Pokémon Omega Ruby Hardcore Nuzlocke Dragon Only

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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are some pretty solid Pokemon games despite the fact that the games are 95 water I still really enjoyed my playthrough of Hoenn this is why I wanted to revisit these games all these years later to see if I can beat it with only dragon types not only am I gonna be using only one type of Pokemon though I'm also going to be adding on the hardcore nazlog rules just for a little Pizzazz with all that being said though I'm ready to get into the run so I named myself xango and start my journey through Hoenn this journey starts off a little bit weird as I've got to watch these big hunky men carry boxes inside my house and I've also got to see my deadbeat dad on TV just talk about his gym status I really wish he was with us though because he could help us move in and he could be there for me but it doesn't matter I I end up getting a Pokemon I used the universal Pokemon randomizer to make my starter bag on so I would actually have a dragon type for the first half of this game I decided to give back on the nickname bacon then I've gotta go challenge my rival and she's actually a complete pushover as I've got Amber and she's got a Trico after absolutely murking May in a battle I get to go meet my dad for the first time in like 10 years and all he wants me to do is go get this kid Wally a Pokemon once I get that done I go to petalburg woods and meet this guy who's dressed up like an absolute weirdo I swiftly move past that situation and find myself in rosborough city where I can challenge the first gym in this first gym I've got to go up against Roxanne and she leads to battle with Geodude as I lead with bacon with bacon I started by going for a dragon breath doing well over half and paralyzing geodid Geodude attempts to hit me but can't as she's fully paralyzed and on the next turn I go for another dragon breath but Roxanne heals so it only brings Geodude into the rat that healing really didn't matter much as one more dragon breath finishes off Geodude and leads me into the final Pokemon nose pass against nose pass I go for a dragon breath and it ends up doing about a fourth as I get hit by a rock tomb that does 10 HP on the next turn I'll go for a second dragon breath and this brings nose pass down to half as I then get hit by another rock tomb and it actually gets a critical hit this is really unfortunate as now I'm at 14 HP and with my speed being down too I'm actually slower than nose pass now that nose pass cannot speed she goes for a tackle that brings me down to 9 HP as I go for a dragon breath and brings her down into the red at this point I think it's over as nose pest just has to hit me with a rock tomb but for some reason she decides to spare me and goes for a tackle which allows me to survive and go for a dragon breath and finish her off with nose pads down I win my first gym badge with that first gym down I witnessed Team Magma run away with some Devon Parts not really sure what that does but as I'm running to go chase them I find myself Pico and after saving Pico I'm actually able to get on this boat I just gotta catch this guy but he he he he just won't stand still after about Millennia I chase him down and we're finally able to go to do for a town where I can challenge my next Jam this gym is really easy as when Machop comes out he goes for a bulk up and I do half with dragon breath so on the next turn I'm able to finish him off with another Dragon brat not even gonna lie to you this exact same cycle happens with makahida who goes for bulk up rather than hitting me and I just kill with two dragon breaths after this gym I move on to give a letter to Steven and after he receives that letter he just walks away from me which is a little bit rude I didn't have a chance to put a word in the conversation we had but either way I'm I'm able to go to the next city through the same guy who I got pico for and after I get here I don't really know what to do I was sat up in my room absolutely lost as I had just walked around into every building until I eventually found the place in this Museum type thing I meet Maxie then I pass by Maxi and start my Eevee training process this process of EV training is really easy and I just want to let you guys know that I'm going to be using this EV training method throughout the entirety of the run I don't think I'll mention it all the time but I I'm doing it this all leads me on to my big moment in the fashion show there's absolutely no chance I lose this I can do nothing but when I lost and it wasn't even close I lost my I I lost by a lot it was really bad after that truly unfortunate loss I've got to walk with my tail in between my legs to go fight my rival May at least I know some things don't change as May gets absolutely rocked in this battle as it leads me out to the next city and actually the next Jam this one's a really hard one I mean Watson's team is kind of perfectly built to paralyze and like counter me hard but I think I've got a good plan so here we go I start this battle off by going for a home Clause as Magnemite hits me with a Thunder Wave and I'm able to heal it off with the berry I have I try to take up Magnemite but he's got sturdy so he survives on one HP and he hits me with a volt switch which is actually really good that's really amazing RNG on my part as I don't get paralyzed now that I didn't get hit by that Thunder Wave magnatone gets sent in and once he gets sent in I go for a rock smash doing half as he goes for a supersonic and just whiffs it one more rock Smasher is able to do the trick as next out is Magnemite again who immediately gets healed in the switch in and on the following turn I just go for two more rock smashes and that just finishes him off last is Voltorb and it only takes one headbutt to take him out as that wins me my third gym badge after the gym I