Pokémon Legends Arceus, but I'm Team Sky

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I am the leader of Team sky and I have no idea what's going on there's a man and a handsome bird Hi how are you where am I I was just working on the Sinnoh branch of the team sky base Network and then suddenly I'm here on this beach with this goofy man telling me I fell from the sky the man provides me with some recent invention pokeballs so I don't know what rock he lived under then I have to explain my talent how is it that I catch Pokemon so evenly when I've only just arrived here um I am the leader of teams guy I have quite the experience with the various balls and such hey yo what though I then find a weird phone notice a swirly assault in the sky and it brought to their Village in high sui where I'm immediately put to work to ensure my own Survival then I have my age misinterpreted also the idea that I'm 15. look at my beard they keep telling me I fell from the sky quite rude since I would never fall out of what I love and that I must pass a trial in order to be accepted if I don't I will likely they die I love that I've become a creature of the sky in my own right but I have no Pokemon I'm in sandals a trial turns out to be pretty easy they do Starley and Shanks oh those are like Route One Pokemon then lavington offers me one of his Pokemon and the choice was simple I will be taking the bird these clothes are not flimsy they're very strong in fact they will keep you warm in the cold weather and are available at evanshvmerch.com for a very limited time and they are high quality and are not flimsy and will surely protect you against whatever could possibly attack you what's that oh okay my lawyers are telling me I cannot make claims that these clothes will protect you against all things um but they're very high quality I assure you Cynthia wait follow I suppose I should have foreseen that you were someone different your voice is much deeper now from the sky yeah I know I know I I must everyone mention it so this is his sui I am sitting in fields oh it's very pretty but wow we really are in the wilderness as the trial begins it immediately becomes apparent that catching non-sky Pokemon will be necessary to further my goals but I'll still of course only battle using creatures of the sky Starly another board it seems we won't have to leave you to die after all I appreciate it hello Commander comedo you look like a younger Professor Rowan yes I fell from the sky yes would like to think I could what what good day everyone we're coming on the air with some sad breaking news Mikey the leader of Team sky has died at the age of 96. I don't care about my rank within your team I just want to get back to where I was to further the goals of teen Sky I received a pokedex wait this is a book pokeballs recent invention and now the Pokemon book have I gone back in time every region team sky has gone to there's been some other evil team there that I've had to deal with and get them out of my way so that I can further team Sky's goals but here in this magical Hisui region it's so far back in time that there's no other evil teams there's just this the seemingly good team so if I can get strong enough and concretely establish team sky here in this Hisui region when I eventually figure out a way to go back to my regular time then team Sky will have been wreaking havoc for who knows how many years forget filling the Pokedex for this goob I'm going to make team Sky the first evil team I catch some starlies and a bizarrely buff beautifly oh that works oh my God it's level 20. before the true danger of my situation hits me literally what are you doing oh oh I didn't realize glowing red oh hello oh my God but I thankfully survived catch some more sky Pokemon [Music] and learn that it's not all bad I get paid I find myself a star you know where stars are in deep space but we can see them in the sky I have a green hat now Big Bird don't you want to know the glory of Team Sky level 32. oh I'm not used to being in a place where there can be wildly powerful Pokemon around every turn it's exciting but like I don't want to get in my little team Sky cheeks clapped I continue staying alive staying alive and I'm approached by a religious woman talking about Almighty Sinnoh a weird name considering I had just been there she mentions time and then it hits me you mean like delagia I feel confident that I can lead my Pokemon in battle I am the leader of Team Sky I've conquered the Skies of many regions silly little balls out how dare you talk about my silly little balls oh my god oh no this Munchlax knows roll out and my entire team is flying type but he missed the buffoon come on Hoots you could do it's fine Strong Style excellent what a fancy thing you can do here the nun asks me to quell in Alpha Pokemon at Deer Track Heights so it must be a bird and I seem forced to comply remind me why I am doing this errand for you never has there been a more menacing sound the daunting Alpha stood before me and the battle for my life ensued I saw no way to defeat its powerful might and I knew I was doomed just kidding I caught it easily go team Sky yes yes what was that another Alpha to fight what a great weird that deer track Heights that doesn't make any sense where's the bird a frenzied