I Survived 20 DAYS as a ROCK CREATURE in Creatures of Sonaria

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in this video I survived 20 days as a giant rock monster who features a scenario the giant rock monster is called the null Rock but to become a giant Knoll walk I must start as a tiny baby no Rock I'm gonna be growing the cenarian world starting as a tiny Rock and try to survive to adulthood while facing many challenges along the way you don't know each day in creatures of scenario is approximately 10 minutes so join me on my journey as I survive in adventure as a no rock and see what challenges awaits me like subscribe and let's get started so on day one as you can see I've spawned into the cenarian lands and as you can see I am a very tiny rock as of now and man I can't wait to grow hopefully we grow but yeah all right let's do this so while walking around I saw that there was a Nitro toxin in the distance and I definitely want to stay away from those because those are dangerous I found a little cave with a little poly monstrum and from the looks of it it was also trying to grow and I thought to myself could we possibly grow together well after hanging out with the poly monstrum for a while it began following me and this was amazing I already have a friend to accompany me while I try to grow and it's also trying to grow so this was great so from the looks of it me and the poly monstrums I guess you could say are pretty much now friends and I decided to stop by here for some food since I wanted to keep my Hunger as full as possible I really wanted to give this poly monstrum a name so I decided to name it Bobby because I am a very creative person especially at names me and little Bobby went to the Desert Oasis and I spotted a huge null rock running towards Aurora and I thought I was about to witness a huge Battle of commence but uh no um the Norwalk was just probably trying to scare the Aurora so now it is officially day two and little Bobby decided to come and give me some meat but sadly I am a herbivore but I still think to many ways and then me and little Bobby decided to go for a little exploration and it was just adorable watching little Bobby carry a hunk of meat on his head while we travel so I got a pack invite from Shinobi kid 210 and surprisingly it was little Bobby and after I joined the pack little Bobby was so excited that he began running in circles you and me little Bobby we are both gonna conquer the world together am I right oh yeah I forgot Bobby doesn't talk okay so little Bobby wanted to go for a little swim so I just sat here while he swam since he is a semi-aquatic and man look at him look at him having so much fun by this point I was beginning to think that Bobby was probably one of those players who just don't talk at all it turned nighttime and it was extremely cold because it was winter time and in the winter you lose hunger faster and you are a lot slower and me and little Bobby had to find a place to sleep for the night so before going to bed as you can see little Bobby is already asleep I decided to snack on a little bit of grass and then go to sleep so I headed over to Bobby and as you can see I accidentally popped into him and startled him but it's okay I just came to take a little rest next to him so the night was starting to settle in and little Bobby could not fall asleep but he eventually did go to sleep later in the night and I was there just to keep him warm so on day three the sun was beginning to rise and the thing about little Bobby is that he got up quite early and um you know what he did he picked up his piece of meat and then dropped it continuously over and over again and then right after he did it a few more times he just went back to bed so I finally decided to wake up and the sun was up by then and um yeah I decided to go and nibble on a little bit of grass while little Bobby just sat there with the meat on his head watching me like he normally would a little bit after that I decided to go to get a little drink and little Bobby was also getting a little drink and um for some reason little Bobby just accidentally grabbed onto me which I didn't mind at all but um yeah after that he decided to go for a little swim and then he picked up his piece of meat and we were on our way to our next adventure a little buddy you can make it hurry get over here all right there you go he has now caught up with me and now um I'm extremely slow still since I literally am a walking proxy you know I'm quite heavy myself okay so me and little Bobby decided to climb up this mountain and out of nowhere little Bobby grew and as you can see he was now the size of me and man that is awesome and to celebrate I had a little seizure for him after the celebration me and little Bobby decided to go and explore this mountain and me and little Bobby got on the side of the cliff and I don't know why but I don't know where little Bobby just decided to go for a little dive bomb and uh went in the water so I was like why not I'm coming with you so I went in the water with little Bobby and from the looks of it little Bobby was just flexing his swimming skills on me as you can see I swim at like one mile an hour and he was just sitting there waiting for me on the sand and uh yeah he was waiting for me look at him look at him right there Bobby how dare you Bobby after the swim me and little Bobby decided to take a little rest on the side of these swamps and yeah we just rested oh I found myself some food and started nibbling on it to try to keep my Hunger as full as possible and I'm pretty sure Bobby was pretty hungry himself because I have not seen him eat for a while so now it was officially day four and little Bobby decided to go and wander off and I was really curious what he was doing so I decided to follow him and make sure that he stays safe and from the looks of it yep he really needed food but the thing about this food was it was rotten so he really couldn't eat it so um for some reason uh food spawned out of the skies and uh Bobby didn't see it so I had a I was like hey Bobby come here come eat this so little Bobby saw it and he started eating it right away and I'm glad that now his tummy is full and my tummy is full once again we are now traveling and of course Bobby being Bobby he's carrying his food on his head and right here little Bobby was struggling a little