I hunted the Level 100 Magikarp

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if someone were to ask you what the highest level most powerful Pokemon you can find in the wild would be what Springs to mind must be a legendary Right Arceus is encountered at a staggering level 80 is it Arceus no there is a Pokemon that dethrones the literal God of Pokemon Magikarp of course it's Magikarp let me explain so in suno's resort area there's a pond where you can catch our favorite little fish but deeper within this pond looks something very special something that makes even a shiny look like pathetic small fry an absolute Legend of a fish the level 100 Magikarp yep you heard me right in this game you can catch a wild level 100 Magikarp I must have it except I've still never played Pokemon Platinum so I was out of luck but as it happens there actually is one more location in the Pokemon Universe where you can find this Beast of a fish the Nature Preserve in black and white too so with my childhood copy of Black 2 in hand I knew I had a journey ahead of me so how exactly does it work well we're going to be doing fishing encounters for the Nature Preserve there are three fishing encounter slots you've got 40 masculine 59 Magikarp and one percent Magikarp the difference between the two is that with the 59 slot The Magikarp vary from levels 40 to 70 which is no good because we want the level hundred cup but in the one percent slot they can vary anywhere between level 1 and 100 which means that every time you cast out your line you have a one percent chance of hitting the right encounter slot and since the levels can be anywhere between 1 and 100 you then have a further one percent chance of getting your level 100 Big Boy meaning that for every encounter you have a one in ten thousand chance of finding the level hundred Magikarp making it even rarer than a full odd shiny in this game but to make things more fun my childhood copy of Black 2 happens to have the shiny charm on it which means our odds for finding shiny are slashed to 1 and 2 1731 this means that we have a good chance of finding multiple shinies before the level hundred cup a fun fact about the Nature Preserve if you fish in the Rippling spots you actually have the same chances of finding a level 100 Gyarados but we're not interested in Gyarados I know where my priorities lie these are the highest level Pokemon you can find they're also the lowest level Pokemon you can find in the wild along with Reggie gigas and platinum that can also be found at level 1. the 1 in 10 000 chance was daunting but I was not to be deterred I knew I was destined to find one of these for myself so I set off for the Nature Preserve and got fishing I cast out line after line and as hundreds of encounters went by I quickly began to grow tired with how long it was taking too many fish too many we could use some cats well lucky for us the Battle Cats has more cats than you could ever need ever the ring The Battle Cats is the game you never knew you needed get this you do battle with cats the cats are on an invasion and they can't be stopped they're taking over the world even the moon isn't safe there are many Fierce Warriors for your consideration including cat bird cats in a box Bean cats and my personal favorite this cat that has the most majestic legs I've ever seen I would fight for you but I guess you're fighting for me since that's literally the point of the game you can pick 10 cat types per battle and you want to use as many as possible to claim victory if you're in a pinch you can even use this beautiful cat Cannon to knock back your enemies as you play through the game you can unlock even more cat friends to do battle with on the 29th of this month you can even get yourself a free rare ticket which will let you unlock a new cat hero there are also special capsule events limited time stages and even more fun stuff to check out you can download the game now by using the link in the description or by using this handy QR code thanks so much again to The Battle Cats for sponsoring this video so it was taking me way too long to find my desired Magikarp I desperately needed a new strategy this was around the end of last year and I remembered I did also have a spare copy of white too I remember I bought it from my older sister for 15 pounds when I was a teenager she'd get a lot more than that for it now I totally scammed her but I'd had this copy of White 2 that had just been sitting in its box for years this was the perfect time to put it to good use I took a break from fishing up Magikarp and in my leisure time I played through this white too it was a really wholesome and nostalgic experience here's my final team if you want to see it the goal is to get to the Nature Preserve and then I'd have two games to hunt on for the level 100 carp so it should go twice as fast what I kind of forgot is that to get to the Nature Preserve you have to have seen every Pokemon in the Universal decks nearly 300 Pokemon I didn't have to catch all of them thank goodness but I did still have to do lots of reading and trading with my other games and by the time I got to the Nature Preserve I had around 40 hours logged into my save file I still think even this probably will save me time but we'll have to see I'm glad I did do this though because when I finally started looking for the level 100 cup again things got interesting also you might notice that I'm using a grimer and a swallow which might seem pretty random but there is a very good reason for this they both have an ability called sticky Hold You could also use a Pokemon with suction cups what this does is drastically increase the rate at which you get bites before I started using these it was painful how many times I'd cast a line and get nothing the words not even a nibble appear in my nightmares but legit as soon as I started using them I Gotta Buy every single time definitely something you want to consider if you decide to look for this too with my sticky hold Pokemon in two games the encounters started going by a lot faster and it didn't take long for the fun to start around 2000 Encounters in I found found an incredibly rare Magikarp could my quest be over already [Music] shiny that's not even on the the shiny charm file