Pokemon Black/White Version 2 by TrevPerson in 3:27:03 - AGDQ 2018 - Part 132

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man we've got the pokemon black and wait to run coming up next with Trevor syns so get excited for that everybody we've got some awesome prizes incentives and things like that going in the meantime we're gonna get a couple donations and for you off you've got $100 from actor in this is now that I have a job I would like to give back a little as thanks for the great cause and proving that games are good for people thanks again and have a great day runners choice to where the money goes we got a 13 dollar donation from soapy Fulton who says excited for pokemon black and white to run it's one of the best games in the series putting my money to naming edward in final fantasy for spoon as that is the only name befitting such a spoony bard we got 150 dollars from my chart this is watched a last few gdq's about time I stepped up and donated also let's be honest to punchouts at the same time who doesn't want to see that guys make sure to continue to get those donations in to see that punch-out game we got a couple hours left we are getting closer closer and closer and closer so please so we can see some awesome awesome punch-out action get those donations in we have a 15 dollar donation from Kiros I have no idea how the punch-out super punch-out is gonna work well let's donate to fix that No another 15 dollars from P Noah my girlfriend's mom is a three-time cancer survivor donating in her honor and also putting this towards the punch-out run we have a thirty dollar donation from love not war my money is going to the simultaneous punch-out run can't wait for this awesome display of skill alrighty everybody it has been great spending some time with you all this is kung fu fruit cup we're gonna play it to a chad and then we will be ready for that pokemon black and white to run so everybody get excited you alright ladies and gentlemen good afternoon my name is Mizzell Stix and I'll be hanging out with you for the pokemon black white to run I'm gonna go ahead and get some donations going here I've got a hundred dollars from hundred dollars from Roush polka pondmaster here hope the wrong goes well and may your excadrill be one that pierces the heavens also don't turn the run into an M bore please one hundred and fifty dollars from Aussie dancer love me some Kingdom Hearts it has to be my all-time favorite franchise loving how come food was on the mic doing an amazing job as host good luck to rebel in this run hundred dollars to the punch outbid war because we have to see that and fifty dollars goes to naming links horse fufu because fufu is the best companion for any journey Thank You agdq for an awesome week of games as Kung Fu said earlier we are still a bit short of that bonus game the should still a bit short for the punch-out and super punch-out two games one controller run about just shy of 45,000 of the 75,000 dollars to reach that so make sure you get those donations in you do have until the end of the Megaman relay race to do so but the sooner we can meet that the sooner the better and Rui donated $10 said thanks for the great KH run here's $10 to match the death total got $50 from dreadknot I dedicate this for my grandfather who has not only survived skin cancer as a team but is now fighting stomach cancer and winning my grandfather was a cornerstone in my childhood and helped encourage my video game hobby with new copies of the Kingdom Hearts games each time one was released let us vanquish the darkness that is cancer $30 from alliteration advocate love seeing the community come together and help people through the playing video games and Huson who says playing video games never helped anyone put this towards the punch-out bonus $150 from J miles thanks for agdq really looking forward to the link to the past randomizer but first let's complete this punch-out incentive got a lot of love coming in for the punch-out incentive we are getting closer $50 from skipper otter hey gdq put in 100 plus hours these past two weeks at a restaurant and got paid today so I knew I had to share something with this with such a great cause keep up the amazing work and here's the glitching out cancer I've got $22.22 from a bad idea Trev person turned 22 years old during this GDQ so here's 22 dollars and 22 cents for one of the sweetest kindest people and speed running treads runs always bring a smile to my face we had $10 from Shin rad first time donating Kingdom Hearts my favorite all-time favorite series horror my donation might not be as big as Sora shoe but I hope it can give someone extra time on earth to at least see Kingdom Hearts 3 $50 from Master Train hey everyone Master tree in here just wanted to save Ohio to everyone on the couch and hope I hope you guys are have been having a great time Kingdom Hearts run was actually really good that was enjoyable got $100 as that's a tough name I'm gonna completely butcher this hydro guy rollio I apologize if I screw that up $100 says one player two games let's go have $50 from Kate the grade to eighteen five minutes five dollars per minute under estimate as promised well done rebel dragon plus a little extra for the cause thank you to everyone involved with agdq for all you do just reminder we do still have some interesting prizes coming up we do still have the eighth generation console bundle prize available if you donate 150 dollars or more during the overall course of agdq 2018 you'll be entered for a PlayStation 4 an Xbox one and a Nintendo switch really neat value if you win that for $150 accumulative donation so make sure you get those donations in got a lot of a lot of awesome Pokemon prizes coming up - we've got a Kalos starter keychain callow starter keychains for $5 during the pokemon run as well as a lot to us and Latios print the big one I'm looking at right down towards the bottom of this list is the Snorlax beanbag chair for $20 during the pokemon run you've got to get in on that all right yeah it's row you can get ready to throw this over to the good words are hard today get ready to throw this over to the runner $25 from zanza says here's to all the amazing people helping make this awesome event happen you the real MVP s now let's break the 900k mark donation goes to Readers Choice my choice is to not validate the leg Legend of Zelda Link to the Past randomizer we can't validate that we got to save the frames' guys all right I'm gonna throw this over to try person we're getting ready we are ready get started with the Pokemon black white to run let's hear it for him yeah already so before we even get started we're gonna be attempting some RNG manipulation right at the start so I'm going to start the clock now and at a certain second I'm going to be opening the game in at that point the Run will officially begin so just not to distract me I'm gonna say ready and then go when the runs starts so we're looking for 23 seconds and I'll explain this a little bit more once we fully get into it because it's coming up now but there's quite a bit that goes into the RNG manipulation for this game so give me a sec here and ready go [Applause] already so what I was doing there is by starting the game on a very specific second like seeds in this game orangey seeds that is are divided on a second-by-second basis which is actually different from the generation four of Pokemon where it's on a frame-by-frame basis however there's a bit of luck involved so hopefully we get it if we don't let's find that we have a backup cart which may prove necessary because it is luck based but while I'm setting up the intro here with all the donation incentive names why don't the couch introduce themselves really quick hi i'm kiza i'm tyrant 14 and i'm shenanigans so I do believe B's one for this not quite used to this all right so unfortunately we're not gonna be able to see whether we hit or the correct seed or not quite yet I'm gonna check my ID normally we can actually know by this point but it's a timed thing so if we get through the intro really quickly then what we'd be able to see is a text box that says creating save data with a clock at the bottom right that clock has eight positions it can be and it just spins in a circle to indicate like it's something's happening something's loading whatever but um it actually starts at a random position based on your seed but we aren't able to see it because I spent some time going through the putting in the incentive names basically so we're gonna be able to check the ID once I gain control to see if we got the seed and if not then I will switch carts unfortunately if we did not get lucky um like I said it's a full second to hit a seed so the execution part of it is fairly simple I'm pretty sure I got it but you never know like it is luck based there are five potential seeds based on something I'm not gonna delve into too much because it's somewhat complicated but there's a random parameter that we can't manipulate and it can take on one of five values and unless it takes the value we want the RNG manipulation just doesn't work it's the unfortunate thing about five running so we'll check the ID and if not we'll go through until where the backup seat is and we'll just use that so but first I'm going to set the text to fast and turn off battle animations as well as changing the battle style and let's see our seed so that is not correct so unfortunately we did not get the good luck that is fine so we'll just switch to a backup seed so what the RNG manipulation was attempting to do is um not only is it going to manipulate ours would it have manipulated our starter which is going to be Tepig to have perfect IVs which we can explain in a little bit essentially right now though it's like their potential think of it like almost like Pokemon genetics I guess but it also was gonna allow would have allowed me to have manipulated encounters through most of the early game so that we don't get anything but what we want well unfortunately that did not quite work out as I'd hoped hoping for good luck but it's a marathon normally that would just be like a reset but thanks to the backup cart we can just go through so I mean I'm just gonna do the movement like I would normally and unfortunately I can't know anything that's going to happen coming up but it's not too much of an issue now one thing about the rng manip in this game like it varies between every D esto no des is gonna have like the same seed and orangey manipulation it's based on the MAC address of the DS so that's like one thing that's different yeah it makes routing this game very difficult you can't just like look up what another runner does and copy their movement copy their seed because it's different for every des so it makes running this game have a fairly high barrier to entry why it has very few runners cuz it takes quite a bit of work to get into you know it's only recently that we had a good setup for emulator to speed up the process before and it's a really slow and arduous process yeah yeah that's total project Revo for the help with that it's still really slow but it is much better now alright so we got Tiger owned oh I got Tepig but it's true actually Tepig is quite terrible I'm actually not a fan of really any of the Gen 5 starters but definitely for the early game of this speedrun Tepig has the most advantages compared to the other ones it's fire typing is good for both the second and third gym so that's why we choose it if we had manipulated the Tepig so what we would have gone for assuming the armsie manipulation had worked and we'd gotten lucky would the tap it would be a naughty nature Tepig this would give it basically natures in this game increase the stat by 10% and decrease another stat by 10% and or are there some nature's that just to keep everything neutral but for the most part those aren't considered useful and the naughty nature would have upped our attack stat by 10% and lowered our special defense stat by 10% and what that does like there just aren't many like Pokemon that use special attacks in the early games to our special defense being lowered wouldn't be have been a huge issue so it makes the optimal for the speedrun all right so yeah this this particular tip IG's is taxed that is terrible so it's good that we have the backup seat because we'd have a lot of issues with this Tepic if we were to run with it so the backup seed is right after this cutscene it's saved so we will go through this cutscene just to go through everything we'd go through normally and then we will make the switch real quick didn't want to have to use it but like I said it's not much you can do when it's partially luck-based so jennife I've definitely started the trend towards more cutscenes in Pokemon games and we're gonna see that a little bit it's not nearly as bad as like perhaps 6 or definitely 7th gen also but particularly in the later stages of the game we're gonna have a couple cutscenes that expand the full height of the DS take a minute or more but we'll have plenty of time for donations that's all that means alright so we're finally gonna get our running shoes and after this cutscene I will make the switch do we have that um I believe I have it in my bag I should have taken it out already all right so while we go through this cutscene and well I'm gonna make the switch right after that we do have time for a few donations really quick all right I've got plenty of them I'm gonna start off fifty dollars from WWE freak 385 had to donate during the pokemon run one of my favorite franchises since being a child good luck from Germany so let me see you here if we can make the switch pretty quick I was rather unfortunate when we have to do this like I said but and again the only thing that he's really changing is this would be if he would have hit the correct seed so yeah yeah no lightnings it's gonna be in the exact same position and like I said in like an actual PB attempt we would just reset until we get good enough luck to use the correct Tepig but in a marathon setting we're just trying to showcase the run so like this is best without like boring you guys cuz like if we wanted to just get it without using the backup cart I just end up resetting over and over until we got good luck but that's not practical so we're gonna continue the exact same point we left off just with a superior Tepig one that we would have gone through like farm for just with resets and actual PB attempts so this is more to keep it rolling looks like this back of the seat actually has a apostrophe instead of a comma the file name that is error move it down a little oh my god I'm sorry alright so we do have to go through the obligatory catching tutorial here yeah although who made the back up neither alright so we do have to learn how to catch a Pokemon really quick I think most people know how it works by this point but and then after this is like really like so at this point assuming we'd gotten the RNG manipulation we'd be able to like I'd be taking a very specific path through all of these early game routes do all of like if we'd hit the speed and at this point we'd still know like kind of the state of the R&G like as long as I move a certain way if we'd hit the seed I'd be able to like avoid all encounters through these opening routes and only like only encounter what I want cuz ideally there are a couple Pokemon I'd want to catch that are useful for learning hm moves which are necessary or useful for progressing through the game but I'm just gonna have to run through and hope for fewer encounters as fear as I can right away we're gonna get some bad luck so we are gonna lose quite a bit of time to this unfortunately but we can just run away from everything we do get repels early on after the first gym we get repulsed so we want the deal with it that much yeah the way the marts work in this game is they increase their stock as you go through the game as you get gym badges and right after the the first gym we'll have access to repels so this won't be an issue anymore and like either way you actually can't manipulate past the first gym and we'll explain why when we get there and this is Alder he was the champion in black and white you never actually fought him in that game cuz he gets beaten by the antagonist of the game right before you get there and you end up fighting the evil team instead and he takes a relatively minor role in this game he's no longer the champion he just helps you through the tutorial is teaching you how to play or like you know how to play the game how pokémon battling works but right now we are heading to a place called falaka sea ranch to meet our rival hugh who i guess on this file is named B's we have our first battle here most the early battles are relatively simple we only have a few attacks this Tepig like I said so we can explain individual values actually now so this epic has 31 in all of his individual values or IVs is what they're also called for short and individual values or IVs basically are a number between 0 and 31 and that is a number that determines the number of I guess additional points they get in that stat by level 100 so they don't have it all right away but as they grow as they gain the levels they're going to be getting more and more stats like more like a higher stat total than a Pokemon that has lower individual values so this Tepig has maximum individual values in every single stat so by level 100 he'd have 31 more points every stat than a Pokemon that were to have zeros for instance which actually um pretty much every Pokemon in the early game that you fight from a trainer has zeros throughout like across the board for their individual values and they get a little bit higher as you go throughout the game but most unimportant trainers are never gonna have more than zeros I think the H trainer class more often will have higher individual values though at least in my experience when I tested a strainer is usually around like the 15 mark yeah yeah I think Gym Leaders are not our 31 somewhere yeah in challenge mode right away I know the gym leaders are gonna have like 30s yeah they're like really high up there and challenge man alright so we have our first rival battle um it's around the same level as the first rival battle in black and white but in black and white I believe the rival actually his a pokemon has a move of that pokemons type so in black and white he'd have water gun right now but oh nice nice great Chris so yeah and the original black and white he'd have water gun by this point but in this game he still only has tackle so we don't even have to worry about taking much damage and that crit makes us take even less damage our health isn't much of an issue at this stage but if I do get like crate or unreal some battles we can end up lower than it's like expected have to heal so hopefully that doesn't happen yeah so criticals are just they I think it's a 1 in 16 chance to occur yeah so they'll be scattered throughout the run obviously some of them like that are really good if you get critical it can be really bad but hopefully we don't see too many hitting us and we see a lot hitting our enemies yep so this is one area where I probably will be expecting quite a few encounters um if we were still on like the proper seed and manipulating encounters and what I'd want to do is encounter a psychic and a pod of while I'm here they are useful for learning the HMS strength surf and fly which are all very useful in this run particularly fly answer although strength does have a couple uses late in the game so I mean I could encounter them randomly but it's very unlikely especially since I believe pidove only has a 5% chance to encounter in this area so it's not likely also we could manipulate this spinner but we're just gonna try to get past them there we're gonna have to pass them again while going to this X attack which will be useful later so hopefully you know alright nice so something interesting about that spinner is almost every spinner in the game and actually you saw this when I did that but um every spinner in the game will turn towards you if you run past them except for that spinner and like just instinctively I walked past him actually but it's um notable that he never actually turns towards you if you run past him and he's the only spinner in the game that I know of like that so that's pretty interesting alright and the whole purpose of this particular I guess event is we were looking for the ranch owners her tier after he ran off a huge backstory or arrival B's is that he when he a couple years ago when the evil team Team Plasma who was the them like the person we just encountered who ran away is a member of that team they're the evil team that tried to take over the region in the previous game our rival had a his sister's purloined up come on stolen from him I mean should I catch this because if I don't encounter it pidove it's still useless I don't think I'm gonna catch it because like without something like we're still gonna have to get duck lit at that stage and it like there's no chance anymore to get put of so as fortunate is that sight I could have been without pidove it's not useful actually so might as well not bother catching it since we're gonna have to get duck lit either way yeah duck what learns all the other HMS anyways may as well not waste the time catching the Psyduck yes catch the thing the lures at all yeah the Psyduck is unfortunately useless without the pidove to like either way we're gonna have to back it up we didn't have to catch a third pokemon eventually that's true yeah wasn't thinking of that but we can still get the Ming see No so I'm gonna grab an x speed here like throughout this run a lot of pokemons use X items which boosters that's one stage in the older games and I guess in Gen 7 they boost them two stages actually but back in this game they still only boost one stage and a lot of Pokemon games will use X items to set up for sweeps and make up for like bad stats or weaknesses in certain battles that would otherwise be a problem but in this game we're actually only going to use three throughout the run and normally you only use two but one of them I'm gonna be using for safety on one particular fight we're gonna grab an X defend we don't normally grab and other than that thanks to the Pokemon we end up using later we will not need the X items for the most part I am getting owned by this paralysis hello thank you that burn also II sometimes burn is useful ember does have a small chance to burn in the burn status in this game reduces the opponent's attack by half but we get a free heal after that fight and I wasn't anywhere in danger so reducing his attack wasn't useful in the residual damage also wasn't useful because he always faints in two embers so in that case burns like that just result in extra text and actually slow us down so these bottles were going through now actually are intended to teach us all about tight matchups but uh our opponents don't have moves of their type so I guess it's more intended like for you to use ember on them I guess and learn that oh yeah you can beat the grass one with ember and the water one not so much but without them actually having a TAC of that type it seems rather pointless to me all right so that was our last battle actually before the gym that we're gonna be heading to now black and white 2 is notable actually I believe this is the only game where the player characters hometown has a gem in it correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe that is the case I think that's true that's right yeah I know up to fifth gen that was the case and then I didn't neither of the newer games is a that true as well alright so we have a couple NPCs talking to us for the most part what there's going to say is import not important the guy who first spoke to us was like a he awards you medals for performing certain things in the game he's gonna be in every Pokemon Center from now on and if we ever accidentally talk to him we're gonna lose like over a minute or maybe even more because he's gonna have like a ton of medals for me probably I've never done that but