PogO - Hikaru Finds His Game in Elo Guesser

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um okay with the grand prix attack  okay f5 good understanding d3 why does this feel like one of my wait i swear i've seen this before  wait a second wait a second i've seen i have a very weird feeling  this is one of my games so okay so d4 and d5 pretty standard so far   um have i met any of the professional apex players  think of jd for the three no i have not many met   any of the professional apex players i mean i saw  huni was outside um who he was outside talking to   the sword art if i'm not mistaken so um  i've seen i've seen the league guys for   sure but i haven't um i have not uh i haven't  seen any of the apex guys are on las vegas so yeah that's what i say okay  all right okay so c4 played here   okay so let's keep going so c6 takes exchange  slaw very professional approach which implies   that white is a strong player because exchange  slav is very um it's very dry very professional   a4 okay now a4 knight b1  shows good understanding um a4 knight be one idea to go knight t2 b3 very  very fundamentally sound understanding of the game   uh so white's probably a strong player knight  queen e2 takes okay although knight g5 is kind   of going the wrong direction a professional player  here would have gone knight b3 100 150 so white   kind of goes wayward with the knights i mean not  that it's terrible actually but is it terrible   maybe it's not now that i look at this more in  depth it's not terrible because if f5 you queen h5 don't know about i mean  this looks very professional this looks too professional this feels abnormally professional i think this is   i think this is very perfect no this is a  game from chess.com a lot of these moves   feel very professional so i'm going to take  a higher end guess on this i'm going to guess   i mean a game ends in a draw but my guess is that  white messes up at the end i think it's pretty   high level i'm going to guess that it's about 2700  and i'm probably gonna be wrong but let's guess 2349 is the elo really okay not great not  not a great score not a great score at all   i'm gonna do like i'll do like 10 let's do 20  let's see so if i do 20 i'm gonna do 28 20 of   these puzzles let's see what i can get to  so the first one is 36 31 uh for the for the   points um so if i do that's five thousand times  twenty so it's a hundred thousand points right   so what can i get to exactly what should  my target be four thousand maybe on average   should my target be like four thousand maybe  on average or not because the max is a hundred   thousand point should my average be 4k or what you  think i should get to seven let's do a prediction   on that what do you guys think i'll get like i  think 80 if i get 4k that would be 80 000 points   off 4 000 average i don't think that's likely  to happen 75 seems more realistic 75 or 70 maybe   um i don't know maybe we'll do a poll maybe not  anyway let's keep going so that's the first one   okay let's do the next one okay okay  e4 pretty standard e45 f4 okay king's   gambit folks beer counter gambit played  by black we had a viewer arena recently   with this um with with this line so takes knight  f6 d3 okay bishop d2 e3 very professional by black   this looks like a bad game of mine or  something actually where i played poorly   okay white gets castle though  now white's better um okay   yeah it's we're doing 20. we're  going to go through 20 of these i don't know i don't know what you guys  think what do you what do you i mean we're   looking at 2600 plus so far it's pretty  pretty good stuff i would say so castles   bishop c6 king h2 you're pretty normal  knight d4 shows good understanding also   taking the outpost on on d4 square  in front of this big pawn on d5   um so queen f3 takes or key one queen d7 we'll  look at nepo seven other stuff after this um   well i do variety yeah i might do some variety  coming up now that i have a little bit of a   break between events i might do some variety  so trade rookie one okay pretty traditional okay not so bad players get low on time and  make some blunders um so white wins on time   probably here at the end which means that black  was slow which means black is not super strong   um how good is white here most of these moves  don't look like super impossible knight d4 is   a good move which implies some understanding um  i mean the opening is is pretty standard it's a   romantic opening mean nothing really looks that  hard i think i'm gonna go with about i'm gonna   go with like i'll go with 2 000 i think maybe 1900  i want to be precise i want to be kind of precise   so i'm going to go with um i'm going to go with  i think i'm gonna go with i'm gonna go with 1950.   