Pokemon Blue/Yellow 2 Games 1 Controller by MeGotsThis in 2:58:36 - SGDQ2018

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there's a few more donations that are still in the queue from previous runs this one looked like it may have came in during the Super Mario 70 star run I'd like to read it now it's from Nash 231 sends in 64 dollars and 64 cents says 60 stars you guys aren't counting the biggest star of the run toad best of luck to all the runners thanks very much Nash I have a $1000 donation $1,000 from anonymous it says I love you thank you very much a 200 dollar donation from the golden carrot he says incredible event fourth year watching fourth year donating keep it up guys getting in a ton of donations for the pokemon run like to get in some of them before we get started here here's one from Moltres flash Lapras says $50 into Doctors Without Borders and says hey don't leave us out we want to be part of the team of course we'd like to see you be part of that team maltose and Lapras because we have reached a total of $6,500 approximately about $6,500 we need to get to 30,000 so to do that we still need about 20 23 thousand dollars I would really love to see us get there in about an hour's when we have the cutoff for that so please give generously helped us get Moltres and Lapras during this run I've got 15 dollar donation from Captain to demote says I've got two hours of sleep last night and spent most of today between flights but that's no excuse for missing the Midnight Run I've been waiting for all week pokemon runs are my absolute favorite to watch so good luck to me got this on the most ambitious one in GDQ history let's catch these two big guys and with that it's gonna be the last donation before the run starts so let's hand it over to me goss this for an amazing run a pokemon blue and yellow [Applause] hello hi everyone hi do we want to introduce ourselves real quick let's do it all right so the michaelis one is shenanigans underscore he's not miked for a reason I'm he gots this I'm Thai Kevin 83 I'm suave you know who I am who are you again let's go with that all right we ready all right let's do this all right five four three two one go all right so interest pretty similar in both games except for that those aren't the same Pokemon but is the same cry because they didn't change pikas cry that cutscene [Music] right away you see that there's desync that's gonna be a really common theme throughout this whole run as yellow is garbage well another reason is he's using a wireless controller known as a wave bird with two separate receivers receiving inputs from the same controller which is the only feasible way of doing this on concept and we need to do that because the gamecube actually has a serial connection to the controllers kind of like USB so the if you just have a regular game convinced ruler and you split it it can't talk to both game queues but the wave bird has both of the adapters and those can talk to both game gives you I never hey I called it during practice will always be reminded of the desync just because of the name [Music] but that's also a good reminder of just how slow yellow is just remember the J is its mark of shame [Music] so already the games are gonna be different because yeah you're gonna get pulled over from blue yet you're gonna see a Pikachu catch here which there aren't even encounters that are on tiles yep yellow decided to have to catch tutorials for some reason I could be mistaken on this it's to remove the missing number glitch from red blue they forced the catch tutorial but it does seem kind of superfluous nonetheless and you can still get missing number just not in the same way in yellow now the wonderful thing is we don't pick Bulbasaur because Bulbasaur it's garbage it's kind of cute but that's that's about all it's got going for in this game [Music] so one of the things to note about yellow is that it's gonna have a lot of delay versus red basically pokemon yellow is red and blue but they hacked colors into the game engine so it's gonna be no slower one most of the run there there were very few instances where yellow is faster and you'll you'll notice those and of course will point them out if you don't mm-hmm kick it over the main realize the rival was named after me oh please tell me cat-food one yes oh yeah there we go but he's still tackling over there the whole time nice great job because this shirt [Laughter] now just the sheer amount of concentration that has to go in a run like this it's just absolutely impressive it mom you really have to take advantage of the lag frames that you get in yellow just to try and desync things a little bit which you'll see a ton throughout the run yep and he's had to practice with all these different named lengths you can see as the text displays it takes one frame per character of text and that's the delay from that is gonna be different on every fight with all the different names you guys selected and it's no longer oh this dude in yellow Felipe oh he lives the red bar red bar we believe in you cat food for like seven more minutes okay so we're gonna get jingle skips on the level up and learning that tailwhip there that saves 2.5 seconds for each of those actions that's five seconds saved [Music] on blue [Music] a three work - so squirrel needs to get some extra experience here after the only other required trainer before Brock you only get to level seven so you have no way to take out Brock but with a little bit of extra experience here you're able to get to level eight which gets bubble bubble is a it's 20 power in this generation I believe 20 power water moves and both Geodude and onyx are four times a week to it plus squirtle gets the property of same type attack bonus so it boosts the power of bubble by 1.5 times so it's really a 30 powerful 60 base power after the super effective it will it's four times to perfect oh yeah oh yeah that so it's a very powerful mic because so it's way funny effective power also get really used to the bonding noise yep yep he uses bunk to think the games back up after yellow goes lower because it's yellow [Music] I never got Oaks parcel Oh No [Music] we actually just learned recently if you walk further before jumping over some of these ledges it saves frames by syncing up the audio with the ledge hops audio oh that's nice to think what maybe one one or two donations while he's talking to open the lab don't work Wow Wow Oh lady had this my girlfriend five run keys what's that yeah yeah I shine Anakin's and I years ago did a blindfolded no save corruption run of this and I ran into the infamous level four Rattata that almost killed me and ruined my life it still ruin my life but that's not the point Hank there we go side though nice you want some donations here yeah we could probably get in one or two while he's talking about sure I have a $50 donation from sell toy he says always have to donate during the Pokemon games and let's get Moltres and Lapras have another donation of $25 this one's from Chiana banana for 130 says popping it on my break to catch a little Pokemon and say good luck to the runner yeah we've got what maybe about an hour and 20 minutes where we can still get that donation incentive for Moltres and Lapras kitchen but get your donations in so you'll notice he's behind oak here that's to get Pikachu out of the way for Gary to walk down and also you'd have to go to the left anyway so that okay Gary walks less away from Oak I think we could sneak another donation and yeah Oh yen certainly I have a $10 donation from the couch slouch who says so you want to be a master Pokemon you have the skills to beat [Music] [Applause] we call this guy here goalie and you can see why he just blocked our movement through the grass gave us encounter yeah when are you going to ban him keys well you see that's out of my jurisdiction [Laughter] so usually around this point I would like to coffin either in names all right so we be do we have the neater in names down now I'm just taking a look looks like we do have the neater end named Weiner it's OB being just be tonight what second place stop excavation point I less than $100 separated them so it was very Chloe well let's go OBB let's go stop by [Music] it's like it's almost like I'm play it touch place Pokemon here right all right so this is the first of three or excuse me four minutes they'll be doing in the game in order to get a good meter in for the run in both games will do separate manip for each one have we seen manip in gdq yet like this i don't think we have no i guess ideally what we did was my failed heart gold oh yeah the basic idea is we have DVS in this game they're kind of like IVs and later games so where you have to 0 to 31 Ivana 3 and later we have 0 through 15 DVS in Gen 1 and 2 so basically we want to get 15 din as many TVs as we can and we're gonna get 14 in speed though because the game doesn't quite let us get perfect ones but also you can't imagine how hard this is when you have to control two games it's it's no fun [Music] I [ __ ] there oh I'll show you a bad one that's on the rent while it's 80 that's a rather painter and it's also worth noting that the manip in red is considerably simpler than this so thanks those that donated for blue yeah and thanks to Gen 1 even if you do the minute correctly you can still get bad stats because of a problem with the in game timer calculations being just before the random calls to generate the stats for Nitto yeah that's an igt zero oh dang so when when something like that happens he has to reenter the game and re-save so uh just leave on a different in-game time value which overflows in a different point thanks again blue voters yeah [Music] you get to see Spoonamore this way exactly yeah [Music] another fun thing since the last gdq is we've tasked yellow since then so we know a lot more about the Gen 1 games mmm spoiler they're still bad [Music] there we go all right [Music] so I said to Yolo go for it go for it nice I don't know what the extra character is it might be something with the Dexter characters of squirtles name being different it throws off the timing of the RG call for the Yolo ball so yes the weekend it like normal people do also the old man is really bad at Pokemon so what's interesting to note about the catch tutorial with yellow is just in general with Gen 1 the amount of times that the pokeball shakes kind of indicates how likely you are to catch them it's impossible for that Rattata to shake three times and break yeah yet old man Jenkins found a way Bob then Jenkins I like talking to the young folk we get two more hours of you [Laughter] you're all rights law I I like you too poorly spelled Stephen I spell out the right way with a V okay again fine yours is more optimal but mine has more class okay we're going into the minute for yellow now you'll see it's a bit simpler than the last one but we will say the Yolo ball for it is actually less simple but I believe in Peter I think he's got it mm-hmm me gots this that's his name he's got yeah the yellow ball and yellow is a three frame window with no visual or audio cue and frames a gen 1 or 59.7 275 300 seconds oh we got an igt hello to try one more time to make sure okay how do you keep getting this I didn't get in practice well I don't know blue for sure because I don't know the man it's too well but isn't yellow I'll be like three and sixty to be a 92 yeah it's basically 5% to be a no encounter or Pidgey and then an additional 5% to have bad stats that's saying get I cheese so you'll have to go into the building and resave okay if you don't go into the building and reset the map then you'll have seen the Polka ball and it has an art oh no nope you got to go pick the left good on the left side then you don't reset the Oh No are you what are you doing Evan you got to go into a building and then yep this will work you just don't want to see the pokeballs picked up if you see the pokeball then you'll have started the NPC timer for the pokeball because the pokeballs an NPC in the game today I learned I have never heard that before just the first time I heard of this but now will be good meanwhile I got lonely blue over yeah yeah get used to blue waiting on yellow that's gonna be a common occurrence now setting up all the fights and stuff like I mentioned before like we rely on lag frames and stuff but this is the probably in my opinion like the worst part so once we get past this and get our head around it everything should be a lot bang start just think up very quickly after getting the Narrows you guys when I explain why I'm harvesting both at the same time so he's using a start B X on his GameCube controller which is a hard reset call to both because he's doing it on the wave bird which is hooked up to folk game key in the spirit of two games one control or the inputs for the saint are the same for each one so that's why alright good it's not the Pidgey but we're still not there yet don't check his yeah it'll check stats for special because we could have special underflow oh let's hope not besides you can tell right now while he's trying to catch the Nader and he's trying to do a little bit more in blue all right nice so here's another difference you're gonna see right now if you look over on the side of blue so me goss's is walking on particular tiles so well I mean not right now but um the bottom right tiles of the grass for some reason don't produce encounters like if the tile has like little star shaped leaf on it so he'll walk a very particular path in Viridian Forest yellow he has the same tiles but also we got the middle my budget yellow also has the same tiles but they still produce encounters I don't know what convinced them to either set it up that way in blue or to fix it in yellow but they did I would assume because they wanted to make it more like the anime so they added edgy and Pidgeotto to the forest and when they did so they were like oh wait he can't even get encounters on these trails let's fix that so speedrunners can waste more time which another funny fact about that is in a Japanese versions of the games they did have tiles that were like that and it was the bottom left and not the bottom right but there are no tiles that have the bottom left star so I did not know that you're learning he'll be getting the antidote in yellow even though you wouldn't do that usually in a run so that he can sync up the item bag and both nice Pidgey in the forest is really good later Oh probably don't want to catch it until you have horn attack [Music] I just realized something I parties dice good kid make that to stack speaking of options we also found fast options since the last year yet which is completely useless for RTA it's a good thing it's interesting to see nonetheless so you notice yellows fighting some optional trainers neater neater and needs double kick for Brock so he'll fight three optional trainers to get level 12 by the end of the third one and then the one mandatory trainer that blocks the exit get used to seeing him go to the Pokemon menu and looking at stats a lot because I as you can see things are these things now yeah he's using that to DS League the games intentionally [Music] and we don't fights going lousy it was that first one poison yeah and a Kurt there that's not good because of the way cribs work in gen1 they effectively double your level they don't double your damage so around level one it's about a 50% increase in damage and leer it does until it increases your damage by 67% so it's actually worse to grit after you level yet what was that what is this sound this is going so [Music] yeah this is why ours we don't fight whoa that was really dangerous yeah I thought oh no no that's oh no no no J go front back to neither in um I think you have to yeah let's go fractioning you're an you that's that's really unfortunate that we will fight going that bad is not that's very uncommon the tackle miss Oliver just when you're thinking about motion Huston [Music] is that just like a neat an input or something here what happened there wow I feel like there was a dropped input on there that has to be it let's go wireless it but luckily we already have ended up in blue we're just getting the Nano and yellow again in which we already know has good stats because we checked them after the reset [Music] okay here's training tips oh yeah take a look at those if you ever considering running these they won't help you at all [Music] I have run from that neither and before just not holding right or blue oh it's it's really really easy to do if you get too focused on one of the games to just really really mess it up and the other one okay we got the knit up again nice [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we're getting that potion since we didn't buy any a little bit dangerous without it there's not Washington red yeah that's that's another I guess flight and provement in yellow is they actually made potions available in Viridian Mart why they didn't make repels available in pewter Mart I'll never know but that would have been much more welcome than the potions and Viridian Mart I think imagine a world where he didn't have to manipulate Mount moon imagine a world where we didn't ever tell chatters though you know what did you give her bows so yeah if you've ever wondered why they never get repels from mount moon it's because you can't if the remakes of red and blue when they came up with firered and leafgreen they added repels so a lot of people are just used to that play the older game so I quite you buy repellents so Nintendo if you want to release a patch for that week rightly appreciate it make it like a DLC or something yeah could you patch the VC exam to guess the Virtual Console like I will gladly pay $5 for that like really oh and let's go Pikachu can we have repels before Mamun oh yeah they'd be amazing hint hint wink wink well if you only get encounters by running into him then maybe that maybe it'll be obsolete that'd be even better also who's up for a 2 G 1 C let's go Pikachu let's ask ya you're all Jeavons [Laughter] so I didn't see my specialized 13 apart team fire blue oh yeah that's definitely worth noting the squirtle special if it was 13 at level 8 then he does not to shot either oh he doesn't do shot the Geodude and unless he gets lucky on the level up he won't 2-shot the Onyx either but if it's 14 he will 2-shot both with bubble [Music] one of the things to know in yellow is that NATO is dropped into yellow bar this is another one of the points yellow bar yes this is one of the points where yellow is slows down even more from red and blue because there's a color lag whenever your HP bar changes color it wastes five frames for both you and for the enemy oh here's the heel oh oh no like this try again third time's the charm like it's hard to express in words like I've run this on emulator with the windows side by side and I did one mock run of actual console run it is tough to be able to concentrate on both and not make those mistakes like that it's not as simple task even with practice third tries the charm right we got it me gots this um after the Nader ant shows up on yellows and it's probably good time for some more donations agreed [Music] guys we're getting in a ton of donations for the run do you want me to wait until after you've caught the need around I mean we already know that nickname incentive board so we might as well go ahead it sure thing I've got a 150 dollar donations from aura kolya and it says let's catch the legendaries like it's Pokemon go I've got a $20 donation from Bob Chow 87 who sent it in to Doctors Without Borders and says me gots this you got this yeah mizzle sticks sends in five dollars and says hey MGT good luck on the run you're making the PS r community proud we need to get Moltres and Lapras though so let's get the band back together hey missile thanks Bissell yes thank you I'll give you an update on that incentive we're currently almost halfway to about twelve thousand dollars out of the thirty thousand dollars to get multisim laparis so I really like to see that happen so full disclosure he did it three times to kind of give everybody a feel for in the manip scuzz that's the toughest part really and to give us a little bit more time to meet that donation incentive so let's get those in guys for charity