bit to get up here look at him look at him struggle oh there we go oh he got up here oh nice so the night was slowly starting to settle in and I sat there thinking to myself are me and Bobby gonna be like this forever are we gonna be friends forever I have no idea but we'll have to see so on day five the night has settled in and little Bobby already fell asleep on the Cliffside over there and I decided to come and sleep in this little Bush because I did not want to be spotted by Predators while I was sleeping and soon after Bobby woke up and realized that I was not there anymore so he was looking for me and he finally saw that I was in these bushes so he headed over and came to sleep right next to me so little Bobby decided to wake up and go for a little swim in the middle of the night and yeah um I guess he likes swimming in the middle of the night so on day six Bobby got up quite early and he just stood there so I was like you know what I guess I'll get up a little early for you Bobby so me and little Bobby just went and walked around and uh he stopped for a little piece and he ate all of his food so um yeah I decided to go and find myself some food also and I found a little patch of grass and began feasting so I saw little Bobby just sitting in the mud over there looking out into the distance and I decided to go over and also get in the mud here we go guys look at us look at us squirming around in the mud and um actually go in the mud actually gives you a health boost and a regeneration boost so that's great and Bobby decided to grab onto me so I knew exactly what we were gonna do we're gonna try to cross this ocean right here with this ice path all right hopefully the ice does not melt before we get to the other side let's do this uh Bobby um we made it across you don't have to be scared anymore Bobby you can uh you can get off of me now um guys I think Bobby was terrified Bobby oh okay there we go okay okay um he's a little bit better now okay let's keep on going over here oh what finally guys we finally grew to our first stage we are now 18. let's go look at how big we are now this is uh this is great I am a teen Bobby is a Teen um I'm actually not even sure what age Bobby has right now but I've only seen him grow once so I'm pretty sure he still has another Evolution and now look at him he's just uh swimming around while I watch him well would you look at that Bobby is grabbing on to me again on day seven Me and Bobby decided to go adventuring like we normally would because there's really not much to do and Bobby is uh extremely excited today because uh he is uh he is going way ahead of me what the heck okay so there's a little green Bree Quack and a UVS and it looks like the UV is just trying to kill this pretty quick um oh gosh oh wait what wait no did the Brie quick just die yes I don't think you want to mess with a rock okay a rock will literally destroy you oh wait what the brick legs right here no way okay uh guys I think I just saved it pretty quick oh uh sadly I cannot fit into the cave and it is slowly turning night time and I can see through the map somehow but uh yeah I guess Bobby will be uh sleeping inside of there while I sleep out here so on day eight I noticed that Bobby was acting a bit strange he got out of his cave and he decided to go I thought he was going for a little swim like he normally would but from the looks of it he just kept on going so I noticed that Bobby was going so far and I was really curious where he was headed to okay so I decided to follow Bobby and from the looks of it Bobby is heading to the Oasis but sadly I ran out of stamina since it's winter time and I am extremely slow so I kept on walking and I noticed that Bobby went all the way to the Oasis which is a very very bad idea so I wanted to catch up in case anything happens but as I expected he was attacked immediately and he was about to to die and out of nowhere a volcanic eruption started happening and this was not looking too good no Bobby Bobby no no guys look it's a little poly monstrum Me and Bobby are going to be friends forever oh look at little Bobby sitting with me don't worry little Bobby I'll keep you warm oh my gosh guys no way Bobby grew oh man would you look at that look at little Bobby swimming down there are me and Bobby gonna be like this forever are we gonna be friends forever I have no idea but we'll have to see let's go Bobby we will make it to the other side and of course Bobby is hanging on to me no Bobby Bobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything you know is in your mind day nine sadly Bobby was killed I had no idea what to do and all I could think about was Bobby it was a volcanic eruption and there were a bunch of dangerous creatures at the Oasis and all I could do was hide and wait out the volcanic eruption that was my only chance of survival at this point oh as soon as the volcanic eruption ended I try to get out the Oasis as soon as possible before I was spotted at this point I had to get away as far as possible all I could think about was Bobby but knowing Bobby he wanted me to live and at the corner of my eye I saw that there was a lizard running towards me but thankfully it went up onto the Oasis and did not come for me you will be remembered I will live for you and I will survive and grow big and strong and try to avenge you if I can so on day 10 this Aries wanted to accompany me and I did not mind at all but all I was thinking about was what happened to Bobby so while traveling with the Aries all I could think about was Bobby and this Aries was a very very joyful Aries and they had no idea what was going on and what I was going through now it is night time and I wanted to find a place to sleep because lots of things have happened and I didn't want to think about it anymore and I just wanted to go to sleep and stop thinking about everything and just get some rest so while I was trying to get some rest I noticed that there was a little bizu family and the Aries was talking and hanging out with them and I found that very very joyful and very very humble so on day 11 I woke up to the Aries asking me if I was good and yeah I was feeling a lot better than I was but still I knew that it would not be the same without Bobby I took some time to think about what happened to Bobby and knowing Bobby Bobby would not like for me to get revenge because