that Magikarp is just full odds wow this is phase one for the level hundred Magikarp first shiny I'm so excited all right time to catch it I'm going to use the best of pokeballs the quick ball [Music] two three and I got her so that's my first shiny Magikarp probably not my last one it's still very very cool it's not the Beast I was looking for but I will take you in we're not actually shiny hunting though so it's just a cool bonus remember these games are old so shinies are a lot less common we might not see another one for weeks oh for what okay literally 10 minutes after the Magikarp did I find this basculine wait 10 minutes since I found that um The Magikarp what it's the same good oh no I'm Legit kind of worried about this I was actually just thinking after I called The Magikarp you know I should do a little test capture of a masculine because I'm a bit worried that I might fail one and what do you know now why would I be worried about failing a basculine I'm interrupting the clip because if you want to try and hunt the level 100 cup then this is something you need to know so level 51 masculine learns a move called final Gambit which makes it faint if you find a shiny you don't want that or maybe you do maybe you just don't like basket it also gets double-edged and thrashed and has a surprisingly low catch rate just so very bad things for a shiny so basically you want a ghost type so that all those nasty moves will fail I was using a dust Noir okay that's your helpful tip of the day I hope I have earned your sub bye all right switching to my desk Noir I'm a bit worried just because my dusknore is quite a bit under leveled so I don't want it to die and I don't have any the ghost types I have a master ball if things really go wrong be really funny if I have to use it I'm just not gonna weaken it I'm just gonna throw stuff at it one two three oh oh I was so sure I was gonna fail that so that is phase two for the level 100 Magikarp this one actually was on the shiny charm file this time very cool after finding my second shiny fish I then live streamed the hunt for a little bit and around 5 000 encounters I fished up another prize I only play pocket monster game oh oh all right this is on the Ford's file wow that's that's really lucky that's exciting I'm gonna catch it in a quick bowl because I can one two three and go not the quick bowl what are you gonna do about it it looks fine in a quick bowl it's yellow oh that's so cool though after my third shiny I began to lose a bit of steam again I still do encounters every now and then but it was really dragging on I decided that just wouldn't do so here I employed something I like to call the no life approach I needed to find this thing in around three days I racked up the same amount of encounters as I'd done in the previous six months I wasn't messing around and around 6 000 encounters I was greeted by a familiar face oh oh another one okay so that's shiny Magikarp number three isn't this like the third shiny that I've had on the full odds file that's that's so wild why is this one so lucky my shiny charm file has found one masculine and this one has found three shiny Magikarp like what is going on I'm feeling different I'm gonna catch this one in a netball three oh all right that's shiny number four moving on I shall accept it RNG is just wax sometimes with a game that has the shiny charm I should be getting three times as many shinies as a game that doesn't have one but in my case I got three times as many on the full odds file RNG just doesn't care it does its own thing after I found the fourth shiny I had something incredible happen I found three of the one percent Magikarp slots on one game in a row that doesn't sound crazy but when you do the numbers the chances of that happening are literally one in a million a hundred times rarer than the actual thing I was trying to do with four shinies in my possession I knew I had to keep going ten thousand encounters was inside and then foreign [Music] there it is there it is [Music] oh my God that is a beautiful sight oh I gotta get a picture of that [Music] look at this amazing creature I cannot believe it no cheating device because I'm for real I'm going to be catching this in the classic the quick ball oh that is amazing there we go the hunt for the most powerful carp it's over it took me 9664 encounters for the level 100 Magikarp was finally mine I mean it probably wasn't 9664 exactly somewhere around 8 000 my cat started playing with my keyboard and messed up the calculator I had opened so I had to make an educated guess this took me around 40 hours to find but I feel such a sense of accomplishment knowing that I found one of the rarest Encounters in Pokemon hey hey hey Lucy you know you could have just used the Pokemon with pressure right what Well yeah if you have a Pokemon with the ability pressure vital Spirit or hustle at the front of the party it'll make the encounter have a 50 chance of selecting the slot with the higher levels what this does is make the odds go from one in ten thousand to around 1 and 200 so you're saying I didn't need to spend 40 hours trying to find this thing no but that method only works in Platinum though so it would have been useless for black and white too anyway so technically I didn't waste any time as suppose but you could also make it easier in black and white too by using lucky powers or an ability like intimidate oh that's all I need to hear so as I was saying one of the rarest Encounters in Pokemon I now take my very powerful carp and ride off into the sunset thank you hey this video was such fun to make so I hope you liked it too I have some really fun videos planned this summer I can't wait for you to see them if I say in a video I'll probably be more likely to hold myself to it so I'm going to be streaming a little more on Twitch soon so give it a look if you want all right thanks for watching bye
Channel: CandyEvie
Views: 284,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, level 100 magikarp, pokemon trivia, shiny hunting, pokemon challenge, magikarp, candyevie, pokemon black, pokemon white, pokemon black and white 2, unova
Id: HKdqlQ4ncJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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