Pokemon but I play like Ash Ketchum!

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yo what's up guys welcome to the dobbs channel and today we're going to do something fun and challenging and something that i challenge you guys at home to try out as a challenge and i know you're thinking where is the usual content where are the top ten don't worry next week i'm gonna be doing a top 10 that i've been sitting on for the past four years now and i'm finally gonna do it but yeah i was just browsing on youtube and i came across a speedrun called ash per sit and basically it's a pokemon yellow speedrun where you play as accurate as you can to ash ketchum in the anime and i was wondering how far can we stretch this challenge how how much can we do in pokemon yellow that ash did in the anime ranging from doing the metapod versus metabond battle to catching the one percent pidgeotto to even catching 29 tauros is in the safari zone let me tell you that was a challenge that took forever even though like 10 times speed up so yeah after mapping out everything in the pokemon anime and see what we can do in the video games we'll be playing pokemon yellow exactly like ash ketchum so hope you guys enjoyed the video be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for notifications without further ado let's do this challenge [Music] all right starting off this challenge it's pretty straightforward we name ourself ash we name a rival gary and we choose our starter as pikachu we don't really choose it we're forced into choosing pikachu because gary steals our eevee but you know it's it's cool i'll take the pikachu because it's ash ketchum challenge but this is really the extent of what we could do in episode one ash actually fails catching a pidgey and then he is swarmed by a horde of spiros and protects his pikachu and pikachu does like a thunderbolt like a thunder port bells are not in this game so we can't really imitate that we also can't imitate silly missy's bike and you know seeing the ho oh for the first time that would have been cool hacking a hoe in the game but we couldn't do that so we just went to viridian city and uh did the professor rogue's partial challenge and went on our way to viridian forest so here we are already in episode three because in episode two uh ashes go to the pokemon center and also team rocket is introduced it's really nothing that we can imitate in the video game we're in verdi and forest and our first task is to capture a caterpie now ash actually fails catching the caterpie in the anime because he's ash but we actually caught on our first ball so it wasn't as chemically correct but we did our best the next task was catching a pidgeotto ashland now actually finds a one percent pidgeotto in his little area and in viridian forest pitchio actually has a one percent encounter rate so even on speed up it took about like five to six minutes finding this pidgeotto and capturing him was okay wasn't that difficult but it was still kind of a challenge and then after this episode team rocket appears and reveals their intention to capture ash ketchum's pikachu but that was episode three and now we're going to episode four now as i said i wanted to match anime as closely as possible after i've holding my caterpie into a metapod i went and found a npc with a metapod themselves and then i did the famous metapod versus metapod battle that ash and the samurai did and episode 4 of the anime now to be clear he didn't have a pincer but he did have a metapod and i tried my best to imitate what happened in that battle i just spammed harden and it wasn't exactly like the metapod versus metapod battle we saw in the anime i tried to spam hardened as much as i could it was pretty interesting then after i did that fun battle i went ahead and bought my metapod into a butterfree and leveled up to 15 so that i could learn sleep powder because that's what it learns in the anime now i want to give a full disclaimer for the level ups of this challenge i use rare candies because it just saves a lot of time i don't want to like grind on wild pokemon and spend like hours doing that so i use rare candies for these level ups and then already we are on our way to episode 5 in pewter city alright we are now in pewter city and it's time to learn about immunities because in this episode ash challenges brock and learns that ground type pokemon have immunity against lunchtime attacks ash's pikachu actually triggers the sprinkler system and soaks brock's onyx then thunderbolt automatically has an effectiveness on his pokemon that required us to level up our pikachu all with level 26 so that we can learn thunderbolt naturally and after we learn thunderbolt i went ahead and gave pikachu the move water gun so just like ash's pikachu triggering the sprinkler system in the gym i used water gun on brock's pokemon and basically bodied them and probably doesn't actually get defeated he actually forfeits and just gives ash the pity badge i try to clash that as closely as i can with the water gun attack so we got our first badge of this challenge now to imitate episode 6 we just went through mount moon because episode 6 is all about clefairies and moonstone so really that didn't imitate that much there so moving on to episode 7 we are now arriving to cerulean city to get our second badge now in the anime misty's sisters don't want to challenge ash and just want to give him the badge for free because they just don't feel like battling but missy steps