that would be interesting you never want to talk to him it never gets old that he just jumps off a cliff all right so going through the early game we've actually accumulated quite a few items here we have those Oran berries some potions and like we're gonna be doing like needing them quite a bit just due to Tepig own inadequacy I'm gonna be hating on epic quite a bit throughout this run because epic not good for for a while um Pokemon runs did not allow saving quit and at that stage epic in his evolutionary line were used for the whole run but ever since saving foot was allowed actually um the normal run adopted a challenge mode strat which was to catch a different Pokemon drill bird partway through the run who as far as the period so you'll see that when we get there after the second gym but drover and excadrill its evolution performed far better as epic ever could Tepic has a lot of problems particularly late-game yeah I was the only one that to run the end bore row before the RTA switch and it's bad yeah it was literally the reason I didn't pick up white 2 was cuz I saw how bad the route was so this is our first gym it is the normal type gym and uh there's two trainers that we just like there's no puzzle or anything a lot of gyms will have puzzles that you need to solve before you can get to the gym later there's no puzzle we just need to defeat these two trainers and neither one of them is particularly threatening we just need to be watching our health as we go through it I'm probably gonna end up healing so believe it or not and you'll see why maybe when we get to but cheran is actually one of the most threatening gym leaders throughout this entire run because our Tepig isn't particularly strong yet he's not like over leveled or anything we just started training him and we skipped so many trainers in the early game that um he actually has a decently hard time with cheran and if you do the optimal strategy Aron it actually comes down to a speed tie where you have the same speed as his Pokemon and it's just random who goes first and if you lose that speed tie you die we are not going to be doing that strat we're gonna be doing a little bit of a safer strat for the most part that should result in a win but I'm still it's gonna be my first safety save of the run because could absolutely kill me if he gets like a crit or we get some maybe a bad roll since I'm not gonna be in blaze which is tefik stability something that we're gonna be abusing later but I'm not gonna be able to use that in that this particular fight so if I get bad ranges and get low damage on my tackles then Lilly his Pokemon will survive and we wouldn't be able to knock it out like out of all the fights in the run believe it or light chair and is probably the scariest if you do it optimally but since we're not gonna be we're gonna be playing it a little bit safer there's another fight I have in mind about midway through the run that I am extremely likely to die too there's so many ways to die to it Sharon is relatively tame in comparison falling relatively low but that's fine in fact I think if we were doing optimal strap this would be good either way we're gonna heal up to full here I'm gonna hold on to that fresh water for the fight so while I'm doing this we do have time for a donation or two alrighty got $10 from scathe e39 hey trav good luck on the run don't forget to equip lucky egg and try not to get clipped by Charles everyone on your discord is rooting for you money goes to trebs choice but only if he wants to name the ocarina of time file ice arrows I do not absolutely not I'm afraid alright so Charron is our first gym leader like I said he's notable all these pokemon have work up all the gym leaders give you TM after the battle and for the most part all their pokemons use that all their Pokemon use that move so his Pokemon are gonna set up with work up which increases their attack stats Patrat was really nice to just double work ups so he's gonna die without ever attacking so he had actually by that point doubled his attack staff but without ever attacking he's not a threat and then Lily pup is the real issue if Lily pup crits me again it's a speed tie between me and Lily pup and unless he out speeds me on a later turn I'm not gonna be able to get into blaze let me see how this goes he's not attacking okay so if he goes first that's really good he did not so ever did not kill so he's gonna heal on this turn and now what we're gonna do is I'm not gonna risk the speed tie if I were to attack now if I lose the speed tie I die so we're gonna heal up again and just play it safe and then go for tackle and that should knock him up alright there we go not ideal but that's fine so he was trying to get put to low health there so that he would be in blaze which he touched on earlier epochs ability which just boost his fire moves by 33% when he's below 33% HP boost removed by 1 1/2 ok yeah we're gonna be seeing a lot of like a lot of the blaze ability we're gonna be making use of the blaze ability in the next fight rather the next gen sorry the next gym we're gonna be trying to keep our HP relatively low while still being in the safe range just to be below 1/3 so that we can boost the power of Ember because there's gonna be a lot of poke on where it's just gonna be much better to use Ember a couple bud Pokemon but it's any of us self is a poison Jim but notably there is a lot of coughing in that gym and they have high defense and ember is a special attack which calculates against special defense so we're gonna be making good use of ember in that gym so at this point actually we're gonna receive an item called the X transceiver which is like a video chat type item like you call important characters throughout the story with it you see their face and actually believe it or not this item and this upcoming scene is why nor in a normal run RNG manipulation would cease at this point we can't do it anymore and that is because the characters are blinking and they're blinking is calling RNG constantly and advancing the frames unless I were to mash through all of this text frame perfectly and this game is 30fps it would be impossible to manipulate past this point so that is at this point this is when the RNG manipulation would end just for that reason alone thankfully though we are going to be able to buy repels and actually I don't think we got too many encounters in the early game it's quite not being a manipulative I think it was three I think oh yeah there was one at the end unfortunately that's not that bad could certainly be worse all right so we received the C gear we're not gonna use that at all see gear actually messes up a lot of rng manipulation I don't think it wouldn't matter if it was on now but it's not important alright so I do not have the pidove and the Psyduck so we're just gonna go straight here by five super potions which will get us through the early game and spend the rest of our money rappels which actually not the rest of money we only need I'm gonna buy six have one extra just in case alright so we are now basically through what a many consider like in actual PB attempts this is uh pretty much the end of the early game a lot of up to cheran is reset heavy due to failing the manipulation or dying to chair an if you're playing the fight more risky but at this point the run is much more consistent and generally hopefully won't see many scary situations other than in virbank gym like a Creek could be really bad but if everything goes according to plan we will make it through Tepig section of the run on the scathed we do have another cutscene here so I think we have time for another donation all I go through this and move forward all right got $20 from Nintendo's trickster got it got a donate during the great defeater of children's run seriously though Trevor's my favorite runner and I'm always happy when I get to see him live good luck from Norway all right so this trainer previously served as a roadblock he wouldn't let us advance in the suite obtained the first badge but now that we have it he's gonna battle us we could normally abuse blaze and this fight as well and my in blaze I believe my health was still relatively high we were actually in blaze so I'm gonna Ember here I've got the burn it's interesting he went for endure but the burn is actually going to kill him anyway so that's really nice that we got that burn if you don't have that burn he would have lived there and dirt actually prevents you from fainting that turn will keep you at 1 HP but it doesn't stop the burn so that was really nice good luck oops I messed up a little bit there what I'm gonna be trying to do is whenever I enter a cutscene I want to enter the cutscene in the most cutscenes have like a set position for the player character to stand and I want to enter as close to that as possible because I don't want the cutscene to delay at all while waiting for my character to move to that position so right there I did mess up a little bit but you're gonna see that throughout most cutscenes in this game and here's our first spinner besides the one that we normally manipulate I post early so we want to try to cast her we actually have to pass her several times you're gonna get to know this spinner very well I believe her name is Linda I'm very familiar with her cuz uh we're gonna have to come back here and pass her yet again so hopefully we're able to get through every time without ever fighting her but she is definitely a problem something to note right there is a black 2 and white 2 is actually the first set of games where once you repel ran out it will ask you if you want to renew it which is really nice because it saves a ton of menuing yeah you don't have to pause constantly and it's really quick to like it speeds up the run considerably it really keeps the flow I guess hi mom hi mom alright so we're gonna be introduced to the gym leader of this particular town Burbank it's Roxy and something notable about this game actually and fifth-gen in general I believe I believe black and white had this correct me if I'm wrong but um every gym has its own unique theme that kind of sets the tone like based on like the character or like the area so I actually particularly like Roxy's and I think a lot of people know Roxy's gyms theme that she's gonna be singing while we are in the gym and the song she sings is actually different depending on the version you play on this version of the game of the English version she's gonna be singing Pokemon but in the original the Japanese released she actually sings Doge R which is the Japanese name for why did I use that okay that's fine I'm gonna say it because I can buy more repels you had one extra anyway so should still be fine I think I use two extra actually I might just buy more if it's an issue okay I was just absent mindedly using my repels that's the other downside of it asking you is sometimes you just want to hit yes whenever that menu pops up they give you the option but sometimes it makes you make mistakes like that yep yeah I do believe I used two extra which might mean I should buy another which wouldn't be that bad so I am in blaze actually which is really nice just barely like before so we can take out this Venipede in one hit and then coughing is one of those like I said a Pokemon with very high physical defense so being able to use ember on it will allow me to get through it just two hits poison gas is fine there we really don't want to get can you survive that alright the burn will take him out though getting lucky with those burns it's still in blaze flame charge is gonna be very useful coming up flame charge is an interesting move it was introduced in Gen 5 this very generation of Pokemon it is a physical fire mode with decent bass power that also increases your speed by one stage and that's gonna be very useful for in some Pokemon coming up so we do need to keep replacing my Pecha berry hopefully I mean we only lost the one so that's fine hopefully we don't need to use more than that in this fight the Trev mentioned that flame charge is a physical fire move after generation four step four onward special and physical move or switch to split up so some fire moves are physical some are special that's the case with all moves now if you're used to more of the older generations that's a pretty big change to gens four and five so we did get poison gassed again that could be an issue if the coughing also poisons me because I only have one Pecha berry left and we really want that for the gym leader nice all right that crit that's really good all right we're good [Music] all right so now just rocks we're gonna give one more safety safe here just in case um cuz I could get crit but other than like if we hit crits gonna send me all the way back to the beginning of the game because when you faint and like you don't have any Pokemon left it sends you back to the last Pokemon Center you were at and unfortunately that was the very first so throughout this fight we're gonna be fighting the coughing first and we do want to hit us a couple times so that we can be put into blaze when her second pokemon comes out but not too low that it can Kos and also did I replace the Pecha berry that could be an issue so good thing that I saved if so I'm gonna be using flame charge on werlla Pete if I get poison because I forgot the Pecha berry great again okay we're gonna heal now okay she goes for three in a row so we got two tail whips on coughing so that we can to care of it with a flame charge and then because I forgot the Pecha berry werlla peed has an ability called poison point which with a contact moved like flame charge has a small chance to poison me if I get poisoned I'm dead because I forgot the Pecha berry because she's gonna use a move called denno shock which would do double damage if I was poisoned but because it didn't I lived and everything's fine that could have been a fatal error but didn't end up punishing me for it hard to remember everything when you're commentating yes that's why my chat wants to remind me to put on the lucky egg I'm actually notorious for that so it'll be fine later on all right and so now Tepig is going to evolve I mean I am certain most people here know how pokemon evolution works but it's going to evolve into pig night and it's all of its base stats are going to increase however by this point we are actually approaching a stage in the run we're going to be replacing pig night we are nearly there but it does have a few more uses and it is gonna be used in the next gym just because the next gym is a bug gym so it will have some more use but we are approaching that stage where unfortunately pig night is not going to be particularly useful except you strength he will use strength and that will be his purpose for the rest of the run all right so we are gonna get mental shock not useful for us but actually a fairly okay move and right here I'm gonna go down the stairs on the left actually because if I was on the right then when Roxy comes down here she's gonna walk past me if I was on the right she'd have to walk around me and walk believe two more steps that would be small little things like that for cutscenes so that the NPC's who again just walk everywhere they aren't running like us have to walk fewer steps the best part of the runs about to come up oh yeah as part it's thrilling I don't use that oh my god I almost did it again dude I'm just I believe I'm already down a repel we a year one short right now yeah that is unfortunate but this stage of the run is just it's unfortunately for us we can't move on without this we need to take a ship to castelia city but the person who operates that ship is here he wants to be a movie star and quit his job so we have to come tell him that his dreams are silly and we need him to get the boat for us and unfortunately as a part of that we're actually gonna be forced to watch his movie and see how awful it is so get your resident sleepers ready it has some good music and like okay and one interesting thing about this area I don't even think I showed this to tyrant yesterday he didn't even know about it there's actually a tree in the top right section of this area the very top like the tree all the way to the right in that outside area that we just left that you can actually surf into it is completely useless it is only one tile you can't get anywhere or do anything with it but you'll be surfing inside of a tree and it's exciting unfortunately I don't have surf to show you but take my word for it or if you have the game we'll just go there if you have a pokemon with surf and your party just faced the tree and press a you will find that you are able to surf into it alright so this is our a captain of the ship we need he's going to show us this movie there's nothing really to say about it I guess so we could do a couple donations here please do all right I will save us all the trouble here I've got $300 from segfault 41 says thanks for a great event as always let's see the double punch-out incentive get met and I've also got $20 from mystic pyro freak you know va's my all-time favorite generation so you could imagine my surprise when I saw a black white 2 was on the roster even with a bad seat I know your speedrun will still be super effective good luck Trev put my donation toward the punch-out incentive as a tribute to my favorite Gen 5 Pokemon sock just a quick update we are over two thirds of the way to that super punch-out and punch out combo run make sure you get those donations in time is starting to run out on that alright so at this point in the movie you can see everyone on the bottom screen is falling asleep just like everyone else in the actual crowd I hope this is this is unfortunately this part of the run we're coming up to like NPV attempts what would normally be a major reset point and you have to go through this every time before you even know if your runs gonna make it past that unfortunate really but and it's not even over we have to now that we've watched that where we got fast credits credits can either take up the full like the full top screen or they can only take up half when they take up half it shows like a still from the movie but we got the full screen credits so frame saved but yeah now it's not enough that we had to watch his movie and like even though the guy the ship captain is heading back now we still have to unfortunately make our own movie it has what is more than likely the the hardest fight in the entire game honestly I don't think I ever want it no I have not actually so right right there we're gonna we're gonna try to win it this time not not a single time have I ever won this fight very difficult but you could interrupt the fight I could I could yeah this is a like a four-minute sex for five minutes section that it's just it's really forced they were they really want to like introduce and force this like side thing on you when you're playing the game casually they they removed contests from gen 5 and I guess they were trying to replace it first with like the musical and then this so that you had something else to do besides just like the main battling but the way they force it onto you is really unfortunate so we're gonna sign up for actually the same movie we just watched I guess we're going to attempt to do it even better I [Music] was trying to think of the name of the character but isn't he just called papa roxie in the the credits for his own movie like he's just referred to as the father of Roxy he doesn't have his own name not important enough he's just so proud of his daughter alright so it's the same matchup as before never won this fight clearly impossible you only have two moves force palm and ice punch forest palm would clearly take out the poniard but I just tan slips every time always ice punch ya know he thought oh my god I can't that was almost so the battles in the theatre aren't scripted so I did get a random ice punch freeze and if he stayed frozen that's actually faster but he thought out and still attacked me if he freezes the the battle actually ends instantly so it'd be really fast but because he thought out and still killed me it ended up being slower than the normal fight that's unfortunate I was i I was really hoping that would work that like that would have been some amazing luck but we're basically done with this segment now so now things pick back up again worst part of the run very thrilling stuff really alright so we're gonna head back out we're gonna be introduced once again to the evil team of this game Team Plasma we encountered one earlier and flakka see ranch but we didn't end up bad on him he just ran away but now he's got friends so he's gonna be emboldened so we're gonna they have a really good theme actually um I really enjoy both the Team Plasma theme when you battle them in both the original black and white and this one are really good I think a lot of people tell me the first one is better but I'm definitely partial to this one but the battle itself is not going to be very interesting because our Tepic just evolved into big night as you may recall and at this stage it is fairly powerful relative to what we're gonna be fighting here especially for in blaze blaze will be useful I don't think we're still in blaze I'm a little bit too high HP for that yeah quite a bit too high but it doesn't really matter it just means we need to use an alternate strat in a double that's gonna mean relying on our double partner who is gonna be Hugh in that fight and he's not very reliable here is he was very useless in every doubles fight he's in almost he has he has a way he can mess it up what like is easy as some of them should be Hugh always can find a way to mess up a battle that you're partnered with him for sounds like how and Sun and Moon you know how it can actually like attack you battle like that happened the Garf he got attacked and died because how attacked him what prompted that I don't know communication partner alright so once again we're gonna be passing preschooler Linda all right that's two we have one more time to pass her because I'm gonna have to go back that way again the two out of three so far and Linda we have to just chase the Team Plasma grunts who ran away back to this route and believe it or not this battle is gonna be just like the last one where I press playing charge and win something to note actually I am using the touchscreen for pretty much like every action in a battle if you try to use the face buttons when you press the a button in the battle its first gonna like show a reticle around the option that you want to pick and then a second a button press will then confirm it so it requires additional presses to use the base button so it's actually faster and I think all das Pokemon games at least fourth and fifth gem to use the touch screen for all battle commands I think it's the same in 6th Angevin 7th right at 7 you can use either or I forgot our pillows well actually this is fine we're back okay on repel is probably because like that's fine messed up for peláez early I'm like totally in the mode where I just keep confirming them so we didn't waste a few only one encounter that's fine alright final pass by Linda let me by alright we're done with oh there's not a shaking grass spot oh my god yeah fantastic so I guess to explain those there's something introduced in this game called like the shaking spots there's like shaking grass spots and then like a dust cloud in caves as well as like a whirlpool like there's specials really the special squares in like all areas where you can encounter different Pokemon than normal and on those squares they just appear randomly sometimes when you're walking around and that's what we had happen there I think you still get the encounter you've ever appellative yes sorry Chad yes it happens we're all feeling that right now like I can already just envision that wutface wutface everyone in my room is sick I for the most part managed to avoid it but it's impossible here yeah we gotta cuts mean anyway let me hopefully spare all our ears well during the cutscene I'm just gonna jump in real quick we have a thousand dollars from John G 157 John