Top 10 Most Forgettable Pokemon!

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[Music] all right gentlemen we're back again and we need to revisit one of our old pokemon and give us some more love so our fans can appreciate it again what do you guys got how about we give the charizard because i i i love him i love him uh okay no we can't do that because the fans are noticing how much we love charizard okay what else oh oh i know what if we visit pikachu and then give it a bunch of hats and then declare it as an event pokemon and then make that money oh my god yes yes that's genius all right what about you um how about we give it to a pokemon that's more deserving like maractus and give it like an evolution or something [Music] [Music] what is going on guys this is dobbs here bringing you another pokemon video and in this video i'm going to go over the top 10 most forgettable pokemon there is and before we start i just want to give a shout out to vessy footwear for splashing this video and man these shoes that vests footwear make are incredible because they are waterproof comfortable and very stylish and to put the waterproof to the test here's me placing a sonic pokemon card inside the shoe and pouring water on it i never thought i'd be pouring water on my shoes with a sided card inside of it but here we are and yeah after checking the pokemon card out it was completely dry so these shoes are definitely waterproof and also here's me wearing them walking my dog duncan and yeah they're super comfortable i i love them they're incredibly lightweight breathable and very stretchy here's me stretching it as well the shoes are awesome and yeah if you're someone who travels a lot or someone who plays a lot of pokemon go you should definitely check out bessie footwear because these shoes are made to last any weather condition and if you use my affiliate link down below in the description you will get 25 dollars off your purchase just head to to get your discount instantly and yeah shout out to betsy footwear for sponsoring this video i really appreciate it so yeah without further ado let's get started [Music] starting off this list for number 10 we have the shiny charizard now you're probably asking yourself how on earth is shiny charizard one of the most forgettable pokemon there is and well i'm not talking about the current shiny charizard with the black and red trim i'm talking about the original shiny charizard for pokemon gold and silver you see shiny charzo used to be a purple and green dragon like pokemon but when generation 3 came around with more colors available there was a few shiny pokemon that were changed by game freak and one of them was charizard now for obvious reasons charizard was changed to make it look more badass because charizard is game freak's precious baby and is a great selling point for a lot of pokemon merchandise especially in the tcg because shiny charizard cards go for thousands of dollars online and it's really one of the main reasons why the tcg is so popular everyone wants that shiny charizard card and for those very reasons is why i believe the original purple dragon is overshadowed therefore forgotten about the successor has just become too popular but hey at least we have a smash bros get out of it although i feel like soccer i didn't even know it existed and it's around the huge scale and made it purple and green so it's probably just a coincidence but at least it's something so yeah that is why i chose the purple shiny dragon for number 10 for this list it was just completely forgotten about number 9. [Music] coming in at number 9 we have ash's radicate now did you know that ash once had eradicated the pokemon anime yeah it was actually his eighth pokemon that he ever obtained but a lot of us including myself probably completely forgot about it and the reason why we forgot about it is because he only owned it for like five minutes and then he traded it off again but i'm getting a little too ahead of myself so let's back up a bit now in episode 15 of the pokemon anime ash and his friends were on the st and battling random people and one of these people was a gentleman that asked decided to battle but before we could win the fight the gentleman called it off and declared it a draw and as the fight ended the gentleman asked ash if he could trade his raticate for ash's butterfree because butterfree did so well in the battle and then without even thinking ash accepted the trade and they got himself a new pokemon which was the raticate but the thing is he regretted it like 20 minutes later so in the same episode ash ended up trading back the ratta cave for his butterfree which probably makes his raticate one of the most short-lived pokemon that ash has ever owned not to mention that butterfree was released only six episodes later so that that butterfree has gone through a lot but yeah this radical is definitely one of the most forgotten pokemon there is and that is why i just for number nine for this list coming in at number eight we have clang now out of every middle stage pokemon there is i feel like clang is the most forgettable one out of all of them because first of all cling clang and cling clang are just pokey clones of the magnamite line so already they're overshadowed by their predecessor and honestly the original magnumite line looks a lot cooler and given how simple the design of magdamite and mataton are that that's saying a lot and then second of all clay just seems like a useless evolution i feel like you don't even need it it's quite literally a cling with a bigger gear with no face on it and then looking at clean clay it is literally playing with a ring around it it's just it's just very forgettable like i could honestly see cling evolving into clean claim because cling cling is just playing with the ring around it if that makes any sense and i remember a time just recently when i was playing a pokemon game when i was evolving cling and i was surprised to see clang as the evolution i just completely forgot it existed so yeah i just think clang is one of the most forgettable pokemon there is when it