up and takes ash's challenge because she doesn't want to give free handouts at her gym but the thing is though ash's pikachu doesn't want to partake in the battle so ash is forced to use butterfree and his pidgeotto so just like in the anime before even going on nugget bridge we went and faced misty and challenged her with our butterfree and pidgeotto now to imitate the battle just perfectly we had to lose our butterfree to busy staryu and then win with our pidgeotto against her starmie so in the game we did just that and we won but in the anime ash again doesn't really win his second gem badge because team rocket appears it interrupts their battle and then it was ash and missy takes care of them and they just like splash off the speed of light missy gives ash the cascade badge for free as another pity badge for ash but we really can't imitate that in the video game so we just got our badge the legitimate way by defeating misty in a battle and then now we are ready to get our bulbasaur and charmander now episode 8 and episode 9 are like filler episodes of the anime but in episode 10 we can't imitate what ash does by receiving our bulbasaur and a pokemon yellow in order to receive the bulbasaur our pikachu has to be happy but after running around and doing shenanigans for the past hour our pikachu is pretty happy so we get the bulbasaur and then in the very next episode episode 11 we get our charmander as well now as we all remember charmander had that very abusive trainer i think his name was damian ash saved him and took ownership over him but in the video game really couldn't imitate that so after defeating the team rocket member on nugget bridge we just talked to the npc and got our charm in for free and thank god because that episode is very emotional so it was nice getting our charmander emotion free so now we're at the point where our team is pikachu butterfree pidgeotto bulbasaur and now the charmander which is very ash-like this is the point in the play-through where things get a little scrambled because in episode 12 ash actually receives a squirtle from the squirrel squad from officer jenny but in the video games we can't actually do that until we do ssn and then defeat lieutenant serge and show our thunder badge to officer jenny we're about to go a little out of order here but in the very next episode ash does capture a krabby although in pokemon yellow krabby only spawns on route 10 and route 25 through the super rod so what i did was i spawned a krabby on round six and captured it to try to follow the anime as closely as possible and because of the anime since ash obtained a squirtle he can't carry more than six pokemon so his krabby is transferred to professor oak for his caretaking in order to imitate this i went ahead and went to the pokemon pc and box crabby and that's like we sent it to professor oak as i remember this episode was pretty funny ash's krabby was a lot smaller than gary's krabby that he caught as well now in episode 14 this is when ash challenges lieutenant surge and faces his ride shoot with his pikachu but in pokemon yellow we can't challenge lieutenant sirs before we do ssan and get the hm cut so this is the area where it gets kind of scrambly so we skip episode 14 and go to episode 15 and do ssan so in ssan ash encounters this gentleman that has eradicated this radicat is super powerful and battles another trainer that has a starmie so of course to imitate the anime as closely as possible i found a gentleman on ssan and just like faced him and then acted like i was watching him battle then after doing that i faced a rival and they got my hm cut from the captain and then went back to episode 14 and challenged lieutenant search now in the anime ash only uses pikachu for this battle so i boxed all my pokemon except for bubble sword because we're gonna need bubbles where to get through the cut tree and then i went and faced lieutenant search but in the anime ash loses his first challenge to lieutenant surge so i went ahead and just lost intentionally now if you watch the first season this is the episode where ash asks pikachu if he wants to evolve with a thunderstone so of course to match anime as closely as possible i hacked in the thunderstone and tried to give it to my pikachu but it refused it and did like a little animation for it too so it was just perfect now the second time around when ash challenges lieutenant surge his pikachu knows agility in the video game we leveled up our pikachu until level 33 to learn agility ourselves and man i'm not gonna lie lieutenant searches raichu is pretty powerful its mega kicks can do massive damage so i had a level of our pikachu a little higher than level 33 in order to defeat lieutenant surge finally after getting our thunder badge we were then able to get our squirtle which should have happened on episode 12. but uh we couldn't do it until we did these other events in the game we're trying to do our best here for the video game now after finally getting our squirtle our team is now a pikachu a pidgeotto a butterfree a charmander a bulbasaur and a squirtle and for the next four episodes they're just fillers we really can't do anything in the video games to imitate it so we're now on episode 21 which is the famously note episode known as bye bye butterfree so of course imitate the anime we we had to release our butterfree and uh that was sad but don't worry the butterfree gets laid in this episode it's not that bad now in the pokemon anime ash and