Attempting Radical Red With Frog Pokemon Only

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pokemon radical red but i can only use frog pokemon is this possible i don't know let's just try there are truly no rules beyond i can only use frog pokemon past that i don't even know what's going on in this game so let's just find out together this game is made by soup ursel and koala four okay if you paid for this in any way you got scammed all right well and you want to play radical red don't ask me just look up how to play radical red and then don't pay someone it's all here don't ask me i will not be answering that because i had to look up the same question you had i had myself new pass will open to you by helping people in need overcoming challenges and solving mysteries or frog they forgot that at times you'll be challenged by others and attacked by wild creatures be brave and keep pushing on i certainly will not be brave but that's fine for your adventure we hope that you will interact with all sorts of people and achieve personal growth that is our biggest objective i just want to play with frog pokemon i don't i was gonna be the one who made this into a bigger thing for no reason but the game is trying to get me to achieve personal growth i bought a supreme frog shirt what like what else do you want from me radical red what you know what let's just keep going this is a lot i'm giving a i'm putting a lot on my plate if we're gonna be honest uh-huh that's not a frog that's fine sure you study pokemon as a profession that's pretty cool i will tell you a bit about myself am i a frog or am i a frog i'm a frog okay well that's uh pretty simple if we're gonna be honest little [Music] frog man uh it seems to be the the correct name yes my grandson who is the rival of frogman now if you guys are not aware [Music] we accept one marvel hero in this household and it's marvel's frog man now i don't know who the enemy of marvel's frog man is but i'm sure that's the actual enemy of who we're going to be going against so if anyone would like to tell me or even lie i don't care we just need a rival okay we just need a rival not no we accept toads toads are our frog friends no no no in this family we love both frogs and toads we are not saying no to frogs and toads eh you want to bring up like salamanders and other friends that are somewhat similar not the same they're not included but we still love them okay we need something that's against it the walrus no way the walrus come on is it really the walrus that's that's incredible oh that's incredible i chat you could be lying i don't care we're making it can and our our enemies the walrus no that doesn't that doesn't matter to me i'm hey want to know what else was made up chet the chet family was made up on the spot so you know what you guys say walrus i say bet let's do it the walrus is the the natural predator to frogs everywhere everyone know this children know this it's elementary i can't put the should it be wall rust like wall russell westbrook like ross like are just rust or maybe do we put a period we put a period to show how menacing it's a very serious walrus nothing after just walrus yep there it is hey you better remember uh-huh sure i think there's some rules we have to go through so let's see what's going on i did a four-page report in third grade about the battles between walrus and frogs i mean you went to a good school please stop mashing ain't properly answer the incoming questions oh oh thank you game i was gonna do that i hot take this is already one of the better rom hacks i've ever played because they they see me they understand that i want to go and play the game they're like hey buddy you're going to ruin this just you read man just read um no i would like oh minimal grinding mode yeah yes oh my god yeah yes i don't want to ev train i would like to i want to attempt to entertain people i want to at least try to entertain people evie training is the least entertaining thing possible that's what you do when you're bored and you have like a tv show on the background and you can spend hours getting the perfect evs this is not for content the creation oh my god yes thank you [Music] it's not that i'm a coward it's that i want the frogs to reach ultimate glory and we don't wanna we don't wanna limit the frogs cause there are only a few frogs we can get bulbasaur we can get poliwag to get paulie wrath and polly toad we can get crow gunk we can get seismitoad and we can get greninja after beating misty i think for a second time that's a minimal amount of frogs we will not have many frogs we won't even have that many typings we are going to get obliterated by certain pokemon hardcore mode would probably make this impossible what are these noises they're the noises of someone who loves frogs okay i'm just just let me be what was restricted mode on i'm gonna say no um okay huh now i'm not gonna turn on easy mode i'm not a coward i'm just not brave i'm not super brave and i'm not a coward no i'm not putting on easy mode no no i want to get my frogs no no there's a lot of questions that's fine favorite flavor of frog i uh chad if you guys start talking about eating frogs again i'm gonna i'm gonna get really upset i i will be distraught i'm i will be really upset i'm gonna be honest choose any starter so you can catch the first frog well we're gonna start with a frog don't don't overthink this uh-huh can i speed up you can speed up the raw mac you can zoom oh this is amazing cool hey you okay cool he's at the lab hey man what's going on i i guess it actually is the beginning of the game i thought they might have changed it it's okay oak i got frogs to catch oak i got frogs come on ah yeah you silly man yes chat this is a big moment right there it's the only choice bulbasaur is a toad i will even go and look it up because some people get a little upset and a little confused of what's going on with bulbasaur they're like bulbasaur is that a frog and they use that voice i don't understand why but yeah no if i if i go to the uh huh if i go to the origin bulbasaur is based on a frog according to ken sugamori don't want to butcher any other names the latter design bulbasaur working backward from venusaur meaning bulbasaur was the last of its evolutionary family to have been designed and also directly based on venusaur in particular its build and ears resemble beale simafu a large prehistoric frog this frog and now with that out of the way we continue forward with the knowledge that this is not just a frog but it is our first frog and it will be the most special frog as it will carry us from the game from start to finish prehistoric frog dino frog we could name this dino frog that that might be a little too simple but hey frogasaur frogasaur rob frogkowski that is too long but honestly could be up there we can't go chat that's a shiny thing i think froggasaur is the move i think froggesaur is amazing play the frogger ain't too ancient music oh that might be a good move that might be a good call katie let me see i'm typing frogger2 ancient not only is this our first frog it comes with a theme song the prehistoric frog frogasaur this this is what you live for right here this is the peak oh please tell me i spelt this right i i will never live it down if i spelled this wrong and that is just very true frogasaurus rex don't have don't have the characters for that frogasaur will never let me down yeah walrus you can do anything you want we have a theme going on here what are you gonna do huh we got a battle now yeah let's see walrus let's see huh you have a lizard you have a fire breathing lizard you think my prehistoric frog is scared of your regular lizard with fire on its tail maybe fire in its heart huh you know what froggasaur you got this i don't care about any of the things you're saying all that matters to me is getting this first victory and setting the world on fire with our performance huh scratch don't like that i feel like this charmander's hurting my feelings but we do have potions am i allowed to use potions okay right i i don't want to accidentally use that too early so we can use items in battle some people said you weren't able to do that that was probably the hardcore mode again not a coward just not super brave it's different charmander can't have a berry charmander charmander is allergic to berries right i i think that's true it is true and here it begins the dominance of frog pokemon radical red stands no chance there we go rival walrus out of here frogasaur the dominant starter and now it's time to really set this world ablaze we'll save that special music for when it makes sense but until then we keep going [Music] all right chat let's keep it moving do i have to talk to oak or to go do the thing i think i have to go do the thing all right we can run immediately which is very exciting but the first frog we can catch is route 25 10 or cerulean city old rod so it's just going to be us and frogasaur for a little bit now if anyone here has experience with radical red and wants to throw any knowledge at me so that i'm not being a big old dumb idiot in terms of getting frogs quickly i'd be really happy with you i maybe i'd even call you uh i don't know do do we have a fun name for people who love frogs or friends of frogs we can figure it out we can come up with we can come up with frog lingo hilarion zigzagoons here huh can i do frog music throughout i i like to save the frog music for big moments right because i use it too much i take away from the power that is the frogger2 soundtrack right so you don't want to overuse it you still want you still want to get hyped every time you hear froggesaur's theme i mean it's i was really overwhelmed oh god i did have workouts today this hurts so much why am i doing this john you stupid idiot why are you why are you doing this this is so you're not even adding much comedic value you're you're just this is oh god this is hell oh jeez oh boy i'm back okay i don't know what happened there that was so weird whoa break the frog you pulled a jack there i uh no i just i i created uh a fun time to open fro let's find a frog come on you need to give me a frog here come on uh what the hell is this hi dragon we got hi dragon sure what what is this hey look at this this is sick okay i actually love that card this is cool what is this smyker what like is it a smeagle tiger lord of the rings tiger crossover okay pretty white card rosemary shore and then another pretty card it's not a frog oh and then there's another card oh crap hey crab look at that all right well that's fine that's fine we didn't find a frog but everyone is still proud of us right everyone is still proud of us so you know what chat we're going to keep on moving and nobody is going to talk about the fact that we've already white it out because chad if we bring that up people might say that frogs aren't that powerful or they might just say mean things about me maybe they'll call me ugly because i lost i don't know they call my uh mikey bald but that's also just because he's hiding how bald he truly is under a hat all the time it's a tough scene i don't know what to tell you are feeling it now mr frog i'm feeling a lot of pressure to lead the frogs to victory if we're gonna be honest you lost to an acorn i lost to a sentient acorn okay it had thoughts and feelings and emotions i i don't to tell you danish is deathly afraid of frogs so to be fair i don't think he's really a traitor it's just he is living proof that frogs are really powerful he's a grown man scared of frogs and you know what i think that just means frogs are superior in all ways they're just very very powerful creatures you know i respect him i respect him for understanding the might that uh frogs in general have you know you see a poison dart frog you know hopping about you don't want to be in that one a little little critter's way he'll poison dart frog you he'll get out a dart gun and start hitting you with darts that's terrifying you imagine just strolling around the amazon rainforest as most people do when they're off days and a frog is just shooting darts at you that's awful do i have a pet frog i don't have a pet frog a lot of people are trying to get me to get a pet frog but like the genuine answer i have to why i will not get a pet frog is i love frogs too much to get a frog on like a because of a meme i don't have the time to take care of multiple animals and like i don't want to get a pet and like not take care of it properly so i'm not going to be getting a frog off of a meme no why should we be proud i don't even know what's going on oh no um all right let's go back to oak let's go see what's going on with uh mr old man cool thank you oak there we go that's pretty sweet we got pokeballs i have no frogs to catch here so i need to get past this area very quickly frog i need you all healed up actually does this tell me anything i see s is that like to show that this is on like the minimal mode oh minus special attack is actually kind of frustrating it's adamant right adamant nature i mean this is a physical move of course and i think razor leaf is physical too but i should be aware of that okay all right that's fine what pets do i have i have ginger and that is my pet she is adorable i love her dearly ginger is uh honorary frog maybe we'll get ginger a a uh frog costume uh maybe we'll just do that i mean chat i'm not saying i'm gonna like jump off the deep end into like frog crazy town but i already have so i just like i get excited for the ride or or worry deeply i it's honestly up to you it really depends on your thoughts on purchasing a frog