for charity it's for charity oh yeah I got something like yeah he could already be through mount moon but there's entertainment value to be thought of here but doesn't make the fights so much easier right so tell up them all day there you go oh it's just gonna string shot you to oblivion instead of killing you oh yeah [Music] all right let's just let's start seeing some crits from the Caterpie but current rate is baseball face feel all the might have a problem that's why why can't get that in the we don't fight I know right start seeing some poison sting misses I don't know if we see more than one of those something's up but hey nothing at the text here we go Hey okay he has to do that because if we didn't swap in Neto we would lose experience window he swapped it and in the fight now a reshoot really need the experience are we sure that the name for the Pikachu wasn't supposed to be bug food oh that Krista that's we were talking about about doing less damage after the critic there's your full damage [Music] okay we didn't do a just Wapiti there oh that was fourteen special and squirtle those so that's good yeah it's good for Brock [Music] forced encounter and blue what a troll it's a cocoon that's here [Music] by Renton Metapod earlier I don't that was also the Objectivists are the most obscure things that can happen in in both games it's insane you know what alright yellow and finally won its first fight we're way more powerful the horn attack it has 65 face power very powerful moves oh yeah this Pete Pete you've painted probably Pikachu - the there's no more for you - behind me you monster [Music] [Music] you so I'm trying to get to my next point which is before this bug catcher and Brock at the same time that way I'm right next to them in case I actually died abroad all right show me that Pidgey darn [Music] so fortunately Brock shouldn't be too much of an issue because he got the good special but I mean they're still oh I don't want to tempt fate but you he's very very likely to win have you seen these wheedle fights man one of the fun things we learned about this yellow fight recently is that it's faster to leer than Metapod even though he has a one in three chance to use Hardin because it saves two turns if you get leer and he doesn't use harden on the next two turns it's also worth noting for which you some may have noticed this is this trainer is not in red blue but is in yellow and there's another trainer in the forest off to the left that you don't even see which if you watched gunner maniac what 2016 run whenever it was he actually had to fight that trainer because this was pre manip and that was the strat to used he got a lower spore knitter and had to fight an extra trainer to get it back to level six where we started from manipulable six mid OH [Music] so unlike in yellow where he had he had the opportunity to train his men ran up it's just a lot faster in blue to swap like this and steal some experience from the Geodude and Onix yeah and we have to train up Nitto to beat Brock and yellow because we need double kick on that we don't have a squirtle to beat it with a water move like even if neater and learn double kick on blue it would still be quicker to do it this way but double kick sure would make route three a lot nicer the task blue strat is actually really interesting you have to get at level three knitter and because it gets too much experience if you get a level four and then you print the Onix to one HP and kill it with the Nitto instead of doing swap stress [Music] it's the reason that Brock lets you use the flash a Jim is that because he's not wearing a shirt [Music] also for those unfamiliar with the run we will not be using flash this is a kid-friendly run we don't do the none of that [Music] so blue has to buy potions here because as we mentioned before they aren't available in my paralyzed heels I should have read the notes anyway wait there's no it's there's no it's a pretty good Google Doc actually they got hurt I thought that suspicious no PowerPoint PowerPoint oh yeah [Music] another interesting thing to note is the bug catcher these fighting in yellow right now um if you remember in blue it was a really mean wheedle he just has a Caterpie now I don't know why they changed that but you might need to post it now in yellow to avoid the dog dying to a critical and this is uh yeah yeah it's really really confusing when your menus change in Pokemon games because so much of the game is menuing precisely [Music] or blues getting concussed yep if we like to think of it as a blue is like the older brother and yellows like the younger brother that your parent told you you had to take along so you know the the young the older brother of course has to slow down for the younger brother or sister siblings to to accommodate [Music] think we could sneak a couple donations in oh yeah Oh guys we're getting in so many donations 501 I've 129 dollar donation from old man in Viridian city pile van my coffee and that's what I need to get going I intend to donate $1 I had in my six items thought looks on Iran to missing though so I have duplicated my dollars couch how do we feel about couch interaction bring it on I I encourage it I have a $50 donation from anonymous he says hey keys can you do the jinx crime you guys came in for the Omega Deeks cry this time oh you you will get double jinx cried you don't worry oh yeah triple with keys absolutely I mean I'll do it again but man you guys are relentless like gdq tradition at this point yeah I usually do it for you I have a toy doll donation from gym freak he says now that school is finally finished for me I can spend the rest of this week watching gdq good luck to me got this on the run and hopefully no I GTO yellow to here definitely hey did I top kill the knitter it's weird you can potion Pokemon only if they're alive but if you rare candy a dead Pokemon that that will revive it which for those of you have watched any gen one speedrunning that's a big beast wrapped in red right now or has been for a while actually yeah can you revive stress salia would not use that this run yeah but Red's already fair blue is already fast enough we don't need yellow to go any slower than that there are a couple of other things that red could do that if they're blue could do that's faster than of course it will not just for the sake of we've got to stay stay back for a little brother [Music] [Music] now I finally so much there we go okay at Duke at food a little bit more time in the limelight because he's about to go in the box spoiler alert so we're saving for shorts guy he says he likes shorts there's comfort he cut copy and easy to wear we can attest and saving for Brockett and all wearing shorts here I said tie coming here hey gee why are you on with collars why are you on the couch oh I mean we'll give him credit like the jeans are better than jeans swords right so John Cena with the scenery [Laughter] so he's pretty safe here in yellow the most that abide hid from Brock can do if he starts double cooking it is gonna be 18 HP that's as soon as I do two layers yes that's after Julius he leers it so first he's gotta get the two leaders in all right screeches good that's good we like that if you hold be through screech there it actually is faster there's a little bit of a wind-up text Oh double screech and now we can get the double kicks in oh that's perfect a nice sight for yellow and also simultaneously getting through the out of the rapgod in seconds that's really nice so what he got the long bide so he didn't even take any damage we've already had the rap goddess the gdq but now we've got the rap god oh yeah yep - that's one of the other differences you'll notice that every single one of the gym leaders are going to be different except for misty Brock has the smallest change to him at least as far as moves and Pokemon is Pokemon - the same but they're two levels lower but for whatever godforsaken reason they decided to give him bind which works similarly to rap and if he's faster than you in theory he can use it infinitely because Gen 1 trainers do not have VP they have just infinite uses the bus like everything else it fits the anime very well oh yeah the true-true I've never thought about that I just thought I don't want it to happen [Music] so the paralyzed heels are for later on there's a couple of different fights where things can potentially go wrong and it's just gonna be nice to have those for the marathon if I'm not mistaken we don't get those in regular run dumb okay I didn't well I mean obviously not in this thing I don't think it even in two games or a controller but those are just going to prove to be safety and we don't do them in RTA runs even for beginners stress we use the gentlemen dice beam strategy oh yes good old gentlemen candy well one of the reasons I don't pick up the I do get the paralyzed feels is that I don't use the forest or I pick up an underground that maintains that item slot in both games oh yeah the the forest stores are very very valuable in yellow as you'll notice the common theme in the endgame for red it's like oh this fights nice not so bad and then like the majority of the late-game fights and yellow we were like please don't create me because I went to her oh how did you manage that well I mean you're looking well you could like skip [ __ ] now right and just like fight a couple of encounters anybody want to do the math on that not really [Music] you also noticed here next in yellow the short sky fight is just so much nicer because a your what three levels four levels higher and there's a good point and you have double kick so you just 1-shot the rat he gets one chance to hit you and that's if he used this quick attack hey you just kill him and you're done it's so nice there's a good point here to mention how badge boosts work you just guaranteed that tackle kill because string shot hit him string shot actually increases your attack and done one have been Brock because of badge boosts being completely broken he anytime you get hit by a stat changing move it reapplies all of your badge boosts that you obtained [Music] and it's not a glitch is the feature please yeah we like that and the best way to tell the difference between a glitch in a feature a lot of times is just how many people like it and some people don't I like to have the cutoff for Piggy's name all right we got a do we have a name for pitchy we do have a name for Piggy taking a look at it now it is bird jesus bird jesus we have rat mist beckons I was really good too oh yes yeah it's unfortunate the Ekans can still roll you with wrapping miss but it of course being the higher level it does a bit less so it's it's not as bad and you don't have the wrap potentially weakening your defense with tail whip [Music] now while it wasn't intentional for me God says to fight that lasted blue it's intentional in yellow and it's mainly just because it's the faster fight to deal with and he's already got extra experience on top of that mm-hmm though in the yellow RTA run you will fight the bottom bug catcher as you manipulate mount moon to avoid all encounters an experience that you would need anymore so we just fight the last and we can just barely sneak it with our horn attack Allen RTA so normally he would take the spear oh and a regular run but he's going to run from it because yeah okay he's going to run from it because he wants Pidgey in blue and he's going to get spiro in yellow as pidgeys not available on this route and they're different cry links will allow him to help to fix dee sinks later on in the run as Pikachu again spoiler alert it will soon be going to the box so he won't be able to use Pikachu for that now he left the route right there in yellow because once you leave a route you reset the trainer positions so now he's able to walk behind the bug catcher and since he fought the last there's nothing stopping him hopefully Pidgey will will show up here Wow is it is it an even 50 50 split whether it'll be spear or pigeon is pretty close that's insane there's also Jigglypuff on mister oh yeah it's in this rate he's gradually losing the gigolos thing [Music] oh that's alright know how to play this game Oh for those at home tackle is not a Gen 1 miss here if we explain John one missus yet actually okay oh so it's in Gen 1 every single move has a 1 in 256 chance to miss even if it has 100 percent accuracy because of a bug in the coding of the game tackle though is not one of those boobs before Gen 5 tackle had 95 percent accuracy so it is not generally missing when it misses so it actually it's a it's not very well known tackle has an increased chance of Gen 1 missing over other moves and to rectify this when they finally fixed it in Gen 5 they made it 50 base power realized that was 200 P and then brought it back down to 40 in Gen 6 homework that's not really I'm lying that's not that's not increased jinhwan tinsmith it seems like it there sometimes it's supposed to be 95 percent I don't think it's 95 percent [Music] jiaying is almost gas gas on that there did you press B during an evolution it cancels the evolution we would have to go left far back at that point that that would be really bad so it's good that that didn't happen to kind of go back to that gentleman miss thing though the only move that doesn't apply to is Swift because we've just flat out skiff accuracy jacks it's kind of like a football cope fail nice very nice Spiro is not a very common appearance Spiro name the Spiro name is Edith wife Edith ice capital e di th space capital P IMF mine oh that's unfortunate oh no oh that's okay this is a quick fight she's just got a Jigglypuff you could just kick it we ate the couch did not condone violence against Pokemon unless it's from other Pokemon oh it's not gonna kill in one shot we're gonna get the thing it's gonna miss okay that works stable that's fine oh let's do the different move not that move [Music] socket hungrybox [Laughter] [Music] I think it's very good have I no not yet but that's fine oh that's really nice Spiros what like a 30% in counter it's like a 40% forty okay again forty then I don't know Pokemon says it's a certain percentage in a Pokemon Gen 1 there's ten different encounter slots in each route some of them overlaps sometimes sospiro takes up a lot of different slots it's kind of confusing but it's effectively like a 40% chance it cuz you could get a because you can get one at twelve ten and eight and then there's a few different ones yeah alright so as you noticed yellow had to do it's early game Gras I had to do its grind before Brock added emulator well now now red or blue has to do its grind later to to make up for that yeah so we're gonna have to rename the Sphero later unfortunately oh yeah yeah it's Edith PI CDI th PRT HP IAF PA I am yet Edith Piaf I have no idea who that is alright so this is where we bid farewell to cat food he did a really good job of being a punching bag for that Caterpie earlier but past press f and chat for respects unfortunately that's all we'll see if cat food thank you for your service one of the fun things about Pikachu's cry is it completely lags the game out if you see it in a TAS that there's like this red zone green zone thing that shows you when the game is lagging and it's just read like multiple sec oh it's a yep like he said it's worth learning that's why we deposit Pikachu to help avoid a couple of cutscenes later on in the game house when you get the essence and ticket I think and bill was the only one that was aware of cuz the only one I forgot when you get the bikes out during the fanclub oh yeah whole thing I did oh yeah because he flirts with the with the Jigglypuff or he swooned by the Jigglypuff anyway I think he's at a loss of words to what to say his best line would probably be Pikachu though if I had to take a guess I never found the m12 what are we going to do [Music] via TM 12s gonna prove to be helpful in a couple of fights coming up which actually the main the main route in red actually does get TM twelve now yellow normally does not but just as a means to homogenize things and to give blue a little bit more time to get ahead since it's having to fight these extra trainers yellow grabs water gun as well six the game's up and you can notice also it we're not manipulate can do that because we don't have to worry about thank two different games at the same time we don't have a manipular for both games yet yeah it might not even work very well the game is supposed to have you walk one step every seventeen frames but there's some subframe stuff that goes on can they can D sync the two between blue and yellow so you might not be able to make a manipular for both so it is entirely possible that it may be faster to just do two separate my nips but I mean those are just so input heavy and having to descend concern between the two I'd be a pretty difficult task to do I would say and one of the important things with minutes is uh being able to hear the audio of the one game that you're trying to manipulate I would just like to point out real quick to those at home this is one of the only times you're gonna see yellow ahead it's yep it is well there's a couple more you're right but this is like one of three I think you but stock kills heard more boosts Oh oh that's bad that's bad mega punch yep go down into that ladder there you can get mega punch it we have fixed that take a pitch that's now so mega punch is actually a more powerful movement horn attacks it's just unfortunately much less accurate again 85% accurate and you know Pokemon numbers they're like monopoly money you can't spin it at a real store you know me and make it fun ever meet I just let you know that I don't think there are very many people that it has [Music] yeah so that was one example there were having one drop in place in one game can really affect the run that much yeah that's all it takes for those that can't hear the dual audio this is just oh this is why only requested one now there is sometimes for the dual audio and it's actually quite pleasant this is not one of those one of the great things about the art a-boomin ipsus that you get to hear the entire moon music it's so glorious oh nice so this is this is probably a good time oh I'll mention he's fighting this hiker too homogenized their experiences so that he can candy later on at the same time they'll both reach 21 at the same time and that's why he fights this hiker so that we can probably take this for for a couple of donations sure thing we have a one hundred fifty dollar donation from three men one eighty eight says when even speedrunning a game is too slow for you you speaker on two games at the same time had to donate during Pokemon thanks to all the runners you got a $5 donation from just an average guy who says I love pokemon yellow even if it's as slow as a slowpoke $20 sent in from connor 225 he says let's get that Lapras and Moltres height n SS kotas Thyer sends $25 to Doctors Without Borders and says gotta catch'em all motorists Lapras donation train hype Paris's cry is so long and yellow it loses two more seconds than any other encounter review it's also worth noting that yellow has the better coughing well yellow has the better sprite in a lot of cases but yellows coughing sprite is is the best pokemon sprite ever he's just so happy to be there you'll see soon and we probably get what three more donation you have to have Alton okay [Music] I'll work so this is a treat the simultaneous evolution of evolving although Eevee is evolving [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] when you get Nidoking as really where the Nidoking starts to get completely overpowered you have a third to your evolution Pokemon at the very beginning of the game we're like level of what 1617 right now and that's one of the reasons why he's just so fast originally for yellow the options for beating Brock were well like you could get a Caterpie and evolve it to Butterfree to learn confusion I think manky yeah and it turns out you know the same amount of experience that it would take to get manky to level 9 to learn locate is what you would get to get neato King or neither and mailed to level 12 on our double cake and then he's just exponentially faster than a fter that [Music] so here's another one of the differences you'll notice yellows