says got to catch them all just kidding that's a different category hi shed so I guess before we move here I'll check how many repels I have I want to have it at least two you should have two yeah as long as I have two we're fine I think we're gonna have two since I ended up not using them in that last route yeah you bought six and use two extras that you're all good now I'll just double check real quick so we do have exactly the amount I need all right so that works out unfortunate that I wasted some but we're back on track now welcome to Pokemon where we learn basic math yeah all right so we are gonna get the bike now this is gonna speed up our movement considerably something annoying about the fifth gen bike it actually makes moving a single tile with it very difficult the bike in fifth generation goes from like zero to full speed instantly whereas in fourth gen it had a bit of acceleration to it so it makes moving a single tile actually fairly difficult but that's only gonna really matter in a few places where we're trying to navigate around trainers and stuff and it's like a very tight line so hopefully that's fine I've had a fair amount of practice with the bike by this point but when I started running you better believe that I hit so many additional trainers more than you're supposed to hit with it yeah it's even harder when you have to turn frame on the bike and then you're like trying to go that one tile and you just go to either trying to adjust for the turn frame all right so I'm going around castelia city this is like the this is the biggest city in the game it's got a like a lot of corridors I believe it's modeled after New York City the whole whole region is modeled after some New York there's like the state as a whole but I believe this is New York City so there's quite a few alleyways quite a few it's a lot of branching pathways and we're traveling around we're gonna be entering various buildings to talk to I believe it's pronounced Harlequins and if we talk to all of them then when we leave the area I'll get a rare candy which will be necessary later on there are three of them and we talked to one of them in that building earlier to get an item called the experience share which when we catch our next Pokemon that we'll be replacing to have a cone leave that at the start because we're gonna again we're gonna be using pignite throughout the gym in this town since it is a bug Jim and Fire as a type has an advantage against the blood type so it allows us to clear it a little bit faster so now we are chasing Team Plasma into the sewers and after that after we encounter them we're actually gonna do attempting rng manipulation once again and this one we're gonna have plenty more chances to do so hopefully I get it if we get bad luck we can just keep attempting it and my seed is about 50% consistent so like I mentioned earlier RNG seeds in this game they are there's five possibilities for every second and they don't all have the same frequency they're not all 20% so I found a seed where the dirt like the Pokemon I'm gonna need to catch is actually 50% likely so hopefully we get it within only a few tries I guess small note before this battle actually uh my epic seed so we started the game in spring so that uh spring or summer actually both have the water and the sewers raised that we can take that pathway instead of using the stairs and it's a little bit faster so that's like the only point in the run where the season matters all right so we're gonna flame charged scraggy since I'm not in blazed and dois hit the razor shell after what the razor shell is not a 100% accurate moves and if here misses that Sandile will get to hit me and does hurt quite a bit you can actually faint in this battle I think it happened to crafted once and it's just up to hue at that point he has to finish it by himself which if that happens it's just slow I don't think you really has a chance of losing it's happen to me as well yeah it's never happened to me so until I heard about it happening to crafted I had no idea but you get a free heal after the fight yep we got strengths which we'll be using quite a bit down the road we don't need it for a little bit and so now what we're gonna do after these textboxes we're gonna attempt the RNG manipulation but it's quite a few text boxes still so we have time for a few donations one or two all right well I'll start with this one here twenty dollars from crafted Roger I wrapped it here good luck on the run I also have a $500 donation from oh no I 37 says oh no I donated $500 never miss a GDQ best of luck on the run no he actually spelled it correctly okay all right so what we need to do to hit our seed is I'm gonna be changing the date we've currently been or we have been playing in 2010 but we're gonna change it to February 7th on 2012 were jumping ahead a little bit and like I said it's a very specific second on a very specific day in a very specific year and in order to hit our intended Pokemon we need to do that and then I'm going to open the game on the 11th second so that it starts on the 12th second and if we get good luck then hopefully we will get our drill bear first try which is the Pokemon we are attempting to catch we're going to boot it up and what we're gonna look for drill burr only appears in dust clouds like everything about this is manipulated we had to like when I routed the seed we have to find a way to manipulate the dust clouds appearance and then to hit it at the right spot or like at the right time so that the right Pokemon appears into it since it's changing constantly so we're gonna run through this and if you see me turn off the DS than it means I recognize that I got bad luck and we did not get the intended seed which could happen first try oh that's not no that's supposed to happen I think I messed up oh no we may have ruined first try yeah it can't screw it up too so hopefully it doesn't no that's the wrong drill burr alright we'll try again that's unfortunate I did just find the seeds so something to know about the seeds as they can change in frequency and the seed I'd been using actually decreased from like a sixty percent success rate to a ten percent right before GDQ so I had to find a new one before this run a couple days ago so what you want to get rid of the repel first and then do new one oh no it's actually fine I think I think I actually turned a tile earlier no I turn yeah I turned a tile early that's my fault okay so it is a 50% like you don't know for sure what the success ratio of a seed is but just through brute-forcing and testing during the week I found that this one has about a 50% success rate so hopefully we don't have to do too many more to get it again there it is again alright let's not mess up this time I actually went way too many tiles short so they're down we'll use this repel we'll go down some more turn right up left down and that should be a female drill bore level 19 if we got this there it is good now we just have to cut you yeah it's not over yet this is scary too so this great ball we're just gonna throw at it immediately because this drill burr is a threat it could ko us like this great ball only is a 33% chance to catch and there it is so hopefully we don't see dig all right fury swipes is fine dig has a good chance of KO in us if it uses it because this drill burr is manipulated to have perfect IVs so it is particularly powerful if it gets the chance to use dig so hopefully we can catch it this time three oh no oh no alright mud-slap is fine I'm gonna throw a Pokeball I should probably heal or use the X defender we'll do that if this doesn't catch come on yes all right actually uh if we could confirm that I'm spelling this correctly uh I believe the donation incentive is for the name common ah so can we confirm that I am spelling this correctly when I do this absolutely this that is correct nice I actually had the Google one uh what that was when that got put up as the name for a drill burr and it's apparently an anime character that has various drill based attacks he's the special move he has a special move that he calls Giga drill break I believe so I didn't know that before this run that was pretty interesting to me all right so something nice about the drill burr we caught which actually I'll check it stats just a double check but I'm fairly certain we're okay all its IVs except for its special attack which we barely use our thirty-one is adamant nature that is correct all right we're good so that drill burr is adamant natured which again nature's increased a stat by 10% and lower another one by 10% adamant increases your attack stat by 10% and lowers your Special Attack stat by 10% which is definitely optimal for drill bruh we're gonna need both our defensive stats and we're not really gonna be making use of both of our attacking stats like we were with Tepig Tepig was using both his physical attack with tackle and flame charge and his special attack with ember that's not really the case with drill Bert weird if there's one fight very early on we're gonna be using mud slap which does calculate off of gentle burrs special attack but it's not really an issue and as long as the IV is above four which isn't really demanding he'll be able to KO all right so now I gave the experience shared a drill Bert but we're gonna keep using pig night for this Jim and at the end of this Jim that's going to be it for pig night unfortunately after that he's got one use and it's just strength drill Bert replaces him because drill burr is definitely a lot more powerful drill burr has much better like he's got better typing both offensively and defensively he can cover a lot more types than pignite and eventually Emboar would be able to additionally his stats are just better he's got much better speed she's got high attack his defenses are fairly good as well and like I said his typing just makes those defenses even better cuz he has so many resistances as a steel type and fifth-generation fifth-generation was actually the last generation where steel still resisted ghosts and dark I believe a sixth generation I believe steel lost those resistances from correct so he has a lot more resistance than he would in later gens so we can definitely make use of those have a lot of advantages in most fights and his move pool is just fantastic he gets to boosting moves which boost his stats whereas the drill like the epic line gets flame charge and that's it I think I never actually ran the end bore out but Tyron is definitely well versed in that and he can tell you exactly how terrible going through the game with em Boras compared to drill burr it's bad various dude I don't even need to explain it it's just terrible the reason we want to get a different Pokemon Smaug is not particularly useful very low power I believe has a chance to poison we're just gonna be making use of Ember and fling charge throughout this gym there's gonna be one more forced trainer this is like the first one really to have the puzzles um but if we go through it optimally we only have to fight three trainers also something I don't think I've pointed out up to this point is I've been walking up like most trainers if you walk in their path they'll approach you and battle you but if you talk to them it's a lot quicker even if you have to walk up to them because when they first see you they get like there's that exclamation point above their head and then there's like a large delay before they actually walk to you so it saves quite a bit of time like I did it earlier from one trainer just because I kind of normally it's part of my orangey manipulation but I kind of just did it muscle memory you know but I walked in front of her and it definitely takes quite a bit more time for the battle to start especially if they walk to walk towards you because there's just like a full delay even after the exclamation point above their head disappears where they they just don't do anything it takes them a sec to even start walking to you and then they have to walk to you at a fairly slow pace so in most cases I'm going to be talking to any trainers rather than letting them walk to me if I have to battle them this is true in every generation up until gen7 gen 7 for whatever reason they just decided that they'll always have the exclamation point so I think I don't think a safety safe is merited here I decided earlier that it wasn't but we do need to heal pignite before we start this fight he has gotten a little bit low that's gonna be dangerous so we switched over to the front I'm gonna send him out and just switch him back out he has been getting experience with the experience share but by putting drover into battle he's gonna get a larger share of the experience so because Berg's Pokemon are fairly high level we want to get as much of that experience on the dribbler as possible and it's just barely gonna work out that he's like drill burs at the levels we need them to be at certain points so this is very important so drover definitely cannot take on this it has Razor Leaf super effective and we're not even a higher level than it yet so we're just getting it in there to get some experience what pignite take the hit that was a crit okay I do believe it might end up healing in this fight just to be safe so I'm a little bit high we're gonna ember on this turn because I have my health as decently high ranae's him a flame charge too since my health is still pretty high 44 will probably end up healing on Levani that's fine I could die to a crit still like the only Pokemon Center we've been to still in the run is the one all the way back in the beginning so I've actually died in this fight before I think my very first run I died on this fight it sends you back to the first town still so we'd have to spend several minutes coming back so I'm gonna switch common ahir in - I don't even know if I'm pronouncing that correctly I hope I am but um just to get more experience on both these pokemon but we need to pick Knight back in this could be dangerous I think I could die to like a Maxwell print that's fairly unlikely and it went for razor leaf it does much more damage with cuts instead but we're just gonna heal up to see oh there's the critter okay that I'm glad I healed we could have just died right there we would have probably very likely all right now we're safe even from a crit dost we'll go for flame charge even if it doesn't ko which did I would have been faster at that stage anyway we made it through so good things for the heel there else it is very possible I could have died and right here we're gonna learn our first move on drill Bert teaching over fury swipes poem the clause is a boosting move um it doesn't do damage but it increases our attack and our accuracy by one stage that's gonna be very useful for powering up drill burn and fights where he just doesn't quite have that yet and also we're gonna be using a move rock slide that doesn't have perfect accuracy but after one home clause which raises your accuracy it cannot miss anymore so that's gonna be good for later in the run makes it a little bit more consistent if we're not missing rock slides except on one Pokemon and then eventually we're actually gonna be replacing hone Clause and will lose the ability to increase our accuracy but for this stage of the run it's very nice that we can generally rely on rock slide when we have the chance to boost alright so now that that Jim is done there is one more Harlequin we need to talk to you in order to get that rare candy I mentioned earlier so we're gonna head here he's upstairs well I'm getting this we actually do have time for a few donations alright got the washer and one nine two five five $50 says greetings from the back couch Pokemon is a great series in speed game with exciting moments and I always make sure to donate during the Pokemon run and I've got $100 from me gots this me gots this from PS are here hi Trevor person hi keys are on hi tyrant for tonight - Anakin's hi Greaves Arabi as a runner of two games one controller this goes to zero two games one controller punch-out run alright so we're gonna be introduced to a fairly important character here we don't know much about him as of yeah but his name's colas and in general he's gonna spend the majority of the game trying to I believe in his own words bring out the power of Pokemon like right there so he becomes curious with us and wants to battle us just because he finds interest in us he sends his power in us but we don't know much about him until later on but we will encounter him a few times he is going to be an important character later and also he's going to clear a road block for us that would have otherwise been there if we hadn't beaten the third Jim there's gonna be a series of dwell I believe in the road that he's going to use a machine to move for us otherwise we would not be able to move on now that we've talked to all the Harlequins this guy will give us the rare candy and this will be very useful later it's actually very convenient how the route works out that we get the level and the move we need just in time for an important battle so you'll see that coming up so coal rust will use his machine to move I should there crustle out of the way the evolution of dwell and from this point on this is drill burrs first solo battle so from at this point on I'm afraid pignite is relegated to just the sidelines we will be using him for strength later on although on an optimal run that did was able to do the first manipulation early on that I had to use the backup cart for we wouldn't even use pick night big night would be benched entirely because we have side up for strength inside act is better for strength generally because it also gets surf but we weren't able to do that one interesting aspect of this particular fight is there's a sandstorm on and like like I said earlier everything about this drill Burr has manipulated its ability is awesome and if you waited this drill burr will always have sand force sand force is an ability that increases the power of a I believe ground rock and steel moves or is it just all moves in sandstorm I'm not quite sure but either way it boost mudslides mud slaps power there to be able to consistently to hit the Magnemite we could use dig on the Magnemite however the Magnemite has sturdy which is an ability that prevents it from fainting in just one move so being able to use mud slap twice in a row rather than having to use dig which is a - turn move is better and where there's never a sandstorm again so we manipulate sand force just for that battle and that's it gerbil ability will never be relevant again we're gonna be coming up like all the aspects of this drill burr is manipulated is female for a reason as well obviously adamant as to increase its power even level 19 is convenient cuz it's the highest level of drill burr that you like we got it at level 19 and that is the highest level of drill burr that can be encountered in that area and it also learns to dig at that level so that we can exit the cave quickly so this is another side thing we can do in the game it's called joint Avenue if you've played the seventh generation of Pokemon ultra Sun and ultra mode it actually is very similar to the Festival Plaza I believe there's like even lottery shops that have like a very similar list of rewards but we don't want anything to do with that so I'm just quickly entering quickest text I can and getting out of here you're gonna head straight over to a building that used to be the gym I believe in black and white the original but has since become like it is no longer the gym is just a normal roller coaster park I guess I don't think we've mentioned it yet but this is a or I did mention it briefly but to elaborate on it this game is not a sequel Pokemon games generally least two versions of basically what is the same game with different Pokemon and usually a like slightly different legendary Pokemon that looked like the storyline focuses on and then like later on like maybe one or two years later they'll release a third version it's also is very similar but it has like some minor upgrades maybe more Pokemon overall but that's not what they did with black and white um it does not have the same storyline and it's actually a true sequel it takes place two years after the original black and white so instead of having a mostly similar plotline it's actually a team plasmas resurgence trying to come back after the defeat two years prior all right so we are gonna have two battles in this area and they are both gonna be using electric pokemon because the gym that we're gonna be going to afterwards is actually an electric gym but you'd imagine that drill burr is going to be fairly you know well equipped to deal with electric pokemon and for the most part drill burr is but they're the gym leader is gonna pose a problem for a reason you'll see when we get there and there is a rather annoying ability that a lot of the pokemon and the gym have called static static is an ability that actually this is fluffy I'm about to fight has as well it has a 30% chance to paralyze you if hit if you hit them with a contact move which my best move right now is dig out there's no way I'm gonna be using anything else so I can get paralyzed hitting any of these pokemon with dig and I decided that I'm going to be donating $5 to the charity for every time I get static and if I don't get static tat all then I'm just gonna donate any flat 50 which is higher than even if I got stacked by everything so hopefully we get the fastest scenario the most money for the charity but it's very unlikely a fortune unfortunately but no static there they're really annoying thing about static is if I do get it I do have to like drop everything and get rid of it immediately static is a big problem when you're using a type a to turn move like dig because it can actually interrupt dig on either turn that it takes for dig to happen and if that happens the move is canceled completely and it uses a Power Point or PP and I need every dig I have so I can't risk wasting one if I get paralyzed it also slows you down so you'll be slower than things if you're paralyzed which is also annoying yep through the sixth generation of Pokemon it speed slows you down to 1/4 of your normal speed and I believe they made it a little bit weaker and it's only half in seventh generation yeah I think that's right so the gym is a little bit to the right but before we do that we're gonna go heel drill Burtt in the PC and I believe we would get the the pidove and the Psyduck in here as well if we had them we're just gonna heal for now we would have deposited them earlier because I don't know if you notice when we're going through the early game routes but good you want to have pignite yeah yeah I do I was just I'm used to the movement when I have Sai like infidel I got confused for a second all right so we're gonna talk to this guy he's gonna give us red charge these are gonna be useful down the road move tutors in this game will give you buy those hyper potions those revives and escape rope I'm getting confused between this trip and the later one but we need those hyper potions and revive just in case something happens in this gym there is a couple things that can happen but hopefully we'll be fine or I was supposed to buy paralyze yes okay that is an issue all right this Jim easily has my favorite music in the entire game I mean turn up the bass Dee but it is an electric Jim for the most part drill will be fine I might have to leave and by those paralyzed deals I don't just weak bit static twice yeah yeah I was supposed to buy four of them so if we get static that's gonna be an issue I think I'll just leave after this that's a small mistake we can go buy them it's I think it's very unlikely we don't get static but like I said if we don't that'd be really good and I'll be donating more so let's just all pray I'd never get static I think the average is twice per runs not my average yeah I already there yes static is 33% 90 the time and there it is we're probably gonna go back for the paralyzed heels you should know Shannon averages mean nothing in pokey yeah very true all right