it's critical Curtis [ __ ] face/off [Music] awful fight don't do it okay fine could've been worse [Music] you NPCs have a 25% chance to miss status moose [Music] confuse race drink flow [Music] [Music] I could have surfed the Umbreon don't want X accuracy works the same way it does in Gen 1 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's both Numa nips and an insane run also I hit Joyce imagine that [Music] Oh baby [Music] I mean - Joyce you two maniac [Music] No I never drank at all this room [Music] I haven't decided yet I'm gonna go good I was arranged very favorable one because we're 54 but [Music] [Music] don't do it good [Music] [Music] [Music] don't tempt me Debbie stop [Music] shut the [ __ ] up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait what have I just done [Music] [Music] [Music] imagine I did tell him and up too many times so I'd step towards the [ __ ] scientist on the way out it's funny if I roll record I'll return Kenya [Music] [Music] forty four forty one two three twelve Sun no it can't [Music] [Music] I did say for Douglas but I didn't hit him I did hit Joyce though [Music] [Music] it's just the way the route works you know one more spinner on the next split I'm not going to talk to hiker haven't been practicing Rock Tunnel enough and this run is really good [Music] talk to hiker saves half a second but you can lose like [ __ ] 215 if you [ __ ] it up I usually do it but just haven't been practicing it enough and my hands hurt so badly right now way too much mashing [Music] [ __ ] you streamflow [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] my fans are so tired man [Music] might as well talk to hiker now [Music] I lost too many repulsed up snacks it was pointless to not talk to him [Music] alright this just got WAY Marmont gasp everybody shut up [Music] not great but certainly good enough I know next I know yeah in that one room and yeah that's why if you're Appel wears out early there you can get [ __ ] [Music] no marketing is there even me to in the scheme I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] power outage now my Gameboys torch thumb [ __ ] goddamn it pretty bad Erica split honestly [Music] I always get that too [Music] [Music] I rip the circus blood [Music] PBA is an amazing canta 4805 [Music] or 4505 rather I always say eight because of crystal [Music] [Music] I'm not sure subida of the modscan [Music] [Music] this is the jam [Music] no he said quotes not emotes I think - 50 seconds is world record so I can still hit Rebecca and get a bit close world record but I would keep running the game if that happened so so effectively just as bad as not getting it to me [Music] [Music] ha this Erica split is so bad but fortunately it's a low variance split so [Music] [Music] that's well for it's not that bad the Rock Tunnel is pretty good besides the third room [Music] alright time for Rebekah boys [Music] I hope you do it yeah for you not for me [Music] oh my titty Mick Parsons [Music] I thought she was stuck [Music] [Music] if I had any [ __ ] - [ __ ] fortunately I had diarrhea last night [Music] [Music] [Music] ha well it's world record for sure now wait what why am I you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me that's hilarious well all that was Redmond happy what happened I even know imagine talking to Sabrina twice and then also getting lost in the gym that's actually hilarious [Music] that was that was probably 12 seconds maybe even more well that sucks [Music] I don't understand like how I don't even know what happened thank God I recognized the room I was in I could have been lost in there forever [Music] [Music] [Music] well ball Val you missed the craziest Rebecca pass ever and then I talked to Sabrina twice and then I got lost in the gym so you missed you missed a lot tbh now you can't escape out of Jim's [Music] it's supposed to be right right up down right or is it right up up down I don't even know anymore I think I think whichever one it is I did the wrong one yeah [Music] there's no way I lost 23 seconds there [Music] yeah this is a [ __ ] clip goldmine honestly [Music] no it's a meaning I'm confident that this was the luckiest pokemon run ever though everything basically everything until choice this was the best run of all time in any Pokemon game [Music] I'll be happy with any 3:13 the stern I think which is quite likely from here I [Music] really wanted a mid to low 313 but it's fine I did something [ __ ] and tbh the Rebecca Pass honestly it's Rebecca's fault my mum my brain was all all over the place after that how's it feel NICs let's get good I'm glad it happened for you too [Music] while red and me [Music] it's not a world record unless you talked to sew it to someone twice for your record is 2502 [Music] sub record is 819 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] imagine this was sub 155 pink buff I just didn't say verdona less that's the real crazy right [Music] all right we're Smith's tea split of all time if there was a split color for worse split ever this would be it [Music] Brown that's right brown proof it [Music] [Music] now this is free world record world record is completely free it's just 3:13 that's not a hundred percent free [Music] we may lose 10 seconds [Music] still the worst whatever though [Music] [Music] should be string flow with good everything PB has a sick blue and red though I think definitely has a sick red okay how am i flying after this three down and then two up and my cursor is on Pokemon Abra [Music] I don't know like two months maybe [Music] maybe not quite that long [Music] rad I think we'll be next [Music] I finally buffered that stupid [ __ ] laughing text box [Music] [Music] when I get world record I go to a bar and order to Irish car bombs pay my tab chuck them both and then leave [Music] 63 I would have done three if the I didn't hit Joyce [Music] imagine this was easy 3:12 without Joy's selects but it's okay watch the tab depends usually 15 bucks [Music] I returned electabuzz because he tanks a surf now we're gonna get them together [Music] it was up tilt the pink bow split this was the luckiest pokemon run ever I'm pretty sure up until I hit Joyce well executed - up until that point nothing like insanely special but very overall very well executed and tell Cantor [Music] [Music] oops [Music] Rozlyn thinks sub indeed walking to begin to appreciate you never shiny Snorlax it's pretty slow until I hit Joy's that's funny nice one chat [Music] [Music] [Music] it's get us fine right just runneth this is currently 10 seconds slower with the PB which means I can still get 48 15 but 40 a 15 would be really hard from here [Music] why don't you cut out all the time you spend putting repels on