i could have done i guess i should have said 2000  i would have gotten more points but pretty good   pretty good so my my guess is um 1950 the  correct correct elo is 2060 so i get 48.51 so   i'm adding it up here guys don't worry  so that's 48.51 okay so what else do we   have actually i'll just add it as text um  let's add some text text what do we call it okay 3631 5000 okay put this up here okay okay okay let's keep going bigger i think  i think you guys can see the score right i mean i think you guys can see the score right yeah  you guys can see it okay okay let's let's uh   let's keep going okay so e4 is played here so e4  c5 pretty standard okay we have an open sicilian   dragon defense okay we need to see the aggregate  i'll i'll do it at the end you guys no worries okay so let's see so f3 played here so castles  okay so pretty i mean pretty pretty reasonable   so far okay so queen d2 knight c6 castles long  d5 trade okay so modern oh actually bishop h6   is a line now i don't want to give away secrets  about this opening but there's a drag door if   there's a drag door flying where the pawn is on  a6 and with the pawn being on a6 instead of a7   bishop h6 is very good but with the pawn being  on a7 and not a6 is actually not good for white   however it still is some kind it still is  theory so trade okay g4 okay g5 queen c7   i mean this looks very high quality pretty high  i mean this looks like a very high quality game wow a very high quality game  very very high quality game i mean how much is this as hard as the question  okay this is all stan bishop v6 is not standard   b8 i mean queen c7 is not easy a5  since rook beef i mean they seem   higher quality i'm gonna guess about 20 i'm  gonna guess 2500 i think august 2450 maybe   it's either it's skews higher or lower  i'm not sure which way it skews though it could be 2700 i mean it could  be on the higher end for sure   but it's it's either like 2400 or it's like  2800 that's the problem so i have to guess i either have to guess like 2450  2500 i have to guess like 27.50 oh i'm going to go with 2500 i'm going to  trust my instinct that it's on the lower end   very good very good very good 2637 very good  very very good i'm doing well i'm doing well   so far very very fantastic okay what do  we have we have 47.70 okay there we go okay pretty good so far  pretty good let's go next one   okay let's see we have d4 d5  bishop f4 okay we have a london okay well now this is this one's gonna be fun i'm  like okay london system all pretty good and um   and then h5 that is not a good move not a  super gm move okay but black tries to cheese   so black tries to cheese with g5 f6 h4  which implies some understanding uh to   try and do the quick cheese although f6 would  have been a better cheese attempt okay so h3g5 oh no this looks like a oh no you know what  this looks like a bong uh oh this looks like   some kind of bond cloud game so this i think  it's very low rated but this could also be like   one of my games oh this is a problem okay  let's keep this is actually a big problem okay it's a white wins okay it's not a gm it's not a gm game  for sure um oh gosh this is difficult i mean if it's a magnus game so be it but  i i don't think so because black loses here   um it's my game no because i would  have been black in this game not white uh this is problematic i have no idea the opening shows some kind of understanding  and you have to be aware of the bond cloud   and if you're aware of the bond cloud  you can't be a total beginner right it's you can't be a total  beginner i'm going to guess   i'm going to guess 1100 i think i'm going to  guess 11.50 that's what i'm going to guess yeah that's not going to get it done this  corrects elo's 1896 very very poor score   i knew that was going to be a big problem  there was no guarantee on that one at all   ouch that hurts that really hurts  okay let's keep going okay with b3   c5 this should be 2 knight c6 g3 okay we  have the hippopotamus def funds kind of oh no this looks like an oh no this is  another game that could be one of my oh no this whites plays this  white plays this garbage opening   but then white sees 94 and  bishop c1 uh oh this is a problem um oh gosh oh no this is a problem because this  could very easily be a game that like   i played or magnus played oh no this is a problem oh gosh this is really brutal ah i i mean i want to say it's like it's  menu guard i mean it could be magnus it   could totally be magnus it could  totally be me like uh but i don't   it's such a me it's such  a meme it's like it's like i don't know i'm gonna think you know what i'm gonna  i'm gonna go for the hero play i'm gonna   i'm gonna say that it's me or it's me or  it's magnus i'm gonna go for the hero play   i'm gonna go with 2 900 i'm going to go for the  hero play i think i'm gonna go for the hero play   and be wrong if i'm wrong here i'm kind of  screwed there's almost no chance i get 75.   