fighting the super nerd first red will run into a trainer before the super nerd is one of the version differences and yep that trainer that he's fighting here got replaced with the Justin but James fight coming up oh no this is the same super nerd but then the yellows ahead right now yeah so we have you see the rocket thought oh you been in ok in yellow replace I'm in I'm over here if you need me [Music] oh wait which fossil are we gettin that should have been a donation incentive no no okay it's our dome right oh no it needs to be a specific one for later meeting oh that's right oh yeah well we have Bert Jesus so we have to get the helix fossile right of course that's all everyone takes [Music] Bracey laughs whoo oh yes of course so it's actually really useful to use the helix fossile in the overworld it lets you focus on the other game and you so you can desync the games have one of them just messing with the helix fossile while you advance the other game which is going to normally ironically it's normally going to be blue looking at the helix fossile so again usually wait up for it like I said there there are two more instances I can think of where yellow is going to have to wait on blue there may be another one I'm not thinking of but we'll we'll get there when we get there all right so I need a name for our Paris yep also we're still what approximately an hour of 50 minutes away from the donation insentive how are we doing on that for Lapras all the update on that one we just passed $13,000 so that means we still need $17,000 to come in in the next you said hour and a half there so it's like a little more than 50 or 50 minutes no more than again then if you guys want to see that out there all the viewers need to contribute to the Moltres and Lapras incentive you know you want to see the flaw of the fire chicken all right sloth oh yeah it's about that time all right that fossils team rocket's surrender now or prepare to fight the best movies [Laughter] [Music] so that the Jessie and James duo and yello-ha they replace a couple of different trainers throughout the game in fact they end up repeat there's two different instances of them that replaced two trainers in one instance and three trainers in another the instance where there's two trainers we want to test their - oh okay wait what did we have the Paras name for when we go to rename it later the Paras name is currently ATK all capital ATK okay I sorry I did practice naming these Pokemon somehow my hands have slipped through the B button well he's got to go fast and you don't nickname him that's it's understandable [Music] all right k we got through the mount mal moon this is where the games really start just think up if we're gonna have more of the two games at the same time aspect again and that's where we could really get appreciation for the different sprites and whatnot and again you get to see plenty of yellow being slower than red and blue I'm gonna stay red just it's through my mean blue I know Chad you know red blue aren't the same they're different colors you could you could theoretically have the red palette on blue if you want to do sir not theoretically I use big words I don't understand to try to sound more photosynthesis so [Music] wait what those are big words I guess I did expand my vocabulary here we got to go back here to get a rare candy it's essential to getting thrashed in a specific point on the bridge thrash is one of the moves that makes knitter an and knit the knit the line with Nidoking way more Opie than anything else you could get to this point is that an addition to that's literally the only other move that will try to learn as neato King and that's it which is a valuable time saving that a lot you know the previous brown and red blue with blast toys Blastoise will try to learn the moves that you did needed to learn so at level up like hey trying to learn this you have to cancel who don't have to deal with that with new king it's really nice a journey wants to fight how room it oh and of course here's the other difference do you'll get to see the different Pokemon the rival has there's a couple of couple of ones he has in common here he's getting really bad luck with mega punch and fortunately get him bird Jesus defeat your elder you tried this is one of the nice consistency things for yellow in the two g1 C run being able to water gun the Sandshrew he can st. attack you a very often in the RTA run and it's really dangerous the Rattata after here has hyper Fang now so if you miss on him it can get it can get nasty pretty quick yeah I would say even after the mega punched with it being like it is yellows fight is still we just hit the red fights worse than the yellow fight I would I would say the red fights worse with instant text and mega punch and yeah yeah there's something that you can obtain called instant text the way it works is really really silly so if you go to the bike shop and you mash B when he asks if you can purchase a bike it doesn't remove one of the flags and the flag is instant text so as long as you don't open up your menu again you can maintain instant text hurt as long as you please so that's obviously incorporated in the route it was controversially taken out at one point in time but wery added it back in and now that's back in the route it makes this fights so much more dangerous than red and blue because if you menu and try to heal you lose your instant text you can't menu at all you and we also delay using the rare candies if you were talking about getting because we can't use them otherwise we'd lose instant and that look that costs like what a minute two minutes and it's significant you want if you want to go fast so you know way more time than you can afford trying to get over a record it's an interesting story about how that was discovered that's for another time for another time okay it was sloppy with me that's my only contribution that's why I made it enough pretty good time for donations yeah sure I have a $25 donation from Mecca moth who says hey guys My partner and i have been watching all week she actually learned his speedrun pokemon boo after last gdq can you please give a shadow to breed who's currently sleeping on my shoulder so I can surprise her in the vaad good luck on the runs hello Bree hi Bree hi Bree man you guys are dead come on hi Bree hi Bree can I speak in a few door Yumiko for it yeah I have a eight hundred and seven dollar donation from Omashu nice yeah [Applause] Teemo Chu says thanks for hosting sgdq every year donating one dollar for every Pokemon put this towards naming PG / Jesus nice I have a twenty dollar donation from Empire ship you can probably guess what this one is praise helix yes I have a 250 dollar donation from anonymous who says Pokemon you are not inaccurate this is in fact two Pokemon but who Pokemon hit well I mean it's Pokemon it's both the singular and the plural so ah time for a few more yeah how's it going it could probably go through honestly through the rest of nugget bridge sure keep the gray since $50 says two games with one controller well I never [Laughter] Moltres and Lapras yes I've got one here from gary-oke 103 who we just beat says pokemon blue and yellow on the same controller child's play try playing all 28 and main games of the series and 51 spin-off games on the same controller and maybe you can beat me okay you get the route going we'll take a look five dollars from in all who says I always need to donate during the pokemon run it's great to see you guys destroy my past in record time miss Tanner up donations real quick so this is a really good opportunity for him to use his rare candies so now he's gonna learn thrash and as as ty Kevin has mentioned trash to the right make sure I hit tackle okay all right good job good job we did it oh it's it's also probably a good time to point out that with the animations turned off there are still bike battle animations and you can either get what's like a shake or what's like a flash yeah the shake moves to happen four moves that have a side effect like ball beam could give a slow Thunder shock can paralyze those are all shake moves the flash moves to just deal damage and if lash moves approximately one second slower than a shake yep so that's one of the reasons why thrash is just so good a it's a shake move be it's a three to four turn hit so it saves them you don't have to reselect the move every turn that go good it is just incredible and out of the three and four utility that you get it's one point used yeah and if you ever do the all trainers run you get to use it for the entirety of Africa it's pretty much just get red bar and thrash stuff and what's one of the fun things to notice in yellow is that it's still in green with green bar here is amazing because we're not losing those five frames to entering the battle with a lower color the way that palette works is it always comes in with green and then if your red or yellow it changes to that color so I like to point out real quick that game this price here is two different audios jingoes oh yeah that's funny oh do we got a Charmander nickname yes we do charm enters name is waluigi no boy yep this is as closest he'll get to being a main and smash he gets to be Charmander smash though way is I don't know in melee right III exhausted like 50% of my smash knowledge there so the other 50% is that it's a fighting game scheana's cringing you want you want to say something I so he's taking advantage of the time that the downtime and blued while he's getting Charmander and yellow to swap the Pokemon so that you know the appropriate Pokemon are in the right spots [Music] [Music] also we on the couch encourage people to wear responsibly this trainer here there's two different hikers you can fight we're fighting the one that I think he'll do the experience there for blue on the left nine I think it looks there yep oh we want the Alexa okay so he's blocking an elixir that we need to get and you can just a fight one or the other the other trainer has an Onix it's a little bit of a faster fight just because it's one Onix compared to all my chopping - Geodude yes especially with water gun and yellow would normally fight the Onyx as well and just double kick it and ideally you just crit the double kick and it goes down and one does that on again fine you know exactly exactly wait you want to use it you want to go honest with without water come on I'm blue oh yeah oh we just create a bunch of thrashes and like get the four turn and then had a run before we had to crit like three thrashes to the absolutely we never found the elixir what are we gonna do what I never found the elixir so the rest of these fights are all all gonna be pretty similar just thrash I think we could get in what two three donations oh we have more than oh yeah so keep them rolling my pleasure rectangular ascent to 44 sends in $20 for Doctors Without Borders and says I always enjoy watching Pokemon runs at gdq events but this one is absolutely insane I'd say the silliness of this run was unexpected but that would be rather unbelievable I realize you sent a donation in soif oh oh please mine would be much much worse than that you can walk into that traitors vision one tile lower but for safety he went up all the way yeah could you don't cuz the tot the one below he has three geodude's and a macho and it's just slower and you're exp gets wonky and an extra step for safety definitely worth it America those these trainers do we call a boyfriend and girlfriend because they talk about each other being boyfriend and girlfriend in sex I'm pretty sure there's a hiker between the highways there the hikers the girlfriends dad he's keeping them separate it's like Oh y'all can go on your date but I'm coming along and I'm sitting in between you I have any somewhat relevant donate fuleco for it yes relevant to that these are really well timed donations holy cow $25.00 from tiny cow says I have to donate during the pokemon block a game that has gotten me through a lot and helped me throughout my life I hope this money can be used to help others feel the same way I did also can anyone like how much they you only live once so I live in a hiker voice and I'll donate another $10 you only live once so I live I give that that's pretty good pin hiker voice that's what hikers sound like for sure yep that's as much hiking as I do that's it $50 from yato sense first time during to gdq happy it's going to a great cause let's get some laparis yes [Music] it doesn't we want the fire chicken folks we want him we don't know really get the ether in yellow but we're thinking up bag management so we're gonna get that both games also interestingly the walk cycles inside this cutscene do not apply the same in both games you have to manually walk around in one of the games but not the other so one of the few areas where yellows nicer yeah red blue yet to walk manually it's also really interesting how like small discs cut seams seams but then like in June 6th a reference or not June 6 June 7 they reference it in Sun and moons flight spoiler alert actually that's not gonna say how they reference it so I didn't really spoil it in the cutscene where Pikachu is still here Pikachu like freaks out seeing bill still being a Pokemon when he comes out it's flaring again poor cat food the slightly distinct audiometry to two games here is really pleasing it is it's one of the few times it's just like hey this is this is Nass yeah I hope you guys in the stream can see that both eyes are playing and there goes two pleasantness actually this isn't that bad [Music] I just have the one the gyms not too bad either if he can get it going in the same time like that so the misty fight coming up here used to be very dangerous but now that we have stat manip from allowing the Sabin quit in RTA it's way safer yes faster being like a 50/50 to like a 90 95 percent win guarantee it's also worth noting that since he fought that top hiker with the two he's 25 for this Goldeen so he has a chance to naturally one-shot it without crit and Oh any God he feels like he's supersonic that's oh my goodness that's so unlucky and how is it the like yellow always gets the worst look I that always we don't find earlier oh my goodness oh yeah it's really dangerous that's not a bad idea yeah they get supersonic to get supersonic kid and to hit your help is just you know more [Music] it's so posting too full here just for safety he can realistically go in with half HP but you know why risk it it's not a chances of dying to either game usually in yellow we would heal just before misty and not to potion but syncing up both games it's easier to just post it in both mm-hmm so you're going to have to save anyway also misty here it does have different text oh yeah that's all that's interesting too it's also worth noting nothing I forgot what it's going to say pardon me but I have nothing to say [Music] it's like a really bad rendition of RORO where you boat where they try to stagger it out all right water guns good night double water Gary nice that's the best thing that she can do look after that water gun the only way he could have lost was if he got a genuine miss yeah I still we still have to believe that that's gonna roll in like barely missed killing I don't think if that's surely not not with the perfect attack right no not with that DVD I don't think add the extra in the extra stat experience too that's true sex [Music] so stat experience is something I don't think we brought up it's it's not really necessarily relevant I mean it kind of is kind of isn't so stat experience is essentially what V's are yeah except in Gen 1 and Gen 2 e B's are a much more organized and much easier to follow system whereas that experience is kind of it's like oh you fought this thing here's stuff and you can unload you can fill up each day at with stat experience yeah you can fill up completely up but like the way you would V's later James the blue Machop spray it's really strange the blue ones like am I supposed to be lifting and then the yellow ones like why having feed like what if it sucks bottom oh dang I missed the yellow coughing sprite we get one more shot at that don't we no we don't darn there was two of them tube we get wheezing still that wheezing he's not as good as coughing though like the coughing is just so happy to be there like you could have just insulted his mother and he's just like hey man I know you didn't mean it oh no I'm partial to Grimer and red bullying myself coming up here he's gonna get a full restore in the underground without the jingle happening whenever you just enter an area you can kind of overlap some audio things and cancel jingles that usually happen I don't think double jingle skips can happen because of the length of his name oh yeah getting double jingle with the single character name is also not very easy to do I've done it before I've done it once and it's it's I don't know how I did it you push the button I push the button at the right or what I said in RTA usually me vachetta jingles oh yeah single a single individually it's really really easy to get the jingle skip there it's not a difficult thing to do at all but like simultaneous ones just because of wonderful yellowleg it's yeah hey look it's Y Luigi Wang Wang Wow Wow double surge encounter that's really unlikely to you new here wait it's blue - what's going on who's in the triple surge encounter have you gotten triple surge encounter double but not triple I've got Interpol I have successfully Yola bald and a burr and a meme run and lost time because of it though because numbers my favorite Pokemon you can't take life too seriously nobody gives out they're out on the fly in Pokemon races they call it going full swamp full disclosure most of my routing on the fly is not is not optimal in the slightest and we're kind of like Rhonda I have mega punch here was that serious a bit yeah was that zero quick attacks from all six PS was really good that's insane that's like a what is there one really four to the sixth or something yeah cuz each of those piggies has quick attack I mean it didn't a big deal of course it wastes time a little bit in his HP high enough to not be bothersome it's still rather interesting finally a stroke of good luck other than the misty find the misty pie was insane to double water gun is good reminded to stay hydrated out there it's really really friggin do we have stay hydrated BA in the Twitter oh yes we got stay hydrated but yeah even you watching at home drink your water not just soda trust me oh I forgot my down that bag oh you've been live for almost an hour now right L know [Music] so he's going to get some repels and some super potions here or do you get you at least the repels yeah hate super potions just to make sure full health for surge a little surge is not that risky we delay getting those super potions now in RTA because it'll make the bag management easier but it's safer to get them earlier for the 2g once they run you're also going to notice that he'll be fighting an optional trainer that you wouldn't normally fight in either RTA known as the gentleman he's guarding a rare candy and his experience in tandem with that rare candy allows you to be level 29 for surge which is you out speed the right now 30 minutes to shot assuming you don't get growl or some other type of trolling crazy so like he's just going to thrash that fight and get the candy so we could probably get maybe a couple of donations in before the rival fight sure thing I have $10 from and my axe he says fire chicken fire chicken that's nice oh okay he's going to fight him afterwards my mistake yeah it's better to have the rare candy after your cut you get cut after fighting the rival and then you get the rare candy from gentleman okay gotcha we get ya gotcha and even though water gun is four times effective on a lot of the Geodude and Onix fights there is a cubone in yellow that water gun will not one-shot could we still have to teach bubble beam otherwise water gun would be worthy yes same with red it's also worth noting that bubble beam has that shake animation that's quicker whereas water gun has to flash but if water gun were to one-shot the cube oh and then we would probably teach water gun instead and I guess in red we just wouldn't teach bubble beam new strat