so we do need to get rid of that really quick all right so this Ellicott actually swapped out unturned run one and it's because it has absolutely no moves to at me with its only attacking moves or electric moves and as the ground type Pokemon drill burr is completely immune to them all right unfortunate that I made that mistake we're gonna have to leave and go by paralyze Hills it's I think it's very unlikely we end up making it through without them I I want multiple for the gym leader anyway because she has two Pokemon with static and you could get paralyzed by both in fact one of them you can get paralyzed by multiple times because you have to hit it multiple times so this silly mistake though it's easy enough to fix so by four paralyzed heals and that makes up for that earlier we'll have plenty to make it through the gym right now we buy normally I used one so we'd have if I hadn't used that one already we'd have a total of six and that's just because you can get paralyzed up to six times generally if you get like the absolute worst luck so even in the worst case scenario you'd be fine alright so we fixed it and so now that I did that and took time to go get those paralyzed heals we're never gonna get paralyzed again that's generally generally how it goes can make me feel silly for going and doing it but in the worst case we will be prepared can you say it's RNG manipulation if you don't get paralyzed exactly exactly so what is that one static so far I get one step far you guys are matching here right I'll match you all that yeah yeah all right silence from the other one over oh my god dollars oh man more money for charity yeah anyone on the back couch won a match - all right show of hands all right I'm on camera please all right so blissful does not have aesthetic so that's nice believe the next trainer also has a blitz 'el so we're gonna have a few more opportunities get paralyzed we're at $10 so far for paralyzed heels left I think I actually could end up using all these paralyzed heels cuz uh yeah this trainer has I believe in Ellicott and then in theory against the gym leader if I got the absolute worst luck I could be paralyzed three separate times which would really suck it would make the battle really slow I'm gonna end up having to heal a bunch cuz I'm gonna keep getting hit while I'm getting rid of the paralysis and it's gonna be really unfortunate so we need to keep track of my health here but it's probably gonna I mean we can play it safe and heal before the fight but it's also fine to heal in the fight generally all right another opportunity for static this elekid's just like the other one and not it doesn't have anything to hit us with but it's still annoying because it has static 30 15 I think there's a few chances left for three more or three more yeah all right so we are going to learn flash right here and that's very useful just because for the very first Pokemon that the gym leader has actually is an electric and Flying type so even though electric would normally have the weakness to ground type moves the flying type actually gives it immunity flying types are completely immune to ground type moves in general sorry I love this gym shadows fool cats right now I hope all right so really quick before we do this I am gonna heal just to be safe we don't really have to but we also gotta get rid of the paralysis anyway so that pause is fine I guess I'll use the protein while I'm here as well protein is a vitamin that increases attack Eevee's by 10 what V's are their effort values which are something gained whenever you ko Pokemon normally but vitamins are another way to gain them every time you get four V's for a particular set its value increases by one so giving us ten would increase the attack by two overall all right so here's the electric and flying-type Emolga we have to hone claws up once and then we're gonna be slashing it slashing is a contact move and Emolga does have static and it takes two hits so we didn't get paralyzed on the first one that was a crit all right that's fine ghost heel on laughs II did not get paralyzed by Emolga there so we'll heal here because fluffy is a range okay so flat fears takedown that's gonna do a little bit of recoil damage to it so that means this dig is guaranteed to KO it we could get paralyzed that would be really bad we didn't alright fifteen dollars I'm still doing fifty this fight with on the end board route was it's very terrible because you just get bolt switched over and over but you can't get that with drill burst into the ground typing yeah volts which is a move on when it hits you it does damage and then that pokemon also switches out at the same time so it's very annoying I don't know since I never ran that route I'm not quite sure whether her patterns of like what she's switching to was consistent or even if she used volts which consistently at the same time but if she doesn't I assume that would cause it was quite a lot of problems this is just annoying and slow yeah constantly switching Pokemon yeah that's pretty nice we pick up drover and then it's immediately an electric-type Jim can really utilize it right away full switch there we go alright so we do have half the badges now we are not quite halfway through the run though Fievel team takes up a good part of the second half but we're coming up to some of drill burrs hardest fights now drill burr is approaching that stage where he's going to evolve he evolves at level 31 however the next upcoming fights one in particular is really bad really quick we're gonna actually use the rare candy the reason we're using the rare candy now actually um is that drill like the most efficient way to use a rare candy is to use it when you have no experience really towards your next level to get like the maximum use out of it because no matter how much experience you have where candy just brings you to the minimum amount of experience to level up so if you use it when you have basically no experience you're getting the maximum amount of value out of it so we're gonna use it now to get to level 29 learn rockslide which will be useful in the aforementioned difficult battles coming up we are gonna have another couple battles with Team Plasma groans and the first one is really easy and the second one is absolutely awful and I hate it it can either go really bad and look fine and you'll wonder like well what is he talking about that fights easy or or we could get put to sleep confused super fangs like yeah it depends on like if he goes for confused right if he hits hypnosis like or if he just goes for super fang instead of trying to do those things to me hey Trevor [ __ ] jump in real quick we have an anonymous $1000 donation says it says long time watching and now I can finally afford to donate had to donate during my favorite Pokemon Jen my dad went through cancer treatments twice and it's wonderful to see the gaming community come together for such a great cause putting this donation towards the punch-out and super punch-out run I have enough trouble with both games on their own so seeing them done at the same time is going to be absolutely nuts just a quick update we are getting closer to that punch-out run and we are over the 900 thousand dollar mark so I'll tell you why right now if we can hit both of those I will double the static the static payoff there myself I'm gonna I'm gonna match it anyway but I will double it if we can get the punch-out met and hit a million dollars before the end of this run all right so unfortunately we are having quite a difficult battle here I got hit by hypnosis and I'm confused and I hit myself once thankfully were through it I think there I have a highlight on my channel where I think I get Hypno's this and then I'm confused and I hit myself six times in a row and eventually end up dying in that fight it's absolutely awful if you get terrible luck thankfully even though it started looking bad we did eventually just get through confusion did have to use a couple extra healing items which could be a problem but we have a couple extra so it depends what happens throughout the rest and run how many we have to use but long as it's okay we should have enough eleven we bought 11 hyper potions and normally that's actually enough to get through the whole run without any more but we couldn't end up needing more since I wasted a few there not too many all right so that fight is one of the terrible fights we do have two more fights that are fairly bad and the next one is definitely the worst one though I think in practice I died to it twice and it runs my PB has a death to this fight like there's just so many ways it can go wrong and you can't really play it safe there's like no safe way to play it because if you try to slow it down and set up you just get overwhelmed so we have to kind of hope for the optimal scenario would definitely be safety saving because it could go absolutely awful so many ways it can go wrong but first it is a triple battle and because I don't have side I can pidove in order to even do the triple battle we need a third Pokemon so we're gonna catch this pokemon right here the Makino who will be our third pokemon in the battle normally we would not need this I just walk away and say see ya but since we did not get the correct seed early on for Tepig do you need to grab him real quick so Makino makes an appearance here I am going to weaken him before I catch him actually not only because it makes it easier but also because with him weakened sometimes he won't we need it okay we need the Rings Dino to die immediately in the triple battle or else he'll steal some of the experience so him being weakened actually guarantees he died dies because I in one run I didn't wake in him that I needed to grab him and he does survive depending on the stats he rolls unless he's already low so this just guarantees that he dies turn one sorry makes me know but your your job is to die and this is the battle so we are definitely safety saving before this guy this guy is the heartbreaker Charles in both black and white and this game he teaches you how to triple battle and I think in both runs he poses quite a bit of a challenge drill Bert isn't evolved yet it's a triple battle so there's three Pokemon in the opposing side that could really be a problem and if we're gonna be needing to use rockslides like one way we can go wrong as rockslide missing we can get psybeam confused we can get critic right like so many different things can happen and if any of them happen it almost always is a loss so we're just if everything goes correctly everything on my side except Rover is alive or is dead drovers the only thing on my side the arkin is dead and sigilyph is low so we're gonna rock slide and then pick night and making those turns are fairly useless so we're actually gonna use pick Knights turn to give an exit tack to drill Burr and Messina can do pretty much anything so makes you know will faint pig knight should faint to a psybeam and then Tommy I might take a little bit of damage here we get the rockslide first we do hit them both that is a perfect first turn so you're on track with what we want in fact a single lift using psybeam is really good because it can also use air cutter and that hits multiple Pokemon so journal bird would have taken even more damage so far this is really good so now a like one aspect of triple battles is Pokemon on opposite side so drovers all the way on the Left Internet two guys all the way on the right they can't hit each other so when they're the only ones left in the battle they just get Auto centred into a one-on-one we do takeout that's just you guys so that is as good of a charles fight as we could have had that is i can't tell you how many times that we've died to that fight like there's so many things that can go wrong it's truly an awful flight and another thing with that fight that's really annoying when you get Auto Center it also changes your position the party so if you need to heal you actually have to heal the second slot instead of the first go switches yeah I've tried to heal the first slot before and if you do that that wastes your turn and then you just die that's more on you than just luck but yeah that's happened to me all right so we do need duck lit now which is unfortunate so we're gonna be as we cross the bridge here we're gonna be looking for shadows to appear and they have a chance of being a duck lit that's the only thing they can be and duck what's gonna be useful because since we don't have Psyduck since we don't have pidove we need a different pokemon to learn these HMS to progress through the game and pidove can learn both surf and fly which makes it very useful so the only other two we need other than strength which pig Knight will be used for so hopefully we just catch this right away because it does have a water move and it has awkward ring up so it's gonna feel yep I don't want to hit it again I'm out like I was already scared to hit it with flash because flash is a higher critical hit ratio and if it does get created just faint generally so hopefully this gets it and then we're set on pokemon for the remainder of the run [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was relatively painless I've gone back and forth on this bridge for up to two minutes before without even encountering a doclet luck later in this run has been pretty good even though we didn't get the tip exceed and the temp exceed wasn't incredibly likely from the get-go there's only so much you can do with that one might epochs need is like 30 40 percent so it wasn't really in our favour to begin with all right so we're now in drift Bell City um we're gonna be encountering the base of old members of Team Plasma the the character on the bottom in the more white suit is a member of like a next member of Team Plasma that has the outfit they wore in the previous game and since that game they've split off and decided to repent for their actions so they were arguing because the the new Team Plasma member wanted to the older one to rejoin oh I didn't heal okay we're gonna have to exit this getting caught my commentary so we do need to heal brood is the final fight before drill burr evolves but he is also decently difficult certainly not as bad as Charles but we're definitely gonna heal up before fighting him while I am here we will also revive pignite we don't need mix you know though that should be it so now I will take him on so the reason this fight is a little bit tricky is because he's going to lead with a hurry ER and the dirtier has an ability called intimidate which will lower my attack by one stage which I believe puts it at 2/3 its normal value if I'm correct so that makes taking down herder a little bit longer not to mention the fact that it will also set up on me with work up and do quite a bit of damage but I could theoretically get a rockslide flinch and make this a lot easier but I didn't get it that's okay so we'll just flash it now and take it out so I'm a little bit low right now healthy enough to survive this attack notably even though our attack got lowered it actually doesn't matter against moobot that was a range it could have kayoed but we didn't quite get it whenever something's arraigned is arranged attacks can do various amounts of damage within a set like range of damages and uh that could have fainted on that first rock slide but it did not unfortunately just luck based there there's 16 possible damage outcomes and it's just determined by a formula and just rounded in a funky way sometimes so sometimes you'll see something as odd as you could do 14 to 15 damage but you have a 1 in 16 chance to do 12 and a 1 in 16 chance to do 16 yeah I believe we got there there's probably 10 out of 16 right there for my notes are to be believed that sounds about right numbers all right we got X control the true carry of this run way better than n board could ever dream of being external like I mentioned before has fantastic typing a great move fool gets boosting moves like everything is an X controls favorite in fact excadrill was banned from a competitive place because in back in 5th generation it's not banned anymore just due to like the eventual power creep but back when it came out X control was so good it was just banned it has so much going for it it's easily one of the best Pokemon introduced in this generation which is why we're making use of it pick night sucks alright so we were offered a zoo there I actually really liked zuru it's one of my favourite Pokemon from this generation it hurts me to say no but slow don't need it unfortunate washes on the back ouch heartbroken right now all right so you may remember those red shards we got earlier they are useful for this move tutor we're gonna give excadrill one of its best moves in this run iron head is a very powerful move it has a 30% chance to flinch when a Pokemon is too flinched they just don't do anything that turn so whenever excadrill attacks anything with iron head like its target just has a 30% chance to do nothing which is very useful in multiple scenarios and you'll actually see that potentially in this gym if we get lucky it can make for some very fast bites too if you get the flinch yep rockslide awesome has that chance to flinch and it comes up occasionally not as often as iron head though because iron head I don't think I've explained same type attack bonus so there is something called stab which is an acronym sta B same type attack bonus whenever you use a move that has the same typing as there are Pokemon so excadrill is ground and steel so it gets that bonus on both those types it is this damage here like it is its power is multiplied by 1.5 so iron head is made significantly more powerful as a result of that and it's gonna be one of our main moves we use throughout this run dig has been getting the same same tack type attack bonus but dig is also a to turn move so we're gonna try to lean towards iron head just to uh save turns whenever possible I believe after stab it's like 120 power right it's really strong yeah it's very powerful we're gonna get Amy even more powerful move later earthquake but not quite yet so iron head is definitely more useful for now look at this drill burr yeah he wishes he was good as our excadrill I'm sorry he's gonna gonna have to show so having just evolved into excadrill our drill burr is actually extremely powerful for the stage of the game you notice we're above the level of our opponents many of our opponents aren't even fully evolved so their stats are much lower the Sandile has intimidate it's gonna lower our attack doesn't matter it's dead can't even stand up to excadrill so excadrill is gonna be fairly powerful for quite a while but it's eventually gonna catch up with us because we're gonna be skipping so many trainers coming up I went the wrong way that's yeah they give me but this gym is that every room is in darkness and until you actually go to the platform it doesn't actually light up but you would think I know the pathway through but apparently I forgot briefly it ended up being okay because we didn't run into a trainer I just didn't count three up I thought I had all right this is clay um you might want to explain how this well I'll explain how this fight works with excadrill first and then afterwards we can uh we can do how em door handle this cuz Emboar had a much worse time with this fight but we're gonna get intimidated here we do want to get rid of that pretty much immediately so we're gonna switch out which will get rid of the attack drop sacrifice pig night so that we can switch excadrill back in and get our attack back up so this will allow it to KO croco rock here in one hit without the attack drop that would not be possible and then upcoming is sand slash sands lash is fairly high defense that we can't ko it in one attack but if we get the iron head flinch we won't it won't be a problem because we can just to hit it really quick so we're really looking for that flinch here otherwise we have to do oh we got it but that's a really low roll it might not faint here okay we got it that's really good that is the best thing that could have happened there so if we didn't get that flinch then what would have ended up happening is I would have needed to switch out excadrill because it would get hit by bulldoze which lowers its speed and then we wouldn't be able to out speed the opposing ex controller and ko at one Hey I believe we actually out speed that excadrill just barely by like one or two points if I remember correctly just because our stats are better even though we were a lower level it's Emboar you'd want to get into the fight I like a certain HP range that way you get blaze a specific point in the fight and you I think you had a heat crash I've won for this fight and you'd use that and you'd have to switch out you'd have to hope for either two specific moves to happen and you just have to like play with those moves and it's just is a mess it sounds awful yeah and at this point you wouldn't even have many X items right because in the first black and white there's a town I believe the with the second gym where you are able to purchase X items very early but you don't get those until route 9 in this game right because you don't go to that time you're very limited on X items to help and more along at this stage yeah I'm pretty sure you had to use the X defend for a fight with them bore as well would make sense and bore as a fire-type would have a weakness to everything there doesn't help that n boards already really slow probably had a problem with that as well I'm pretty sure you actually might been I mean we're only level 31 right now so unless there was some extra fights or I don't actually know how their experience curves compare so it's very possible I just forget about n boards so bad we don't want to remember ever since excadrill route became a thing it's just this game so much more consistent with Sambora and bor is the final evolution of a pick night alright so the next segment of the run is the pokemon world tournament it's a little side thing it's actually I personally enjoyed it might as well play through but um and the speedrun it's kind of tedious we're gonna be fighting in like a knockout single elimination tournament style against with seven other trainers and we just need to win it to progress it is required to initiate like the next plasma sequence team plasma so we do need to do it but it's it's really easy there's very little variance there is some which we'll explain but for the most part everyone everyone that we're gonna be fighting has their levels locked at 25 and our excadrill is level 33 so with an eight level advantage there's very little that can happen to actually make us lose so it's fairly simple but the things that is interesting about the Pokemon world tournament is if an enemy Pokemon can have multiple abilities the ability they have is actually random and it does end up mattering there's gonna be some relevant abilities that we don't wanna see but Hugh here not so much the only thing with Hugh is we're gonna have a range to deal with on dawat and if we don't get it it doesn't matter too much but I have had like the rare thing happened where he'll use water pools and get the 10% confusion on me I believe so I mean that's like the worst thing that can happen is fight otherwise to you is basically free so as long as dick K as I was here like that's it yep so I I deal with be over here we do have time for a donation all right I've got five hundred dollars from billion swine says loving the pokemon run but we need this punch out run come on guys real quick I've also got three hundred and fifty dollars from mr. Bojangles congratulations on the static paralysis I did say I wanted to double the total but I'm also bad at math how much was that we had a 15 per with the four of us right so I'm just yeah he said he said he's getting 150 yeah I'm gonna do fifty so that's actually gonna be 95 and then we got some matches on the back couch mm that's that's pretty close alright so next is chaired and unlike our first encounter with him he's gonna be significantly easier the only thing going