Hikaru's First Try at Guessing the Elo

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i think it's probably about 1600 so i'm  gonna add 300 i'm going to say it's 1900   i'm going to assume that white played brook 21  h3 just to be fancy schmancy that's my guess yeah well expose okay expose okay  who played this game this was um game goes uh uh e4 c5 bishop c4 a6 d3  e6 okay pretty standard so far right   knight c3 b5 bishop b3 bishop b7 a3  knight f6 okay knight g2 bishop e7   um castles d5 eded um knight g3 c4 should be  two castles of 497 f5 bishop c5 d4 bishop d6   so bishop d6 knight ce2 knight e4 okay pretty  standard c3 knight knight f6 trade trade bishop f4   okay queen h4 bishop b1 queen of six takes  takes knight g3 rookie eight queen g4 rookie one takes knight f4 um this is pretty high class  um what do we want to guess on this game   this is very high this is very high class um   i'm going to guess i i want to say 20 there  were no no real mistakes by black actually like   there were literally no mistakes knight e4 was  a good i mean these were very high quality moves i'm gonna guess 2300 i'm going to say 2300  let's see how do we do oh 1990 not so good   but anyway let's keep going okay so g3  g6 is played okay bishop g2 bishop g7   castle c5 c4 looks pretty standard so far um  knight c6 knight c3 d6 d4 trade bishop d7 b3 h5 h4 this looks vaguely like a magnus game like magnus  in a game against afghani thomas jeff skin it's   not exactly it's not exactly that game but it's  quite similar with this early h5h4 um okay take take take now the thing is this bishop g2 a  move here or not for black like it is a move   um but he takes and plays queen e6 okay  queen d4 queen e5 with d1 trade key seven let's see rook hd rkd one rook hd8 b4 rook  c8 king f1 a6 key one b5 takes but should   be five i mean bishop f1 is already a very very  difficult move it's not an easy move to find um so takes here what is the elo this is this is tricky i mean it's  not 2800 obviously my guess is that the elo though   is pretty high i'm gonna guess it's like 24 it  could be higher i don't think it's i don't think   it's 1800 if it's 1800 it would be different  it's it's got to be like i don't know i think   it's i think it's 24 i'm gonna go with 2400  just because it looked pretty high quality please don't sorry you guys i'm gonna go look  this up i'm gonna be very disgusted um let me   see if i can find this i hope it's not if it's  the magnus game i'm gonna be very disappointed   um i'm gonna be very disappointed  if that's actually magnus game no it's not okay it's not okay good click  the link oh this this is the game okay   this was uh don chunko versus oh but wait a  second wait a second you guys but wait wait   they cheated me i'm not wrong 2770 is the elo of  the is the blitz elo so i'm not actually wrong   i'm not actually wrong because it's the  blitz elo it's not the it's not the true elo   okay so then actually i should take that in mind  i should take that in mind when um when when we go   through the games yeah i should i should keep that  in mind okay next game let's keep going okay so   e4 knight three knight c6 bishop c4 okay with an  italian knight c3 already not a great move by the   way uh playing knight c3 not the best move okay  so here oh it says rated blitz game you're right   it does that it does actually ask for um it says  it says in the description very description yeah   this is a rated blitz game played on  chess.com the elo difference between   the players is that most 200 guess the average elo  of the game all right okay okay i was thinking of   it it actually is like just a classical  rating um yeah h6 bishop h4 g5 bishop g3   bishop e6 knight d5 takes takes knight d4  takes takes c3 bishop b6 queen a4 okay queen d7 hmm what is the elo of this game this is  weird because it's a short game so it could   be anything i mean because the opening is  standard bishop d5 is playable by anybody   knight i mean the problem is all  these moves are somewhat playable this is blitz though remember this is blitz  so the ratings are gonna be higher so if i   think about this from over the board standard  over the board i'm gonna say it's like probably   i'm gonna say about 1150 over  the boards so 1150 over the board   if i add points to online rating i'm gonna add  300 so i'm going to go with 14.50 i think over   the board 1100 so i'm going to add 350  at 300 so let's see i'm gonna say 14.50 okay i'm i'm i'm not gonna flame here but 1800  is pretty bad pretty bad play by black for an   1800 i'm not gonna lie queen d7 is pretty bad  by an 1800 um that's really not not a good move   um not not not a good not not a good move okay  let's go next game okay what do we have e4 c5   