shirt that is a poorly drawn frog that is saying that he knows supreme if that if that purchase worries you or if you're all in on the purchase it really kind of shows what side of this uh adventure you're gonna be a part of i for one love it very much so make ginger a mod jinger's taking a baby nap that's what she's doing the frog does know supreme what the who are you what oh my god that is so cool what do you mean whoa i'm talking to everybody oh my god are you kidding me they they just do this what what do you do sure okay what's in this grass hey meryl you're not a frog but i'll beat you up are there level caps i don't i have no idea magical leaf perfect i mean obviously it's a special move but like it's pretty exciting you can also just buy eggs that's kind of exciting huh carol anne i i'm i'm pretty sure that's yeah you did that carol ann you you just get it i appreciate you chad i'm gonna let you in on a secret right i feel like it's only fair now chat as you may or may not know i've started a merch line uh seventh merch right you know pokemon seven dot merch for all dot com and the goal of the merch is to create something that i'm excited to wear myself and hopefully other people will not just want to buy to support me but also want to buy because they think it's cool and want to wear it themselves if you don't like the designs that's completely fine but i didn't want it tied to me tied to pokemon tied to a pokey tuber but the designs we have there that is truly just the beginning i want to do different drops different ideas and right now i'm working on a limited design that is going to be similar to what we have there but frog infused i've contacted an artist it is being worked on hang tight and wait i'm very excited yes i am wise thank you frogasaur it's an old wise frog one of the one of the elder frogs in the pokemon kingdom it boosts special moves which our frog friend needs it needs a boost on the special side with its minus special attack nature this is perfect i do does that matter i no i know how that works john has a dynomax brain like jack i don't i don't think i like people saying that because i thought people usually just threw that out just a goof on jack now i'm not saying that you know people should goof on jack and not goof on me but i'd appreciate that it make me feel better right just don't you know don't don't make fun of the the size of dude don't just don't don't call me you know gigantomax had that that might hurt my feelings now people might be like uh john you say it to jack isn't that hypocritical yeah yeah it is i'm fine with it give me the old rod early why not oh no way yes we got this immediately oh my god whoa we immediately got the old rod let's check out the bag okay town map yeah so we can get poliwag at route 25 or cerulean i don't know i for some reason i thought we might get to 25 before cerulean unless it's no it's not below pal town where is route 25 [Music] where is route [Music] 25 what above cerulean [Music] am i dumb don't answer there it is okay it's fine all right it's fine i figured it out we figured it out let's let's just go over here and see what's going on route 22 there are no frogs here but there's a sand shrew the sanchez scares me deerling doesn't scare me as much did dearling just have sap zipper i kind of feel like that's bullying if we're gonna be honest but let's go and train up a little bit before we go against gary because i do want to go against not gary walrus i wanna i wanna go against the walrus okay let's just take you out cool what level do i want to get to before we go against walrus do we think why are there a lowland pokemon because this game is sick what else do you need to know why is the rival a walrus because walruses are the natural predators to frogs is what i was told and frog man marvel's own frogman so that's how it there we go this modded or vanilla this is pokemon radical red i have as much knowledge on radical red as anyone in the chat so unfortunately i'm not gonna be able to answer any of these questions like at all but you guys can talk with you know within the chat and ask each other questions about radical red i've never watched anyone play the game i've never played the game i like to save like romhacks to play for the first time on stream just so that my reactions are more fun and you know we kind of see what goes on i think it's fun that way you generally like the color red oh i guess so i mean like i mean i like the color combination of red and black a lot i know that probably wasn't a serious question but i felt compelled to answer it gonna be honest my first thought was questioning relating the color back to how many shoes i had of that color so i feel like my brain is possibly broken and i need to get outside more often if we're gonna be honest is this a nuzlocke no heavens no i'm not gonna let my is that a mega stone we can get mega venusaur oh that's exciting oh that is really exciting chat okay cool mega venusaur is going to be incredible wait where is that rap scallion walrus there's a mega stone over here i must investigate it might be mega venusaur i need you out of the way walrus i know you have a starly but i have leech seed and i will take the life out of the starley one turn at a time you can see the wise glasses on my face you didn't need to use frisk for that you horrible horrible bird that's fine do whatever you got to do starly and we're gonna take a little bit of health out of you magical leaf is gonna do more than we would expect because of my wise glasses oh okay this thing's just growling it's scared it's a cowardly bird i encourage the cowardly bird one turn just don't do the thing you did the thing you did the thing we were so close to you not doing the thing this is because i didn't have the theme song on that's on me that's on me nope i accept the responsibility of what i've what i've done that's okay we need the froggestor theme song on that's that's my bad everything will turn around now i see the charmander i understand the charmander i can hear the charmander the charmander is a crook it's a criminal don't don't trust this charmander uh one iota nope nope nope just it's nope just nope this is where everything turns around we leech seed the charmander we're going to get more charmander nutrients to grow big and strong okay there it is are we stalling with potions yes is it a cowardly strategy possibly but it doesn't matter because i'm not above using the potions we're just here to win with frogs okay that did zero damage i'm gonna need you to be a little bit better than that froggasaur i'm gonna be honest you know what frogasaur i believe in you i believe in the power frog no don't need to heal i believe i believe sometimes you just have to believe in frogs and they'll never let you down they'll never let you down for a second living on one hp is definitely hurting my feelings but as long as they don't crit we're in the clear and everyone is stoked on us and there it is walrus may have taken down a few other frogs in its day but not us not today bye bye charmander bye bye starly first real battle done the frog took out two natural enemies birds and fire breathing dragons nothing can knock us down except for c-dot except for c dot all right cool i'm not i'm not dawdling i'm i'm adventuring i'm ex i'm hanging out with my frog friends it's not dawdling i'm just having a good time with the frogs sometimes you just have to hang out with the frogs man i don't know why you said dawdling acorns are scary i'm not going to apologize for that also chat to you know to break out of the frog fun for just a second i do want to say thank you guys so much i i never really get a chance to truly thank you guys um with youtube youtube's such an interesting you know medium i upload videos i want the videos to do well i want people to enjoy the videos that's kind of where the conversation ends you know twitter instagram only so many people follow me there but recently pokemon 7 plays has been incredible but not just that i mean the vods channel people are so like we're enjoying the vods so much the chat streams i have never had 400 people watching me for a pokemon stream and this is really special and it's not lost on me and i just i want you guys to know i really appreciate it i'm excited to make this run as fun as it can be and uh you know i'm hopeful i can keep streaming more and more and bring you guys some really really fun series so thank you guys and let's let's see what we can do hi i'm i'm really glad people have enjoyed the vods as much as they have it's something i honestly i never expected a vaude channel to be as popular as it is and it's really cool because when the new games come out i can upload my entire play through every moment i play on the vod channel and you know rather than trying to edit you know a big series down into one video hey you want to see every second of me playing the new platinum game or the new 4th gen games boom there it is but for now i am frog man i i'm off to find frogs who are you sure oh wait what deck snap wait what okay xnav xnav stealing clout from mikey by streaming with frogs stealing clout do you does does mikey doesn't mikey have a frog that knows supreme i'm not stealing clout i i got a supreme frog sure what are you talking about clout hey come on come on you know you know there's no other content creators with supreme frog shirts come on come on what are you talking about stealing clout for mikey what is that that's chaos come on boo boo boo we can use this to get special ability or hidden ability frogs this is amazing chat what if we got a shiny frog oh my god wait what are the shiny odds in this game chat quick wait quick check what are the shiny odds in this game can i get a shiny frog that's pretty exciting one in 512 that's that is possible we could do that oh that's big that's big that's very big all right uh do you battle or do you give me something cool pumpkaboo that is such a cool encounter in here you oh that's really cool oh my god this game is sick wow i don't play competitive pokemon anymore but i played enough competitive pokemon that a game like this that's so competitively focused it's really cool i might have to try i don't know i might have to try some more games like this it's interesting in polls a lot of people have been saying they don't want to watch nuzlockes for me even though i feel like my skill set's probably perfect for nuts locking but the way i make content is probably probably a little bit too goofy gen 3 man are you brendan why are you looking for a joltik you're the gen 3 guy would you say joltik why do you want a jewel thick for brock am i going insane what's happening here it is brendan poor fish i'm gonna eat that i'm gonna eat this thing for breakfast are you foolish what's going on here brendan you think your measly little crawfish can stand up to the might of a frog they might be swimming in the same stream brendan but they are not on the same level trico a friend of frogs everywhere but even even a frog as old and wise as froggish or knows when you have to put friendship aside and do what's best for the frog team this is team frog we're taking out the trico and moving on it's fine take out the trico we say goodbye and we keep moving all right so you know what trico i'm gonna cushion your fall with some magical leaves goodbye little little lizard man goodbye all right that was that was great brandon oh this game is incredible oh wait that does not matter because we're playing on the the not having to train up as much mode but that's sick man this is awesome guys this is so cool okay uh you sure i'll grab that i don't know what i was saying before i'm gonna be honest chat in my mind i got very confused oof poison powder sleep powder poison powder sleep powder poison better sleep powder poison better sleep better points better sleep powder i think we go sleep powder because we already can leech seed things so i think putting something to sleep would be more helpful long term i think that's going to be the most helpful stun spore also could be a little bit more helpful we'll have to really pick our options okay girl to tackle i don't think at this point we can get rid of tackle because we only have one pokemon till we get the poliwag and it's just still going to be helpful in a few situations like the situation we're currently in um i don't know i could regret that but i assume there's going to be a movery learner at some point and i've been wrong before what qualifies as a frog pokemon is their list um there's a list somewhere but i've kind of just done like the eye check and then looked into them bulbasaur it's a frog you look into it says it's a frog poliwag it's a tadpole and it turns into polywrath and polytoad two more frogs talks are croak we i mean that crow gunk we know those are frogs seismitoad has toad in the name easy and then froakie evolves into frogadier frog is literally in its name those are all frogs um i don't think there are any more frogs i think fellow frog enthusiast in vivid color a deemed kirama frog but i think that was more like as a joke or a bit then it's actually a frog and i don't think there's any like i think calling another pokemon a frog as a bit is like the only other loose connection to frogs of anything so i've been rugged for yeah greninja is one of the ones but i'm pretty sure in this game there are six total like fully evolved frogs we can get [Music] toxil may be based on different lizard and frog species [Music] that's interesting low tad is a tad i mean we could we could go with low tad but i mean we wouldn't be able to evolve it so i