Cleaver mauled some of the Galaxy folks I'm growing a bit more concerned about being in the past because the safety levels here are already at an all-time low for me who are these elaborately dressed people you look like hey you look like just a generally handsome guy erida and adamant huh wait you want to send me to study the cleaver that mauled people ah wait hold on I I have a evil organization to establish I I don't want my mission being cut short by having my body cut short there's no time like the present good sir this is the past and I would like to return to the present look at that beautiful staraptor I'm gonna catch it yeah that's a bummer the beaver big scary Beaver that's what you he said right guys I caught us either a Combi is attacking me uh what kind of a world are we living in you are a tiny baby boots can evolve what will you become your glorious cute little owl you'll become an even more powerful owl because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you hello small catboy Danger from Beyond the sky not Beyond of Within a part of what I feel hit quella's frenzy I I guess I promptly returned to lavington to hear his genius plan to quell the Beast we'll simply have to throw the food you want me to quell this frenzied Beast by hitting it with some Tomatoes ah kind of makes sense I like food a hairy deer has returned weird deer has deemed me worthy which means I'll need a flute deemed to me were they for first chair in the orchestra look what and the deer gave me a rectangle the weird region so I just play the flute and oh oh now this is obviously a large quality of life Improvement for me and is exciting a bat I got the bats as I was saying this is obviously a huge quality of life Improvement and it's very exciting but what makes it extra exciting is that if I can ride on a land creature what's keeping me from riding on a sky creature surely that has to be the next step alright well I'm here to do that thing that I don't want to do uh but I have been told I have no choice in the matter so irida then insists upon a battle with her vile ice type as if I don't have enough to worry about oh where is it what are you kidding me it has axes for hands and I'm fighting it by myself oh my god oh I'm battling it now all we do is rock moves come on yes do I win oh no I throw things at it oh come on come on come on team Sky didn't sign up for this oh I'm alive I'm dead I'm looking at you I'm dead again team Sky's gonna become team die come on come on come on come on come dirty Rocky Beast what's with the rectangles you know I was really excited to be back in time and start forming team Sky earlier on but I don't know if I'm gonna live that long yes yes yes okay I quelled the ax Monster's frenzy can I do my own thing now 30 feather balls a ball that flies I take back all the negative things I said about this in the past region they have the best boss it's come to Ursa Luna as well what is that are they gonna have me do this again Celine then rudely informs me that need a higher rank in order to calm another rampaging Beast with my bare hands and snacks all against my will um on so out to catch more Pokemon I go during this time I come to a realization wait now that I have these feather balls can I reach the staraptor I run straight there and knew I would get it first try first try indeed eventually back strike 37 I don't think it's gonna listen to me rank up and I can now use feather balls I just used several up to level 30. uh my new raptor is 37. look I feel so confident in my fancy news to Raptor 12 seconds later turned away you do not respect the Gloria team Skye well uh sorry Mr Raptor but if you're not going to listen to me you are not going to be helpful Crimson Maya lands he was very wet I'm supposed to go to the salacion ruins wait I know that name it's the same as the celestion ruins in Sinnoh what an amusing coincidence an old lady approaches and is just so sweet to me I okay this aggression is unprompted Polo continues the aggression with a battle against a very hard-boiled egg oh he then informs me of Bandits that stole a piece of walls some Bandits pillaged the ruins or maybe they'd like to join my team women wait hold on well are you interested in joining my team no no why is no one ever interested like your stupid well fragment you old Crone yes I'll do it because apparently in order for teams gang to achieve Glory I have to go around calming all these Pokemon I'm like this Region's therapist now okay I made it to this large Arena it's an enormous moist bear hexagon yeah oh he's chilled out that's good he is so big another rectangle is ursuluna my new ride Pokemon but it's just a creature of the land another Pokemon in a frenzy oh my Zubat can evolve how thrilling what is that a little thing fluttering in the sky could it be it's a toga tick glorious flying creature skipping the annoying egg stage go that's an air ball I missed let's go is that murkrow these Marlins keep on giving gifts of flying types oh I missed oh god oh no are you serious is that four of them mad at me at once no no no no no no no no murder of crows emphasis on the murder what is that wait can I get the big one oh okay it's fine oh it's not fighting okay I guess I'm ready to fight this little again what I don't I haven't encountered one