knight f3 d6 knight c3 a6 d4 trade  knight f6 bishop two e5 okay all standard this looks very standard actually okay queen c4  queen b3 is very unusual it's a very high level   sort of high brow very very  high level technique um hmm if white wins this game i'm  gonna be very impressed okay rook b6 is very i mean this is a very high  level game by white like very high level i mean it was high level until  white just tries to lose the game hmm queen c4 queen b3 is not a normal approach   i i don't know i mean it's not it's not a normal  approach what do you guys think i don't really   know what to make of this like this whole queen  d2 line and the knight d5 with queen c4 queen   b3 with like it feels high level it feels  high level you guys think like 1800 or 25.50   because i don't i i don't really know um  i'm gonna guess 2500 based on online ratings i'm an idiot i'm an idiot you see i should have  known that it was high because i i should have   known queen c4 queen b3 is not queen c4 queen  b3 is not a normal technical strategy but i   just assumed that it was just some who played  this game robert chess mood against lunatic x   that makes sense okay makes sense okay okay let's  go with another one i'm not doing great i'm about   three thousand every game um not wonderful okay  d4 knight of 60 46 okay pretty standard so far   okay okay very high level so hmm bishop d7 is a very weird approach also white trades with the knight on a4 not the  bishop which is also very technically strong   king h1 and f4 is very technically good too this was very high level somehow black wins the game but this was very  technical i'm gonna guess 2800 on this one   this was very strong technically no i'm wrong  again 24.62 i'm always like 400 off yeah i guess   okay let's go with another one i'm going to  keep going until i get at least one that's like   close to 5 000. okay h6 is very weird i mean um okay what am i gonna guess this one is bad  this is this is pretty bad what are we guessing i think i'm gonna go with nine  i'm gonna go with 9.99 let's see 13.59 really i'm like always i'm  always like 400 off right like i'm   mr consistent i'm all i can't believe a 1359  1359 really plays like this with white or black   they don't make 1300s like they  used to i mean i don't know that's   i don't know that's surprising i don't know i  expect better out of a 1359. okay let's keep   going let's see okay we have an exchange french  here okay all pretty normal okay okay okay okay fg3 shows good understanding okay hmm queen d4 is a very weird move um trust  your instincts and change it by 400 yeah   okay um this looks pretty poor this looks  pretty poor now the thing is nobody who's   over a certain level plays the exchange  french but fg3 shows some understanding   i'm gonna guess like 2100 so i will if i  guess 2100 i add 300 i'm going to add 300   i'll guess 2400 and now i bet it's gonna  say it's like 2 000 just watch let's see exactly yeah 400 oh 400 the wrong i added the wrong way yes the other way i just  subtract not add right okay um plus minus 400   either way yeah okay let's let's keep going  okay um we have a dutch opening okay let's see okay what black wonders a pawn here and then some okay okay bishop c2 is a good move it's not super  hard to find i'm gonna guess 1100 so i guess 1100   i'm supposed to add 400 right okay so i'm supposed  to say it's a 1500 it's not a 1500 game maybe i   subtract 300. no so if i say 1100 i'm going to  subtract 300 because i don't think it's a 1500   game let's subtract aha finally finally yes  i was supposed to subtract 400 not at 400 yes   okay let's go again all right uh let's see  okay so d4 d6 c4 okay knight f6 knight c3 g6   knight f3 bishop g7 bishop g5 castles e3 ipd7  bishop v2 c6 all very normal so much so far   um a6 is played here queen c2 b5 a3 takes  takes c5 rook fd1 queen c7 knight d5 that's just a surprisingly poor blunder um wow why wins this game really fast what is  the elo huh this one i don't know i'm kind   of confused like the opening is not terrible  asics shows some understanding like c6 a6b5   shows some understanding i mean even i didn't  really play like that until i was probably 1800   um so it showed that shows some understanding  a3 also is kind of a surprising move   i would not expect a3 from someone who's  um someone who's really new to the game it   seems it doesn't seem right uh it's an 1100 that  watch gotham chess right exactly um i don't know okay c5 i mean even c5 looks reasonable it's just   instead of queen c7 you're supposed  to go bishop b7 so he goes queen c7 my final guess is 2100 i don't know i'm  very stuck here i don't think it's super   high i'm gonna guess the 1800 i think it's about  eight i'm i think it's about 1850 