olivine vez all right oh [ __ ] I find another I would told you you could have kicked him your butt off kicking blue Oh fair point well this is a really funny to fight for tasks frats it has exactly four pokemon so you can use thrash not quit the first Pokemon not crit the second pokémon crits a third pokémon and not crits a fourth poke any of the four poke fights are super fun for task thrash threats [Music] oh yeah when we've been saying Eevee's we don't mean this Evy that means effort values just for anybody that might have been confused by that it's unfortunate that growl preventing them from killing the Eevee with the double kick okay now we can probably do some donations because he's just gonna get cut from the captain and then fight the gentleman that I mentioned previously so you can go through the boat sure thing I have you know I have to say me Costas your ability to multitask knows no bounds I have a fifteen hundred dollar donation from me got this thank you very much and he says amigas this here not only am i playing two games but I'm also donating for Doctors Without Borders thank you to the gdq staff for creating and hosting this event year after year it didn't mention me doing a jinx cry that's really that's new thank you I'm saved time for a few more yes oh yeah you can hey we have a $25 donation from cursed who says Wow Mandor hey you guys I have a perfect donation for you here it's from the ccleaner Greg who says it's $25 for Doctors Without Borders and he says way great job sixty dollars from me 29 says we I'm not sure if that's fun is that Ric Flair whoa and you Ric Flair I had to summon the Ric Flair for here $50 from warrior woman for Doctors Without Borders just says love the commentary keep it up max sixty to eighty eight cents in $75 and says continuing my tradition of donating during the pokemon run Pokemon holds a special place in my heart as my favorite and first game series growing up I'm so glad to be see it be able to support a great charity here's to getting mulches and Lapras yes I have a quick update for you on that one too we're nearly at $14,000 donations seem to have slowed a bit on that so if you want to see that incentive happen we need to get another $16,000 to have Moltres and laparoscopy alright we need to do rename a couple of Pokemon and name Raiders in lavender town okay we got a little bit of time yep good job we see he's in goldenrod and gin too and that's the third city and you did good soif I've done good you won't hear Kizer on say that about me very often so I never mean it this is basically the only break unless I run where the the boats leaving there most of the rest of the run you have to be doing inputs at some point and also shout outs the lucky Typhlosion for backward boat on the romm wins the one for yellow so we can see the boats there with the boats back into one another it's your job to make that happen now lucky so he's swapping repels up to the top so we can use them quickly one in the rock tunnel segment coming up teaching cut for the bush here using super repels that we have a safe surge fight and using the bear candy to get that out speed on Raichu it's also worth noting that normally in each runs separately the Pokemon that you teach cut you would also teach dig to both Paris and Charmander can learn both however he's going to have to overwrite for the Charmander to learn one of the attacks so they will be in different spots when he goes to use them in the overworld so to remedy this he just teaches them cut and then squirtle can learn dig which he'll be getting squirtle here in a bit after surge so he will teach squirtle dig and then assuming we meet the incentive let's get Lapras he concedes surf from strength to Lapras one of the fun things about yellows cans here is that they're completely programmed wrong so they're supposed to be one key for the second can in one of the spots next to the first can instead there's two keys at the same time in the next door cans and also the keys can be not next to the can you search first it's worth noting right there that he's manipulating the cans in blue but because it's two games on controller he selected the same can twice and that's a no-no so what Jim Jim - doesn't have cans and Jen three scans are still kind of wonky so it wasn't until Jim for that they actually a Gen 4 it's literally any Canada okay so Jim fours this Gentry's on they finally made cans appropriate or they worked as intended anyway so that you can see and blue there the cut the key was next to it and this one also is one that can be next to it in yellow oh but he got a lucky that sometimes one of the lowest chance cans to get yeah I could have been to got kins there now it's gonna look what have been yeah it's gonna look like a lie but yellows cans are simple enough that it's not worth it to manipulandum subsequently Reds are just so weird that it's worth it to take the extra time to manipulate there's those a quickly up there for the cans in yellow Oslo search text here is different in both games and of course going here going forward you notice misty was exactly the same Brock slightly different significant differences from all of the gym leaders going forward and I guess one of the few instances where yellows a little bit faster not one of the two that I mentioned before though you'll definitely know those all right blue surge fight so he asked what was waste time with the helix fossile in yellow and wait for it to catch up so we just just have the check I'll hail the magic conch and do like the nope okay then magic conch will we meet the donation insentive try asking again later no yes maybe someday I maybe someday so one of the fun things about the search fight as we get Thunderbolt from that which is really really good for the Elite Four it helps us kill cure dos really easily also it's it's worth noting Nieto King is a ground-type pokémon that cannot learn dig a ground type move which if anybody was wondering why we didn't teach him that they'd fix that engine thundering electric Bob would be my steamed lizard it can learn surf so you can ride it in the water when it's weak to water so it's a lot there's a lot of little interesting factoids about moves that Pokemon can and can't learn in the earlier gens my favorite is the fact that lick a tongue does not learn lick initially without like an egg move or something crazy like that alright take it the spar name real quick oh yeah what are we daemon squirtle and yellow squirtles name is donut or donut or is that with a little okay yeah oh don't the apostrophe yep so in an ideal run you get Paris in mount moon you just deposit squirtle and then you get Lapras in both because we give a place where ' all right thanks Jen one and not having every character in this in the character set so red blue could actually dig out of the byte with the bike shop but here we go the fan club thank you to go back but unfortunately there's a couple of places that in yellow so you have to walk you have to take this slight walk of shame to do that same thing with Bill's house you notice we had to walk back from Bill's house if it was just red blue they he could have just used an escape out of Bill's house and it would have been quicker in the late nineties patch strats were still released in an entirely new game yes again Nintendo we beseech thee we want the dlc for the for the virtual consoles give us repels and make yellow good again please or better alright we've exchanged the bike voucher for the bikes we can no longer get instant text yeah well this we have the bike that's our good friend shady salesman's [Music] you can see he Scrolls down all the way to the bottom the menus sometimes you can desync while you're scrolling around in the menu mostly because you can accidentally double input easier in blue and then getting all the way the bottom makes it easier to think up when you go up a few slots oh that sounds so much better now oh that is that is pleasant I said this is one of the very very few fights or actually literally only fight in this category that you just you want thrash to be a four turn yes has a three for the four camp trash here it has a million 50 chair move we can use to kill the first Pokemon and one if he's got me double mega punch but online yellow darn though he could have done this slightly slower but slightly more consistent than oh yeah so we're just gonna use thrash here hope that hits for all four turns and both get at the double four turn would be really sick though this is like the perfect example when he scratches and stuff hearing you just see we didn't go straight in either game that's a whole that's 2500 can invoke sleep Oh in blue that was unfortunate but we are we're good and yellow now so that's good I'm just gonna grind this out cuz I really don't wanna use my voice art here yeah the full the full restore has much greater value later on in the game so there's nothing that can go wrong with being stuck in sleep like this for a while yep and I just wanna wake you need to stab and prowess with a hoe Mercia maybe just use maybe you should have just played like a neben essence record wait yeah why did I say I blame myself for that [Music] that's a good idea using this motion here will be a lot safer yet the belt he really can't do a lot of damage fortunately it's just just wasting time this is the first time actually oh she's a liar you do not need light to go through that dark tunnel at all yours out memorization strats are really powerful also if you really really eat a bunch of carrots you know your eyesight adjusts and I mean I don't know where you could get kento and carrots but that sounds delicious because the literation blue is making my brand look really bad now this is the point where the older brother was taking it too easy on the younger brother and the younger brother got a little bit ahead you'll see that from time to time too one of the benefits of the gentleman's strategy shows up here usually there's a range of this Venna net but because we are a higher level we're gonna get level 30 before the Venter net and be able to always kill it with thrash so where does can use thrash from the start and that level 30 is gonna be even better for another fight where thrash is at what 49 42 percent chance to kill but it ends up being a hundred at level 30 2006 42 at 29 100 percent of we have some not marathon safe names for the oddish trainer coming up but oh yeah I've done I mean we do they told me after the run I've never heard these but now we're just gonna thrash her now that we have the extra experience from the gentleman strategy yeah in separately the gentleman candy strat is very very suboptimal but just the the value it provides by letting you hit those ranges and getting your level curves more homogenized it just it's worth it to do even in a non marathon setting another interesting thing we learned recently for the RTA categories you can rappel inside of rock tunnel and it's a slightly more optimal it is yep because the there's menu lag when you open your menu in Gen 1 and you lose fewer frames of menu lag inside of buildings so it's actually more optimal to rappel inside of Rock Tunnel because I usually do that before but lately have it in more out what you can get one step of immunity any time you switch buildings so you can still buffer the start press after moving a tile and stop Rock Tunnel and that is the cubone that we mentioned earlier that does not go down to a water gun [Music] ties our donations oh yeah sure thing Helen for back sends twenty dollars to Doctors Without Borders and says love Pokemon it's sad I have to go to bed before singing in I hope you have a great run I have a $20 donation from dairy Stowe he says awesome run better not jinx it I just do the cry anyway like I think that's compulsory now anytime someone mentions in it a donation Keys will do the cry and say donate with jinx and keys will do the cry every time you call it that now that's jinx for yes yeah fifty dollar donation from Etta candy says hello from the back couch get shoutouts to the mgt for representing the PS our community with this crazy run that's the maltose in Lapras yes $50 donation from youngster he says did I mention how comfy and easy Daniel Reyes says remember my super cool Rattata hahaha I'm sorry you're three years to she too soon yes my Rattata is different from regular Raja so I write it does the top percentage of bread it does because this is using bunks you're in Rock Tunnel to sync up the movement and make sure your doesn't had any yet than many optionals that you just avoided so actually let's give a here's to be gods doesn't it wait is avoiding a ton of obstacles that nobody can see yeah it's really easy to get distinct there in Rock Tunnel because obviously I mean you have a rough idea where you're at but one tile difference it's tough to detect that in the darkness more donations yeah oh I have a $50 donation from facts dork delivering on his name he says stop I knew you were wondering Edith Fife is the old French singer she sang Le'Veon Rose which basically means life through rose-colored glasses it's nowhere near as good as the similar-sounding Livan Livan Dora Rose aka the pink meat never stop learning interesting if you would looked at blew through Brown framed glasses you could actually see the trainers and everything going on in blue so you know I can sound smart yeah so when you load up a gameboy or yeah it's just a gameboy game and you get to the Gameboy BIOS screen you can actually hold a combination of buttons to get specific color palettes if you're playing on something that supports color like a gameboy color advance Gameboy player so on and so forth yeah so there's actually a palette that you can use that's up and B and it's like a sepia wannabe and you can actually see everything in Rock Tunnel it's it's dubbed with the cheater palette more donation to her yeah you just tell me when to stop I've got $30 from yellow bunny says hey guys this is an awesome run and I'm enjoying it heavily praise helix Nick 165 sends in one hundred and fifty dollars and says pokemon blue was my first game obsession and has led to a totally unhealthy number of hours poured into Pokemon games since then always amazing Disney wanted my strap-on games run ever much love to all the runners we gonna fix the nicknames from earlier now if we go to the name row yeah so it happens it it's the one with the Sun so up and right there yeah just kidding that's mr. Fuji sound sick bay I'm here as we know that while this is going on can I get in a few more name right Oh Harris yeah Paris is ATK and [Music] Spiro is youth life hey look it's Waluigi again and now it's not okay saw a bit pike EDI th space P I am but I thought I thought Paris was a - yeah Paris is a that's the Bureau yeah ATK is his Paris we're taking advantage of this opportunity to show you some of the latest functions of the Pokedex is circa 1999 mm-hmm now it's great to you know find Pokemon you haven't caught it yet that you've seen it's interesting that the lag in the Pokedex is different in both games so that's why he's using that to desync them and use the name rater a different time we only have the kikuna because of the reencounter in the forest earlier again yellow basically just being the blue engine with colors hacked into it we can easily desync them by using anything with colors like the Pokedex and it's Edith you know spoke like adult P I AF oh yeah yep oh it's Edith Edie ith [Music] bullying is hard I tell you that spelling with a d-pad Islam oh is that right Oh fine clothes try again oh yeah the name grader looks suspiciously like Blaine okay you got eateth so you normally don't even have to think about this type of thing you just you give them the name that they came with and he goes okay and then capital P lowercase I a yes I not want to correct some of the pronunciation it's PF p SP f edith piaf so 6/4 shall be known as edith piaf see i read it as peel off and i thought it was like a dragon ball reference or something good these are the things that go through my head sometimes thankfully i distracted by two games i don't have to think about that this we choose to fight the gambler here intentionally there's two different fights you can do the gambler gives you way more money as it theoretically because he's been winning some Gamble's also because he's a ramblin gamblin news rambling you can use bubble beam or thrash in this fight both means a little bit higher range if thrash gets the range though it ends up being quicker but not by a significant amount oh you create the ball beam of the ball picks it's good ah but not in blue oh that works out because he needed to get the level up jingle but probably is gonna get him right at about very nice rethink it there was a completely planned completely planned alright so we will need a little bit of quiet for maybe the next couple of minutes i'll say when we're good [Music] I got every cop that did I really count to fast no that's way too far yeah it's it's actually like impossible to see the desync here because the background is identical unless your neared the beginning of the end yeah this is early there we go I'd still quiet for just a little bit longer there we go so those are both hidden items in the underground tunnel here you have to get the Nugget for extra item shopping you do normally we don't get that not an RTA but the 2g once the Iran needs the extra money yellow at one point did get the Nugget but they've long since we routed that out yeah somebody has since routed that out hey sometimes you need it man okay sometimes you need five thousand extra dollars it just it happens okay you can't always rely on gentlemen Monday money monday money you know we should use that $500 it does it doctors without mordors exactly [Music] so he's just gonna get rid of a bunch of junk that he doesn't need and get a bunch of good junk that he does need and will be very helpful good junk exactly I know what I said [Music] so I think I don't look this has been mentioned yet or not but in June 1 Engine 2 as wells of the X accuracy literally removes the accuracy check it removes the concept of accuracy from the game for the fight so just everything just hits so no Jim one misses even which is conveniently useful for a certain one-hit ko move that we like to use called horn drill yep and now it's also worth noting with horn drill and gin one you have to be faster than the Pokemon you're using it on or it will not hit even if you have the X accuracy up yeah so the test even though it can always it get the orangey without needing to use X accuracy it still has to get X speeds to out speed stuff to get horn drill so me gots this could be getting an additional fresh water here and getting ice beam from the girl that he got the rockslide from but he's a he's a daredevil so he's not gonna do that um individually both runs no longer used ice beam they use blizzard so he's in the spirit of that he's gonna be getting blizzard later we don't need ice beam you could also notice that he was able to use the vending machines from the side that's the interesting little quirk from gentleman Pokemon side vending machines threads I guess another side note for gin to the keys can create completely unintended pun intended that one was okay and keys can correct me on this one if I'm wrong but first for the one hit for the one-hit ko moved to hit in the second generation you have to be an equal or higher level correct okay I know things sometimes sometimes against no sir I bought 12 super repulse instead like the standard tan sir 10 for this single game that was again these things can happen and that can mess up repel steps later on in the game so since you have the money to get the extra ones why not safety one of the fun things we found recently about yellow is that it's actually faster to bike to the fly house here because you know I'll just do that somehow because of some audio jingles overlapping right when you walk out of the door I actually didn't know that interesting yep so it stays about 11 frames if you do it right all right so we're probably what like 25 minutes out from the from the Lapras Moltres incentive where we at on that currently we have raised fourteen thousand six hundred and one dollars towards that incentive out of needed 30,000 so we