yeah it's like either someone really  weak or it's magnus or myself um   the opponent would have  resigned though that's true i mean it's like oh man oh the elos 200 difference max is true so  i i mean i'm gonna guess 2600 let's see   because yeah my opponent would  not have played this badly right i mean it's like either really  high or really low i have no idea um let me think i mean bishop c like 94 in bishop c1 like let me  let me think about this a second okay like this   is not crate i mean this is obviously not good  but knight g3 to go to f5 shows understanding   and then taking with the eep well i guess it's  the only move i really have no idea but then   again black didn't play knight d5 which is  the obvious move so that would imply low elo no i think i'm gonna go the other way i'm gonna  assume it's a low game i'm gonna guess like 44. okay close close okay close 14 44 the correct deal  is 17-11 okay okay believers aren't in shambles   yet they aren't in shambles thankfully okay  yeah i mean i i kind of yeah i just had to guess   okay okay so that's what 4168 okay so that's  we're we're five in so i think right now are we   are we averaging what are we averaging 25k what is  that let me let me add that up so it's 3631 plus   755 plus 48.51 plus 47.70 plus 4168 and i  divided by five what are we averaging 3635   average so i think is what do i  need to get did we bet on 80k or 75k   whatever anyway let's keep going okay okay next  game sorry so d4 e6 i i'm right i'm right on i'm   right on track okay yeah 37.50 so i'm right  on track for 75k okay okay the d4 e6 e3 h6   okay random openings okay um i was like it's  looking pretty normal and it's like okay   yeah um let me see how quickly okay white  just resigns this actually looks a little   bit like a pokeman game that i recall seeing  a few months back i don't think it it's not   her game but it's like it's very reminiscent of  one of those games um so i'm gonna take a guess i'm going to take a guess that it's about  600 that's my guess let's go with 600.   let's go with 666 okay let's let's see what what oh this 1156 what okay i'm i'm confused i have no idea how  that's right that that makes no sense you guys   that makes no sense the 1156 is the correct  e wow i'm i mean i'm i i i feel like that   was rigged i really do at least i didn't get  slower because i wanted to go lower than 600   all right let's keep going next  one okay account closed overrated   totally you guys totally okay okay so e4 okay so  e4 e5 okay now you have three knight c6 all right   bishop b5 standard rue lopez spanish opening  standard stand okay we have the arkhangelsk   or the archangel named after gabriel um very  topical line at the top levels okay this looks okay i know this is not the main way to  play it but still it's not crazy to play g5   this looks pretty high level though i don't know about king of eight  this looks very high level though this looks extremely high level wow this  looks very high level this is not a low   this is not lower level this is a high level  game i just had to figure out how high level   king f8 is king f8 is a very tough move  to play here so you could castle but   then there's knight g6 forking the queen the  rook and there's a pin so king f8 looks right   c5 is a good move i mean these are  good moves by both players i don't   know about the objective evaluation but these  are good moves these are very very good moves like a4 is also like if i mean playing a4 is  showing good knowledge too i don't know what   can the elos be this is tough i mean it's it's  either like 2400 or it's like 2700 that's what   i'm not sure of i could take the aggregate and  or take the in-between against 2550. no i think   i'm gonna go on the higher end i'm gonna assume  it's a higher end game i'm gonna go with 2660. i think it's higher level okay let's see it's  still good it's still good but it's lower than   i expected 2600 i guess 26.60 and it's it's  uh 22.77 okay not not ideal that's for sure not not not ideal but it'll it'll have to do rough still i still think i'm relatively okay i just  need a few higher scores that's all i need   do it slower yeah i'm not i'm not going super fast  um but trying to figure it out okay so e4 e6 d4   d5 okay knight t2 knight o6 e5927 okay we have  standard knight b3 is playable not the main line   okay this looks high level two actually  how high level though it's a short game okay good understanding knight d4 knight b5 i mean  seems like a pretty clean game from white it seems   like it's very clean which is bad because that  means that i don't really i can't really judge   i think it's a strong player  not but not crazy strong   knight p3 is not a move that a  really strong player would play hmm huh am i insane this is like it's  like two thousand twenty one hundred   i'm gonna guess two i'm gonna guess  two thousand fifty no maybe i'll just   um it's not 1400 because knight  b3 and bishop e3 were good moves   i think 2000 is too high though i think i think  it's a little i think it's lower i'm gonna guess   1900. wow yeah so so okay but then now you guys  just for that we are going to do a little bit of   shaming um let me add the score first um i i i'm  not the the rating doesn't really bother me the   white player that's 26 58 but we're gonna see who  was the black player who played very very poorly   because um you should never play that you should  never play like this okay let's pull up the game   let's see what is the game let me change this okay  wait that's not what it should be showing sorry um   okay here we go all right so who played this  game okay so white was langley 2665. black was   ssl who is