so i'm gonna   subtract 300 so i'm gonna go with 1550 i think  let's see no oh i'm supposed to i supposed to   add 400 i'm always 400 off why am i always 400  points i'm like literally i i'm like always   i'm always like 400 off and it's like i subtract  instead of adding there it's ridiculous every   single time it's like 400 points one way  or the other flip a coin yeah okay okay so   this is the actual the gear export one this is  very high level this is really high level um wait is this my game no this is not my game but  this is very similar to a game i had against um   andrew tang in a i think in a title tuesday it's  not my game but it's very cl it's very similar   um or maybe it was an andrew tank maybe john  bartholomew i'm not sure which i am it was against   um seems pretty high level though it seems  pretty high level i'm gonna go with um   there aren't many people over 3 000 on  chess.com so it can't be a 3 000 player   um because it's not me it could be an ollie  reza game maybe i'm going to i think i'm going   to go with about 20 i'll go 2900 there are enough  people around 2 900 that i think that makes sense   but it seems pretty high level to me yeah  okay pretty good pretty good not bad 27.78   that's that's pretty that's pretty good let me  check the game though let's see it's between   uh sumo pork and grigor grigor grigorov okay  two people i don't know so um okay it's not no   one that i know um but anyway let's keep going  okay what do we have here e4 c5 c3 knight c6   d4 trade d6 knight c3 i have six okay pretty  standard okay it's almost like a lion's jaw   here white creates the uh this little pawn thingy  in the center here um queen d2 castles okay okay   okay here if i'm white i'm playing bishop h6 but  white doesn't play bishop h6 white plays um white   plays knight to h3 which is kind of a surprising  move because everything else looks normal okay   knight c4 wow it's a very strange game very  very strange game i have no idea what this level   this is such a weird game like the  opening looks so textbooked by white   and then white doesn't go bishop h6 which  throws everything off and then he trades   knight g4 is a high level sack like a  really high level sack like knight g4   in itself is not i mean it just looks like a  sack but then d5 is a very good move here hmm like and then also to play rook c1 and bush  b3 is not bad it's not the best move though   so i'm gonna guess it's like i'm gonna guess two  thousand so that means i'm gonna add 300 i'm gonna   guess 2300 let's see okay not bad but that elo  is 20 how does a 25 50 how does a 2550 player not   play bishop h6 it's such an obvious move i mean  how does the 2550 guy not nacho bishop h6 it's i'm really surprised how do you not play push this i'm sorry you guys i'm i'm really perplexed  i just i don't know how you don't play bishop h6   okay anyway let's keep going okay so e4 e5 d4  takes bishop c4 we have the danish gambit here   forever a mystery yeah someone will  go back and figure it out um queen d5 wait what someone want to tell me why black  just hung a knight on c3 here   um and then white doesn't take the knight ordinarily i would guess 1 000 so i think  in this case i'm going to subtract 300   and i'm going to go with 700. there this this has to be a joke right i don't  mind being wrong but this 1649 how does the 1649   not know how does the 1649 play queen d5 and just  lose the game i i mean i do i don't even know how   that's crazy okay next game c4 e6 okay pretty  normal we have a catalan here i was hoping we'd   see bishop d2 so then if i saw bishop b7 i would  know it's a pro game okay okay all pretty normal   okay this looks pretty high class well the queen  h5 is a terrible move by white terrible move hmm okay wait but okay camp two this is some weird stuff hmm hmm i don't know the opening was good  but the middle game was very shaky by white i would guess 1900 so if i'm gonna guess 1900  then i'm gonna add 300 or subtract i can't be   1600 there's no way it's 1600 i'm gonna i'm gonna  add 300 here so i'm gonna go 19 to 22. let's see how does the 2700 play queen h5 that is such a  bad move if you're 2700 here you play knight f3   and bishop h3 or like queen g4 how do you just  blunder a3 here if you're 2700 and blitz like i   i i just don't even understand it i i i'm  expose him okay who played the game let's see   and the survey says oh this is this is uh this is  michael michael brown michael q2 d5 yes of course   obviously i remember he used to play in the u.s  junior chess championship um i i mean i don't   i just i i don't know how you go queen h5 it's  just such a such a bad move it's just such a bad   move i mean there's just no point behind it you  should go like knight f3 and