Top 10 HARDEST Pokemon to Catch!

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oh my god won't Chauncey okay I guess I'll throw a safari ball on it now oh that's unfortunate your Chauncey fled oh dang so close [Music] what is going on guys this is Dobbs here bringing you another Pokemon video and in this video we're gonna go over the top 10 hardest Pokemon to catch ever and before we start I just want to say that you guys should definitely ring the bell on my channel because it helps me out a time you get notified more often and also I'm like 90% sure and what a life your Pokemon sword and shield here on the main channel on release day so we should look out for that and yeah with that said without further ado let's get started now for number 10 we're gonna start with something that's not that difficult but still a pain in the butt so with that said for number 10 I chose a pokemon platinum beldo now if you didn't know beldum is the only non legendary or mythical Pokemon to have a catch rate of 3 percent that means this pokemon is as hard to catch as a legendary and I'm sure you guys probably know how frustrating is to catch a legendary pokemon on top of that beldum only appears in swarms in the gen 4 games which is a random event that happens once a day at a random time that makes rare Pokemon more likely to be encountered but the thing is you'd only access this type of random event only after you obtain the national days and have entered the Hall of Fame so you basically have to see all the Pokemon in the region before you even have a chance of catching beldam not only that but after you go through all these hoops of prerequisites it gets even worse because when you're in a bout with beldam all it knows it's takedown which has recoil damage so it damage itself every turn so you have to constantly put it to sleep to have a good chance at catching it but it doesn't stop there because on top of worrying about putting it to sleep you have to worry about the cause of sandstorm the student residual damage to your Pokemon so honestly the best book want to use would be a game guard with hypnosis with a left over item so we can put it to sleep negate and take down and negate the same store and then after that you got a treat like legendary Pokemon and hope the guy that you catch it because there's no way you're gonna waste a master ball on a beldam unless it was like a Super Saiyan duper lame beldam but I don't think it exists so yeah it's safe to say that beldam is one of the hardest Pokemon to catch but it only gets harder from here because number one and two are crazy [Music] now this one is kind of far-fetched because it resides a Pokemon snap and in that game you don't really catch pokemon you just take pictures of them but let's just imagine taking a picture in Pokemon snap is the same as catching come on in the main series game I mean hey it does take skill to take pictures of Pokemon it's not that easy so with that said for the B'nai and I chose the floating Pikachu and Pokemon snap now man getting a picture of this Pikachu is a chore because it just feels like it's based on luck you see all you have to do is make it to the fourth level and hit Zubat with a pester ball but even if this sounds like an easy task it's not hitting Zubat with a pester ball it feels like it's impossible because it has such a spontaneous flying pattern that you just you had to die just throw a ball randomly and get lucky and if you didn't know the munching orange and I did a Pokemon snap let's play on my dogs gaming channel and after several tips of trying to get this floating Pikachu to start floating down we finally got it and our reactions are priceless here check it out now I just got to get the actual shot at the harder part okay though do wait oh my god let's go dude let's go play a polka food oh my god yeah we were super excited to Folly free this Pikachu from the zoo bed and have it float down all peacefully with balloons but little did we know you could actually take this a step further and get Pikachu on top of Articuno and fly for real which is probably even harder to do than just a balloon Pikachu floating down by itself but yeah anyways for all those reasons I chose the floating Pikachu for number 9 on this list [Music] now these next Pokemon are more annoying than hard to catch because they just love the run away from you and just stay away from you forever so for number eight I chose the roaming legendary Pokemon now I guarantee everyone who's watching this video knows the struggle of trying to find a roaming legend it's been around since the generation 2 games and even back then it was a pain in the butt and I feel like I wouldn't be saying that phrase a lot this video paying the butt because basically every Pokemon this list is a pain in the butt to encounter and catch but anyways just in my last video and my pokemon crystal challenge I spent an entire hour trying to find a legendary beast and this wasn't an hour in normal gameplay speed this was an hour on speed up and after I hit the hour mark I was just shell-shocked on how long it was taking it was crazy and man if he decided to shiny hunt one of these roaming legends good luck with that because that would just be a nightmare to me because every time you soft reset you have to find the legendary Pokemon again and screw that finding it just one time is enough for me and on top of all that they just they run away once you encounter it so yet like throw a master ball or have some arena trap Pokemon to trap it I would say these legendary Pokemon are the definition of a troll mod in the Pokemon games and that is why they're number eight on this list they are just incredibly hard and annoying to capture now this was gonna be short and sweet because we all know how much of a struggle this Pokemon is to catch so for number seven I chose the Safari Zone Chauncey now Chauncey is the pinnacle of this video it is just a definition of a frustrating hard Pokemon to catch because not only does it have a very low encounter rate of 1% it also has a very