makes about halfway there yeah we're just about halfway there so we need about 15 thousand five hundred to get there hi guys let's get those in you want the fire chicken [Music] let's not abandon learning horn drill yet no I am fat like so here's the the other thing that just makes Neto King just such a beast in this game as he has access to horn drill after the third gym and with X accuracy and in some cases where we'll need an X speed he could just you just set up and then you just sweep with that it's just incredible [Music] another fun thing we learned from casting is that you can do fast flies if you swap between hitting the left and right buttons while you hold down you will move down in the fly menu faster the the staggered lavender audio is kind of interesting sounding so here's where we get get to see just immediately how amazing horn drill is he's just going to set up an axe AK and then just drill it instantly shows its value you see you actually see that a lot where you teach a move and then the very next fight it's like they pays off dividends mirror move is great for yellow twos we didn't get the fury attack that you can get so then I think we eat in like one or two donations here while he's drilling sure thing I have a $50 donation from as your blade says I cannot believe how close this Pokemon race is one more year it's a $10 donation from Kirk that's a good question for the couch says super impressive I'm curious as to the setup required for this to happen are you running a splitter from your controller to two different Gameboy and as we explain that at the beginning of the rumble we'll go through it again we've got a wave bird so it's doing wireless communication to two different wavered receivers this is necessary because the controller setup for a Gamecube is kind of like the USB it needs to talk but directly between the controller in just one GameCube which the receivers can do that for the controller it's Bunch it's a much simpler setup to do if you're thinking about learning it do it on emulator first before you get all the equipment yes and it's not easy just buy all the equipment for this it's easier to just have two different emulator windows that accept inputs while not in focus and have them set up with the same inputs so you'll notice he taught his neato King rock / rock slide he literally only needs it for for Pokemon as there are four different gas leaves between three different trainers that he's going to fight here and unfortunately that's just unless you have a really good rum they'll let you select the crit rockslides the only thing that'll one slot shot the gas leaves they can they can lick paralyze they can confuse raise you so it's best to just just rockslide them and be done with it there is a threat that we have on low paced runs where you just use thunderbolt it's slightly faster on average but you have the chance of getting paralyzed by things like lick or confused by confused right so it's very dangerous yeah we don't usually use it unless we really need to save time it's just one of those ones where like the runs already dead so let's try to bring it back to life with that and then you just kill it further or because you forgot because you uh might be somebody sitting on this couch I've never I've never forgotten rock slide I was intentionally I've always always intentionally done my rock slides no I think I think I've forgotten I've forgotten many other thing but that is not one of them I forgotten to get the second fresh water but I've never forgotten the rock slide it's a gun or move I've only dug out of the mansion once without the key twice like I've never done that one here and they catch has forgotten pokey doll I've done I've done that once I've done that once who's the who here all the cow just had to go to the bike shop plainly we should explain the poke at all um we get the Polka doll in the Mart so that we can skip getting the Silph scope to get past the marowak it's very similar to instant text and that we don't consider a glitch for the clip versus category it doesn't cause any sort of strange memory manipulations it's a it's a feature of the game they programmed in you can use the Polka doll to run from a wild encounter the Mara back is programmed like a wild encounter so we just used the Polka doll to naturally run away from the fight and everybody liked it so well there was no argument yeah the it does not hurt that the puzzle when you go to the rocket hideout is extremely boring yeah yeah that too and so it saves well like three or four minutes I like four or five minutes and that's one of the one of the areas that of course we won't get to see in yellow but there's one of the diversion differences where there will be two rocket you know just standard rocket trainers guarding the entrance before you battle Giovanni and then in yellow it's Jessie and James you'll notice them swapping up some of his items in the menus here it's faster to swap them up so that you have access when you have to use the 72x PDF which you know obviously you want the bike in slot one because you're gonna use that the most and then super repels into the second most and so it's like swap more spot hated hired here oh yeah okay so here's here's the the big time where yellow is just considerably faster than red and blue and it's a shame that there's not anything that yellow could be doing during this time because you want to try to take advantage of the fact when yellows ahead oh you do oh well Peters got something that's great to do that unfortunately won't help the run but I'm pretty sure you in the audience the audience might appreciate this yes the Reds gonna have to fight three trainers here and yellow only has to fight just the were going to be doing a lot of phrasing helix indeed so hopefully he will send His blessings down and we'll get the double hydro pump missed into the earthquake jinhwan miss it's gonna be great another fun thing usually we walk the next two trainers and talk to them so they don't get the exclamation point that comes up it seems about a second per trainer but here we walk in front of them too they walk less to leave the room because they walk really slowly but much like the rival yes similar concept y'all like this dual audio it's the best right [Music] that wheezing is bright though yeah I was like I'm a fan of that one well the second the smaller head he's like that what used to be the coughing that's the main personality of him excuse me [Music] I sneaked a donation in right now sure right up to ten Team Rocket's blasting off again my bad hmm funny you should mention that I've got a $25 donation from Alex from Texas he says I wasn't prepared for speedrun trouble and you've gone and made the speedrun double God is the true Team Rocket of this run ticket probably probably go ahead and get it in a couple more he's just gonna be wrapping up here and getting the poké flute it's a $25 donation is from full loca Nix he says holy these are some super neato things available also I love Pokemon but I still consider anyone willing to double up on playing them a little crazy and those are willing to add speed ring on top of that a little more we're all pretty crazy to speedrunning an RPG it you you may be right we may be crazy but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for I have a $20 donation from d-ii mcknight 191 he says my bicycles are first-rate [Laughter] [Music] and now I've got a $25 donation from do it from back couch he says jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx [Laughter] thanks for the support DeWitt I'm not doing it because it's him me going to center here he needs to create a waypoint in celadon it's really useful we basically can get anywhere on the map quickly by having that waypoint oh I guess we hadn't mentioned that whenever you escape rope or dig out of somewhere you go you warp back to the last Pokemon Center that you heal that you use you're liking the later Jen's readers have to enter them so it's important that you heal at that Pokemon Center to set it as a waypoint cuz he you know he just got the free heal in labrador tower so it's kind of a shame that that heal couldn't be used more efficiently but that's just the best time that you could go and heal to set it as the waypoint because you're going to be digging out of a lot of different places that you just ideally go back to celadon i mean it's on the center of the map too so we're going to sylph now because right now our knitter rate is too low level for our repels to work to avoid all the encounters in the safari zone so we're gonna get a little more experience get above level 36 and avoid all those encounters in the safari zone it's the way the max level encounter in red blue is 33 and yellow it's 30 hours 38 or in it's either 32 or 33 I forget it's 33 but we often yolo's throw LeFleur ten there because if you accidentally go to floor 9 you can just walk up the stairs immediately and be fine also the floor and silk looks really really gross in yellow I mean top line yellow oh yeah but it's like white yellow there well I mean it's yellow like something else and it's just unpleasant to look at it's blue do you get this shutter lag after this fight where you're walking right just understood okay that's not a yellow lag thing unlike everything else for the Ella should we just appreciate them a chokes right here I know right he said he's so swollen both but he's like giving you those come-hither eyes and yellow it's like look at my muscles and they're so great so we're gonna get all the items this room that we we don't actually need to go to this room technically but we get we go for it because because we need earthquake we love that rare candy and we love the car Bose and in RTA yes so the car boast isn't this beneficial in this one yellow would be able to in in single single game run candy to thirty six after this our buck fight on the normal experience route as well as use the car boast which would allow it to prevent do not have to use an X speed on this upcoming fight but since red is already red can't do that so Red's gonna have to use those items anyway y'all is just gonna do use the items as well to keep it homogeneous right so that's all we'll see if of rockslide literally just for the gas leaves and again another instance have just taught earthquake and immediately it's gonna be useful on this fight yeah so who here has forgotten to teach an earthquake on the couch but I have forgotten to teach earthquake I don't know if I have I don't recall candy after this fight after intending the strategy I've tried to do this strategy on Vaporeon strats I'm not yeah it does yeah without gentlemen candy of course you have to fight the top hiker like we did in 2g one yeah see I didn't make the experience I actually did that in my most recent PB oh nice fish vape world record oh yeah oh that's probably worth mentioning too because I don't think we did the dimension vapes right no we did kind of it important yeah it's kind of yeah so yeah going oh you're the yellow expert of all means so in pokemon yellow in the first rival fight there you you either win or lose to the Eevee and that determines whether you fight a flaring out or a Vaporeon the rest of the run if you win you fight flareon for the rest of the run if you lose you fight Vaporeon also there's an optional third fight that we don't go to they can get you the third eeveelution which is the what's a Jolteon Jolteon thank you which you don't want Jolteon just because for the same reason that you don't want Vaporeon nine-tails it's a horrible fight we don't even go near it cuz Jolteon swat a bass bass 110 speed it's crazy it 132 no fights to be avoided anyways for the speedrun what's interesting the note about that is it was kind of a difficulty design so the purpose of the eeveelutions working out that way is if you can beat all of them the game's assuming that you keep Pikachu so Pikachu's not very effective against Jolteon because it's hard mode because you can't lose if you lost one fight which not going to the optional fight counts as a loss then you get flareon because it's neutral and if you lost both fights which is the first fight that we have to do in a second one you can skip then it's Vaporeon because you're super effective English yeah it's actually a really cool game design unless you're a speed runner yeah though in the most ideal of settings as mean as it sounds losing the losing the first rival fight ends up being quicker because you could she doesn't level up and he doesn't learn tailwhip but there's so many other sizes to crits to the first fights that it can set up using the ninetails and that rival lineup for quick attacks to optimally manage your HP with red bar but then but of course later in the game the different Pokemon causes GXP to go you get less experience with with him having vaporeon that's all the really quick team has sent if our lapis and motors been met oh yeah this is that this is when we need to know I'm sorry guys we finished the incentive with fifteen thousand four hundred thirty one dollars for Doctors Without Borders out of a needed thirty thousand do you think we can still keep going just for Moltres because we've got plenty of time for that now night now okay I tried so yes that traitor we just passed there has a Lapras he gives us that Lapras in the RTA run and we do not get it in the two g1z run because we got squirtle and then if occulta runs and then of course would just teach dig the - Charmander in the single game run are you ready for another just the entire I'm always ready man we got this is the last one yeah it's a shame as change the only Affairs any kind it's all run yeah well I mean even if you did the full segment you'd only see them one more time so you think they might would have made like an appearance in the last gym oh we don't know who the last gym leader is yet so I don't know why they would make an appearance in that gym [Music] as to this Pike coming up redwood or red blue would normally use an x-acto see but to keep things homogeneous he's going to be using 2x attacks and that's to help secure a range on one of Giovanni's Pokemon it's also kind of funny to note Giovanni's gonna say oh so we meet again but this is the first time we've seen him because we've skipped the initial fight that we were supposed to fight him because of the pokey doll and just entirely skipping the still scoped sequence them but I suppose running an international Pokemon mafia could lead you to forget things it's not easy being the pokey Godfather yeah it's interesting we don't have the speed badge boost from Koga yet so using our ex attack does not get us the next four speed boost to outspeed the rest of the pokemon hole that's really good that that fury attack missed yeah that's really really cool so I do need to extra tax here it's almost a four just kangaskhan it in blue to kill you in one shot come on don't be a jerk okay good good yeah that interestingly we have a defense badge boost from the surge already because not only do the badge boosts have that broken reapplying thing going on they also are not the badge boosts they tell you they give you the surge has the defense boost when he's supposed to have the speed boost and Koga has the speed boost when he's supposed to have the defense boost but isn't that is rather funny because we wouldn't I think we would much rather have the speed badge boost here right yes yeah we would much rather have our guy lost again for the first time and now we can dig out of the building thanks Jenny one Pokemon yeah just ignore the whole this literally the top of the building so just ignore the like hole going down all the way to for one I [Music] probably sneak a donation oh yeah yeah he's just gonna use the poké flute to wake up Snorlax and run the swag flute [Music] guys are you okay - yes go for it sure here's a $100 donation from Gatsby 130 says yay Pokemon yay he's excited hey we are - there's a $25 donation from Pikachu 106 he says hey guys where are you can I come out isn't this supposed to be my game so he's gonna grab a hidden rare candy and then just go through the safari zone repelling where necessary and picking up a forest or so could probably get in several more donations sure I have a $10 donation from polar says I need to hear that sweet jinx cry again please do your best [Music] [Laughter] hey it doesn't stop there I've got a 15 dollar donation from Digimon he says hope this comment doesn't jinx your run [Laughter] keys that's high for your voice do you want me to take over for some of so you can save your voices fine okay there is one thing it's interesting about cycling Road here if we didn't have to get the rare candy you could bike down the left side of cycling road and it would be faster because you don't have the slow bike across at the top oh good to know I didn't gonna incorporate that for my next strategies strap yeah man candy skip I'm gonna fight the poliwag trainer and then just skip that candy there's another interesting thing here in blue and red is faster to cut the bushes to get to the Safari zone but in yellow it's fast road bike around and because yellows does flower gamewinners going with yellows of light also it's faster to walk in front of this guy's vision it saves a turn frame it's what like half a second for the bushes right yeah turn frame being just a frame so we could probably get in some more donations now have we have time for a few more there's anyone from Volk stoke stroker said $10 donation he says blue and yellow together this is the most roundabout way to play pokemon green and I've ever seen [Laughter] t-bird 1096 13:8 sends in five dollars and says Pokemon is one of my favorite game series of all time and yellow is my favorite of the series it's pretty neat to see one of my favorite games being run on gdq and I had to donate I guess that actually makes sense cuz it could have been orange and the only Pokemon orange is like this bootleg version but we won't get into that crate dizzle stands in $50 and says gotta play them all gotta catch them all good luck me got this unfortunately we're not going to catch very many of them in fact we've called all the way we'll we could have gotten Lapras and Moltres but we're not gonna get mad at all Logan line stands in $25 for Doctors Without Borders and says I've been watching since 2014 and finally found some money to donate mainly because I actually have a job now good luck on all the runs okay so because this is having an issue with bag management we've got some item that we were all opposed to have it's it's cuz he bought the paralyzed Hills it didn't toss the potions okay oh yeah so we're gonna toss those to make room for the fabulous prize hm three yes which again Nieto King can learn for some reason it's even greater that ride-on can learn it cuz he's quad weak to surf and you know that's what you want to do I don't care that you're drowning get me to Cinnabar Island again we on the couch do not have the Kate violence against Pokemon enlist it's another Pokemon violence ingot I know what I said fun fact about this walk Dakota here it is two frames faster for the to bike Toccoa right so we could probably get a couple of certifications in yeah I have a 150 dollar donation from pokemon trainer Ritchie says can't wait for our Pikachu's to do battle of the poke at the end ago week that's a good anime reference yellow with that red bar though yeah red bar here potentially saving some death cries Eddie it it it saves death cries it's jingles and move learn digital keeping them together totally planned totally planned I had no idea this was a thing first time I did this to you get out of the red bar a yellow exactly fixes that's amazing so this next fight is is probably the first one and a while well let's well I'll say that after the fight lest I unless that cause harm we'll probably get in a couple more donations Kellan mundo sends in five dollars and says oh my wonderful husband got me hooked on gdq and I love watching every chance I get what y'all do is pretty rad - suave I Love You bubby I love you too Kelly hi that's my wife I'm sorry about yeah that's right somebody married me so there's hope out there for everyone if you ever feel down about anything remember this guy found somebody to marry him there is hope for