start my journey towards meteor your Falls and I meet this guy who wants to show me his secret power and I'm not about that I get away from him as quickly as possible and I'm actually able to make it to the next town this town really isn't much those it's kind of just like a border to get to the next area Meteor Falls once I get there an easy fight with Team Magma ensues and this scientist nearly gets pushed off the edge of a cliff like what Team Magma is one of the craziest evil teams they literally almost assassinated this guy those Team Magma guys let me know that there's actually a stronghold on top of Mount Chimney so I go there on top of the stronghold I beat up my good friend Maxie and after he's finished I make my way down to Lava Ridge town to challenge my fourth gym after Flannery finishes yelling at me she leads the battle with Slugma as I lead with Flareon what I don't even have a Flareon what are you talking about Zane sorry about that uh I lead the battle with my bag on with Bagon I start out by going for a home Clause that brings my attack up one as lugma misses an overheat on the next turn because I was feeling confident I decided to go for another home clause and Slugma actually sets up a sunny day which absolutely horrifies me on the next turn no more games I go for a headbutt finishing her off as that leads into numeral numo gets the same treatment just a One-Shot headshot as this leads into me getting Dragon claw after I teach it to her torko comes out and I go for a dragon claw and torkel doing a little bit over half as I get hit by an overheat doing insane damage bringing me all the way down to 12 hp with a critical hit I would have been biscuits there but thank God we're good I end up going for another Dragon claw finishing off Flannery and winning myself my fourth badge after finishing off Flannery I go back to petalburg city where I'm able to fight my dad before fighting him I evolve bacon into Shelgon then I start my 5th gym battle Norman leads the battle with slacking as I lead with Shelgon I start out by going for a protect and on the next turn I go for a home Clauses lacking just loafs around this cycle continues until I'm at plus six attack and at that point I go for a dragon claw one shot and slacking with slacking down next out is vigoroth who hits me with a retaliate but it doesn't do an insane amount of damage it only brings me down to 50 HP as I'm able to go for just one Dragon claw and that finishes him lastly is another slacking so I go for a protecting Dragon clock combo that finishes him off and wins me my fifth badge now that I have that fifth badge this level cap moves up to 35 so I'm able to catch two new Pokemon the first one is in the desert and it's a trap Edge once I catch him I give him the nickname Bagel then I move on to Meteor Falls where I can catch another Pokemon this one being swablu after catching swab blue I give her the nickname 1.60934 km and the reason I did this is because I'm a filthy American and I can't ever remember what a mile is in kilometers with those two Pokemon acquired I move on to the weather station that's currently being ransacked after clearing out Team Magma the only thank you I get is a testicle for a Pokemon then I move on to fight May in my next rifle battle this was really just a dragon claw sweep and after maze defeated I head into fortree City where I get this stupid lizard out of the way so I can challenge the sixth gym also one more thing before I start this fight I evolve trap into the Vibrava then I also evolve swablue into alteria Winona leads the battle with swellow as I lead with alteria swellow starts out by going for a double team as I go for for a dragon breath doing about half swellow starts to spam double team and after a couple of turns that strategy falls through in itself as I hit a dragon breath and it ends up taking swellow out next up is ulteria and for alteria I started I can look for a dragon breath doing a little bit over half as I get hit by a dragon breath and it brings me down to 34 HP one more dragon breath finishes off her alteria as next out comes Skarmory for scar Maria decide to move into bagel and on the switch in I get hit by a seal Wing doing a really good amount of damage at this point I start to get really lucky as in four consecutive turns I take zero damage from Skarmory just by flinching and avoiding attacks one Skarmory is just outside of healing range I switch into Shelgon and set up a home claws this home Clause gives me just enough power to finish off Skarmory and with Skarmory down last doubt is peloper peliver starts out by going poker attack simply just delaying the inevitable as I end up one chatting with the dragon claw and that wins me badge number six with the gym down I move on to Lily Cove City where I find this weird guy who gives me simultaneous in this city I also find the move deleter so I can finally get rid of this awful move rock smash I then start to walk around the city a little bit and I meet this Team Magma grunt who says Don't Go Near The Cave in the cove and why would I not do that they just told me not to I go there and I end up planning a ton of Team Magma members shocking I make it to the top of this mountain and I want to fight Maxi but he ends up just walking right past me which is really unfortunate to say the least I really thought me and him had something but it's fine whatever after absolutely beating the brakes off of his sidekick I get myself the blue orb and fight Team Magma member after Team Magma member it's really obnoxious at this point eventually I make it to see Magma's secret lair but they just leave Maxie just leaves me again you know what it's fine I don't need no man I just move on to Moss deep City where I can challenge the seventh Jam right before starting this battle Bagel actually evolves into a fly gun then right after starting this battle Tate and Liza both lead with Lunatone and soul Rock I decided to leave with