Revenge does not solve anything so from this day forward I thought to myself I'm going to live life to the fullest just before Bobby and I will survive and grow the Aries that accompanied me was a very very friendly Aries and the Aries met a bunch of new friends so on day 12 I decided that I wanted to travel by myself and explore by myself because I did not want to cause any harm or danger to anybody else after what happened to Bobby but while walking around I found a little family here and there was a UVS a red pretty quick and a little tiny malark and my lyrics are very very adorable creatures and as soon as they got to them they got all scared of me they ran away because I was probably much bigger than them so I wanted to gain their trust and they got very very close to me and from the looks of it they began trusting me and they said hi to me and of course I had to reply back with hello and man this was amazing again I have not seen him Alert in a while and it is it just makes me very happy to see him alert and look at them look at them all say hi to me yes look at this this is amazing I am making new friends on day 13 I was gonna go and explore and leave those creatures and let them be because I did not want to cause any trouble to them and the thing was that they decided to follow me which was kind of weird but I did not mind at all because they're doing it at their own will and as you can see the uvius was the one that was most excited to be around me so I was really excited about that but while swimming across this River it really reminded me a lot of when me and Bobby swam across it and as you can see I have grown to adult and man we are getting so close and we are doing very very well on day 14 I stopped by a tree to get a little snack from the grass and the youth years was still flying around and following me and it started raining and it was beginning to turn dark so as it turned dark I decided to go and take a rest on this tree right here and this I believe is the elder tree and it is a huge huge tree and it is very very beautiful so I decided to rest the night here and waited till morning [Music] so on day 15 it was finally morning and I woke up and again the UVS is still following me which I don't mind at all and I passed by this area right here which brings back a lot of memories and I just kept on walking and going about my day as the UVS followed me it was really really cold and it was winter time and I wanted to get into a area where I would stop getting cold and getting hypothermia so I wanted to stay under this little cave for a little while so on day 16 I was walking around and adventuring and I saw that there was a glimmer High ghost staring down on me and the High ghost is a apex predator in the lands of cenaria and it is definitely one of the strongest creatures so I definitely wanted to keep my distance since it was arguing at me so the hikos got a little bit closer and started doing its aggro animation again and it was probably trying to tell me to get away from it and get out of insight so I decided to run and get away [Music] so on day 17 it is now morning and as you can see the high ghost is still following me this is not a good thing because High ghosts again they are apex predators and will hunt down anything that walks upon it and as you can see it just demolished that little creature at this point I was thinking that the High ghost was probably super hungry and was going to hunt me down so I decided to Stand My Ground and board it off because it was getting way too close and it's been following me this entire time the High ghost is getting extremely extremely close and it's also standing its ground and we may have to fight and battle it out right here pie ghost is not backing down and it started charging towards me and it got the first hit and now the battle really really started and the thing about the no rock is it is extremely tanky and it has The Rock breath and just with that I was able to take it down and I didn't even get below half HP and man the no rock is insanely overpowered went all the way to the volcano to check out what was going on and I wanted to explore and I noticed that there was a silhouette of a dragon and that right there is the para hexillion one of the legendary creatures in the lands of sonaria and as you can see it was guarding its volcano and I definitely did not want to fight it so from the looks of it the dragon has found me out and sensed my presence so I wanted to get away because again walking towards me [Music] foreign [Music] 19 I saw that there was a token and I wanted to go get it but sadly the Paradox Island swooped from above and took it away from me and it flew back on top of its volcano [Music] from the looks of it the para hexellium did not like that was around its volcano and it started charging towards me and I wanted to stay on my ground and it just kept on coming so I was thinking we probably had to fight here excellion got the first hit in and I got a few more hits along with my rock breath which The Rock breath has a chance to break bones which allows the Paradox only to not fly and slow down and I bit it and I saw that it was massively bleeding and I did not want to kill it and I just wanted to show them who is boss around here as you can see the paradoxilian had to heal off since it was extremely extremely low and I did not want to kill it because all I wanted to do was show that who is boss around here and the Paris alien walked away is so on day 20 that concludes this survival journey and as you can see I'm 100 out of 100 and now we can become Elder and as you can see we are now even bigger and even stronger and the no rock is definitely one of the strongest creatures in the game and that concludes this video I hope you guys did enjoy and that is how I survived 20 days as a no rock in creatures of scenario thank you all so much for watching to the end and be sure to comment down below what you want to see next I'll see you guys next time peace out [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Zoto
Views: 4,471,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zoto, Roblox, roblox, beluga, creatures of sonaria, gnolrok creatures of sonaria, how to get gnolrock, 100 days in minecraft
Id: fZFzN6bclK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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