everyone one more quick one there's a 150 dollar donation from colossi v he says gotta catch em all all at once [Music] we have a run for that weight roller we have a task of 151 blue when selling two games on controller detachable oh gosh [Laughter] there's a tas as that too okay good so the thing that I almost said could happen didn't happen that that hypno can one in four choose to confuse you and it can crit and you can you can die which I think yellows HP was low enough that he could have died to a non crit I'm not 100 I don't really remember the ranges too well and that's it that was kind of dangerous but we are through it yet so here's another good example of differences in gym leaders Reds fight is just free yellows fight is hope kogas not a jerk so since the rivals already a jerk maybe Koga won't be yeah the Koga fight here you can get hit by psychic which lowers your special which is very bad well the psychic without the special lowering is actually preferable to getting sleep powder which is going to waste a lot more time the only good thing about sleep powder is that you can use it to set up your second X item but then hopefully he stops there oh just just stop like that that's the only one and then it's fine also why can't he have coughing the good coughing sprite [Music] now that's an catchy tune no let's say because in theory he could literally just keep doing this so hopefully he'll stop okay there we go that's what I wanted to see all right okay and now it's now it's just drill Joe the wavy turn up our X items like every other fight horn drill just please it's just really unfortunate to some of the fights where you have to set up - there's just just stupid stuff like that that can happen in yellow now the next fight the shoe is on the other foot normally red would be doing the the Sabrina fight much later and it would be no issue but again being the older sibling and having to slow down for yellow actually the Sabrina fight is considerably riskier as you now have to set up items in a fight you wouldn't have to because you're a lower level whereas yellow the Sabrina brought fight is just super free because she leads with a level 50 Abra that can't damage [Music] because she wanted to hit the B button for thirty four levels the the developers didn't really think about the fact that ordering them from easiest to hardest would make it very easy to set up X items of the first Pokemon me that happens on a lot of fights and in the late game oh now I just got to give the warden his teeth I'll try to translate what he's saying oh never mind he doesn't say anything without the teeth just kidding oh he does if you yeah yeah you have to go now what happens if you go to the warden without the teeth and is that another no I pray that is not true you can't really use it okay you just have to walk back around the Kogan so one of the routing optimizations we've done for the RTA route as we fight Sabrina before Koga which allows us to bike there from celadon which is about two seconds faster than flying therefore after Koga [Music] but for 2g ones these thinking up the routes will just do the slippery to fight after coating it to the the current red route your your what 4445 for Sabrina so that he could just you just earthquake but your attacks not high enough to be able to just earthquake here so you have to set up some X items and the best candidate to do that on his mr. mime mr. mom has three moves that he will use he has double slap but he won't use it because Sabrina's good AI won't allow him to use three moves that are super effective even though barrier and the other one that's like barrier but for special light screen are they don't damage you they're considered psychic type moves and thus super effective so he will try to use those you want him to use those one of those and not confusion which is the third one right donation yes I have just the one this one's from Google it's a twenty dollar donation he says Pokemon is one of my favorite series and seeing these shenanigans is watching my childhood from a new perspective kick some Team Rocket but I've got a fifty dollar donation from home DK says greetings from Denmark had to donate during the Pokemon run absolutely one of my favorite games of all time fifth time watching gdq third time donating good luck to me godless and the remaining runners money goes to runners choice [Music] that's the better side up [Music] all right so hopefully mr. mime there we go barriers what we want to see the next defendants actually the fastest thing Sabrina can do except for maybe flash miss yeah flash spell is the fastest okay but okay so only one can pretty good one confusion is not bad and then just drill baby drill oh wait [Music] oh okay yeah he read working [Music] can I speak in one more donation oh yeah go for it sure twenty-five dollars from anonymous who says cross your eyes and it's like watching one game amazingly sings alright so you'll see that yellow gets exactly level 41 here which is important to note because now we can delay Erica until later to get blizzard because you won't Blizzard for Erica and he's gonna be able to use all three of his candies to get to 44 which is gonna allow him to void almost all of the encounters in the mansion yeah it's just the Oh evident this is the beauty of the gentleman dice beam strats levels you can candy starting from 41 after Sabrina if you don't do gentleman ice team you don't get 41 after Sabrina and you won't be able to avoid all of the radical encounters except the 46 rat in the mansion alright so ideally we read as high enough of a level but what the highest level in Reds a 43 or a 42 or something like that in the mansion so so then here squirrel is gonna learn surf and all of that good stuff and it's probably a probably another good spot for a few maybe like five or six donations cuz he's just gonna be going through the mansion and ideally with Nagin any encounters absolutely I've got a $13 and 37 sent donation from tifa's revenge says this pokemon run is so highly amusing I had to donate during it let's get this incentive met and don't jinx it or they will call you slowpokes a donation goes to the runners choice they say do you have a choice you want to the runner's choice donations - go - yeah that's re-register alright it's our Odyssey oh cool we've got a twenty four twenty five dollar donation from wooden barrel says we've heard the keys at jinkx cry can we get the keys of lugia cry I've got a few more donations David 84 cents in seven dollars and says can I get some hype for the pokemon run live King T V n sends in $50 and says pokemon yellow was my wife's favorite pokemon game she wanted me to give you some money to give some money to a much-loved game and here's hoping Ettore will hear this donation when i fun things about the route here in RTA at least if you repel in the bottom right corner of pallet you exactly have your repel last until you get blizzard and so you can pick up blizzard and then use repel again to only use two repels through the whole section it's literally two the tile exactly lasts long enough I still haven't gotten in any attempts of that it's mostly I probably bump somewhere by at night anywhere with a bomb yeah if you bonk it causes you to have a some sort of turn frame when you start up again and that way it counts an extra repel check [Music] yeah he's gonna just get some candies teach first oh yeah yeah you gotta teach Blizzard immediately otherwise you don't have enough well good news I've got a lot more donations to read I have at it here is a donation from ISS pkmn it's a seventeen dollar donation he says played Pokemon competitively for eight plus years so of course I had to donate during this run best of luck and then bright sends in thirty dollars and says PI sgdq shut us to the gen one pokemon community for routing such an unbelievably complicated run this must have been so much work to actually get this happening and it is amazing also shout out to my best friend Bree because I know she's watching this at home good luck to the runner $5.00 from redhead pika comment is seeing pokemon run makes me week seeing both blue and yellow at once nostalgia heaven thank you all for this good luck and best wishes I forget to you Erica first you complain first Erica okay so here's another he's about to dig out and again another it is a benefit of having the extra experience all the way candying 246 here that you can fight Erica before Blaine and not worry about losing the Speed badge boost you get when you ex attack on Blaine's first Pokemon [Music] but yet here's another instance obviously as I mentioned before all the gym leaders are going to be different but Eric cuz it's interesting her Pokemon are different but the amount of experience you get is it's pretty close to the same but you'll see that here in just a bit and also here we get to use our first blizzard again but just ought to move and immediately going to be using it you're just thinking about blizzard and Gen one is it's more accurate than every other gen afterwards to be an ID and Gen one but then it drops to 270 it is extremely powerful enjoy [Music] so let me say a shout to the audio guys oh no not this again just a friendly reminder ice beam was an option but I'm not gonna be that guy but once I just talk to her instead there you go she's got good stuff oh she's got a blind date coming up she has to learn to be polite I think she was pretty polite don't you at least in blue she's not making anybody go to sleep [Music] [Music] hopefully her blind dates covering the bill because she just had to pay us for beat her in battle [Music] got a few more great donation comments here yes here's a $5 donation from a vending machine I think this one's for you keys says you should probably drink of fresh water after all those drink jinx impressions it will also restore 50 HP I am $50 from anonymous who says all hail mr. mime oh gosh I think I know who anonymous is Aaron 68 cents and $25 and says pocket those bonds and what my circuit by 202 sends in $25 that says I woke up Justin thought in time to see this task run great to see these games getting destroyed not two games at the same time that pot can do anything wait this is a human playing great run me gots this sounds at a spot that he did for poor gain so I kept all her two years ago I said believe all right so we're coming up on another instance where yellow is going to be significantly bad I would say the most significant it ever will be as far as faster than blue with the questions here in Blaine's gym at the beginning of each one of them it says answer all these questions to be to receive your energy for bla bla bla bla bla bla bla well it does that for every single question on blue it just does it for the first question on yellow so now yellow gets the kind of weight on blue for once yet we just remember a b b b a B interesting side note this ends up making yellow slower in the fight all trainers category which is a meme because you actually have to answer the questions before you can even battle these trainers if you try to talk to them before answering the questions only in yellow they will not battle you you know I can test it out in this run go for it I don't know if you can DC get it is one spot oh you're right [Music] but please don't live I'm wrong I don't want to be the firewall I'm like 99% certain because I did it once and I talked to almost all of them but there may be like knowing my luck there would be the one that isn't and then you would be I would say yellow saves a good like 3045 seconds somewhere in that range here in Blaine's gym just by not having to deal with that so also this is probably the question I hate the most because you can actually double pop three questions inside the turn away to make sure I don't accidentally don't talk to any of the questions because all the other ones it's easier to just the first one they have the same amount of text so he can match a and then all of the other ones but that one he could just mash because there are no yet cuz he's not actually answering yes to all these the ones that are no he's hitting B I blame yep here's another example of a layout of one of many late-game fights where it's like please just be nice to me Blaine is just ultra free in red blue whereas in yellow you'll see his his levels are significantly higher but he has one less Pokemon there's really nothing good you can do to set up properly for Blaine you have to set up on nine tails or Rapidash they both have a ton of damaging moves that can burn you I think rapid edge has fire spin and similar confusion moves it's going to phase out confuse confuse ray and flamethrower which can critical hit you and kill you so there there's a really a lot of bad stuff that can happen there oh look I actually do you think 1/3 said Oh dice it is possible but yeah the rapid ash is discouraged because it can growl which yet so we have to set up an X attack because we need to have more attack in order to kill the arcanine which is actually a really overpowered Pokemon it gentlemen I think it was originally supposed to be one of the legendary Pokemon always they waited called the legendary go yeah but then it was like well this doesn't fit with the birds so they just made it its own so it's like the I guess it's the pseudo legendary sort of a pseudo logic category like with oh gosh like an Oreo yeah Tyranitar [Music] so the the volcano batch actually does high it does heighten your special abilities he's he and Brock are there to that got it right so 50 percent right I mean baseball boost is actually accurate baseball wise if they're batting 500 that's pretty good make room for my gift we could sneak innovation in here yeah sure I have a $50 donation from almost 1337 says yo champs in the making I don't want to jinx it mmm but I never fooled you imagine this kind of run was feasible keep it up and you'll be the champ in no time at all and I have an eighty dollar donation from yoshisaur says pokemon blue was my first ever Pokemon game back before yellow even came out the love watching both games being run side by side and something I'd never thought I'd see praise helix hey so it's worth noting here in this next fight that he's about to do if assuming I'm not for all wrong with what he's going to be doing he'll be setting up a next special no I special in this next fight oh you just oh that's right because you're such a high level okay never mind I said they have more donations sure I have a $25 from truce in Deraa Rhett truce to direct and he says since you're not running red at the same time I'm currently speedrunning red while watching destroy this game and be the very best like no one ever was I have a $50 donation from freedo 48 says it's awesome to see you Pokemon being played this way been watching been waiting for this let's hear it for Air Jordan praise helix breeze he looks high he's around you just got much friendlier looking this is Janet gets over here on the couch now hello everybody and it gets underscore hi Shannon is in a store have you met before I believe we have probably worth noting back in 2014 he he got a world record against keys and a thing and I yeah on this same stage and this bit yes okay got the perfect donation common here's $150 from Audrey Asura says I stayed up all night to catch the pokemon run thank you for the impressive run and mayor I decided to try my hand at Pokemon speedrunning after seeing shenanigan and Kizer ons Pokemon runs and previous treaty Q's and I have lots of fun learning new ways to finish and break the games of my childhood with the help of great Pokemon speedrun community thank you all for your great work thank you for the nation yes definitely thank you so we used an ex-special on that fight did we yeah okay to get an extra just enough special to kill all the Pokemon with Thunderbolt although it is a range on the mic chucks right yeah yeah all right yeah that's the one that's the one I was thinking of when I mentioned it earlier I didn't even thinking about the right and we fight that trainer specifically so that we can exit and reenter the gym kind of like how earlier on route 3 we exited and reentered the route to resit the last exiting and re-entering the gym moves that trainer back into position so we can walk straight to Giovanni because there's the spin pads are just they are so slow in Gen 1 it's actually faster to get to one of the fights with the spin pads but then you can't get out the right way to get to Giovanni it's weird so you would have to double spin pad and that's just oh it's social yeah because his location doesn't reset after the fight it only reads that's after leaving the gym okay now we will we will need silence for just a little bit here radio silence yeah there's a bit of a decision tree here depending on what dr. EO does in yellow here [Music] hurts man [Music] okay okay good good that dick has a very high crit rate because of the clear rates being based off of space speed and Dugtrio being one of the fastest Pokemon a jet one I think he he's what he's only slower than mu 2 and electrode electrode is the facts yet it's 110 so there's a few things oh it's 21% to Kurt I think all right cool so yeah that that Dugtrio can be really brutal another good example of a late-game fight were red red normally would be in red bar here and they would just breeze through it with minimal issue and yellow is just like please don't criminal ease don't hurt me just let me play the game yeah you can see like there's a pretty big difference if the lead is an easy buck one because he still has a duck tree I just we have the Rhyhorn to set up which makes it free and boil and actually do we even need to set up and blue I know the routes changed recently but when I last plated the you didn't even have to set up you just ice beam earthquake ice beam and quake and quake ice beam and quite quick so you'll see again with the bag manipulation we've set up with having all 20 items milled we don't get the Fisher TM from Giovanni that saves time and then we just leave the gym yeah that was no more Veridian rival fight yep that was done intentionally for all of the gym leaders after surge as none of their teams are even remotely useful back when Blastoise was the one used in blue you would get Fischer there because Blastoise obviously doesn't have any horns to learn horn drill it's interesting bides is really helpful for selling for money and ball beam is useful and vulnerable is useful for as a move but then all the other teams are useless except for Fischer in the task because we don't get earthquake in the task and then I think they're actually some runs where you don't even have to sell Biden red-blue because he ran out of other items and he just used it this bag space cause you don't really even need the money and I hate different yellow it's just the exclamation mark just part this heart thanks yellow so here's another one the fight this fight is just like super free for red it's actually not that bad in yellow it's one of the late-game ones wear yellows not too not too bad he's got the same slash but it doesn't know earthquake yet it pretty fortunate doesn't learn earthquake until the final fight yeah splash as a eight-times pants to crit in Gen 1 which means it's guaranteed to crit except that crits have the same Gen 1 missed chance that the moves do so you can have a guaranteed crit like slash from Stan slash not crit you 1 in 256 times he actually as fate would have what the yellow fight is normally faster here is you only have to set up one X item whereas with red you have to set up two [Music] oh that's not good Oh a clamp works just like the others oh that's that's that's not nice I just had to take it I don't have a healing items maybe or we could have you got the two fools I I did a I did myself on one to set up but yeah the one part of the rap crits all of them crits so that would always the other double damage yeah how much you can do that when you've been you've been concentrating on two games at this point for two and a half hours it's really easy to just just even just the slightest bit of focus loss that's really easy to make a mistake like that and it's just really unfortunate can I jump in with a donation oh yeah yeah I have a one thousand dollar donation from thanks from m3u m1 he