mean low ted could just be like a low dad could be a mascot because the frogs are you know chilling on the low tad we could get a low tan throw it in the box that's a moral support does this mean you can catch temple yes it does it does indeed doctrine is a big maybe i'm not entirely sure i did not talk to these people this guy is i've never seen him in a pokemon game [Music] oh okay sure uh i thought i thought they were gonna like give me things that's fine swamper is a um was it like more salamander-y like isn't like isn't mudkip like an axolotl or like a mud fish or something um are you adding red into your team after all so chat i love you guys dearly but chat i have a question pokemon do you see under the chat like if you're watching the screen what what pokemon do you see for the frog themed layout under your comments [Music] i'm not saying that froakie being on the layout is like the one guaranteed frog you should expect because i feel like i shouldn't say that because you guys are all very intelligent wonderful people who i'd very much appreciate as viewers and i know everyone could make the connection i know everyone's on top of it also i'm pretty sure froakie's in my like vods art also pokemon 7 pages chat if you guys have twitch prime or amazon prime hey you got amazon prime connect that bad boy to twitch for free you can subscribe to me or your favorite streamer once a month no extra charge exclamation points prime twitch i don't know pokemon 7 pages try it out and some people on twitch say pog some people say pogchamp i don't think i've heard him say pogchamp in a long time but this is a pogies family and pokemon 7 pogies is the only way to really go now do we have room to add another emo is there a possibility we add the sad business frog emo of polly toad walking away with a briefcase very sad that's it's on the table uh maybe i'll set a a sub goal if we hit it i'll get that made but right now we got one frog emo hey we might get more it's a big decision though sludge is a it's another special move we need to get the money to change this guy's ability we're not building nature but i think for now we're just going to accept this i appreciate that sam that makes it sound like it's not worth shiny hunting but i do appreciate the heck out of it hey marlu thank you so much for the prime i appreciate the heck out of it you know what hey a future people watching on the vod channel if you have amazon prime i'm just asking politely i'm not even asking you to come out to the streams you enjoy watching the vod channel more hey good on ya but if you got amazon prime create a twitch found for free connect that with twitch prime and you can support me monetarily you don't have to donate you don't have to take anything out of your wallet it's a it's a free thing it's already included if you have the prime now i'm not saying go get amazon prime if you don't have it that would be ridiculous and i'm not that selfish i'm just saying you already got it why not me level cap is 15 so can i not get above 15 wait oh this is gonna be tough okay hard capped level caps frog only one frog but rock pokemon and we have sleep powder which was very smart we have the wise glasses we have sleep powder we have the worst possible nature for this moment but we do have frogs on our side and we do believe in the power of frogs so that's fine we keep on keeping on okay how much money do i have i have some i don't have like a lot but you know i have some oh man what if that's the frog one that's fine pewter city let's talk to everyone here what huh that's cool and tell me to play other games all right maybe cool [Music] what the randomizer setting the the abilities are different day to day that is absurd that is kind of crazy wow okay this game is nuts huh okay what's going on old man hmm you you you okay yeah i am a i'm a frog oh it's only pokemon i've seen bulbasaur i am a bulbasaur no no no no okay okay okay this one will be bulbasaur and this one is reading no no voices speech feelings okay i am oh it'd be an important bulbasaur um i am a rare bullasaur a rare and special bulbasaur yes i am a rare bulbasaur it does say a lot about me we are really good friends now thank you wow that was great we're not a romantic bulbasaur bulbasaur has a mission that it's ready to complete after team frog takes down walrus and the other enemies in this game frogasaur will settle down have a family and just you know retire into the wind but for now frogasaur is focused eyes on the prize it's not gonna end up alone no katie abc is uh out to get you abc has nothing against frogs it's it's very much a you thing i hate to say it i hate to see it it's it's tough though we can't bring that bad energy over to the frogs that's very cool glaring meowth snover snover would be really interesting against this gym all right i don't want to waste my money here dr strange i appreciate the heck out of you no i'll go i'll go at some point hey thank you the pokemon go guy i really appreciate you thank you thank you old man with wisdom [Music] well i'm poor what is the egg is the egg like random i i need i need questions i have questions give me answers okay that's what i meant random baby they're just gonna hand me a random baby that's highly illegal i would know my fiancee is a doctor she was delivering babies recently and she's working with babies you can't just give out random babies that's very against the law who is this old man and why is he allowed to do this hey that's chaos all right you what's going on in here i will enjoy myself i have a prehistoric frog and this is this is a this is a big trip for the frog our prehistoric frog just wants to see where its frog ancestors came from and you know [Music] really take advantage of this knowledge and take down brock oh cool ah that's okay no you don't i mean you don't need to i mean like ah but you [Music] bye [Music] i was very overwhelmed we have a new enemy hear me and hear me clearly we hate faulkner first he tried to take down the family and now he's against team frog walrus is a pushover we hate that man birds out of here enemies number one two three four five and 78 down with the falchner man but it's okay because it gives us an opportunity to open a pack get our secret rare frog freak out and it'll be great i'm gonna probably like really rush through these packs because i'm very i'm assuming i'm gonna need to buy another booster box to get the secret rare frog because it's a secret rare i may need to go through like five or six of these booster boxes a lesser person would say just buy the secret rare card but that's that's silly i wa i want to open it on stream and you know use up more of my money i messed this up so horribly how did i do this this is the rare card right away with gold writing that's actually really beautiful we're going to pretend like that didn't happen that's fine there's a knight there's the hydra gone there's this disease thing a it's the smyger it's the smeagle tiger okay cool and then it's uh why are there so many evil plants i don't understand it's fine we're opening up one more and we'll go is this close spelling you gail right this is uh a hunt for a special frog card it's not necessarily yu-gi-oh it is an ends to a means it is an ends to a means to get a special frog and also to get the perform mupple flip hippo i'm all in on flip hippo if i'm going to be honest summon gate well that is genuinely my bad i did not know that uh sig sigmar karn and i also don't know how to say her name so i hand up genuinely sorry i did not mean to insult your spelling i should be more careful about that genuinely it's tough because sometimes sometimes it's funny when someone young makes a spelling mistake trying to insult me but i'll read each situation better this is a sick card okay oxy ox everyone's favorite the cloverboar red eyes insight this looks sick wait a minute red eyes inside i think this is actually kind of a rare card four dollar card four dollar card we're rich we're rich chat rich oh whoa this is sick wait a second whoa this is a very cool card this is very shiny it's very golden chat i love gold i love yellow this is sick hey it's a five dollar card five dollar card [Music] four dollar card five dollar card we are rich we are rich we're the richest pokemon frog streamers in the world [Music] you got nine dollars i did get nine dollars chat the whole goal is to make money off of this box so that i can slowly you know make up the cost of buying a supreme frog shirt and then we can buy frog themed kobe shoes which are very expensive because the rest in peace kobe the shoes are cool i promise everyone's stoked on it but yeah we're back we're back to the fun we like to spice up the streams with cards every once in a while and you know what hey sometimes you gotta pick uh you gotta get cards that are themed to the stream frogs are pogies it's not that frogs are pog it's frogs or poggies but uh i don't think we can use items in battle which is hurting my feelings i'm gonna be honest i don't like that but uh that's fine because we're gonna keep on keeping on what no no i am trying to get totally awesome you understand wait do i have to beat falconer no there's no way i don't have to beat falconer right do i have to you have to beat falconer you have to be falconer you have to be falconer you have to beat falconer like you have to like you have to be falconer like you have to beat you have to [Music] [Music] a lot of people talked to me about radical a red of people talking about radical red a lot of people knew my plans were radical red zero people informed me hey how like how are you gonna beat falconer with only a bulbasaur [Music] feels really absurd that no like no one said that feels like anyone who's played radical red the first thing they experience is having to beat falconer i'm not saying i could have gotten like a warning like i'm not saying that i'm just you know saying we're gonna have to find a really loose thread to get another frog you can get to level 16 and evolve i cannot um there's a level cap unless can you really do you get one experience every time 496. [Music] okay okay hmm if they you over level they won't listen to you in this game okay okay it's our first speed bump uh we need to find a pokemon that has a loose connection to frogs loose connection here we're looking for a loose connection pokemon go guy i appreciate the heck out of you all right fam p is a friend of me i don't know if it's a friend of frogs katie i don't know if giant spiders would help in this okay try the egg guy we don't have the money for the egg guy though ghosts are dead frogs oh my god that's so genius that's so genius yes yes wait we need the gasoline we need the gastly we can't beat falconer with just a frog i'm not giving up though i'm not a coward gastly is a ghost it's a non-descript ghost and this ghastly i have been told is the ghost of a fearsome frog warrior we won't use ghastly past falconer but this ghastly has been trying to get even with that crook that criminal falconer for years this is our ticket to taking down the mean birdman yep this is it chat this is it i cannot wait for overly serious people to tell me i'm wrong in comments somewhere if you're against using the ghost of a past frog you're what's wrong with this frog filled world so you know what what was what was this ancient frog warrior oh no red wall frog red wall frogs nope redwall was a wonderful series of books i used to read come on i need i just need a frog king just need a frog in the red wall series [Music] just need a frog from the red wall series crickle okay [Music] all right there's a few named toads that's fine king glag web does that even fit one two three four one two three four damn okay damp watch what what happened with damp watch damp watch was a male toad who lived in the toad lands and was under marsh green's command he along with death coil in whip scale captured martin the warrior yeah all in damp watch is the name i'm all in i'm all in i could not be morin i'll get over that i'll go with notifications in a second damp watch easy okay [Music] amazing [Music] uh a mushroom would count as a frog because it's a toad that's a go we're going to start with this and then we'll we'll move forward we'll move forward to other you know possible frogs we will we'll do that and we'll move on um hey true dark thank you very much for the one dollar king i appreciate you all right thank you for the prime day time thank you caraxas and thank you kid justice for the 500 i appreciate all of you guys and jd morneau turn felt there's birds and the ghosts with gastly that's the kind of that's the kind of energy we need right now i chat we're just gonna do one loosely linked frog at a time one loosely linked frog at a time this is gonna be a rental or permanent it's gonna be rental it's like have you ever seen like lord of the rings right where they they get the ghost army and then once the ghost army helps to win that one battle they release them from their duty that's the same thing with this ghastly it has a bone to pick specifically with falconer and once the ghastly is done with its duty it will float away to the heavens and finally find peace so let's uh let's just do the thing i have to imagine well actually wait wait what nature is this thing why is it minus special whatever it's not minus speed that's all that really matters god damn are you kidding me it's fine that's fine that's minus special attack yeah that's what i just said did i not did i not say it correctly because i was aware of what it was maybe i my brain didn't work sometimes my brain doesn't work it's