15 Biggest Mistakes That YOU Made in Pokemon!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/glasstumble16 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
i am bruto you are a challenger let's fight all right go pokemon oh so you have a hitman chan oh okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] what is going on guys this is dobbs here bringing you another pokemon video and in this video we're gonna go over 15 mistakes that you probably made in pokemon but before we start as well you guys know this video is sponsored by nordvpn and if you're wondering what a vpn is it stands for virtual private network which basically means you can master your ip to multiple places in the world keep your information private and secure and trust me it is very important to keep your information secure because you know there might be categories out there that can hack it unlike that one buck hatcher that said that his caterpie couldn't and with a vpn it decrypts your data so it makes it harder for caterpies and hackers to break through so you tell me would you rather keep your private information in a pokeball or a master ball me personally i would choose the master ball because that seems to be the best and what's awesome about nordvpn is that it's super easy to use literally all you do is press a single button and boom you're now safe from those evil caterpies and on top of that you can use it on any device so if you want to be protected on your phone computer or even on your tv or your pokedex you can do that with nordvpn so if you want to keep your information secure in a master ball to fend off those hungry hacking caterpies go to nordvpn.com forward slash dobbs or use the code dobs get a 2-year plan with a huge discount plus additional 4 months for free and again that is nordvpn.com for slash dobbs and you can check out this link down below in the description and guys these sponsorships help me out a ton because the ad revenue on youtube is always a humongous roller coaster so be sure to check out nordvpn and see what they're all about and yeah with that said without further ado let's get started with the video now starting off this list the first mistake you probably made in pokemon is the way you fought whitney and pokemon gold and silver going in there straight up with your starter pokemon and some random pokemon you caught on the way is actually the wrong way to go about it because whitney's miltic as you probably know is a powerhouse it just roll outside it destroys everything and not to mention that your shot of pokemon are more likely to be male so it's attract will be very effective in battle most of the time so going to whitney's gym balls deep was your first mistake and your second mistake was not capturing a drowzee or an abra in the route beforehand and you're probably asking yourself why on earth do i need to get a drowzee or an abra for whitney when she's a normal specialist what is the psychotic pokemon have to do with destroying that wretched milting well the answer is you're not going to use the psychic type pokemon you're going to trade it for a female fighting type pokemon that will destroy whitney as how whitney destroyed you for all of these years yes because at the goldaron mark you could trade a drowzee in pokemon gold and silver or abra and pokemon crystal for a female machop and as we all know fighting type pokemon are super effective against normal tithes and witty's bill takes the track can't do anything to a female pokemon therefore this machop makes whitney's gym super duper easy and i bet you're slapping yourself right now for not doing this strategy [Music] now another mistake we've all fallen victim to is believing joey with his top percent ratata and i know it's a meme at this point that he has his top percent in ratatat the best ratatat to ever exist out of all rattata but believe it or not his rattata is actually the worst ratatat to ever exist out of all rat ratatat like quite literally because someone went into the game's coding and looked at the stats of yoshi joey's ratata and found out that he has zero ivs in all of his stats and keep in mind having zero ivs across the board in all of your stats is as rare as having 31 ivs and all the stats across the board so when yoshi joey calls you and tells you about how top person his rattata is well he's lying to you because it's actually quite opposite his ratatat is the absolute worst rat attack you could ever get in the game it is quite literally the absolute bottom tier rat attack i thought i trusted you youngster joey i thought we were friends now a mistake that a lot of us made when we played pokemon run in blue was picking charmander for our starter because believe it or not charmander is actually the worst starter to pick of the three forbidding the game in pokemon red and blue because first of all the first two gems trimmer has a very tough time with brock with his rock type pokemon and misty with her water type pokemon two typings that charmainer is very weak too and when you eventually evolve your charmander into a charizard it can't even learn any stab flying tight moves they can't even learn fly it can't learn any flying type moves by tm either because the only tm move that's a flying type is sky attack so quite literally this charizard has two useless wings on his back that it probably went through immense pain with while growing them in while evolving and once you get to the lead four it's just like no contest because you start with lord light who has a bunch of water type pokemon and then right after that you go into bruno who has a couple of rock type pokemon so it's basically like going to brock and misty again from the beginning at the end of the game and besides moltres is the easiest legendary pokemon to obtain in pokemon red and blue you can quite literally just save your master ball from the silk company and go through the victory