high flee rate of I don't even know percent it just flees when you look at it it doesn't want to be messed with it's a very skittish Pokemon if if you look at the wrong way it will just run for its life but if you come across the courageous Chauncey that wants to challenge you for your food or rocks for some reason catching it is a completely different story now for the longest time I never knew what the rocks and bait did from the Safari Zone I thought they were just like random tools that have a random effect but after researching for this video I fed out the rocks made the Pokemon angry and easier to catch but it makes them more likely to run away and as for the bait it makes a Pokemon stay for a little bit longer but it makes them harder to catch and believe it or not the best strategy to catch Chauncey is to throw two rocks at it make it very angry and then start trucking Safari balls because apparently the skittish Pokemon has a very short temper and it will not let you get away with throwing rocks at it but yeah in the end for the fact this Pokemon is incredibly hard to find and incredibly hard to catch I chose it for number seven on its list [Music] now this next one is a Pokemon that you've probably heard before but I had to include it on this list because it's just a staple to this topic so with that said for number six I chose a Pokemon emerald Phoebus now there really isn't much to say about this Pokemon it's very short and simple Phebe as the pokemon emerald can only be encountered on five or six tiles in the entire region and if you don't know what five six tiles look like on a map it's it's that that's your likelihood of coming across a feed bass but there is a catch no pun intended Phoebus will be encountered on route 119 through fishing but when your fish to go to each tile trying to find this feed bass you're not guaranteed the encounter because you can get another Pokemon like magic card so it's basically like finding a needle in a haystack you're just throwing a dart at a board and hoping get the bullseye there really isn't no strategy to catch this mahn you just gotta get incredibly lucky and yeah that's basically all there is to it if we wouldn't get the feedbags go start hunting fishing every tile in the map like honestly who wants a fee messed that bad like I don't I don't want a feedback that bad but for all those reasons I chose it for number six on this list [Music] now this next pokemon has the second most P requisites out of all the Mons on this list and no Butler doesn't have the Mo's it has the third most so for number five I chose a pokemon platinum regigigas now to even have a chance of catching this elemental giant you first have to obtain the three Reggie pokemon but the thing is these three golds are not available in the duration for games so you have to transfer them for the duration three games or get them from a special event and nowadays I don't believe Game Freak plans to do any more special events for the old games so you'll have to stick with transfer them from pokemon ruby sapphire and emerald and man if you've been around long enough you probably remember how tedious it was unlocking the three Reggie's in the gen three games because first of all you would have to read Braille somehow to figure out all the mechanics to unlock the Reggie's and then you have to go out and catch these Reggie's yourself and these are legendary Pokemon they are no joke of a catch and keep in mind most of us were 10 to 15 years old during this time and it was just it was a very hard challenge but if you somehow did all of this then you'll just transfer to platinum and then Bal regigigas because it'll awaken after centuries of being asleep because you have is three little children and then you can finally catch the level one legendary Pokemon which I still think is pretty awesome but yeah for the fat they had to go through a bunch of hurdles to unlock regigigas I chose it from her five on this list [Music] now this next one is in the Pokemon mission of the series and in those games you don't really catch pokemon you just recruit them but for the sake of this video let's just imagine catching a Pokemon there recruiting a Pokemon are the same because in my mind they pretty much are so with that said for number 4 I chose a Pokemon misjudging kecleon now if you've never put the PMD games kecleon is a major character in the storyline because without him you can't buy any items or finding the items and dungeons but let me tell you if you mess with kecleon he'll become a god not only a god but he'll become a super same ultra instinct can Cleon because if you find yourselves leaving his shop without paying them he will teleport to you with double stats - double speed and level 90 power and most of the time just one shot you with his attack so recruiting him is kind of a challenge not to mention that his recruitment rate is 0% without the friend bow so you have to be carrying a friend bow to enhance his recruitment rate to 0.1% and with doses to 6 that means that you will only recruit a kecleon every 100 kills so good luck finding K cleon's and destroyed them with their super saiyan like stats unless you have a one-hit ko move which is possible but most of the time he'll just knock you out before you're sure cold lands because of the accuracy so in the end kecleon is an incredibly strong Pokemon these games and incredibly hard to recruit and for those reasons I chose kecleon for number 4 in this list now I have a confession this video was originally called top 10 hardest Pokemon to obtain but last second I chained it to the top of you see before you top 10 hardest Pokemon to capture and for this next one it's more of a Pokemon that you unlock then capture but they're still catching involved so with that said for number three I chose a survey Pikachu now before I even start let's just keep in mind that pokemon stadium came out a month before pokemon yellow and before pokemon yellow the only way to get a Pikachu was saying kinda wanna and Viridian Forest or in the power plant and