on with this fight is that just like I mentioned the his first Pokemon is a Scotland which can have one of two abilities intimidate or sand rush and we really want sand rush because San Rush doesn't do anything in this fight it doubles his speed if he's there's a sandstorm which there isn't it's useless if he has intimidate that's gonna lower my attack and I need to waste a turn setting it back up with home clause so hopefully we do not see intimidate pop up here it did not so I can just iron head him which is unlikely to KO yeah that's a 1 in 16 chance to KO I would have I would have popped off if that cared but without the attack drop we don't need to waste time using home clause we can just sweep right through them we're much more powerful now cheran doesn't stand a chance and that brings us to the final battle so I mean I guess something notable about this is because it's considered like a battle facility almost like like the battle tower and previous games we don't get any experience but it's I I mean it only affects the routing right you don't get any experience so just have to kind of discount all of these Kos and everyone get much experience anyway because they're all level 25 and Gen 5 has an interesting experience curb that only generation 5 and 7 years where the amount of experience you get in a battle is a determined by a comparison to like your pokemons level versus theirs like it's not just a set amount if you're a higher level versus a lower level you'll get less experience than that Pokemon would normally give and vice-versa if you're to lower you'll get more they did not use that curve for generation 6 but they brought it back for generation 7 Sun Moon which is interesting all right so this is coalesced again still an important character still don't quite know what's going on with him still just doing his research uh another random ability that's relevant this Magneton will either have sturdy which again prevents them from dying in one hit or magnet pull which keeps me to still like keep sex schedule stuck in battle but that doesn't matter we want him in battle so we really want him to die here and not have sturdy but that's thirty so we're gonna mirror shot crit and lowered my accuracy so I can start missing now so this is what we really didn't want to see like there's not much threat of dying here but I could just start missing a lot because of that accuracy drop I've had it happened before there's two and missing you dig would be annoying just cuz it's a - turn move so as long as we don't miss it it's fine other than this dirty alright try that again come on ex girl you got this there we go and that's it for the pokemon world tournament very convenient that all those random pairings ended up being very important story characters I never would have imagined and because it is a battle facility like the battle tower if you've played a Pokemon game a lot of battle facilities like the battle tower the battle frontier will give you something called BP which is like a separate currency you get for participating in that facility we're gonna get one and believe it or not that is very useful in this route we're gonna use it to buy a car boast which increases our speed V's by ten which as I mentioned before vitamins will increase your V's for a particular stat by that amount in those V's for every four you have will increase that stat by one and believe it or not thanks to this car boast there are several Pokemon in this run that we will only out speed by one point so it is in fact extremely useful but for now we won't be using it will there's no we don't need it quite yet like we want to avoid additional pauses whenever possible so we'll use it later when we actually need it and will actually have to carbo so we'll use them at once which will just barely push this over that threshold so we're about to start up another plasma segment with the plasma we're gonna be introduced to the plasma frigate which we actually saw briefly earlier in a cutscene when he looked at it and didn't really give it a second thought but now we're actually going to board it and fight several plasma grunts actually while I'm going through the earlier ones the early ones are pretty simple pretty standard so we do have time for a couple donations all right now go ahead and get one out of the way before I get yelled at we've got a $10 donation says hey Trev mizzle wife here just wanted to wish you good luck on the run and shout out to the pokemon speedrunning community donation goes to that handsome voice guy reading off donations love him honey keeps me from getting yelled at and then got a quick one here so you have to find it again there we go $20 from Newman 23 93 I've been enlightened from this Pokemon run and all my future characters will be named oh no I let's get to that $1,000,000 good luck to all the runners an amazing job by all the ones that have already completed their runs so we got one more single battle here and then actually we're going to be thrown into a couple double battles and I really like routing double battles in this game actually there's a lot more going on and it's it's like it's a lot more time consuming to like figure out like the best way to go about a double battle but I think it's a lot more interesting unfortunately one of them is with you and as we already established he's he's useless we don't we don't like being his partner but unfortunately he is our most frequent partner in double battles and there's not a single well there's one where usually he performs ok first we have cheran and Sharon's going to spoil us because he's the best doubles partner everyone anyone could ever ask for he's going to leave with the stout limb that we fought before it's going to have intimidate which isn't super important because they don't do much damage anyway but reducing damage is good and he's always generally going to go for attacks that will KO the enemy so this almost always ends up being like a to turn fight it's assuming everything goes well as long as I do not miss my rock slide here very good actually critical hit the Grimer - I don't think that matters or no it does so we're gonna deal with Crocker rock and I believe cheran will go first choice on light partum take it out for me they'll be a perfect to turn fight as long as he does that so I believe in Sharon he's always been a good doubles partner there he is he should get that ko and now Hugh B's was never a great doubles partner no not really so the thing with this fight is Hugh is going to leave with his dawat that we saw earlier in the Pokemon world tournament it's going to believe go for water pulls on the coughing that it has a 1 out of 16 chance to KO that coughing and if he does that we can have a to a perfect to turn fight but otherwise not so much so basically you never get the perfect fight here cuz Hugh is just weak as heck do not do not appreciate him as our doubles partner so here he goes no not even oh but he got the confusion wait is that gonna kill okay that's fine tutor Wow useful you did it dude he heard you talking smack only tonight the only time you'll ever hear him get complimented is right now I mean there's plenty more opportunities for him to be useless but we'll give him credit on that one I don't I don't think I've gotten many to turn fights there and that was not the fastest to turn fight because we had the confusion animation but I will absolutely take it that is almost always a 3 turn fight even the game is shocked so somehow the three of us managed to single-handedly take down and make completely worthless all these grunts here they all just don't know what to do about the children on their boat there's 12 and then what's gonna happen is what appears to be the leader Xin zulan who is actually one of the leaders of Team Plasma from the previous game he's one of the seven sages I believe we'll come out and call the shadow try to take us off the boat which apparently the shadow try it or some sort of like they're described as like a super human who have like the ability to paralyze people then they just take us off the boat and then they're going to make the mistake despite having this ability to just battle us later and be like oh we lost we can't do anything to you very interesting characters alright so we do have one more trip to the shop we're gonna get some full heels and escape rope for later and then spend the rest of our money on max repels that'll get us through the rest of the game now is the point where I would start just mashing a for max repels like I was doing earlier I was practicing late game yesterday so my bad on that one imagine the the first tile encounter right there alright so this route is the first one with like really a lot of spinners on it we haven't encountered too many spinners but hopefully those are the first two so there's actually four spinners on our way to the next gym hopefully we don't get hit by any of them we are still managing our PP the power points long they don't like getting hit by one or even two isn't really an issue and I've already passed two of them so we're probably going to be fine but we do have a limited number of iron heads to use and we do want to still if we do hit a spinner we don't want to we do want to take them out as fast as possible so not going to try to save the iron heads or anything unless I absolutely have to so this is the one required trainer though this should be the only one we fight before the next gym is everything goes perfectly I believe it's gonna waste time using an X item pretty sure most trainers in the scientist class like even back to older games always are the ones who like use X items to try and introduce you to their existence I guess was the purpose but outside of speedruns a lot of people don't even use X items despite them being incredibly useful I find we're gonna have a brief encounter with kabali on here I think that's how that's pronounced but he's one of the a lot of pokémon generations there is a legendary trio of Pokemon who all kind of have like the same theme going on I believe their theme is like justice like the they appear before the main character as like a validation that you like to help you basically because your motives are just but kabali on just appears before us and then runs away but two of them later on we're also going to encounter and they will not so this cave has quite a few trainers if I do everything perfectly we should hit none of them so I'm actually gonna focus here because there's a lot of like tight bike movement I don't like if I make even a like a one tile error we end up hitting a trainer so let me just there's also a spinner right here then we have to pass twice she turned right back just a little late there is something like spinners can just like turn back instantly and like you're not gonna wait right like you want to pass the spinner as soon as they turn away from you but if they turn back immediately there's like nothing you can do about avoiding them unfortunately okay we're out of his range anyway if I was one more tile to the right like that's he would have got me but like I was like that's the kind of an example of the bike in this game it's very difficult sometimes to move just one tile when you really want to since it goes from zero to full speed instantly that should be it through this cave don't forget the lucky eggs going to get it all right so we're gonna encounter the professor here for the first time I think we had a phone call with her at the very beginning of the game she's gonna give us the master ball not useful terrible item honestly we don't need it it is a item that lets you catch any pokemon without fail and honestly if I had that before drill burr that'd be really nice I just throw it at drill burr just we don't need anything but drill burr Zuber was easily the best pokemon in the game so but there now there's gonna be two things we need to do before we move on in the story we need to go see the professor who is researching at a tower and the route to the right and we also need to fight the gym leader and I believe you can do them on either order but we want to see the professor first because she's gonna give me an item called the lucky egg which I will not forget to put on excadrill and the reason it's so important that it gets put on excadrill is it multiplies the experience you get from battle by 1.5 so you level up much faster very important item and the reason everyone is reminding me not to forget it is I am notorious prefer just getting it and forgetting it to put it on excadrill and then I'm under levels and things out speed me that shouldn't and I'm getting hit and I die and then the runs death so I'm gonna get it and immediately put it on before I have the chance to forget and we're just gonna leave that on for the rest of the run so that X control levels up quite a bit faster also at some point I do need to deposit [Applause] all right that's that's most technical part of the run complete alright so now we're gonna head to the gym and the gym I actually really like this gym um it's got a neat gimmick going on it's completely psycho based and as long as your movement is perfect you'll never encounter a trainer like you can do this gym done correctly without ever encountering a trainer so the way it works on a cycle every couple seconds there's gonna be a gust of wind if you aren't in a couple safe spots like behind a wall the wind will push you down until you hit a wall and often that means being pushed into trainers the way it's laid out its laid out so that if you do get pushed by the wind at the wrong time you will hit a trainer but as long as my movement here is good I will never hit a trainer I believe it is for win cycles third five five [Music] all right that should be it now head straight to the gym we're nice all right so there is one theoretical problem with this generator so I mentioned earlier that everything about this X control is manipulated and I mentioned that it is intentionally a female driller that is because this foo vet is female and it has a tract which if you're the opposite gender can sometimes occasionally prevent you from performing an action so by being female I my exigent first of all my excadrill is immune to the attracting so it's not even gonna go for it and that's really good when I try to hit it and then the only other potential issue with this bite is wanna rocks right mister range SWANA is a 15 out of 16 range and if I miss it like everything it could choose to go for is really bad we don't want to see it ever get a chance to attack why might not missing this range twice you could also miss rocks light on that smooth that yeah it has unaware so I did use a hone clause which sets up for the later parts of the fight but the small bat has unaware which just makes my boost pointless it makes any boost change stat changes at all or ignored so the attack boost I had from home clause didn't matter on scuba but we wanted it for everything else alright so we are gonna get our most powerful move earthquake earthquake is a hundred base power 100 accuracy we get the same type attack bonus on it it's actually an incredible move it hits multiple Pokemon and double battles triple battles everything about it is really good I'm gonna be a very useful move throughout this run mm-hmm so often actually I get the steel wing has a small chance to increase defense there and I get that so often if it got it there it would have lived and then they would have healed and so many things but that is Scylla so now we can move on so for the most part throughout this run I think I've had fairly good RNG like we said before this run is pretty consistent but the orangey we've got is I think above average overall which is really nice but while I walk towards the next objective there's gonna be a few more cutscenes though feel free to fit in a few donations while we're doing that well this is the perfect opportunity for me to tell you that I have a 1000 donate dollar donation from Alistair says hey there agdq longtime viewer a longtime donator etc I've watched gdq few years and always appreciate what you all do for chair for the charities these events support this year the event hits a little closer to home my dad lost his nearly decade-long fight with cancer in April of 2017 through the remission period to the chemo the alternative treatment I always thought he would make it longer and be here to see me buy my first house in June get married this upcoming October and so many more things it's hard to think that there are many things he won't see and I wish that no one else would have to go through hopefully through events like this and the support of you all that could become a reality this donation is in his honor he always believed that money given to others who need it is the best way to spend money I hope to continue that tradition for as long as possible I love you dad and I miss you let's hit that million and wipe out cancer absolutely fantastic all right so this next area we're actually heading to a place called reversal mountain and we haven't touched on this earlier actually with one of the the differences between white 2 and black 2 but I am running white 2 right now and they are considered the same game for the purposes of speedruns and on the leaderboards and the reason white 2 is run over black 2 is in part because of this area it has a different layout and white tune black 2 and black - actually I believe force is an extra trainer battle compared to light - and additionally Charles earlier that triple battle we did in black - it's actually a rotation battle another type of battle that's three on three but instead of all three pokemon being active at once there's one out at a time in each turn you can swap and attack at the same time it's much slower than a triple battle even though it's safer and for that reason white 2 is run over block 2 so we're only gonna have to be forced to do one battle here you may have noticed that we do have a bianka following us she heals us after every battle which is kind of nice for the heal we're gonna get after the upcoming fight she'll also participate in this doubles battle and she's generally a good partner as well actually we do appreciate Bianca on our team she usually does what she needs to do we just need her to keep attacking this Shadow Ball normally and also there is one potential range here that could pose an issue but it's 75% so vibe raba here we really want to be taken out cuz otherwise I think I'm at the health range where vibrato could take me out if it doesn't die so we really want to yeah if I Bravo will take me out if it doesn't die here so we do want to get that 75 percent range did get it alright that's good then I don't think that particularly matters grumpig should be taken out by earthquake here so girl earthquake is a very useful move in double and triple battles like I mentioned earlier because it hits everything including your partner ooh grumpig does not die to that so we didn't need Shadow Ball Bianca's letting us down oh wait no nevermind she's good alright and then one more here on drifblim I do drifblim should survive this iron head so we do need shadow ball again from Bashar now here we got the flinch though that's really nice so that was overall really good battle I don't think that's ever a to turn battle it's always a three turn so that's as good as it can be and like I said that is the only battle we're gonna have to do in this area whereas I'm black - there would be at least one more I believe and the reason she was actually following us does she want to do some research on a Pokemon that lives in this area or rare one I believe it's he a trend or something yeah but we're just gonna leave her to her research we don't we're not really interested and we have what is probably one of the more difficult rival battles it's definitely the one with the most variants we want to be able to set up to hone claws in this battle to get to +2 attack and accuracy but this unfazed on I think it's pronounced will use taught sometimes it's either gonna use taunt or detect if uses taught turn one we only get one home claws and the fight is a little bit harder I really want to get to but it did go for taunts and we only get one it protected itself as well so just wasting time at this point so because we're only at plus one the samurai here is gonna get a chance to hit us and it's gonna do quite a bit of damage and if it does over half we're gonna have to heal it shouldn't i don't think unless he like max rolls we or he could just flinch we went for revenge oh yeah yeah yeah now he goes for Aquajet so i have to heal so now he'll go for Aquajet and that should do less than half and then even if he goes for Aquajet again we'll be safe yeah so unless it crits there we go and so that's how this fight goes if we got um to home close then Samara actually Falls to just a single earthquake and we would still probably be at full health so that is rather unfortunate we have to be at low health I'm gonna end up having to heal coming up but not quite yet there's also the annoying thing when your health gets that low and you have that music that takes it over the danger music and you don't get to actually hear the Treynor music the good music is taken away yeah oh dude I didn't even mention it but my drill bris need is a summer seed and on dela town the time we were just didn't has different beach music oh really that was interesting normally you're not supposed to hit this guy I actually intentionally blocked the wall there to avoid hitting him and then I was gonna go after that but like I guess I was either too fast or something happened there can't quite place what happened there that's fine he only has one Pokemon and it should just die too earthquake maybe we have revives we can use those so we'll just end in pick night here you go one more used here how the pick thing that's unfortunate oh no I used the revive alright so first accidental trainer actually looking on the upside of this at the very least I can I'll have a much safer fight against a trainer in the next gym because I should be a higher level because of the extra experience from this battle but still losing time overall on that one first one I didn't even know what he had I'd actually never hit that trainer before so one important item here is we're gonna grab a max ether this is gonna be very useful later on in the run because you noticed we're not really visiting Pokemon centers and we want to avoid that in general because it's really slow we have healing items max ether elixir items like that or items that restore the PP or power points so that you can keep using moves because when you run out of power points you can no longer use that move until you restore them each move has its own PP value and the more powerful moves tend to have less so like a lot of our moves at the start would have like 30 or 40 uses before you ran out but earthquake only has 10 I mean head is 15 and we're gonna be relying on those moves a lot so we are gonna need a couple restoring items late in the run for those and we're just learning more about the backstory now of the legendary Pokemon from this game which is Tyrael but while this is going on we still have a lot more text so you can read a few donations alright I've got 75 dollars from Magi obi-wan try of good luck on the run and may the rng be in your favor don't forget to defeat the cancer trainers with your amazing box movement strats I know you've been practicing let's Trev roll donation goes to runner's choice I've got $100 from anonymous my mom battled with stage 4 ovarian cancer for 6 years during agdq last year I asked her if she wanted to donate and she said I'm already giving my life to cancer a few more dollars couldn't hurt she passed away a few months ago so my donation this year and for every future agdq is in her memory I love you mom also I'll donate $20 more if the couch does an impression of their favorite Pokemon cry well Cinque that's not your sermon has a very good impression of that how about I go last how about I go I don't even know how to do my pokemon score my favorite Pokemon ice Gengar