of those it sounds like a plant and I am not very threatened by plants wind a powerful wind I love wind that's a plant lady sick moves bro okay did it just flip me off again a third time okay that's a bit ridiculous take these bags of sand what is that I jumped over the laser Circle I jumped over the laser Circle again come on come on team Skye wants to move on come on come on come on come on go down used to oh oh we defeated a plan two teams okay hello I calmed the plant lady we may need to investigate the rift itself to prove my motives are Beyond impugning I don't know what impugning means but I do know what subscribing means something you should definitely do to this channel the Cobalt Coastland no Nobles oh you did have one and he died sucks to suck and here we ah the Cobalt coastlands which I don't care about I really care about the beautiful sky above it head to veilstone Cape and this Region's taking a lot of names from Sinnoh mathem you're a flying type completely useless but I will add you to my collection my Global can evolve already it already Loves Me Oh Let's go Team Sky Mike goodness you are enormous why can't I just hop on your big round back and take to the skies okay I guess that makes sense oh oh weird dog oh well Lena very nice to meet you you know I'm probably gonna be stuck in this time period for a while and Winona's never returned my texts and child I am 27. I'm a little short in this body but like short Kings we stand a previous Lord was swallowed by the waves or did he just get hit by hydro pump lightning is a sign that the heavens are angry I will say it is my least favorite part of this guy it seems I need to get down there but I am up here what am I doing I'm team Sky I'm not afraid of a little bit of a height my ankle ankles this dude is everywhere my God am I plate hunting going I don't care about it dinnerware iskin tells me I have to catch a dust glop so we can use Dark Pulse on basket legion's food which is weird but so is my life in general so I might as well go along with it is that a Yellow Balloon Where'd I go oh it's back oh my God team Skies first random shiny come on come on come on come on team Sky needs this we need this no come on Skye's first shiny it's beautiful this is an excellent Omen I'm in this time period for a good reason I'm gonna call it sunny because it was a bright yellow orb there we go got a dust class hello sir I brought to the dust clubs ah yes basculation the creature I'm certain will fly me to fire spit Island it's a fish I have to take to the Sea why can I not take to the sky another rectangle oh no not these weirdos I kidnapped one of the dogs right I'll go save the ground with but don't lean to expand the glory of teams gang ah yes lovely the sea what are those mantikes I love Mantyke sweet another creature of the sky kind of and sunny can evolve go Sunny go Sunny oh yeah oh that's so exciting wait my dotrix can evolve I have never seen this starter's Evolution but finally my powerful starter will reach its final form I say Do you wanna fight do you wanna can she take me check submarine grass fighting why have you forsaken the sky everything was going so well I don't unders I don't understand thousands of Tears later Hoots you you still fly all right all right he can stay well now that I can investigate the Seas it could be useful to explore them where I've been before who knows what creatures of the sky are waiting for me that ended up being a waste of time so I climbed a mountain Waters here were a bust but the skies were not a flying Gyarados I told you team Sky wasn't crazy Gyarados is a creature of the sky [Music] this Island's reminding me of Team Magma I don't like Team Magma what what am I battling all right you rival evil team can we wrap this up so I can avoid this Team Magma like hellscape she has an ice type I don't like that come on twister no why do you have a ride on ride on Deez Nuts lamou come on Hoots yes it's okay little Growlithe I have potions too what was that whoa oh who broke the sky oh here we go again oh I gotta do this again over top lava which means one wrong roll means I could actually die uh uh and getting team Sky set up for success in the future slash present whatever is uh really not good for my health what must we do to Quail this frenzy oh no he looks like he's just chilling so maybe we could just let this one go I guess I'm ready to maybe get lit on fire oh my God oh oh what are those balls what is that whoa oh that fire stays ow come on come on come on come on look at me out of here did I do it oh team Skye yes oh can I be done with the magma land now oh my god oh there's another Arcanine where did what what I don't like this this is too spooky for me good morning good sir who came from the sky oh I like you already strange man the Coronet Highlands colon that have I been in Sino this whole time thanks Captain Obvious you want me to quell an electrode what why are all these bosses good against flying types is that is that a giant Starly [Laughter] ah go deep sky Gordon Ingo who serves sneezler surely you must mean Sneasel you and you have made a typo let's have a safe journey to Mount Coronet that's where I was building the team Sky headquarters perfect if I go to Mount Coronet and start constructing the team sky base here in the past