embarrassing when my brain stops working but like you know hey we're all frog you know lovers of frogs here right no need to be embarrassed we all make mistakes that's what matters wait there's an experience here oh i could just train up the the bulbasaur oh let's do that you can catch a young goose because the mongoose and they eat frogs did you suggest i could catch a pokemon that is known to eat frogs and then put the pokemon that eats frogs on the team with my frog pokemon [Music] i'm a little confused do we have a traitor in our midst do we have someone who's like actively against frogs watching the stream i feel like we can we get a frog going i'm a little axu that is absurd wait is axu can we somehow turn axe into a frog we do a little research this would be absurd all right aksu may draw inspiration from uh what the hell is this die dicey no don't what's two dog tooth oh it's a lizard it's definitely a lizard i tried it's just a lizard if we if we need to really stretch things even even more we'll get back to it but for now we're gonna use the ghost of a frog and that will work hey look shiny grimer ominous wind could be wait oh crap no we can't oh we cannot hit the rufflet right now that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine we just need to hit a hypnosis we might have to do the battle a lot of times it's fine i'm not gonna give up i won't give up on gastly okay um you can find i think you can find temple in the viridian forest i'm pretty sure you can't but if anyone ever like finds out for sure that i'm like missing a frog somewhere feel free to let me know and i'll go back and snag it no i can't make an apple into a frog grimer and mucker squish frogs right now i i feel pretty confident with the stretch of the ghost frog that like actually sounds pretty believable like i feel i feel like i've convinced myself that this is fair if we need to come up with crazier stories we will but for now i think this is what we stick with consider see because you can make tea out of frogs oh my god you can catch a snover because frogs live near trees chad i have to say i love everything i love all of the thoughts that are being thrown out right now it's really amazing i nosebleed with the twitch prime i appreciate you guys so much thank you to everyone who uses the twitch primes i anyone that wants to support you know monetarily just out of their pocket it means the world like you know obviously like youtube content twitch content it's free content to consume i need to make a living somehow but um i've been you know like successful enough and i'm just so lucky that i'm able to support myself with youtube stuff so i never expect anyone to support me with their own money on twitch but that being said hey if you got that amazon prime you can throw the prime my way i appreciate that the most because i know that it's still monetarily helping me but it's not forcing people to pay out of their wallets or out of their pockets would make more sense so that's always the ideal thing text immediately direct connection [Music] [Laughter] that might be the next thing if this doesn't work um we're absolutely putting a curse on one of these pokemon uh that that is just happening okay i need the youngest not to show up shouldn't you train inverted force make sure you're not missing anything i mean i could i did research before this on where you could find frogs clearly not if this was possible but that's okay we can go into viridian forest if uh people think there's a possibility of missing things why not do you know elephants are frogs i love elephants so i mean i'll i'll lie and say they're frogs but love to see i thank you so much ruiz i appreciate you so much thank you thank you all right bermy you gotta get out of here man you gotta get out of here no it's not nuzlocke there are six total frogs we're going to be able to get and then a few really loosely linked frogs a frog nuzlocke of this game would be literally impossible as we've already found out like literally impossible there is no chance you could win like zero percent chance and when i asked people what i should do next most of the people that watch me said hey we don't want to see more nuzlockes so i don't know if that's just like a lot of overlap with mikey where you know mikey dislikes nuts locks and you know a lot of people that watch him are not the biggest fan of nuzlockes or if like the general pokemon audience general pokemon 7 audience is just not the biggest nuzlocke fans like i don't know what the case may be but um yeah i'm fine to do some more like difficult runs that aren't those locks like this but also i'll still do those locks when it makes sense i don't know yeah mixing in some different challenges is always fun i mean the goal of the content i make is to always have creative ideas and hopefully be giving you guys stuff you have not seen before and you know maybe it won't be maybe i won't always hit the mark but i'm always going to try at least do what you enjoy and we'll watch it i love that sentiment i appreciate you saying that because it's very sweet and you people that are willing to watch whatever i do i appreciate so much i won't do that though because at the end of the day this has become a job for me and i take it seriously you know are you going to do anything you got to do it right and you know the way i'm successful is like i have more people watching me do this than i've had for like any pokemon series so clearly this is an idea that a lot of people can enjoy and get behind ooh nightshade is helpful and the more people are here it's not oh that's just better for me it means i'm entertaining as many people as possible and i think that's really important um so i appreciate the sentiment of uh do whatever you want and we'll watch that's nice but i want to make sure that i'm entertaining as many people as possible you should play non-nuzlocke of emerald kaizo [Music] maybe i've considered doing a nuzlocke or a emerald kaizo nuzlocke but having checkpoints after each like gym or major battle i think that could be fun but i don't know if like the really hardcore hardcore fans would be like i don't know if they'd be angry about it either way oh is there a ghostly frog or two ghost do we have a ghost theme haunted house oh my god there is a haunted house theme graveyard garden all right this is it chat it's time here we go i hope you're ready for this chat alkner wasn't playing fair so we recruited the help of a ghost of a frog from the past a damp watch a toad warrior slain in combat by an evil bird here to claim revenge against falconer and the creatures flying high in the sky once we defeat falconer damp watch we'll finally be at rest and we will set it free but for now we've we've gotten the help of the ghostly frog and now we can take on this evil evil man so let's see what's going on here roughly i'm gonna need you to be a little slower than me pal i'm gonna need you to be a little slower boom there it is oh that's big okay that's big okay okay we have to now go into bulbasaur how much does this do no why why why why but what i do know is we're not giving up this early i've seen a lot of people say we need to find more froggy friends no the new plan worked and the ghost of damp watch the toad is not done yet we don't even know the second pokemon we're not quitters we are people who love frogs okay if we go away from our frog based principles this early in the play through people won't respect frogs it might take 50 battles we have got this we're not going with fraud for no friends of frogs there's got to be a frog frog only i can say this is the ghost of a frog and sleep well at night i can't add a spider and say that's a frog i can't do it i can't do it so you know what falconer this is our moment this is our moment it's fine watch this hypnosis okay it doesn't one-shot us that's really good to know watch this curse we're putting the curse on the bird this is it this is our moment watch this chat watch this okay that was bad that was really bad that was really bad luck that was horrible luck i don't understand why my luck is so bad it's fine oh okay if you curse the ruffle they will switch eventually this work we're learning more we're learning more we're learning more why do you have sleep talk what the hell okay that's that's frustrating but it's fine [Music] withdrew okay this could be big come on come on come on craig cr crit damn we made progress today though we made progress we made progress okay we made progress it's fine hey rebecca thank you so much for the 30 dollar donut i appreciate it oh did you donate when i was gone yeah i thank you so much for the 15 bucks thank you for the 30. i really appreciate it bring back this film i wrote for your streams frog at your problems you are totally safe here just be like an amphibian let the troubled land disappear also i'm glad you didn't notice what i did during your baby platter break kapha i thank you very much for the the kind frog words we needed thank you very much for the support i appreciate it very much so but chats we do need to figure out some things shout out i'm putting the foot down no friends of frogs loosely loosely connecting a pokemon to being a frog shore can't be a friend a frog it has to be a frog if that means we need to get four more frog spirits to be on our team to have an entire you know what no that's what we will do i've watched lord of the rings too many times we are recruiting an army of frog souls for one battle one more chance for redemption and glory we're going full movie no we're getting a full team of ghastlies i cannot play that moment i will lose my twitch channel permanently but that's okay we're getting a full ghost team we will name them after famous frogs each one what about shupit i haven't seen shopit jump it's kind of bad but shut it shup it's a puppet i think i think gastly is the best way to go honestly i feel pretty good with gastly there it is let's see what's our next ghost frog name there's a family of frogs known as ghost frogs helio kit how do you what how do you how do you spell that but what are the what are the what what is a ghost frog what eastern ghost frog i mean there's a there's an entire species of ghost frogs we just name it ghost frog don't overthink it helio fernanda is a family of frogs commonly known as ghost frogs perfect easy ghost frog [Music] all right wow this is becoming this is feeling more and more real okay we got okay we got ghost frog on the team perfect let's get oh we use the dusk decks nav john xnav okay what oh it's cool cool all right boom um what else are we gonna name this oh the royal ghost frog i'm naming this one royal it's a royal ghost frog that's another type of ghost frog wow [Music] royal royal ghost wow this is great confused of what's happening uh falconer is cheating so we are we're recruiting an army of ghosts that were frogs when they were alive they were frogs that were killed they became ghost pokemon and we are recruiting the help of the army of ghosts to help us win this next battle why do i love frogs so much i don't know why does anyone love a certain animal so much i i just i've always liked frogs i don't have like any like deep meaning to it or anything like crazy i've just just always like frogs sometimes it's just that simple perfect that's what i like to see ghost frog get strong get strong yes glass frog right sure we could name this one glass frog because it's see-through i think that's that's fair could you eat frog licks no i'm not going to eat frog legs what i live in a part of the country where nobody eats frogs i don't even know where people eat frog legs why would i want to eat frogs they're one of my favorite animals why would i want to eat them do you guys eat some of your favorite animals like are there people out here who love like chickens as pets and they're just like ah wow i have all these pet chickens i can't wait to eat more of them i guess that's probably true i don't know i don't i don't know what people i i don't know what people do i eat a pizza with frog legs what do you weird people in the south do why are you eating frogs stop eating frogs don't eat frogs with pizza you know what fi if you want to eat frog likes whatever don't eat frogs and pizza that's that is the weirdest combination forget pineapple on pizza frog legs and pizza is so weird i i need somebody to answer for that that is chaos what do you mean what do you mean frog legs and pizza i'm i'm so upset oh rebecca man thank you so much that's so kind thank you so so much hey thank you thank you so freaking much enjoy your froggy quest i gotta do other things but i'm very much rooting for you and your frogtastic companions thank you so truly much it means the world another five gift subs i thank you guys the support is very appreciated thank you thank you all i really appreciate it man oh man uh where am i i want another red wall frog um where is it where's the red wall frog yeah there we go uh what is what the heck is this a fat toad who ruled the the toad lands okay i will name it boy come on he was a frog king that ruled the lands or frog queen hey fine with it perfect okay that's an army of ghosts let's get our army ready and then we will finally destroy faulkner i'm getting very worried that i'm not going to be able to beat brock with just a single bulbasaur but you know what i'm not a quitter we'll figure it out we will figure it out i love the stream idea keep doing what makes you happy king thank you so much very sherry i appreciate the heck out of it truly thank you thank you wait does everyone still talk hey chat we had a fun little