comes to middle stage pokemon and that is why it is number eight for this list number seven now this next one might not be as forgettable but i still think it's worthy enough for this list so for number seven we have past forms iceborn now cast form is already a forgettable pokemon because once you get it in ruby and sapphire you usually just box it and for me personally yeah i boxed it immediately because it would it just looked lame to me and i wasn't interested in training it at all but if you're one of the few that didn't box it and left it on your team then you might have had a chance of seeing his eyes form but in all lightness you probably didn't because ruby and sapphire is all about the sun versus the rain ground versus kyogre so more than likely your cast form was exposed to the sun or the rain and transform into those forms respectively and that's only if you had it and really the only time that game in particular gives you the opportunity for your cast from to go into ice form is when you face glacia but why on earth would you ever have a cast form on your team for the elite four that just sounds very obscure and keep in mind all of this is from the native game that cast from is from and even in pokemon ruby and sapphire its snowy form is very forgettable and honestly the only time a pokemon game gives you the opportunity to see a snowy cast form in the wild is a pokemon sun and moon on mount lin aquila in an sos battle but it has to be hailing for the pokemon to call out a cast form so yeah cast form is a very forgettable pokemon and its snowy form is even more forgettable and that is why i just looked for number seven for this list [Music] number six [Music] coming in at number six we have carpet now carbine has a really cool concept to it it's a little bunny eared rock with diamonds around it while being a rocking fairy type and to me that just sounds so awesome i love fairy types and rocket fairy just sounds so fun and interesting this pokemon had a lot going for it for being so fun unique and cool looking but then a particular pokemon came around and completely overshadowed car in every way and as you probably guessed yes it's dionci the mythical fairy rock type pokemon now if they went ahead and made carbine beyonce's pre-evolution then it wouldn't be overshadowed that much because if you didn't know in diaz's pokedex entry it says that it transformed from carb mink all suddenly but as you probably know they don't evolve from one another so dionysia is quite literally the better form of carbine and not only that dioxy is a mythical pokemon and is the first and only mythical pokemon that can mega evolve not to mention that it's the only generation 6 pokemon that can mega evolve as well so poor old carving over here was outdone in every way imaginable and because of this it probably leads to a lot of people just forgetting about it even though it just is so cute with those bunny ears and thinking about it it probably doesn't help that it can only be found in one location with a 10 encounter rate so even if you someone knew about it you're probably still not going to encounter one and therefore forgetting about it even more so yeah that is why karmic is number six on this list dionysi just ended this pokemon number five coming in number five we have the trash cloak burme now burme is a cute little worm pokemon that uses its surroundings for a camouflage and normally in the wild you will see a plant coke burme that has a grassy little coat to it and if you have to be inside a cave or on a beach then you will come across a sandy cloak burme as well but something that you probably won't see is a trash cloak burme because in order to get one you have to level up a burmese inside of a building and given that you can't encounter burmese in a building and it's also an obscure pokemon that you probably won't use in all light in this you probably will never see one therefore making it even more forgettable and something that i personally forgot is the fact that burme as a male evolves into mother and of course as a female it evolves into wormadam making worm a damn trash cloak even more obscure and forgettable but yeah for some odd reason i thought mother was an unevolved pokemon and when i started research for this video i was shocked to see that burme evolved into it so maybe burmy itself is just an overall forgettable pokemon but anyways for the fact that you can't really encounter a burmese out of a building and you have to level it up during a battle inside of a building as well i believe the trashcan burme is a very forgettable pokemon and that is why it is number five for this list [Music] coming in number four we have zygarde now zygarde is a pokemon that was just completely forgotten by freak because it kind of seemed that pokemon z was in the works but then they just dropped it and was like you know what let's do start at moon instead and i mean hey there was a pokemon x y and z series it had z in the name so surely they had some thought about doing a zygarde focused game but anyways as they forgot about this epic looking pokemon they then redeemed it inside the moon by doing this little mini mission of collecting its cells but if you were to completionist then you probably didn't collect all 95 cells that are spread out randomly in the region therefore not seeing zygardes 100 form which i believe is the most forgivable part about zygarde because for me personally every time i look at zygarde's 100 form i just question if that's really a pokemon because it just looks like a ben 10 alien or a yugioh monster or even a digimon it just looks so foreign to me because i'm just not normalized to it and along with that i feel like zygarde's signature moves are even more forgettable because it learns four of them it's the only pokemon that can learn land's wrath thousand arrows thousand waves and core enforcer and i remember during a theme battle with vinnie we used one of them and we're just both in shock because we had no idea what this was and we've never seen it before the whole pokemon is just foreign to to even me and i make pokemon videos