ssl 2000 what is this  what is this ssl 2000 14 964 games okay he's 27 26. i don't think you guys can  see this but the guy is 27-26 and he the guy is   27-26 wow sending rematch offers is ridiculous  and sometimes even pathetic respect yourselves um good one okay okay let's go back to elo guesser  okay very very poor game very very poor game i am so disappointed that's the problem though  sometimes when you do these guests if it's not   super long black can uh or one of the players can  play a bad move and just lose and then you're not   really sure okay so let's see so we have okay  we have an opening looks pretty normal f5 okay   white nose uh white nose and peasant so white  has to be somewhat decent at chess um knight h4 very impressive very impressive by black um this is some good  technique like taking and playing check i mean   it's good technique how hard is it though  is a question i don't think it's super hard   but actually knight g4 is a good knight  for knight f2 shows some understanding   like i wouldn't expect anyone anyone to  just play this although queen a4 is a chuck this is blitz you guys blitz thank you to sarah  disick uh walrus for the prime minister b wrap   for the prime thing uc spencer for the prime  and das holds for the prime hey double you for   the six thank you shadowman for the 18 and chess  numbers for the two as well thank you so much i'm   gonna guess it's like two thousand i think it's i  don't know though how high can it be let me think   about this thank you da's time for the 17 months  appreciate it um how high can it really be though i mean h3 and g4 is just not hmm well king d7 is a good move i mean knight  g4 is a good i mean these are all good moves but how high is black i'm gonna guess that it's like 1900 i i  don't really know but let me guess 1900 i   bet i'm going to be wrong no i'm actually not  bad that's good very good 4112 very good so   the correct elo is 21.77 so that's good that's  good not bad higher yeah i mean i guess i could   have guessed higher but it's still more than 4  000 points which is all you really can ask for okay what's that one two three five six seven eight  nine so one more and then we're halfway there   how many triple digit results  can you afford what do you uh not   many because i mean 75k divided  by 20 is what 30 is that 37.50   and that's 37.50 right if i'm not mistaken i need  37 500 uh divided by 10 which is 37.50 so 37.50   so not many i mean i think i'm still okay because  i've i have like i've got that 4851 but i'm not   in good shape okay let's keep going okay so e4  okay e593 d4 so we have the scotch scotch game   knight c3 white does not play e5 and go  into the measures variation why does this   bishop is bishop e3 i think we should be three  i've never actually seen it but maybe it's a move   okay okay but see i can't judge  wait this is very tricky you guys wait this is very tricky because this actually  messes it up bishop d2 is a pre move here this   is just a pre move by white white would  never play bishop d2 if white could think   so this is very tricky because  bishop d2 is definitely a pre move   because he was sure that he was sure that black  would play knight d5 and then you go bishop d2   so it's a pre-move which really that means if  it's a pre-move this early in the game white has   to be somewhat strong i think but maybe not  no because now white just hangs a bishop no okay this is this is it's got to be low e  low i don't know how low elo but it's got   it's got to be low elo um but how low elo can it  be because bishop c i mean i guess that's normal   but bishop b2 is a very bad move and then  white goes for the king march i mean which i have no idea i have literally no idea it's  definitely low but i just don't know how low   it could be 1700 it could also be like 1300 yeah  it was my first game versus magazine blitz i hung   a bishop yeah um i'm gonna guess on the low side  bishop e3 is not a move that i've ever seen before   i'm gonna guess lower i'm gonna guess like 1000  that's my guess and i'm probably gonna be wrong   but let me guess one thousand although bishop  a6 is not an easy move to find at one thousand could be higher could be twelve hundred  i'm not guessing 15 1500 feels too high um   definitely 2k is way too high a  2000 would never play bishop e2 i'm gonna go with 1200 i'm gonna go 1200.  15-7 1700 is not blunder bishop a6 unless   they're out of their mind they dollar  game for the 28 months let's go 1200   okay not bad i should have gone with 1000 though  oh i should trust my original instinct that would   have gotten me like an extra like 500 points that  hurts that actually that that hurts because that   would have really helped my average it's still  good but that would have really helped my average not so bad so that's that's ten so what are  we at let me what are we adding let's see if   we're on track halfway through i don't  i think we are because of that last one   um well let me just add up the let me  open a calculator how what are we at 25.75 4168 755. 