like time and bit talking about eating frogs there we can only like there's only so much talking we can do about it it's like a very simple thing if chad's still talking about it just throw it ask anything man any other question i don't know what's going on here oh man i used to think you were just overly possibly in a fake way but after watching it for a while i've realized you're genuinely just a nice positive great guy who likes entertaining thank you so much i really i really do appreciate that it is something i have kind of thought about and worried a bit about of people um because there are some people who mistake my positive attitude as i am a person devoid of negative emotions and obviously like everyone in the world i you know i have good moments i have bad moments but i really am blessed and happy to do with what i do like to do what i do and you know i every time i sit down to especially stream it it puts me in a good mood and there's been times where i've you know had to end streams early because i haven't you know maybe i got like a little anxious or there was you know something messed with my mental health uh but usually just sitting down it's it i'm really excited to hang out and you know i there's so much negative going on in the world if i can sit here and throw a little positivity at people my i feel like i've had a productive day i mean the way i look at it right there's a lot of ways like everyone has a different measure of success and you know what's meaningful but for for me i feel like i've had a you know successful meaningful day if i have made someone's day a little bit better and maybe that maybe that's just me maybe that's a day where i just made myself happy yeah you know sometimes it can be tough and you know do something for yourself but if i can every day make someone happy i feel like i had a good day so i don't know so i look at things i like to have a positive spin on things one thing i've tried to do more and more and this is something i feel like anyone can do in a negative situation try to find a positive spin zone like something negative happens big or small just trying to trying to find a little grain of positivity you know like i was talking to my dad on the phone earlier and he was like man you know he'd gotten me nikki a special trip celebrating you know like birthday christmas her becoming a doctor and you know we were gonna go to uh england and uh you know just take sightseeing see some special things and he was really he's been really really bummed out we haven't been able to go and i said well you know hey a nice spin zone on that is you know we weren't able to go but we're getting older and as time goes on we're able to save more and more money and when we're able to go this time we'll be able to enjoy it more and maybe do a little bit more and you know not be as worried about finances so the trip will hopefully be better overall i mean we haven't been able to go but you know the time waiting doesn't have to be a full negative you know maybe it'll be a better trip now so i don't know i i feel like there's sometimes it's more difficult but if you can find even just the smallest little spin on something that's nice i kind of want to be timed out check because it's never happened to me before is that weird that is incredibly weird hopefully me acknowledging your message is [Music] better than getting timed out it is very weird to go to a chat and want to get banned or timed out like just very weird but we're all different i guess i don't know i assume anyone who says that just kind of wants to be noticed so hopefully if i acknowledge you then you know your bizarre desire to get timed out will go away you know frogs and salamanders have a common ancestor dutch thank you i may need to use that soon you just pope to follow the pope follow me is that what's trying to are you trying to say that seems highly unlikely but if it's true that'd be crazy i think that'd be probably the craziest thing that's ever happened to me that's interesting there's a gopher frog have you seen a fat rat oh man oh man man oh man we're almost we're almost where we want to be so chad i think the question is the army of ghosts are the ghosts here to help us get through the falconer battle and the first gym are they just there for the falconer battle that's a big question that's a big question salmers and frogs are their own subgroup of amphibians separate from whatever else is amphibian okay depends on the gym i think well yeah we'll keep them on standby and we'll see yeah we'll definitely try to beat them without them okay we'll see we'll we'll see what's going on i should have a little bit of water it's easy to forget to hydrate especially with your when your entire chat it makes fun of you and your baby bladder but i still gotta hydrate even even if i'm gonna get bullied the game's the game also i should probably just train these guys up better yeah let's just do this perfect absolutely not a nuzlocke a frog only nuzlocke of radical red we found out is quite literally impossible like there is a no way you could win okay what moves does your bulbasaur have it has a grass move and it has a poison move [Music] of you baby bladder i don't know if you have to be proud of me for having a small bladder but you know what it's not a negative you're not throwing out a negative it's an interesting compliment an interesting thing to be proud of me for but you know we'll figure it out i don't know about you grime or i don't know about you grimey grime just get poiple out of the egg but for 5k uh i am losing money at a a rapid pace a breakneck pace jed i really appreciate all the suggestions but i didn't say i was gonna do a frog only run just to like truly truly bend the rules we're gonna bend the rules as much as we deem necessary but uh here's also a not fun look into youtube right so we live in an age where people have the attention spans of flies they they are very like very very small attention spans and i have found right you do a a play through and even if it's like a fun little oh we're cheating oh we're doing a little bit of a goof we're all in on it it could cause the video that would eventually be made from this to go from a video that like a lot of people enjoy to oh he used non-frogs click off immediately not give the rest of the the video a chance so for my sanity and happiness because i love this idea i'm going to break the rules or stretch the rules as little as humanly possible i love the idea of the ghostly frogs helping out but once you move into well it's definitely not a frog but like it could be like kind of related to him that's when you're in an interesting spot and it's you know we gotta figure thing we gotta figure things out little by little now the game making it truly impossible to continue without stretching the rules we'll do that but past that i wanna see if this is possible hey we'll we'll figure that out we'll figure that out mr sam we'll figure it out yeah we're in the middle of the run now if you had told me this like when we talked about the the radical red play through like ooh you got to do something maybe i would have found a different different thing but we're uh we're two hours in so we're just gonna do what we're gonna do yeah the chat decides real video bomb because everyone got mad at john for hacking in shinies this is actually very true that video is done well over time thankfully that video truly bombed because the youtube audience got really upset over the fun little thing i did there and now honestly that really hurt that one really kind of scarred me a bit it's like man that was a fun bit well i've been wrong we're almost there chad i know we can beat falconer this way and we might we may have to get we may have to bring the ghosts along to our next journey i mean it's i think the craziest thing i ever learned as a youtuber is the amount of people that click off on a video right away is crazy like if i have a one minute intro for a youtube video 50 or more of every person that has clicked on the video has clicked off the video before my intro ends so if you wonder why a lot of my intros are shorter it's because by the data like even on like a 10 second like intro 20 of the people that clicked on the video have already clicked off it's crazy like i i don't know what people's perception of youtube or youtubers are but the amount of like research and deep thinking i do into even little things like an intro for a video it's it's a lot [Music] it is it's one of those things like i don't know like every little decision gets a lot more scrutiny than i'd imagine or maybe half of them just clicked on the wrong video there's i mean hey there's a very real chance of that that kind of data i don't know if i i don't know how i can find that data [Music] yeah it's it's a really crazy thing um lick [Music] okay is arceus a frog i wish man i wish that they are also they could be ghosts from all the time bulbasaur faded that is another way to spin this you are not completely wrong there okay let's see people forget to turn off autoplay i mean possibly well you know what the frog team is gonna capture the hearts of thousands chat this this is a team that everyone can get behind you know this this is gonna unite pokemon fans of all ages together to root for the team of destiny frog there's a channel called pokemon 7 plays that's the second channel i've heard about impersonating me first pokemon 7 vods is uploading my streams and now this chaos my royal ghost that's crazy it's probably mikey he's so jealous of my full head of hair that he sees stoop to becoming a pokemon seven imposter it's it's not becoming gonna be honest and my height that is true that's a good point very good point yeah i can't forget that but what i can not and will never forget is what's about to happen chat the ghostly frog music let me loop it this is important chat it's time it's time chat that's fine i forgot where i was going i got i got too excited too ahead of myself here we are we have finally rounded up an army of ghostly frogs a royal ghost frog damp watch a toad in the past a ghost frog a type of frog pokemon uh a royal royal frog a queen of many glass frog and of course frogasaur our ghostly frog army is gonna help us finally fell this cruel beast caddyshack with the 25 thank you we needed that to get rid of the evil birds loving the streams love the merch keep killing it king thank you so much it's what we needed falconer i have rounded up every ghostly frog you have slayed they're back for vengeance i don't care why you're here or what you're doing it's time to bring you down once and for all this rufflet has killed scores of frog warriors before royal ghost put it to sleep that's fine go for the curse it's fine go for the curse you're not getting away that easily rufflet not getting away that easily on to the next damp watch you've been here before you know what to do may your hypnosis never fall on deaf ears the rufflet is gone boom into a moga perfect now this is a sleep talking imoga which is not our favorite thing we're gonna go immediately into frogasaur we're gonna leech seed this thing and then go back into a gastly we can do this it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine that wasn't fine i still believe though i believe it's fine i believe i believe we got this we're living easy leech seed get some health back get some help back all right not perfect but it's fine we go back into ghost yep predicted i'm always ahead of you you can critical hit all you want a mulga i'm fine with it i'm gonna put you to sleep all right amulga out speeds the leech seed was very important the leech seed was very important that's fine that's fine that's fine let's bring back in damp watch let's do it it's fine that's fine hypnosis roost ooh that's fine that's fine we put it to sleep and now we're just gonna ominous wind heal just in case i don't think i can heal can't heal chat ominous wind let's get the boost let's get the boost come on stop it stop sleep talking it's so rude you are a rude little squirrel oh you're soaring through the the sky oh look at you little squirrel i hate you i hate you so much why do you have a berry okay it's fine okay it's it's fine oh my god whatever whatever we're gonna get we're gonna get some more health and we're gonna get the boost we're gonna get the ominous wind boost okay i don't know if they can kill but if they don't kill we kill it yes boom one of the flying evil beasts down okay okay what's next yes they bring back in roughly the perfect time to go for curse okay it's going to lose some health aerial ace i think rufflet is always going to switch so if rufflet is always going to switch we bring in froggis where we leech seed the next pokemon no it didn't switch this time but it's gonna get effect okay it's gonna get hit by the the curse though it's gonna get hit by the curse okay i don't like that that's it's gonna oh god okay that's fine that's fine it's not we're not it's we're not done yet we're not done yet we caught this guy at level 15. mean look damn it no okay corvus okay boost that did so much damage we out speed and did so much damage you dumb stupid bird you dumb stupid bird we got this we got this we got this no no no yeah maybe it's fine come on we nee min max min max min max min max min max min max min max min max min max [Music] the queen of toads here you are boost all right whatever it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine one one left one left one stupid bird one come on this can't do anything can it no this is a big moment i believe [Music] it's not over yet it's not