says hey guys another great event I'm glad I can contribute to such a great project this two games one controller run is very impressive can I get some height please hi greetings from Germany Gordon tog agility over there is another one of those moves were if you hold B when the text is coming up while it Scrolls it's slightly faster oh and it's also a shining example of good AI and gin1 agility is a psychic-type move Nidoking is a poison-type pokémon and since your rival has good AI that's the only move that he has that's super effective against him so the Pidgeot will literally just spam agility making what should be one of the more difficult late-game fights absolutely free young red blue [Music] I think we can get in probably get into several donations here because he's just gonna beat the rival repel and go through Rock Tunnel go through all the bad checks oh my pleasure thirty dollars from all in one mighty says they meet God's this I finally get the chance to see you run see your run that you told me about and live at sgdq it is indeed super awesome to watch so thank you for introducing me to it good luck on the run you're almost there wait that's very bad I want us yeah just buy one more maybe yeah probably faster than a seven I have a fifty dollar don't have an extra I use extra oh oh sorry good if you guys need to discuss straps you don't worry about me I can come in when you have a minute okay I think I think it's fine yeah okay I have a fifty dollar donation from wid 37 he says man seeing the first game i ever played getting destroyed brings a tear to my eye also jinx gave me nightmares back then good luck on the run one of the fun things coming up in the what is a victory road stretch is the boulder puzzles the bouldering is really really slow but if you turn them they're exactly the right frame while you're pushing a boulder the dust can scatter in the wrong direction because swag Boulder and I actually use it in the TAS to change the encounter orangy that we don't get in counters and its glorious I think are you going to be going for the double swag Boulder who knows I think I believe it is a sight to behold got a couple of more donations here this one's from Road it's $50 it says this is my first time see run like this and it's absolutely blowing my LOC mind good luck from Japan all right so for one thing as I attend this route when I get on a bike yellow music is perfect for here because you get the fight visa for red or blue but yellow it still contains to route music yeah now I mean if we got gentoos bike music here then maybe we would want to listen to red blue but the just the epic sound of this is it's just so much better than that and for those that wondered what the the soundtrack was like in mount moon you'll actually get to hear that here in just a bit [Music] a slight little fun fact there at the top right corner of that land is a hidden max ether that some runs would consider getting in exchange of skipping me for center but yeah we're not that's such an old shots yeah it's actually still pretty used it's relevant in yellow you don't have to kneel then it's more efficient to get that max ether and just use it but if you do need to heal it's better to not use two items which that's never even an issue in red because of the way the Lorelai fight works there because you can maintain red bar in red and you don't you never want to use the center it would ruin your red barn yellow does not have that luxury [Music] all right are y'all ready to rock that did not deserve applause [Music] we go down instead of keeping going right there with the bowler because if you keep going yeah that was the double swag the triple triple double beautiful if you keep going right there then you can when you go down to push the boulder accidentally leave the victory road really easily yeah and that's bad it resets your Boulder location by the way I'd never practiced boulders sliced rats I'm also fun to find natural that one trainer that he just dodged by going under the world record and bred once had that trainer in it shoutouts to extra tricky if you're out there yeah we call him the tricky trainer although I have run the Train that's on this floor before yeah oh we have this the biker another great example of how slow yellow is is how much slower the boulder pushes are in yellow and it's all on really really flow on that floor we were just on it was noticeable like these it's not so bad but the bottom I forget whether it's the bottom of the first or third floors when he goes to push the final boat or you'll see where red is literally like a full to boulder pushes ahead at some point it's it's ridiculous no reason not sure why it's like that another interesting thing is because we did the gentle Mandy experience throughout with the character we fought on the SS fan we are not getting on extend counters in yellow one of the new yellow routes is so low level that we can get on XP counters even through repel because you're what 48 and the onyx is 49 and you have to out level things to get away with some room from with rappel [Music] so even though we didn't get to catch Moltres we did get to see him there for just a little bit that's something I reckon maybe another time at this part yes up to spell sometimes I do think a lot so I take it slow there yeah you really don't want to have any obstacles right at the end here good so this last little bit is just gonna be him pushing the boulder and y'all can behold but how much slower it is in yellow could probably get a few donations in sure thing I have a 150 dollar donation from Horizon SP says hello from Denmark I hope your runs are going to be amazing or did I just jinx it Kappa oh I guess I've got this in skis and I'll do my own [Music] $25.00 from black HRT says pokemon blue and pokemon yellow were my first and second pokemon games where you seen them both being run at the same time it's delightful double dose of nostalgia keep up the good work you got this you got this putting this towards Mario maker hard levels $25 from kenji 213 he says welcome welcome happy to support my favorite Pokemon games being played at the same time as well as them Doctors Without Borders here's to a great run there's a forest or you can get here at the end of Victory Road if you're running low on healing items you get that often to avoid the shop but if you are running a marathon it's probably advisable to get slower start Leo we call that the full restorer of shame I call it that not really of shame in RTA but it's all right now I mean if I'm not yellow I mean if you have to get it in red that's pretty shameful oh so he's gonna have to make a side trip because they accidentally used an extra one of his ex accuracies so we get to enjoy the wonderful celadon music again we're just gonna make a quick trip here and pick up a little more ex items for your safety yes so gently for my shopping I buy one of an extra if each item except that's act the polymer X is causing 950 pokey dollars and that's significantly more than the rest of which is about 500 550 and 350 yeah 350 being the cheapest it's kind of unfortunate the one he accidentally used was the one he didn't have an extra of so just has to come back and buy a few experts go away yeah I'm good so personal finance folks definitely take your personal finance class if you're in college maybe not fine I don't actually take the elevator down oh yeah especially in this slide I do run a different category red and blue with new team players I did two shopping trips and though that category while slower is I would say considerably more difficult and much more interesting of a watch not to say that this isn't really interesting but to see two different mains just the way he juxtapositions them and sorts the moves it's it's a sight to behold you have to do a lot more intentional Dee's thinking of the game in that run and you know Blastoise gets to feel important again and Jen would be dry Kumar I didn't when you use one earlier [Music] we're going into the e4 bi Lorelai fight coming up so in red normally you would still be in red bar here and you actually would have deposited everybody but your flier and you literally just swap out your flier the flier dies to the guaranteed Aurora beam because of how her AI works and then turn to she's guaranteed to use rest so you just set up an ex AK and drill unfortunately she's only like eighty percent to rest turn two and yellow so just healed a full and hope that she is hope that she's accommodating yeah it doesn't work nearly as well in yellow to try to go in at red bar size law I had to do this oh but we're gonna do it anyway because why not I said with the power of Bert Jesus and Edith Piaf I think we got her hey she was the she was the author that wrote that book I remembered the donation from before I pay attention wasn't it a composer wait a minute we're playing on blue no what are the interesting palette oh nice you got the rest good good stuff one of the interesting palettes you can do is that you can make blue look like a red so we could have the red card up here and you would never know oh really no and do all these hard resets oh yeah yeah yeah it says the man oops that's a pump on version red well it's also worth noting that red is the preferred one for the single category and for this initially it was because the neater and male which is the main is a 25% chance to show up on route 22 whereas it's a 5% slot in blue but even now with manip the manip to get the Nidoran in red is quicker than the manip to get the neater and in blue and thus the more preferable option yes it's just a rarer encounter slot and obviously it's gonna be easier to manipulate at 6 times more likely to appear alright so that was really nice that he got the rest in yellow and my retina it's 80% her to use rest i want to say it's like 33% but if we're doing really well Bice he guaranteed it in blue so that was nice but now he doesn't have to heal which is gonna help the Bruno fight is the free fight of the e for for both games I think ya see after his defeat here Bruno finds himself lost on catalogs Island where he becomes a robot to be used by the bonds if you got that reference than to get back a bad back from the boat alright anyway it's if I'm not mistaken the Onix does have diggin yellow so you want to stay up on a second 31 your onyx is onyx does not mean first oh yes he knew this flame is me gosh this has got this calculated a he would his his name suggests he's got this yeah but you do have to refill PP after the Lorelei fight so nothing you can do at full as you can go in using X AK on the Onix that if he uses dig use your elixir on the DIC turn you just you run risk of dealing damage it's ideal to go into Lorelei with full HP though excuse me to Agatha you're gonna get crypt by dig and die so it's kind of risky it's certainly nice though he didn't take much damage only on blue actually so he'll definitely not have to go before I get though and in Bruno's onyx in blue does not know dig the first one doesn't anyway neither of them do it's pretty nice [Music] the agates of fight coming up here is one of the nice bits of the gentleman ice beam strategy we're going to be able to set up X back on the golbat where normally if he didn't get any carbo's I think he's still slower than the well at least we'll still be able to snipe backs back up at all that because of the leveling points I didn't read the notes that may or may not exist I don't know what he's gonna do in this fight so let's watch I give is probably the most interesting fight in probably the entire game there's so many different strategies that have gone into this fight and in a dagger like this she's I would say she's the most annoying of the Elite Four because the other ones can just outright kill you quickly wouldn't of course sucks she can waste your time which is worse yes yes she has confused ray which confuses you obviously and Ben's just 50% you hit through that at every turn yeah hypnosis can put you to sleep and in yellow this first Gengar has substitute yeah that's a Gen 1 moon yeah okay so you are fast easy three he'd tie it without the carbo's that's the problem we were having earlier did you just win to speed ties only it's gonna be different in written red to blue so that's just nice he just gets rid of the trollee gang guard and can set up on the gold golbat sprite Oh Mike what is this what is going on please don't haze please don't double snap come on this is completely different orangie between both get insane just snap oh my it's is unreal alright this is unfortunate oh this is very how was it three that's insane this is a very unfortunate a good thing he bought plenty of former stores yeah he's snap-on yellow I was watching yeah he just it was instant no it's straight a snap but to do two tents are Blizzard now for the people that know a couple days didn't he that's dumb yeah unfortunately a guy Hayes Hayes just removes all stat changes so that like he's he's just gonna he's just gonna get three meter from the last Gengar on blue of course is gonna be fine yeah are you sure I I am fifty percent certain the final Gengar is not nearly as scary as the first because it doesn't have any sleep news even though it does also have Dream Eater just can't put you to sleep and again good AI Dream Eater is a psychic-type move so first time you forget the last good AI oh she does okay does not have good eye okay dream a terrific combination name she did you can have toxic used on you by that goal by ads oh okay that's right she's she's supposed to be one of the most powerful trainers in the game they decided not to give her good AI I'm not gonna say I understand the decision-making process but it's really strange the only good AI trainers an elite for Lorelei and then Lance champion just a strange one of the interesting things about the ending it we call it the gauntlet because basically everything can create you and kill you except for something on that Bruno fight this is the end of the gauntlet out Lance and the champ fight are huge run killers you can get crimped by hydro pump from pump from gear dose even get crypt by earthquake from sand flash with this alright this is crunch time the good news is hydro pump can miss it's only eighty percent accurate so if we all believe we're gonna get to see the double tidal bit and that that is the one about 25 that is the optimal outcome from the gerotor so everybody believe it's not a huge deal it's in blue but in yellow it missing is a huge deal so really fast synched musics really good I think I actually like that word the blue Gyarados bright bar [Music] this whole run was just a meme to set up on us comparing the bright side by side Oh exactly yes hydro pump yeah that's it here we go it's that's whether you're right whether you're worth your you had 30 on oh yeah you're fine it's 120 a max and that's the same in both runs that can just he could just creat you and you're dead and there's nothing you can do about it so you doubled the trouble nope nope Team Rocket pun intended by having them both do that you just gotta hope you don't get crit twice under me unfortunately yellows got to deal with a little bit more on Lance than red because again Lance has the good AI dragonair has agility so it'll just spam agility so you can set up your second X item with these young red blue but that's not the case in yellow it doesn't in yellow there's two different ways you can play this [ __ ] next item you can set up X attack on the first dragon there and actually earthquake that's the dragon airs or you can set up a second X special on the second dragon err okay survive the first turn that's really good so he's at least through the Gyarados so there's a couple ways you can play it here we'll see what he decides to do but probably gonna be full restore that's gonna safe thing to do would be for his healing here and yeah it looks like that's what he's gonna do so just heal up and take an easier fight so he's completely set up and blue a monad plan and he would have died this lamb critical itself so if the heal was little different with the right play yep alright a little bit dangerous yeah oh yeah yeah there's a cool trick with resetting if you do a soft reset while the HP bars being drained then it doesn't a soft reset so he did his reset on yellow during the HP bar drain I did not know that I do now now hard resets it'll still cut it out but the softer II said that weren't okay well that's a plane just down in blue because I might accidentally walk straight to champion without knowing it yeah well as long as long as you say bread after yeah I could attempt to just save or something yeah there's a lot going on it's you're about to go down on your menu anyway so you'll just go down otherwise hopefully yeah get them this couple more text boxes [Music] now we're gonna get the j1e cumin okay let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that Lance the leader of the elite for just said the real champion is a jerk oh I missed that I got the flirting with oak text oh yeah now all he wants to do is fiddle with his pokedex Oh kook pants should be good there [Music] all right set up on yellow now [Music] good should be all set now the unfortunate thing about running the blizzard strats is it can still miss hopefully we don't see that but yeah ice ice cream is a lot kinder to you on this I think goodness should still live visible as the currency okay all right come on blizzard we need it to hit the last ball yeah this is dragon I have anything in yellow oh we get a killer Thunder boom yeah you could dump the ball Pete you keep it under both you I meant does it have the ability to attack oh yes you know whatever you can have a composer it's a tune around one time the Dragon Knight with blizzard and thunderbolt oh it's definitely - Georgie - buzzer beep oh you're you're it's you're dead I am paralyzed miss you still had one budget peepee I think [Music] it's a Wang Wang and firstly that's gonna away pond yellow so whoa we won't get to see it because of time constraints Thunder yeah what is I knew he had fun there I didn't know he had Bullard but we're gonna finished out the blue run here him so do you guys yet but for those that haven't seen it the yellow champion fight he starts out with sand slash so you have to set up an ex-special which will a boost your Blizzard enough to one-shot it and be boost your defense with the badge boost to allow you to tank an earthquake and C boost your speed to allow you to out speed the next Pokemon which is Alakazam it really shows off the utility of badge boost manipulation yeah and then what you do after these who you would expect on the earthquake expect on the sand slash lived the earthquake earthquake the Alec or you would ice beam or excuse me in this case Blizzard the sand slash which would entail it earthquake the alakazam which will pay o it and then he sends out executor which you'll set up an x accuracy on and hope that you get leech seed his other option is hypnosis which just wasted time and then you just drill him earthquake the magnet on drill the cloyster earthquake the clarion in the normal run he might have the I believe he might would have had the horn girl peepee to just drill everything I forget it yeah it's kind of unfortunate first two pokemon yellow have good AI moves that kill you so you can't the play a little bit differently from you normally would wear as red it's just especially from full HP you're only four percent to die to him because the pidgeotto or could you house to use sky attack turn one and then it has to crit turn to ya and if you go in at full HP and he doesn't use sky attack turn one you just win and you can actually live this guy attack critical it's rare but range in yellow if you want to set up on anything up in the sand flash you just set up on the Alakazam which requires getting Kinesis yeah okay you ready for that's right rest I've done that before I've gotten the one in three Kinesis on the Alakazam is it interesting but we are wanted blue now i went for the fries with ice cream and got the crit and they got the Kinesis from the Alakazam there's a thing we're also coming up on time here once he finishes the hall of fame and the credit sequence begins so fry by another 30 seconds or so for that it's really unfortunate