bishop h3 and you   know you've got a beautiful position but queen h5  is just a terrible move just not a very good move   um so i'm very disappointed anyway all right let's  keep going uh we're having fun you guys just just   just to be clear we're having fun um okay so  what's next next on the agenda let's see e4   c5 knight f3 e6 bishop c4  knight c6 okay normal normal   knight f3 is very weird also you guys this  is classic puzzle rush there's always not   always but like i would say 80 percent  of time there's some early night takes   bishop knight takes bishop winning so black  misses a way to be way better after bishop g4 he misses take two where he can take on d5 um okay he sees the mate in one i mean i want  to guess high but i'm gonna guess it's like   i'm gonna guess fourteen hundreds i think in this  one i'm gonna add three hundreds he saw queen f2   and queen h2 i'm gonna add 300 let's go with 1700  okay oh i was actually right on if i didn't add uh i just shouldn't have added anything okay that's  very sad ouch okay let's keep going i want to see   if i can get within like 10 points once once i  get within like 10 points we'll stop we'll stop   but we're gonna keep doing this until then okay  let's see e4 e6 okay all normal advanced french   f5 is just not i mean f5 is just not uh i mean  just not not it's just not a move and rook g1   is just not not him not a move either what  are these guys doing okay let's keep going   um somehow somehow black by playing 9697  justifies white playing rook g1 and h3 and g4 here okay this is very weird okay okay some cute tactics at the end um   i don't really know what to make  of this game rook c1 is a nice move that's nice i mean really don't know what could this be though hmm it requires some tactile knowledge richie  one looks like a stupid move but h3g4 is not bad   bishop e3 and queen a4 is also not terrible my  guess is it's probably like i'm gonna guess it's   about i think it's probably about 1600 so i'm  gonna add 300 i'm going to say it's 1900 i'm   going to assume that white played brook 21  h3 just to be fancy schmancy that's my guess yeah well expose okay expose okay let's  see who played this game this was um okay this takes the cake nani exactly yeah yeah no way no way like  no way there's always been title tuesday   the fridge what the fridge is rich you  won what is richie one like what is this yeah what what is this no i mean i know  obviously shiro's had a lot of great games   but this is just hilarious rook g1 and h7  g4 uh just a hilarious idea he was memeing   maybe i i don't know i don't know he meant  to castle through the bishop maybe it's just   hilarious all right um so what is this  game e4 e5 okay knight f3 knight c6   bishop b5 a6 bishop a4 knight of six castles  okay this is the arcane gels d5 very good   understanding by black very sharp line  this is probably a gm game i'm guessing this actually reminds me of one of  my games against magnus from the tour   kind of because it's very this is 100 a gm game  though i just don't know what the rating is   i'm gonna guess this is pretty high though  i'm gonna guess this is 2700 i'm gonna guess   27 let's see 2811 okay so i'm closer not quite  there not quite there okay 48.50 almost yeah   i mean that had to be a gm game there was no  way it couldn't be let's keep going so e4 e5 okay we have a scotch this also  is queenie two normally you go   queen f4 oh i've got to check who played  every time okay sorry sorry guys um okay what is this okay yeah i'll just check  the high level games i'll   just always auto check sorry about that um huh i mean because normally white goes  queen enough four not queenie too   but playing playing this queen d2 line  is already pretty pretty advanced um i mean but maybe it's just lost after g5 already oh i think white can play e5 here so what okay  no one who's a gm would play queen g4 here   they would play e5 so it requires  you being i'm gonna guess it's like   2000 maybe i'm gonna guess 19 1900 that's my guess  yes there we go we got it you guys we got it there   we go we got it there we go perfect we finally got  it so now we can now we can stop we got it though you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 149,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hikaru nakamura, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, tsm, eloguessr, guessing elo gotham, gothamchess guessing elo, levy guessing elo, hikaru guessing elo, hikaru elo guessing, elo guesser, guessing ratings, guessing chess elo, guessing chess rating, guessing subscribers chess ratings, guessing my subscribers chess ratings
Id: HEU2Rkjs-RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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