over yet not over yet not over yet not over yet not over yet i believe chat who was here who was here chat the ghosts of many fallen frogs before teaming up with froggasaur the wisest frog of them all to create something special something magical no one can be the combined might of team frog nobody can defeat frogs at their mightiest falchner you tried your best but you didn't succeed leave this land and never come back i'll take it we did it wow that was big that was big all right chat let's go heal and make some big decisions let me confer with the queen of this ghostly frog army boy come on i will release you of your frogly warrior duties and you can help me win one more battle the frog army can rest we just need to take down brock i just need you damp watch ghost frog royal ghost and glass frog the souls of five restless warrior frogs one last time what say you [Music] one more one more battle chat one more we got this that's fine accuracy reducing moves and evasion raising effects have been removed sleep claws is an effect meaning only one pokemon per team can be put asleep okay sure i get it this is a competitive pokemon battle that's sick awesome okay cool it's a very difficult gym battle i understand you nerd let me battle this man it's we're it's not that time yet okay rolly coley that's fine frogasaur it's been some time since you were able to defeat measly pokemon rolly coley okay we got this what is the perfect song for this what is the perfect song hmm now we already listened to that um okay i need to thank pop smoke that was good [Music] you know what keep it simple stupid keep it simple stupid [Music] frogasaur ghostly frog army it's our time it's our moments rock brock if you tell me about your rock hard pokemon one more time i am going to call many different authorities i'm here for a battle and nothing else let's just get this over with man geodude easy you fool does a lowland geodude have sturdy we'll find out we'll find out together as team frog it has 30. it's gonna go boom i could have switched into a ghost and prevented all of this it would have been the easiest switch of my life doesn't matter i lived frogasaur is stronger than your stupid little rock brock and this was a learning moment for you vulpix oh oh my name's brock and i cheat i have a fire pokemon in the the rock gym sick dude awesome that's fine damp watch i'm raining on your parade today incinerate nope not gonna do what you think it's gonna do not even a two shot not even a two shot hypnosis right to sleep bye bye good night goodbye vulpix goodbye ominous winds this is where we get the boost damp watch damp watch damn watch what it doesn't matter you can cheat all you want brock you can cheat all you want it doesn't matter you won't beat me you can't beat me you cannot beat team frog that's fine we need the barry gone if nothing else rock tomb it is what it is glass frog be true to your name you're a glass cannon you put a curse on that onyx and we're gonna keep on moving rock tomb fine here for it i understand how that goes you're gone onyx the berry juice is gone it's afflicted by curse we bring in ghost frog now we go for hypnosis we'll hit this or we'll hit whatever hit comes in on the switch he did switch perfect archen will be asleep now why do bad things happen to good people it doesn't matter we out speed this fraudulent bird go back i don't know like the jurassic park i don't i don't know where you're from just die i want you dead i want you dead and gone become a fossil again no one should have reanimated you you are a disappointment to your entire family your entire lineage archen go away okay you're into fetus you are defeated you are a dumb little bird there is nothing you can do to win this if we can hypnosis though if we can hypnosis damn that would have been big damn okay that would have been a really really big play it's fine we're still fine we out speed we can kill it ominous wins and we just keep going okay they can't switch we put a curse on this onyx no we hypnosis all right or we just keep missing hypnosis over and over again we just keep missing hypnosis over and over again now we have to hit hypnosis it's the only chance we have of winning okay there's a few plays we could make here we could stay in curse and then ominous wins or we could immediately switch into bulbasaur and if it stays asleep two turns we kill it i think ominous wind wins no matter what two of them but if we ominous wins and then it rock tombs and then we are slower we have one frog still standing still alive if we're gonna beat this gym we're gonna do it the right way the frog way oh my god why why i just i just wanted a moment with my frog i don't ask for much i asked for so little we were going if we okay spin zone spin zone spin zone if we had stayed in we would have lost actually up we missed anyways all right doesn't matter we had no chance we were not lucky we were gonna lose that battle no matter what nope because they hit rock tomb we lose the speed so even if we had ominous wind they kill us in two that was it nope didn't matter we lost no matter what that is annoying i miss competitive pokemon competitive pokemon is so cool like trying to take pokemon seriously is sick because you come up with a plan and then yeah it's just open packs you out i outsped onyx with gastly gastly doesn't one-shot the onyx the onyx woke up first turn goes for rock tomb gets the speed drop on the ghastly meaning it out speeds the next turn two shots the ghastly i still lose the only way i possibly win by going for an attack is going for ominous wind and getting a crit that was my only chance of winning with the unfortunate hacks that went down um so i made the correct plays just got unlucky rock tomb and the speed drop prevents me from just attacking first turn of working but that's okay because we have a secret rare frog that we're about to pull and everyone is going to be excited okay there are butterflies there are evil plants there is a space dragster and then oh my god i thought it could have been the i thought it could have been the card it's a pretty cool looking card but it's fine are gastly's frog pokemon well they're ghosts they are ghosts of frog warriors in the past i mean what did you think gastly was i mean it had to be a getting ghost of something right i had to be a ghost of something what card are you looking for a secret rare frog totally awesome all right oxy ox you guys none of you are frogs we need the secret rare frog we need the frog energy here no all right it's fine chad it's fine we did not get the frog energy we so desired but that will not stop us and maybe we need something more inspiring maybe we need some more inspiring music nope death mountain [Music] we are using a ghostly army i like the idea of death mountain being our song not going to put berries on the ghosts because i want to save the berries for later battles because i know i can win without berries chat i think this might be our final battle with the ghostly frogs haunter wouldn't be licking everything if it wasn't a frog in its past life that is exactly you understands you know what brock if you tell me one more time about the rock hard pokemon i'll fight you myself okay i i'm taking matters to my own hands you started the first battle with a an exploding geodude huh you thought going for self-destruct turn one against a team full of ghostly frogs was smart no these frogs have been in many wars they've seen just about anything you can go boom with your foolish rock all you want it's gonna bring you nowhere you sad little man what's next vulpix that's funny that's real funny go to bed ominous wind boost royal ghost taking your entire team down by itself easy oh oh your vulpix has ominous wind too yeah that's cool uh let's two-shot it you could eat a berry i guess you really want to be gluttonous i guess you can god why how what the hell [Music] berries are reusable in trainer battles what do you we we might have to look into that after this i don't even understand what that means [Music] there it is come on damp watch no what i call malarkey shenanigans what is this i queen of the toads come out get the boost get the boost you were always meant to get that's fine that's fine we're not lucky we don't need to be lucky we don't need luck we make our own luck easy easy easy easy [Music] we need a free switch we need a free switch into the frog that's not what i meant to do the smart play would not be to switch but i can't let the queen go down that way glass frog is here for a reason you did your job and you did it admirably that's fine that's fine [Music] you didn't know the ghost of frogs before counted as frogs while you're learning today you can bulldoze all you want onyx you're a weak weak little rock and i'm taking you down today huh fine doesn't matter to me doesn't matter to me frogasaur this is the moment you've been working towards there's nothing the onyx can do now [Music] and there it is the onyx goes down one more pokemon to defeats just in case we somehow live i knew there was no chance but hey you never know come on ghost [Music] just get damage on this thing get this into the fetus don't mess around we don't mess around with threats around here we don't mess around with threats and you finally miss an imperfect time come on into defeatist rock tomb all you want ugh barely a scratch that's fine it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i have no berry for you to consume archen goes down brock defeated and team frog finally gets the first badge of the play through i'll take rock tim i appreciate it now it is time to say goodbye we need proper music we need a nice song to send them off not that i hmm a nice relaxing song [Music] it's fair bad idea very handy in a tight spot in these lads despite the fact they're dead and while that may be true it's finally time for the ghost souls of fallen frog warriors the rest this isn't as much goodbye is good job a fantastic battle and an incredible life we will remember all you've done have your eternal slumber now one by one the frog ghosts may finally rest and we move forward to a new frog actually on the team [Music] what do you mean this is my last pokemon that is not my last pokemon queen frog [Music] what a sweet moment after all she's done in her incredible life and for team frog the queen of the frogs doesn't want to leave that's fine though that's fine i know the issue queen it can be tough it can be tough to say goodbye but you've done more than enough finally rest we won't forget you but chat badge number one acquired the ghost frogs are gone and now it's time to make our way to catch a brand new frog i've been told by a little birdie that if we go to mount moon at night we may find tim pull will we catch five tim pulls so we can have a full roster of frogs because things are going horribly yes yes we absolutely will i appreciate that sam i appreciate the heck out of that knowledge i don't have enough money because i am poor so let's see level cap is 27 for misty oh that is music to my ears you i need you to leave me be i have a frog to go catch oh well now my feelings are just hurt i don't like that one bit let's open up a pack let's open up a pack and find our secret rare frog that's what we'll do that's what we'll do one two three boom easy all right flower stacking sure cool card sure sprites blessing bless me with a frog cipher twin raptor amazing pendulum flower guardian bioni with butterfly oh i thought it was the card i thought it was the card i really did i really did chat chat we are ripping through this booster box so unbelievably quickly but chad i need to know if i need another booster box to get this towed card one two three it's so important chat would it be foolish to buy one expensive pack of like a gen like gen two cards to try to get a hollow poly toad or stupidly more to just buy like a psa 10 holographic polytote from the gen 2 side what do we how how far to the frog the love of frogs go [Music] that's that's a big question perform okay seal eel i'm here for that [Music] mayor mayor super heavy samurai soul peacemaker and oh use whatever it's fine it's fine why not buy it it's probably super expensive we're gonna be honest it's probably like it's probably absurdly expensive but it's fine because we are moving forward towards a brand new frog on the team i did look at you this is true please i need i need to change the nature of my frog please just go down easily thank you i'm a little bit more worried about you but we do that we do this don't wake up that quickly there we go thank you i didn't have to overthink that that was easy all right 264 we just need one more battle one more to win okay that's fine we do not have any physical moves gonna get ivysaur too oh there we go yes okay chat this this is big for team frog over here come on here it is the first frog evolution of the playthrough would have been nice to have an ivysaur in the last gym but you know what we found our way around brock and you know what ivysaur is going to lead us to great heights i couldn't be more excited or more proud of frogasaur yes there it is we have enough money chat this is big this is big chat this is everything we have work towards you wonderful lady yes i am so interested frogasaur i'm thinking modest we could do modest or we could do timid the extra speed could be nice but i'm thinking of trying to get drizzle poly towed so that we can get swift swim pokemon so i think modest makes the most sense we want this thing to just do a bunch of damage and i don't think we're gonna have any physical moves to worry about unless earthquake we