his friends go to vermilion city right after defeating lieutenant surge but in pokemon yellow you can't really do that you have to go through rock tunnel lavender town to celadon city to get the fresh water in order to get access to saffron city so to get around that i just went ahead and hacked the fresh water into the game to go straight to saffron city that was just north of vermilion city just to make it more accurate to the anime but the thing is though you had to do team rocket stuff before getting access to sabrina's gym because there's a team rocket member just standing in front of her gym so that you can't go challenge her if you wanted to so to stay true to the anime i had to go on a tangent and do all the team rocket stuff so i went to the hideout got the oscilloscope went to the lavender tower to save its refugee and then went to silicon company to defeat giovanni then finally i gained access to sabrina's gym so after finally being caught up with the anime we go ahead and go challenge sabrina and lose on purpose because in this episode ash actually loses the sabrina and right before they turn into dolls sabrina's father teleports them out and saves them those dolls still give me like neighbors to this day like that was that was a scary episode as as a kid at least so after initially losing to sabrina we are now on episode 23 to go catch a haunter in the anime haunter is used to help defeat sabrina because he makes her laugh and gives ash another pity badge so that's what we have to go do so pokemon yellow we go to lavender tower and just capture her haunter and then go at saffron city for episode 24. now in episode 24 this haunter is very very trolly he keeps disappearing on ash during the battles so in order to imitate this we box every pokemon except for haunter and pikachu they go about sabrina again and lose on purpose for a second time so for a third time we go back and defeat sabrina because in the pokemon anime hunter appears and makes sabrina laugh and that earns ash his marsh badge it's pretty it's a pity badge and of course if pokemon yellow we can't use our haunter to make sabrina laugh we just defeat her the legitimate way and get our marsh badge that way we're trying our best to be close to the anime but it's hard to be as bad as ash in the in his playthrough now we're on episode 25 and at the point where ash encounters a manky and this making evolves into a primate and ash somehow captures it so in order to stay true to the anime we spawned a mankey and ran away from it and then we spawned a primate and i captured it it was my last pokeball i got pretty lucky capturing it and we got it it was pretty accurate to the anime now this is where i kind of messed up because i thought the marsh badge from sabrina's gym makes pokemon up to level 40 obey you but it's actually level 70. so i made the primate level 41 thinking that it would disobey me it obeyed me but as we know in the anime this probably doesn't obey ash at first and has to earn his respect but as i was doing this i thought it was a little 41 so then i just proceeded to zelda on city to face erica in a gym battle now in episode 26 charmander has shown knowing skull bash so i had to tm 40 to teach the charmander so that he would know skull bash for the battle that we face against erica and in the anime ass challenges erika with his bulbasaur charmander and pikachu but of course he doesn't actually earn his gym badge yet again because during the battle team rocket interrupts and then starts a fire then after team rocket blows at the speed of light erica gives ash the rainbow badge as her gratitude for saving her pokemon so another pity badge for ash but in pokemon yellow really can't imitate this at all so we just defeat erika with our pikachu at the end and just get our rainbow badge legitimate way so moving on to episode 29 because in episode 27 and 28 really nothing happens that we can do in the video games it's just filler episodes we are now going to do the tournament with our primate this is probably one of my favorite episodes of the anime because it's just a classic ash enters this grand prix with his prime ape and wins it all and it's just so epic i i love it a lot so the best way to imitate this i just went to the dojo in saffron city and just just bodied everybody with my primate then i released it because in the anime ashley just prime it with a trainer to train it so i just released it this is the best thing i could do and then episode 30 ash catches a mug but he sends the mug to professor oak because it smells very bad it's very stinchy so in pokemon yellow i just spawned a mug and then i placed in my pc as if i'm sending it to professor oak so that he could take care of it and smell his stinchy smell now in episode 31 ash goes to future city so in pokemon yellow i just went on by path with the future city myself and then episode 32 ash challenges koga's sister to a gym battle but then koga interrupts and challenges ash himself and so ash and koga do a gym battle for like the third time team rocky interrupts them team rocket is blown away and ash actually defeats koga legitimately so what i did i tried to imitate the battle as close as possible so i left with pidgeotto and i swapped the charmander and then i won i got my soul badge that easy cheesy but the next thing we do is not as easy cheesy and it took it took hours okay in episode 33 ash wins the race with the ponyta then evolves to rabbit dash still one of my favorite anime