and I'm pretty bad but Wow I'm not even gonna say what mine is [Applause] every year I'm not going on a couch ever again all right so we have another double battle here with you um he's going to use encore and be completely useless instead of attacking the very low health goal that that we would really like him to do so here comes encore never seen him not do it there it is what a waste of a turn so we'll finish the golbat now with Aquajet now that it's low and then in general I'll just clean up the rest of the fight and we get sword stance in this fight so we do get sword stance here on cone Klaus is going to be replaced by it instead of the one attack stage increase and accuracy increase sword stance just increases our attacked by two stages which is double our attack it just straight up doubles our attack within one move which is very powerful even though we lose the accuracy drop we definitely prefer that to just one stage like Swords Dance is one of the main reasons excadrill doesn't require many x items in this run because he can just set up on his own he can just instantly double his attack whenever he needs to I don't think very much is gonna survive a + to execute drill especially at this stage in the game so very broken Pokemon that moves one way i candy here that we're gonna need the later probably and raid in gym and then to be a carbo's here so we're gonna be passing through the village bridge right here and we're gonna be teaching sir fly and strong is all now there's gonna be a good bit of menuing so and the reason we're doing that is we want to pass through the river underneath the bridge cuz if we try to pass on top of the bridge there's a person who forces us to battle him so while I'm doing this you can definitely go through a few donations alright I've got $50 from taw fantastic work from everyone at gdq it's awesome to see everyone coming together once again for a great cause I'll donate a whole another 50 whole dollars if trebs will say ice arrows are his favourite put this money toward getting that punch-out run in alright I don't think you have a choice now I series are my favorite yeah amazing easily the best item in majora's mask infinitely useful there we go just a quick heads up we are getting closer to that $60,000 mark for that super punch-out and punch out two and one run make sure you get those donations in all right so we do need to teach all our HMS now so we got serf and now just fly is left and then we'll be able to pass underneath the river here and flies useful because it allows you to soar to any town you've been to previously serf lets you travel on water and we taught strengths as well as the big night which allows us to push big boulders which will be useful I think print only in victory Road right music here is very peaceful all right so one more route here all the trainers are easily avoidable and then we're going to encounter another one of that legendary trio that I mentioned earlier this one is Virizion it is a grass fighting type and it is inferior to excadrill in every way through wave goodbye it also continues a tradition of NPCs just jumping from a cliff I can't line up with iris I I swapped my road to try and line up with this MVC three times and every time I went to tiles instead of one it's the thing with the bike in this game man alright so I actually I'm gonna stop by the Pokemon Center we don't normally do this but I have four Pokemon in my party and that will actually prove problematic for one battle later a double battle so we're gonna just deposit Makino so say goodbye forever and I'm gonna put duckling in slot and then head to Drayton's gym which is the dragon gym so I believe and board also had trouble with this gym because I don't think it had any powerful fighting moves at this point and fire is resisted by dragon types so this is another gym where excadrill performs far better now you have returned a Zen board for this gym so you don't even get like same type attack bonus on it and like another thing is one of the battles in this gym is a triple battle and we can just you'll see excadrill will slay everything was earthquake I still love the hand the nations of this gym with the Dragons and everything it's really cool yeah the thing with this gym is we're gonna be riding like a big dragon statue upwards and at every level that it stops at you can pick either the right or left trainer we're gonna be picking the right trainer in both instances and you'll be seeing why oh nice flinch so right there a fracture was probably trying to set up dragon dance and if it sets up dragon dance it gets a speed boost and actually becomes a speed tie although actually we did we do have an extra level at this point because of the extra trainer so maybe it's not a speed tie in that case but normally it would be a speed type and then it becomes a little interesting you don't want to build up too much damage in this gym because you can have a way to heal if you do otherwise it's not too much of a problem so here we can choose right or left the theme of these two trainers as the right one is more aggressive he's an offense based trainer the left one is a defense trainer we want to take the offense based trainer because we can knock out his Pokemon a little bit faster I think I think the other ones like have definitely protect in some cases or I don't exactly remember I remember checking that trainer when I first started running so we're gonna set up one sword stance here and then just iron head through watch I'm gonna earthquake we need to save iron heads we're running low I only need a few earthquakes but I need at least six iron heads I think leaving this gym so three earthquakes so how am I doing here yeah plenty of earthquakes all right so because I hit an extra trainer I actually normally would rare candy much earlier than I have I still have that rare candy I got earlier I would have done it when I was using the HMS teaching all those HMS to the Pokemon in my party however because we hit an extra train and my experience was different and I can get away with using it now to actually be level 45 for this fight instead of 44 so because of that extra trainer were actually a whole level ahead of where we'd normally would be which makes this fight a bit safer and notably it is a triple battle and we actually want excadrill in the center so I'm gonna do that real quick after using the rare candy and we need to revive pignite as well I'm missing touch screen accuracy is down today all right we'll head into this battle so just like any other triple battle we did we actually want everything but excadrill to be dead by the end of it so that it doesn't take any of the experience we want excadrill to get even though he's ahead of where we need him to be so we're gonna spend one turn using Swords Dance which is enough to just guarantee the KO on all three of those enemy pokes and then they will take out my shot they will take out my two extra Pokemon on the sides with their turn because the AI would prioritize Pokemon it can KO if it can with that turn and because they're both so low level they will prioritize them because they're both in a KO range so now after that sorts minutes I just choose earthquake and everything falls before excadrill ideally I think at level 44 dread again is actually arranged but I believe at 45 it's a guaranteed ko so that's the nice thing about hitting that extra trainer earlier it's like at least we get a consistent fight here that I can't like if I thought earthquake didn't take out dread again it would actually I believe use a revenge and KO me so we don't want to see that so that being a guaranteed ko is really nice [Music] and then now we're at the gym leader um gym leader is fairly easy actually like I there's so much more wrong that can go with like the triple battle than the actual gym leader here honestly but we do set up a sword stance and actually like this is one of those fights for that car boast we got from the Pokemon world tournament earlier really comes in handy because I believe we actually out speed the Flygon by one point thanks to those car bows so it's very close very nice that the route works out like that cuz Flygon can do a decent amount of damage but otherwise not much threat to excadrill in this fight at all at the end board round appreciate to set up 3x attacks and then an XP so use a lot of time to study now yeah at the end of the so we've passed the the department store now in the game and we don't need to go there at all with X controller out but I believe em bore out went there because it needed a bunch of X items goodbye like how many X attacks next speeds there's 21 X attacks and 11 X speeds it's ridiculous we don't need any more X items for the rest of the run all right so Haxorus should out speed me here unless the extra level matters no but I use this dragon dance and iron head will KO it so very easy gym leader once we set up our sword stance Haxorus really can't do much damage with any of its moves it's got like dragon tails slash it's not a particularly threatening Pokemon X material is a steel type is one of the only types that resists dragon-type moves so he has a much easier time with his gym than Emboar does from multiple reasons dragon tail could be annoying but because you have no other pokemon on your team you can't really knock you out yeah which is the effective dragon tail yeah that's one of the reasons I put that extra Pokemon back in the PC I'm supposed to have three Pokemon at this stage but I got a fourth just due to having to switch up the route and if I had a fourth it actually would have been sent out in the triple battle and I would have had like to wait another turn for it to be Kayode unless I wanted to take my experience so very important that I deposited makes you know there now we get to have we have several cutscenes coming up so feel free to fit in a donation or two all right I'll start with talk coming back to us with another $50 $50 as promised you went above and beyond to finally express your true feelings for ice arrows for real though we love you Trevor good luck got five dollars from the little dragon hello i bestow upon me the only dollar this fourteen-year-old has right now along with four of my dad's to make five bucks I've been watching for years and my whole family loves the runs have my donation go towards runner's choice and please forgive me for being so broke every little bit helps and then here's one for you I've got $10 from two Kurt hey Trev Trev brother here just want to wish you the best of luck kind of wish I could join you to cheer you on in person but this will have to do also money goes to trebs choice all right so after all of this backstory we're getting he's explaining how he's protecting an item called the DNA splicers which is an item that would allow the legendary Pokemon Reshiram and kiram to who are the like still the stars of this game but also last game to fuse with a pokemon called the theorem he believes Team Plasma is after the the DNA splicers and to tells us that he's been keeping them safe I believe so conveniently enough Team Plasma is here and they want the DNA's places so they are going to use this weapon to chase the entire town in ice I am terrible at ice berry and the name it's it's it's like a final fantasy man [Music] just lets cutscene so ridiculous I mean off to this point the cutscenes have just been like us in a boat and then us in a plane and made much use this those cutscenes seem very unnecessary they just fit him in for the sake of it see now you got me thinking anime and there's like Nani [Laughter] alright so now that they've uncovered like in case the town and ice they've basically taken the place over they have crunched everywhere that we need to take out because they're looking for those DNA splicers so we're gonna help Drayton clear them really quick and then at the end we will actually fight Xin's Olin who has been appears to be the leader but spoiler that's that's probably not the case all right so we were managing I mentioned we were meant yeah managing the powerpoints earlier it's for these fights I needed six iron heads a couple earthquakes we did hit an extra trainer and use some some extra but not really an issue did you believe I have plenty and I think we have extra so most of these fights are fairly uninteresting if you want to fit in a donation while I so that nobody pays attention to be making a fool of myself on the ice all right well I'll be glad to help you out with that I got $200 from cranky hey guys love what you are doing every year my mom has suffered from cancer for the last seven years now and has been declared incurable she is okay right now but still suffers with great pain I really hope we can someday cure this disease money goes to runner's choice I've got 102 dollars from riolu all the riolu at flossed the seed ranch wanted to give you some money for your journey but you ran away before we could give it to you guess we'll just have to donate it instead and then got $50 from the Irate PI rate hey Trev pie right here I've been enjoying the run since last gdq and wanted to donate while you were on today unfortunately I'm on vacation so I'm only able to tune in and out of the run hope it is fun and awesome as you are money goes to your choice so we got one more here I think I used an extra it's quick but I had one to begin with so I just decided to be safe yeah I like in general I've been trying to avoid using super effective moves when they're not necessary whenever you hit something with a super effective move there's an extra text box to tell you that it was super effective however it actually slows down and if you don't need a super effective move to KO the pokemon in question like this the viper it's a poison type they would be weak to earthquake I could just use earthquake but iron head is actually a guaranteed ko so I can avoid that extra text box I'm gonna be doing that in some cases where I know that I don't need to use a super effective move which by this point XD drill has become very powerful again we're an adamant nature so very high attack had a protein earlier so like extra drills attacks dies through the roof by this point and we're over leveling our opponents um through a lot of the rete like things before this we were actually under leveled or like similar level through like the mid game 6-6 gym but now we're over leveled again thanks to the lucky egg catching us up and we're just we're gonna stay about as overleveled as we are right now we're not gonna get too much further over leveled because again that Gen 5 experience curve is gonna kick in and with that we're gonna get less experienced for fighting lower leveled Pokemon however we're still gonna stay quite a bit ahead so my health is good for this fight pry organelles very weak defensively and it's soup like Ironhide his super effective so these I'm pretty sure if there was a line of ten cryo gunnels behind that one they would all be Kayode bypassing the lion head honestly Weavile here is going to I believe this is a range on earthquake and it also has a priority move an ice shard which always goes first but I have plenty health to even survive a second one what is fainted so we're fine alright so it appears we have defeated all of the team plasma grunts and they all leave however at this point Drayton is going to be an idiot he's gonna go and get the DNA splicers bring them out of it their hiding place in the gym for some reason and then and then this happens so these shadow triad the superhuman people who can paralyze people and like just completely overpower them they're gonna take it they've taken the DNS placers and they're gonna run away and we're gonna chase after them and instead of just you know completely overpowering us the way they have already demonstrated they are able to do they are going to fight me in a Pokemon battle and I got a free heal and did not almost forgotten caught it just in time we want to switch X control back to the first slot and party we had it in the second slot and party so it'd be in the middle in a triple battle so we could reach everything from the center the center Pokemon in a triple battle can reach everything but remember the things on the edge can't reach the opposite edge and we wanted to hit everything with earthquake so when you just push back to the back to the first slot now this is a very simple easy battle all of theirs we're gonna eventually end up battling all three shadow triad members and they all have to poniards and then one pokemon that's like I guess their age that's different I believe they are absol bayna and Al Gore yeah that's correct yeah the only one that can wake you can do anything is the Estelle Gore I've actually died to the Acela go before because I wasn't like you know when I first started running this game I'm like oh these fights are easy there's there's nothing wrong but there actually is something that can happen there that oh it's really interesting I've never seen anything quite like it because the move that he uses isn't really used but in that situation it can actually be very effective alright so they did get the DNA splicers drayton is not very smart so now we're gonna chase after them but despite saying we're all gonna chase after them I'm instead going to stop by the Kumail a city and fight the 8th Jim instead because priorities we're gonna go back to in della town one time just cuz it's the closest and again this town um there is a season system on this game based on the month that your des is set to when I set my date and time to the date like February it's actually a summer month in the game so this town gets different music that it only hits during the summer you got to hear 2 seconds of that then on our way to the next town we're gonna pass through the marine tube and I think it's just meant to look pretty so while we're going through it feel free to get in a donation all right I got a hundred and fifty dollars from sounds crazy I always got to show my love to the pokemon speedrun community good luck to trap person and put this donation towards the punch out incentive which has now cleared the $60,000 mark so we're getting incredibly close to making that a reality make sure you get those donations in because that will close as soon as the Mega Man 1 through 3 team relay race ends so if you want to see that the to two games one controller run get your donations in all right so for anyone who's been counting we have done seven of the eight gyms this is the final one it is a water-type gym and drill Bert as a ground type can have in theory problems with this one but we've reached a point where if everything goes optimally we shouldn't have a big issue it's not like I wouldn't even consider it the hardest gym for Albert honestly there's only a few things that can truly go wrong with them boy this is a really bad gym because you almost have to heal after every fight every gym yeah one of its main moves is the flare blitz which is a high-power move but it does recoil damage based on like the amount of damage you do and with how many things you probably like would need to take out with it it's as your most powerful move it's you end up healing a lot more yeah you don't get that till very late game values for this you have thunder punch all right so there is a lilypad puzzle here done optimally I actually only have to fight two trainers pretty simple actually so we do have time for another donation or two while I do this all right I got $70 from Carsten 69 says I always come through on my promises this is how many super effectives burns and crits you've had during the run so far oh and an extra dollar for the Shuckle doll I can't stay awake though sorry to cut it short good luck on good luck so good run so far excuse me greetings from Denmark then Empire ship donated $57 and said your excadrill is the excadrill that will pierce the heavens so yet another trainer on this blossom before the gym leader Golduck I believe is arranged but we did get it it's not an issue I guess Starmie should always be Kayode we have to use a lot of earthquakes here and this is actually gonna be an issue later on we ideally don't want to have to use any extras because they're already extremely limited and we have to rely on that move for the most part throughout this gym because water types resist Ironhead so it's not gonna be doing too too much damage now we can just finish up this puzzle by miss bringing someone around in a circle and then I'll get us to the gym leader and this gym leader like I said can be an issue usually isn't but the biggest problem that we can encounter here all of his Pokemon have a move called scold scald is a fairly decent based power water move but it's biggest it's like the biggest issue with it is it has a 30% chance to burn and that again halves your attack all his pokemon have it we really don't want to get burned if we do the fight becomes slower and I might have to sacrifice one of our other Pokemon but we could just get their skull no burn alright that's good so we are in ko range now though and like there's no point trying to heal because it's very likely this way Lords just gonna try to KO us now because I am in ko range so no point trying to heal it skull does over half my health I'm just gonna take the death is that a crit Wow I think a lot of the time actually I just I'm still gonna die though to Jellison unless I get this iron head flinch that'd be amazing ah dang it alright so all we do is send in one of the other pokemon have them be Kayode while we revive excadrill and iron head Plus earthquake should be enough to KO Jellison you survived last we got to see pig night again [Music] all right so the fight the way that fight would normally go Cara Costa actually using scald on me there and bringing me below half is very rare that is actually the first time I've ever seen that happen normally Cara Costa will go for shell smash which is a setup move that doubles your attack your special attack and your speed all at once but lowers your defense and special defense and what's funny is even though shell smash doubles his speed you still out speed him so it doesn't matter at all you take him out next turn so that's the ideal fight but Cara cost are going for skål there is not the norm and it forced me to have to take a death there really quick it's not the optimal fight fairly good Marlin anyway so now we have all eight badges so we are able like we aren't quite able to access the Pokemon we've quite yet we do have to finish up a few loose ends in the story also I want a comment a Marlin just exited the screen at the top right there right he swam off to the top after he beat him just completely left he's going to appear again very quickly after having exited through the top of the screen and he's going to come from the bottom so here he is I don't you get a full loop somehow I don't quite sure how that happens so I have to do a little bit of a movement to get to our next event so feel free to fit in a donation all right I've got $50 from fan thorak I have to donate during the series that started my gaming the sprites in Gen 5 were one of my favorite things introduced to Pokemon an added attitude and fun to the experience good luck to Trev and put this donation to Mike Tyson punch-out once again we are chest short of 15,000 dollars away from matching that so make sure you get your donations in I'll do you guys a favor I'll amend my previous statement I will I will double the static offer if we can at least hit the punch-out and super punch-out before the end of the pokemon run I want to hit that million but if you guys can get us to $75,000 for the punch-out and super punch-out I'll double it alright so right there we encountered coal rust again I actually never encountered the roadblock that he just gave me an item for so I went up to get it so that when I first encounter I'm already prepared to deal with it and it's another crustal just like earlier in the game where he used a machine to clear up Russell is out of the way he gave us that machine and then actually this is interesting so this trainer right here is a spinner but I made no