road and capture it real quick right before you get to elite four and in these games moltres is basically an upgraded charizard it can learn stab flying type moves and it has better stats so as much as we love charmander and how much praise charizard gets it's actually the worst starter to pick in the first generation games so picking charmander as a starter was a mistake but you know i i still loved my charmander even though it was really bad now something you've been looking wrong at your entire life is the pokeball on the back of a pokemon card now first of all that pokeball is opening that is an opening pokeball on the back of that card but there's something very very wrong with it do you see it it's the button the button is on the wrong half of the pokeball because as we all know the button is on the top half of the pokeball where the red meets the white but on the pokemon card the button is on the bottom half the white part of the pokeball making quite literally every single english pokeball card an error card because this is not accurate to a real pokeball and even in the japanese version in the original back it was the same issue it had the button on the bottom half of the pokeball but eventually the japanese designers change the pokeball to a more accurate pokeball where the button is on the top half of the red part so now the japanese cards are more accurate to what a real pokeball should look like so man i i just wonder if if the final designers that a lot of this go through are slapping themselves in the face now after noticing this is an a major error in the pokeball design it really makes you wonder if they'll end up fixing this error and making a completely new card back design for the english pokemon cards now we've all watched the anime and see all the ridiculous things that have happened that ash ketchum has done but something that you probably mistaken that was ridiculous wasn't actually ridiculous at all it was actually pretty logical on how it happened and that is ash's thunder armor strategy with his pikachu and swellow yes swellow getting thunder armor made a lot of sense when you think about what actually happened and let me break it down so swallow is known for having the ability guts and guts is an ability that raises the pokemon's attack stat by 50 when it has a status condition so when ash commanded his pikachu to use thunderbolt on his swallow his swellow got paralyzed from the thunderbolt therefore activating his gust where he gets thunder armor basically meaning he got 50 more attack power and because of his attack boost asha swellow managed to feed liz's and taste pokemon there for winning the entire battle so this ridiculous feat that ash achieved with his pikachu and swallow wasn't really ridiculous at all and really in hindsight it was actually a very smart play by ash by gambling that's what will get paralyzed activating his guts ability to win the entire battle so man i really underestimated ash and now i see why he was offered to be a frontier brain at the battlefront tier in the pokemon advance series he's really got some obscure strats up his sleeve now this next one is a really weird one because it has something to do with parallel universes colliding and fusing together like in real life and so the common mistake is that there's a population of people including myself that remember pikachu with a black tip on his tail yes crazy i know but i'm telling you i vividly remember seeing pikachu with a black tip on his tail from like the late 90s and i also remember very vividly that i drew pikachu with a black tip on his tail and maybe it's still around somewhere maybe it's at my mom's house or something but i i'm telling you i did draw a pikachu with a black tip on his tail and if you remember this yourself and wondering what on earth is happening well this is a phenomenon known as the manila effect and if you don't know what the mandela effect is it's basically a false memory that a certain population of people have hence why people think that apparel universe feuds with our own because maybe in a parallel universe pikachu did have a black tip on his tail and somehow that parallel universe just fused with our universe and caused us to have this memory because it was true but in this universe it's not true so therefore is a false memory and the reason why it's called the mandela effect is because it was named after nelson mandela who was in prison for 27 years and then became the president of south africa however though there was a huge population of people who thought nelson mandela died in jail therefore creating this false memory of him dying in jail even though he didn't so yeah the mandela effect is just trippy and it's not just with pokemon but other things like the berenstain bears or the flintstones or even the monopoly guy from the monopoly game it really makes you wonder if there are parallel universes colliding and fusing together and let me know do you even remember pikachu with a black tip on his tail or am i just going crazy now for this spot i want to tell you guys my biggest mistake in pokemon and i did this when i was like seven or eight years old when pokemon crystal came out and so i literally thought farfetch'd evolve into a done duo because they're right next to each other in the pokedex and it just made sense to my eight-year-old brain that this bird pokemon is going to evolve into another bird pokemon with two heads because you know has two heads so it should be the second evolution and even though my friend said i was wrong and there's no way that's going to evolve into doduo i still leveled the bad boy up to 100. yes i literally leveled up a farfetch to level 100 making it my first level 100 pokemon by the way just to prove my friends wrong that it would evolve into duo and uh guess what it it didn't evolve into the duo and by the time it was level 99 i was like okay yeah there's no