team Sky will be around atop the Sinnoh region for centuries or like a 150 years I don't know what year it is I'm just kind of guessing ah Mount Coronet what is that up there is that a building wait that's Spear Pillar I don't have to do any construction I can just take over that and make it the team sky base and prevent it from getting destroyed that's called foreshadowing give me the power to fly oh darn it I should have a Pokemon that can withstand electricity oh no aha a straight shot to the top why not The Climb proved irritating involving a dark skyless cave oh goody a cave I love being completely unable to see the sky a random attack by this obnoxious dude and this dumb dude dumb hair and his tacky necklace you're tacky and I hate you and several bugs trying to kill me oh oh Alpha moth I'm gonna follow me into this cave oh no oh oh that didn't go as far as I thought oh my goodness well I didn't even notice I had this oh which means I can feel ball flutter yes my Togetic becomes a powerful Toge kiss I would never expect to be able to climb such share Cliffs well no I would expect to be able to fly up them Cliffs mean nothing when you can fly but with sneezler as an ally okay it's Sneasel and how is a Sneasel gonna help me what is that that is the weirdest looking Sneasel I have ever seen and it definitely it can't fly so I still don't get a flying Pokemon to ride on are you laughing at my playing I'm new to the instrument wait am I just in this basket okay you're a reasonable level right level 40. that's reasonable all right I got a Gligar I got a razor Fang and now team Skye has a Glide score team Glide oh a ball I would see you again I'm already having a tough enough time here man why why are you making it even worse I'm not even listening to what you're saying so I'm supposed to fight this electrode now um but nah almost to the top of the mountain so I just had to get up to the top and stake teams guys claim this is the stone portal I've been told not to let anyone pass I will fight you you what do you mean oh that looks different why isn't he happy yes I'm gonna try not to die again whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa quit following me oh I got God I don't like this I don't like this at all wow oh oh big mom oh why is the ball blue oh ow oh God oh God oh God oh God oh yeah oh no oh oh I sent in a crowbar but the fool missed Strong Style cross poison country beard [Music] did I finish it here come on come on come on come on yes go team Skye part of the survey core in the Jubilee village now sure but I'm also the leader of Team sky and I need to do team Sky things and it has been so difficult to do them would have dreamed some stranger who tumbled out of the sky would be our salvation humble tumbled gracefully landed the only Lord left to be called is avalug in the alabaster Iceland's ice now I can head off to the icelands with my new team Sky Winter Wear which is kind of what the team Sky hoodie is I mean it's like it's a hoodie you know what a hoodie can do mnjhvmerch.com thank goodness for my snow gear cause it is frigid here I really wish I had a Pokemon that could fly me across this icy Wasteland all right just tell me where this Noble is so I can risk my life to fight it and then I can finally go to the top of my coordinate and set up the team sky base right you must have Diamond nipples oh no I have to battle Diamond nipple man any okay one was way weaker than the other why do you get to this what what is this region the battles are Anarchy come on there we go I need to claim some of that Eternal ice Eternal ice for that you'll have to be able to fly which means I need bravery is it finally happening I need to seek out a young lady named Sabi hello friendly small girl please but Queen answer me this glorious creature of the sky catch you what ketchup to Sammy I have to chase this 384 away this is ridiculous I don't want to chase this stupid child there must be a way for me to get my own Braviary without having to borrow hers [Music] come here little birdie yeah join me in team's guide [Music] yes yes my tiny bird oh becomes the big board there you are seba sending me on this ridiculous Chase for your Braviary but behold I have my own now which means finally I can take to the Skies come along bravery fly me raviary bravieri no well um a little upset about that it seems I have to use her braviery a few moments later all right Sabi you win me and my shattered legs so use your bravery to fly around and mine to battle right the next stop the next stop through the temple why go team why three thousand years later baby reverses bravery wow same level and everything go Goggles go oh regular air slash yes guess I'll be headed home now no no you do not a sky plate the only good one zombie my bravy area has proved itself superior to yours so I am simply going to take your riding equipment and use mine onward goggles wrong thing to the sky teams flies I've never felt this happy yes oh glorious flight this is how it should be all right avalog what's happening oh this is really shaking what the what I'm team Skye and you want me to fight a mountain oh my good God I will this is the this is I didn't even reach him oh ow crap somehow the icicle is heat seeking come on twister yes come on I just wanted to build a