Top 10 Mega Evolutions

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ah mega evolution the closest thing of the Pokorny universe is probably ever gonna come to Digimon mega evolution to a lot of people was a great inclusion to the series if our new life into Pokemon that were previously seems useless and maybe made some Pokemon a little too good made some Pokemon look even cooler give some Pokemon the typing that they've always deserved made some Pokemon look absolutely ridiculous I made some Pokemon that were already really good now broken is now the recent reveal of Pokemon Sun and Moon I was gonna wait until any new mega evolutions were released to make my favorite mega evolution list but then I figured I could just make a separate list for any future makers that we get well this list was very difficult to make as I loved a lot of mega evolutions and it was super hard thinking of what order to put the magazine since I prefer some Megas designs to others but I also prefer using other magazine battle so taking everything into account with design performance and battle and my own personal feelings toward each mega evolution let's start with my honorable mentions mega Metagross it's a bigger bulkier faster stronger version of an already awesome looking Pokemon of course I'm gonna like it mega lopunny I like a lot of people quite surprised that lopunny of all Pokemon received a mega although love pony really did need something improved about it and it's mega really helped it out with battling and of course design Megaman Ettrick personally my favorite mega of the VGC 14 format and overall one of the Megas I've used most in competitive in both singles and doubles it's not one of my favorite mega designs but it's helped me out a lot when it comes to battling mega Pidgeot and mega Charizard why when birth Charizard Megas were revealed I did think Charizard X looked cooler but at the time I did prefer mega Charizard y it also looks closer to our Charizard evolution and maybe one day Ash will have one alright let's finally get on with the actual list these are as of now my top 10 favorite mega evolutions number 10 mega Sableye this has to be the cheekiest mega in the game look at him hiding behind his giant rupee I wasn't really interact let's savor like that much but as mega evolution just seemed to grow on me constantly I don't really know what it is about mega Sableye that makes me like it so much it's just a regular Sableye with rubies for eyes holding a giant Ruby yet somehow I really love it okay I think it's the grin it's gotta be the grin I mean just look at this guy the design is so simple yet at the same time kind of cute and cool-looking like say bleh I don't know how you did it but you somehow managed to make me like you enough to give you a spot on the list number 9 mega Mewtwo why I could easily share the spot with the X mega forum as well since I like both but out the - I do too lean slightly more towards the Y mega it was the very first mega evolution we ever saw and when it was revealed mega evolution wasn't even announced we were just given this new Mewtwo form which made people speculate ISM you 3 a new form or a totally different Pokemon yeah I know there were people who weren't a fan of his design and even compared it to Jesse but I for whatever reason still really liked it and over time it's grown on me even more the only thing about mega Mewtwo I've never really been a fan of is this anime portrayal and one of the people who grew up with this me too and see this Mewtwo on screen just didn't feel right but apart from that I still really do like mega Mewtwo y num breaks mega Blaziken now I'd never really been that big of a fan of regular blaze again although I feel like I should be a lot of us have that one generation we either skipped or couldn't play and for me it was gen 3 Torchic to me felt too cutesy and I love the Treecko line so seeing Blaziken for the first time even though I think it looked cool I didn't have any sort of emotional attachment to it but holy crap I love its mega evolution if I was judging each mega on aesthetics alone mega Blaziken would easily be top 5 for me I felt like there just took blaziken's design and made it go from good to great I love the fire coming out of his wrists I love the black color they added I just loved the new look of blaze again if I did have more of an attachment to regular blade skin or I enjoyed using mega Blaziken in battle it would have been higher on the list but for des is mega Blaziken is just awesome number 7 megazor this is the mega that got me into the competitive singles format such a facade stance or two and you could potentially sweep your opponent's entire team thanks to a priority technician stab boosted bullet punch now as most of you know I do love sizzles design though I think they improved it with the mega I don't know it still looks really cool but maybe not quite as cool as its regular form in fact I see a lot of people finding cycler to be the coolest of the evolution line so yeah I might still slightly prefer Regulus Azure but that doesn't stop me from loving it's mega just as much or at least almost as much also one thing mega sizzle does do better than its regular form is pull of its shiny color much better in my opinion number six mega salamence mega metric as i said was my mega for the VGC 14 formats but mega salamence was my mega for the VGC 15 format this thing is a monster era late just makes moves like hyper voice and double edged ridiculously strong no wonder was insta banned to ubers it was already strong in his own give a mega you can only go up from there now one mega salamence was first announced I like a lot of people did find a few things that are worth making fun of but the more I used it the more mega salamence started to become one of my absolute favorite Megas both design-wise and more importantly competitive wise mega salamence you may not be my mega pick for VGC 2016 but you're still one of my favorite mega evolutions number 5 mega Sceptile so before I explain why I love the smoker let's get a couple of complaints out the way design-wise mega Sceptile to me isn't the strongest why does its head and arm leaves have these holes in them it looks like an