that the one of the main moves that you use the later part of the game isn't 100% accurate and as you shows right there you know 90 percent Pokemon numbers but not the dollars I think there are two misses in there and that really yeah Lisbon's last few yeah he definitely missed more than 10% of his blizzards over the course of that run yeah cuz he missed the execute as well and so that's just one of those things those risks you have to take if you want to get a better time as you have to you know the the added power a blizzard makes it worth it by about 25 30 yeah yeah pioneers coming up through the elements all his pokemons show up he's got one more after this alright so again just like in smashed unfortunately while the ouija won't make it to the Hall of Fame and get to really participate I'm sorry guys alright times coming up or Jesus did I think he deserves the spot more than waluigi i could be wrong and maybe it didn't been opinionated fatty on time here it's his estates to wait yes and time time we got this you finished with a two hours and 58 minutes Oh to give buzz and shout out here to gift facts extremes and elosha who helped get the pokemon yellow tas setup which helped us learn a lot more about Jen one recently and then poke when speedruns comm check it out check out the discord anything for you Peter oh no that's fine alright pony wants to meet me right here yeah like I'm gonna give a quick shout out to my wife thanks for putting up with me for as long as you have thanks never why [Applause] we just finished watching an outstanding run of Pokemon blue and yellow bond me gots this and members of the pokemon speedrunning community I've got a few donations to get to but before I do that well I'm first I don't think I'm going to read a few of the donations that came in and then we'll take the brief ad so this was a $10 donation from Jenny puff says hi from the back couch thanks for the great run with great commentary and a $25 donation from anonymous says first time donation had to donate for this amazing run hype gdq and think we're ready for the brief ads right now for the sponsor so we'll be right back please stick around [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to gdq everyone I'm gonna get through a few more of the donations that came in during that outstanding run of Pokemon blue and yellow here's a $50 donation from anonymous or says I'm playing pokemon red based on your movements and now I'm stuck behind a rock help Bentall giant sends in $50 for Doctors Without Borders and says let my beautiful beautiful cat food out you monsters cat food won't let you down breed an impact sends $5 and says seeing my namesake get beaten twice at the same time is mind-blowing incredible job love watching you guys do what you do good luck have fun with the run and keep it up sgdq this is so fun the twelve dollar donation from snuggles 32 says here's the doctors without borders' and the runners what a great group also cheers to n24 who's doing a great job with announcing tonight I have a 300 dollar donation from crimson rain says it need more gdq must donate for a hundred percent runs and i believe that's in reference to the Kirby's Adventure and that's an upgrade incentive to the hundred percent run it's still about five thousand dollars shy of its twenty thousand dollar goal and that's coming up later today but I want to bring your attention to another incentive that opened up just a few hours ago it's the super mario odyssey it's one of our bonus games this year and it's gonna be coming up later on today at least local time today and that is for 150,000 dollars and that's what we're asking for to show off the awesome super mario odyssey speedrun later on we have currently about thirty thousand dollars towards that we almost hit that mark so we need about another 120 thousand dollars I believe we can get there today guys I would really love to see that Super Mario Odyssey run commie wausau sends in $36 to Doctors Without Borders says thank you for providing this for everyone else watching including myself and my wonderful friends who I'm hanging out with shout out to said friends and thank you for putting this together looks like we're all ready for the interview we're gonna be talking about the red and the yellow run with keys Iran and me got this right away so stick around for that in just a moment hey there everyone that skis around here with our runner me gots this me gots this how do you feel about that run I was very impressed by the kind of orangey I get in kind of a non practice run with all the practice I've gone is slightly optimal orangey a little bit deviation but this is much more left-field out of that you definitely got unlucky at a lot of parts let's kind of start with like what got you into this what made you go hey I want to play - Pokemon games on one controller so I think this was back in 2015 I saw a runner named drew here in both Oracle ages and orgo seasons at the same time and I could grab an idea I mean I can apply this a Pokemon so what happened then I did if I default one by day with red and blue with new king and Blastoise that kind of evolved to both double needle king which is a much faster run and then chase it into red and yellow after learning a bit of pokemon yellow as a speedrun so you mentioned that you did it with red and blue before I believe you did that run in Kali pawn 2016 right yes how did that go um that one has actually have been vague in my memory it would okay but it was kind of hard to work with is that I had one audio for that game throughout the run so I couldn't had audio cues throughout the run but I still went relatively smooth were there manipulations at the time for that or is this the first time he kind of had a run with manipulation in a marathon I believe there was manipulation but it's only strictly for red so I didn't have a nip for blue Nina ran at the time so now since some time after some research from the whole on spirit community we can actually had a kiss at neither an for every run that could be done in blue and but correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you were the only one that's ever done a two games one controller of Pokemon until soif started doing it correct yes that's that sounds about right soif actually has done it with also golden crystal I believe so yeah he has a double with other games too and entirely the Pokemon series now um would you say you prefer red blue with Nidoking Blastoise red blue a double-knit Oh King or the red yellow run it you just showed off I would prefer really the red blue that has a very much more interesting rally dynamic in a way that since there are two different problem ones I could they could be doing two completely different things for all I know where I was like neither King neo-king for whether regards up my game they can be brought to me doing the same thing as i if you see if you remove said they're exactly the same toward most of the run so it kind of makes it easy to select which moves i want or kind of accommodate for a music that's not optimal for sure how do we take it over to some social media here so we have a at bearded annie here saying me gots this why why because I can fair enough fair enough fair enough we also have a at glitch star over here what is your favorite part of the run today my favorite part of the run is whatever I can't predict I really could not predict at all it's yeah the with this kind of RG that I got it's really not out there today so there's no way to be truly prepared for a to guess what controller run with this much RNG so it's just you have to kind of just accommodate with a lots of backup strats that are needed yeah because you had that it was a dropped input I believe it was where you accidentally taught over horn attack and you had the improv on the fly to go get mega punch and kind of incorporate that into your run yeah mostly for this run is that something that happens often when you run this category or is this kind of like the this is the first time I actually had to touch mega punch before a needle King so yeah a lot about flying routing I mean I think if I remember correctly as well when you were doing practice yesterday you accidentally taught over a water gun oh I don't recall that that might have a swath we did that it might have been swapped yeah all right we also have rain ryokan I hope I said that right what was the hardest thing about keeping these runs and sink while you were learning it um probably the hardest thing to keep it instinct is knowing when they keeping a snake had how to keep it insane because as long as it's very much like trying to train your mind to be and naturally react to desync moments when I try to run the game my first like it took me a while like okay what do I do next because I'm in this kind of certain situation where I might be one towel off what can I do okay maybe I could just move one step further or Marik just continue on until I Punk into something they both stay together so it's kind of learning how to gauge your reactions and utilize what actually what reaction you've learned and what you can come up with fair enough fair enough I do have one more social media question I want to get here I can't see the name but the question is what is your favorite pokemon yellow sprite and why is it going back well hi it's a goal that no comment I see it's from @z mistake so that question makes absolute sense so when is gold and crystal two games one controller I'm sorry I'll hop the top idea with red and fire red who would that be really interesting especially with all the different mechanics and different dynamics between having to do two completely different generations at once yeah even though they're the same regions yeah there is so different that that's just going to change the run even more if you were to do that would you say you would do double squirtle or would you do Nidoking Blastoise six I've just separated like that at this time I have no idea because without trying to run myself is like it's kind of hard to gauge which is the most optimal route so I was like as I first tried two games for controller if I think it took me like four and a half hours and that's like that's because I really just build into it blind without any idea of what could make it work but couldn't make it work in my in my preference do you have any shoutouts you'd like to give out before the end of this interview um definitely shout to the Pokemon spirit community for the various amounts of resources it definitely allowed me to do enough research to where they gave me the tools to see what damage brain just work what damage works what probably we gave me the most best outcome 90% of the time any recommendations anybody wants to pick this game up or these games I should say for anyone who wants to try any to guess my choice regardless of any game I would recommend first start learning using an emulator because that's doing it through a console is a it's a very different setup compared to having the two emulators well thank you for all your answers it's nice having an interview with you alright this was me gots this i'm Kizer on i'm gonna send you the sense way because i think it's time for some prizes hi how are you oh you know I'm doing all right that was a a good pokémon around really I think exemplified the fact that those games are very very difficult and very random especially when you put two together all kinds of all kinds of things can happen you never really know so guys we have a couple of great Pokemon prizes and Beyond for you every prize we're talking about tonight it's gonna be available from right now until I am bread a little later this morning so first off from Kerry fry a friend and fellow staff member actually we have the field guide to Kanto which if you guys haven't seen it it's it's a beautiful art book full of all of her like artists renditions of how Pokemon might look if they were more realistic and had semi-realistic anatomy it's definitely a super cool book huge fan of it from Marsha Alexander we have a Gyarados hat guys check the track of the pictures of this one this thing is crazy it's like 7 feet long and it's just it looks like a Gyarados is eating your head like I mean do you not want to Gyarados to your key keys would you like a Gyarados to eat your head there's a way for me to go out I would want to go to see I mean exactly right that is that is my preferable preferable end right there so from our good friend is half coordinated and a and Ellen Kramer we have this hob sprite plush and I know someone out there's the synthesis in the sprite but it is a sprite it is in the world of hob that runs gonna be great by the way that's coming up a little later tonight I think right after Star Wars this plush is is beautiful it's wonderfully detailed the peels super well constructed and it's a $25 minimum donation from now until the end of I and bread in case you'd like to hold it's my new friend Oh so from our friend steel feather we have this lovely little missingno plush thankfully we didn't see any of these in the run this but hey you know these guys are great they're soft they might corrupt or save data who knows it could be anything it could be a kangaskhan it could be Kizer on it's okay it's cause of me Oh from our good friend Puzzle P whose actually one of the stylists out there making us look greater I mean at least doing what she can with my face anyway we have this lovely Pikachu doodle and I love the art style on this because it's not just a drawing of Pikachu it's a drawing of Pikachu made up of a bunch of other little doodles and scribbles and other tiny pictures and it's just great it's got that beautiful mosaic feel $15 donation between now and I am bread artwork on the side too so it doesn't just stop at the front it keeps going oh yeah no no she she fully decorated this canvas out there was certainly no skimping out on that now for my friend Amy cooperage these are gonna be a little small we might have to zoom in on them we have these really cute Pokemon charms we have an Ekans there's a teeny and a little star u and they're just they're super cute they're really detailed inside the bottle are our tiny rare candies so you know if you want to if you own a power level you're dratini this is the charm to help you do it these are a $10 minimum donation from now so the end of iron bread speaking of that hob run we've got a couple of posters for hob great these are pretty cool and these are actually signed by max Schaefer who is the previous CEO of a runic games oh boy back when they made hub so that's super cool they come to us via Perfect World Entertainment so shoutouts to our friends over a perfect world for making that happen for us and all three are a set and they are I believe a $15 minimum donation I'll just I'll lean him up against keys there we go he's he's a good poster stand multifunctional keys are on I do what I can so also from our friends think geek we have a snorlax beanbag chair again you should check the tracker for a picture of it it's as small as a small child you know we could probably lay all of these prizes comfortably in it it's $20 minimum donation the thing is the thing is huge and I wish we could be sitting in those now instead of these countless news I mean they'd be really thematic right so I do need to get up to get our last prize it's a it's a little big but it comes to us courtesy of count goobie and he made he made two of these one for gold and one for silver now me gots this when is the the gold and silver simultaneous round happening oh we have to absolutely massive perler collages here featuring the title screen of pokemon gold and pokemon silver unfortunately the gold one is a little unstable these things are connected to some cardboard so I'm just gonna gently put that down there before anything happens and grab the silver version to show that off both of these are offered individually and I believe they are $20 minimum of donations for each of them I mean I mean look at that that's when he told me like oh yes then I'm gonna make a you know the perler of the title screen of pokemon gold and silver I'm thinking okay yeah it'll be you know it'll be little it'll be reasonable no no this is like oh yeah this is like two feet by two feet it's crazy something like that with me I mean a $20 donation you gots this you could you could win it between now and I am bread so I got one more thing to grab over here and it's possibly the most important thing of all I've got a nice quilt here because I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna sit down I'm gonna get comfy with my good friend Kizer on here it is cold oh it's it's certainly quite cold in the venue and we're gonna get ready for our Star Wars Jedi Knight dark forces to the next run coming up as we throw it right back over to the host thanks a bunch for that great interview and those prizes certainly looked fantastic didn't they I'm clear Kai here again third night with you we are going to be watching some awesome Star Wars games whether you are rebel or Empire Jedi or Sith I'm sure you will enjoy all of these wonderful games coming up we have three fantastic games but first let's read some donations left over from Pokemon first we have a $25 donation from call me Theo Wow me gots this is beating my PB by three minutes four seconds and eighty-seven days I swear I'm gonna finish it someday we have a fifty dollar nation that from shout out to Brad decided I was going to donate during the pokemon run since it was my first game and still play it today keep up the great commentary and runs some of the best streams I've watched we have a $20 donation from swamp Kipps pika pika Pikachu don't count a Pikachu is cat food just yet let's keep that hype going and break the two million mark and if you don't know what to donate for with that two million mark we do have some awesome incentives coming up right after the Star Wars block first the Haab hand cap hand cam needs a total of ten thousand dollars we are at just about 8500 so we need but 1500 left we can totally make that super super quickly am i right we totally got this we also have another incentive for I am bread I don't know about you but that game is off the rails we definitely need to make this incentive for rampage mode we need $10,000 total we are just under a third of the way here so we can totally make that right just a reminder those games are right after the Star Wars block in just about three hours or so so we don't have a lot of time to make those but I believe in all of you and if you're here for the long haul we have an awesome game coming up tomorrow the Super Mario Odyssey I'm sure you've been hearing about this run a lot recently because we need a total of 150,000 dollars to make this and we're only a quarter of the way there so we can totally do this we can totally make this and we can make this with only with your help all right let's get some more donations in here because we have some donations about our upcoming Star Wars block awesome we have a $50 donation from wax wayne music for my bra indie and his upcoming Empire Strikes Back run voice of an angel hands of a Jedi feud fueled by Dr Pepper there's no way this run isn't going to be most impressive love you Deuter from you twitch music fam we have a $5 donation from justice shorter first time donating and since Star Wars was such a large part of my childhood I'm glad it's during the Star Wars block I think Star Wars is a big part of a lot of our childhood wasn't it we have a $50 an anonymous donation with a big smiley face thank you I'm smiling right back at you we have some donations about those awesome incentives I just mentioned first a $50 donation from and I apologize if I Massacre your name horribly shear pose in saying because the only good bread is toast we also have a $20 donation from blazing flare 176 donating to see that mario odyssey run with a large donation insentive like that every little bit helps let's get all of that in
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 417,385
Rating: 4.7815895 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: 2AsZf3JnCIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 6sec (12306 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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