attempt to dodge her because even if I hit her she actually allows me to skip a different trainer so like you just ignore this spinner if you get caught by her you skip the other trainer that you're forced to require if you dodge the spinner so like either way you have to fight one trainer and they're so close in speed that it's not worth attempting to dodge the spinner because pretty much any time spent dodging this spinner will just make it slower than like actually fighting it since now I get to skip the other trainer that you would otherwise fight I think this is the only instance of something like that in the game so there's a trainer to the right over there mmm his position was a bomb I booked a few times he almost caught me shouldn't be that close so it's interesting about the trainer's in caves this is one of two trainers in which if there is a cave spot like the drill bear that we encounter where we caught it if the case what happens in front of the trainer you can actually skip the trainer fight and so you don't actually have to fight or me yep trainers a vision does not go beyond dust clouds if there was one right there be able to just pass it right up I actually since I've never had that happen I have no idea how that affects the experience although I'm probably still a little bit ahead even though the game is pulling me back a little bit since I'm getting higher levels in a lot of fights but I mean we're at a nice lunch but we're at a point where like it wouldn't probably make a big difference I can't imagine like I did calculations on most fights it's very unlikely that would make a big difference so it'd be really it be a huge time say that that happened like it's actually an in like an insane thing like it's so unlikely that a dust cloud would appear in front of that trainer but if it did it would save how much how long is that fight like a minute which even if it's a little bit less that's a significant amount of time yeah and then there's an art trainer in Victory Road that you could skip it the same way all right so this crystal was blocking away we're gonna use the machine that colress gave us just to start an encounter but we're gonna run away it's the experience we get from it isn't necessary or useful one thing to note is wild Pokemon don't give as much experience as trainer battles there is I believe a 1.5 times multiplier applied to the experience of Pokemon gives if it's a trainers Pokemon so wild Pokemon are often less worthwhile it's actually okay oh but it's not even as little time as it would take me since it would more than likely fall to an iron head unless it has a sturdy it's just not worth it there's also the fact they were already so over leveled it doesn't really help yep so we are going to board the plasma frigate again this time we're gonna make it a bit farther but we will be met by a couple plasma guns here and just like all plasma grants they have like the same Pokemon as always so feel free to spin a donation there their Pokemon tend not to change they tend to the same Pokemon all right got $100 from dandy sprat greetings from the cancer prevention Institute of California we are with you in the fight to prevent cancer good luck to all the runners this one goes to runner's choice got a cure em all another $150 from fealty Minotaur 61 love to see Pokemon beaten so quickly good luck on the run do you have time for a few more there's unfortunately one more all right got another $200 from ryujin good luck tribe person on a good b w BW to run while journeying through the stout hland I saw his bucks so had to donate thanks for chairing this run with us all take it calmly and try not to get peed off all right so I mean this battle is just another double battle um not not much goes on with this one Hugh does have another opportunity to be useless he's gonna be using aqua tail hopefully throughout this battle his long aqua tail is not 100% accurate I've had to miss it in more runs than he realistically should considering how accurate it is I'm pretty sure it's 90 you know he misses it in half my runs I swear so if he lands every aqua tail though he went for encore what's wrong with this guy never mind dude should pick a better arrival clearly I mean I I just basically knocked him out he got poisoned because apparently he's just so went after that he can't so now he's gonna die to that poison tailed though he did walk with tail he fought better in his final moments which is garbodor left it doesn't matter that Sam erat fainted other than it wasting time cuz I should be able this is arranged actually but I it's very likely that I get it and I did and either way uh his semi stage is more than likely faster just because uh it's pretty fast Pokemon in general high base speed so even if I'd missed it I would've been alike just barely amiss and they simisage would have finished it unless he decided to not use an attack knowing knowing you he totally could have done it all right so now we are tasked with in order to get by those barriers you may have noticed there was a couple barriers above me in that room we need a key card and a password to get by those barriers both of which you can find throughout this lower area by fighting trainers I believe but we're only going to be getting the key card we don't need the password and I will explain why is when I enter the password itself because there are several random passwords there's not just one and yet I can tell you right now I know what the password is already I think there's a 12 different passwords that you could have yep the passwords that are possible are 1 1 0 1 through 9 9 0 9 all of those variants with each number and then Russia rim is Dec ROM and kiranmai believes there's someone in my a chatroom wait I didn't use the okay I'll use I'll kill this one with iron heads and I'll use the Mac to ether I was supposed to use the max either caught in my own explanations thankfully the pawn ears aren't that threatening I needed to Maxie you three as soon as I run out of earthquakes because you need a lot of earthquakes I guess if nothing else I have extra earthquakes now so we will use the max ether earthquake get those back and then there's someone in my chat who just absolutely loves this trainer always likes to point out this best trainer has three poniards and he just does not understand why the trainer really likes poniard all right so this trainer will give us the key card and we absolutely need that to be able to input a password at all but like I said I already know the password and the reason I already know the password is because it's actually generated as a part of your feed when you first create the file all the way back at the beginning of the game the from that moment the password for this door is set and because we didn't get the RNG manipulation but I did set the I did use the backup one that did get the RMT manipulation so the password is going to be nine is nine or nine nine zero nine which is actually one of the faster passwords you you really don't want restroom key room or Zekrom those are all bad passwords I'm going to heels here just for safety shouldn't be necessary at that health but still have a couple hyper potions hopefully we won't need the other ones until later it's what I have them for like the Elite Four and whatnot so we have another double battle with xin zulan here and it is with you and out of all of the battles in the entire game this is the one where hue is the most consistently useful I've never seen him not go for aqua tail I'm pretty sure and as long as he doesn't miss it we should have a 3 turn fight here because they have six Pokemon as long as we carry every turn should be good so it's time for hue to hit those awkward tails KO the Pokemon for me you want to put money on the line I'm sure I don't think I trust you enough dude probably knowing him you land in the first aqua tail did KO i need two more of those i am running out of iron heads i think i'm gonna rock slide here i did waste an iron head earlier so we're gonna actually do that could miss hopefully I dumped him she's helping here along here make sure he does Finlay doesn't miss it and then revile here I should earthquake and at this stage scolipede should faint to the earthquake revile will be mostly taken down and huge should finish it if so that's a 3 turn fight and that's as good as you can get so who actually did his job as long as he carries the we bottle hey he did it alright I think that one deserves a round of applause that guy not useless just this one I do believe that is the final double battle with you as well so we have no more don't have to worry about him messing it up somehow every single time he shows up [Music] alright so again the shadow trying to challenged us to a battle before is going to forego that and just kick us out again because I don't know why they ever battle anyone if they can do that but right now plasma frigates gonna go off to a cave it's actually the cave that kiram could be found originally in the black and white but in this game it's part of the story you're gonna be bringing to your room there and we need to chase after them there's nothing to do in between so we can just head straight there which is nice as long as we know where it is so we do have a time for a few donations because we have this cutscene and then quite a bit of text after all right got $200 from John oh love seeing new Pokemon speedruns in agdq keep up the great work and we got $25 from Dexter 164 gotta see punch-out Namor's still 134 donated 150 dollars said hey gdq i had to donate during the pokemon run nice to see Trev here may the rng god be with you got to catch them all oh wait and then another 24 39 from mera Junior's 689 says come on everyone we can get the super punch-out and Mike Tyson's punch-out run to happen I just want to see that two games one controller become a reality they those donations are flying in we are getting closer and closer to making that happen once again everyone say hi to Taraki anuman and then bye tracking is actually probably the best of the three legendary trio in this game but still not better than excadrill unfortunately well that makes the end bore route better because you catch tracked in I would too if I was using an F and in chat right now it's like oh I'm sorry and boar sucks alright so I'm gonna do something that might seem a little bit interesting to people but I'm gonna eggs it through this cave and I'm just gonna head right back in and actually go to where I'm going and I'm not going to explain why that will come up a little bit later so take my word for it that was fast so we do have a confrontation here between the old members of Team Plasma and the newer ones originally the old members of Team Plasma were actually hesitant to join but they realize that there's they're still loyal to n who is a character from the original game who ends up being the king of Team Plasma and after Team Plasma breaks off after that game they remain loyal to him and they change their motives because they believe that like n wants to save Pokemon and so they they shift around their motives a little bit and are now on our side all right right here this wheezing we really want it to explode it has explosion we can't Cairo it in one turn if it would explode that'd be really nice there it is so one iron head left I believe do I have one or two earthquakes left you eat there's a little bit late they might have more than two right now yeah I can definitely use earthquakes I should have two I probably should have earthquakes the mock cuz I do have an extra earthquake that's fine an earthquake should uh fix it just as well should you get a couple Mack survives there which is good because by this point I'm usually close to running out of revives we might have to left very often I'll have to left but revives are nice to have and we can just move on cuz the old team plasma members are gonna handle all this for us so thankfully you don't have to go through all these grunts but two of my favorite grunts the entire game are coming up completely like they are actually I I have nothing to say about them actually there's they're just crazy they're insane so Chris going along we were able to pass all those team plasma grunts and then we enter here let me get this nave I do ambush thee oh you've been ambushed I love those trick I make such a big deal of those trainers it's so nonsensical so this battle change is actually based on the number of additional pokémon besides excadrill we have I believe we only have one because we had to sacrifice pig night so we are going to actually but it's actually duck lit we have out so we do need to get a sword to dance off here while we wait for duckling to get kod and then with that swords dance we should be able to just clear through everything that's six earthquakes will have to you know I do I do want a second iron head here but it's not a huge issue I'll just be able to sub in an earthquake actually since I have the extra and it worked just as well so the biggest threat here is this crafty it can actually ko me from this position with high jump kick but iron head should take it out we want to deal with that rockslide next turn for the goal bet and the incoming Orla peed and as long as it hits both that's good and then finally one missed with earthquake although that happens that'll have been a pretty optimal fight I like how the golbat main logo even though you have no other pokemon with you the AI is very intelligent in all Pokemon games he hard read the revived all right so other than those two trainers actually I won't have to fight anymore until Xin zulan again as long as I go through this area well is the pipe maze and I guess a lot of people in this can play this game get lost here casually but I already know the path through obviously and something interesting is all the trainers who they're all spinners for the most part or at least a lot of them are but they all only have a sight range of one so I can just pass through them or pass by them as long as I don't get any closer than that so I'm able to avoid every single encounter in this area as long as I move correctly so like this one right here I can just pass right by him because he can't see further than I a single tile and the goal here is to push these four switches all these teleporters like if you don't know the pathway it's fairly confusing but since I already know it I already know where I need to go in order to reach all these switches push all four to get rid of it yet another barrier this should be the final one right here whoo I just lost audio there did it we lost everything there we go it's back brief technical difficulties it's okay is that this place the run really quick you know it all right so upcoming is in Zlin and actually since I'm out of iron heads I do want to save my elixir for after the fights not particularly threatening so I'm just gonna rely on rock slide there is an alternate route I could have done by using an elixir but I'd rather save it the route is safer that way other than me having to rock slide and potentially missing one of these crocodiles so hopefully you don't miss if we do I gonna steal there's two crocodiles we definitely want to see rockslide hit both there's one and then after this is a couple more important fights one of them has probably what is the best songs in the game so I'm probably just gonna let that one play while we do that fight it's not a particularly interesting fight but you'll see what I mean when we actually are in that fight has very good music 101 HP going into it I do believe we should heal I'm actually gonna try to save the hyper potions though running kind of low and I want to save those for later I believe we still have super potions from earlier so I'll do that when I gain control but you're finally going to learn the coal wrists who have been encountering all game is actually associated with Team Plasma and is acting as the head of Team Plasma instead of Zins illan so he reveals he's not necessarily like he's not necessarily an evil character he's just doing it because he believes it will further his research he's that kind of character that will do anything if it uh will further his research to how you do have a fresh-water that's good so we do have to battle him and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna let the music play it is considered one of the best songs in the game oops about the elixir [Music] all right and that's it for colorist easily one of my favorite songs in the game I had to let you guys listen to that one if you haven't heard it before it's easily one of my favorite songs in a Pokemon game ever I think I think a lot of people share that opinions though [Applause] all right so through this however we learned that he's actually not the true leader of Team Plasma so we are gonna gain the ability to go past the plasma ground that would have blocked us earlier until we beat colorist over here some small notes I guess about the Carll wrist fight um both the Magneton and the Magnezone has dirty which is why I iron headed them beforehand we don't want to earthquakes them because it'll just be stopped by sturdy the one-hit ko protection and then he'll heal them he has healing items we don't want to put them in healing range generally when important trainers Pokemon fall below 25% health they'll use healing items if they have them so we didn't we wanted to avoid that and then the cling-clang also had a air balloon which we had to get rid of it's a one-time-use item it breaks as soon as you get attacked but it makes you immune to all Ground type moves until it is broken but plot twist we have learned that now gets this who is the villain from the first Pokemon black and white he has come back he's basically remained in the background throughout the entire run that's basically how it works in the first game - he doesn't reveal himself until the end of the game but he's gonna have the shadow triad you can completely incapacitate us and just get thick paralyze us he's they're gonna battle and then after they all lose they're just gonna let us pass yep all right so I actually do not have enough earthquake each like I stated before each shadow triad member has two poniards I don't have enough earthquakes to take out all of them so I double I double Ironhead that one instead of earthquake to save an earthquake and also because the first poniard that they send out has the ability to find but the second one they send out has inner focus and we want to avoid inner focus is an ability that prevents flinching and we want to be able to potentially get that Ironhead flinch so it's specifically on the first one since defiant isn't relevant to that battle then we have to do two more we do have time for one donation I want to say something about the third fight here this one's not interesting all right I got two hundred and fifty dollars from Jeff a 117 this is for everyone at gamers guild we lost a really good friend to cancer in 2015 he was a huge fan of Pokemon we watch agdq every year awesome to see the gaming community come together to help beat this terrible disease good luck to all the runners we are now just under thirteen thousand dollars away from meeting the punch-out and super punch-out incentive nice job guys keep it going alright so coming up to the third Shadow triad member he has obviously the two poniards but he also has a nacelle Gor which is a new Pokemon in generations five it has a move called me first and while a sell Gore isn't normally particularly threatening me first is a maze that allows you to take the move that your opponent is using and then use it against them as long as you go first and I'm gonna use iron head against an anal run once very early on when I first started running this game it me first did my iron head flinched me and I didn't notice I was just mashing because I assumed he was dead and then proceeded to kill me afterwards so that is an interesting thing that can happen it doesn't do that much damage but it has definitely happened to me it's pretty funny when it happens so he's probably gonna do it here nope Giga Drain alright not this time Giga Drain actually does do more damage but it tends to favor me first I've seen that way more yeah accel Gore's ridiculously fast and he is like 160 base speed definitely gonna go first all right I made it through all the shadow triad members no earthquakes left but we're coming up to a free heal so it doesn't matter we actually only need one more iron head in theory on the very off chance there is something that can happen that it's incredibly rare I'm gonna wait till after to mention it because we're gonna jinx it but it has happened to a runner it has killed runs but it is it is like I don't like it's very difficult to calculate how often it can happen because there'd be so much math than that but I want to say it's definitely like the below 5% maybe even lower it's 50/50 either Pokemon all right so this is like the last segment on the run where there's gonna be just a bunch of text in cutscenes gets us here is going to rant and rant and rant about how evil he is about he's even going to attempt to kill us here I guess not interesting so we have time for separation all right I got 300 dollars from anonymous greetings from a person on a couch watching people on a screen sitting on a couch watching Pokemon on a screen donating towards punch-out got $20 from quill sparks love Pokemon love this run great player great couch and great event just who the heck do you think I am take my money for charity that's the way team excadrill rolls $25 from Jeremiah 29 here's my yearly contribution lost my uncle two years ago to cancer and agdq is the perfect time of the year to do my part video games and killing cancer who could ask for better donation to runner's choice so what is happening now is um n who was a character from the last game and his name is just the letter N has showed up he's been he technically shows up earlier in a the charge stone cave like he's never actually on screen but I'm pretty sure those text boxes belong to him and then what he did he stopped gets this from killing us and but now that he showed up gets this actually reveals that was all his plan all along he's gonna use the DNA splicers to combine theorem and Reshiram into one Pokemon that is in theory more powerful than both individually there will be many cutscenes involved with that but Annie is actually an antagonist in the first game he saved us in this game but in the original black and white he actually battles you frequently throughout the game and it's revealed at the end that he's actually surviving gets this because he doesn't know better he was adopted I believe early on by gets this and used as a pawn to uh just because he's like a very charismatic leader to like I guess encourage like a bunch of members to join the team to work towards gets this is real goals which was to take over you novo but and I actually wanted to save all Pokemon and free them from their trainers so in the end he was being used and in this game he helps us out so now that cutscenes over and there will be like three text boxes and then mother cutscene so we do have time for a few more donations for this one actually as well all right ten dollars from a wild Ferrothorn generation five was always my favorite generation of the Pokemon games I'm glad to see it get dismantled keep on keepin on Trev hundred dollars from lending my father was diagnosed with cancer two years ago with early detection he was able to survive thrive and we just celebrated my little brother's wedding thanks so much for what you folks do put this towards my favorite game of all time Mike Tyson's punch-out $30 from Ryan always loved watching gdq events I'm off today and I get to see runs from some of my favorite franchises keep up that good work saving frames and let's hit a million today we are now under $13,000 away from the Mike Tyson's punch-out incentive just rolling right along with that so we want to get there and preferably we get there before the end of this run keep it going guys alright so now that the cutscenes are over we're gonna