47.70 51 and then 36 31 divided by  10 i am not on track i am under you guys i'm   not on track i'm averaging 33 22.8 so i'm not i'm  not on i'm not i'm not i'm not there i need to um   i need to put i need to get  it higher it's not good enough   okay all right let's keep going yeah see  that's why i needed those extra 500 points   right there i needed those extra 500 by  guessing 1 000 okay so let's see so e4 c5   knight c3 d6 imagine not using excel  i'm too lazy this isn't my home computer   um okay with the grand prix attack okay f5 good  understanding d3 why does this feel like one of my wait i swear i've seen this before  wait a second wait a second i've seen i have a very weird feeling this is one of  my games i had this very sneaky suspicion   i have a very sneaky suspicion this is my game i   don't know where which game this is  but i think this is a game of mine hmm this is very sneaky i have this very  sneaky suspicion that this is a game of mine   this looks like a game of mine this really does i think this is my game imagine it's not like i think this is my  game i just i i'm pretty sure this is my game   i mean i'm i'm gonna say it's my game  because i'm gonna look like a genius   or a total idiot but it's it's good either  way no i have not seen my game pop-up at all   i i swear this knight c7 i don't know why this  knight c7 move i think this is my game i really   do i think this is my game i think this is one of  my games i'm gonna guess and i'm probably gonna   be wrong i would have been white i'm gonna  guess and let's see i think this is my game am i a hero or my zero i'm gonna i'm gonna  try to be the hero here let's see yes there we go i knew it i knew it this is my game   but the question is can i figure out who  it's against yeah i'll click it in a second   um let me just update the scores i told you  guys i mean come on no no no self-respecting   the streamer uh forgets their games of  chess okay all right let's see this game it is my game here we go you guys there it is   gm hikaru on twitch versus konovets told you  guys told you guys i told you guys it was my game   i i knew something looked wrong i  knew something looked wrong about it yeah i didn't even get 5000 on your own game  right no i knew it though i knew it i i knew   it had to be my game that i don't know why but  that knight c7 move it just it really felt weird   somehow it just it felt like it just felt like my  move i don't know why but that one move like the   moment i found that move is like something's  wrong about this like it just it clicked   yeah yeah okay very good they get  massive blaster for the prime thing   out decks ggs for the prime and definite for  the tier one thank you so much appreciate it   yeah that's yes that's very  good okay let's let's keep going   very very good okay next game let's keep rolling  next game okay so e4 okay so e4 e5 knight f3   um knight c6 c3 bishop c5 so we have the the  ponziani here opening played by white c3 and d4   okay so now we have a pre-move  here this is a very poor prim   move maybe black meant to go  bishop d6 you don't primo bishop b5 huh very strange okay measure b6 d5 um a6  takes takes castles look it blocks up a pawn okay that's a free night okay i'm okay what is this is looking  relatively normal for a while um a lot of blunders in this game like a lot  of blunders i mean how do you not take   and how do you not take here too this has to  be pretty low if this is high so be it but   i i'm gonna guess this is 700 is my guess i  mean there's no way that you missed this night   two times in a row it might even be lower but  i think 700 is close enough 700 has to be close   enough because it could on the off chance be like  900 but it can't be 500 i don't think it could be it's too high but there the blunders are pretty  small it's just nice it's no no free queens i mean man i don't know this is difficult this is difficult um this is very very difficult not sure i  don't know i mean i'm really unsure i mean   what do you guys think it is i think it's 700 i think it's a little under 700   i'm gonna go with 700. okay yeah but see  that's why i didn't want to get slower because   i knew it could be like 900 or 1000 that's good  though that's respectable i can live with that actually you know what you guys i think i can do  this in excel give me one silent pull this off okay one second actually i have it here so just  give me one second this is easier okay okay all right okay um so  what's that we're we're still   we're on track i think again to to get  get there um but i think this looks good so yeah all right all right so let's get let's keep going okay next  one e4 d5 we have the scandinavian plate here   make it bigger please oh sorry  i'll make it bigger sorry apologies okay there you guys go that should be better okay that should be good okay oh oh one second okay there we go okay all right let's keep going okay okay so we have the scandinavian here  so queen d5 okay queen d5 knight c3 played   here um queen e6 queen e2 okay queen e6 is  a weird line here queen e6 is definitely not   normal um it's very much a uh a cheese line with  queen g6 you're hoping they go bishop e2 queen g6   