base on top of a mountain not to fight an entire one whoa whoa whoa whoa come on come on come on I did it Skye oh my God yes yes yes I quit all the Nobles damn I just missed to do my own thing now normal lives all right my God is this the only thing to eat in this town the next day what what what is this what happens to the sky the rift that brought me here made me risk my life has now ruined my sky or what what I I'm the leader of Team Sky I've been very abundantly clear about that man I'll tell you I conquered the Skies of Helen Kanto joto and Sino and now say no again well not quite but I'm working on it I'm connected to the frenzies excuse me I nothing to do with them really after I have explained many times I'm a suspect oh can I trust a stranger who fell from the sky I have done so much for your stupid team and now ah you're kicking me out of it team sky is in Exile but fine hear me Village I will free the sky of these hexagons and no one will ever doubting me again I decided to ask for help from those I literally risked my life for team sky to the skies and they declined with lame excuses such as the risk of violent War ugh all right guest teams guys learning how to Camp hey you again a place to sleep to sleep fantastic to share a bed do we oh this is her place you are to guide me wait what so he holds Three Links of great importance Verity Valor and Acuity I've been to those before one of them blew up oh the lake Trio I remember them all right Adam and I'll take you your outfit is more reminiscent of the sky I went through therapy exercises with the lake Tria which frankly I needed then afterwards they gave me a magical friendship bracelet to fix the sky which turned out to be more of a friendship hula hoop I did manage not to die I've done that quite a bit let's go bravery fly up the mountain now my good sir I am the man of the sky but he passed so I may claim this mountain what are you serious is this chef with his Bland ass potato Mochi trying to kill me well oh yeah he's a ninja I really hope he's about to Pokemon battle me and not throw shuriken into my eye poison jab should be an easy KO all right Gardevoir and Gallade okay there we go come on yeah finally the top of the mountain the closest point to the sky it's so beautiful that it will soon be teams guys you've heard this red chain of mine will bind the world it will do what needs to be done to gain Vengeance on you and gain ownership of Team Skies Mountain oh I have to battle you too all right then man that agile style followed by regular style is uh pretty brutal it's fine I know what to do here let's go Hoots really poison to your face are you serious why does that keep happening please KO yes okay oh it's fine I still have Hoots and ended Hoots triple arrows go team Skye he bows to me someone finally understands the respect the team Sky deserves just gotta do this red chain thing close the rift make everything all peachy keen replace all these statues with ones of bravery and then I have the Mountaintop for teams guy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no what is happening oh oh hey Dialga oh look at me hey dude oh we broke it okay I fought legendaries before I can handle this wow that was the first throw all right well we solved that it wait a second why is the sky still broken there's another oh is it Palkia oh oh oh one was a lot nastier than the last one oh my just wanted a base 150 years in the past a top of an ancient sacred mountain is that too much to ask well uh we retreated now we gotta figure out what the heck to do we realize we need ore made of the same thing as the rectangles and after a brief bothersome Bandit battle oh we use that ore to make a bright blocky ball fancy fancy after being forced to put the non-sky Dialga in my party I have to have it in my party um man we head back to the summit this is it I really really hope it's the final showdown I get rid of this Palkia and then I stake my claim on team Sky's new base I'll take you on Palkia what are you doing what is that what is that wow God no you broke my bees we'll get revenge for this what where are your arms you've got your shoulder discs I don't know oh and now I'm fighting with Spaceball what the oh ow what's happening what's happening I don't like this I'm fighting a weird horse oh ow no this is not going well oh my God team Skype Skype all of space I guess that's a little unfair it seems sending a Pokemon do battle Oh weird horse agile style Moon blast good hit followed by a regular Moon blast got it is this enough come on go team Skye yeah yeah team Skye beats a God and I fix the Sky Go teams die yes you all go on I'm gonna stay here and start more construction but then I'll get to go back to the present and team Sky will have been around for a hundred two hundred years it'll be great I guess team Sky gets to fulfill its mission after all [Music] wait what is that is that portal about to suck me back to the present oh I was I just got to do what I wanted okay okay [Music]
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 494,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, team sky, pokemon team, evil team, pokemon lets play, pokemon challenge
Id: _SB6nEnIK3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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