be challenged by gets this to fight here room here um we cannot catch it apparently because he's I believe the reason is this cane emits a signal something that stops you from using pokeballs that's not an issue so this is the super powerful Pokemon the legendary on the boxart we've been waiting all game to see supposed to be extremely powerful gets this spent all this time trying to just for this one goal to combine it into this Pokemon and I'm going to iron head that's it there it is goodbye so what gets this really needed was an ex control yes it's a new bers I mean so what we were talking about earlier that can happen is kiram can actually theoretically live that iron head but it needs to roll like a plus defense nature and very high defensive stats it's very unlikely but if it had happened he would live the iron head with very little health in theory and then killed me so that did not happen is extremely unlikely and has happened to crafted course it happened all right so this is gets this um he's actually unfortunately for all the build-up just like Hyrum was once towards dance is gonna be mostly made irrelevant we really don't want him to protect here okay so the the PowerPoint route throughout the rest of the run is very tight if he waited use protect there I would have actually been down an earthquake you had to save it somewhere so they're really nice to get the free heal after that site so he gets all this PP back yeah really useful here yeah before this fight I was out of earthquakes and when we had one more iron head so that is good but we are still on a tight PP route for out though the rest of the run this is like the only problematic Pokemon if I miss rocks Lila that's like it but I think it has flamethrower but not an issue here let's fight with them boar is pretty annoying but I think you already knew that every fight is annoying if you have to use m4x control can this flower right through did Swords Dance and its high speed such good like offensive type like good good offensive moves as well and that would be it so that is gets this so Team Plasma is once again dismantled he lost his hearing he lost legendary Pokemon he spent literally all game when in fact Escadrille is just better as is the theme with this entire rush and so now he's gonna rant a little bit more and the shadow triad once again will save him I believe the the reasoning behind why the shadow triad serves him is because he saved them when they were younger and so they're like completely loyal to gets this at this stage but they don't really do anything on their own so now after this cutscene is over you may recall that earlier I exited through a cave and then just went right back without an explanation you are about to find out why because from here I can use an escape rope and it's going to go to my last flag to entrance to a cave and just so happens that by exiting and re-entering that cave I'm going to go there and save quite a bit of movement like this it just barely ends up saving time to compare 2x escape roping to the other entrance so now with all agent Badgers and Team Plasma dismantled we have victory Road and victory road is kind of scary it has several spinners we haven't had spinners in a little bit but we're gonna encounter a few trainers that we could potentially hit this one in particular is the worst one because of the way you have to dodge him I only meant to go up two times off the bike dude I had it and then yeah oh dear all right that's fine I just like this spinner quite a bit though he's very annoying because sometimes he switches out this Emolga and may not always I'm going to assume he doesn't he does I haven't gotten consistent results when I originally started running this game I took notes from somebody else and they said that like their note said that a Mongol will always switch but since then I've actually had several runs in a row where a little good doesn't switch out and that just ends up with me wasting time so like it's like you you earthquake on Emolga the the strat was the earthquake on Emolga expecting the switch but if it doesn't switch then you end up wasting an earthquake and we already mentioned how tight we are on earthquakes we really don't want that to happen so that's like a bad scenario that nobody wants that's one of the foreigners hopefully we can dodge most of them that's I think the first spinner we've hit all run all right so one more cutscene with in here just telling us what we already knew that we're heading to the Pokemon League the Elite Four and he's gonna give us the hm4 waterfall which we don't actually need to complete the game it does serve some purpose in some areas but as far as just getting to the end of the game we don't need it so for the most part that's pretty useless and we have to go through these gates let's scan every badge so we actually have time to read a donation here cuz even after this there's the door actually perfect timing I have $500 from Mama Papa shenanigans [Applause] from Mama and Papa shenanigans congratulations sdq great cause thank you good luck on your goals grandma shenanigans and pop-up shenanigans or cancer survivors they send their love and appreciation while I'm at it actually I've got $200 from giant robot tree and his best boy shoutouts to shenanigans on the couch I still watch your blue run from a few years ago every so often money goes to punch out and we are now less than twelve thousand dollars away from that punch-out incentive but we are running out of time so make sure you get those donations in so this is one of the few force trainers in the victory road but not too difficult I do have to rock slide this triphala man I guess if that misses like there are some trainers later in victory row that could pose some problems we don't want my house to fall too low at the moment we're good but if I end up getting a little bit lower they could potentially ko me if I don't keel but other than that this trainer's not that much of an issue but after this one we're gonna have yet another spinner hopefully don't hit any more of them the first one anyway was completely my fault we have a yet to hit a spinner that was actually just like getting quick spun on where they turned right back after turning away the only one we've hit was my fault so I accept the blame for that one or I can blame it on the bike because the bike is silly all right so here's another one oh I almost win I have a staredown oh there we go I'm gonna play this safe and the bike just accelerates so fast it's hard to avoid sometimes who has closed and then that girl up there is the last spinner so we did make it past that one before now after this trainer will try to get past that spinner and if so there are no more in the run so by this point the enemy Pokemon are getting like fairly high-level but this like word clearly I mean as you can see 11 levels above this Durant and that's gonna be a trend that continues but regardless the Pokemon that we're seeing are often like they have higher base that totals they're better in general often better Ivy's so we still have to set up and some of them are still threatening particularly when they have super effective moves against excadrill we're gonna run into a trainer or two where it's arranged to take out their Pokemon and if you miss it you're gonna take a lot of damage and return but hopefully we just hit the range okay nice all right only one spinner so no more for victory roads just a couple trainers left and see how good my darkness room is just completely dark normally need flash to clear this room but I should have it memorized oh my god all right that was that was terrible we were through it quite a few bucks there and now the final two trainers so this one I do not believe is an issue I believe she has the best army does it strike a so this one's not really an issue as far as I know the other one poses more of a threat has a couple Pokemon that ended up being ranges and again we really don't want to have to use extra PP when we don't have to because we're already so tight route wise because I'm not even like before the Elite Four we're not even gonna recover any of it so I have for earthquakes love that's good and then we're going into I'm gonna rock slide this lock first hopefully it flinches and it will break its dirty sock as a pokemon that has sturdy it gave me bulk up iron head should still be good enough to take it out alright that was fairly good at least he didn't attack so our health is still fairly high now this one is a little bit more threatening he has both heathrow and a go lurks that are not guaranteed chaos if either one of them misses they're gonna throw a very powerful move my way so we don't want to see that happen there ticket will fall easily though thankfully and then after that it's just gonna be those other Pokemon that I mentioned so I believe golurk here don't quite remember the percentage it's a little bit better than throw if I recall correctly so hopefully he goes down okay got that one and now just throw Best Spinner might have also made these the Rangers a little bit better as well than when I hit at the beginning a victory rate since I'm a higher level than I've normally be here we'll miss that one but he ended up not attacking me so everything's good I'd only use the iron head I think I have an iron head to spare like if I don't have an honor head to spare which I think eight is missing here I think I need exactly a year so that's okay I had an extra alright finally Hugh fight it is the easiest Q fight out of pretty much all of them that except for like maybe the early game ones I don't know he's gonna lead with unfazed on it's going to do nothing except perhaps swagger me which is a move that confuses me but doubles my attack so if it does that it's just I mean I can just use an item to recover and go from there yeah there it is so we're gonna actually recover from that confusion we really don't want to be hitting myself so the confusion when you hit yourself in confusion it actually calculates off of your own attacks that and since I just Swords Dance and got swaggered I absolutely destroy myself if I hit myself so that's not even worth the risk and then the rest of the Pokemon I mean I'm at triple attack right now a storage dance and a swagger puts me at triple not nothing surviving that's the last of you were be I think as far as iron heads are concerned we need five of them for the first Elite Four number and I do believe I have six I'll double check but as long as I have six I can use iron head here otherwise I'll just rock slide which risk the mist but yeah I've six so we're good works out perfectly that being said we are coming up to the single most threatening Elite Four member so Jenna's five was the first generation of Pokemon that let you fought the Elite Four in any order you wanted so we definitely take advantage of that I have the way I've managed my power points at this stage we're gonna be fighting the fighting one first and he's the most threatening to excadrill just because as a steel type he is weak to fighting homes they all can deal significant damage to them one of them can actually knock him out outright it is the scariest Elite Four fight and generally oftentimes most times actually excadrill will end up fainting a couple times and having to be revived but you can get a really optimal fight if you get some iron head flinches I don't think there's a fight as much as this one where some iron head flinches would really come in helpful so one of his Pokemon actually has a move that can one-shot you but he never uses it let's do this I want to see how many iron heads begin let's see more of that gdq luck I've actually been getting good luck for the most part for gdq so we're gonna see excadrill fainting several times unless we get some iron head flinches so fit right away we want one on throw because otherwise he's probably gonna use bulldoze to reduce my speed and that's not good for the rest of the fight we'll get all its bed so iron flinched iron head flinch from right here alright so we have to switch out now to get rid of that and that is fine so we'll swap in duck lit because I want to keep tech night if I can I'm not sure if it'll faint to this normally we have like a level stone I went for watching but it's down that's your dad all right so now we got our speed back we'll come back in finish it off next poke wanna come in is gonna be me and Cho we out speed it take it out in one hit that one's not an issue but the one after that's going to be an issue the next one coming in is con kelder con Kaldur we absolutely cannot take out in one hit and it can do like two under damage to us so without this iron head flinch it's absolutely gonna KO us unless it like misses oh we got it though alright it's not over yet though because I'm going to end up like sock here has sturdy I can't ko it and one hit I need to break it's dirty first so it has another chance to attack me and rockslide can flinch as well oh we got it though so I think I'm fainted yeah okay so we'll send in ignite now it's going to faint as well and we'll just max revive excadrill so let's find the fight works out would have been even faster so the it's at least we got one we got one an important flinch that's nice I think I have had an optimal fight here when you Flint by flinch throw con Keller and sock all in one run it was insane it's very unlikely though because again the flinch is a 30% chance so to get that three times in a row what would that be like 3% yeah all right so the next elite four member we are going to be fighting is the dark one and the only reason for that is you may notice we have absolutely no power points left for Ironhead or earthquake I'm not gonna be using them outside of battle cuz I don't need to because Grimsley here the dark elite four member leads off with a light card that's just gonna waste my turn with fake out fake out is a priority move so it generally goes first and it flinches you your turns useless so I'm just gonna use that turn deep restore my power points if I can't attack anyway and then the next two Elite Four members actually their order varies depending on how much health I end this fight with but I'm Jen I'm probably gonna end it with enough considering my actual HP right now being at full so we do have a time for a donation here because nothing survives alright I've got 150 dollars from anonymous I always look forward to taking the week off to watch runners destroy all the games I loved as a kid especially the bonus blindfolded games I can't wait to see Mike Tyson's punch-out with 1 controller I couldn't even finish any of these games when my eyes are open another $20 from anonymous yours is the excadrill that will pierce the heavens shout outs to the agdq staff for doing an incredible job as always much love to everyone involved to make this event happen year after year as far as that Mike Tyson's punch-out incentive goes we are now just under $10,000 away from that we have until the end of the Mega Man race to get there so keep them coming in alright with Grimsley done and me being basically full health definitely the best elite 4 member challenge next is gonna be Sean tall the ghost one just because with Caitlyn who's gonna be the last one it's you often get a free heal off so if you need to heal you can go to her first but if not you want her last you can get a free heal off and before the champion and the really the only thing going on with this fight is we don't want to see will-o-wisp because it just wastes a turn it's not like a huge problem I do have a bunch of full heals to recover from it like we've mentioned before will-o'-wisp haves your attack if you get burned but it's also not 100% accurate so even if we see it we could end up not getting burned it just wastes an extra turn if I get burned because I have to set up a Swords Dance here in the first place so he does know what he did burn me so now I just wasted turn get rid of that really quick while he shuttle balls need from there who are supposed to earthquake I'm gonna get mommy that's normally you earthquake there cuz mommy only activates against contact moves that's fine just waste a little bit of time I'm not like tight on iron heads anymore I actually have three extra so I I just wasted one right there that's fine and the only other thing that could be a problem this fight but not really is drifblim here I have to use rock slide on it just we wanna rock slide is not a contact move and riffle naturally is an ability called aftermath where if you ko it with a contact move you'll take a bunch of residual damage and the damage itself isn't that much of a problem it's not gonna like ko me or anything however the damage it could it you could like it I'm gonna it just takes time that's what I meant to say it's how much time mummy wasted you see another ability take effect then the HP drain that's all it is yep all right and now Kaitlyn Kaitlyn is by far the easiest Elite Four member we often get a free heal on her if if we get turn one reflect we have to waste a turn healing so she does that often so just to be efficient with the turn if she does do turn one reflect we spend it healing afterwards because after that she's going to yawn and yawn is a move that puts me to sleep one turn later and I don't want to be asleep when something other than her first Pokemon comes in because that can hurt me a lot more her lead cannot touch me cannot hurt me it's only attacks our dream eater and Thunderbolt Thunderbolt I'm immune to and dreaming her it can never hit me with because I can always just carry away the sleep with full heals so mushara is like the ideal lead just to set up on so I'm gonna Swords Dance and see if we get reflector you on here we got yon turn one so I'm actually not going to heal in the fight we'll just do another Swords Dance heal off the sweep here it's gonna use Dream Eater but it'll fail and then now I'm awake not yawned with +4 attack which is three times my normal attack so we're just gonna iron head away again Evert nothing survives this so feel free to throw in a donation all right got a hundred dollars from Derek 171 good luck on the rub rum Trev and thanks everyone running the event as we grow older there's more and more chances that some people around us or ourselves have to deal with some major diseases including cancer that's how life goes I've learned that the hard way this year this money goes towards dealing with the future then we got $200 from Keith there's no way I'm missing punch out let's go let's go to punch out let's go punch out he asked me a really cool run really up against man get those donations in we don't have much time left all right so with the elite four members done that's all four of them we can now head to the champion the champion in this game was different from black and white where I mentioned at the very beginning of the run when we ran into him it was alder as a character that was a gym leader actually in the previous set of games only in white I believe black and white had a different final gym leader this character was the gym leader in black in earning white I believe so some people might already know who it is but it is a dragon themed trainer and there is a couple things that could potentially pose an issue with the fight we are gonna play it safe just because like even though I am unlikely to die I am going to say if you save just because of how much we'd lose right if I died but we should be fine we're gonna heal up excadrill here because we do need most of our health for this fight especially if things go wrong we're gonna heal ignite and I'm just gonna be super safe and heal oh no that won't do anything so I only have one max survive anyway and then we'll safety safe last one of the run all right so oh no I saved the game all right so the champion is iris she was a gym leader I'm pretty convinced it's white if I remember correctly maybe wrong on that but now she's the champion she has a really good theme as well some people are really divided on her theme I think some people hate it but I actually think it's really good I think it's great yeah especially the beginning part but the main thing to be concerned about in this final fight is I have to set up a sword stance as generally as the usual and hydreigon here is going to use either flamethrower or serf they're both the same base power and they're both super effective so the AI doesn't care which one it uses but flamethrower can burn but thankfully we got surf so we don't even have that issue flamethrower very rarely 10% will burn and if you get burned you do have to do a bit of a bit of fixing of that because you're gonna get hit again and then Haxorus can kill you but ended up not being a problem then we're not gonna encounter anything really interesting here until Haxorus comes out Haxorus is actually a perfect example of the AI just being incredibly dumb because very often the same thing will happen so hax vs. AI is I'm not in kill range for Haxorus right now it will probably sort stance it's going dragon best so after a dragon maths I will be in kill range but I'm going to iron head it down and as long as it doesn't get flinched and gets that dragon dance off I'm it could totally kill me right now so let's see what happens here I did get the flame okay so what normally happens there if I don't get lucky it does have a focus ash so it lives the iron hem but if you don't get the flinch it'll set up a dragon dance and then because the Haxorus is below 25% HP iris will always heal it even though it could kill you right there like there's like it could just take you out it Alex speed you because dragon dance increases your speed and it has enough damage from the attack increase to kill you but it's just how the AI works it prioritizes healing and because focus ash is one time I then kill it so it never actually does it this is her final Pokemon and thankfully since everything went very smoothly no problems on the iris plate safety says completely unnecessary alright so time will be coming up we do have to wash this first but time is gonna be as soon as the screen fades after I'm inducted into the Hall of Fame the screen will fade into black and I'll call it tell them to get to watch this fancy cutscene it will also show my in-game time which probably fairly decent I lost like like the thing about it is in-game time is gonna be a little bit lower than the real time just because I ended up resetting once that drill bear so all Pokemon runs are actually now timed by RT anyway it's just interesting to see the in-game time alright so inducted into the Hall of Fame our champion it's going to be very first and then we got excadrill doclet big night should not be here if everything had gone according to plan it would be psychic even better 322 all right not bad not bad at all alright so time is now we unlock easy mode oh yeah wait which is actually harder yeah yeah all right so I hope everyone enjoyed the run Pokemon is definitely out of my comfort zone most people know me for Majora's Mask speedruns hence like the ice arrow donation earlier but I think I did it a pretty good job and it was actually a pretty good run with good luck so I hope everyone enjoyed it does anyone have anything dad done like I did yeah if you want to learn more about Pokemon speedruns just check out Pokemon speedruns comm head over there you can learn more about this run than all other pokemon runs great site and other than that great run no discord thank you for watching all right let's give it up one more time for TREB person on that amazing pokemon black white to Iran you're gonna go ahead and throw this over to a quick twitch chat and then come back and read some more of your donations as we get ready for it as we get ready for an interview but with bleki and zallard to talk about that punch out two games one controller incentive so we will be right back
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 981,168
Rating: 4.8184237 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 25sec (13285 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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