it's okay d4 pretty standard white's  playing very aggressively here   very classy approach by white okay  a3 i mean very standard very standard oh that's just a clean blunder okay white misses a blunder um what could this be i mean this is pretty good by  white it's not crazy good by white but it's pretty   good i think that's probably a standard like 2  000 maybe it's a little bit lower maybe 18 1900   it's not 1000 because all these  moves are very very good by white like rookie 1 sing bishop  c6 i think it's like 1900   it could be 18 but i mean yeah maybe i'll i'll  lean on the lower side i'll go with like 17.50 i hope i'm right i don't know let's go ahead wow that's so low wow i guess it's because it's a  short game that's actually wow i'm just shocked by   that wow average elo is actually 10 24. that's  uh i'm impressed it was it was too short it was   too short of a game it was too short of a game  that was the problem yeah now i have to be like   perfect okay let's keep going so okay knight  c3 d5 d4 knight six bishop f4 bishop five e3 um   f3 g4 it just seems like a very good  game okay so we have the joe bava london this also has weird vibes of  being a game that i played   this has very weird vibes as being  like a game that i played against dania   this has very very weird vibes being a game that  i played against dania but the thing is i'm in   really i'm in really bad shape here so i almost  have to guess it's me because if i get it perfect   then i'm in great shape this has weird vibes  but although daniel never would have allowed c4 no i don't think this is me i don't think  this is my game but it's it could be my game it really feels it really feels like  this is my game against daniel somehow   but daniel would never go e5 so it's not dan it's  not a game of mine against danya so if it's not a   game of mine against dania then that means it's  i don't think it's it could be daniel it has to   be pretty high-level player though to play this  opening but i've played knight pd7 and bishop e7   many times that's actually why i'm starting to get  worried i'm starting to get worried here because i i'm having the strange feeling this is a  game of mine but i don't know against who but if i guess this correctly on the evo like i  got like 4 900 i'm back in business kind of so i   kind of have to guess it's me but it's not i don't  think it is me but it's something i would play i really don't know um i'm gonna guess i i think you guys are right  though i think when you say like pragnant or   alireza i think it's somewhere in this range  it's somewhere in this higher end range   joe bava is like 20 28 50 2900 daniel's  around 3 000. prag's like 28.50   the knight c3 order actually  true that kind of throws it off who would go knight c3 i mean this is like this feels  like a game of you know who i   think this is i'm gonna tell you  guys you know who i think this is i think i wait a second you know what i'm having a weird feeling this might be a game  of mine against hans neiman actually that's   what i'm starting to think now i'm starting to  think this might be a game of mine against hans   why am i thinking that why am i thinking  that but i would have played c3 i went   to gonorrhoe5 it's very similar to a game that i  had against hans though but i really i don't know um i don't know once i let me let me make the  sheep full screen so i can see it as well one second i don't want to leak the  whole thing so give me one second you guys one second yeah i mean i'm thinking it's  a game that i had against hans   but i i could be wrong on that  i could be very wrong in fact but i mean if it's not it's not it's not a  game against hans and i i don't really know i mean that's that's my best  guess actually i don't know best guess is it's a game against hans i mean that's probably what i would guess yeah i mean i really don't know i'm going to guess i'm going to  guess that i'm right though i'm   going to guess that it's like 20 i'm going  to guess 2800 because i don't think it's me i don't think it's me but it  could be me can guess 2902   okay let's just go 2900 let's let's just be  safe let's assume that it's like one of like   six players it's 26 i should have gone 2 800  it's still good but it could have been better actually but that's within 200 let me  pull up the game who played this game   oh it's just too random it's two randos  never mind i'm just crazy i'm just crazy completely insane okay let's go  with another one let's go ahead   d4 a6 e4 e6 look at resort for the 12 months  thank you so much for resorting to rev patrick   needed vino sauce i need to odd wr muller for  the prime and slimmer crown for the prime thank   you so much okay so what do we have here we  have um what do we have here we have the uh kind of a saint george attempt into a french  okay bishop d7 bishop b5 shows good knowledge   this looks pretty standard so far   okay pretty standard white is definitely strong  i don't know how strong but rookie seven rookies this seems like a solid 2600 game yeah i mean this  is a white's play in this game like amazingly well i guess i mean i i