for a living so yeah i just feel like zygarde is a very forgettable pokemon and it was especially forgotten by gamefreak and that is why i chose the for number four for this list number three now this was going to be short and simple but also very very forgettable so with that said for number three we have togepi now don't get me wrong i'm not saying tokube is a figurable pokemon because how on earth can you forget this cute looking egg baby thing it's like half egg half cuteness what i'm actually saying is forgettable is the generation that tocabi is from because i'm not even exaggerating for the first 20 years of my life after discovering pokemon i thought tokube was from generation one and then when i found out it was actually generation two like three years ago my mind was just blown and i know for a fact there's more like me out there that think togepi was from generation one because i did a poll on twitter or youtube and it got like 50 50 votes and unfortunately i can't find this poll but let me know in the comments do you think tokyo is from duration 1 or generation 2 but anyways i blame the anime for thinking this because in the anime missy had in tokupe like a year and a half before pokemon gold silver were released and so as my six seven eight year old self i of course thought tokumi was from duration one because i had no idea another pokemon game was coming out and this was also my seven eight-year-old self who thought the shining ho that ash saw in the first episode was a firo because that just made the most sense to me and you gotta give it some slack because even in like merchandise like the official pokemon handbook it literally says on the cover that it goes over every pokemon including mew and tocopy and the way that's worded it makes it seems that mew is not part of generation one either so yeah there are a lot of things that made tokumi seem to be a generation one pokemon from the anime to merchandise for just being around generation one pokemon and for that reason i believe tokube's origin is very forgettable and that is why it is number three on this list number two [Music] coming in number two we have lukia now just like togepi i'm not saying lugia as a pokemon is forgettable because it's like one of the most badass looking legendaries there is and it's one of my favorites but there's something about lugia that makes it forgettable and it's just typing and as you probably don't know or or do know is that lucia is a psychic flying type but it is very common for people to think that it's a psychic water type or even a water flying type his typing is just very confusing and forgettable and the reason why it's forgettable is because lugia is claimed to be the guardian of the sea and also in his pokedex entry it is marked as the diving pokemon and not only that it learns a lot of water type moves like waterfall surf and whirlpool so it's just weird that the guardian of the sea who learns all these water type moves and also is the diving pokemon isn't a water type especially when his counterpart ho is a fire type so there's like no yi gang to them and heck you even find lucia side of a cave in a pool of water while you find his counterpart hoho on top of a tower just flying so what i'm trying to get at is that lugia's type combination is very forgettable and to put it simply that is why it is number two on its list but it is not quite number one [Music] now for number one the most forgettable pokemon in my opinion is stanley now first of all staedtler's butt is very forgettable because i don't remember it being that big like it literally looks like a beach ball stuck between his butt cheeks man like it's just humongous is that his tail like i just don't understand and then second of all more importantly stanler has been given no love by game freak since 2001 i mean it's a normal type with average stats no signature move no evolution just nothing and it doesn't help they made stanley 2.0 with a soft book line because those pokemon are given special forms for the season and honestly their design just looks a lot better and on top of that looking at the availability of this pokemon in each pokemon game it seems that it's not encounter bolt in that many areas because the most you can find it is in the native pokemon games pokemon gold silver and heart gold soul silver with with two routes and then in every other pokemon game you either can't even find it or you have to trade it over or is it available in one place it's just a very scarce pokemon and let me know in the comments do you remember stantler like when you saw this pokemon were you like oh yeah that existed or did you already know that it was it was a thing i'm really curious so let me know and yeah just to sum it up i think stanley's most forgettable pokemon because gabriel just completely lost interest in it and for that reason that is why stanley is number one on this list and there you go the top 10 most forgivable pokemon of all time i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you want to support me on patreon you click on the button right here i spend days if not weeks on these videos and the algorithm doesn't really favor that so it helps me out a ton also if you want to see more videos be sure to click right here i have a lot of pokemon videos that you can binge watch so have at it and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will see you all in the next one see ya
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 538,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10 most forgettable pokemon, top 10 most forgettable pokemon from sword and shield, every pokemon you’ve ever forgotten, pokemon you forgot existed, top 10 pokemon you forgot ash caught, 7 pokemon places you forgot about, 5 forgotten pokemon games, pokemon i totally forgot about, 10 lost pokemon we will probably never see, top 10 lost pokemon evolutions, top 10 pokemon you will never have, pokemon sword and shield, crown tundra pokemon dlc, dobbs pokemon, dobbs
Id: vp8sdVYP8FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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