way it's going to evolve into dodrio at this point so yeah funny memory fun pre-internet time and it was just fun pokemon banter and also it's pretty cool having a level 100 farfetch'd on my team now this one is going to blow your mind trust me because i tweeted this out on twitter and it went like viral and i'm not even kidding there was like 20 websites that wrote an article about this tweet and talked about how crazy it was so prepare yourself the fact is you've been going through raw total wrong and pokemon yellow because if you're too lazy to catch 25 pokemon to get the flash hm from professor's aid oz already had to go through rock tunnel in pitch black but if you knew about this secret technique you could have gone through rock tunnel with a handicap and that handicap is is if your pikachu knows thunderbolt or thunder and you talk to it in rock tunnel it will brighten up the cave for a split second yes that is it mind blown right it literally just brightens up the cave it does this little thundershock animation and brought it you can see everything and i'm telling you that would have been so helpful as a as a seven-year-old six-year-old of playing pokemon going through rock tunnel and pitch black wasn't the funnest thing in the world so yeah if you played pokemon yellow odds are is that you went through rock tunnel the wrong way now another mistake that we've all done is seeing pokemon in a weird way like for example for alligator from his back surprise pokemon ruby and sapphire it looks like he has two dummy thick butt cheeks but really those are just bumps on the back of his of his alligator spine so no for alligator isn't as sexy as we thought it was another very popular one is hoot it looks like hutu has one leg but it really doesn't because as seen in pokemon stadium it actually has two legs and just hides one of them and his feathers but i'm telling you for the longest time i thought hoot had one leg and i always was confused on why they made an owl like that oh and metapod metapod looks like it's angry looking back at me wanting to destroy me or something but as it turns out it actually has the opposite expression it actually has like a sad looking face and it's just all chill looking but man i'm convinced i feel like metapod is like two faced from batman it has one evil side and one like i don't care side and luckily for us the trainer has that point of view of the evil side so nothing can escape the sight of an evil metapod and just to name a few others the hitmonchair from generation one looks like a pooping da duo with a creeperly toca kiss looking behind it poliwag's mouth looks like it's nose but it's actually his mouth those are lips you see deliberate sack where ketul's presence is actually his tail so it actually is holding on to its sack-like tail and finally gardevoir having no feet it does have feet just look at it in the anime those are his feet so yeah there are a lot of pokemon that you might see the wrong way and let me know in the comments which pokemon did you look at the wrong way now something that a lot of us definitely did wrong was going through the center of victory road without preparing enough because in the previous generations going through victory road didn't require that much because in generation one you only need the hm strength in generation two you didn't need any hms you could just bike your way through victory road in like one minute however though you did need a surf and waterfall to at least get to the vichy road area in generation 3 you need a straight surf and rock smash but in all odds you probably already have these moves on your pokemon because they're pretty common battling moves but in duration 4 he needed a whopping 5 hms go through victory road he needed surf strength rock smash waterfall and rock climb and who the hell puts rock climb on their pokemon no one does so in all odds the sudoku throne probably definitely caught a lot of us by surprise and forces to go back to get a rock climbing pokemon because seriously who was going to the league 4 with a pokemon with rock climb the weirdest obscure move ever [Music] now i was trying to do some more research for this video and i ended up asking pip knight if he had any funny mistakes in pokemon and if you don't know who pip knight is definitely check him out because he's like the og pokemon battler on youtube and he's awesome he also has an australian accent so it makes it even better and what he told me was hilarious he told me that in generation 2 when he was naming his rival he thought the rival's name was question mark question mark question mark because when you battle him it just says question mark question mark question mark and when the police comes up to you and asked what the name was of that person and pip knight's mind when he was very young he thought it was actually question mark question mark question mark and he thought he would go to like pokemon jail if he lied to the policemen for not telling the truth and i mean he's got a point i mean the rival's name was technically question mark question mark question mark so canonically i i guess his real name is that which is just downright hilarious this was funny another humongous misconception and mistake that we make in pokemon is assuming the typing of of the pokemon like for example lugia the guardian of the sea it's it's a water type right no it's just flying it's psychic oh what about that that duck that used sucking abilities to manipulate things with his mind nah just water type but that stupid slowpoke that has a shell on his back that went on his hind legs that's a psychotic for sure oh what about that octopus from pokemon sword and shield that is literally an octopus and swims through the water and does octopus things it's water type right no it's just fighting bro okay what about that one flower pokemon that lily is a flower and does flower things no it's not a grass