mean white makes some slightly  wrong moves bishop d2 is not right but i don't think it's super high it could  be super high knight f5 is a strong move i'm normally overestimating though i think i'm normally overestimating but bishop bishop c8d7 is not traditional like in  order to play this opening you have to be pretty   good like playing bishop d7 this is just not  obvious um the device for the two months yeah   i wouldn't expect in 1970 to play a6 on this i  think it's i think it's like 25 i'm gonna go 25.50 could be 2 400 i mean i'm gonna go with 24.50 i think  i'm probably too high still i should have trusted myself that  it was higher it's 28 20 28 69 who played this game i'll do that in a second  yeah 31.29 let me just make sure it's in the sheet yeah oh that's frustrating let's see okay  so who played it let me click on the game   change the scene let's see uh brandon  jacobson against mr to taglia okay so   these are both players that i know of  so it's not that insane fair enough okay let's keep going okay so  e4 c5 knight f3 knight c6 e5 f6 okay all pretty weird okay players don't  blunder pieces i've noticed in this game hmm this is a weird game hmm i'm confused what is f i mean e5 is bad f6 is not a bad move  it's not a bad move at all even though it looks   very weird it's not 2700 because white plays a lot  of like why do you go queen b3 and bishop e3 d2   doesn't make sense if pen finally would disagree  normally he'd be right but i think it's actually   fine against e5 they don't blunder i think  it's like i think it's like pretty solid   1800 i'm gonna go with 1800 if they're higher  than so be it they they just they're overrated   okay 1426 not not great but not terrible yeah yeah not so bad okay 3464. um they're low rated  yeah i'm 1600 i play worse yeah i mean   i'm not so upset with the score i kind of i was  within the range thank you men mom for the fourth   i think a wildfire for the four as well thank  you so much um okay so what else do we have   how many more do we have we've got  four chances left am i close to it   or not what do i need to average i  guess since that's in excel i guess   i could do the the formula but what do  i need to average to get to 80 to 75 000 am i am i already eliminated no no i mean if  i add up my scores what do i need oh oh i'm   it's over already okay i  can't get 75 all right okay okay d4 d5 okay so we have another london system  here i know some b2b21 i'm not running the sheet   you guys i i know how to do i know how to do  excel i know some yeah i mean i've i have all   my sheets at home um meanwhile uh white hangs  black king's a bishop here okay what is this black king's another bishop i i mean  it's a very clean game from white why it doesn't see it i  think this is probably like   it's a quick mate but it could be  easy i'm gonna guess one thousand i'm gonna guess it's one thousand it  could be uh let's let's try to be let's   try to guess perfectly let's try to be  a psychic um i know it's 1 000 or lower how much lower can it be moves  the queen but hangs the bishop uh i'm gonna go with nine nine  fifty i'm gonna go with 950. close not bad not bad 950 okay the elo  is 12 13. okay yeah i would have only   guessed 1000 so i'm not that unhappy  yeah okay 41.94 okay let's keep going   i think we have three more let's see okay so  this one starts before the orangutan very very   aggressive opening played by none other than the  world champion magnus carlson uh f6 okay maybe   i need to look at this game because black plays  f6 and then d4 maybe some some new hyper modern   theory that i'm unaware of so maybe i should look  at this for the next time i play magnus um okay okay pretty good stuff knight d3 is a very  very weird move that's a very very weird move very very weird getting theory against magnus  from 1500s lol yeah totally okay i mean i'm going to get some players to  like 1 500. i i really have no idea i mean it's not 2200 though because  white misses pawns everywhere   i mean white misses white goes knight d3 is just  very weird move but he does play knight before i think it's very low rated i think it's  very low i'm going to guess that it's like   100. it's 1250 13. i'm gonna  go with i'm gonna go 12.50 1680 what uh how is it 1680 how do you play d53 and  d5 how do you play d5 and blunder the 1680 bizarre let's go again okay let's  see so c4 c5 okay pretty standard   knight c3 knight f6 g3 1600 you can't  really flame if there's like 2800 i could   d6 e3 d4 trade castles e5  d5 pretty standard so far um f4 knight of five okay that's a free pawn trade i mean i have no idea on this wow no idea i have no idea i have no idea what this is this is crazy i don't know what do you guys think uh this this one i really  don't have a good read on   it's a pawn i mean like queen before  bishop a3 is good i'm gonna guess 1800   i mean bishop h3 is higher maybe i should go a  little bit higher i'm gonna guess two thousand wow okay we're definitely gonna  shame here the fact that it's 2442   2442 really how does the 2442  do this i mean this is so bad   okay so i'm pulling up the game this is ridiculous  