insect decided to come nibble on it while sceptile's form changing also what are you doing sceptile the opponents that way I understand that your tail can be used as a torpedo but seriously just turn around when you're gonna use it not throughout the whole battle ok complaints inside mega Sceptile are still awesome I love how the record on its leaves entail almost like bloodstains from the foes that were foolish enough to challenge this mega into battle even though like says oh I still slightly prefer regular version the mega is still great and I am glad there exists number 4 mega Gallade I like a lot of people really wanted a gal 8 mega evolution ever since mega Gardevoir was announced I wasn't a fan of mega Gardevoir design I didn't really like it's huge stress luckily after horas was announced mega Gallade was revealed and as soon as I saw it it might have just become my absolute favorite mega design at the time mega Gallade looked like the greatest duelists that ever lived and the fact that Wally's Ralts was eventually gonna evolve into a glade and become his mega evolution I thought was one of the coolest ideas ever also the Capeman I remember when I first saw my Google 8 for the first time I didn't notice the Cape at first but when I did it just improves its design even more I guess the only reasons why mega Gallade isn't any higher in the list is because well for one mega Gallade still looks like it has an overly round waist and well I've never used one in competitive yet I really expected its ability to be something really cool like adaptability or sheer force but instead it gets in a focus oh wow I will definitely eventually use one I still love its design for me it's definitely one of the best number three mega Rayquaza easily the most majestic looking mega also the most broken since it was banned from the format that pokemon are sent to when they're considered too powerful for the metagame which is hilarious even though I do like regular Equator I don't think I liked it quite as much as other people did I don't know what it was I guess there was just something missing about it I really can't explain luckily whatever it was mega rayquaza has because let's face it it's majestic as it also has one of the most awesome move animations in the game what else can I say they took requests and made it look even more amazing it honestly might just be the best design Game Freak has ever pushed out number two mega Charizard X but wait you said you preferred mecha Charizard y yes I said I preferred mega Charizard y at the time they were released however as of now I am more of a mega Charizard X fan the main reason being of how much I love using it in singles format plus it's a dragon Charizard finally has a type that we've all wanted for almost two decades not only that but its color scheme just screams awesomeness most shiny to turn black are usually very popular among shiny pokemon in general put that on top of the blue flames of course mega Charizard X is going to look amazing in fact if Charizard X is default colors already black I wonder what shiny form looks like regular Charizard of course gets the black coating and it's why Omega also looks really cool so that must mean mega Charizard X is shiny must look like the most amazing beautiful elegant incredible oh-oh you you know what this color scheme was fine in fact mega Charizard X's color scheme is so good it's shiny pales in comparison I still love your mega Charizard y the mega Charizard X is just too good not to love and my pic from my number one favorite mega evolution the mega evolution I prefer to every other mega the mega that I love more than every other mega on the list the mega that I've chosen as my number one favorite mega ok I have no idea why I'm hyping this up its mega Lucario wow what a surprise the mega version of my channels mascots the mega evolution who silhouette is in the background of every one of my videos what a shocker yes mega Lucario is a right now my favorite mega evolution although one thing you might find somewhat surprising is that mega Lucario hasn't always been my favorite mega evolution a favorite mega used to change all the time at first it was mega cesare and at one point it was charged at Y then at one point as Gallade and for a long while mega Charizard X was my favorite however I think my channel has really solidified to make a Lucario as my favorite mega after all looking back Lucario was the very first mega I ever used and not just in the main story of X&Y it was also the first mega I look to using when getting into VGC for the first time I saw that one hundred and forty five based attack alongside adaptability with a powerful 120 based up close combats and I was just too good not to tryouts of course mega lucario was eventually banned to ubers before I properly got into the singles format so I never did get a chance to try it out to know you but apart from being great in battle I really do love its design as well do I love it as much as regular Lucario to be honest I think I like them both the same amount I'm sure there'll be more mega sometime in the future and I can bet that this list will look quite different depending on what Megas are announced but until then mega lucario is my all-time favorite mega evolution so I really hope you enjoyed me gushing over some awesome mega evolutions and I hope to do so again when we eventually get some new Megas also let me know what your favorite Megas are in the comments I could pretty much guarantee I left our other Megas that other people seem to love so if you didn't join and would like to see more please leave like and subscribe for more Pokemon videos in the future and until next time as always thanks so much for watching you
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 2,269,954
Rating: 4.8102908 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Top 10, Mega Evolutions, Lucario, Pikachu, Nintendo, Game Freak, Role-Playing Video Game, Favorite, Favorite Mega Evolutions, Pokemon Mega Evolutions, Mega Lucario, Pokemon Anime, Top 10 Favorite Mega Evolutions, Top 10 Favourite Mega Evolutions
Id: 752UiQ9QGls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2016
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