might wanna put earthquake on this thing i don't care about double edge on venusaur but earthquake could be nice but what would we want to have minus earth power that's a good call dutch that's a very good call i think we go modest all right we drop a bag get modest and you know what we keep on keeping on it's very true we do have ground moves on seismitoad and we're on our way to get some seismitoads that's what i like to see good call chat good call i'm gonna be honest you guys have really been rock stars today ever since the chat run my chat has gone from a chat that i'm gonna be honest was kind of kind of upsetting me like every other stream was just with chaos and a lot of talk of just not me or what was going on the stream ever since the chat run everything has changed and i really appreciate it every like day i'm not able to stream it like i'm really sad i've really really been loving these streams loving these series and trust me any day i'm not streaming i'm almost every single time recording stuff for youtube it just unfortunately you know for better for worse youtube has to be my priority as that's just how this is my job but uh i do want to be able to do more and more twitch because i really do love it hi dust talks you are very very weak but you know what it is what it is sizzlep goodbye joltik goodbye ooh i'll take an oranberry every day when is the the kanto chat segment i actually can talk about that i mean i guess this will be on the vaude channel so anyone who's been questioning what's going on there we can we can go over it i'm not going to be doing a canto section for the chat series i had originally planned to but a few things happened first when i did research into doing kanto in a hardcore nuzlocke almost no one continues hardcore nails locks in the kanto second every single wild pokemon i would catch would be under leveled and then i'd have to naturally grind the pokemon up to like level 50 or i would have to rare candy them up which would most likely draw the ire of people watching on twitch and on youtube alike saying that i was then cheating so i just decided that the elite four was such a beautiful conclusion to the series that rather than continuing with a game where no one even cares about the kanto gyms and just wants to see the team go against red rather than wasting people's time with hours and hours and hours of content on that i thought it would make a lot more sense to eventually get that video up and at some point do a platinum a run same thing um using the the cute charm glitch everything's named chet and that can be the replacement for the kanto um you know post game i think it would make a lot more sense just to just you do the 4th gen region rather than doing because kanto wouldn't really be that fun right i feel like it would just be better for you guys better for my time if we just eventually do a platinum series this has to be a tm right all right teleport i guess cool okay you what the heck is that no it's shroomish that you're no was this huh they actually have raid dens [Music] this is kind of insane [Music] do it should i should i try it i mean i guess i could [Music] uh i don't know [Music] okay [Music] i'm so interested this is crazy [Music] it just went for encore hey we did get a poison on it nice there we go fungus cool okay maybe magical leaf then ooh i don't like that oh didn't kill the fungus though speed fell i'm fine with that it's only going for one attack a turn why am i not going large i guess i could go lord yo toxic venoshock whoa that is sick oh my this is crazy how do i go large what button how do i how do i do it what do i do is it not like lit up it's not my turn how do i do it press enter whoa [Music] sure the largest frog in all of the land yes wow what a clutch turn wow i dynamics at the perfect time max ooze this is insane oh my god [Music] wow this game is truly special wow wow that was crazy yes wow and mega drain now oh my god let's go amazing jeez i don't want to catch it no i wanna end do i get something now okay sure wow i guess that's not worth it oh four citrus berries for gym battles wow whoa we're doing every raid then we see that was so much that was crazy [Music] i did he's not cool he's like a very creepy man he was saying some wild things to me i didn't like any of it okay waterstone cool in item oh cool persianberry i guess i understand why everyone wanted me to play this game this game is sick okay now all right um time to catch temple so one thing let me check temple i don't what what did i just enable oh crap i clicked buttons i did not mean to what the heck did you say i enabled i'm so worried please let me know what it said i'm so worried oh swift swim isn't even a hidden ability oh auto run oh cool that feels helpful um [Music] do i want water absorb on any of these do a randomized frog run let's see if any like let's see how the audience reacts to beating this game with only frogs first let's go catch some frogs let's go catch some frogs let's go catch some frogs yeah first pokemon first frog yeah team frog becomes even stronger yeah oh so hyped no one saw that nobody not a soul nope didn't see it did not see it no nope i whoa temple what no way that's crazy why no can you believe that that's so insane what ah he did it ah timbal yeah there we go oh okay [Music] so we're going to catch a full team of temples because at this point we can get a full team of frogs legally now we're only going to need one of these to continue when it becomes a seismitoad but we need to name all five of these good names [Music] oh frank oh that's we really do need to pay tribute to frank that's such a good call band nerd i appreciate it we like we like call backs to pass series we really like that we really do frank oh what item do you out frank pecha berry fine with that hardy shore hydration okay it is the worst ability we could find that's fine we just need to get one swift swim one just one okay just one there we go that's another temple it's fine okay i like that already has bubble beam that's fine not too worried about it but it's asleep perfect there we go another temple on the team what are we naming it now [Music] jet's got to be reserved for shinies we we gotta we gotta be consistent a lot of people saying kermit this is a not green frog is this hardcore no possible song i love it katie i love it trevor the frog from harry potter you know what i'm fine with it i'm fine with it hey good enough name for me [Music] okay let's see what's going on trevor swift swim that's what we like to see we needed at least one swift swim temple okay perfect you spelled it wrong well this one is trevor with an er this trevor is special and unique this trevor doesn't conform to the harry potter frog norms okay it's its own frog [Music] oh boy i won't look anywhere else there we go i knew it was there all right temple we're gonna lead to you immediately no leech seat leech seed there we go perfect okay we do stand trevor with an e thank you boom there it is [Music] that's very fair yeah hey jk rowling transphobic and we are very much against any of that anything uh jk rowling's throwing out there so you know what trevor the frog er it's like you can still enjoy harry potter you don't enjoy what she's doing and that's trevor with the er pay a little bit of homage but just understand not liking a lot going on there not supporting the really bad things it's the perfect screw you uh exactly it's like that's what i meant the whole time frog you want to name it frog leap frog ooh open sour actually is a frog yes it is frogger we could just name this one frogger but this is also a toad frog frog is pretty fire you're not wrong yeah let's go frog [Music] there we go for rogue okay let me um and also this is that was actually let's see the ability first hydration not great i think it's a good moment to say something because it's it's not something that can come up in stream often but i want people to know this is a stream this is a this is a safe place as long as you are a person that is kind to others you are very accepted here regardless who you are what you look like who you love anything like that you are very very accepted here and if you're someone who is watching who does not accept other people you can hit the road or be very quiet about that because i make content to hopefully make people happy there's a lot of people trying to escape the crappiness of the real world i never want anyone to not feel safe here not feel included there's a lot of awful places in the world that make a lot of wonderful people not feel included for being themselves this is not gonna be one of those places and i understand i'm a straight white guy i haven't dealt with any of that there's a lot i still need to learn but i'm gonna do my best to make everyone feel as inclusive as i can and if i need to learn more i'll do my best so i wanted to say that i don't say it enough i but if it comes up naturally i want to try to say something because i know i know that's very important for a lot of people and i do apologize if i have not made that clear enough we'll move past that because it's you know it's difficult to make a transition from seriousness to frog frog frog but we're going back to frog frog frog and also i do want to say there's a lot of really wonderful things being said i'm not saying or doing anything special i am doing the bare minimum right now so don't put me on a pedestal i am doing the bare minimum i i'm really hopeful that you know saying that can make people know that they feel included but again i that's i'm doing so little i just i just wanted to say something so with all of that being said we're back to the frog back to the frog fun do we know where other frogs can be found we do indeed i have a list of other frogs we are coming up on two more frogs well actually wait a minute we are coming up on two more frogs we pollywag is in cerulean we don't need to catch two more temples because we're gonna go catch two poliwags that will turn into a polywrath and then a poly toad so we could just roll with these guys now it could be nice to get a water absorb temple how do you get a hidden ability temple like how would i like will it tell me if it's hidden ability or what i don't know how that works does anyone remember how dex nav works hey new wave star i appreciate it thank you very much for the sub oh i mean to do that but if anyone knows that would be pretty cool um i feel like getting one hidden ability frog would be nice dexnav search level of 10 and up has a five percent chance of ability okay so i feel like i need more money so i can buy more pokeballs to do that so we'll do that in the future if we need a water absorbed temple right now we don't need one it just could be nice in the future colt thank you so much for the sub i really really appreciate you using the prime on me hayden ability that's a good call katie katie that's why you're here i mean i i can't be going at this alone trying to you know really do the team frog justice i mean if you weren't here right if katie wasn't here would i be able to use the frog transition and seamlessly go into opening a pack of yu-gi-oh cards that none of us care about unless it has a secret rare frog and there's only one more secret rare in this entire booster box meaning if i don't get the the secret rare frog i'll have to waste more money to get more cards but i'm determined to pull the secret rare yu-gi-oh card that is a frog so you know what we're gonna do it because everyone's super excited this is what everyone came here for this is what we want and here it is but it's not a secret rare so we're fine it's cyberangelfrash and we're fine with it it's fine also chat if anyone knows of another like set of cards that has like a really rare frog in it uh let me know and i will stupidly spend my money to open it on stream i i want i want everyone to know if you can think of an affordable like set of cars that has like rare frogs in there i will i will open them prime sub lasts a month and then you have to manually re-uh subscribe with prime it'll last a month we are only catching frogs we're only catching frogs we're only using frogs and if you wonder why we used the gastly before because it was a ghost of frog's past i appreciate you meadow thank you so much okay like the timpole he killed earlier i don't but i i mean everyone makes mistakes everyone has those days like you know you know how it is right like everyone frank frank frank frank frank frank frank frank frank frank frank frank frank frog frog frog frog frog frank frank did it first battle first victory frank is unstoppable wow no rattata frank one more one more attack little guy oh it's focusing up it's fine this is it this is it get the crick get the credit wants spit in its face frank that's fine frank that's fine that's fine that's fine trevor this is your moment there it is trevor there it is buddy put that rattata in its place and we'll keep on keeping on little guy we will keep on keeping on several people have tried to tell you but you don't need uh more pokeballs to hunt the hidden ability temples search levels just encouraging them the thing will tell you in advance about hitting ability oh oh i feel like that was not said as specifically as i wanted i mean you said it i just hm i missed the other people who said that correctly um it's probably worth trying to get a hidden ability frog i think before we leave because it's yeah let's let's go get the hidden ability frog we will be really happy about it long term and then i think and we'll figure out how to bench later let's just go get our hidden ability frog thank