this is just absurd i'm sorry this is absurd okay   who are the games we have pancake with blueberry  against magadomov magaram okay um okay like   okay so so first of all what is queen d6 knight  d6 is more logical first thing okay this is fine   okay what is i mean e6 okay so check takes here  check now rook f4 takes takes here check i mean   first of all why does white not play rook g3  secondly after king e2 why does black knuckle   queen she won queen f3 queen g2 mate or king king  two rook two two king f3 queen up two mate um i mean 2400 should not be doing this though  i mean why should play rook g3 here instead   of king of two white was not in time trouble  either white hit a minute white hit a buck 30. um wow this is 24 30. they don't make them like they did back in back in  my day that's all i'm gonna say okay okay well i   think we have one more to go i think if i'm not  mistaken i think we have one one last one okay   so c4 e6 um knight c3 d5 takes takes  d4 standard knight f6 knight f3 the smelly mora for the tier one no these  are not both this is blitz bullet anything   could happen but these these are our blitz  games c6 standard qg queen's game declined   very stan okay very standard in fact extremely  standard i think i might have had a position   like this against anish geary in an over  the board tournament in dortmund in 2011   or something very similar to this so b5 knight g6  okay knight a4 good knowledge good understanding wait but 92 wins the game here huh no but it's not my game but g3 is a very bad move   how much of this is theory  versus just actual moves that was all looking very good um  that was all looking very very good   until the last like three moves that was  looking like a proper grand master game   um first of all white queen h3 why i can  move the rook away but anyway let's see okay i think a lot of this is just preparation  a lot of this is just knowing the opening   a lot of players like 1900 play the queen's  game decline i'm gonna guess it's like 1900   i think i'm gonna guess high again could be  lower i mean i depends on the preparation   no but 1900 is too high no if it's a  grandmaster game i'll i'll probably   like i'll just i'll be shocked i don't  think it's above 2 000 necessarily could be lower i mean a lot  of people a lot of am a lot   of amateurs play uh play the queen's  game declined a lot of amateurs so i don't know i don't know i don't know i'm gonna guess it's like seven i'm  gonna guess like 1750 that's my guess if it's 2200   i'll be just disgusted okay um yeah sure enough  of course obviously since i say that yeah um okay   i'll pull up the game that's pretty disgusting  that's very disgusting okay who played this game   i mean okay who played this  game white won the game four game not money from poland played this  against quentin tarantula from australia   okay yeah i i mean i don't know what to make  of that just uh i'm just disgusted guess 400   yeah no i mean the good thing is at least i at  least like at least i got it right at least i   got my game right though that would have been  very disturbing if i got in my game so what is   my average then it's what is my average it's  what at 66.82 okay so what is that 66 um 682   divided by 20. so what like 33. so i was only 300  points short which i guess 33 34 is my average   which is not so bad i guess objectively i mean  it's about 400 off not so bad i keep guessing low   well i i don't know maybe it's because probably i  i as i said they they made 2400s differently in my   time than nowadays um but yeah it's not terrible  it's i i guess like on average plus 3k plus   is that really so bad that's pretty reasonable  isn't it these are just random games from   chess.com you guys so the site is called  elo guests or it's a fantastic website um   i'm hoping to do some like some like battles  against like maybe levy maybe botas do some   stuff down the road where we would do a battle  and we just make our guesses kind of turn it into   like a price is right kind of thing that's what  i'm hoping to do um but that's gonna be the plan   that 2400 game was horrible it should have  looked you should have looked at the accuracy   of that game yeah i mean there were some things  that were very very bad i'm thinking eric b for   the 15 bucks saying natural banana for the prime  as well thank you so much i guess too low yeah   totally totally no i mean that was just  that was just awful just totally awful   um you know i mean i was just that was just  that was just awful so anyway yuck yuck yuck you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 168,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hikaru nakamura, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, tsm, eloguessr, guessing elo gotham, gothamchess guessing elo, levy guessing elo, hikaru guessing elo, hikaru elo guessing, elo guesser, guessing ratings, guessing chess elo, guessing chess rating, guessing subscribers chess ratings, guessing my subscribers chess ratings
Id: xl0-r0m45AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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