type just fairy bro okay what about gyarados what about the magikarp that went up the waterfall and turned into a dragon by jumping over the gate gyarados has to be a dragon type right it knows dragon dance for god's sake nah bro it's just flying type sorry so yeah there are a lot of pokemon that we mistakenly think that are typing when they actually aren't for some reason i don't know why but a lot of them seem to be water types or lack of a water typing now another mistake that we've all made is sleeping on smurgle because personally when i first discovered it in pokemon gold and silver i thought it was a terrible pokemon because it only could learn sketch and like why would you even want to do that like just get the pokemon like learn the move naturally but as it turns out sprinkle became one of the best pokemon to use in the vgc meta for the very reason that i thought it was a bad pokemon that fact was that it could learn any move that it wanted to and i didn't even realize sparkle was a good pokemon until like 15 years later when i saw the vgc 2016 world championships there were so many people that were using smurgle to my surprise it just made me really curious on why this pokemon was so popular and well it turns out that smurgle with dark void and a focus sash is insanely powerful and it was so powerful that it was actually nerfed in the next pokemon game in pokemon sun and moon they literally made it where dark void would always fail if used by a pokemon that's not darkrai so therefore spurgle with a sketch dark void couldn't use it anymore oh and also they nerfed his accuracy from 80 to 50 so it was just cracked in pokemon x and y and if you're wondering why smurgle with dark void is so powerful well putting the opponent's pokemon to sleep on turn one can shift the game completely and is so immensely powerful that you just take control of the entire battle and keep in mind dark void isn't a single target move it is a multi-target move so quite literally on turn one your sprinkler could put both opposing pokemon to sleep giving you the total advantage so yeah us underestimating smurgle was a giant mistake and looking back man like i i had no idea this little dog pokemon was capable of this so yeah smurgle is definitely one of those rockies of pokemon another mistake that we've made is trusting whismur at first glance it looks like a cute little bunny hybrid thing but in reality it has a terrible secret that will disturb you what is that secret the secret is this it has a butthole now finally for this last one i asked my twitter followers what was the biggest mistake they made in pokemon and well here were the funniest and most interesting ones i could find sarah said leaving a while battle where the pokemon was a shiny thinking it was an heir of the game oof potato said on a way to catch me two and heart gold i realized only had seven ultra balls so i was leaving the kid to buy more when i ran into a shiny wobble fed and ended up running out of balls trying to catch it damn that is unlucky dude anya said a friend told me the only way to evolve skinny was get to level 50 and i believed them without checking the internet so i spent days getting it to 50 and when it didn't evolve i just stared at the screen and got so mad i restarted my entire save file damn i i feel you with that one with my with my farfetch but no one told me it would evolve i just kind of assumed that it did jeffrey said in one of my pokemon emma runs i forgot i was in a battle and i thought i found a wild mug and tried to catch it with my master ball the trainer then smacked it away and chewed me out for trying to steal his pokemon yo that's that's very unfortunate leo said i thought musa was normally gold until after a few weeks finishing platinum then actually encountered abuse near the valley woodworks and realized i had a shiny that's actually a pretty good mistake i would i would guess good thing you didn't like release it think it was a normal one jorge said rinsing hey you pikachu without the mic counts of times as a child my dumb just yelling into the n64 controller yo that is great and for the final one madison said i released my starter torterra in pearl because i felt bad that i made him fight against other pokemon sad face and then i cried because i kept getting beat by trainers so i gave up god yo madison i'm sorry to hear that and yeah that was that was a lot of fun so definitely check out my twitter and follow me if you want to be featured in another video in the future am i just making a series of just reading replies to tweets like that that could be a lot of fun and there you go 50 mistakes that you probably made in pokemon i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you want to support me on patreon click on the button right here i spend days if not weeks on these videos and the youtube algorithms really favor that so it helps me out a ton you get to talk to me and also see sneak peeks of future videos so there's a lot of cool things that come with being a patreon and also if you want to binge watch my videos be sure to click on the end card right now and start binging and yeah that's all for this video and i'll see y'all next time see ya
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 578,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 15 biggest mistakes you probably made in pokemon, top 10 biggest mistakes in pokemon, top 10 things that probably didn’t happen to you in pokemon, 15 of the biggest mistakes/errors in the pokemon anime, 10 disturbing things in pokemon you didn’t notice as a kid, 10 silliest pokemon anime moments, top 10 things in pokemon you didn’t notice as a kid, top 10 biggest mysteries in pokemon, 10 things all pokemon fans do, pokemon type stereotypes, pokemon fan steretypes, dobbs pokemon
Id: o_U3QmXQnsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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