Altaria and bagel and right away I Mega Evolve Altaria and go for all of my moves on Lunatone so I can take her out this strategy works out perfectly as Lunatone goes down in the first turn and on the next I go for a crunch in Dragon pulse combo that finishes off Soul Rock and wins me my seventh badge once I get out of the seventh Jam this giant beam of light just blows up the sky then after I go to there I meet Maxie underground or underwater I guess but either way he's trying to resurrect Groudon which is a big No-No for me so I end up battling him he leads metal with my DNA as I lead with alteria with my Altaria I one-shotted mightiana with a single Dragon pulse as next out came wheezing so I switched into Shelgon who just tanked an explosion I ended up Surviving with 6 hp which was kind of scary but regardless crowback comes out now X and for crowband I switch into Flygon and take them out with just a couple of dragon claws last at his camera up and he just goes down to a single flag on earthquake and that wins me my battle against Maxi unfortunately for me though this battle didn't really mean much as Groudon still ends up coming to the surface and he's like kind of destroying the world this causes me to go to the cave of origin and get in this really wacky suit so I can follow him on this lava after he goes Primal he ends up starting to battle me but this fight really isn't that bad he is a level 45 and he's extremely powerful but most of his moves are ground type moves and because I have levitate this just does nothing to me because of this Groudon goes down pretty easily to Flygon and this actually kind of wraps up the game really nicely Team Magma and Team Aqua they get along now which is really kind of nice and I'm actually able to get a few new encounters here after defeating Primal Groudon the first one is an Axew that took me forever to find when I say forever I mean forever it took me like seven hours to find an axio an axi or regular ax you it was the worst oh my gosh it was horrible I ended up giving him the nickname Lumberjack and I move on to my next area where I can actually encounter a skrel this whole thing took me way less time than they ask you and after catching Skrelp I give him the nickname Skipper both of them have like meh Natures but it really doesn't matter that much on my way to the 8th GM I evolved ax unit fracture then I challenge Wallace for my eighth and final gym badge Wallace leads a battle with love disc as I lead with Lumberjack love just starts off by going for a draining kiss doing really minimal damage as I go for a dragon dance on the next turn I go for another Dragon Dance his love just hits me with a sweet kiss but I have a person very so I just heal off the confusion at this point I go for a taunt so loved this can't hit me with any more sweet kisses and I just start to spam Dragon Dance after setting up four you guys better bring out the broom because it is sweep City I'm just taking out these Pokemon left and right Celio Milotic all of them are going down to one shots Wallace eventually brings in his final Pokemon C King who gets annihilated by a dragon claw and that wins me my eighth and final badge I'm now onto Victory Road where I fight Wally for the final time and his team is kinda bad one of his Pokemon isn't even fully evolved which is just a real damn shame as he gets absolutely schwepped and I'm on to the Elite Four before starting my leadboard journey I get myself a salamance and a dry algae bring my team up to the level cap so I can challenge Sydney in my first Elite Four battle Sydney leads a battle with Mightyena as I lead with Lumberjack I start the battle off by setting up a Dragon Dance AS Mightyena hits me with a Swagger but since I have a person Berry that Swagger just does nothing and raises my attack plus two that Dragon Dance and Swagger bring me up to plus 3 attack and plus one speed so as you can imagine mightyanna gets absolutely annihilated on the next turn by a dragon claw next that is shiftry who hits me with a fake out flinching me as in the next turn I go for a dragon claw and he just goes down pretty much this exact same cycle happens with both Sharpedo and Absol until eventually I'm making out to Sydney's final Pokemon character on the initial turn Captain sets up a spiky shield and I end up hitting it doing minimal damage to myself as in the next turn I just finished off capturing with another Dragon claw that finishes up my first Elite Four member and leads me on to my next one Phoebe she leads a battle with Haxorus as I lead with Lumberjack with Lumberjack I started by going for a taunt on dusclops and she's actually not able to hit me as she went for a confused rat at this point you know what time it is I start to spam Dragon Dance until eventually I set up like two or three then I go for a dragon claw and dusclops and it ends up ocoing with that Phoebe brings out duskin or who also goes down to a single Dragon claw next up is Sableye and in order to conserve a little bit of my PP I decided to go for an earthquake and it ends up finishing off Sableye no problem as the same thing happens with bayonet as the last bayonet comes in I used one final earthquake and after finishing her off I win my battle against Phoebe I really don't enjoy playing Dragon man Strat where I just go for it and then keep going for it until I can sweep but I kind of have to do that for this fight this one's against glacia and she leads the battle with lately as I leave with Lumberjack against lately I started by going for a Dragon Dance AS gladly goes for a hail on the next turn I get hit by an eye Shard and it does minimal damage as I set up a second dragon dance I then tank another ice yard before eventually finishing off glaly with an earthquake as that leads into Frost last with those two dragon dances set up I'm able to out speed Frost less and go for a dragon claw finishing her off as next up comes another frostless