episodes to this day and then episode 34 he levels up his squirtle against skull bash and meets the kangaskhan kid in episode 35 he then goes to the safari zone and captures 29 tauroses and no it's not 30 it's 29 because the 30th one was captured by brock yeah i had to go capture 29 tauroses in the safari zone and let me tell you this was a grind man this was a grind i was on 10 times speed in the emulator and it still took me like two hours to do if you threw bait at tauros you would then not be able to capture it because it would just avoid all your pokeballs if you threw rocks at it they would always run away their catch rate in safari zone is six point five percent yeah i was there for a very long time trying to guess 29 tauroses at 10 times speed god damn that just took forever but i did it i caught twenty tauruses and i showed them off my in my pc to prove it to you all that i caught 29 and yeah yeah that was um that was that was a nightmare in episode 38 was the band episode with porygon in episode 39 ash attempts to release his pikachu basically in the episode pikachu finds a group of other pikachus and ash decides that you know he should be he should stay with his kind so of course in pokemon yellow i try to release pikachu and he's not that happy about that he refuses it i did it and it i i was surprised that he didn't run away and so that's pretty cool and of course obviously ash's speakers decided to stay with ash and not go with his own kind in in the episode so we did that pretty well now in episodes through 42 ass tries to catch another trans pokemon without knowing that they were owned by a trainer and these two pokemon were snorlax and jinx and since lordlife from the elite four is the only pokemon training to own a jinx in the game i actually had to try to capture their jinx at the elite four so that's gonna be later on but as for the snorlax there's no there's no other trend that owns the snorlax in the game so i can't do that so i can't imitate that epic fail by ash and then episodes 43 through 46 ash's terminator evolves into a chameleon and then a charizard that starts disobeying ash i'm not sure why but my charger never started disobeying me even after i evolved to like level 81 like 91 i thought it would but it didn't so so i guess my charger just likes me more than ash i don't know i don't know why i tried but it likes me a lot and this is gonna be a big time skip but in episode 47 through 57 it's it's basically just all filler episode or stuff we can't do in the video game only crucial thing that happens is bulbasaur stops from evolving into an ivysaur i had a moment where i stopped bubble sword evolving from ivysaur to imitate that part and i also gave it solar beam yeah that's the closest i could do with the bulbasaur lore in the anime so yeah and then from here now it's just rapid fire for what we can do in pokemon yellow because in episode 60 through 63 ass challenges giovanni but ufo is not there to challenge ash it's actually hume rocket who challenges ash but we can't really do that in pokemon yellow so i just defeat giovanni with my pokemon and act like they were jesse and james and defeated them with their pathetic pokemon and got an earth badge and then the biggest time skip of this entire let's play from episode 64 through 80. there really was nothing i could do to imitate the anime in the pokemon game so i just wanted to leave four and challenge them and defeated them with ash's team that he uses in the tournament where he gets top 16. and that team was kingler squirtle bulbasaur pikachu muk and charizard and their moves were closely related to their moves from the anime so it was as close as i could do to the anime and of course i tried capturing lorelie's jinx in the first battle because i want to make up for that holiday special where ash does that epic fail trying to capture a trainer's jeep so yeah that was funny and yeah after defeating blue i guess i just feed a pokemon yellow the closest way you could do it to ash did in the anime man that was that was a challenge that was crazy especially the tauros man that was that was the worst part of this entire run and if y'all want to do a speed run of this challenge without hacks and cheats you know good luck good luck because that's going to be like a 20 plus hour speed run but i definitely challenge y'all to those who are crazy enough to try it out so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified for future uploads check me on a patreon i do uh patreon exclusive videos over there as well just did a reaction to the first enemy episode so that was a lot of fun next week we're gonna do a top 10 that i've been sitting on for the past four years now so stay tuned for that and uh until next time i'll see y'all in the next video peace
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 307,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon but I play like Ash ketchum, pokemon but I can only use shinies, pokemon but really really fast, pokemon but they randomly evolve every level, pokemon but they level down, pokemon but with animals instead, pokemon but my friends hate me, pokemon but everything is random, pokemon but every battle my team is random, can you beat pokemon emerald with only a mudkip, can you beat pokemon platinum without taking damage, can you beat pokemon sword and shield with only, dobbs
Id: XhqrLJ3gSak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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