you very much sam i appreciate the heck out of you any tips for a hardcore nuzlocke research research the like the battles you're gonna go against like make sure you have like the one thing you have over the like the game is your knowledge of the game of course you can know what's coming even though they might not know what your team is this is very annoying okay that was very annoying okay i'm not having a good time with this so far hey perfect all right there we go um cool okay oh growl hydration oh cool it's giving me more information on them mud shots we do not need growl supersonic could be clutch if we're like really in a tough spot still a horrible move what are you gonna do okay snore swift swim okay i mean if we see like a really crazy swift swimmer we might as well take it like a swift swim pokemon with like an extra like a crazy move we can work together chat come on chat you guys wait is this already at its level cap oh that's absurd we can work together we can do this growl hydration okay okay if you register if you press r over pokemon you can register them in the dexnav oh cool thank you so much i really appreciate that chat uh who said that let me um try zeke thank you so much man i really truly appreciate that i think a few people had said register i i don't know like you need to tell me the the controls i've never played this game before so i'm sorry if it's like infuriating to watch and i don't know everything i'm just anyone who's playing a game for the first time like i just don't know all of the controls mud slap hydration i'm not slapping why would i care about mud slap growl growl swift swim come on boo have better hidden like like moves what's going on here snore hydration jeez okay okey-dokey i'm so sick of coral swift swim oh earth power hydration ooh that might be worth catching that might be worth catching yeah that's that is something special this is tad you you sound so excited to name one of these tad i i refuse to not go with that tad all right we got a hydration one with earth power that is unreal okay cool we could find a swift swim with earth power yes yes yes oh my god wow this is going incredibly well this is great did someone just say fronkowski jeez man we are on top of it with nicknames chad you guys just get it frankowski even like fit [Music] oh my god perfectly fronkowski wow that's crazy all right now we just need a water absorbed one so let's go heal and we can go uh get our our uh water absorb one we're gonna have to box one of these frogs that's okay um who is our worst frog it's probably frank and we just got frankowski so it's gotta be frank and that makes makes sense uh frank we're gonna move you here we need to make this wallpaper the the right wallpaper river there we go buddy what are we gonna name this [Music] frog topia [Music] frog friends the pawns oh i like that the pawns short and sweet i like that i sometimes just need to keep it simple i like that the pond look at that that's beautiful okay let's go let's go get a water absorbed frog now all right we're gonna get our frog because we love frogs we are a frog frog froggy frog frog frog i hate you much up that's not true i love you but i'm upset with what you did and we're training up our other frogs while we're doing this oh god that's so far away i lost any pokemon yet not a nuzlocke but i've definitely lost water absorb yes finally there we go wow okay it's not a hidden a bit or it's not a uh earth power hintability one but i think that's fine i think that still works out and it's level 20 wait it's above the level cap we're still gonna catch it but that's a little bizarre of the level cap jeez this is the strongest temple the world's ever seen hey i'll take it there you go frog tad what are we naming this name it frittle tim the bull man it's not even fit [Music] tim oh my god i think it fits wait tim pullman that's absurd it's so silly this is absurdly silly fine with it fine with it here for it all right come on we got trevor frog tad frankowski tim the poleman who's gonna beat this team of frogs nobody zero people are defeating this squad let me tell ya wow wow let's uh i mean we can keep training up the the frogs let's let's go heal and we'll just keep training he's friends with mike evans it's i'm very jealous i'm gonna be honest very very jealous i probably should stop doing this soon so i can go eat dinner but chat this has been one of the most fun streams i i've ever done and i don't know if i can stream this tomorrow chat i have to pick up my mom and my stepdad from the airport and as much as i love streaming and frogs my mother is a wonderful wonderful person than doing her a favor is more important than streaming but wednesday and maybe hey maybe tomorrow i do a late stream maybe i still sneak in a later stream but i am really excited to continue with this stream or with this series i'm gonna be honest katie nikki's like her fiasco at the airport has me significantly more worried than i've ever been about picking someone up in the airport i have no idea what you could have possibly done and chat a lot of people ask me like what my um what my schedule is for streaming it just realistically like right now my fiance who is a doctor is in the middle of a rotation she's in residency right now and she's in a rotation where she's working 79 hours a week so my schedule is very dependent on my ability to get other work done and still try to keep the house somewhat in order and take care of the puppy and myself and everything but right now it is really difficult to to do everything that i i want to do so i'll try to stream around two or three p.m eastern standard time every day monday through friday but this month is really tough and above any everything else i need to try to keep day or weekly uploads on pokemon 7 plays i want to keep you streaming i want to keep getting the vods up i want to keep getting random pokemon 7 videos up but right now it's really difficult to to handle everything so i'm sorry i can't give you guys like a more set in stone schedule but i really appreciate everyone who comes out to the streams it it's very very appreciated oh this is pretty interesting i don't think any of our pokemon now really are going to use it but when we get a would be pretty cool what's the other nurse do for you she can help change your um natures which is very cool [Music] okay there's a raid den coming up there is a raid den yes this worked perfectly for me last time i'm gonna do it again oh you frankowski and tad easy roly-coley [Music] yes lord frog there we go this is what you love to see this is why i do this the love of the frog oh that's some big damage right there ah that's gonna heal up the roly-coley which is a little frustrating but hey you found a shiny machop playing radical red congrats oh that is so exciting i absolutely love machop one of my favorite pokemon that's so cool congrats on that i'm very happy to hear that all right rolly coley i'm gonna need you to go down i'm gonna do a ton of damage here right uh then it's gonna yeah it's gonna have that all right cool you broke that and then i think we killed this turn i think we should kill this turn perfect there we go that's what i like to see buh bye rolly coley i'm not gonna catch you you are not a frog sure we can sell those cool okay that would have been so helpful for brock but whatever moonstone sick i'll take it i awesome we do not have rock smash do did i get rock smash and i didn't notice that's like i guess always possibility i did not all right cool here i don't know why you're bothering me but i want you to stop i'm gonna be honest aqua ring ooh aqua ring could be helpful i think over super sonic which is just a bad move yeah let's do that for all of these noibat we outspeed dead cool rock rough out speed ooh not dead but dead now that's where tyrakion is that's absurd all right well it'll track you eventually but also fronkowski no ronkowski ronkowski yeah perfect sure frank oh well wait why would i ever want mud shot oh because you can lower speed i don't think this guy learns aqua ring okay cool sure you can nope not you either oh okay that's fine boom there you go frankie there you go frankie wonky okay i mean i guess we can keep the now we'll just keep you in front for now just to make it easier there's no reason not to just decimate these trainers this is a very easy part of the game and hey we will take the easy parts of the game when we get them because it is not an easy game we've already had some sad moments so if i can destroy a few gym or a few trainers why not why not us if we can beat up a very silly snake i'll do it and someone also said there's like a big battle coming up which is scary so i i'm kind of i'm a little nervous i'd like to get there and just kind of see what i'm up against because right now beating up or tata is not you know too worrying if we're gonna be honest uh frankowski you've never let me down you haven't had too many moments yet you haven't let me down in those few moments so i'll take it ooh low sweeps kind of cool wait let's see well first nope they they don't learn john no one learns okay that's stupid all right let's keep going just keep going ignore it ignore it hello nerd i'm gonna beat you up because i have frogs trevor do the thing trevor do the thing there we go okay do the thing again just keep doing it that was embarrassing we don't talk about that chat no one bring that up we just didn't happen none of those things happens if i don't take the helix ball so people are going to upset me uh so i'm just going to take the helix fossil and just accept it this is what we're doing um frogasaur you're gonna be in front i assume we have a big battle here it is are you the twerp messing with my grunts little kid you think you're brave hey i'll teach you a valuable lesson all right that's fine last time there was a big battle in front of us we didn't have a full team of frogs we had one frog and a ghostly army today i stand before archer with frogs on frogs on frogs and this fool sends out a fairy demon fake out all you want it's the last thing you'll ever do thunder wave all you want it's the last thing you'll ever do i only lied once okay what's next poundor that's fine that's fine we have an army of tadpoles we'll bring in tim the pool man because tim the pullman won't listen to me and it's a great thing to sacrifice here perfect incinerate do whatever you want tim the pool man maybe we'll listen probably not it listened tim thank you oh this is great is that hidden power grass because that is absurd are you kidding me why houndor why do you hate frogs so much oh terrified of tim in its power that's fine that's fine mud shot to slow it down mud shot to slow it down don't see a reason not to perfect howl you can howl at the moon all you want mighty and i'm just gonna keep lowering your speed making sure that no matter what you do all of my pokemon out speed you that's fine [Music] that's fine yep yep yep that's do whatever you got to do that's fine i'm gonna keep making you slower that's fine set up all you wants does mob bomb affect accuracy [Music] it doesn't matter bite okay frankowski you've never let me down before earth power might not kill butts that does a good chunk that does a good chunk goodbye fronkowski welcome in frog bubble beam by mighty anna i won't miss you you guys said i couldn't be archer with a team of frogs come on where's your faith in team frog where's your faith in team frog easy sometimes it's too easy for us yeah sit back relax and just watch team frog go to work it's too easy way too easy boom there we go frog the rogue frog that was a blunder huh sure do whatever you want man i don't care frogman answers to no one no evil organization no good organization frogman is its own frog you know what you guys are the punchy twins thank you so much why did you give me those oh my god give me things please yes [Music] power-up punch wait what when one of our pokemon can learn that oh my god we are in business okay raspberry cool okay roars pretty good if they're setting up having something to phase things out will be very helpful that's for sure what's in this grass i'm just interested in what's in this grass at this point i know we have poliwag coming up i don't think it's here but no i know it's not here but it's always nice to see what's here at least i don't know maybe we find a shiny right who knows [Music] who's this explorer ah i thought he was going to give me thief okay chat this has been a very very fun stream let me see if anyone in here gives us anything okay that's fine i think this is a perfect place to end this stream because next time we have some poliwags to catch which is very exciting and a brand new gym to go against so i want to save the poliwag for next time so we're still catching new frogs and having fun but this has been a lot of fun and i truly cannot wait for the next frog stream guys
Channel: PM7 VODs
Views: 476,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, pokemen7 frog, frog, frog pokemon, frog pokemon only, pokemon radical red, pokemon radical red frog pokemon only, pokemon only, pokemon challenge, radical red challenge, nuzlocke, radical red nuzlocke, pokemen7 radical red, pokemen7 plays radical red, hard pokemon game, hard pokemon rom hack, hardest pokemon game, hardest pokemon rom hack, can i beat radical red with frog pokemon, frog pokemon challenge, best rom hack, radical red frog, firered
Id: ldhSt_9riDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 36sec (10716 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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