who also gets finished off by a dragon claw Glacier then brings in wall rain and since walran's a little bit tanky I decide to play it safe and go for her third Dragon clock finishing him off with a one shot as that leads into the final Pokemon Glee with Glalie I could have played it safe and switched out but nah I'm not about that I decided to go for an earthquake and it won shots winning me my third Elite for battle I'm now on to the final leaf or member Drake and he leads battle with alteria as I lead with the military of my own with mild area though I decided to Mega Evolve and after mega evolving I go for a moon blast and it ends up absolutely annihilating the enemy Altaria King George gets sent in next and is also annihilated by Moon blast is next out is flagon lygon doesn't go down to a moon blast but does go down to a dragon pulse and so does the next Flygon end when salamance comes out he goes down to a moon blast megalataria is just kind of crazy regardless though that is the end of my Elite 4 journey and now I'm actually on to the champion Steven leads the Battle of Scar Maria as I lead with bacon against Skarmory I started by going for a flamethrower that does a ton of damage brings him all the way down to the red and burns him as he goes for a toxic against me and I have a Petra Berry so I just heal off the poison Skarmory ends up going down to the burn damage his next out is Agron against Agron I go for a flamethrower and it does almost half as he ends up missing a Stone Edge on me it's at this point where I go for a dragonfly just to make sure Aggron doesn't get into healing range and aggram ends up hitting me with a Stone Edge doing a ton of damage bringing me all the way down to the red it's fine though because I get to go for a flamethrower and that finishes off Aggron leading into gridale because I know cordelli is really not that strong I decided to set up two consecutive roosters it brings me all the way up to 165 HP and then I get hit by an agent power on the next turn I go for a flame we're doing really minimal damage as I then get hit by a confused Ray which kind of sucks this whole thing ends with me switching out into Lumberjack and on the switch in Lumberjack gets hit by an ancient power and credali actually gets an omni boost I go for an earthquake that only breaks cordelli down to half as I then get hit by a sledge bomb that brings me down to 56 HP not gonna lie I kind of just wasted Lumberjack there for no reason either way I ended up switching into kelp and actually credali gets swapped out Steven switches out into clay doll and on the first turn claddle sets up a light screen as I try to do some damage with dragon pulse but no dice as that light screen really is powerful I now decided to switch into Flygon who doesn't take any damage on the switch and due to levitate this means on the next turn I'm free to go for a crunch and it ends up doing a decent amount of damage bringing play it all down to about a third as I get hit by an extra sensory one crunch later play it all goes down and next out is armaldo against armaldo I go for an earthquake doing about half and then I get slammed by Nexus or and it brings me down to 30 HP it's fine though because in other earthquake kills and credali gets sent back out with lygon I go for a U-turn switch Skipper who gets hit for minimal damage on the switch in and on the following turn for Dolly heels as I go for a sludge bomb doing about a third a couple of turns go by his credales all the way into the red but unfortunately she heals yet again but it doesn't really matter as a couple more sludge bombs do the trick and after she goes down the final Pokemon Metagross comes in with Metagross in I wanted to start playing this fight really lame so I went for a double team completely forgetting that Metagross is a psychic type and I actually get annihilated by a Zen headbutt with Skipper town and moving to bacon and on the first turn Metagross hits me with a meteor match that does a little bit of damage as I go for a flamethrower doing about half unfortunately Metagross has feeds me and finishes off bacon is now I switch into bagel I completely forgot about priority bullet punch so Bagel ends up going down it's getting a little bit scary now I'm not gonna lie I decided to switch into Haxorus and go for an earthquake luckily I'm able to out speed and finish off metagross's remaining HP as that would be my final battle of this run if you guys did enjoy maybe leave a like subscribe that'd be really appreciated regardless though I had a really fun time with this run and with that being said that was my attempt at a Pokemon Omega Ruby hardcore nazlock using only dragon types I really did enjoy this round dragon types are a blast to play with and if you enjoy this run if you could please leave a like And subscribe that really helped me out but either way with that being said Emmy stop I did enjoy this run a lot uh just because dragon types are super fun to play with and if you did enjoy watching this run if you could please leave a like And subscribe that helped me out a lot with that being said though that was my attempt at a Pokemon Omega Ruby hardcore nazlok using only dragon types [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Zango
Views: 43,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardcore nuzlocke dragon only, pokemon emerald hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke only dragon types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon emerald nuzlocke, dragon type hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon emerald nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, pokémon nuzlocke, hardcore monotype nuzlocke, pokémon dragon type, pokemon emerald challenge, dragon type nuzlocke, pokemon challenge, dragon nuzlocke, dragon type, pokemon, nuzlocke
Id: Lo5xD32J-tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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