let me remind you those Pikachu's had a very low encounter rate so it was very hard to get one but anyways in order to get the serving Pikachu you first have to beat the entire game of Pokemon Stadium and let me just clarify it could be pokemon stadium twice round 1 and round 2 but in order to launch a survey Pikachu you first have to obtain the round 1 just completion and let me just put this in perspective the world record for BT Pokemon Stadium won round 1 and round 2 is 20 hours that's right it took werster 20 hours to be pokemon stadium 1 because there's that much content and it's that hard to beat so you can only imagine how long it would take for normally like you or me to beat that game and it doesn't even stop there because not only have to be round 1 but you have to beat the round 2 Master Cup and all of the cups before and while having a Pikachu on your team that you transfer from red or blue by getting an expansion pack for $30 at Target hashtag not sponsored so let me just reiterate this you have to be pokemon stadium won on round 1 then transfer a solid team for red or blue with your pikachu and beat the prime couple league all the way up to the master cup and then once reach the magic cup you have to beat every trainer with your pikachu on your team without losing once and then and only then you can teach the Pikachu that you call it serve and have a serve a Pikachu yeah it's pretty much how far gamefreak went with this one this has got to be one of the hardest poke wants to obtain hits why this video was originally called topped at hearts Pokemon to obtain but yeah that is why it's number three on this list it is an extremely hard book one to capture slash obtain now this next pokemon is impossible like I'm not even kidding it is it is impossible to capture this Pokemon so with that said for number two I chose the football pinball view now before we get into why this book want is impossible to capture we first have to find out how to even encounter it because it is legendary Mew after all it is no joke of an encounter in any Pokemon game so in order to encounter this legendary Pokemon you have to beat every bonus stage at least twice and then after that you simply go into the game's catcher mode and then you have a 2% chance of encountering a mute which is pretty straightforward I mean it's not like the freaking Pikachu before we have to go through hoops and solve a Rubik's Cube but then do the astrophysics equation for going to outer space all you have to do for this pokemon is just do a few bonus stages and then you have a 2% chance of encountering it but trust me that is all an illusion of why this Pokemon is the absolute devil when trying to catch every Pokemon in the game because the only way to capture Mew in this Ketcham mode is to hit it 1024 times in three minutes and guys it is is super hard to even get 100 hits on a pokemon in three minutes let alone 200 or three it's not possible Tim you 1000 times in that short amount of time and the reason why is that high is because of the coding like that's his mass capacity of a number so the programmer just intended me to be not catchable in this condemned Oh in the Ketchum mode kind of a troll but if you're some kind of pokemon pinball savant that's better than a tool-assisted program then maybe as possible but if you're like the rest of us yeah this book one is never gonna be capturing and that is why it is number two on this list but what could be number one if this is number two [Music] alright guys I'm sorry it's kind of a troll but let's just get into it we're number one the hardest book one to capture ever is the wish cast from the book one anime yeah I'm not joking in season 7 episode 35 of the Pokemon anime a trainer known as Sullivan throws a master ball and fails it the whiscash literally eats the master ball and isn't captured this has got to be the only time in Pokemon history that a master ball fails because there really isn't any recorded history of it happening again this is the only time this one wished Cassius walls it like it's nothing so strictly for that one reason that is why this wish cache is the hardest book one to capture ever because not every Pokemon can say that they withstood a master ball I mean no one can except for this wish cache so that is white with a swish cache for number one on this list and there you go the top 10 hardest book want to capture in my opinion I hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure ly like we did because I appreciated a ton also if you want to see more videos like this be sure to subscribe because I upload pretty frequently now being a full time youtuber in all and don't forget to ring that bell because that notifies you even more and if you want to be even more awesome you can follow me on Twitter Instagram and even on the amido app because all those platforms are super cool and also if you're looking for stream gear or anything like that you should definitely check out my Elgato link down below because I am partner with them and they are awesome and just by visiting the link helps me out a ton so I really appreciate it and finally for the question of the day what pokemon was the hardest for you to catch be sure to let me know down below in the comments because I'm gonna read those comments and reply to them and be like whoa that's crazy and yeah that's all for this video and I will see you guys next time see ya [Music]
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 1,101,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardest pokemon to find, hardest pokemon to obtain, rarest pokemon of all time, hardest pokemon to get, hardest pokemon to catch, pokemon top 10, hardest pokemon to find in pokemon go, hardest pokemon card to find, top 10 rarest pokemon in pokemon go, hardest pokemon to catch in each game, hardest pokemon to evolve, hardest pokemon to shiny hunt, pokemon sword and shield, rarest shiny pokemon in pokemon go
Id: 33pUCYU15CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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