through the run because then I would get encounters and said probably [Music] come on that's what he says thanks supervisor [Music] don't I don't really have plans I was gonna go visit with my family tonight but it's getting kind of late now I'll probably go in the morning tomorrow [Music] I don't know I should probably go over there still is he coming over well maybe y'all can hang out at my house I might grab my dad yesterday that's why I should really go over there [Music] no you're good man I know you didn't know [Music] exclamation points sub [Music] what up you friend Andy [Music] [Music] [Music] are you kidding me stupid [ __ ] sign [Music] [Music] yeah [ __ ] you old man - bunk up stupid ass [Music] [Music] [Music] time for mash city CA every day thanks for gifting the 5 subs dude appreciate it [Music] [Music] return is based on your pokemons happiness and I have a health item that increases normal moves and Whitney's budge boost increases normal moves it's just a crazy move well you're supposed to go one tile further right than I did NYX earlier so you can get them on screen as fast as possible but I didn't [Music] [Music] [Music] CENTAC well thanks given the 5 subs welcome everyone to the gun show thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] next night rocks hope you [ __ ] I didn't actually see oh there is true love come on true love let's see it never dude I never step to each other anymore I swear they love each other they're just shy [Music] they're not actually spinners no no they won't fight you unless you talk to them [Music] you watched eight episodes of Monica magic already that's insane I highly recommend watching through ten tonight but I guess you're gonna finish on no you just need to be over okay so here's how red works as long as you're at or over 182 HP the AI reads that Thunder cannot kill and so it defaults to normal AI it's normal AI favored status moves on turn one aka charm so he's 75% to use charm and 25% to use thunder however in Gen 2 using an item doesn't increase the turn counter by one so his AI stays on turn one until I use an attack so each turn he is 83% to do nothing and 17% to ruin the run four turns of that makes it about a coin flip because that's how long I need to set up [Music] I heard Clannad makes people cry but I've never seen it are you so COO I don't know [Music] hmm [Music] yeah I got a pretty good Cartman I'm a little nervous [Music] frederik got Sarris I'm not even gonna pretend I said that right thanks for 70 welcome to the gun show [Music] [Music] mirror [ __ ] move boys that's what we need at least one [Music] mere move very good very very good awesome good fight I mean we could still miss these like you to arrange but it's fine I mean Heelys is pretty common with this todo I only needed one mirror move there to get Heelys or I mean if it crit obviously [Music] nice hit like literally every single damage range this run I get nervous about flying to the wrong place to imagine that it's tough to do it right every single time quickly at least I actually don't even do it as fast as I should imagine Joyce doesn't even give me 62 for the [ __ ] Garrity's some [ __ ] yeah they're in the same order but it doesn't matter what order they're in he sends a he has AI to send a different pokemon based on what pokemon you have that's why since a Charizard lost and why blue sends out right on an arc a nine last coaster dad thanks 7 deed welcome to the gun shop appreciate you [Music] [Music] so fun fact this Totodile having amazing defense is the reason that this arcanine does an extreme speed which is super sick [Music] yep haven't taken damage this whole canter yeah the AI knows your stats [Music] [Music] [Music] sign read I walked back for seven months extra son baby appreciation [Music] yeah but he thinks we don't know because we have so few Pokemon yeah I don't normally go down on that tile that was my guess nice almost [ __ ] it up at the end but I saved it not a great amount silver but certainly good enough [Music] [Music] you've got to be kidding me last turn it was the last turn man it was the last turn I needed it's such [ __ ] I think it's still 313 if he stops right now [Music] oh my god please be 313 I'm gonna be so [ __ ] sad if I drop this to [ __ ] there's no way I lost 27 seconds to 1 Thunder this is gonna be close as [ __ ] though any crap makes it free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] critical would be so good don't do it good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] easy easy [Music] alright alright no beer now 3:10 igt oh my god the sub gifts world [ __ ] record boys 313 46 beat the previous world record by thanks dude by one minute and two seconds [Music] this was the first run with all the manip that's how good string flow is so [Music] oh my godness sub gifts it's never gonna stop [Music] okay hold on let me before I fall behind [Music] Leo thanks for the 10 sub gifts Bob thinks the 500 for anything to the 50 Alex things for the $8 Kojo camo drug thanks for the 368 mr. Dino thanks for subbing dude the cyndaquil thanks to the 5 give subs likes the 500 dots dingus [Music] god the flinch master didn't let him drink strat I do I do ball I don't know I feel like GG deserved a better run than this but you know I'm gonna miss you grandma you were [ __ ] awesome even though you get onto me for saying [ __ ] [Music] I know right I know I should have taequan takes a gift in slub stir me red smart now I'm picking up Bo Bell from the airport in Dallas tomorrow and tomorrow's my day off yeah okay what kind of work we can go return Kenya we can get return [ __ ] life it is awesome to see community support nice movement thanks Kenya bulb green thanks for subbing dude solver Boulder Boulder [ __ ] Thank You subdued Roslyn thanks for the thousand bits mom a lot thanks for the ten dollars wait I have six hundred and ninety two subs wow that's so crazy we get a new emotes a lot at seven hundred it's true yep [Music]
Channel: Gunnermaniac
Views: 377,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Gold, Speedrun, Pokemon Speedruns, World Record, Pokemon speedrun world record, gunner, gunnermaniac, gunnermaniac3, funny, moments, how to beat pokemon gold as fast as possible, manipulation, WR, pokemon go, pokemon movie, let's go pokemon, eevee, pikachu, totodile, sword, shield, pokemon sword and shield, shiny, new pokemon, gamefreak, nintendo, pokemon world record, pokemon gameplay, pokemon masters, best pokemon, pokemon best, pokemon competitive, competitive pokemon
Id: TcSis--r7MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 48sec (11868 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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